#!/bin/bash ## @file # Post installation script template for debian-like distros. # # Note! This script expects to be running w/o chroot. # Note! When using ubiquity, this is run after installation logs have # been copied to /var/log/installation. # # # Copyright (C) 2017 Oracle Corporation # # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. # # # Globals. # MY_TARGET="/target" MY_LOGFILE="${MY_TARGET}/var/log/vboxpostinstall.log" MY_CHROOT_CDROM="/cdrom" MY_CDROM_NOCHROOT="/cdrom" MY_EXITCODE=0 MY_DEBUG="" # "yes" # # Do we need to exec using target bash? If so, we must do that early # or ash will bark 'bad substitution' and fail. # if [ "$1" = "--need-target-bash" ]; then # Try figure out which directories we might need in the library path. if [ -z "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${MY_TARGET}/lib" fi for x in \ ${MY_TARGET}/lib \ ${MY_TARGET}/usr/lib \ ${MY_TARGET}/lib/*linux-gnu/ \ ${MY_TARGET}/lib32/ \ ${MY_TARGET}/lib64/ \ ${MY_TARGET}/usr/lib/*linux-gnu/ \ ${MY_TARGET}/usr/lib32/ \ ${MY_TARGET}/usr/lib64/ \ ; do if [ -e "$x" ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${x}"; fi; done export LD_LIBRARY_PATH # Append target bin directories to the PATH as busybox may not have tee. PATH="${PATH}:${MY_TARGET}/bin:${MY_TARGET}/usr/bin:${MY_TARGET}/sbin:${MY_TARGET}/usr/sbin" export PATH # Drop the --need-target-bash argument and re-exec. shift echo "******************************************************************************" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** Relaunching using ${MY_TARGET}/bin/bash $0 $*" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** PATH=${PATH}" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" exec "${MY_TARGET}/bin/bash" "$0" "$@" fi # # Commands. # # Logs execution of a command. log_command() { echo "--------------------------------------------------" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** Date: `date -R`" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** Executing: $*" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" MY_TMP_EXITCODE="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" if [ "${MY_TMP_EXITCODE}" != "0" ]; then if [ "${MY_TMP_EXITCODE}" != "${MY_IGNORE_EXITCODE}" ]; then echo "** exit code: ${MY_TMP_EXITCODE}" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" MY_EXITCODE=1; else echo "** exit code: ${MY_TMP_EXITCODE} (ignored)" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" fi fi } # Logs execution of a command inside the target. log_command_in_target() { # # We should be using in-target here, however we don't get any stderr output # from it because of log-output. We can get stdout by --pass-stdout, but # that's not helpful for failures. # # So, we try do the chroot prepping that in-target does at the start of the # script (see below) and just use chroot here. # log_command chroot "${MY_TARGET}" "$@" # log_command in-target --pass-stdout "$@" # No stderr output... :-( } # # Log header. # echo "******************************************************************************" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** VirtualBox Unattended Guest Installation - Late installation actions" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** Date: `date -R`" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** Started: $0 $*" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" # # Setup the target jail ourselves since in-target steals all the output. # if [ -f /lib/chroot-setup.sh ]; then MY_HAVE_CHROOT_SETUP="yes" . /lib/chroot-setup.sh if chroot_setup; then echo "** chroot_setup: done" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" else echo "** chroot_setup: failed $?" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" fi else MY_HAVE_CHROOT_SETUP="" fi # # We want the ISO available inside the target jail. # if [ -d "${MY_TARGET}${MY_CHROOT_CDROM}" ]; then MY_RMDIR_TARGET_CDROM= else MY_RMDIR_TARGET_CDROM="yes" log_command mkdir -p ${MY_TARGET}${MY_CHROOT_CDROM} fi if [ -f "${MY_TARGET}${MY_CHROOT_CDROM}/vboxpostinstall.sh" ]; then MY_UNMOUNT_TARGET_CDROM= echo "** binding cdrom into jail: already done" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" else MY_UNMOUNT_TARGET_CDROM="yes" log_command mount -o bind "${MY_CDROM_NOCHROOT}" "${MY_TARGET}${MY_CHROOT_CDROM}" if [ -f "${MY_TARGET}${MY_CHROOT_CDROM}/vboxpostinstall.sh" ]; then echo "** binding cdrom into jail: success" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" else echo "** binding cdrom into jail: failed" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" fi if [ "${MY_DEBUG}" = "yes" ]; then log_command find "${MY_TARGET}${MY_CHROOT_CDROM}" fi fi # # Debug # if [ "${MY_DEBUG}" = "yes" ]; then log_command id log_command ps log_command ps auxwwwf log_command env log_command df log_command mount log_command_in_target df log_command_in_target mount #log_command find / MY_EXITCODE=0 fi # # Packages needed for GAs. # echo "--------------------------------------------------" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo '** Installing packages for building kernel modules...' | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" log_command_in_target apt-get -y install build-essential log_command_in_target apt-get -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r) # # GAs # @@VBOX_COND_IS_INSTALLING_ADDITIONS@@ echo "--------------------------------------------------" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo '** Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions...' | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" MY_IGNORE_EXITCODE=2 # returned if modules already loaded and reboot required. log_command_in_target /bin/bash "${MY_CHROOT_CDROM}/vboxadditions/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run" --nox11 MY_IGNORE_EXITCODE= log_command_in_target usermod -a -G vboxsf "@@VBOX_INSERT_USER_LOGIN@@" @@VBOX_COND_END@@ # # Test Execution Service. # @@VBOX_COND_IS_INSTALLING_TEST_EXEC_SERVICE@@ echo "--------------------------------------------------" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo '** Installing Test Execution Service...' | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" log_command_in_target test "${MY_CHROOT_CDROM}/vboxvalidationkit/linux/@@VBOX_INSERT_OS_ARCH@@/TestExecService" log_command mkdir -p "${MY_TARGET}/root/validationkit" "${MY_TARGET}/media/cdrom" log_command cp -R ${MY_CDROM_NOCHROOT}/vboxvalidationkit/* "${MY_TARGET}/root/validationkit/" log_command chmod -R u+rw,a+xr "${MY_TARGET}/root/validationkit/" # systemd service config: MY_UNIT_PATH="${MY_TARGET}/lib/systemd/system" test -d "${MY_TARGET}/usr/lib/systemd/system" && MY_UNIT_PATH="${MY_TARGET}/usr/lib/systemd/system" if [ -d "${MY_UNIT_PATH}" ]; then log_command cp "${MY_CDROM_NOCHROOT}/vboxvalidationkit/linux/vboxtxs.service" "${MY_UNIT_PATH}/vboxtxs.service" log_command chmod 644 "${MY_UNIT_PATH}/vboxtxs.service" log_command_in_target systemctl -q enable vboxtxs # Not systemd: Add support for upstart later... else echo "** error: No systemd unit dir found. Using upstart or something?" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" fi @@VBOX_COND_END@@ # # Run user command. # @@VBOX_COND_HAS_POST_INSTALL_COMMAND@@ echo '** Running custom user command ...' | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" log_command @@VBOX_INSERT_POST_INSTALL_COMMAND@@ @@VBOX_COND_END@@ # # Unmount the cdrom if we bound it and clean up the chroot if we set it up. # if [ -n "${MY_UNMOUNT_TARGET_CDROM}" ]; then echo "** unbinding cdrom from jail..." | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" log_command umount "${MY_TARGET}${MY_CHROOT_CDROM}" fi if [ -n "${MY_RMDIR_TARGET_CDROM}" ]; then log_command rmdir "${MY_TARGET}${MY_CHROOT_CDROM}" fi if [ -n "${MY_HAVE_CHROOT_SETUP}" ]; then if chroot_cleanup; then echo "** chroot_cleanup: done" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" else echo "** chroot_cleanup: failed $?" | tee -a "${MY_LOGFILE}" fi fi # # Log footer. # echo "******************************************************************************" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** Date: `date -R`" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "** Final exit code: ${MY_EXITCODE}" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" echo "******************************************************************************" >> "${MY_LOGFILE}" exit ${MY_EXITCODE}