1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | ## @file
3 | # Post installation script template for debian-like distros.
4 | #
5 | # This script expects to be running w/o chroot.
6 | #
7 |
8 | #
9 | # Copyright (C) 2017 Oracle Corporation
10 | #
11 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
12 | # available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
13 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
15 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
16 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
17 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
18 | #
19 |
20 | #MY_DEBUG="yes"
21 | MY_DEBUG=""
22 | MY_TARGET="/target"
23 | MY_LOGFILE="${MY_TARGET}/var/log/vboxpostinstall.log"
25 |
26 | # Logs execution of a command.
27 | log_command()
28 | {
29 | echo "--------------------------------------------------" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
30 | echo "** Date: `date -R`" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
31 | echo "** Executing: $*" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
32 | "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
34 | if [ "${MY_TMP_EXITCODE}" != "0" ]; then
35 | if [ "${MY_TMP_EXITCODE}" != "${MY_IGNORE_EXITCODE}" ]; then
36 | echo "** exit code: ${MY_TMP_EXITCODE}" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
38 | else
39 | echo "** exit code: ${MY_TMP_EXITCODE} (ignored)" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
40 | fi
41 | fi
42 | }
43 |
44 | log_command_in_target()
45 | {
46 | #
47 | # We should be using in-target here, however we don't get any stderr output
48 | # from it because of log-output. We can get stdout by --pass-stdout, but
49 | # that's not helpful for failures.
50 | #
51 | # So, we try do the chroot prepping that in-target does at the start of the
52 | # script (see below) and just use chroot here.
53 | #
54 | log_command chroot "${MY_TARGET}" "$@"
55 | # log_command in-target --pass-stdout "$@" # No stderr output... :-(
56 | }
57 |
58 |
59 | #
60 | # Header.
61 | #
62 | echo "******************************************************************************" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
63 | echo "** VirtualBox Unattended Guest Installation - Late installation actions" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
64 | echo "** Date: `date -R`" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
65 | echo "** Started: $0 $*" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
66 |
67 | #
68 | # Setup the target jail ourselves since in-target steals all the output.
69 | #
70 | if [ -f /lib/chroot-setup.sh ]; then
72 | . /lib/chroot-setup.sh
73 | if chroot_setup; then
74 | echo "** chroot_setup: done" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
75 | else
76 | echo "** chroot_setup: failed $?" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
77 | fi
78 | else
80 | fi
81 |
82 | #
83 | # We want the ISO available inside the target jail.
84 | #
85 | if [ -f "${MY_TARGET}/cdrom/vboxpostinstall.sh" ]; then
87 | echo "** binding cdrom into jail: already done" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
88 | else
90 | log_command mount -o bind /cdrom "${MY_TARGET}/cdrom"
91 | if [ -f "${MY_TARGET}/cdrom/vboxpostinstall.sh" ]; then
92 | echo "** binding cdrom into jail: success" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
93 | else
94 | echo "** binding cdrom into jail: failed" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
95 | fi
96 | if [ "${MY_DEBUG}" = "yes" ]; then
97 | log_command find "${MY_TARGET}/cdrom"
98 | fi
99 | fi
100 |
101 | #
102 | # Debug
103 | #
104 | if [ "${MY_DEBUG}" = "yes" ]; then
105 | log_command id
106 | log_command df
107 | log_command mount
108 | log_command_in_target df
109 | log_command_in_target mount
110 | log_command find /
112 | fi
113 |
114 | #
115 | # Packages needed for GAs.
116 | #
117 | echo '** Installing packages for building kernel modules...' | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
118 | log_command_in_target apt-get -y install build-essential
119 | log_command_in_target apt-get -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
120 |
121 | #
122 | # GAs
123 | #
125 | echo '** Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions...' | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
126 | MY_IGNORE_EXITCODE=2 # returned if modules already loaded and reboot required.
127 | log_command_in_target /bin/bash /cdrom/vboxadditions/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run --nox11
129 | log_command_in_target usermod -a -G vboxsf "@@VBOX_INSERT_USER_LOGIN@@"
130 | @@VBOX_COND_END@@
131 |
132 | #
133 | # Test Execution Service.
134 | #
136 | echo '** Installing Test Execution Service...' | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
137 | log_command_in_target test "/cdrom/vboxvalidationkit/linux/@@VBOX_INSERT_OS_ARCH@@/TestExecService"
138 | log_command mkdir -p "${MY_TARGET}/root/validationkit" "${MY_TARGET}/target/cdrom"
139 | log_command cp -R /cdrom/vboxvalidationkit/* "${MY_TARGET}/root/validationkit/"
140 | log_command chmod -R u+rw,a+xr "${MY_TARGET}/root/validationkit/"
141 |
142 | # systemd service config:
143 | MY_UNIT_PATH="${MY_TARGET}/lib/systemd/system"
144 | test -d "${MY_TARGET}/usr/lib/systemd/system" && MY_UNIT_PATH="${MY_TARGET}/usr/lib/systemd/system"
145 | if [ -d "${MY_UNIT_PATH}" ]; then
146 | if [ -f "${MY_TARGET}/linux/vboxtxs.service" ]; then ## REMOVE AS SOON AS r117117 IS READY
147 | log_command cp "${MY_TARGET}/linux/vboxtxs.service" "${MY_UNIT_PATH}/vboxtxs.service"
148 | else ## REMOVE AS SOON AS r117117 IS READY
149 | cat > "${MY_UNIT_PATH}/vboxtxs.service" <<EOF
150 | [Unit]
151 | Description=VirtualBox Test Execution Service
152 | SourcePath=/root/validationkit/linux/vboxtxs
153 |
154 | [Service]
155 | Type=forking
156 | Restart=no
157 | TimeoutSec=5min
158 | IgnoreSIGPIPE=no
159 | KillMode=process
160 | GuessMainPID=no
161 | RemainAfterExit=yes
162 | ExecStart=/root/validationkit/linux/vboxtxs start
163 | ExecStop=/root/validationkit/linux/vboxtxs stop
164 |
165 | [Install]
166 | WantedBy=multi-user.target
167 | EOF
168 | fi
169 | log_command chmod 755 "${MY_UNIT_PATH}/vboxtxs.service"
170 | log_command_in_target systemctl -q enable vboxtxs
171 |
172 | # Not systemd. Add support for upstart later...
173 | else
174 | echo "** error: No systemd unit dir found. Using upstart or something?" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
175 | fi
176 |
177 | @@VBOX_COND_END@@
178 |
179 | #
180 | # Run user command.
181 | #
183 | echo '** Running custom user command ...' | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
185 | @@VBOX_COND_END@@
186 |
187 | #
188 | # Unmount the cdrom if we bound it and clean up the chroot if we set it up.
189 | #
190 | if [ -n "${MY_UNMOUNT_TARGET_CDROM}" ]; then
191 | echo "** unbinding cdrom from jail..." | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
192 | log_command umount "${MY_TARGET}/cdrom"
193 | fi
194 | if [ -n "${MY_HAVE_CHROOT_SETUP}" ]; then
195 | if chroot_cleanup; then
196 | echo "** chroot_cleanup: done" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
197 | else
198 | echo "** chroot_cleanup: failed $?" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}"
199 | fi
200 | fi
201 |
202 | #
203 | # Footer.
204 | #
205 | echo "******************************************************************************" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
206 | echo "** Date: `date -R`" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
207 | echo "** Final exit code: ${MY_EXITCODE}" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
208 | echo "******************************************************************************" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}"
209 |
210 | exit ${MY_EXITCODE}
211 |