/* $Id: VirtualBoxBase.h 60765 2016-04-29 14:26:58Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox COM base classes definition */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ____H_VIRTUALBOXBASEIMPL #define ____H_VIRTUALBOXBASEIMPL #include #include #include #include #include "ObjectState.h" #include "VBox/com/AutoLock.h" #include "VBox/com/string.h" #include "VBox/com/Guid.h" #include "VBox/com/VirtualBox.h" // avoid including VBox/settings.h and VBox/xml.h; only declare the classes namespace xml { class File; } namespace com { class ErrorInfo; } using namespace com; using namespace util; class VirtualBox; class Machine; class Medium; class Host; typedef std::list > MediaList; typedef std::list StringsList; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // COM helpers // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) /* use a special version of the singleton class factory, * see KB811591 in msdn for more info. */ #undef DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_SINGLETON #define DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_SINGLETON(obj) DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_EX(CMyComClassFactorySingleton) template class CMyComClassFactorySingleton : public ATL::CComClassFactory { public: CMyComClassFactorySingleton() : m_hrCreate(S_OK), m_spObj(NULL) { } virtual ~CMyComClassFactorySingleton() { if (m_spObj) m_spObj->Release(); } // IClassFactory STDMETHOD(CreateInstance)(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void** ppvObj) { HRESULT hRes = E_POINTER; if (ppvObj != NULL) { *ppvObj = NULL; // no aggregation for singletons AssertReturn(pUnkOuter == NULL, CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION); if (m_hrCreate == S_OK && m_spObj == NULL) { Lock(); __try { // Fix: The following If statement was moved inside the __try statement. // Did another thread arrive here first? if (m_hrCreate == S_OK && m_spObj == NULL) { // lock the module to indicate activity // (necessary for the monitor shutdown thread to correctly // terminate the module in case when CreateInstance() fails) ATL::_pAtlModule->Lock(); ATL::CComObjectCached *p; m_hrCreate = ATL::CComObjectCached::CreateInstance(&p); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrCreate)) { m_hrCreate = p->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&m_spObj); if (FAILED(m_hrCreate)) { delete p; } } ATL::_pAtlModule->Unlock(); } } __finally { Unlock(); } } if (m_hrCreate == S_OK) { hRes = m_spObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); } else { hRes = m_hrCreate; } } return hRes; } HRESULT m_hrCreate; IUnknown *m_spObj; }; #endif /* !defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Macros // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Special version of the Assert macro to be used within VirtualBoxBase * subclasses. * * In the debug build, this macro is equivalent to Assert. * In the release build, this macro uses |setError(E_FAIL, ...)| to set the * error info from the asserted expression. * * @see VirtualBoxBase::setError * * @param expr Expression which should be true. */ #define ComAssert(expr) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY(!!(expr))) \ { /* likely */ } \ else \ { \ AssertMsgFailed(("%s\n", #expr)); \ setError(E_FAIL, \ "Assertion failed: [%s] at '%s' (%d) in %s.\nPlease contact the product vendor!", \ #expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); \ } \ } while (0) /** * Special version of the AssertFailed macro to be used within VirtualBoxBase * subclasses. * * In the debug build, this macro is equivalent to AssertFailed. * In the release build, this macro uses |setError(E_FAIL, ...)| to set the * error info from the asserted expression. * * @see VirtualBoxBase::setError * */ #define ComAssertFailed() \ do { \ AssertFailed(); \ setError(E_FAIL, \ "Assertion failed: at '%s' (%d) in %s.\nPlease contact the product vendor!", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); \ } while (0) /** * Special version of the AssertMsg macro to be used within VirtualBoxBase * subclasses. * * See ComAssert for more info. * * @param expr Expression which should be true. * @param a printf argument list (in parenthesis). */ #define ComAssertMsg(expr, a) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY(!!(expr))) \ { /* likely */ } \ else \ { \ Utf8StrFmt MyAssertMsg a; /* may throw bad_alloc */ \ AssertMsgFailed(("%s\n", MyAssertMsg.c_str())); \ setError(E_FAIL, \ "Assertion failed: [%s] at '%s' (%d) in %s.\n%s.\nPlease contact the product vendor!", \ #expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, MyAssertMsg.c_str()); \ } \ } while (0) /** * Special version of the AssertMsgFailed macro to be used within VirtualBoxBase * subclasses. * * See ComAssert for more info. * * @param a printf argument list (in parenthesis). */ #define ComAssertMsgFailed(a) \ do { \ Utf8StrFmt MyAssertMsg a; /* may throw bad_alloc */ \ AssertMsgFailed(("%s\n", MyAssertMsg.c_str())); \ setError(E_FAIL, \ "Assertion failed: at '%s' (%d) in %s.\n%s.\nPlease contact the product vendor!", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, MyAssertMsg.c_str()); \ } while (0) /** * Special version of the AssertRC macro to be used within VirtualBoxBase * subclasses. * * See ComAssert for more info. * * @param vrc VBox status code. */ #define ComAssertRC(vrc) ComAssertMsgRC(vrc, ("%Rra", vrc)) /** * Special version of the AssertMsgRC macro to be used within VirtualBoxBase * subclasses. * * See ComAssert for more info. * * @param vrc VBox status code. * @param msg printf argument list (in parenthesis). */ #define ComAssertMsgRC(vrc, msg) ComAssertMsg(RT_SUCCESS(vrc), msg) /** * Special version of the AssertComRC macro to be used within VirtualBoxBase * subclasses. * * See ComAssert for more info. * * @param hrc COM result code */ #define ComAssertComRC(hrc) ComAssertMsg(SUCCEEDED(hrc), ("COM RC=%Rhrc (0x%08X)", (hrc), (hrc))) /** Special version of ComAssert that returns ret if expr fails */ #define ComAssertRet(expr, ret) \ do { ComAssert(expr); if (!(expr)) return (ret); } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertMsg that returns ret if expr fails */ #define ComAssertMsgRet(expr, a, ret) \ do { ComAssertMsg(expr, a); if (!(expr)) return (ret); } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertRC that returns ret if vrc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertRCRet(vrc, ret) \ do { ComAssertRC(vrc); if (!RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) return (ret); } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertComRC that returns ret if rc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertComRCRet(rc, ret) \ do { ComAssertComRC(rc); if (!SUCCEEDED(rc)) return (ret); } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertComRC that returns rc if rc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertComRCRetRC(rc) \ do { ComAssertComRC(rc); if (!SUCCEEDED(rc)) return (rc); } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertFailed that returns ret */ #define ComAssertFailedRet(ret) \ do { ComAssertFailed(); return (ret); } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertMsgFailed that returns ret */ #define ComAssertMsgFailedRet(msg, ret) \ do { ComAssertMsgFailed(msg); return (ret); } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssert that returns void if expr fails */ #define ComAssertRetVoid(expr) \ do { ComAssert(expr); if (!(expr)) return; } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertMsg that returns void if expr fails */ #define ComAssertMsgRetVoid(expr, a) \ do { ComAssertMsg(expr, a); if (!(expr)) return; } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertRC that returns void if vrc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertRCRetVoid(vrc) \ do { ComAssertRC(vrc); if (!RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) return; } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertComRC that returns void if rc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertComRCRetVoid(rc) \ do { ComAssertComRC(rc); if (!SUCCEEDED(rc)) return; } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertFailed that returns void */ #define ComAssertFailedRetVoid() \ do { ComAssertFailed(); return; } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertMsgFailed that returns void */ #define ComAssertMsgFailedRetVoid(msg) \ do { ComAssertMsgFailed(msg); return; } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssert that evaluates eval and breaks if expr fails */ #define ComAssertBreak(expr, eval) \ if (1) { ComAssert(expr); if (!(expr)) { eval; break; } } else do {} while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertMsg that evaluates eval and breaks if expr fails */ #define ComAssertMsgBreak(expr, a, eval) \ if (1) { ComAssertMsg(expr, a); if (!(expr)) { eval; break; } } else do {} while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertRC that evaluates eval and breaks if vrc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertRCBreak(vrc, eval) \ if (1) { ComAssertRC(vrc); if (!RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { eval; break; } } else do {} while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertFailed that evaluates eval and breaks */ #define ComAssertFailedBreak(eval) \ if (1) { ComAssertFailed(); { eval; break; } } else do {} while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertMsgFailed that evaluates eval and breaks */ #define ComAssertMsgFailedBreak(msg, eval) \ if (1) { ComAssertMsgFailed (msg); { eval; break; } } else do {} while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertComRC that evaluates eval and breaks if rc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertComRCBreak(rc, eval) \ if (1) { ComAssertComRC(rc); if (!SUCCEEDED(rc)) { eval; break; } } else do {} while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertComRC that just breaks if rc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertComRCBreakRC(rc) \ if (1) { ComAssertComRC(rc); if (!SUCCEEDED(rc)) { break; } } else do {} while (0) /** Special version of ComAssert that evaluates eval and throws it if expr fails */ #define ComAssertThrow(expr, eval) \ do { ComAssert(expr); if (!(expr)) { throw (eval); } } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertRC that evaluates eval and throws it if vrc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertRCThrow(vrc, eval) \ do { ComAssertRC(vrc); if (!RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { throw (eval); } } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertComRC that evaluates eval and throws it if rc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertComRCThrow(rc, eval) \ do { ComAssertComRC(rc); if (!SUCCEEDED(rc)) { throw (eval); } } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssertComRC that just throws rc if rc does not succeed */ #define ComAssertComRCThrowRC(rc) \ do { ComAssertComRC(rc); if (!SUCCEEDED(rc)) { throw rc; } } while (0) /** Special version of ComAssert that throws eval */ #define ComAssertFailedThrow(eval) \ do { ComAssertFailed(); { throw (eval); } } while (0) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Checks that the pointer argument is not NULL and returns E_INVALIDARG + * extended error info on failure. * @param arg Input pointer-type argument (strings, interface pointers...) */ #define CheckComArgNotNull(arg) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY((arg) != NULL)) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Argument %s is NULL"), #arg); \ } while (0) /** * Checks that the pointer argument is a valid pointer or NULL and returns * E_INVALIDARG + extended error info on failure. * @param arg Input pointer-type argument (strings, interface pointers...) */ #define CheckComArgMaybeNull(arg) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY(RT_VALID_PTR(arg) || (arg) == NULL)) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Argument %s is an invalid pointer"), #arg); \ } while (0) /** * Checks that the given pointer to an argument is valid and returns * E_POINTER + extended error info otherwise. * @param arg Pointer argument. */ #define CheckComArgPointerValid(arg) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY(RT_VALID_PTR(arg))) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_POINTER, \ tr("Argument %s points to invalid memory location (%p)"), \ #arg, (void *)(arg)); \ } while (0) /** * Checks that safe array argument is not NULL and returns E_INVALIDARG + * extended error info on failure. * @param arg Input safe array argument (strings, interface pointers...) */ #define CheckComArgSafeArrayNotNull(arg) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY(!ComSafeArrayInIsNull(arg))) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Argument %s is NULL"), #arg); \ } while (0) /** * Checks that a string input argument is valid (not NULL or obviously invalid * pointer), returning E_INVALIDARG + extended error info if invalid. * @param a_bstrIn Input string argument (IN_BSTR). */ #define CheckComArgStr(a_bstrIn) \ do { \ IN_BSTR const bstrInCheck = (a_bstrIn); /* type check */ \ if (RT_LIKELY(RT_VALID_PTR(bstrInCheck))) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Argument %s is an invalid pointer"), #a_bstrIn); \ } while (0) /** * Checks that the string argument is not a NULL, a invalid pointer or an empty * string, returning E_INVALIDARG + extended error info on failure. * @param a_bstrIn Input string argument (BSTR etc.). */ #define CheckComArgStrNotEmptyOrNull(a_bstrIn) \ do { \ IN_BSTR const bstrInCheck = (a_bstrIn); /* type check */ \ if (RT_LIKELY(RT_VALID_PTR(bstrInCheck) && *(bstrInCheck) != '\0')) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Argument %s is empty or an invalid pointer"), #a_bstrIn); \ } while (0) /** * Converts the Guid input argument (string) to a Guid object, returns with * E_INVALIDARG and error message on failure. * * @param a_Arg Argument. * @param a_GuidVar The Guid variable name. */ #define CheckComArgGuid(a_Arg, a_GuidVar) \ do { \ Guid tmpGuid(a_Arg); \ (a_GuidVar) = tmpGuid; \ if (RT_LIKELY((a_GuidVar).isValid())) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_INVALIDARG, \ tr("GUID argument %s is not valid (\"%ls\")"), #a_Arg, Bstr(a_Arg).raw()); \ } while (0) /** * Checks that the given expression (that must involve the argument) is true and * returns E_INVALIDARG + extended error info on failure. * @param arg Argument. * @param expr Expression to evaluate. */ #define CheckComArgExpr(arg, expr) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY(!!(expr))) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_INVALIDARG, \ tr("Argument %s is invalid (must be %s)"), #arg, #expr); \ } while (0) /** * Checks that the given expression (that must involve the argument) is true and * returns E_INVALIDARG + extended error info on failure. The error message must * be customized. * @param arg Argument. * @param expr Expression to evaluate. * @param msg Parenthesized printf-like expression (must start with a verb, * like "must be one of...", "is not within..."). */ #define CheckComArgExprMsg(arg, expr, msg) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY(!!(expr))) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Argument %s %s"), \ #arg, Utf8StrFmt msg .c_str()); \ } while (0) /** * Checks that the given pointer to an output argument is valid and returns * E_POINTER + extended error info otherwise. * @param arg Pointer argument. */ #define CheckComArgOutPointerValid(arg) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY(RT_VALID_PTR(arg))) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_POINTER, \ tr("Output argument %s points to invalid memory location (%p)"), \ #arg, (void *)(arg)); \ } while (0) /** * Checks that the given pointer to an output safe array argument is valid and * returns E_POINTER + extended error info otherwise. * @param arg Safe array argument. */ #define CheckComArgOutSafeArrayPointerValid(arg) \ do { \ if (RT_LIKELY(!ComSafeArrayOutIsNull(arg))) \ { /* likely */ }\ else \ return setError(E_POINTER, \ tr("Output argument %s points to invalid memory location (%p)"), \ #arg, (void*)(arg)); \ } while (0) /** * Sets the extended error info and returns E_NOTIMPL. */ #define ReturnComNotImplemented() \ do { \ return setError(E_NOTIMPL, tr("Method %s is not implemented"), __FUNCTION__); \ } while (0) /** * Declares an empty constructor and destructor for the given class. * This is useful to prevent the compiler from generating the default * ctor and dtor, which in turn allows to use forward class statements * (instead of including their header files) when declaring data members of * non-fundamental types with constructors (which are always called implicitly * by constructors and by the destructor of the class). * * This macro is to be placed within (the public section of) the class * declaration. Its counterpart, DEFINE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR, must be placed * somewhere in one of the translation units (usually .cpp source files). * * @param cls class to declare a ctor and dtor for */ #define DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR(cls) cls(); virtual ~cls(); /** * Defines an empty constructor and destructor for the given class. * See DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR for more info. */ #define DEFINE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR(cls) \ cls::cls() { /*empty*/ } \ cls::~cls() { /*empty*/ } /** * A variant of 'throw' that hits a debug breakpoint first to make * finding the actual thrower possible. */ #ifdef DEBUG # define DebugBreakThrow(a) \ do { \ RTAssertDebugBreak(); \ throw (a); \ } while (0) #else # define DebugBreakThrow(a) throw (a) #endif /** * Parent class of VirtualBoxBase which enables translation support (which * Main doesn't have yet, but this provides the tr() function which will one * day provide translations). * * This class sits in between Lockable and VirtualBoxBase only for the one * reason that the USBProxyService wants translation support but is not * implemented as a COM object, which VirtualBoxBase implies. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE VirtualBoxTranslatable : public Lockable { public: /** * Placeholder method with which translations can one day be implemented * in Main. This gets called by the tr() function. * @param context * @param pcszSourceText * @param comment * @return */ static const char *translate(const char *context, const char *pcszSourceText, const char *comment = 0) { NOREF(context); NOREF(comment); return pcszSourceText; } /** * Translates the given text string by calling translate() and passing * the name of the C class as the first argument ("context of * translation"). See VirtualBoxBase::translate() for more info. * * @param aSourceText String to translate. * @param aComment Comment to the string to resolve possible * ambiguities (NULL means no comment). * * @return Translated version of the source string in UTF-8 encoding, or * the source string itself if the translation is not found in the * specified context. */ inline static const char *tr(const char *pcszSourceText, const char *aComment = NULL) { return VirtualBoxTranslatable::translate(NULL, // getComponentName(), eventually pcszSourceText, aComment); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // VirtualBoxBase // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_VIRTUAL_COMPONENT_METHODS(cls, iface) \ virtual const IID& getClassIID() const \ { \ return cls::getStaticClassIID(); \ } \ static const IID& getStaticClassIID() \ { \ return COM_IIDOF(iface); \ } \ virtual const char* getComponentName() const \ { \ return cls::getStaticComponentName(); \ } \ static const char* getStaticComponentName() \ { \ return #cls; \ } /** * VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT: * This macro must be used once in the declaration of any class derived * from VirtualBoxBase. It implements the pure virtual getClassIID() and * getComponentName() methods. If this macro is not present, instances * of a class derived from VirtualBoxBase cannot be instantiated. * * @param X The class name, e.g. "Class". * @param IX The interface name which this class implements, e.g. "IClass". */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM #define VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT(cls, iface) \ VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_VIRTUAL_COMPONENT_METHODS(cls, iface) #else // !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM #define VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT(cls, iface) \ VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_VIRTUAL_COMPONENT_METHODS(cls, iface) \ STDMETHOD(InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo)(REFIID riid) \ { \ const ATL::_ATL_INTMAP_ENTRY* pEntries = cls::_GetEntries(); \ Assert(pEntries); \ if (!pEntries) \ return S_FALSE; \ BOOL bSupports = FALSE; \ BOOL bISupportErrorInfoFound = FALSE; \ while (pEntries->pFunc != NULL && !bSupports) \ { \ if (!bISupportErrorInfoFound) \ bISupportErrorInfoFound = InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pEntries->piid), IID_ISupportErrorInfo); \ else \ bSupports = InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pEntries->piid), riid); \ pEntries++; \ } \ Assert(bISupportErrorInfoFound); \ return bSupports ? S_OK : S_FALSE; \ } #endif // !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM /** * VBOX_TWEAK_INTERFACE_ENTRY: * Macro for defining magic interface entries needed for all interfaces * implemented by any subclass of VirtualBoxBase. */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM #define VBOX_TWEAK_INTERFACE_ENTRY(iface) #else // !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM #define VBOX_TWEAK_INTERFACE_ENTRY(iface) \ COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_AGGREGATE(IID_IMarshal, m_pUnkMarshaler.m_p) #endif // !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM /** * Abstract base class for all component classes implementing COM * interfaces of the VirtualBox COM library. * * Declares functionality that should be available in all components. * * The object state logic is documented in ObjectState.h. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE VirtualBoxBase : public VirtualBoxTranslatable, public ATL::CComObjectRootEx #if !defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) , public ISupportErrorInfo #endif { protected: #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS ComPtr m_pUnkMarshaler; #endif HRESULT BaseFinalConstruct() { #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS return CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler(this, //GetControllingUnknown(), m_pUnkMarshaler.asOutParam()); #else return S_OK; #endif } void BaseFinalRelease() { #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS m_pUnkMarshaler.setNull(); #endif } public: VirtualBoxBase(); virtual ~VirtualBoxBase(); /** * Uninitialization method. * * Must be called by all final implementations (component classes) when the * last reference to the object is released, before calling the destructor. * * @note Never call this method the AutoCaller scope or after the * ObjectState::addCaller() call not paired by * ObjectState::releaseCaller() because it is a guaranteed deadlock. * See AutoUninitSpan and AutoCaller.h/ObjectState.h for details. */ virtual void uninit() { } /** */ ObjectState &getObjectState() { return mState; } /** * Pure virtual method for simple run-time type identification without * having to enable C++ RTTI. * * This *must* be implemented by every subclass deriving from VirtualBoxBase; * use the VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT macro to do that most easily. */ virtual const IID& getClassIID() const = 0; /** * Pure virtual method for simple run-time type identification without * having to enable C++ RTTI. * * This *must* be implemented by every subclass deriving from VirtualBoxBase; * use the VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT macro to do that most easily. */ virtual const char* getComponentName() const = 0; /** * Virtual method which determines the locking class to be used for validating * lock order with the standard member lock handle. This method is overridden * in a number of subclasses. */ virtual VBoxLockingClass getLockingClass() const { return LOCKCLASS_OTHEROBJECT; } virtual RWLockHandle *lockHandle() const; static HRESULT handleUnexpectedExceptions(VirtualBoxBase *const aThis, RT_SRC_POS_DECL); static HRESULT setErrorInternal(HRESULT aResultCode, const GUID &aIID, const char *aComponent, Utf8Str aText, bool aWarning, bool aLogIt, LONG aResultDetail = 0); static void clearError(void); HRESULT setError(HRESULT aResultCode); HRESULT setError(HRESULT aResultCode, const char *pcsz, ...); HRESULT setError(const ErrorInfo &ei); HRESULT setErrorVrc(int vrc); HRESULT setErrorVrc(int vrc, const char *pcszMsgFmt, ...); HRESULT setErrorBoth(HRESULT hrc, int vrc); HRESULT setErrorBoth(HRESULT hrc, int vrc, const char *pcszMsgFmt, ...); HRESULT setWarning(HRESULT aResultCode, const char *pcsz, ...); HRESULT setErrorNoLog(HRESULT aResultCode, const char *pcsz, ...); /** Initialize COM for a new thread. */ static HRESULT initializeComForThread(void) { #ifndef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM HRESULT hrc = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE | COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY); AssertComRCReturn(hrc, hrc); #endif return S_OK; } /** Uninitializes COM for a dying thread. */ static void uninitializeComForThread(void) { #ifndef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM CoUninitialize(); #endif } private: /** Object for representing object state */ ObjectState mState; /** User-level object lock for subclasses */ mutable RWLockHandle *mObjectLock; }; /** * Dummy macro that is used to shut down Qt's lupdate tool warnings in some * situations. This macro needs to be present inside (better at the very * beginning) of the declaration of the class that inherits from * VirtualBoxTranslatable, to make lupdate happy. */ #define Q_OBJECT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Simple template that manages data structure allocation/deallocation * and supports data pointer sharing (the instance that shares the pointer is * not responsible for memory deallocation as opposed to the instance that * owns it). */ template class Shareable { public: Shareable() : mData(NULL), mIsShared(FALSE) {} ~Shareable() { free(); } void allocate() { attach(new D); } virtual void free() { if (mData) { if (!mIsShared) delete mData; mData = NULL; mIsShared = false; } } void attach(D *d) { AssertMsg(d, ("new data must not be NULL")); if (d && mData != d) { if (mData && !mIsShared) delete mData; mData = d; mIsShared = false; } } void attach(Shareable &d) { AssertMsg( d.mData == mData || !d.mIsShared, ("new data must not be shared") ); if (this != &d && !d.mIsShared) { attach(d.mData); d.mIsShared = true; } } void share(D *d) { AssertMsg(d, ("new data must not be NULL")); if (mData != d) { if (mData && !mIsShared) delete mData; mData = d; mIsShared = true; } } void share(const Shareable &d) { share(d.mData); } void attachCopy(const D *d) { AssertMsg(d, ("data to copy must not be NULL")); if (d) attach(new D(*d)); } void attachCopy(const Shareable &d) { attachCopy(d.mData); } virtual D *detach() { D *d = mData; mData = NULL; mIsShared = false; return d; } D *data() const { return mData; } D *operator->() const { AssertMsg(mData, ("data must not be NULL")); return mData; } bool isNull() const { return mData == NULL; } bool operator!() const { return isNull(); } bool isShared() const { return mIsShared; } protected: D *mData; bool mIsShared; }; /** * Simple template that enhances Shareable<> and supports data * backup/rollback/commit (using the copy constructor of the managed data * structure). */ template class Backupable : public Shareable { public: Backupable() : Shareable(), mBackupData(NULL) {} void free() { AssertMsg(this->mData || !mBackupData, ("backup must be NULL if data is NULL")); rollback(); Shareable::free(); } D *detach() { AssertMsg(this->mData || !mBackupData, ("backup must be NULL if data is NULL")); rollback(); return Shareable::detach(); } void share(const Backupable &d) { AssertMsg(!d.isBackedUp(), ("data to share must not be backed up")); if (!d.isBackedUp()) Shareable::share(d.mData); } /** * Stores the current data pointer in the backup area, allocates new data * using the copy constructor on current data and makes new data active. * * @deprecated Use backupEx to avoid throwing wild out-of-memory exceptions. */ void backup() { AssertMsg(this->mData, ("data must not be NULL")); if (this->mData && !mBackupData) { D *pNewData = new D(*this->mData); mBackupData = this->mData; this->mData = pNewData; } } /** * Stores the current data pointer in the backup area, allocates new data * using the copy constructor on current data and makes new data active. * * @returns S_OK, E_OUTOFMEMORY or E_FAIL (internal error). */ HRESULT backupEx() { AssertMsgReturn(this->mData, ("data must not be NULL"), E_FAIL); if (this->mData && !mBackupData) { try { D *pNewData = new D(*this->mData); mBackupData = this->mData; this->mData = pNewData; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return S_OK; } /** * Deletes new data created by #backup() and restores previous data pointer * stored in the backup area, making it active again. */ void rollback() { if (this->mData && mBackupData) { delete this->mData; this->mData = mBackupData; mBackupData = NULL; } } /** * Commits current changes by deleting backed up data and clearing up the * backup area. The new data pointer created by #backup() remains active * and becomes the only managed pointer. * * This method is much faster than #commitCopy() (just a single pointer * assignment operation), but makes the previous data pointer invalid * (because it is freed). For this reason, this method must not be * used if it's possible that data managed by this instance is shared with * some other Shareable instance. See #commitCopy(). */ void commit() { if (this->mData && mBackupData) { if (!this->mIsShared) delete mBackupData; mBackupData = NULL; this->mIsShared = false; } } /** * Commits current changes by assigning new data to the previous data * pointer stored in the backup area using the assignment operator. * New data is deleted, the backup area is cleared and the previous data * pointer becomes active and the only managed pointer. * * This method is slower than #commit(), but it keeps the previous data * pointer valid (i.e. new data is copied to the same memory location). * For that reason it's safe to use this method on instances that share * managed data with other Shareable instances. */ void commitCopy() { if (this->mData && mBackupData) { *mBackupData = *(this->mData); delete this->mData; this->mData = mBackupData; mBackupData = NULL; } } void assignCopy(const D *pData) { AssertMsg(this->mData, ("data must not be NULL")); AssertMsg(pData, ("data to copy must not be NULL")); if (this->mData && pData) { if (!mBackupData) { D *pNewData = new D(*pData); mBackupData = this->mData; this->mData = pNewData; } else *this->mData = *pData; } } void assignCopy(const Backupable &d) { assignCopy(d.mData); } bool isBackedUp() const { return mBackupData != NULL; } D *backedUpData() const { return mBackupData; } protected: D *mBackupData; }; #endif // !____H_VIRTUALBOXBASEIMPL