/* $Id: MsiHack.cpp 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * MsiHack - Exterimental DLL that intercept small ReadFile calls from * MSI, CABINET and WINTEROP, buffering them using memory mapped files. * * @remarks Doesn't save as much as hoped on fast disks. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define IPRT_NO_CRT_FOR_3RD_PARTY /* temp hack */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef IPRT_NO_CRT # include #endif /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** @MSI_HACK_HANDLE_TO_INDEX * Handle to g_papHandles index. */ #if ARCH_BITS == 64 # define MSI_HACK_HANDLE_TO_INDEX(hHandle) (((uintptr_t)hHandle & ~UINT64_C(0x80000000)) >> 3) #elif ARCH_BITS == 32 # define MSI_HACK_HANDLE_TO_INDEX(hHandle) (((uintptr_t)hHandle & ~UINT32_C(0x80000000)) >> 2) #else # error "Unsupported or missing ARCH_BITS!" #endif /** Generic assertion macro. */ #define MSIHACK_ASSERT(a_Expr) \ do { \ if (!!(a_Expr)) { /* likely */ } \ else MsiHackErrorF("Assertion failed at line " RT_STR(__LINE__) ": " #a_Expr "\n"); \ } while (0) /** Assertion macro that returns if expression is false. */ #define MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(a_Expr, a_fRc) \ do { \ if (!!(a_Expr)) { /* likely */ } \ else \ { \ MsiHackErrorF("Assertion failed at line " RT_STR(__LINE__) ": " #a_Expr "\n"); \ return (a_fRc); \ } \ } while (0) /** Assertion macro that executes a statemtn when false. */ #define MSIHACK_ASSERT_STMT(a_Expr, a_Stmt) \ do { \ if (!!(a_Expr)) { /* likely */ } \ else \ { \ MsiHackErrorF("Assertion failed at line " RT_STR(__LINE__) ": " #a_Expr "\n"); \ a_Stmt; \ } \ } while (0) /** Assertion macro that executes a statemtn when false. */ #define MSIHACK_ASSERT_MSG(a_Expr, a_Msg) \ do { \ if (!!(a_Expr)) { /* likely */ } \ else \ { \ MsiHackErrorF("Assertion failed at line " RT_STR(__LINE__) ": " #a_Expr "\n"); \ MsiHackErrorF a_Msg; \ } \ } while (0) /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Intercepted handle data. */ typedef struct MSIHACKHANDLE { /** The actual handle value. */ HANDLE hHandle; /** The buffer. */ uint8_t *pbBuffer; /** Valid buffer size. */ size_t cbBuffer; /** The allocated buffer size. */ size_t cbBufferAlloc; /** The file offset of the buffer. */ uint64_t offFileBuffer; /** The file size. */ uint64_t cbFile; /** The current file offset. */ uint64_t offFile; /** Whether pbBuffer is a memory mapping of hHandle. */ bool fMemoryMapped; /** We only try caching a file onece. */ bool fDontTryAgain; /** Reference counter. */ int32_t volatile cRefs; /** Critical section protecting the handle. */ CRITICAL_SECTION CritSect; } MSIHACKHANDLE; /** Pointer to an intercepted handle. */ typedef MSIHACKHANDLE *PMSIHACKHANDLE; /** * Replacement function entry. */ typedef struct MSIHACKREPLACEMENT { /** The function name. */ const char *pszFunction; /** The length of the function name. */ size_t cchFunction; /** The module name (optional). */ const char *pszModule; /** The replacement function or data address. */ uintptr_t pfnReplacement; } MSIHACKREPLACEMENT; /** Pointer to a replacement function entry */ typedef MSIHACKREPLACEMENT const *PCMSIHACKREPLACEMENT; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Critical section protecting the handle table. */ static CRITICAL_SECTION g_CritSect; /** Size of the handle table. */ static size_t g_cHandles; /** The handle table. */ static PMSIHACKHANDLE *g_papHandles; void MsiHackErrorF(const char *pszFormat, ...) { fprintf(stderr, "MsiHack: error: "); va_list va; va_start(va, pszFormat); vfprintf(stderr, pszFormat, va); va_end(va); } void MsiHackDebugF(const char *pszFormat, ...) { if (1) { fprintf(stderr, "MsiHack: debug: "); va_list va; va_start(va, pszFormat); vfprintf(stderr, pszFormat, va); va_end(va); } } /** * Destroys a handle. */ DECL_NO_INLINE(static, void) MsiHackHandleDestroy(PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle) { /* The handle value should always be invalid at this point! */ MSIHACK_ASSERT(pHandle->hHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (pHandle->fMemoryMapped) UnmapViewOfFile(pHandle->pbBuffer); else free(pHandle->pbBuffer); pHandle->pbBuffer = NULL; DeleteCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); free(pHandle); } /** * Releases a handle reference. * @param pHandle The handle to release. */ DECLINLINE(void) MsiHackHandleRelease(PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle) { if (ASMAtomicDecS32(&pHandle->cRefs) != 0) return; MsiHackHandleDestroy(pHandle); } /** * Get and retain handle. * * @returns Pointer to a reference handle or NULL if not our handle. * @param hHandle The handle. */ DECLINLINE(PMSIHACKHANDLE) MsiHackHandleRetain(HANDLE hHandle) { uintptr_t const idxHandle = MSI_HACK_HANDLE_TO_INDEX(hHandle); EnterCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); if (idxHandle < g_cHandles) { PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle = g_papHandles[idxHandle]; if (pHandle) { ASMAtomicIncS32(&pHandle->cRefs); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); return pHandle; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); return NULL; } /** * Enters @a pHandle into the handle table under @a hHandle. * * @returns true on succes, false on error. * @param pHandle The handle to enter. * @param hHandle The handle value to enter it under. */ static bool MsiHackHandleEnter(PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle, HANDLE hHandle) { uintptr_t const idxHandle = MSI_HACK_HANDLE_TO_INDEX(hHandle); EnterCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); /* * Make sure there is room in the handle table. */ bool fOkay = idxHandle < g_cHandles; if (fOkay) { /* typical */ } else if (idxHandle < _1M) { size_t cNew = g_cHandles * 2; while (cNew < idxHandle) cNew *= 2; void *pvNew = realloc(g_papHandles, cNew * sizeof(g_papHandles[0])); if (pvNew) { g_papHandles = (PMSIHACKHANDLE *)pvNew; memset(&g_papHandles[g_cHandles], 0, (cNew - g_cHandles) * sizeof(g_papHandles[0])); g_cHandles = cNew; fOkay = true; } else MsiHackErrorF("Failed to grow handle table from %p to %p entries!\n", g_cHandles, cNew); } else MsiHackErrorF("Handle %p (0x%p) is above the max handle table size limit!\n", hHandle, idxHandle); if (fOkay) { /* * Insert it into the table if the entry is empty. */ if (g_papHandles[idxHandle] == NULL) { g_papHandles[idxHandle] = pHandle; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); return true; } MsiHackErrorF("Handle table entry 0x%p (%p) is already busy with %p! Cannot replace with %p.\n", hHandle, idxHandle, g_papHandles[idxHandle], pHandle); } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); return false; } /** * Prepares a file for potential caching. * * If successful, the handled is entered into the handle table. * * @param hFile Handle to the file to cache. */ static void MsiHackFilePrepare(HANDLE hFile) { DWORD const dwErrSaved = GetLastError(); LARGE_INTEGER cbFile; if (GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &cbFile)) { PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle = (PMSIHACKHANDLE)calloc(1, sizeof(*pHandle)); if (pHandle) { pHandle->cbFile = cbFile.QuadPart; pHandle->pbBuffer = NULL; pHandle->cbBuffer = 0; pHandle->cbBufferAlloc = 0; pHandle->offFileBuffer = 0; pHandle->fMemoryMapped = true; pHandle->cRefs = 1; InitializeCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); if (MsiHackHandleEnter(pHandle, hFile)) { SetLastError(dwErrSaved); return; } free(pHandle); } } SetLastError(dwErrSaved); } /** * Worker for MsiHackFileSetupCache * * @returns True if sucessfully cached, False if not. * @param pHandle The file. * @param hFile The current valid handle. */ static bool MsiHackFileSetupCache(PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle, HANDLE hFile) { DWORD const dwErrSaved = GetLastError(); HANDLE hMapping = CreateFileMappingW(hFile, NULL /*pSecAttrs*/, PAGE_READONLY, 0 /*cbMaxLow*/, 0 /*cbMaxHigh*/, NULL /*pwszName*/); if (hMapping != NULL) { pHandle->pbBuffer = (uint8_t *)MapViewOfFile(hMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0 /*offFileHigh*/, 0 /*offFileLow*/, (SIZE_T)pHandle->cbFile); if (pHandle->pbBuffer) { pHandle->cbBuffer = (size_t)pHandle->cbFile; pHandle->cbBufferAlloc = (size_t)pHandle->cbFile; pHandle->offFileBuffer = 0; pHandle->fMemoryMapped = true; CloseHandle(hMapping); SetLastError(dwErrSaved); return true; } CloseHandle(hMapping); } SetLastError(dwErrSaved); pHandle->fDontTryAgain = true; return false; } /** * This is called to check if the file is cached and try cache it. * * We delay the actually caching till the file is read, so we don't waste time * mapping it into memory when all that is wanted is the file size or something * like that. * * @returns True if cached, False if not. * @param pHandle The file. * @param hFile The current valid handle. */ DECLINLINE(bool) MsiHackFileIsCached(PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle, HANDLE hFile) { if (pHandle->pbBuffer) return true; if (!pHandle->fDontTryAgain) return MsiHackFileSetupCache(pHandle, hFile); return false; } /** Kernel32 - CreateFileA */ static HANDLE WINAPI MsiHack_Kernel32_CreateFileA(LPCSTR pszFilename, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecAttrs, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile) { /* * If this is read-only access to the file, try cache it. */ if (dwCreationDisposition == OPEN_EXISTING) { if ( dwDesiredAccess == GENERIC_READ || dwDesiredAccess == FILE_GENERIC_READ) { if (dwShareMode & FILE_SHARE_READ) { if ( !pSecAttrs || ( pSecAttrs->nLength == sizeof(*pSecAttrs) && pSecAttrs->lpSecurityDescriptor == NULL ) ) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(pszFilename, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, pSecAttrs, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hFile != NULL) { MsiHackDebugF("CreateFileA: %s\n", pszFilename ); MsiHackFilePrepare(hFile); } return hFile; } } } } /* * Don't intercept it. */ return CreateFileA(pszFilename, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, pSecAttrs, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile); } /** Kernel32 - CreateFileW */ static HANDLE WINAPI MsiHack_Kernel32_CreateFileW(LPCWSTR pwszFilename, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecAttrs, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile) { /* * If this is read-only access to the file, try cache it. */ if (dwCreationDisposition == OPEN_EXISTING) { if ( dwDesiredAccess == GENERIC_READ || dwDesiredAccess == FILE_GENERIC_READ) { if (dwShareMode & FILE_SHARE_READ) { if ( !pSecAttrs || ( pSecAttrs->nLength == sizeof(*pSecAttrs) && pSecAttrs->lpSecurityDescriptor == NULL ) ) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(pwszFilename, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, pSecAttrs, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hFile != NULL) { MsiHackDebugF("CreateFileW: %ls\n", pwszFilename); MsiHackFilePrepare(hFile); } return hFile; } } } } /* * Don't intercept it. */ return CreateFileW(pwszFilename, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, pSecAttrs, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile); } /** Kernel32 - SetFilePointer */ static DWORD WINAPI MsiHack_Kernel32_SetFilePointer(HANDLE hFile, LONG cbMove, PLONG pcbMoveHi, DWORD dwMoveMethod) { /* * If intercepted handle, deal with it. */ PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle = MsiHackHandleRetain(hFile); if (pHandle) { if (MsiHackFileIsCached(pHandle, hFile)) { int64_t offMove = pcbMoveHi ? ((int64_t)*pcbMoveHi << 32) | cbMove : cbMove; EnterCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); switch (dwMoveMethod) { case FILE_BEGIN: break; case FILE_CURRENT: offMove += pHandle->offFile; break; case FILE_END: offMove += pHandle->cbFile; break; default: LeaveCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); MsiHackErrorF("SetFilePointer(%p) - invalid method!\n", hFile); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER; } if (offMove >= 0) { /* Seeking beyond the end isn't useful, so just clamp it. */ if (offMove >= (int64_t)pHandle->cbFile) offMove = (int64_t)pHandle->cbFile; pHandle->offFile = (uint64_t)offMove; } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); MsiHackErrorF("SetFilePointer(%p) - negative seek!\n", hFile); SetLastError(ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK); return INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER; } LeaveCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); if (pcbMoveHi) *pcbMoveHi = (uint64_t)offMove >> 32; SetLastError(NO_ERROR); return (uint32_t)offMove; } MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); } /* * Not one of ours. */ return SetFilePointer(hFile, cbMove, pcbMoveHi, dwMoveMethod); } /** Kernel32 - SetFilePointerEx */ static BOOL WINAPI MsiHack_Kernel32_SetFilePointerEx(HANDLE hFile, LARGE_INTEGER offMove, PLARGE_INTEGER poffNew, DWORD dwMoveMethod) { /* * If intercepted handle, deal with it. */ PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle = MsiHackHandleRetain(hFile); if (pHandle) { if (MsiHackFileIsCached(pHandle, hFile)) { int64_t offMyMove = offMove.QuadPart; EnterCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); switch (dwMoveMethod) { case FILE_BEGIN: break; case FILE_CURRENT: offMyMove += pHandle->offFile; break; case FILE_END: offMyMove += pHandle->cbFile; break; default: LeaveCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); MsiHackErrorF("SetFilePointerEx(%p) - invalid method!\n", hFile); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER; } if (offMyMove >= 0) { /* Seeking beyond the end isn't useful, so just clamp it. */ if (offMyMove >= (int64_t)pHandle->cbFile) offMyMove = (int64_t)pHandle->cbFile; pHandle->offFile = (uint64_t)offMyMove; } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); MsiHackErrorF("SetFilePointerEx(%p) - negative seek!\n", hFile); SetLastError(ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK); return INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER; } LeaveCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); if (poffNew) poffNew->QuadPart = offMyMove; return TRUE; } MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); } /* * Not one of ours. */ return SetFilePointerEx(hFile, offMove, poffNew, dwMoveMethod); } /** Kernel32 - ReadFile */ static BOOL WINAPI MsiHack_Kernel32_ReadFile(HANDLE hFile, LPVOID pvBuffer, DWORD cbToRead, LPDWORD pcbActuallyRead, LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped) { /* * If intercepted handle, deal with it. */ PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle = MsiHackHandleRetain(hFile); if (pHandle) { if (MsiHackFileIsCached(pHandle, hFile)) { EnterCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); uint32_t cbActually = pHandle->cbFile - pHandle->offFile; if (cbActually > cbToRead) cbActually = cbToRead; memcpy(pvBuffer, &pHandle->pbBuffer[pHandle->offFile], cbActually); pHandle->offFile += cbActually; LeaveCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); MSIHACK_ASSERT(!pOverlapped); MSIHACK_ASSERT(pcbActuallyRead); *pcbActuallyRead = cbActually; return TRUE; } MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); } /* * Not one of ours. */ return ReadFile(hFile, pvBuffer, cbToRead, pcbActuallyRead, pOverlapped); } /** Kernel32 - ReadFileEx */ static BOOL WINAPI MsiHack_Kernel32_ReadFileEx(HANDLE hFile, LPVOID pvBuffer, DWORD cbToRead, LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped, LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pfnCompletionRoutine) { /* * If intercepted handle, deal with it. */ PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle = MsiHackHandleRetain(hFile); if (pHandle) { MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); MsiHackErrorF("Unexpected ReadFileEx call!\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); return FALSE; } /* * Not one of ours. */ return ReadFileEx(hFile, pvBuffer, cbToRead, pOverlapped, pfnCompletionRoutine); } /** Kernel32 - DuplicateHandle */ static BOOL WINAPI MsiHack_Kernel32_DuplicateHandle(HANDLE hSrcProc, HANDLE hSrc, HANDLE hDstProc, PHANDLE phNew, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL fInheritHandle, DWORD dwOptions) { /* * We must catch our handles being duplicated. */ if ( hSrcProc == GetCurrentProcess() && hDstProc == hSrcProc) { PMSIHACKHANDLE pSrcHandle = MsiHackHandleRetain(hSrcProc); if (pSrcHandle) { if (dwOptions & DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE) MsiHackErrorF("DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE is not implemented!\n"); BOOL fRet = DuplicateHandle(hSrcProc, hSrc, hDstProc, phNew, dwDesiredAccess, fInheritHandle, dwOptions); if (fRet) { if (MsiHackHandleEnter(pSrcHandle, *phNew)) return fRet; /* don't release reference. */ CloseHandle(*phNew); *phNew = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); fRet = FALSE; } MsiHackHandleRelease(pSrcHandle); return fRet; } } /* * Not one of ours. */ return DuplicateHandle(hSrcProc, hSrc, hDstProc, phNew, dwDesiredAccess, fInheritHandle, dwOptions); } /** Kernel32 - CloseHandle */ static BOOL WINAPI MsiHack_Kernel32_CloseHandle(HANDLE hObject) { /* * If intercepted handle, remove it from the table. */ uintptr_t const idxHandle = MSI_HACK_HANDLE_TO_INDEX(hObject); EnterCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); if (idxHandle < g_cHandles) { PMSIHACKHANDLE pHandle = g_papHandles[idxHandle]; if (pHandle) { g_papHandles[idxHandle] = NULL; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); /* * Then close the handle. */ EnterCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); BOOL fRet = CloseHandle(hObject); pHandle->hHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); LeaveCriticalSection(&pHandle->CritSect); /* * And finally release the reference held by the handle table. */ MsiHackHandleRelease(pHandle); SetLastError(dwErr); return fRet; } } /* * Not one of ours. */ LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); return CloseHandle(hObject); } /** Replacement functions. */ static const MSIHACKREPLACEMENT g_aReplaceFunctions[] = { { RT_STR_TUPLE("CreateFileA"), NULL, (uintptr_t)MsiHack_Kernel32_CreateFileA }, { RT_STR_TUPLE("CreateFileW"), NULL, (uintptr_t)MsiHack_Kernel32_CreateFileW }, { RT_STR_TUPLE("ReadFile"), NULL, (uintptr_t)MsiHack_Kernel32_ReadFile }, { RT_STR_TUPLE("ReadFileEx"), NULL, (uintptr_t)MsiHack_Kernel32_ReadFileEx }, { RT_STR_TUPLE("SetFilePointer"), NULL, (uintptr_t)MsiHack_Kernel32_SetFilePointer }, { RT_STR_TUPLE("SetFilePointerEx"), NULL, (uintptr_t)MsiHack_Kernel32_SetFilePointerEx }, { RT_STR_TUPLE("DuplicateHandle"), NULL, (uintptr_t)MsiHack_Kernel32_DuplicateHandle }, { RT_STR_TUPLE("CloseHandle"), NULL, (uintptr_t)MsiHack_Kernel32_CloseHandle }, }; /** * Patches the import table of the given DLL. * * @returns true on success, false on failure. * @param hmod . */ __declspec(dllexport) /* kBuild workaround */ bool MsiHackPatchDll(HMODULE hmod) { uint8_t const * const pbImage = (uint8_t const *)hmod; /* * Locate the import descriptors. */ /* MZ header and PE headers. */ IMAGE_NT_HEADERS const *pNtHdrs; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER const *pMzHdr = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER const *)pbImage; if (pMzHdr->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) pNtHdrs = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS const *)&pbImage[pMzHdr->e_lfanew]; else pNtHdrs = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS const *)pbImage; /* Check PE header. */ MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pNtHdrs->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE, false); MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pNtHdrs->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader == sizeof(pNtHdrs->OptionalHeader), false); uint32_t const cbImage = pNtHdrs->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; /* Locate the import descriptor array. */ IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY const *pDirEnt; pDirEnt = (IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY const *)&pNtHdrs->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT]; if ( pDirEnt->Size > 0 && pDirEnt->VirtualAddress != 0) { const IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *pImpDesc = (const IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *)&pbImage[pDirEnt->VirtualAddress]; uint32_t cLeft = pDirEnt->Size / sizeof(*pImpDesc); MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION ProtInfo = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; uint8_t *pbProtRange = NULL; SIZE_T cbProtRange = 0; DWORD fOldProt = 0; uint32_t const cbPage = 0x1000; BOOL fRc; MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pDirEnt->VirtualAddress < cbImage, false); MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pDirEnt->Size < cbImage, false); MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pDirEnt->VirtualAddress + pDirEnt->Size <= cbImage, false); /* * Walk the import descriptor array. * Note! This only works if there's a backup thunk array, otherwise we cannot get at the name. */ while ( cLeft-- > 0 && pImpDesc->Name > 0 && pImpDesc->FirstThunk > 0) { uint32_t iThunk; const char * const pszImport = (const char *)&pbImage[pImpDesc->Name]; PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA paThunks = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)&pbImage[pImpDesc->FirstThunk]; PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA paOrgThunks = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)&pbImage[pImpDesc->OriginalFirstThunk]; MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pImpDesc->Name < cbImage, false); MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pImpDesc->FirstThunk < cbImage, false); MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pImpDesc->OriginalFirstThunk < cbImage, false); MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pImpDesc->OriginalFirstThunk != pImpDesc->FirstThunk, false); MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(pImpDesc->OriginalFirstThunk, false); /* Iterate the thunks. */ for (iThunk = 0; paOrgThunks[iThunk].u1.Ordinal != 0; iThunk++) { uintptr_t const off = paOrgThunks[iThunk].u1.Function; MSIHACK_ASSERT_RETURN(off < cbImage, false); if (!IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL(off)) { IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME const *pName = (IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME const *)&pbImage[off]; size_t const cchSymbol = strlen((const char *)&pName->Name[0]); uint32_t i = RT_ELEMENTS(g_aReplaceFunctions); while (i-- > 0) if ( g_aReplaceFunctions[i].cchFunction == cchSymbol && memcmp(g_aReplaceFunctions[i].pszFunction, pName->Name, cchSymbol) == 0) { if ( !g_aReplaceFunctions[i].pszModule || stricmp(g_aReplaceFunctions[i].pszModule, pszImport) == 0) { MsiHackDebugF("Replacing %s!%s\n", pszImport, pName->Name); /* The .rdata section is normally read-only, so we need to make it writable first. */ if ((uintptr_t)&paThunks[iThunk] - (uintptr_t)pbProtRange >= cbPage) { /* Restore previous .rdata page. */ if (fOldProt) { fRc = VirtualProtect(pbProtRange, cbProtRange, fOldProt, NULL /*pfOldProt*/); MSIHACK_ASSERT(fRc); fOldProt = 0; } /* Query attributes for the current .rdata page. */ pbProtRange = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)&paThunks[iThunk] & ~(uintptr_t)(cbPage - 1)); cbProtRange = VirtualQuery(pbProtRange, &ProtInfo, sizeof(ProtInfo)); MSIHACK_ASSERT(cbProtRange); if (cbProtRange) { switch (ProtInfo.Protect) { case PAGE_READWRITE: case PAGE_WRITECOPY: case PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE: case PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY: /* Already writable, nothing to do. */ fRc = TRUE; break; default: MSIHACK_ASSERT_MSG(false, ("%#x\n", ProtInfo.Protect)); case PAGE_READONLY: cbProtRange = cbPage; fRc = VirtualProtect(pbProtRange, cbProtRange, PAGE_READWRITE, &fOldProt); break; case PAGE_EXECUTE: case PAGE_EXECUTE_READ: cbProtRange = cbPage; fRc = VirtualProtect(pbProtRange, cbProtRange, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &fOldProt); break; } MSIHACK_ASSERT_STMT(fRc, fOldProt = 0); } } paThunks[iThunk].u1.AddressOfData = g_aReplaceFunctions[i].pfnReplacement; break; } } } } /* Next import descriptor. */ pImpDesc++; } if (fOldProt) { DWORD fIgnore = 0; fRc = VirtualProtect(pbProtRange, cbProtRange, fOldProt, &fIgnore); MSIHACK_ASSERT_MSG(fRc, ("%u\n", GetLastError())); NOREF(fRc); } return true; } MsiHackErrorF("No imports in target DLL!\n"); return false; } /** * The Dll main entry point. */ BOOL __stdcall DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, PVOID pvReserved) { RT_NOREF_PV(pvReserved); switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { /* * Make sure we cannot be unloaded. This saves us the bother of ever * having to unpatch MSI.DLL */ WCHAR wszName[MAX_PATH*2]; SetLastError(NO_ERROR); if ( GetModuleFileNameW((HMODULE)hModule, wszName, RT_ELEMENTS(wszName)) > 0 && GetLastError() == NO_ERROR) { int cExtraLoads = 32; while (cExtraLoads-- > 0) LoadLibraryW(wszName); } /* * Initialize globals. */ InitializeCriticalSection(&g_CritSect); g_papHandles = (PMSIHACKHANDLE *)calloc(sizeof(g_papHandles[0]), 8192); if (g_papHandles) g_cHandles = 8192; else { MsiHackErrorF("Failed to allocate handle table!\n"); return FALSE; } /* * Find MSI and patch it. */ static struct { const wchar_t *pwszName; /**< Dll name. */ bool fSystem; /**< Set if system, clear if wix. */ } s_aDlls[] = { { L"MSI.DLL", true }, { L"CABINET.DLL", true }, { L"WINTEROP.DLL", false }, }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aDlls); i++) { HMODULE hmodTarget = GetModuleHandleW(s_aDlls[i].pwszName); if (!hmodTarget) { UINT cwc; if (s_aDlls[i].fSystem) cwc = GetSystemDirectoryW(wszName, RT_ELEMENTS(wszName) - 16); else { cwc = GetModuleFileNameW(GetModuleHandleW(NULL), wszName, RT_ELEMENTS(wszName) - 16); while (cwc > 0 && (wszName[cwc - 1] != '\\' && wszName[cwc - 1] != '/')) wszName[--cwc] = '\0'; } wszName[cwc++] = '\\'; wcscpy(&wszName[cwc], s_aDlls[i].pwszName); hmodTarget = LoadLibraryW(wszName); if (!hmodTarget) { MsiHackErrorF("%ls could not be found nor loaded (%ls): %u\n", &wszName[cwc], wszName, GetLastError()); return FALSE; } } if (MsiHackPatchDll(hmodTarget)) MsiHackDebugF("MsiHackPatchDll returned successfully for %ls.\n", s_aDlls[i].pwszName); else MsiHackErrorF("MsiHackPatchDll failed for %ls!\n", s_aDlls[i].pwszName); } break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: default: /* ignore */ break; } return TRUE; }