1 | @echo off
2 | rem $Id: PackDriversForSubmission.cmd 108402 2025-02-26 21:45:38Z vboxsync $
3 | rem rem @file
4 | rem Windows NT batch script for preparing for signing submission.
5 | rem
6 |
7 | rem
8 | rem Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
9 | rem
10 | rem This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
11 | rem available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
12 | rem
13 | rem This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14 | rem modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
15 | rem as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
16 | rem License.
17 | rem
18 | rem This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19 | rem WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 | rem General Public License for more details.
22 | rem
23 | rem You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 | rem along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
25 | rem
26 | rem SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
27 | rem
28 |
29 |
31 | setlocal
32 |
33 | rem
34 | rem Parse arguments.
35 | rem
36 | set _MY_OPT_BINDIR=..\bin
37 | set _MY_OPT_PDBDIR=
38 | set _MY_OPT_GADIR=
39 | set _MY_OPT_WITH_MAIN=1
40 | set _MY_OPT_WITH_PDB=1
41 | set _MY_OPT_EXTPACK=
42 | set _MY_OPT_NO_EXTRACT=0
44 | set _MY_OPT_WITH_GA=0
45 | set _MY_OPT_OUTPUT=
46 | set _MY_OPT_DDF_FILE=
47 | set _MY_OPT_ARCH=amd64
48 |
49 | :argument_loop
50 | if ".%1" == "." goto no_more_arguments
51 |
52 | if ".%1" == ".-h" goto opt_h
53 | if ".%1" == ".-?" goto opt_h
54 | if ".%1" == "./h" goto opt_h
55 | if ".%1" == "./H" goto opt_h
56 | if ".%1" == "./?" goto opt_h
57 | if ".%1" == ".-help" goto opt_h
58 | if ".%1" == ".--help" goto opt_h
59 |
60 | if ".%1" == ".-a" goto opt_a
61 | if ".%1" == ".--arch" goto opt_a
62 | if ".%1" == ".-b" goto opt_b
63 | if ".%1" == ".--bindir" goto opt_b
64 | if ".%1" == ".-d" goto opt_d
65 | if ".%1" == ".--ddf" goto opt_d
66 | if ".%1" == ".-e" goto opt_e
67 | if ".%1" == ".--extpack" goto opt_e
68 | if ".%1" == ".--no-main" goto opt_m
69 | if ".%1" == ".-n" goto opt_n
70 | if ".%1" == ".--no-pdb" goto opt_n
71 | if ".%1" == ".-o" goto opt_o
72 | if ".%1" == ".--output" goto opt_o
73 | if ".%1" == ".-p" goto opt_p
74 | if ".%1" == ".--pdb" goto opt_p
75 | if ".%1" == ".-t" goto opt_p
76 | if ".%1" == ".--no-extract" goto opt_t
77 | if ".%1" == ".-x" goto opt_x
78 | if ".%1" == ".--no-extpack" goto opt_x
79 | if ".%1" == ".-g" goto opt_g
80 | if ".%1" == ".--ga" goto opt_g
81 | if ".%1" == ".--additions" goto opt_g
82 | echo syntax error: Unknown option: %1
83 | echo Try --help to list valid options.
84 | goto end_failed
85 |
86 | :argument_loop_next_with_value
87 | shift
88 | shift
89 | goto argument_loop
90 |
91 | :opt_a
92 | if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value
93 | if not "%2" == "x86" if not "%2" == "amd64" if not "%2" == "arm64" goto syntax_error_unknown_arch
94 | set _MY_OPT_ARCH=%~2
95 | goto argument_loop_next_with_value
96 |
97 | :opt_b
98 | if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value
99 | set _MY_OPT_BINDIR=%~2
100 | goto argument_loop_next_with_value
101 |
102 | :opt_d
103 | if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value
104 | set _MY_OPT_DDF_FILE=%~2
105 | goto argument_loop_next_with_value
106 |
107 | :opt_e
108 | if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value
109 | set _MY_OPT_EXTPACK=%~2
110 | goto argument_loop_next_with_value
111 |
112 | :opt_h
113 | echo This script creates a .cab file containing all drivers needing blessing from
114 | echo Microsoft to run on recent Windows 10 installations.
115 | echo .
116 | echo Usage: PackDriversForSubmission.cmd [-b bindir] [-p pdbdir] [--no-main] [-n/--no-pdb] [-e expack]
117 | echo [-x/--no-extpack] [-g/--ga/--additions] [-o output.cab] [-p output.ddf] [-a x86/amd64/arm64]
118 | echo .
119 | echo Warning! This script should normally be invoked from the repack directory w/o any parameters.
120 | goto end_failed
121 |
122 | :opt_m
123 | set _MY_OPT_WITH_MAIN=0
124 | shift
125 | goto argument_loop
126 |
127 | :opt_n
128 | set _MY_OPT_WITH_PDB=0
129 | shift
130 | goto argument_loop
131 |
132 | :opt_p
133 | if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value
134 | set _MY_OPT_PDBDIR=%~2
135 | goto argument_loop_next_with_value
136 |
137 | :opt_o
138 | if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value
139 | set _MY_OPT_OUTPUT=%~2
140 | goto argument_loop_next_with_value
141 |
142 | :opt_t
143 | set _MY_OPT_NO_EXTRACT=1
144 | shift
145 | goto argument_loop
146 |
147 | :opt_x
148 | set _MY_OPT_WITH_EXTPACK=0
149 | shift
150 | goto argument_loop
151 |
152 | :opt_g
153 | set _MY_OPT_WITH_GA=1
154 | shift
155 | goto argument_loop
156 |
157 | :syntax_error_missing_value
158 | echo syntax error: missing or empty option value after %1
159 | goto end_failed
160 |
161 | :syntax_error_unknown_arch
162 | echo syntax error: Unknown architecture: %2
163 | goto end_failed
164 |
165 | :error_bindir_does_not_exist
166 | echo syntax error: Specified BIN directory does not exist: "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%"
167 | goto end_failed
168 |
169 | :error_pdbdir_does_not_exist
170 | echo syntax error: Specified PDB directory does not exist: "%_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%"
171 | goto end_failed
172 |
173 | :error_extpack_does_not_exist
174 | echo syntax error: Specified extension pack does not exist: "%_MY_OPT_EXTPACK%"
175 | goto end_failed
176 |
177 | :error_additions_does_not_exist
178 | echo syntax error: Specified guest additions does not exist: "%_MY_OPT_GADIR%"
179 | goto end_failed
180 |
181 |
182 | :error_output_exists
183 | echo error: The output file already exist: "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%"
184 | goto end_failed
185 |
186 | :error_ddf_exists
187 | echo error: The DDF file already exist: "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
188 | goto end_failed
189 |
190 | :no_more_arguments
191 | rem validate specified options
192 | if not exist "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%" goto error_bindir_does_not_exist
193 |
194 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_PDB%" == "0" goto no_pdbdir_validation
195 | if ".%_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%" == "." set _MY_OPT_PDBDIR=%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\..\stage\debug\bin
196 | if not exist "%_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%" goto error_pdbdir_does_not_exist
197 | :no_pdbdir_validation
198 |
199 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_EXTPACK%" == "0" goto no_extpack_validation
200 | if "%_MY_OPT_NO_EXTRACT%" == "1" goto no_extpack_validation
201 | if ".%_MY_OPT_EXTPACK%" == "." set _MY_OPT_EXTPACK=%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\Oracle_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack.vbox-extpack
202 | if not exist "%_MY_OPT_EXTPACK%" goto error_extpack_does_not_exist
203 | :no_extpack_validation
204 |
205 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_GA%" == "0" goto no_additions_validation
206 | if ".%_MY_OPT_GADIR%" == "." set _MY_OPT_GADIR=%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\additions
207 | if not exist "%_MY_OPT_GADIR%" goto error_additions_does_not_exist
208 | :no_additions_validation
209 |
210 | if ".%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%" == "." set _MY_OPT_OUTPUT=VBoxDrivers-@VBOX_VERSION_STRING@r@VBOX_SVN_REV@-%_MY_OPT_ARCH%.cab
211 | if exist "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%" goto error_output_exists
212 |
213 | if ".%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%" == "." set _MY_OPT_DDF_FILE=%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.ddf
214 | if exist "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%" goto error_ddf_exists
215 |
216 |
217 | rem
218 | rem Unpack the extension pack.
219 | rem We unpack it into the bin directory in the usual location.
220 | rem
221 | rem Note! Modify the path a little to ensure windows utilities are used before
222 | rem cygwin ones, and that we can use stuff from bin\tools if we like.
223 | rem
224 | set PATH=%SystemRoot%\System32;%PATH%;%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%
225 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_EXTPACK%" == "0" goto no_extpack_unpack
226 | set _MY_EXTPACK_DIR=%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\ExtensionPacks\Oracle_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack
227 | if not exist "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\ExtensionPacks" ( mkdir "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\ExtensionPacks" || goto end_failed )
228 | if not exist "%_MY_EXTPACK_DIR%" ( mkdir "%_MY_EXTPACK_DIR%" || goto end_failed )
229 | if "%_MY_OPT_NO_EXTRACT%" == "1" goto no_extpack_unpack
230 | "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\tools\RTTar.exe" -xzf "%_MY_OPT_EXTPACK%" -C "%_MY_EXTPACK_DIR%" || goto end_failed
231 | :no_extpack_unpack
232 |
233 | rem
234 | rem Create the DDF file for makecab.
235 | rem
236 | echo .OPTION EXPLICIT> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%" || goto end_failed
237 | echo .Set CabinetFileCountThreshold=0 >> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
238 | echo .Set FolderFileCountThreshold=0 >> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
239 | echo .Set FolderSizeThreshold=0 >> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
240 | echo .Set MaxCabinetSize=0 >> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
241 | echo .Set MaxDiskFileCount=0 >> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
242 | echo .Set MaxDiskSize=0 >> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
243 | echo .Set Cabinet=on>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
244 | echo .Set CompressionType=MSZIP>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
245 | echo .Set Compress=on>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
246 | echo .Set DiskDirectoryTemplate= >> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
247 | echo .Set CabinetNameTemplate=%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
248 | echo .Set InfFileName=%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
249 | echo .Set RptFileName=%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%.rpt>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
250 |
251 | if %_MY_OPT_WITH_MAIN% == 0 goto skip_main_package
252 | echo .Set DestinationDir=VBoxSup>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
253 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxSup.inf VBoxSup.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
254 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxSup.sys VBoxSup.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
255 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_PDB%" == "1" echo %_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%\VBoxSup.pdb VBoxSup.pdb>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
256 |
257 | echo .Set DestinationDir=VBoxNetAdp6>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
258 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxNetAdp6.inf VBoxNetAdp6.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
259 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxNetAdp6.sys VBoxNetAdp6.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
260 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_PDB%" == "1" echo %_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%\VBoxNetAdp6.pdb VBoxNetAdp6.pdb>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
261 |
262 | echo .Set DestinationDir=VBoxNetLwf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
263 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxNetLwf.inf VBoxNetLwf.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
264 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxNetLwf.sys VBoxNetLwf.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
265 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_PDB%" == "1" echo %_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%\VBoxNetLwf.pdb VBoxNetLwf.pdb>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
266 |
267 | echo .Set DestinationDir=VBoxUSB>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
268 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxUSB.inf VBoxUSB.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
269 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxUSB.sys VBoxUSB.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
270 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_PDB%" == "1" echo %_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%\VBoxUSB.pdb VBoxUSB.pdb>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
271 |
272 | echo .Set DestinationDir=VBoxUSBMon>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
273 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxUSBMon.inf VBoxUSBMon.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
274 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxUSBMon.sys VBoxUSBMon.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
275 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_PDB%" == "1" echo %_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%\VBoxUSBMon.pdb VBoxUSBMon.pdb>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
276 |
277 | echo .Set DestinationDir=VMMR0>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
278 | echo .\VMMR0.inf VMMR0.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
279 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VMMR0.r0 VMMR0.r0>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
280 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_PDB%" == "1" echo %_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%\VMMR0.pdb VMMR0.pdb>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
281 | rem For win.arm64: skip VBoxDDR0 (officially would need checking VBOX_WITH_MINIMAL_R0)
282 | if "%_MY_OPT_ARCH%" == "arm64" goto skip_vboxddr0
283 | echo %_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\VBoxDDR0.r0 VBoxDDR0.r0>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
284 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_PDB%" == "1" echo %_MY_OPT_PDBDIR%\VBoxDDR0.pdb VBoxDDR0.pdb>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
285 | :skip_vboxddr0
286 | :skip_main_package
287 |
288 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_EXTPACK%" == "0" goto no_extpack_ddf
289 | echo .Set DestinationDir=VBoxExtPackPuel>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
290 | echo .\VBoxExtPackPuel.inf VBoxExtPackPuel.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
291 | rem echo %_MY_EXTPACK_DIR%\win.%_MY_OPT_ARCH%\VBoxEhciR0.r0 VBoxEhciR0.r0>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
292 | echo %_MY_EXTPACK_DIR%\win.%_MY_OPT_ARCH%\VBoxNvmeR0.r0 VBoxNvmeR0.r0>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
293 | rem echo %_MY_EXTPACK_DIR%\win.%_MY_OPT_ARCH%\VBoxPciRawR0.r0 VBoxPciRawR0.r0>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
294 | :no_extpack_ddf
295 |
296 | if "%_MY_OPT_WITH_GA%" == "0" goto no_additions_ddf
297 | echo .Set DestinationDir=VBoxGuestAdditions>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
298 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxGuest.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
299 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxGuest.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
300 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxTray.exe>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
301 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxControl.exe>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
302 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxMouse.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
303 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxMouse.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
304 | rem rem @todo win.arm64: Temporarily skipping video drivers as they're not building.
305 | if "%_MY_OPT_ARCH%" == "arm64" goto skip_video_files
306 | rem VBoxVideo files are excluded from attestation signing.
307 | rem echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxVideo.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
308 | rem echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxVideo.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
309 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxWddm.inf>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
310 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxWddm.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
311 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxDX.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
312 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxDisp.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
313 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxDispD3D.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
314 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxNine.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
315 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxSVGA.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
316 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxGL.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
317 | :skip_video_files
318 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxMRXNP.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
319 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxSF.sys>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
320 | if not ".%_MY_OPT_ARCH%" == ".amd64" goto skip_amd64_files
321 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxDX-x86.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
322 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxDispD3D-x86.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
323 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxNine-x86.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
324 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxSVGA-x86.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
325 | echo %_MY_OPT_GADIR%\VBoxGL-x86.dll>> "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%"
326 | :skip_amd64_files
327 |
328 | :no_additions_ddf
329 |
330 | rem
331 | rem Create the cabient file.
332 | rem Note! MakeCab is shipped on W10, so we ASSUME it's in the PATH.
333 | rem
334 | MakeCab.exe /v2 /F "%_MY_OPT_DDF_FILE%" || goto end_failed
335 |
336 | rem
337 | rem EV sign the cabient file.
338 | rem
339 | if not exist "sign-ev.cmd" goto end
340 | echo info: Now signing the created CAB file. Can take a few minutes...
341 | call sign-ev.cmd "%_MY_OPT_OUTPUT%" || goto end_failed
342 |
343 | goto end
344 |
345 | :end_failed
346 | @endlocal
347 | @endlocal
348 | @exit /b 1
349 |
350 | :end
351 | @endlocal
352 | @endlocal