1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
2 | <!--
3 | VirtualBox Windows Installation Script (WiX)
4 | -->
5 | <!--
6 | Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
7 |
8 | This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
9 | available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
10 |
11 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13 | as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
14 | License.
15 |
16 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17 | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 | General Public License for more details.
20 |
21 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 | along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
23 |
24 | SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
25 | -->
26 |
27 | <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"
28 | xmlns:difxapp="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/DifxAppExtension"
29 | xmlns:util="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension">
30 |
31 | <?include Defines.wxi ?>
32 |
33 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
34 | <!-- The merge module file names -->
35 | <?define Property_VBoxMergeApp = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_APP)" ?>
36 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_32_ON_64_MAIN_API) = "yes" ?>
37 | <?define Property_VBoxMergeCOM32On64 = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_COM32ON64)" ?>
38 | <?endif ?>
39 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_USB) = "yes" ?>
40 | <?define Property_VBoxMergeUSB = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_USB)" ?>
41 | <?endif ?>
42 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
43 | <?define Property_VBoxMergeNetworkFlt = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_NETFLT)" ?>
44 | <?endif ?>
45 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETADP) = "yes" ?>
46 | <?define Property_VBoxMergeNetworkAdp = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_NETADP)" ?>
47 | <?define Property_VBoxMergeNetworkAdp6 = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_NETADP6)" ?>
48 | <?endif ?>
49 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
50 | <?define Property_VBoxMergeNetworkLwf = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_NETLWF)" ?>
51 | <?endif ?>
52 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
53 | <?define Property_VBoxMergePython = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_PYTHON)" ?>
54 | <?endif ?>
55 | <?endif ?>
56 |
57 | <Product Id="*"
58 | UpgradeCode="C4BAD770-BFE8-4D2C-A592-693028A7215B"
59 | Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT) $(env.VBOX_VERSION_STRING)"
60 | Language="!(loc.LANG)"
61 | Codepage="1252"
62 | Version="$(var.Property_Version)"
63 | Manufacturer="$(env.VBOX_VENDOR)">
64 |
65 | <Package Id="*"
66 | Keywords="Installer"
67 | Description="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT) $(var.Property_VersionExt) installation package"
68 | Comments="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT) installation package"
69 | Compressed="yes"
70 | Manufacturer="$(env.VBOX_VENDOR)"
71 | InstallerVersion="200"
72 | InstallPrivileges="elevated"
73 | Platform="$(var.Property_Platform)"/>
74 |
75 | <?include CommonProperties.wxi ?>
76 |
77 | <!-- Global properties -->
78 | <Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON">IconVirtualBox</Property>
79 | <Property Id="ARPURLINFOABOUT">http://www.alldomusa.eu.org</Property>
80 | <Property Id="ARPURLUPDATEINFO">http://www.alldomusa.eu.org</Property>
81 |
82 | <Property Id="NETWORKTYPE" Value="NDIS6" Secure="yes"/>
83 |
84 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "no" ?>
85 | <!-- Force NDIS5 on pre-Vista -->
86 | <SetProperty Id="NETWORKTYPE" After="LaunchConditions" Value="NDIS5"><![CDATA[(VersionNT < 600)]]></SetProperty>
87 | <?endif ?>
88 |
89 | <!-- Whether or not registering of known desktop shortcut for the Quick Launch Bar should be created -->
90 | <Property Id="VBOX_REGISTERFILEEXTENSIONS" Value="1" Secure="yes"/>
91 |
92 | <SetProperty Id="VBOX_REGISTERFILEEXTENSIONS" After="AppSearch" Sequence="both" Value="{}">
94 | </SetProperty>
95 |
96 | <!-- Install the product for all users on the system -->
97 | <Property Id="ALLUSERS"><![CDATA[1]]></Property>
98 |
99 | <!-- Force overwriting all files and re-create shortcuts to guarantee a working environment -->
100 | <Property Id='REINSTALLMODE' Value='amus'/>
101 |
102 | <?include PublicProperties.wxi ?>
103 |
104 | <!-- Make sure installation will not start on anything other but the NT family -->
105 | <?if $(env.KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) = "amd64" ?>
106 | <Condition Message="!(loc.Only64Bit)">
107 | VersionNT64
108 | </Condition>
109 | <?else ?>
110 | <Condition Message="!(loc.Only32Bit)">
111 | NOT VersionNT64
112 | </Condition>
113 |
114 | <Condition Message="!(loc.WrongOS)">
115 | NOT VersionNT=500 AND NOT Version9X AND NOT VersionNT64
116 | </Condition>
117 |
118 | <?endif ?>
119 |
120 | <Condition Message="!(loc.NeedAdmin)">
121 | Privileged
122 | </Condition>
123 |
124 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_CRT_PACKING) = "no" ?>
125 | <!-- Check if we have the required MS CRT(s) installed when we're not shipping those. -->
126 | <Condition Message="!(loc.NeedMSCRT)">
128 | </Condition>
129 | <?endif ?>
130 |
131 | <!-- Detect old innotek installation -->
132 | <!-- Force a manual uninstall of an already installed innotek VirtualBox version first -->
133 | <Property Id="VBOXINNOTEK">
134 | <RegistrySearch Id="RegSearchInnotekVersion" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Innotek\VirtualBox" Name="Version" Type="raw" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)"/>
135 | </Property>
136 | <Condition Message="!(loc.InnotekFound)">
138 | </Condition>
139 |
140 |
141 | <!-- *************************** Upgrade packages only ******************************* -->
142 | <!-- Minimum and Maximum specify the range of versions we are supposed to update with this upgrade.
143 | IncludeMaximum and IncludeMinimum specify whether the bound value is actually included in the range or not
144 | (IncludeMaximum = yes meaning to find versions below or equal to the version specified in Maximum while
145 | IncludeMaximum = no only finds those below the Maximum).
146 | OnlyDetect tells the installer not to remove the previous product. This is useful as long as we
147 | only change files in the package -->
148 |
149 | <Upgrade Id="C4BAD770-BFE8-4D2C-A592-693028A7215B"> <!-- Upgrade of Sun xVM VirtualBox >= v1.6.0 -->
150 |
151 | <!-- Upgrade is flagged if current-install is newer than or equal to package - TODO: should make a dialog appear asking user to confirm downgrade -->
152 | <!-- Setting "OnlyDetect" to "no" makes the installer uninstall an already newer installed version -->
153 | <UpgradeVersion Property="NEWERVERSIONDETECTED" Minimum="$(var.Property_Version)" IncludeMinimum="no" OnlyDetect="no" />
154 |
155 | <!-- Flag is set if the install will trigger an upgrade of an existing install -->
156 | <UpgradeVersion Property="PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED" Minimum="" Maximum="$(var.Property_Version)" IncludeMaximum="yes" />
157 |
158 | </Upgrade>
159 |
160 | <!-- The product's icon table -->
161 | <Icon Id="IconVirtualBox" SourceFile="$(env.VBOX_WINDOWS_ICON_FILE)" />
162 |
163 | <!-- The media/binary IDs -->
164 | <!--
165 | The effects of CompressionLevel options:
166 | default/mszip, high: 32.54s
167 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 53 591 221 2016-09-25 03:56 common.cab
168 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 41 560 082 2016-09-25 03:56 VirtualBox-5.1.51-r110887_en_US.msi
169 | high, high: 46.76s
170 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 53 591 221 2016-09-25 03:49 common.cab
171 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 34 056 210 2016-09-25 03:49 VirtualBox-5.1.51-r110887_en_US.msi
172 | medium, medium: 29.95s
173 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 56 293 089 2016-09-25 03:53 common.cab
174 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 35 498 002 2016-09-25 03:54 VirtualBox-5.1.51-r110887_en_US.msi
175 | low, low: 25.41s
176 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 57 616 155 2016-09-25 03:52 common.cab
177 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 37 181 458 2016-09-25 03:52 VirtualBox-5.1.51-r110887_en_US.msi
178 | mszip/default, mszip/default: 16.13s
179 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 58 751 954 2016-09-25 03:49 common.cab
180 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 41 560 082 2016-09-25 03:50 VirtualBox-5.1.51-r110887_en_US.msi
181 | none, none: 2.37s
182 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 92 470 301 2016-09-25 03:47 common.cab
183 | -rw-rw-rw- 1 bird 0 135 874 578 2016-09-25 03:47 VirtualBox-5.1.51-r110887_en_US.msi
184 |
186 | environment variables so we don't waste time compressing and decompressing the intermediate
187 | language MSIs and the common.cab that we're not going to use (x86).
188 | -->
189 | <Media Id="1" Cabinet="product.cab" EmbedCab="yes" CompressionLevel="$(env.VBOX_CAB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)" />
190 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "no" ?>
191 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_COMBINED_PACKAGE) = "yes" ?>
192 | <Media Id="2" Cabinet="common.cab" EmbedCab="no" CompressionLevel="$(env.VBOX_CAB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_COMMON)" />
193 | <?endif ?>
194 | <?endif ?>
195 | <Binary Id="VBoxInstallHelper" SourceFile="$(env.PATH_OUT)\bin\VBoxInstallHelper.dll" />
196 |
197 | <!-- Custom actions -->
198 |
199 | <!-- Figure out where a previous installation was, if any -->
200 | <?if $(env.KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) = "amd64" ?>
201 | <CustomAction Id="ca_OriginalTargetDir" Execute="firstSequence" Property="INSTALLDIR"
202 | Value="[ProgramFiles64Folder]\$(env.VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT)\VirtualBox" />
203 |
204 | <Property Id="EXISTINGINSTALLDIR" Secure="yes">
205 | <RegistrySearch Id="RegistryGetInstallPath" Root="HKLM" Key="$(var.Property_RegKey)" Name="InstallDir"
206 | Type="raw" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)"/>
207 | </Property>
208 | <CustomAction Id="ca_DefaultTargetDir" Execute="firstSequence" Property="INSTALLDIR" Value="[EXISTINGINSTALLDIR]" />
209 | <?else ?>
210 | <CustomAction Id="ca_OriginalTargetDir" Execute="firstSequence" Property="INSTALLDIR"
211 | Value="[ProgramFilesFolder]\$(env.VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT)\VirtualBox" />
212 |
213 | <Property Id="EXISTINGINSTALLDIR" Secure="yes">
214 | <RegistrySearch Id="RegistryGetInstallPath" Root="HKLM" Key="$(var.Property_RegKey)" Name="InstallDir"
215 | Type="raw" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)"/>
216 | </Property>
217 | <CustomAction Id="ca_DefaultTargetDir" Execute="firstSequence" Property="INSTALLDIR" Value="[EXISTINGINSTALLDIR]" />
218 | <?endif ?>
219 | <CustomAction Id="ca_UninstallTAPInstances" BinaryKey="VBoxInstallHelper"
220 | DllEntry="UninstallTAPInstances" Execute="deferred" Return="check" Impersonate="no"/>
221 |
222 | <CustomAction Id="ca_UninstallVBoxDrv" BinaryKey="VBoxInstallHelper"
223 | DllEntry="UninstallVBoxDrv" Execute="deferred" Return="ignore" Impersonate="no"/>
224 |
225 | <Property Id="VBOXDEPENDENCY" Secure="yes">
226 | <DirectorySearch Id="VBoxInstallDir" Path="[EXISTINGINSTALLDIR]">
227 | <FileSearch Name="dependency.dep"/>
228 | </DirectorySearch>
229 | </Property>
230 |
231 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
232 | <Property Id="EXISTING_PYTHON_API_FOLDER" Secure="yes" >
233 | <RegistrySearch Id="RegistryGetPythonApiInstallPath" Root="HKLM" Key="$(var.Property_RegKey)"
234 | Name="PythonApiInstallDir" Type="raw" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)"/>
235 | </Property>
236 | <?endif ?>
237 |
238 | <!--
239 | install upgrade uninstall
240 | VBOXDEPENDENCY 0 1/0 1/0
242 | final 0 1 0
243 | not final 1 0 1
244 | -->
245 |
246 | <Condition Message="It was detected an application which has been using currently installed VirtualBox version.
247 | You must remove this application before continuing installation.
248 | See the file dependency.dep in the VirtualBox installation directory for details. ">
250 | </Condition>
251 |
252 | <!-- Detect old Sun installation -->
253 | <!-- Force a manual uninstall of an already installed Sun VirtualBox version first -->
254 | <!--<Property Id="VBOXSUN">
255 | <RegistrySearch Id="RegSearchSunVersion" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Sun\VirtualBox" Name="Version" Type="raw" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)"/>
256 | </Property>
257 | <Condition Message="!(loc.SunFound)">
259 | </Condition>-->
260 |
261 | <!-- Note: Only if we include FE/Qt, we offer to start VirtualBox at the end of a successful installation. -->
262 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_QTGUI) = "yes" ?>
263 | <!-- Note: Make sure to set the CWD (via 'Directory' attribute) to not run off a possibly temporary directory or some such (see @bugref{10203}). -->
264 | <CustomAction Id="ca_StartVBox" Directory="INSTALLDIR" ExeCommand="[INSTALLDIR]VirtualBox.exe" Return="asyncNoWait" Impersonate="yes" />
265 | <?endif ?>
266 |
267 | <CustomAction Id="ca_CheckSerial" BinaryKey="VBoxInstallHelper" DllEntry="CheckSerial" Impersonate="no"/>
268 |
269 | <CustomAction Id="ca_InstallBranding" BinaryKey="VBoxInstallHelper" DllEntry="InstallBranding" Execute="deferred" Return="check" Impersonate="no"/>
270 | <CustomAction Id="ca_InstallBrandingArgs" Property="ca_InstallBranding" Value="[INSTALLDIR]" Execute="immediate"/>
271 |
272 | <CustomAction Id="ca_UninstallBranding" BinaryKey="VBoxInstallHelper" DllEntry="UninstallBranding" Execute="deferred" Return="check" Impersonate="no"/>
273 | <CustomAction Id="ca_UninstallBrandingArgs" Property="ca_UninstallBranding" Value="[INSTALLDIR]" Execute="immediate"/>
274 |
275 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "no" ?>
276 | <?include VBoxMergeAppCA.wxi ?>
277 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_32_ON_64_MAIN_API) = "yes" ?>
278 | <?include VBoxMergeCOM32On64CA.wxi ?>
279 | <?endif ?>
280 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
281 | <?include VBoxMergeNetFltCA.wxi ?>
282 | <?include VBoxMergeNetLwfCA.wxi ?>
283 | <?endif ?>
284 | <?include VBoxMergeNetAdpCA.wxi ?>
285 | <?include VBoxMergeNetAdp6CA.wxi ?>
286 | <?include VBoxMergeUSBCA.wxi ?>
287 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
288 | <?include VBoxMergePythonCA.wxi ?>
289 | <?endif ?>
290 | <?endif ?>
291 |
292 | <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
293 | <Directory Id="$(var.Property_ProgramFiles)" Name="PFiles">
294 | <Directory Id="VENDOR" Name="$(env.VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT)">
295 | <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="VirtualBox">
296 | <!-- Components for removing empty folder after cleaning traces -->
297 | <Component Id="cp_INSTALLDIR" Guid="374723AF-5990-4552-A1B0-82C72EFA360F">
298 | <RemoveFolder Id="INSTALLDIR" On="uninstall" />
299 | </Component>
300 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
301 | <Merge Id="msm_VBoxApp" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeApp)" DiskId="1">
302 | <ConfigurationData Name="argRegisterExtensions" Value="[VBOX_REGISTERFILEEXTENSIONS]"/>
303 | </Merge>
304 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_32_ON_64_MAIN_API) = "yes" ?>
305 | <Merge Id="msm_VBoxCOM32On64" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeCOM32On64)" DiskId="1" />
306 | <?endif ?>
307 | <?else ?>
308 | <Directory Id="msm_VBoxApplicationFolder" FileSource=".">
309 | <?include VBoxMergeApp.wxi ?>
310 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_32_ON_64_MAIN_API) = "yes" ?>
311 | <?include VBoxMergeCOM32On64.wxi ?>
312 | <?endif ?>
313 | </Directory>
314 | <?endif ?>
315 | <Directory Id="dir_Drivers" Name="drivers">
316 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_USB) = "yes" ?>
317 | <Directory Id="dir_USB" Name="USB">
318 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
319 | <Merge Id="msm_VBoxUSB" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeUSB)" DiskId="1" />
320 | <?else ?>
321 | <Directory Id="msm_VBoxUSBFolder" FileSource=".">
322 | <?include VBoxMergeUSB.wxi ?>
323 | </Directory>
324 | <?endif ?>
325 | </Directory>
326 | <?endif ?>
327 | <Directory Id="dir_Network" Name="network">
328 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
329 | <Directory Id="dir_NetFlt" Name="netflt">
330 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
331 | <Merge Id="msm_VBoxNetworkFlt" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeNetworkFlt)" DiskId="1">
332 | <ConfigurationData Name="passedNetworkType" Value="[NETWORKTYPE]"/>
333 | </Merge>
334 | <?else ?>
335 | <Directory Id="msm_VBoxNetworkFltFolder" FileSource=".">
336 | <?include VBoxMergeNetFlt.wxi ?>
337 | </Directory>
338 | <?endif ?>
339 | </Directory>
340 | <?endif ?>
341 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETADP) = "yes" ?>
342 | <Directory Id="dir_NetAdp" Name="netadp">
343 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
344 | <Merge Id="msm_VBoxNetworkAdp" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeNetworkAdp)" DiskId="1">
345 | <ConfigurationData Name="passedNetworkType" Value="[NETWORKTYPE]"/>
346 | </Merge>
347 | <?else ?>
348 | <Directory Id="msm_VBoxNetworkAdpFolder" FileSource=".">
349 | <?include VBoxMergeNetAdp.wxi ?>
350 | </Directory>
351 | <?endif ?>
352 | </Directory>
353 | <?endif ?>
354 |
355 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
356 | <Directory Id="dir_NetLwf" Name="netlwf">
357 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
358 | <Merge Id="msm_VBoxNetworkLwf" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeNetworkLwf)" DiskId="1">
359 | <ConfigurationData Name="passedNetworkType" Value="[NETWORKTYPE]"/>
360 | </Merge>
361 | <?else ?>
362 | <Directory Id="msm_VBoxNetworkLwfFolder" FileSource=".">
363 | <?include VBoxMergeNetLwf.wxi ?>
364 | </Directory>
365 | <?endif ?>
366 | </Directory>
367 | <?endif ?>
368 |
369 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETADP) = "yes" ?>
370 | <Directory Id="dir_NetAdp6" Name="netadp6">
371 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
372 | <Merge Id="msm_VBoxNetworkAdp6" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeNetworkAdp6)" DiskId="1">
373 | <ConfigurationData Name="passedNetworkType" Value="[NETWORKTYPE]"/>
374 | </Merge>
375 | <?else ?>
376 | <Directory Id="msm_VBoxNetworkAdp6Folder" FileSource=".">
377 | <?include VBoxMergeNetAdp6.wxi ?>
378 | </Directory>
379 | <?endif ?>
380 | </Directory>
381 | <?endif ?>
382 | </Directory>
383 | </Directory>
384 | <Directory Id="dir_SDK" Name="sdk">
385 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
386 | <Directory Id="dir_SDKInstall" Name="install">
387 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
388 | <Merge Id="msm_VBoxPython" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergePython)" DiskId="1" />
389 | <?else ?>
390 | <Directory Id="msm_VBoxPythonFolder" FileSource=".">
391 | <?include VBoxMergePython.wxi ?>
392 | </Directory>
393 | <?endif ?>
394 | </Directory>
395 | <?endif ?>
396 | <!-- Component for removing empty folder after cleaning traces -->
397 | <Component Id="cp_SDK" Guid="ACA59290-B2D6-4E96-B164-C45F70A90219">
398 | <RemoveFolder Id="dir_SDK" On="uninstall" />
399 | </Component>
400 | </Directory>
401 |
402 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_QTGUI) = "yes" ?>
403 | <!-- Set up special directory IDs for referencing to the start menu
404 | or the Quick Launch bar.
405 | See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368276.aspx
406 | http://wix.mindcapers.com/wiki/Shortcuts_in_WiX -->
407 | <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder">
408 | <Directory Id="dir_StartMenuVBox" Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)"/>
409 | </Directory>
410 |
411 | <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="Desktop"/>
412 |
413 | <Directory Id="AppDataFolder" Name="AppData">
414 | <Directory Id="dir_AppDataMicrosoft" Name="Microsoft">
415 | <Directory Id="dir_AppDataMSIE" Name="Internet Explorer">
416 | <Directory Id="dir_QuicklaunchFolder" Name="Quick Launch"/>
417 | </Directory>
418 | </Directory>
419 | </Directory>
420 |
421 | <!-- Start menu entries. -->
422 | <Component Id="cp_StartMenuVBox" Guid="C2DC321A-CE63-40EE-8A98-724DF8BD12FB" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)">
424 | <Shortcut Id="sc_StartMenuVBox" Directory="dir_StartMenuVBox" Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)" Description="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)"
425 | Target="[INSTALLDIR]VirtualBox.exe" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR"/>
426 | <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="$(var.Property_RegKeyInstall)"
427 | Type="string" Value="installed" KeyPath="yes" />
428 | <?include $(env.PATH_TARGET)\Shortcuts_StartMenu.wxi ?>
429 | </Component>
430 |
431 | <!-- Desktop shortcut. -->
432 | <Component Id="cp_DesktopShortcut" Guid="668F8A1A-F5CE-48B3-BB1A-3042EE27B279" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)">
433 | <Condition>VBOX_INSTALLDESKTOPSHORTCUT</Condition>
434 | <Shortcut Id="sc_DesktopVBox" Directory="DesktopFolder" Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)" Description="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)"
435 | Target="[INSTALLDIR]VirtualBox.exe" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR"/>
436 | <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="$(var.Property_RegKeyInstall)" Type="string"
437 | Value="installed" KeyPath="yes" />
438 | </Component>
439 |
440 | <!-- QuickLaunch shortcut. -->
441 | <Component Id="cp_QuickLaunchVBox" Guid="CC19E026-938A-41CB-8E77-3F33296244B6" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)">
442 | <CreateFolder/>
444 | <Shortcut Id="sc_QuickLaunchVBox" Directory="dir_QuicklaunchFolder" Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)" Description="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)"
445 | Target="[INSTALLDIR]VirtualBox.exe" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR"/>
446 | <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="$(var.Property_RegKeyInstall)"
447 | Type="string" Value="installed" KeyPath="yes" />
448 | </Component>
449 | <?endif ?>
450 | </Directory>
451 | </Directory>
452 | </Directory>
453 | </Directory> <!-- TARGETDIR -->
454 |
455 | <!-- Note: Feature IDs *must not* be renamed to use any prefixes or such,
456 | otherwise this will break manual selection using the ADDLOCAL= syntax
457 | when using the command line / scripts (see VBox manual). -->
458 | <Feature Id="VBoxApplication" Title="VirtualBox Application" Level="1"
459 | Description="!(loc.VB_App)"
460 | ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
461 | Absent="disallow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
462 |
463 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_QTGUI) = "yes" ?>
464 | <!-- Components which are handled only by this installer itself -->
465 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_StartMenuVBox" />
466 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_DesktopShortcut" />
467 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_QuickLaunchVBox" />
468 | <?endif ?>
469 | <!-- Components for removing empty folders after cleaning traces -->
470 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_INSTALLDIR" />
471 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_SDK" />
472 |
473 | <!-- Components handled either by the installer itself or
474 | the merge module -->
475 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
476 | <MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxApp" />
477 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_32_ON_64_MAIN_API) = "yes" ?>
478 | <MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxCOM32On64" />
479 | <?endif ?>
480 | <?else ?>
481 | <!-- Make sure to reference the permissions component, which takes care of setting
482 | the required ACLs for our files / folders. -->
483 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_Permissions" />
484 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_QTGUI) = "yes" ?>
485 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_RegisterExtensions" />
486 | <?endif ?>
487 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_DOCS_PACKING) = "yes" ?>
488 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_Docs" />
489 | <?endif ?>
490 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_QTGUI) = "yes" ?>
491 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_NLS" />
492 | <?endif ?>
493 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_32_ON_64_MAIN_API) = "yes" ?>
494 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_MainCOM_x86" />
495 | <?endif ?>
496 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_MainCOM" />
497 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_SDS) = "yes" ?>
498 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxSDS" />
499 | <?endif ?>
500 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MIDL_PROXY_STUB) = "yes" ?>
501 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_ProxyStub" />
502 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_ProxyStubLegacy" />
503 | <?endif?>
504 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_MainBinaries" />
505 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_QTGUI) = "yes" ?>
506 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_QtPlatforms" />
507 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_QtSqldrivers" />
508 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_QtStyles" />
509 | <?endif ?>
510 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
511 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxPyInst" />
512 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxPyMod" />
513 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxPyDel" />
514 | <?endif ?>
515 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_VBOXSDL) = "yes" ?>
516 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxSDLBinaries" />
517 | <?endif ?>
518 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_WEBSERVICES) = "yes" ?>
519 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxWebService" />
520 | <?endif ?>
521 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxCAPI" />
522 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_UNATTENDED) = "yes" ?>
523 | <!-- unattended template component -->
524 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_UnattendedTemplates" />
525 | <?endif ?>
526 | <?if $(env.VBOX_SIGNING_MODE) != none ?>
527 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxSupCat_PreW10" />
528 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxSupCat_W10" />
529 | <?endif ?>
530 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxSup" />
531 | <?endif ?>
532 |
533 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_USB) = "yes" ?>
534 | <Feature Id="VBoxUSB" Title="VirtualBox USB Support" Level="1"
535 | Description="!(loc.VB_USBDriver)"
536 | ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
537 | Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
538 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
539 | <MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxUSB" />
540 | <?else ?>
541 | <?if $(env.VBOX_SIGNING_MODE) != none ?>
542 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_USBFilterDriverCat_PreW10" />
543 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_USBFilterDriverCat_W10" />
544 | <?endif ?>
545 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_USBFilterDriver" />
546 | <?if $(env.VBOX_SIGNING_MODE) != none ?>
547 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_USBDeviceDriverCat_PreW10" />
548 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_USBDeviceDriverCat_W10" />
549 | <?endif ?>
550 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_USBDeviceDriver" />
551 | <?endif ?>
552 | </Feature>
553 | <?endif ?>
554 |
555 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
556 | <Feature Id="VBoxNetwork" Title="VirtualBox Networking" Level="1"
557 | Description="!(loc.VB_Network)"
558 | ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
559 | Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
560 | <Feature Id="VBoxNetworkFlt" Title="VirtualBox Bridged Networking" Level="1"
561 | Description="!(loc.VB_NetFltDriver)"
562 | ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
563 | Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
564 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
565 | <MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxNetworkFlt" />
566 | <MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxNetworkLwf" />
567 | <?else ?>
568 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_NetFltDriver" />
569 | <?if $(env.VBOX_SIGNING_MODE) != none ?>
570 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_NetLwfDriverCat_PreW10" />
571 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_NetLwfDriverCat_W10" />
572 | <?endif ?>
573 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_NetLwfDriver" />
574 | <?endif ?>
575 | </Feature>
576 | <Feature Id="VBoxNetworkAdp" Title="VirtualBox Host-Only Networking" Level="1"
577 | Description="!(loc.VB_NetAdpDriver)"
578 | ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
579 | Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
580 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
581 | <MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxNetworkAdp" />
582 | <MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxNetworkAdp6" />
583 | <?else ?>
584 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_NetAdpDriver" />
585 | <?if $(env.VBOX_SIGNING_MODE) != none ?>
586 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_NetAdp6DriverCat_PreW10" />
587 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_NetAdp6DriverCat_W10" />
588 | <?endif ?>
589 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_NetAdp6Driver" />
590 | <?endif ?>
591 | </Feature>
592 |
593 | </Feature>
594 | <?endif ?>
595 |
596 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
597 | <Feature Id="VBoxPython" Title="VirtualBox Python Support" Level="1"
598 | Description="!(loc.VB_Python)"
599 | ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
600 | Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
601 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
602 | <MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxPython" />
603 | <?else ?>
604 | <ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxPythonBinding" />
605 | <?endif ?>
606 | </Feature>
607 | <?endif ?>
608 | </Feature>
609 |
610 | <!-- Include user interface definition -->
611 | <?include UserInterface.wxi ?>
612 |
613 | <InstallExecuteSequence>
614 |
615 | <!--
616 | To debug the action sequences, do: "msiexec /i <VBox.msi> /lar <Logfile>"
617 |
618 | InstallUISequence (client side) is:
619 | AppSearch
620 | LaunchConditions
621 | ValidateProductID
622 | CostInitialize
623 | FileCost
624 | CostFinalize
625 | ExecuteAction -> will pass control over to "InstallExecuteSequence"
626 |
627 | The first six actions above will be repeated but skipped on the server
628 | side if already run on the client side.
629 |
630 | InstallExecuteSequence (server side) is:
631 | <First six action from InstallUISequence>
632 | .
633 | InstallInitialize
634 | .
635 | InstallFinalize
636 |
637 | The actions between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize will be gone through twice:
638 | - The first time the installer creates an installation script containing all actions in the right
639 | sequence which need to get executed in a batch later. At this point the launch conditions for
640 | custom actions must be met already!
641 | - The second time the generated installation script will be run as-is.
642 |
643 | Also, the InstallUISequence and InstallExecuteSequence tables run in different sessions which
644 | need public properties (that is, UPPERCASE properties).
645 | -->
646 |
647 | <!-- AppSearch must be done before "RemoveExistingProducts" and before "FindRelatedProducts" -->
648 | <AppSearch Sequence="1"></AppSearch>
649 | <LaunchConditions After="AppSearch" />
650 |
651 | <!-- First install the new version and then remove the old version. This is more efficient -->
652 | <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallValidate"><![CDATA[PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED OR NEWERVERSIONDETECTED]]></RemoveExistingProducts>
653 |
654 | <Custom Action="ca_OriginalTargetDir" After="FileCost"><![CDATA[(NOT INSTALLDIR)]]></Custom>
655 | <Custom Action="ca_DefaultTargetDir" Before="FileCost" ><![CDATA[NOT INSTALLDIR AND EXISTINGINSTALLDIR]]></Custom>
656 |
657 | <!-- Check + unininstall old TAP instances - we don't need them anymore -->
658 | <Custom Action="ca_UninstallTAPInstances" Before="InstallFiles" >1</Custom>
659 |
660 | <!-- Check + uninstall old VBoxDrv service - it was renamed to VBoxSup. -->
661 | <Custom Action="ca_UninstallVBoxDrv" Before="InstallFiles" >1</Custom>
662 |
663 | <Custom Action="ca_InstallBrandingArgs" Before="ca_InstallBranding" ><![CDATA[NOT REMOVE]]></Custom>
664 | <Custom Action="ca_InstallBranding" Before="InstallFinalize" ><![CDATA[NOT REMOVE]]></Custom>
665 |
666 | <!-- Uninstall branding on complete uninstall, not on update -->
667 | <Custom Action="ca_UninstallBrandingArgs" Before="ca_UninstallBranding" ><![CDATA[(NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE) AND (REMOVE="ALL")]]></Custom>
668 | <Custom Action="ca_UninstallBranding" Before="InstallFinalize" ><![CDATA[(NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE) AND (REMOVE="ALL")]]></Custom>
669 |
670 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "no" ?>
671 | <?include VBoxMergeAppSeq.wxi ?>
672 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_32_ON_64_MAIN_API) = "yes" ?>
673 | <?include VBoxMergeCOM32On64Seq.wxi ?>
674 | <?endif ?>
675 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
676 | <?include VBoxMergeNetFltSeq.wxi ?>
677 | <?include VBoxMergeNetLwfSeq.wxi ?>
678 | <?endif ?>
679 | <?include VBoxMergeNetAdpSeq.wxi ?>
680 | <?include VBoxMergeNetAdp6Seq.wxi ?>
681 | <?include VBoxMergeUSBSeq.wxi ?>
682 | <?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
683 | <?include VBoxMergePythonSeq.wxi ?>
684 | <?endif ?>
685 | <?endif ?>
686 |
687 | </InstallExecuteSequence>
688 |
689 | </Product>
690 | </Wix>