# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $Id: vboxapi.py 51415 2014-05-27 08:30:29Z vboxsync $ """ VirtualBox Python API Glue. """ __copyright__ = \ """ Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Oracle Corporation This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. """ __version__ = "$Revision: 51415 $" # Note! To set Python bitness on OSX use 'export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes' # Standard Python imports. import sys, os import traceback # # Globals, environment and sys.path changes. # VBoxBinDir = os.environ.get("VBOX_PROGRAM_PATH", None) VBoxSdkDir = os.environ.get("VBOX_SDK_PATH", None) if VBoxBinDir is None: # Will be set by the installer VBoxBinDir = "%VBOX_INSTALL_PATH%" else: VBoxBinDir = os.path.abspath(VBoxBinDir); if VBoxSdkDir is None: # Will be set by the installer VBoxSdkDir = "%VBOX_SDK_PATH%" else: VBoxSdkDir = os.path.abspath(VBoxSdkDir); os.environ["VBOX_PROGRAM_PATH"] = VBoxBinDir os.environ["VBOX_SDK_PATH"] = VBoxSdkDir sys.path.append(VBoxBinDir) # # Import the generated VirtualBox constants. # from VirtualBox_constants import VirtualBoxReflectionInfo class PerfCollector(object): """ This class provides a wrapper over IPerformanceCollector in order to get more 'pythonic' interface. To begin collection of metrics use setup() method. To get collected data use query() method. It is possible to disable metric collection without changing collection parameters with disable() method. The enable() method resumes metric collection. """ def __init__(self, mgr, vbox): """ Initializes the instance. """ self.mgr = mgr self.isMscom = (mgr.type == 'MSCOM') self.collector = vbox.performanceCollector def setup(self, names, objects, period, nsamples): """ Discards all previously collected values for the specified metrics, sets the period of collection and the number of retained samples, enables collection. """ self.collector.setupMetrics(names, objects, period, nsamples) def enable(self, names, objects): """ Resumes metric collection for the specified metrics. """ self.collector.enableMetrics(names, objects) def disable(self, names, objects): """ Suspends metric collection for the specified metrics. """ self.collector.disableMetrics(names, objects) def query(self, names, objects): """ Retrieves collected metric values as well as some auxiliary information. Returns an array of dictionaries, one dictionary per metric. Each dictionary contains the following entries: 'name': metric name 'object': managed object this metric associated with 'unit': unit of measurement 'scale': divide 'values' by this number to get float numbers 'values': collected data 'values_as_string': pre-processed values ready for 'print' statement """ # Get around the problem with input arrays returned in output # parameters (see #3953) for MSCOM. if self.isMscom: (values, names, objects, names_out, objects_out, units, scales, sequence_numbers, indices, lengths) = self.collector.queryMetricsData(names, objects) else: (values, names_out, objects_out, units, scales, sequence_numbers, indices, lengths) = self.collector.queryMetricsData(names, objects) out = [] for i in xrange(0, len(names_out)): scale = int(scales[i]) if scale != 1: fmt = '%.2f%s' else: fmt = '%d %s' out.append({ 'name':str(names_out[i]), 'object':str(objects_out[i]), 'unit':str(units[i]), 'scale':scale, 'values':[int(values[j]) for j in xrange(int(indices[i]), int(indices[i])+int(lengths[i]))], 'values_as_string':'['+', '.join([fmt % (int(values[j])/scale, units[i]) for j in xrange(int(indices[i]), int(indices[i])+int(lengths[i]))])+']' }) return out # # Attribute hacks. # def ComifyName(name): return name[0].capitalize() + name[1:] ## This is for saving the original DispatchBaseClass __getattr__ and __setattr__ # method references. _g_dCOMForward = { 'getattr': None, 'setattr': None, } def _CustomGetAttr(self, sAttr): """ Our getattr replacement for DispatchBaseClass. """ # Fastpath. oRet = self.__class__.__dict__.get(sAttr); if oRet != None: return oRet; # Try case-insensitivity workaround for class attributes (COM methods). sAttrLower = sAttr.lower(); for sKey in self.__class__.__dict__.keys(): if sKey.lower() == sAttrLower: self.__class__.__dict__[sAttr] = self.__class__.__dict__[sKey] return getattr(self, sKey) # Slow path. try: return _g_dCOMForward['getattr'](self, ComifyName(sAttr)) except AttributeError: return _g_dCOMForward['getattr'](self, sAttr) def _CustomSetAttr(self, sAttr, oValue): """ Our setattr replacement for DispatchBaseClass. """ try: return _g_dCOMForward['setattr'](self, ComifyName(sAttr), oValue) except AttributeError: return _g_dCOMForward['setattr'](self, sAttr, oValue) class PlatformBase(object): """ Base class for the platform specific code. """ def __init__(self, aoParams): _ = aoParams; def getVirtualBox(self): """ Gets a the IVirtualBox singleton. """ return None; def getSessionObject(self, oIVBox): """ Get a session object that can be used for opening machine sessions. The oIVBox parameter is an getVirtualBox() return value, i.e. an IVirtualBox reference. See also openMachineSession. """ _ = oIVBox; return None; def getType(self): """ Returns the platform type (class name sans 'Platform'). """ return None; def isRemote(self): """ Returns True if remote (web services) and False if local (COM/XPCOM). """ return False def getArray(self, oInterface, sAttrib): """ Retrives the value of the array attribute 'sAttrib' from interface 'oInterface'. This is for hiding platform specific differences in attributes returning arrays. """ _ = oInterface; _ = sAttrib; return None; def initPerThread(self): """ Does backend specific initialization for the calling thread. """ return True; def deinitPerThread(self): """ Does backend specific uninitialization for the calling thread. """ return True; def createListener(self, oImplClass, dArgs): """ Instantiates and wraps an active event listener class so it can be passed to an event source for registration. oImplClass is a class (type, not instance) which implements IEventListener. dArgs is a dictionary with string indexed variables. This may be modified by the method to pass platform specific parameters. Can be None. This currently only works on XPCOM. COM support is not possible due to shortcuts taken in the COM bridge code, which is not under our control. Use passive listeners for COM and web services. """ _ = oImplClass; _ = dArgs; raise Exception("No active listeners for this platform"); return None; def waitForEvents(self, cMsTimeout): """ Wait for events to arrive and process them. The timeout (cMsTimeout) is in milliseconds for how long to wait for events to arrive. A negative value means waiting for ever, while 0 does not wait at all. Returns 0 if events was processed. Returns 1 if timed out or interrupted in some way. Returns 2 on error (like not supported for web services). Raises an exception if the calling thread is not the main thread (the one that initialized VirtualBoxManager) or if the time isn't an integer. """ _ = cMsTimeout; return 2; def interruptWaitEvents(self): """ Interrupt a waitForEvents call. This is normally called from a worker thread to wake up the main thread. Returns True on success, False on failure. """ return False; def deinit(self): """ Unitializes the platform specific backend. """ return None; def queryInterface(self, oIUnknown, sClassName): """ IUnknown::QueryInterface wrapper. oIUnknown is who to ask. sClassName is the name of the interface we're asking for. """ return None; # # Error (exception) access methods. # def xcptGetStatus(self, oXcpt): """ Returns the COM status code from the VBox API given exception. """ return None; def xcptIsDeadInterface(self, oXcpt): """ Returns True if the exception indicates that the interface is dead, False if not. """ return False; def xcptIsEqual(self, oXcpt, hrStatus): """ Checks if the exception oXcpt is equal to the COM/XPCOM status code hrStatus. The oXcpt parameter can be any kind of object, we'll just return True if it doesn't behave like a our exception class. Will not raise any exception as long as hrStatus and self are not bad. """ try: hrXcpt = self.xcptGetStatus(oXcpt); except AttributeError: return False; if hrXcpt == hrStatus: return True; # Fudge for 32-bit signed int conversion. if hrStatus > 0x7fffffff and hrStatus <= 0xffffffff and hrXcpt < 0: if (hrStatus - 0x100000000) == hrXcpt: return True; return False; def xcptGetMessage(self, oXcpt): """ Returns the best error message found in the COM-like exception. Returns None to fall back on xcptToString. Raises exception if oXcpt isn't our kind of exception object. """ return None; def xcptGetBaseXcpt(self): """ Returns the base exception class. """ return None; def xcptSetupConstants(self, oDst): """ Copy/whatever all error constants onto oDst. """ return oDst; @staticmethod def xcptCopyErrorConstants(oDst, oSrc): """ Copy everything that looks like error constants from oDst to oSrc. """ for sAttr in dir(oSrc): if sAttr[0].isupper() and (sAttr[1].isupper() or sAttr[1] == '_'): oAttr = getattr(oSrc, sAttr); if type(oAttr) is int: setattr(oDst, sAttr, oAttr); return oDst; class PlatformMSCOM(PlatformBase): """ Platform specific code for MS COM. """ ## @name VirtualBox COM Typelib definitions (should be generate) # # @remarks Must be updated when the corresponding VirtualBox.xidl bits # are changed. Fortunately this isn't very often. # @{ VBOX_TLB_GUID = '{D7569351-1750-46F0-936E-BD127D5BC264}' VBOX_TLB_LCID = 0 VBOX_TLB_MAJOR = 1 VBOX_TLB_MINOR = 3 ## @} def __init__(self, dParams): PlatformBase.__init__(self, dParams); # # Since the code runs on all platforms, we have to do a lot of # importing here instead of at the top of the file where it's normally located. # from win32com import universal from win32com.client import gencache, DispatchBaseClass from win32com.client import constants, getevents import win32com import pythoncom import win32api import winerror from win32con import DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS from win32api import GetCurrentThread, GetCurrentThreadId, DuplicateHandle, GetCurrentProcess import threading self.winerror = winerror; pid = GetCurrentProcess() self.tid = GetCurrentThreadId() handle = DuplicateHandle(pid, GetCurrentThread(), pid, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) self.handles = [] self.handles.append(handle) # Hack the COM dispatcher base class so we can modify method and # attribute names to match those in xpcom. if _g_dCOMForward['setattr'] is None: _g_dCOMForward['getattr'] = DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__getattr__'] DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__getattr__'] = _CustomGetAttr _g_dCOMForward['setattr'] = DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__setattr__'] DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__setattr__'] = _CustomSetAttr # Hack the exception base class so the users doesn't need to check for # XPCOM or COM and do different things. ## @todo # # Make sure the gencache is correct (we don't quite follow the COM # versioning rules). # self.flushGenPyCache(win32com.client.gencache); win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('VirtualBox.Session'); win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('VirtualBox.VirtualBox'); self.oIntCv = threading.Condition() self.fInterrupted = False; _ = dParams; def flushGenPyCache(self, oGenCache): """ Flushes VBox related files in the win32com gen_py cache. This is necessary since we don't follow the typelib versioning rules that everyeone else seems to subscribe to. """ # # The EnsureModule method have broken validation code, it doesn't take # typelib module directories into account. So we brute force them here. # (It's possible the directory approach is from some older pywin # version or the result of runnig makepy or gencache manually, but we # need to cover it as well.) # sName = oGenCache.GetGeneratedFileName(self.VBOX_TLB_GUID, self.VBOX_TLB_LCID, self.VBOX_TLB_MAJOR, self.VBOX_TLB_MINOR); sGenPath = oGenCache.GetGeneratePath(); if len(sName) > 36 and len(sGenPath) > 5: sTypelibPath = os.path.join(sGenPath, sName); if os.path.isdir(sTypelibPath): import shutil; shutil.rmtree(sTypelibPath, ignore_errors = True); # # Ensure that our typelib is valid. # return oGenCache.EnsureModule(self.VBOX_TLB_GUID, self.VBOX_TLB_LCID, self.VBOX_TLB_MAJOR, self.VBOX_TLB_MINOR); def getSessionObject(self, oIVBox): _ = oIVBox import win32com from win32com.client import Dispatch return win32com.client.Dispatch("VirtualBox.Session") def getVirtualBox(self): import win32com from win32com.client import Dispatch return win32com.client.Dispatch("VirtualBox.VirtualBox") def getType(self): return 'MSCOM' def getArray(self, oInterface, sAttrib): return oInterface.__getattr__(sAttrib) def initPerThread(self): import pythoncom pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(0) def deinitPerThread(self): import pythoncom pythoncom.CoUninitialize() def createListener(self, oImplClass, dArgs): if True: raise Exception('no active listeners on Windows as PyGatewayBase::QueryInterface() ' 'returns new gateway objects all the time, thus breaking EventQueue ' 'assumptions about the listener interface pointer being constants between calls '); # Did this code ever really work? d = {} d['BaseClass'] = oImplClass d['dArgs'] = dArgs d['tlb_guid'] = PlatformMSCOM.VBOX_TLB_GUID d['tlb_major'] = PlatformMSCOM.VBOX_TLB_MAJOR d['tlb_minor'] = PlatformMSCOM.VBOX_TLB_MINOR str = "" str += "import win32com.server.util\n" str += "import pythoncom\n" str += "class ListenerImpl(BaseClass):\n" str += " _com_interfaces_ = ['IEventListener']\n" str += " _typelib_guid_ = tlb_guid\n" str += " _typelib_version_ = tlb_major, tlb_minor\n" str += " _reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER\n" # Maybe we'd better implement Dynamic invoke policy, to be more flexible here str += " _reg_policy_spec_ = 'win32com.server.policy.EventHandlerPolicy'\n" # capitalized version of listener method str += " HandleEvent=BaseClass.handleEvent\n" str += " def __init__(self): BaseClass.__init__(self, dArgs)\n" str += "result = win32com.server.util.wrap(ListenerImpl())\n" exec(str, d, d) return d['result'] def waitForEvents(self, timeout): from win32api import GetCurrentThreadId from win32event import INFINITE from win32event import MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, \ QS_ALLINPUT, WAIT_TIMEOUT, WAIT_OBJECT_0 from pythoncom import PumpWaitingMessages import types if not isinstance(timeout, types.IntType): raise TypeError("The timeout argument is not an integer") if (self.tid != GetCurrentThreadId()): raise Exception("wait for events from the same thread you inited!") if timeout < 0: cMsTimeout = INFINITE else: cMsTimeout = timeout rc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(self.handles, 0, cMsTimeout, QS_ALLINPUT) if rc >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 and rc < WAIT_OBJECT_0+len(self.handles): # is it possible? rc = 2; elif rc==WAIT_OBJECT_0 + len(self.handles): # Waiting messages PumpWaitingMessages() rc = 0; else: # Timeout rc = 1; # check for interruption self.oIntCv.acquire() if self.fInterrupted: self.fInterrupted = False rc = 1; self.oIntCv.release() return rc; def interruptWaitEvents(self): """ Basically a python implementation of NativeEventQueue::postEvent(). The magic value must be in sync with the C++ implementation or this won't work. Note that because of this method we cannot easily make use of a non-visible Window to handle the message like we would like to do. """ from win32api import PostThreadMessage from win32con import WM_USER self.oIntCv.acquire() self.fInterrupted = True self.oIntCv.release() try: PostThreadMessage(self.tid, WM_USER, None, 0xf241b819) except: return False; return True; def deinit(self): import pythoncom from win32file import CloseHandle for h in self.handles: if h is not None: CloseHandle(h) self.handles = None pythoncom.CoUninitialize() pass def queryInterface(self, oIUnknown, sClassName): from win32com.client import CastTo return CastTo(oIUnknown, sClassName) def xcptGetStatus(self, oXcpt): # The DISP_E_EXCEPTION + excptinfo fun needs checking up, only # empirical info on it so far. hrXcpt = oXcpt.hresult if hrXcpt == self.winerror.DISP_E_EXCEPTION: try: hrXcpt = oXcpt.excepinfo[5]; except: pass; return hrXcpt; def xcptIsDeadInterface(self, oXcpt): return self.xcptGetStatus(oXcpt) in [ 0x800706ba, -2147023174, # RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE. 0x800706be, -2147023170, # RPC_S_CALL_FAILED. 0x800706bf, -2147023169, # RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE. 0x80010108, -2147417848, # RPC_E_DISCONNECTED. 0x800706b5, -2147023179, # RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF ]; def xcptGetMessage(self, oXcpt): if hasattr(oXcpt, 'excepinfo'): try: if len(oXcpt.excepinfo) >= 3: sRet = oXcpt.excepinfo[2]; if len(sRet) > 0: return sRet[0:]; except: pass; if hasattr(oXcpt, 'strerror'): try: sRet = oXcpt.strerror; if len(sRet) > 0: return sRet; except: pass; return None; def xcptGetBaseXcpt(self): import pythoncom; return pythoncom.com_error; def xcptSetupConstants(self, oDst): import winerror; oDst = self.xcptCopyErrorConstants(oDst, winerror); # XPCOM compatability constants. oDst.NS_OK = oDst.S_OK; oDst.NS_ERROR_FAILURE = oDst.E_FAIL; oDst.NS_ERROR_ABORT = oDst.E_ABORT; oDst.NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER = oDst.E_POINTER; oDst.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE = oDst.E_NOINTERFACE; oDst.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG = oDst.E_INVALIDARG; oDst.NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = oDst.E_OUTOFMEMORY; oDst.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = oDst.E_NOTIMPL; oDst.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED = oDst.E_UNEXPECTED; return oDst; class PlatformXPCOM(PlatformBase): """ Platform specific code for XPCOM. """ def __init__(self, dParams): PlatformBase.__init__(self, dParams); sys.path.append(VBoxSdkDir+'/bindings/xpcom/python/') import xpcom.vboxxpcom import xpcom import xpcom.components _ = dParams; def getSessionObject(self, oIVBox): _ = oIVBox; import xpcom.components return xpcom.components.classes["@virtualbox.org/Session;1"].createInstance() def getVirtualBox(self): import xpcom.components return xpcom.components.classes["@virtualbox.org/VirtualBox;1"].createInstance() def getType(self): return 'XPCOM' def getArray(self, oInterface, sAttrib): return oInterface.__getattr__('get'+ComifyName(sAttrib))() def initPerThread(self): import xpcom xpcom._xpcom.AttachThread() def deinitPerThread(self): import xpcom xpcom._xpcom.DetachThread() def createListener(self, oImplClass, dArgs): d = {} d['BaseClass'] = oImplClass d['dArgs'] = dArgs str = "" str += "import xpcom.components\n" str += "class ListenerImpl(BaseClass):\n" str += " _com_interfaces_ = xpcom.components.interfaces.IEventListener\n" str += " def __init__(self): BaseClass.__init__(self, dArgs)\n" str += "result = ListenerImpl()\n" exec (str, d, d) return d['result'] def waitForEvents(self, timeout): import xpcom return xpcom._xpcom.WaitForEvents(timeout) def interruptWaitEvents(self): import xpcom return xpcom._xpcom.InterruptWait() def deinit(self): import xpcom xpcom._xpcom.DeinitCOM() def queryInterface(self, oIUnknown, sClassName): import xpcom.components return oIUnknown.queryInterface(getattr(xpcom.components.interfaces, sClassName)) def xcptGetStatus(self, oXcpt): return oXcpt.errno; def xcptIsDeadInterface(self, oXcpt): return self.xcptGetStatus(oXcpt) in [ 0x80004004, -2147467260, # NS_ERROR_ABORT 0x800706be, -2147023170, # NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (RPC_S_CALL_FAILED) ]; def xcptGetMessage(self, oXcpt): if hasattr(oXcpt, 'msg'): try: sRet = oXcpt.msg; if len(sRet) > 0: return sRet; except: pass; return None; def xcptGetBaseXcpt(self): import xpcom; return xpcom.Exception; def xcptSetupConstants(self, oDst): import xpcom; oDst = self.xcptCopyErrorConstants(oDst, xpcom.nsError); # COM compatability constants. oDst.E_ACCESSDENIED = -2147024891; # see VBox/com/defs.h oDst.S_OK = oDst.NS_OK; oDst.E_FAIL = oDst.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; oDst.E_ABORT = oDst.NS_ERROR_ABORT; oDst.E_POINTER = oDst.NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; oDst.E_NOINTERFACE = oDst.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; oDst.E_INVALIDARG = oDst.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; oDst.E_OUTOFMEMORY = oDst.NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; oDst.E_NOTIMPL = oDst.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; oDst.E_UNEXPECTED = oDst.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; oDst.DISP_E_EXCEPTION = -2147352567; # For COM compatability only. return oDst; class PlatformWEBSERVICE(PlatformBase): """ VirtualBox Web Services API specific code. """ def __init__(self, dParams): PlatformBase.__init__(self, dParams); # Import web services stuff. Fix the sys.path the first time. sWebServLib = os.path.join(VBoxSdkDir, 'bindings', 'webservice', 'python', 'lib'); if sWebServLib not in sys.path: sys.path.append(sWebServLib); import VirtualBox_wrappers from VirtualBox_wrappers import IWebsessionManager2 # Initialize instance variables from parameters. if dParams is not None: self.user = dParams.get("user", "") self.password = dParams.get("password", "") self.url = dParams.get("url", "") else: self.user = "" self.password = "" self.url = None self.vbox = None self.wsmgr = None; # # Base class overrides. # def getSessionObject(self, oIVBox): return self.wsmgr.getSessionObject(oIVBox) def getVirtualBox(self): return self.connect(self.url, self.user, self.password) def getType(self): return 'WEBSERVICE' def isRemote(self): """ Returns True if remote VBox host, False if local. """ return True def getArray(self, oInterface, sAttrib): return oInterface.__getattr__(sAttrib) def waitForEvents(self, timeout): # Webservices cannot do that yet return 2; def interruptWaitEvents(self, timeout): # Webservices cannot do that yet return False; def deinit(self): try: disconnect() except: pass def queryInterface(self, oIUnknown, sClassName): d = {} d['oIUnknown'] = oIUnknown str = "" str += "from VirtualBox_wrappers import "+sClassName+"\n" str += "result = "+sClassName+"(oIUnknown.mgr, oIUnknown.handle)\n" # wrong, need to test if class indeed implements this interface exec (str, d, d) return d['result'] # # Web service specific methods. # def connect(self, url, user, passwd): if self.vbox is not None: self.disconnect() from VirtualBox_wrappers import IWebsessionManager2 if url is None: url = "" self.url = url if user is None: user = "" self.user = user if passwd is None: passwd = "" self.password = passwd self.wsmgr = IWebsessionManager2(self.url) self.vbox = self.wsmgr.logon(self.user, self.password) if not self.vbox.handle: raise Exception("cannot connect to '"+self.url+"' as '"+self.user+"'") return self.vbox def disconnect(self): if self.vbox is not None and self.wsmgr is not None: self.wsmgr.logoff(self.vbox) self.vbox = None self.wsmgr = None ## The current (last) exception class. # This is reinitalized whenever VirtualBoxManager is called, so it will hold # the reference to the error exception class for the last platform/style that # was used. Most clients does talk to multiple VBox instance on different # platforms at the same time, so this should be sufficent for most uses and # be way simpler to use than VirtualBoxManager::oXcptClass. CurXctpClass = None; class VirtualBoxManager(object): """ VirtualBox API manager class. The API users will have to instantiate this. If no parameters are given, it will default to interface with the VirtualBox running on the local machine. sStyle can be None (default), MSCOM, XPCOM or WEBSERVICES. Most users will either be specifying None or WEBSERVICES. The dPlatformParams is an optional dictionary for passing parameters to the WEBSERVICE backend. """ class Statuses(object): def __init__(self): pass; def __init__(self, sStyle = None, dPlatformParams = None): if sStyle is None: if sys.platform == 'win32': sStyle = "MSCOM" else: sStyle = "XPCOM" if sStyle == 'XPCOM': self.platform = PlatformXPCOM(dPlatformParams); elif sStyle == 'MSCOM': self.platform = PlatformMSCOM(dPlatformParams); elif sStyle == 'WEBSERVICE': self.platform = PlatformWEBSERVICE(dPlatformParams); else: raise Exception('Unknown sStyle=%s' % (sStyle,)); self.style = sStyle self.type = self.platform.getType() self.remote = self.platform.isRemote() ## VirtualBox API constants (for webservices, enums are symbolic). self.constants = VirtualBoxReflectionInfo(sStyle == "WEBSERVICE") ## Status constants. self.statuses = self.platform.xcptSetupConstants(VirtualBoxManager.Statuses()); ## @todo Add VBOX_E_XXX to statuses? They're already in constants... ## Dictionary for errToString, built on demand. self._dErrorValToName = None; ## The exception class for the selected platform. self.oXcptClass = self.platform.xcptGetBaseXcpt(); global CurXcptClass; CurXcptClass = self.oXcptClass; # Get the virtualbox singleton. try: self.vbox = self.platform.getVirtualBox() except NameError, ne: print "Installation problem: check that appropriate libs in place" traceback.print_exc() raise ne except Exception, e: print "init exception: ", e traceback.print_exc() if self.remote: self.vbox = None else: raise e ## @deprecated # This used to refer to a session manager class with only one method # called getSessionObject. The method has moved into this call. self.mgr = self; def __del__(self): self.deinit() def getPythonApiRevision(self): """ Returns a Python API revision number. This will be incremented when features are added to this file. """ return 3; # # Wrappers for self.platform methods. # def getVirtualBox(self): """ See PlatformBase::getVirtualBox(). """ return self.platform.getVirtualBox() def getSessionObject(self, oIVBox): """ See PlatformBase::getSessionObject(). """ return self.platform.getSessionObject(oIVBox); def getArray(self, oInterface, sAttrib): """ See PlatformBase::getArray(). """ return self.platform.getArray(oInterface, sAttrib) def createListener(self, oImplClass, dArgs = None): """ See PlatformBase::createListener(). """ return self.platform.createListener(oImplClass, dArgs) def waitForEvents(self, cMsTimeout): """ See PlatformBase::waitForEvents(). """ return self.platform.waitForEvents(cMsTimeout) def interruptWaitEvents(self): """ See PlatformBase::interruptWaitEvents(). """ return self.platform.interruptWaitEvents() def queryInterface(self, oIUnknown, sClassName): """ See PlatformBase::queryInterface(). """ return self.platform.queryInterface(oIUnknown, sClassName) # # Init and uninit. # def initPerThread(self): """ See PlatformBase::deinitPerThread(). """ self.platform.initPerThread() def deinitPerThread(self): """ See PlatformBase::deinitPerThread(). """ return self.platform.deinitPerThread() def deinit(self): """ For unitializing the manager. Do not access it after calling this method. """ if hasattr(self, "vbox"): del self.vbox self.vbox = None if hasattr(self, "platform"): self.platform.deinit() self.platform = None return True; # # Utility methods. # def openMachineSession(self, oIMachine, fPermitSharing = True): """ Attemts to open the a session to the machine. Returns a session object on success. Raises exception on failure. """ oSession = self.mgr.getSessionObject(self.vbox); if fPermitSharing: type = self.constants.LockType_Shared; else: type = self.constants.LockType_Write; oIMachine.lockMachine(oSession, type); return oSession; def closeMachineSession(self, oSession): """ Closes a session opened by openMachineSession. Ignores None parameters. """ if oSession is not None: oSession.unlockMachine() return True; def getPerfCollector(self, oIVBox): """ Returns a helper class (PerfCollector) for accessing performance collector goodies. See PerfCollector for details. """ return PerfCollector(self, oIVBox) def getBinDir(self): """ Returns the VirtualBox binary directory. """ global VBoxBinDir return VBoxBinDir def getSdkDir(self): """ Returns the VirtualBox SDK directory. """ global VBoxSdkDir return VBoxSdkDir # # Error code utilities. # ## @todo port to webservices! def xcptGetStatus(self, oXcpt = None): """ Gets the status code from an exception. If the exception parameter isn't specified, the current exception is examined. """ if oXcpt is None: oXcpt = sys.exc_info()[1]; return self.platform.xcptGetStatus(oXcpt); def xcptIsDeadInterface(self, oXcpt = None): """ Returns True if the exception indicates that the interface is dead, False if not. If the exception parameter isn't specified, the current exception is examined. """ if oXcpt is None: oXcpt = sys.exc_info()[1]; return self.platform.xcptIsDeadInterface(oXcpt); def xcptIsOurXcptKind(self, oXcpt = None): """ Checks if the exception is one that could come from the VBox API. If the exception parameter isn't specified, the current exception is examined. """ if self.oXcptClass is None: ## @todo find the exception class for web services! return False; if oXcpt is None: oXcpt = sys.exc_info()[1]; return isinstance(oXcpt, self.oXcptClass); def xcptIsEqual(self, oXcpt, hrStatus): """ Checks if the exception oXcpt is equal to the COM/XPCOM status code hrStatus. The oXcpt parameter can be any kind of object, we'll just return True if it doesn't behave like a our exception class. If it's None, we'll query the current exception and examine that. Will not raise any exception as long as hrStatus and self are not bad. """ if oXcpt is None: oXcpt = sys.exc_info()[1]; return self.platform.xcptIsEqual(oXcpt, hrStatus); def xcptIsNotEqual(self, oXcpt, hrStatus): """ Negated xcptIsEqual. """ return not self.xcptIsEqual(oXcpt, hrStatus); def xcptToString(self, hrStatusOrXcpt = None): """ Converts the specified COM status code, or the status code of the specified exception, to a C constant string. If the parameter isn't specified (is None), the current exception is examined. """ # Deal with exceptions. if hrStatusOrXcpt is None or self.xcptIsOurXcptKind(hrStatusOrXcpt): hrStatus = self.xcptGetStatus(hrStatusOrXcpt); else: hrStatus = hrStatusOrXcpt; # Build the dictionary on demand. if self._dErrorValToName is None: dErrorValToName = dict(); for sKey in dir(self.statuses): if sKey[0].isupper(): oValue = getattr(self.statuses, sKey); if type(oValue) is int: dErrorValToName[oValue] = sKey; self._dErrorValToName = dErrorValToName; # Do the lookup, falling back on formatting the status number. try: sStr = self._dErrorValToName[int(hrStatus)]; except KeyError: hrLong = long(hrStatus); sStr = '%#x (%d)' % (hrLong, hrLong); return sStr; def xcptGetMessage(self, oXcpt = None): """ Returns the best error message found in the COM-like exception. If the exception parameter isn't specified, the current exception is examined. """ if oXcpt is None: oXcpt = sys.exc_info()[1]; sRet = self.platform.xcptGetMessage(oXcpt); if sRet is None: sRet = self.xcptToString(oXcpt); return sRet; # Legacy, remove in a day or two. errGetStatus = xcptGetStatus errIsDeadInterface = xcptIsDeadInterface errIsOurXcptKind = xcptIsOurXcptKind errGetMessage = xcptGetMessage