/* $Id: ConsoleImpl.h 48528 2013-09-18 20:39:01Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBox Console COM Class definition */ /* * Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ____H_CONSOLEIMPL #define ____H_CONSOLEIMPL #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include "VBox/com/array.h" #include "EventImpl.h" class Guest; class Keyboard; class Mouse; class Display; class MachineDebugger; class TeleporterStateSrc; class OUSBDevice; class RemoteUSBDevice; class SharedFolder; class VRDEServerInfo; class EmulatedUSB; class AudioSniffer; class Nvram; class EmWebcam; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB_CARDREADER class UsbCardReader; #endif class ConsoleVRDPServer; class VMMDev; class Progress; class BusAssignmentManager; COM_STRUCT_OR_CLASS(IEventListener); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_EXTPACK class ExtPackManager; #endif class VMMDevMouseInterface; class DisplayMouseInterface; #include #include #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_PROPS # include /* For the property notification callback */ #endif #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS # include "../src-server/win/VBoxComEvents.h" #endif struct VUSBIRHCONFIG; typedef struct VUSBIRHCONFIG *PVUSBIRHCONFIG; #include #include // defines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Checks the availability of the underlying VM device driver corresponding * to the COM interface (IKeyboard, IMouse, IDisplay, etc.). When the driver is * not available (NULL), sets error info and returns returns E_ACCESSDENIED. * The translatable error message is defined in null context. * * Intended to used only within Console children (i.e. Keyboard, Mouse, * Display, etc.). * * @param drv driver pointer to check (compare it with NULL) */ #define CHECK_CONSOLE_DRV(drv) \ do { \ if (!(drv)) \ return setError(E_ACCESSDENIED, tr("The console is not powered up")); \ } while (0) // Console /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConsoleMouseInterface { public: virtual VMMDevMouseInterface *getVMMDevMouseInterface() = 0; virtual DisplayMouseInterface *getDisplayMouseInterface() = 0; virtual void onMouseCapabilityChange(BOOL supportsAbsolute, BOOL supportsRelative, BOOL supportsMT, BOOL needsHostCursor) = 0; }; /** IConsole implementation class */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE Console : public VirtualBoxBase, VBOX_SCRIPTABLE_IMPL(IConsole), public ConsoleMouseInterface { Q_OBJECT public: VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT(Console, IConsole) DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(Console) DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() BEGIN_COM_MAP(Console) VBOX_DEFAULT_INTERFACE_ENTRIES(IConsole) END_COM_MAP() Console(); ~Console(); HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); // public initializers/uninitializers for internal purposes only HRESULT init(IMachine *aMachine, IInternalMachineControl *aControl, LockType_T aLockType); void uninit(); // IConsole properties STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Machine))(IMachine **aMachine); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(State))(MachineState_T *aMachineState); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Guest))(IGuest **aGuest); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Keyboard))(IKeyboard **aKeyboard); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Mouse))(IMouse **aMouse); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Display))(IDisplay **aDisplay); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Debugger))(IMachineDebugger **aDebugger); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(USBDevices))(ComSafeArrayOut(IUSBDevice *, aUSBDevices)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(RemoteUSBDevices))(ComSafeArrayOut(IHostUSBDevice *, aRemoteUSBDevices)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(VRDEServerInfo))(IVRDEServerInfo **aVRDEServerInfo); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SharedFolders))(ComSafeArrayOut(ISharedFolder *, aSharedFolders)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(EventSource)) (IEventSource ** aEventSource); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(AttachedPCIDevices))(ComSafeArrayOut(IPCIDeviceAttachment *, aAttachments)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(UseHostClipboard))(BOOL *aUseHostClipboard); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(UseHostClipboard))(BOOL aUseHostClipboard); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(EmulatedUSB))(IEmulatedUSB **aEmulatedUSB); // IConsole methods STDMETHOD(PowerUp)(IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(PowerUpPaused)(IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(PowerDown)(IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(Reset)(); STDMETHOD(Pause)(); STDMETHOD(Resume)(); STDMETHOD(PowerButton)(); STDMETHOD(SleepButton)(); STDMETHOD(GetPowerButtonHandled)(BOOL *aHandled); STDMETHOD(GetGuestEnteredACPIMode)(BOOL *aEntered); STDMETHOD(SaveState)(IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(AdoptSavedState)(IN_BSTR aSavedStateFile); STDMETHOD(DiscardSavedState)(BOOL aRemoveFile); STDMETHOD(GetDeviceActivity)(DeviceType_T aDeviceType, DeviceActivity_T *aDeviceActivity); STDMETHOD(AttachUSBDevice)(IN_BSTR aId); STDMETHOD(DetachUSBDevice)(IN_BSTR aId, IUSBDevice **aDevice); STDMETHOD(FindUSBDeviceByAddress)(IN_BSTR aAddress, IUSBDevice **aDevice); STDMETHOD(FindUSBDeviceById)(IN_BSTR aId, IUSBDevice **aDevice); STDMETHOD(CreateSharedFolder)(IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aHostPath, BOOL aWritable, BOOL aAutoMount); STDMETHOD(RemoveSharedFolder)(IN_BSTR aName); STDMETHOD(TakeSnapshot)(IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aDescription, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(DeleteSnapshot)(IN_BSTR aId, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(DeleteSnapshotAndAllChildren)(IN_BSTR aId, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(DeleteSnapshotRange)(IN_BSTR aStartId, IN_BSTR aEndId, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(RestoreSnapshot)(ISnapshot *aSnapshot, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(Teleport)(IN_BSTR aHostname, ULONG aPort, IN_BSTR aPassword, ULONG aMaxDowntime, IProgress **aProgress); // public methods for internal purposes only /* * Note: the following methods do not increase refcount. intended to be * called only by the VM execution thread. */ Guest *getGuest() const { return mGuest; } Keyboard *getKeyboard() const { return mKeyboard; } Mouse *getMouse() const { return mMouse; } Display *getDisplay() const { return mDisplay; } MachineDebugger *getMachineDebugger() const { return mDebugger; } AudioSniffer *getAudioSniffer() const { return mAudioSniffer; } const ComPtr &machine() const { return mMachine; } bool useHostClipboard() { return mfUseHostClipboard; } /** Method is called only from ConsoleVRDPServer */ IVRDEServer *getVRDEServer() const { return mVRDEServer; } ConsoleVRDPServer *consoleVRDPServer() const { return mConsoleVRDPServer; } HRESULT updateMachineState(MachineState_T aMachineState); // events from IInternalSessionControl HRESULT onNetworkAdapterChange(INetworkAdapter *aNetworkAdapter, BOOL changeAdapter); HRESULT onSerialPortChange(ISerialPort *aSerialPort); HRESULT onParallelPortChange(IParallelPort *aParallelPort); HRESULT onStorageControllerChange(); HRESULT onMediumChange(IMediumAttachment *aMediumAttachment, BOOL aForce); HRESULT onCPUChange(ULONG aCPU, BOOL aRemove); HRESULT onCPUExecutionCapChange(ULONG aExecutionCap); HRESULT onClipboardModeChange(ClipboardMode_T aClipboardMode); HRESULT onDragAndDropModeChange(DragAndDropMode_T aDragAndDropMode); HRESULT onVRDEServerChange(BOOL aRestart); HRESULT onVideoCaptureChange(); HRESULT onUSBControllerChange(); HRESULT onSharedFolderChange(BOOL aGlobal); HRESULT onUSBDeviceAttach(IUSBDevice *aDevice, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aError, ULONG aMaskedIfs); HRESULT onUSBDeviceDetach(IN_BSTR aId, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aError); HRESULT onBandwidthGroupChange(IBandwidthGroup *aBandwidthGroup); HRESULT onStorageDeviceChange(IMediumAttachment *aMediumAttachment, BOOL aRemove, BOOL aSilent); HRESULT getGuestProperty(IN_BSTR aKey, BSTR *aValue, LONG64 *aTimestamp, BSTR *aFlags); HRESULT setGuestProperty(IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue, IN_BSTR aFlags); HRESULT enumerateGuestProperties(IN_BSTR aPatterns, ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aNames), ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aValues), ComSafeArrayOut(LONG64, aTimestamps), ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aFlags)); HRESULT onlineMergeMedium(IMediumAttachment *aMediumAttachment, ULONG aSourceIdx, ULONG aTargetIdx, IProgress *aProgress); int hgcmLoadService(const char *pszServiceLibrary, const char *pszServiceName); VMMDev *getVMMDev() { return m_pVMMDev; } AudioSniffer *getAudioSniffer() { return mAudioSniffer; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_EXTPACK ExtPackManager *getExtPackManager(); #endif EventSource *getEventSource() { return mEventSource; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB_CARDREADER UsbCardReader *getUsbCardReader() { return mUsbCardReader; } #endif EmWebcam *getEmWebcam() { return mEmWebcam; } int VRDPClientLogon(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszUser, const char *pszPassword, const char *pszDomain); void VRDPClientStatusChange(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszStatus); void VRDPClientConnect(uint32_t u32ClientId); void VRDPClientDisconnect(uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t fu32Intercepted); void VRDPInterceptAudio(uint32_t u32ClientId); void VRDPInterceptUSB(uint32_t u32ClientId, void **ppvIntercept); void VRDPInterceptClipboard(uint32_t u32ClientId); void processRemoteUSBDevices(uint32_t u32ClientId, VRDEUSBDEVICEDESC *pDevList, uint32_t cbDevList, bool fDescExt); void reportVmStatistics(ULONG aValidStats, ULONG aCpuUser, ULONG aCpuKernel, ULONG aCpuIdle, ULONG aMemTotal, ULONG aMemFree, ULONG aMemBalloon, ULONG aMemShared, ULONG aMemCache, ULONG aPageTotal, ULONG aAllocVMM, ULONG aFreeVMM, ULONG aBalloonedVMM, ULONG aSharedVMM, ULONG aVmNetRx, ULONG aVmNetTx) { mControl->ReportVmStatistics(aValidStats, aCpuUser, aCpuKernel, aCpuIdle, aMemTotal, aMemFree, aMemBalloon, aMemShared, aMemCache, aPageTotal, aAllocVMM, aFreeVMM, aBalloonedVMM, aSharedVMM, aVmNetRx, aVmNetTx); } void enableVMMStatistics(BOOL aEnable); HRESULT pause(Reason_T aReason); HRESULT resume(Reason_T aReason); HRESULT saveState(Reason_T aReason, IProgress **aProgress); // callback callers (partly; for some events console callbacks are notified // directly from IInternalSessionControl event handlers declared above) void onMousePointerShapeChange(bool fVisible, bool fAlpha, uint32_t xHot, uint32_t yHot, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ComSafeArrayIn(uint8_t, aShape)); void onMouseCapabilityChange(BOOL supportsAbsolute, BOOL supportsRelative, BOOL supportsMT, BOOL needsHostCursor); void onStateChange(MachineState_T aMachineState); void onAdditionsStateChange(); void onAdditionsOutdated(); void onKeyboardLedsChange(bool fNumLock, bool fCapsLock, bool fScrollLock); void onUSBDeviceStateChange(IUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aAttached, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aError); void onRuntimeError(BOOL aFatal, IN_BSTR aErrorID, IN_BSTR aMessage); HRESULT onShowWindow(BOOL aCheck, BOOL *aCanShow, LONG64 *aWinId); void onVRDEServerInfoChange(); static const PDMDRVREG DrvStatusReg; static HRESULT setErrorStatic(HRESULT aResultCode, const char *pcsz, ...); HRESULT setInvalidMachineStateError(); static const char *convertControllerTypeToDev(StorageControllerType_T enmCtrlType); static HRESULT convertBusPortDeviceToLun(StorageBus_T enmBus, LONG port, LONG device, unsigned &uLun); // Called from event listener HRESULT onNATRedirectRuleChange(ULONG ulInstance, BOOL aNatRuleRemove, NATProtocol_T aProto, IN_BSTR aHostIp, LONG aHostPort, IN_BSTR aGuestIp, LONG aGuestPort); // Mouse interface VMMDevMouseInterface *getVMMDevMouseInterface(); DisplayMouseInterface *getDisplayMouseInterface(); private: /** * Base template for AutoVMCaller and SafeVMPtr. Template arguments * have the same meaning as arguments of Console::addVMCaller(). */ template class AutoVMCallerBase { public: AutoVMCallerBase(Console *aThat) : mThat(aThat), mRC(S_OK) { Assert(aThat); mRC = aThat->addVMCaller(taQuiet, taAllowNullVM); } ~AutoVMCallerBase() { if (SUCCEEDED(mRC)) mThat->releaseVMCaller(); } /** Decreases the number of callers before the instance is destroyed. */ void releaseCaller() { AssertReturnVoid(SUCCEEDED(mRC)); mThat->releaseVMCaller(); mRC = E_FAIL; } /** Restores the number of callers after by #release(). #rc() must be * rechecked to ensure the operation succeeded. */ void addYY() { AssertReturnVoid(!SUCCEEDED(mRC)); mRC = mThat->addVMCaller(taQuiet, taAllowNullVM); } /** Returns the result of Console::addVMCaller() */ HRESULT rc() const { return mRC; } /** Shortcut to SUCCEEDED(rc()) */ bool isOk() const { return SUCCEEDED(mRC); } protected: Console *mThat; HRESULT mRC; private: DECLARE_CLS_COPY_CTOR_ASSIGN_NOOP(AutoVMCallerBase) }; #if 0 /** * Helper class that protects sections of code using the mpUVM pointer by * automatically calling addVMCaller() on construction and * releaseVMCaller() on destruction. Intended for Console methods dealing * with mpUVM. The usage pattern is: * * AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller(this); * if (FAILED(autoVMCaller.rc())) return autoVMCaller.rc(); * ... * VMR3ReqCall (mpUVM, ... * * * @note Temporarily locks the argument for writing. * * @sa SafeVMPtr, SafeVMPtrQuiet * @obsolete Use SafeVMPtr */ typedef AutoVMCallerBase AutoVMCaller; #endif /** * Same as AutoVMCaller but doesn't set extended error info on failure. * * @note Temporarily locks the argument for writing. * @obsolete Use SafeVMPtrQuiet */ typedef AutoVMCallerBase AutoVMCallerQuiet; /** * Same as AutoVMCaller but allows a null VM pointer (to trigger an error * instead of assertion). * * @note Temporarily locks the argument for writing. * @obsolete Use SafeVMPtr */ typedef AutoVMCallerBase AutoVMCallerWeak; /** * Same as AutoVMCaller but doesn't set extended error info on failure * and allows a null VM pointer (to trigger an error instead of * assertion). * * @note Temporarily locks the argument for writing. * @obsolete Use SafeVMPtrQuiet */ typedef AutoVMCallerBase AutoVMCallerQuietWeak; /** * Base template for SafeVMPtr and SafeVMPtrQuiet. */ template class SafeVMPtrBase : public AutoVMCallerBase { typedef AutoVMCallerBase Base; public: SafeVMPtrBase(Console *aThat) : Base(aThat), mpUVM(NULL) { if (SUCCEEDED(Base::mRC)) Base::mRC = aThat->safeVMPtrRetainer(&mpUVM, taQuiet); } ~SafeVMPtrBase() { if (SUCCEEDED(Base::mRC)) release(); } /** Direct PUVM access. */ PUVM rawUVM() const { return mpUVM; } /** Release the handles. */ void release() { AssertReturnVoid(SUCCEEDED(Base::mRC)); Base::mThat->safeVMPtrReleaser(&mpUVM); Base::releaseCaller(); } private: PUVM mpUVM; DECLARE_CLS_COPY_CTOR_ASSIGN_NOOP(SafeVMPtrBase) }; public: /* * Helper class that safely manages the Console::mpUVM pointer * by calling addVMCaller() on construction and releaseVMCaller() on * destruction. Intended for Console children. The usage pattern is: * * Console::SafeVMPtr ptrVM(mParent); * if (!ptrVM.isOk()) * return ptrVM.rc(); * ... * VMR3ReqCall(ptrVM.rawUVM(), ... * ... * printf("%p\n", ptrVM.rawUVM()); * * * @note Temporarily locks the argument for writing. * * @sa SafeVMPtrQuiet, AutoVMCaller */ typedef SafeVMPtrBase SafeVMPtr; /** * A deviation of SafeVMPtr that doesn't set the error info on failure. * Intended for pieces of code that don't need to return the VM access * failure to the caller. The usage pattern is: * * Console::SafeVMPtrQuiet pVM(mParent); * if (pVM.rc()) * VMR3ReqCall(pVM, ... * return S_OK; * * * @note Temporarily locks the argument for writing. * * @sa SafeVMPtr, AutoVMCaller */ typedef SafeVMPtrBase SafeVMPtrQuiet; class SharedFolderData { public: SharedFolderData() { } SharedFolderData(const Utf8Str &aHostPath, bool aWritable, bool aAutoMount) : m_strHostPath(aHostPath), m_fWritable(aWritable), m_fAutoMount(aAutoMount) { } // copy constructor SharedFolderData(const SharedFolderData& aThat) : m_strHostPath(aThat.m_strHostPath), m_fWritable(aThat.m_fWritable), m_fAutoMount(aThat.m_fAutoMount) { } Utf8Str m_strHostPath; bool m_fWritable; bool m_fAutoMount; }; typedef std::map > SharedFolderMap; typedef std::map SharedFolderDataMap; typedef std::map > MediumAttachmentMap; private: typedef std::list > USBDeviceList; typedef std::list > RemoteUSBDeviceList; HRESULT addVMCaller(bool aQuiet = false, bool aAllowNullVM = false); void releaseVMCaller(); HRESULT safeVMPtrRetainer(PUVM *a_ppUVM, bool aQuiet); void safeVMPtrReleaser(PUVM *a_ppUVM); HRESULT consoleInitReleaseLog(const ComPtr aMachine); HRESULT powerUp(IProgress **aProgress, bool aPaused); HRESULT powerDown(IProgress *aProgress = NULL); /* Note: FreeBSD needs this whether netflt is used or not. */ #if ((defined(RT_OS_LINUX) && !defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT)) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD)) HRESULT attachToTapInterface(INetworkAdapter *networkAdapter); HRESULT detachFromTapInterface(INetworkAdapter *networkAdapter); #endif HRESULT powerDownHostInterfaces(); HRESULT setMachineState(MachineState_T aMachineState, bool aUpdateServer = true); HRESULT setMachineStateLocally(MachineState_T aMachineState) { return setMachineState(aMachineState, false /* aUpdateServer */); } HRESULT findSharedFolder(const Utf8Str &strName, ComObjPtr &aSharedFolder, bool aSetError = false); HRESULT fetchSharedFolders(BOOL aGlobal); bool findOtherSharedFolder(const Utf8Str &straName, SharedFolderDataMap::const_iterator &aIt); HRESULT createSharedFolder(const Utf8Str &strName, const SharedFolderData &aData); HRESULT removeSharedFolder(const Utf8Str &strName); static DECLCALLBACK(int) configConstructor(PUVM pUVM, PVM pVM, void *pvConsole); int configConstructorInner(PUVM pUVM, PVM pVM, AutoWriteLock *pAlock); int configCfgmOverlay(PCFGMNODE pRoot, IVirtualBox *pVirtualBox, IMachine *pMachine); int configDumpAPISettingsTweaks(IVirtualBox *pVirtualBox, IMachine *pMachine); int configGraphicsController(PCFGMNODE pDevices, const char *pcszDevice, BusAssignmentManager *pBusMgr, const ComPtr &pMachine, const ComPtr &biosSettings, bool fHMEnabled); int configMediumAttachment(PCFGMNODE pCtlInst, const char *pcszDevice, unsigned uInstance, StorageBus_T enmBus, bool fUseHostIOCache, bool fBuiltinIoCache, bool fSetupMerge, unsigned uMergeSource, unsigned uMergeTarget, IMediumAttachment *pMediumAtt, MachineState_T aMachineState, HRESULT *phrc, bool fAttachDetach, bool fForceUnmount, bool fHotplug, PUVM pUVM, DeviceType_T *paLedDevType); int configMedium(PCFGMNODE pLunL0, bool fPassthrough, DeviceType_T enmType, bool fUseHostIOCache, bool fBuiltinIoCache, bool fSetupMerge, unsigned uMergeSource, unsigned uMergeTarget, const char *pcszBwGroup, bool fDiscard, IMedium *pMedium, MachineState_T aMachineState, HRESULT *phrc); static DECLCALLBACK(int) reconfigureMediumAttachment(Console *pConsole, PUVM pUVM, const char *pcszDevice, unsigned uInstance, StorageBus_T enmBus, bool fUseHostIOCache, bool fBuiltinIoCache, bool fSetupMerge, unsigned uMergeSource, unsigned uMergeTarget, IMediumAttachment *aMediumAtt, MachineState_T aMachineState, HRESULT *phrc); static DECLCALLBACK(int) changeRemovableMedium(Console *pThis, PUVM pUVM, const char *pcszDevice, unsigned uInstance, StorageBus_T enmBus, bool fUseHostIOCache, IMediumAttachment *aMediumAtt, bool fForce); HRESULT attachRawPCIDevices(PUVM pUVM, BusAssignmentManager *BusMgr, PCFGMNODE pDevices); void attachStatusDriver(PCFGMNODE pCtlInst, PPDMLED *papLeds, uint64_t uFirst, uint64_t uLast, Console::MediumAttachmentMap *pmapMediumAttachments, const char *pcszDevice, unsigned uInstance); int configNetwork(const char *pszDevice, unsigned uInstance, unsigned uLun, INetworkAdapter *aNetworkAdapter, PCFGMNODE pCfg, PCFGMNODE pLunL0, PCFGMNODE pInst, bool fAttachDetach, bool fIgnoreConnectFailure); static DECLCALLBACK(int) configGuestProperties(void *pvConsole, PUVM pUVM); static DECLCALLBACK(int) configGuestControl(void *pvConsole); static DECLCALLBACK(void) vmstateChangeCallback(PUVM pUVM, VMSTATE enmState, VMSTATE enmOldState, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) unplugCpu(Console *pThis, PUVM pUVM, VMCPUID idCpu); static DECLCALLBACK(int) plugCpu(Console *pThis, PUVM pUVM, VMCPUID idCpu); HRESULT doMediumChange(IMediumAttachment *aMediumAttachment, bool fForce, PUVM pUVM); HRESULT doCPURemove(ULONG aCpu, PUVM pUVM); HRESULT doCPUAdd(ULONG aCpu, PUVM pUVM); HRESULT doNetworkAdapterChange(PUVM pUVM, const char *pszDevice, unsigned uInstance, unsigned uLun, INetworkAdapter *aNetworkAdapter); static DECLCALLBACK(int) changeNetworkAttachment(Console *pThis, PUVM pUVM, const char *pszDevice, unsigned uInstance, unsigned uLun, INetworkAdapter *aNetworkAdapter); void changeClipboardMode(ClipboardMode_T aClipboardMode); void changeDragAndDropMode(DragAndDropMode_T aDragAndDropMode); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB HRESULT attachUSBDevice(IUSBDevice *aHostDevice, ULONG aMaskedIfs); HRESULT detachUSBDevice(const ComObjPtr &aHostDevice); static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbAttachCallback(Console *that, PUVM pUVM, IUSBDevice *aHostDevice, PCRTUUID aUuid, bool aRemote, const char *aAddress, void *pvRemoteBackend, USHORT aPortVersion, ULONG aMaskedIfs); static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbDetachCallback(Console *that, PUVM pUVM, PCRTUUID aUuid); #endif static DECLCALLBACK(int) attachStorageDevice(Console *pThis, PUVM pUVM, const char *pcszDevice, unsigned uInstance, StorageBus_T enmBus, bool fUseHostIOCache, IMediumAttachment *aMediumAtt, bool fSilent); static DECLCALLBACK(int) detachStorageDevice(Console *pThis, PUVM pUVM, const char *pcszDevice, unsigned uInstance, StorageBus_T enmBus, IMediumAttachment *aMediumAtt, bool fSilent); HRESULT doStorageDeviceAttach(IMediumAttachment *aMediumAttachment, PUVM pUVM, bool fSilent); HRESULT doStorageDeviceDetach(IMediumAttachment *aMediumAttachment, PUVM pUVM, bool fSilent); static DECLCALLBACK(int) fntTakeSnapshotWorker(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) stateProgressCallback(PUVM pUVM, unsigned uPercent, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(void) genericVMSetErrorCallback(PUVM pUVM, void *pvUser, int rc, RT_SRC_POS_DECL, const char *pszErrorFmt, va_list va); void setVMRuntimeErrorCallbackF(uint32_t fFatal, const char *pszErrorId, const char *pszFormat, ...); static DECLCALLBACK(void) setVMRuntimeErrorCallback(PUVM pUVM, void *pvUser, uint32_t fFatal, const char *pszErrorId, const char *pszFormat, va_list va); HRESULT captureUSBDevices(PUVM pUVM); void detachAllUSBDevices(bool aDone); static DECLCALLBACK(int) powerUpThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) saveStateThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) powerDownThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) vmm2User_SaveState(PCVMM2USERMETHODS pThis, PUVM pUVM); static DECLCALLBACK(void) vmm2User_NotifyEmtInit(PCVMM2USERMETHODS pThis, PUVM pUVM, PUVMCPU pUVCpu); static DECLCALLBACK(void) vmm2User_NotifyEmtTerm(PCVMM2USERMETHODS pThis, PUVM pUVM, PUVMCPU pUVCpu); static DECLCALLBACK(void) vmm2User_NotifyPdmtInit(PCVMM2USERMETHODS pThis, PUVM pUVM); static DECLCALLBACK(void) vmm2User_NotifyPdmtTerm(PCVMM2USERMETHODS pThis, PUVM pUVM); static DECLCALLBACK(void) vmm2User_NotifyResetTurnedIntoPowerOff(PCVMM2USERMETHODS pThis, PUVM pUVM); static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvStatus_QueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID); static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvStatus_UnitChanged(PPDMILEDCONNECTORS pInterface, unsigned iLUN); static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvStatus_MediumEjected(PPDMIMEDIANOTIFY pInterface, unsigned iLUN); static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvStatus_Destruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns); static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvStatus_Construct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint32_t fFlags); int mcAudioRefs; volatile uint32_t mcVRDPClients; uint32_t mu32SingleRDPClientId; /* The id of a connected client in the single connection mode. */ volatile bool mcGuestCredentialsProvided; static const char *sSSMConsoleUnit; static uint32_t sSSMConsoleVer; HRESULT loadDataFromSavedState(); int loadStateFileExecInternal(PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t u32Version); static DECLCALLBACK(void) saveStateFileExec(PSSMHANDLE pSSM, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) loadStateFileExec(PSSMHANDLE pSSM, void *pvUser, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_PROPS static DECLCALLBACK(int) doGuestPropNotification(void *pvExtension, uint32_t, void *pvParms, uint32_t cbParms); HRESULT doEnumerateGuestProperties(CBSTR aPatterns, ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aNames), ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aValues), ComSafeArrayOut(LONG64, aTimestamps), ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aFlags)); void guestPropertiesHandleVMReset(void); bool guestPropertiesVRDPEnabled(void); void guestPropertiesVRDPUpdateLogon(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszUser, const char *pszDomain); void guestPropertiesVRDPUpdateActiveClient(uint32_t u32ClientId); void guestPropertiesVRDPUpdateClientAttach(uint32_t u32ClientId, bool fAttached); void guestPropertiesVRDPUpdateNameChange(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszName); void guestPropertiesVRDPUpdateIPAddrChange(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszIPAddr); void guestPropertiesVRDPUpdateLocationChange(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszLocation); void guestPropertiesVRDPUpdateOtherInfoChange(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszOtherInfo); void guestPropertiesVRDPUpdateDisconnect(uint32_t u32ClientId); #endif bool isResetTurnedIntoPowerOff(void); /** @name Teleporter support * @{ */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) teleporterSrcThreadWrapper(RTTHREAD hThread, void *pvUser); HRESULT teleporterSrc(TeleporterStateSrc *pState); HRESULT teleporterSrcReadACK(TeleporterStateSrc *pState, const char *pszWhich, const char *pszNAckMsg = NULL); HRESULT teleporterSrcSubmitCommand(TeleporterStateSrc *pState, const char *pszCommand, bool fWaitForAck = true); HRESULT teleporterTrg(PUVM pUVM, IMachine *pMachine, Utf8Str *pErrorMsg, bool fStartPaused, Progress *pProgress, bool *pfPowerOffOnFailure); static DECLCALLBACK(int) teleporterTrgServeConnection(RTSOCKET Sock, void *pvUser); /** @} */ bool mSavedStateDataLoaded : 1; const ComPtr mMachine; const ComPtr mControl; const ComPtr mVRDEServer; ConsoleVRDPServer * const mConsoleVRDPServer; bool mfVRDEChangeInProcess; bool mfVRDEChangePending; const ComObjPtr mGuest; const ComObjPtr mKeyboard; const ComObjPtr mMouse; const ComObjPtr mDisplay; const ComObjPtr mDebugger; const ComObjPtr mVRDEServerInfo; /** This can safely be used without holding any locks. * An AutoCaller suffices to prevent it being destroy while in use and * internally there is a lock providing the necessary serialization. */ const ComObjPtr mEventSource; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_EXTPACK const ComObjPtr mptrExtPackManager; #endif const ComObjPtr mEmulatedUSB; USBDeviceList mUSBDevices; RemoteUSBDeviceList mRemoteUSBDevices; SharedFolderDataMap m_mapGlobalSharedFolders; SharedFolderDataMap m_mapMachineSharedFolders; SharedFolderMap m_mapSharedFolders; // the console instances /** The user mode VM handle. */ PUVM mpUVM; /** Holds the number of "readonly" mpUVM callers (users). */ uint32_t mVMCallers; /** Semaphore posted when the number of mpUVM callers drops to zero. */ RTSEMEVENT mVMZeroCallersSem; /** true when Console has entered the mpUVM destruction phase. */ bool mVMDestroying : 1; /** true when power down is initiated by vmstateChangeCallback (EMT). */ bool mVMPoweredOff : 1; /** true when vmstateChangeCallback shouldn't initiate a power down. */ bool mVMIsAlreadyPoweringOff : 1; /** true if we already showed the snapshot folder size warning. */ bool mfSnapshotFolderSizeWarningShown : 1; /** true if we already showed the snapshot folder ext4/xfs bug warning. */ bool mfSnapshotFolderExt4WarningShown : 1; /** true if we already listed the disk type of the snapshot folder. */ bool mfSnapshotFolderDiskTypeShown : 1; /** true if a USB controller is available (i.e. USB devices can be attached). */ bool mfVMHasUsbController : 1; /** true if the VM power off was caused by reset. */ bool mfPowerOffCausedByReset : 1; /** Pointer to the VMM -> User (that's us) callbacks. */ struct MYVMM2USERMETHODS : public VMM2USERMETHODS { Console *pConsole; } *mpVmm2UserMethods; /** The current network attachment type in the VM. * This doesn't have to match the network attachment type maintained in the * NetworkAdapter. This is needed to change the network attachment * dynamically. */ typedef std::vector NetworkAttachmentTypeVector; NetworkAttachmentTypeVector meAttachmentType; VMMDev * m_pVMMDev; AudioSniffer * const mAudioSniffer; Nvram * const mNvram; EmWebcam * const mEmWebcam; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB_CARDREADER UsbCardReader * const mUsbCardReader; #endif BusAssignmentManager* mBusMgr; enum { iLedFloppy = 0, cLedFloppy = 2, iLedIde = iLedFloppy + cLedFloppy, cLedIde = 4, iLedSata = iLedIde + cLedIde, cLedSata = 30, iLedScsi = iLedSata + cLedSata, cLedScsi = 16, iLedSas = iLedScsi + cLedScsi, cLedSas = 8, cLedStorage = cLedFloppy + cLedIde + cLedSata + cLedScsi + cLedSas }; DeviceType_T maStorageDevType[cLedStorage]; PPDMLED mapStorageLeds[cLedStorage]; PPDMLED mapNetworkLeds[36]; /**< @todo adapt this to the maximum network card count */ PPDMLED mapSharedFolderLed; PPDMLED mapUSBLed[2]; MediumAttachmentMap mapMediumAttachments; /* Note: FreeBSD needs this whether netflt is used or not. */ #if ((defined(RT_OS_LINUX) && !defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT)) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD)) Utf8Str maTAPDeviceName[8]; RTFILE maTapFD[8]; #endif bool mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled; bool mfUseHostClipboard; /** Local machine state value. */ MachineState_T mMachineState; /** Pointer to the progress object of a live cancelable task. * * This is currently only used by Console::Teleport(), but is intended to later * be used by the live snapshot code path as well. Actions like * Console::PowerDown, which automatically cancels out the running snapshot / * teleportation operation, will cancel the teleportation / live snapshot * operation before starting. */ ComObjPtr mptrCancelableProgress; /* The purpose of caching of some events is probably in order to automatically fire them at new event listeners. However, there is no (longer?) any code making use of this... */ #ifdef CONSOLE_WITH_EVENT_CACHE struct { /** OnMousePointerShapeChange() cache */ struct { bool valid; bool visible; bool alpha; uint32_t xHot; uint32_t yHot; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; com::SafeArray shape; } mpsc; /** OnMouseCapabilityChange() cache */ struct { bool valid; BOOL supportsAbsolute; BOOL supportsRelative; BOOL needsHostCursor; } mcc; /** OnKeyboardLedsChange() cache */ struct { bool valid; bool numLock; bool capsLock; bool scrollLock; } klc; void clear() { RT_ZERO(mcc); RT_ZERO(klc); /* We cannot RT_ZERO mpsc because of shape's vtable. */ mpsc.shape.setNull(); mpsc.valid = mpsc.visible = mpsc.alpha = false; mpsc.xHot = mpsc.yHot = mpsc.width = mpsc.height = 0; } } mCallbackData; #endif ComPtr mVmListener; friend struct VMTask; }; #endif // !____H_CONSOLEIMPL /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */