/* $Id: USBProxyBackend.h 60744 2016-04-28 15:30:02Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox USB Proxy Backend (base) class. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ____H_USBPROXYBACKEND #define ____H_USBPROXYBACKEND #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h" #include "HostUSBDeviceImpl.h" #include "USBProxyBackendWrap.h" class USBProxyService; /** * Base class for the USB Proxy Backend. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE USBProxyBackend : public USBProxyBackendWrap { public: DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackend) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only virtual int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress); virtual void uninit(); bool isActive(void); const com::Utf8Str &i_getId(); const com::Utf8Str &i_getAddress(); virtual const com::Utf8Str &i_getBackend(); uint32_t i_getRefCount(); /** @name Interface for the USBController and the Host object. * @{ */ virtual void *insertFilter(PCUSBFILTER aFilter); virtual void removeFilter(void *aId); /** @} */ /** @name Interfaces for the HostUSBDevice * @{ */ virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual void captureDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess); virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual void releaseDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess); /** @} */ static void freeDevice(PUSBDEVICE pDevice); protected: int start(void); int stop(void); virtual void serviceThreadInit(void); virtual void serviceThreadTerm(void); virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); virtual int interruptWait(void); virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void); uint32_t incRef(); uint32_t decRef(); static HRESULT setError(HRESULT aResultCode, const char *aText, ...); static void initFilterFromDevice(PUSBFILTER aFilter, HostUSBDevice *aDevice); static void freeDeviceMembers(PUSBDEVICE pDevice); /** * Backend specific callback when a device was added. * (Currently only Linux uses it to adjust the udev polling). */ virtual void deviceAdded(ComObjPtr &aDevice, PUSBDEVICE pDev); virtual bool isFakeUpdateRequired(); private: // wrapped IUSBProxyBackend properties HRESULT getName(com::Utf8Str &aName); HRESULT getType(com::Utf8Str &aType); static DECLCALLBACK(int) serviceThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser); void updateDeviceList(PUSBDEVICE pDevices); protected: /** Pointer to the owning USB Proxy Service object. */ USBProxyService *m_pUsbProxyService; /** Thread handle of the service thread. */ RTTHREAD mThread; /** Flag which stop() sets to cause serviceThread to return. */ bool volatile mTerminate; /** Id of the instance. */ const com::Utf8Str m_strId; /** Address of the instance. */ const com::Utf8Str m_strAddress; /** Backend identifier as used in the settings. */ const com::Utf8Str m_strBackend; /** Reference counter which prevents the backend instance from being removed. */ uint32_t m_cRefs; /** List of smart HostUSBDevice pointers. */ typedef std::list > HostUSBDeviceList; /** List of the known USB devices for this backend. */ HostUSBDeviceList m_llDevices; }; # ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN # include # undef PAGE_SHIFT # undef PAGE_SIZE # define OSType Carbon_OSType # include # undef OSType /** * The Darwin hosted USB Proxy Backend. */ class USBProxyBackendDarwin : public USBProxyBackend { public: DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendDarwin) int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress); void uninit(); virtual void *insertFilter(PCUSBFILTER aFilter); virtual void removeFilter(void *aId); virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual void captureDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess); virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual void releaseDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess); protected: virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); virtual int interruptWait (void); virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices (void); virtual void serviceThreadInit (void); virtual void serviceThreadTerm (void); private: /** Reference to the runloop of the service thread. * This is NULL if the service thread isn't running. */ CFRunLoopRef mServiceRunLoopRef; /** The opaque value returned by DarwinSubscribeUSBNotifications. */ void *mNotifyOpaque; /** A hack to work around the problem with the usb device enumeration * not including newly attached devices. */ bool mWaitABitNextTime; /** Whether we've successfully initialized the USBLib and should call USBLibTerm in the destructor. */ bool mUSBLibInitialized; }; # endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */ # ifdef RT_OS_LINUX # include # ifdef VBOX_USB_WITH_SYSFS # include # endif /** * The Linux hosted USB Proxy Backend. */ class USBProxyBackendLinux: public USBProxyBackend { public: DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendLinux) int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress); void uninit(); virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); protected: int initUsbfs(void); int initSysfs(void); void doUsbfsCleanupAsNeeded(void); virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); virtual int interruptWait(void); virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void); virtual void deviceAdded(ComObjPtr &aDevice, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice); virtual bool isFakeUpdateRequired(); private: int waitUsbfs(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); int waitSysfs(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); private: /** File handle to the '/proc/bus/usb/devices' file. */ RTFILE mhFile; /** Pipe used to interrupt wait(), the read end. */ RTPIPE mhWakeupPipeR; /** Pipe used to interrupt wait(), the write end. */ RTPIPE mhWakeupPipeW; /** The root of usbfs. */ Utf8Str mDevicesRoot; /** Whether we're using /devices or /sys/whatever. */ bool mUsingUsbfsDevices; /** Number of 500ms polls left to do. See usbDeterminState for details. */ unsigned mUdevPolls; # ifdef VBOX_USB_WITH_SYSFS /** Object used for polling for hotplug events from hal. */ VBoxMainHotplugWaiter *mpWaiter; # endif }; # endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */ # ifdef RT_OS_OS2 # include /** * The Linux hosted USB Proxy Backend. */ class USBProxyBackendOs2 : public USBProxyBackend { public: DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackend) virtual int captureDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual int releaseDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice); protected: virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); virtual int interruptWait(void); virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void); int addDeviceToChain(PUSBDEVICE pDev, PUSBDEVICE *ppFirst, PUSBDEVICE **pppNext, int rc); private: /** The notification event semaphore */ HEV mhev; /** The notification id. */ USBNOTIFY mNotifyId; /** The usbcalls.dll handle. */ HMODULE mhmod; /** UsbRegisterChangeNotification */ APIRET (APIENTRY *mpfnUsbRegisterChangeNotification)(PUSBNOTIFY, HEV, HEV); /** UsbDeregisterNotification */ APIRET (APIENTRY *mpfnUsbDeregisterNotification)(USBNOTIFY); /** UsbQueryNumberDevices */ APIRET (APIENTRY *mpfnUsbQueryNumberDevices)(PULONG); /** UsbQueryDeviceReport */ APIRET (APIENTRY *mpfnUsbQueryDeviceReport)(ULONG, PULONG, PVOID); }; # endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */ # ifdef RT_OS_SOLARIS # include /** * The Solaris hosted USB Proxy Backend. */ class USBProxyBackendSolaris : public USBProxyBackend { public: DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendSolaris) int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress); void uninit(); virtual void *insertFilter (PCUSBFILTER aFilter); virtual void removeFilter (void *aID); virtual int captureDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual int releaseDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual void captureDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess); virtual void releaseDeviceCompleted(HostUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aSuccess); protected: virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); virtual int interruptWait(void); virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void); private: RTSEMEVENT mNotifyEventSem; /** Whether we've successfully initialized the USBLib and should call USBLibTerm in the destructor. */ bool mUSBLibInitialized; }; #endif /* RT_OS_SOLARIS */ # ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /** * The Windows hosted USB Proxy Backend. */ class USBProxyBackendWindows : public USBProxyBackend { public: DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendWindows) int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress); void uninit(); virtual void *insertFilter (PCUSBFILTER aFilter); virtual void removeFilter (void *aID); virtual int captureDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual int releaseDevice (HostUSBDevice *aDevice); protected: virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); virtual int interruptWait(void); virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void); private: HANDLE mhEventInterrupt; }; # endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */ # ifdef RT_OS_FREEBSD /** * The FreeBSD hosted USB Proxy Backend. */ class USBProxyBackendFreeBSD : public USBProxyBackend { public: DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendFreeBSD) int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress); void uninit(); virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); protected: int initUsbfs(void); int initSysfs(void); virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); virtual int interruptWait(void); virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void); int addDeviceToChain(PUSBDEVICE pDev, PUSBDEVICE *ppFirst, PUSBDEVICE **pppNext, int rc); virtual void deviceAdded(ComObjPtr &aDevice, SessionMachinesList &llOpenedMachines, PUSBDEVICE aUSBDevice); private: RTSEMEVENT mNotifyEventSem; }; # endif /* RT_OS_FREEBSD */ /** * USB/IP Proxy receive state. */ typedef enum USBIPRECVSTATE { /** Invalid state. */ kUsbIpRecvState_Invalid = 0, /** There is no request waiting for an answer. */ kUsbIpRecvState_None, /** Waiting for the complete reception of UsbIpRetDevList. */ kUsbIpRecvState_Hdr, /** Waiting for the complete reception of a UsbIpExportedDevice structure. */ kUsbIpRecvState_ExportedDevice, /** Waiting for a complete reception of a UsbIpDeviceInterface structure to skip. */ kUsbIpRecvState_DeviceInterface, /** 32bit hack. */ kUsbIpRecvState_32Bit_Hack = 0x7fffffff } USBIPRECVSTATE; /** Pointer to a USB/IP receive state enum. */ typedef USBIPRECVSTATE *PUSBIPRECVSTATE; struct UsbIpExportedDevice; /** * The USB/IP Proxy Backend. */ class USBProxyBackendUsbIp: public USBProxyBackend { public: DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (USBProxyBackendUsbIp) int init(USBProxyService *pUsbProxyService, const com::Utf8Str &strId, const com::Utf8Str &strAddress); void uninit(); virtual int captureDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); virtual int releaseDevice(HostUSBDevice *aDevice); protected: virtual int wait(RTMSINTERVAL aMillies); virtual int interruptWait(void); virtual PUSBDEVICE getDevices(void); virtual bool isFakeUpdateRequired(); private: int updateDeviceList(bool *pfDeviceListChanged); bool hasDevListChanged(PUSBDEVICE pDevices); void freeDeviceList(PUSBDEVICE pHead); void resetRecvState(); int reconnect(); void disconnect(); int startListExportedDevicesReq(); void advanceState(USBIPRECVSTATE enmRecvState); int receiveData(); int processData(); int addDeviceToList(UsbIpExportedDevice *pDev); struct Data; // opaque data struct, defined in USBProxyBackendUsbIp.cpp Data *m; }; #endif /* !____H_USBPROXYBACKEND */