@echo off rem $Id: RepackExtPack.cmd 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $ rem rem @file rem Windows NT batch script for repacking an extension pack with blessed .r0 files. rem rem rem Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Oracle Corporation rem rem This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as rem available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; rem you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU rem General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software rem Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the rem VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the rem hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. rem setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS setlocal rem rem Check for environment variables we need. rem if ".%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%" == "." (echo KBUILD_DEVTOOLS is not set & goto end_failed) rem if ".%KBUILD_BIN_PATH%" == "." (echo KBUILD_BIN_PATH is not set & goto end_failed) rem rem Parse arguments. rem set _MY_OPT_BINDIR_X86=..\..\..\win.x86\@KBUILD_TYPE@\bin set _MY_OPT_BINDIR_AMD64=..\..\..\win.amd64\@KBUILD_TYPE@\bin set _MY_OPT_INPUT= set _MY_OPT_OUTPUT= set _MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR=.\repack-extpack-%RANDOM% for %%i in (%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%) do set _MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR=%%~fi set _MY_OPT_SIGN_CAT=1 :argument_loop if ".%1" == "." goto no_more_arguments if ".%1" == ".-h" goto opt_h if ".%1" == ".-?" goto opt_h if ".%1" == "./h" goto opt_h if ".%1" == "./H" goto opt_h if ".%1" == "./?" goto opt_h if ".%1" == ".-help" goto opt_h if ".%1" == ".--help" goto opt_h if ".%1" == ".-a" goto opt_a if ".%1" == ".--bindir-amd64" goto opt_a if ".%1" == ".-b" goto opt_b if ".%1" == ".--bindir-x86" goto opt_b if ".%1" == ".-i" goto opt_i if ".%1" == ".--input" goto opt_i if ".%1" == ".-o" goto opt_o if ".%1" == ".--output" goto opt_o if ".%1" == ".-s" goto opt_s if ".%1" == ".--stage-dir" goto opt_s echo syntax error: Unknown option: %1 echo Try --help to list valid options. goto end_failed :argument_loop_next_with_value shift shift goto argument_loop :opt_a if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value set _MY_OPT_BINDIR_AMD64=%~f2 goto argument_loop_next_with_value :opt_b if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value set _MY_OPT_BINDIR_X86=%~f2 goto argument_loop_next_with_value :opt_h echo This script repacks an extension pack replacing windows .r0 files with echo blessed copies from the bin directory. The ASSUMPTION here is that prior echo to invoking this script, the UnpackBlessedDrivers.cmd script was executed echo both for win.amd64 and win.x86. echo . echo Usage: RepackExtPack.cmd [-b bindir-x86] [-a bindir-amd64] [-s staging-dir] echo -i input.vbox-extpack -o output.vbox-extpack echo . echo Warning! This script should normally be invoked from the win.x86 repack directory. goto end_failed :opt_i if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value set _MY_OPT_INPUT=%~f2 goto argument_loop_next_with_value :opt_o if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value set _MY_OPT_OUTPUT=%~f2 goto argument_loop_next_with_value :opt_s if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value set _MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR=%~f2 goto argument_loop_next_with_value :syntax_error_missing_value echo syntax error: missing or empty option value after %1 goto end_failed :error_bindir_amd64_does_not_exist echo syntax error: Specified AMD64 BIN directory does not exist: "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_AMD64%" goto end_failed :error_bindir_x86_does_not_exist echo syntax error: Specified x86 BIN directory does not exist: "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_X86%" goto end_failed :error_input_not_found echo error: Input file does not exist: "%_MY_OPT_INPUT%" goto end_failed :error_stage_dir_exists echo error: Temporary staging directory exists: "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%" goto end_failed :no_more_arguments rem rem Validate and adjust specified options. rem if not exist "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_X86%" goto error_bindir_x86_does_not_exist if not exist "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_AMD64%" goto error_bindir_amd64_does_not_exist if ".%_MY_OPT_INPUT%" == "." set _MY_OPT_INPUT=%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_X86%\Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack.vbox-extpack if not exist "%_MY_OPT_INPUT%" goto error_input_not_found if ".%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%" == "." for %%i in ("%_MY_OPT_INPUT%") do set _MY_OPT_OUTPUT=.\%%~nxi rem Make _MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR absolute. if exist "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%" goto error_stage_dir_exists rem rem Modify PATH to facilitate using our zip, gzip and manifest tools rem rem TODO: Use RTTar for creation too. rem TODO: Not sure how well the bsdtar output actually work with 5.1... rem TODO: Check whether we need stupid cygwin to get the right execute bits (x) on unix. rem set PATH=%PATH%;%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_AMD64% set _MY_TOOL_TAR_EXPAND="%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_AMD64%\tools\RTTar.exe" -x set _MY_TOOL_TAR_CREATE="%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\gnuwin32\r1\bin\bsdtar.exe" -c --format ustar set _MY_TOOL_GZIP=%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_AMD64%\tools\RTGzip.exe set _MY_TOOL_MANIFEST=%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_AMD64%\tools\RTManifest.exe rem rem Unpack the extension pack. rem echo * Unpacking "%_MY_OPT_INPUT" to "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%"... mkdir "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%" || goto end_failed %_MY_TOOL_TAR_EXPAND% -vzf "%_MY_OPT_INPUT%" -C "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%" || goto end_failed_cleanup rem rem Copy over the blessed .r0 files. rem echo * Copying over blessed .r0 binaries... if not exist "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%\win.x86" goto no_win_x86 for %%i in ("%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%\win.x86\*.r0") do ( echo -=- %%i copy /y "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_X86%\%%~nxi" "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%\win.x86" || goto end_failed_cleanup ) :no_win_x86 for %%i in ("%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%\win.amd64\*.r0") do ( echo -=- %%i copy /y "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR_AMD64%\%%~nxi" "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%\win.amd64" || goto end_failed_cleanup ) rem rem Recreate the manifest. rem echo * Collecting files for manifest... set _MY_MANIFEST_FILES= for /D %%d in ("%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%\*") do ( for %%f in ("%%d\*") do call set _MY_MANIFEST_FILES=%%_MY_MANIFEST_FILES%% %%~nxd/%%~nxf ) for %%f in ("%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%\*") do ( if not "%%~nxf" == "ExtPack.manifest" if not "%%~nxf" == "ExtPack.signature" call set _MY_MANIFEST_FILES=%%_MY_MANIFEST_FILES%% %%~nxf ) rem echo _MY_MANIFEST_FILES=%_MY_MANIFEST_FILES% echo * Creating manifest... echo on "%_MY_TOOL_MANIFEST%" --manifest "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%\ExtPack.manifest" --chdir "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%" %_MY_MANIFEST_FILES% || goto end_failed_cleanup @echo off rem rem Repackage the damn thing. rem @echo * Packing extension pack... echo on %_MY_TOOL_TAR_CREATE% -vf "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.tmp" -C "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%" . || goto end_failed_cleanup "%_MY_TOOL_GZIP%" -9 -n "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.tmp" || goto end_failed_cleanup move /Y "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.tmp.gz" "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%" || goto end_failed_cleanup echo off rem rem Cleanup and we're good. rem echo * Cleaning up... rmdir /s /q "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%" echo * Successfully created: "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT% goto end :end_failed_cleanup @rmdir /s /q "%_MY_OPT_STAGE_DIR%" @if exist "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.tmp" del "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.tmp" @if exist "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.tmp.gz" del "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.tmp.gz" :end_failed @endlocal @endlocal @echo * Failed! @exit /b 1 :end @endlocal @endlocal