1 | /* $Id: USBProxyBackend.h 60107 2016-03-19 10:22:46Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VirtualBox USB Proxy Backend (base) class.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 |
19 | #ifndef ____H_USBPROXYBACKEND
20 | #define ____H_USBPROXYBACKEND
21 |
22 | #include <VBox/usb.h>
23 | #include <VBox/usbfilter.h>
24 |
25 | #include <iprt/socket.h>
26 | #include <iprt/poll.h>
27 | #include <iprt/semaphore.h>
28 | #include <iprt/cpp/utils.h>
29 |
30 | #include "VirtualBoxBase.h"
31 | #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h"
32 | #include "HostUSBDeviceImpl.h"
33 | #include "USBProxyBackendWrap.h"
34 | class USBProxyService;
35 |
36 | /**
37 | * Base class for the USB Proxy Backend.
38 | */
39 | class ATL_NO_VTABLE USBProxyBackend
40 | : public USBProxyBackendWrap
41 | {
42 | public:
43 |
45 |
46 | HRESULT FinalConstruct();
47 | void FinalRelease();
48 |
49 | // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only
50 | virtual int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress);
51 | virtual void uninit();
52 |
53 | bool isActive(void);
54 | const com::Utf8Str &i_getId();
55 | const com::Utf8Str &i_getAddress();
56 | virtual const com::Utf8Str &i_getBackend();
57 | uint32_t i_getRefCount();
58 |
59 | /** @name Interface for the USBController and the Host object.
60 | * @{ */
61 | virtual void *insertFilter(PCUSBFILTER aFilter);
62 | virtual void removeFilter(void *aId);
63 | /** @} */
64 |
65 | /** @name Interfaces for the HostUSBDevice
66 | * @{ */
67 | virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
68 | virtual void captureDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess);
69 | /** @todo unused */
70 | virtual void detachingDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
71 | virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
72 | virtual void releaseDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess);
73 | /** @} */
74 |
75 | static void freeDevice(PUSBDEVICE pDevice);
76 |
77 | HRESULT runAllFiltersOnDevice(ComObjPtr<HostUSBDevice> &aDevice,
78 | SessionMachinesList &llOpenedMachines,
79 | SessionMachine *aIgnoreMachine);
80 | bool runMachineFilters(SessionMachine *aMachine, ComObjPtr<HostUSBDevice> &aDevice);
81 |
82 | virtual void deviceAdded(ComObjPtr<HostUSBDevice> &aDevice, SessionMachinesList &llOpenedMachines, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice);
83 | virtual void deviceRemoved(ComObjPtr<HostUSBDevice> &aDevice);
84 | virtual void deviceChanged(ComObjPtr<HostUSBDevice> &aDevice, SessionMachinesList *pllOpenedMachines, SessionMachine *aIgnoreMachine);
85 | virtual bool updateDeviceState(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice, bool *aRunFilters, SessionMachine **aIgnoreMachine);
86 |
87 | protected:
88 | int start(void);
89 | int stop(void);
90 | virtual void serviceThreadInit(void);
91 | virtual void serviceThreadTerm(void);
92 |
93 | virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
94 | virtual int interruptWait(void);
95 | virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void);
96 | bool updateDeviceStateFake(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice, bool *aRunFilters, SessionMachine **aIgnoreMachine);
97 | uint32_t incRef();
98 | uint32_t decRef();
99 |
100 | static HRESULT setError(HRESULT aResultCode, const char *aText, ...);
101 |
102 | static void initFilterFromDevice(PUSBFILTER aFilter, HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
103 | static void freeDeviceMembers(PUSBDEVICE pDevice);
104 |
105 | private:
106 |
107 | // wrapped IUSBProxyBackend properties
108 | HRESULT getName(com::Utf8Str &aName);
109 | HRESULT getType(com::Utf8Str &aType);
110 |
111 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) serviceThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser);
112 |
113 | protected:
114 | /** Pointer to the owning USB Proxy Service object. */
115 | USBProxyService *m_pUsbProxyService;
116 | /** Thread handle of the service thread. */
117 | RTTHREAD mThread;
118 | /** Flag which stop() sets to cause serviceThread to return. */
119 | bool volatile mTerminate;
120 | /** Id of the instance. */
121 | const com::Utf8Str m_strId;
122 | /** Address of the instance. */
123 | const com::Utf8Str m_strAddress;
124 | /** Backend identifier as used in the settings. */
125 | const com::Utf8Str m_strBackend;
126 | /** Reference counter which prevents the backend instance from being removed. */
127 | uint32_t m_cRefs;
128 | };
129 |
130 |
131 | # ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
132 | # include <VBox/param.h>
133 | # undef PAGE_SHIFT
134 | # undef PAGE_SIZE
135 | # define OSType Carbon_OSType
136 | # include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
137 | # undef OSType
138 |
139 | /**
140 | * The Darwin hosted USB Proxy Backend.
141 | */
142 | class USBProxyBackendDarwin : public USBProxyBackend
143 | {
144 | public:
145 | DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendDarwin)
146 |
147 | int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress);
148 | void uninit();
149 |
150 | const com::Utf8Str &i_getBackend();
151 |
152 | virtual void *insertFilter(PCUSBFILTER aFilter);
153 | virtual void removeFilter(void *aId);
154 |
155 | virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
156 | virtual void captureDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess);
157 | /** @todo unused */
158 | virtual void detachingDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
159 | virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
160 | virtual void releaseDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess);
161 |
162 | protected:
163 | virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
164 | virtual int interruptWait (void);
165 | virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices (void);
166 | virtual void serviceThreadInit (void);
167 | virtual void serviceThreadTerm (void);
168 | virtual bool updateDeviceState (HostUSBDevice *aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice, bool *aRunFilters, SessionMachine **aIgnoreMachine);
169 |
170 | private:
171 | /** Reference to the runloop of the service thread.
172 | * This is NULL if the service thread isn't running. */
173 | CFRunLoopRef mServiceRunLoopRef;
174 | /** The opaque value returned by DarwinSubscribeUSBNotifications. */
175 | void *mNotifyOpaque;
176 | /** A hack to work around the problem with the usb device enumeration
177 | * not including newly attached devices. */
178 | bool mWaitABitNextTime;
179 | /** Whether we've successfully initialized the USBLib and should call USBLibTerm in the destructor. */
180 | bool mUSBLibInitialized;
181 | };
182 | # endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */
183 |
184 |
185 | # ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
186 | # include <stdio.h>
187 | # ifdef VBOX_USB_WITH_SYSFS
188 | # include <HostHardwareLinux.h>
189 | # endif
190 |
191 | /**
192 | * The Linux hosted USB Proxy Backend.
193 | */
194 | class USBProxyBackendLinux: public USBProxyBackend
195 | {
196 | public:
197 | DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendLinux)
198 |
199 | int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress);
200 | void uninit();
201 |
202 | virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
203 | virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
204 |
205 | protected:
206 | int initUsbfs(void);
207 | int initSysfs(void);
208 | void doUsbfsCleanupAsNeeded(void);
209 | virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
210 | virtual int interruptWait(void);
211 | virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void);
212 | virtual void deviceAdded(ComObjPtr<HostUSBDevice> &aDevice, SessionMachinesList &llOpenedMachines, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice);
213 | virtual bool updateDeviceState(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice, bool *aRunFilters, SessionMachine **aIgnoreMachine);
214 |
215 | private:
216 | int waitUsbfs(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
217 | int waitSysfs(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
218 |
219 | private:
220 | /** File handle to the '/proc/bus/usb/devices' file. */
221 | RTFILE mhFile;
222 | /** Pipe used to interrupt wait(), the read end. */
223 | RTPIPE mhWakeupPipeR;
224 | /** Pipe used to interrupt wait(), the write end. */
225 | RTPIPE mhWakeupPipeW;
226 | /** The root of usbfs. */
227 | Utf8Str mDevicesRoot;
228 | /** Whether we're using <mUsbfsRoot>/devices or /sys/whatever. */
229 | bool mUsingUsbfsDevices;
230 | /** Number of 500ms polls left to do. See usbDeterminState for details. */
231 | unsigned mUdevPolls;
232 | # ifdef VBOX_USB_WITH_SYSFS
233 | /** Object used for polling for hotplug events from hal. */
234 | VBoxMainHotplugWaiter *mpWaiter;
235 | # endif
236 | };
237 | # endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */
238 |
239 |
240 | # ifdef RT_OS_OS2
241 | # include <usbcalls.h>
242 |
243 | /**
244 | * The Linux hosted USB Proxy Backend.
245 | */
246 | class USBProxyBackendOs2 : public USBProxyBackend
247 | {
248 | public:
250 |
251 | virtual int captureDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
252 | virtual int releaseDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
253 |
254 | protected:
255 | virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
256 | virtual int interruptWait(void);
257 | virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void);
258 | int addDeviceToChain(PUSBDEVICE pDev, PUSBDEVICE *ppFirst, PUSBDEVICE **pppNext, int rc);
259 | virtual bool updateDeviceState(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice, bool *aRunFilters, SessionMachine **aIgnoreMachine);
260 |
261 | private:
262 | /** The notification event semaphore */
263 | HEV mhev;
264 | /** The notification id. */
265 | USBNOTIFY mNotifyId;
266 | /** The usbcalls.dll handle. */
267 | HMODULE mhmod;
268 | /** UsbRegisterChangeNotification */
269 | APIRET (APIENTRY *mpfnUsbRegisterChangeNotification)(PUSBNOTIFY, HEV, HEV);
270 | /** UsbDeregisterNotification */
271 | APIRET (APIENTRY *mpfnUsbDeregisterNotification)(USBNOTIFY);
272 | /** UsbQueryNumberDevices */
273 | APIRET (APIENTRY *mpfnUsbQueryNumberDevices)(PULONG);
274 | /** UsbQueryDeviceReport */
275 | APIRET (APIENTRY *mpfnUsbQueryDeviceReport)(ULONG, PULONG, PVOID);
276 | };
277 | # endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */
278 |
279 |
280 | # ifdef RT_OS_SOLARIS
281 | # include <libdevinfo.h>
282 |
283 | /**
284 | * The Solaris hosted USB Proxy Backend.
285 | */
286 | class USBProxyBackendSolaris : public USBProxyBackend
287 | {
288 | public:
289 | DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendSolaris)
290 |
291 | int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress);
292 | void uninit();
293 |
294 | virtual void *insertFilter (PCUSBFILTER aFilter);
295 | virtual void removeFilter (void *aID);
296 |
297 | virtual int captureDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
298 | virtual int releaseDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
299 | virtual void captureDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess);
300 | virtual void releaseDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess);
301 |
302 | protected:
303 | virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
304 | virtual int interruptWait(void);
305 | virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void);
306 | virtual bool updateDeviceState(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice, bool *aRunFilters, SessionMachine **aIgnoreMachine);
307 |
308 | private:
309 | RTSEMEVENT mNotifyEventSem;
310 | /** Whether we've successfully initialized the USBLib and should call USBLibTerm in the destructor. */
311 | bool mUSBLibInitialized;
312 | };
313 | #endif /* RT_OS_SOLARIS */
314 |
315 |
316 | # ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
317 | /**
318 | * The Windows hosted USB Proxy Backend.
319 | */
320 | class USBProxyBackendWindows : public USBProxyBackend
321 | {
322 | public:
323 | DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendWindows)
324 |
325 | int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress);
326 | void uninit();
327 |
328 | virtual void *insertFilter (PCUSBFILTER aFilter);
329 | virtual void removeFilter (void *aID);
330 |
331 | virtual int captureDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
332 | virtual int releaseDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
333 |
334 | protected:
335 | virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
336 | virtual int interruptWait(void);
337 | virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void);
338 | virtual bool updateDeviceState(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice, bool *aRunFilters, SessionMachine **aIgnoreMachine);
339 |
340 | private:
341 |
342 | HANDLE mhEventInterrupt;
343 | };
344 | # endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */
345 |
346 | # ifdef RT_OS_FREEBSD
347 | /**
348 | * The FreeBSD hosted USB Proxy Backend.
349 | */
350 | class USBProxyBackendFreeBSD : public USBProxyBackend
351 | {
352 | public:
354 |
355 | int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress);
356 | void uninit();
357 |
358 | virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
359 | virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
360 |
361 | protected:
362 | int initUsbfs(void);
363 | int initSysfs(void);
364 | virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
365 | virtual int interruptWait(void);
366 | virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void);
367 | int addDeviceToChain(PUSBDEVICE pDev, PUSBDEVICE *ppFirst, PUSBDEVICE **pppNext, int rc);
368 | virtual void deviceAdded(ComObjPtr<HostUSBDevice> &aDevice, SessionMachinesList &llOpenedMachines, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice);
369 | virtual bool updateDeviceState(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice, bool *aRunFilters, SessionMachine **aIgnoreMachine);
370 |
371 | private:
372 | RTSEMEVENT mNotifyEventSem;
373 | };
374 | # endif /* RT_OS_FREEBSD */
375 |
376 | /**
377 | * USB/IP Proxy receive state.
378 | */
379 | typedef enum USBIPRECVSTATE
380 | {
381 | /** Invalid state. */
382 | kUsbIpRecvState_Invalid = 0,
383 | /** There is no request waiting for an answer. */
384 | kUsbIpRecvState_None,
385 | /** Waiting for the complete reception of UsbIpRetDevList. */
386 | kUsbIpRecvState_Hdr,
387 | /** Waiting for the complete reception of a UsbIpExportedDevice structure. */
388 | kUsbIpRecvState_ExportedDevice,
389 | /** Waiting for a complete reception of a UsbIpDeviceInterface structure to skip. */
390 | kUsbIpRecvState_DeviceInterface,
391 | /** 32bit hack. */
392 | kUsbIpRecvState_32Bit_Hack = 0x7fffffff
394 | /** Pointer to a USB/IP receive state enum. */
396 |
397 | struct UsbIpExportedDevice;
398 |
399 | /**
400 | * The USB/IP Proxy Backend.
401 | */
402 | class USBProxyBackendUsbIp: public USBProxyBackend
403 | {
404 | public:
406 |
407 | int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress);
408 | void uninit();
409 |
410 | virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
411 | virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice);
412 |
413 | protected:
414 | virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies);
415 | virtual int interruptWait(void);
416 | virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void);
417 | virtual bool updateDeviceState(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice, bool *aRunFilters, SessionMachine **aIgnoreMachine);
418 |
419 | private:
420 | int updateDeviceList(bool *pfDeviceListChanged);
421 | bool hasDevListChanged(PUSBDEVICE pDevices);
422 | void freeDeviceList(PUSBDEVICE pHead);
423 | void resetRecvState();
424 | int reconnect();
425 | void disconnect();
426 | int startListExportedDevicesReq();
427 | void advanceState(USBIPRECVSTATE enmRecvState);
428 | int receiveData();
429 | int processData();
430 | int addDeviceToList(UsbIpExportedDevice *pDev);
431 |
432 | struct Data; // opaque data struct, defined in USBProxyBackendUsbIp.cpp
433 | Data *m;
434 | };
435 |
436 | #endif /* !____H_USBPROXYBACKEND */
437 |