1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | # $Id: makepackage.sh 76553 2019-01-01 01:45:53Z vboxsync $
3 | ## @file
4 | # VirtualBox package creation script, Solaris hosts.
5 | #
6 |
7 | #
8 | # Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Oracle Corporation
9 | #
10 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | # available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
12 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | #
18 |
19 | #
20 | # Usage:
21 | # makepackage.sh [--hardened] $(PATH_TARGET)/install packagename {$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)|neutral} $(VBOX_SVN_REV) [VBIPackageName]
22 |
23 |
24 | # Parse options.
25 | HARDENED=""
27 | while test $# -ge 1;
28 | do
29 | case "$1" in
30 | --hardened)
32 | ;;
33 | --guisharedlib)
35 | ;;
36 | *)
37 | break
38 | ;;
39 | esac
40 | shift
41 | done
42 |
43 | if [ -z "$4" ]; then
44 | echo "Usage: $0 installdir packagename x86|amd64 svnrev [VBIPackage]"
45 | echo "-- packagename must not have any extension (e.g. VirtualBox-SunOS-amd64-r28899)"
46 | exit 1
47 | fi
48 |
49 | PKG_BASE_DIR=$1
50 | VBOX_INSTALLED_DIR=$1/opt/VirtualBox
51 | VBOX_PKGFILE=$2.pkg
52 | VBOX_ARCHIVE=$2.tar.gz
53 | # VBOX_PKG_ARCH is currently unused.
55 | VBOX_SVN_REV=$4
56 |
58 | VBOX_GGREP=/usr/sfw/bin/ggrep
59 | VBOX_AWK=/usr/bin/awk
60 | #VBOX_GTAR=/usr/sfw/bin/gtar
61 |
62 | # check for GNU grep we use which might not ship with all Solaris
63 | if test ! -f "$VBOX_GGREP" && test ! -h "$VBOX_GGREP"; then
64 | echo "## GNU grep not found in $VBOX_GGREP."
65 | exit 1
66 | fi
67 |
68 | # check for GNU tar we use which might not ship with all Solaris
69 | #if test ! -f "$VBOX_GTAR" && test ! -h "$VBOX_GTAR"; then
70 | # echo "## GNU tar not found in $VBOX_GTAR."
71 | # exit 1
72 | #fi
73 |
74 | # bail out on non-zero exit status
75 | set -e
76 |
77 | # Fixup filelist using awk, the parameters must be in awk syntax
78 | # params: filename condition action
79 | filelist_fixup()
80 | {
81 | "$VBOX_AWK" 'NF == 6 && '"$2"' { '"$3"' } { print }' "$1" > "tmp-$1"
82 | mv -f "tmp-$1" "$1"
83 | }
84 |
85 | dirlist_fixup()
86 | {
87 | "$VBOX_AWK" 'NF == 6 && $1 == "d" && '"$2"' { '"$3"' } { print }' "$1" > "tmp-$1"
88 | mv -f "tmp-$1" "$1"
89 | }
90 |
91 | hardlink_fixup()
92 | {
93 | "$VBOX_AWK" 'NF == 3 && $1=="l" && '"$2"' { '"$3"' } { print }' "$1" > "tmp-$1"
94 | mv -f "tmp-$1" "$1"
95 | }
96 |
97 | symlink_fixup()
98 | {
99 | "$VBOX_AWK" 'NF == 3 && $1=="s" && '"$2"' { '"$3"' } { print }' "$1" > "tmp-$1"
100 | mv -f "tmp-$1" "$1"
101 | }
102 |
103 | create_hardlink()
104 | {
105 | if test -f "$VBOX_INSTALLED_DIR/amd64/$1" || test -f "$VBOX_INSTALLED_DIR/i386/$1"; then
106 | ln -f ./VBoxISAExec "$VBOX_INSTALLED_DIR/$1"
107 | fi
108 | }
109 |
110 | # Prepare file list
111 | cd "$PKG_BASE_DIR"
112 | echo 'i pkginfo=./vbox.pkginfo' > prototype
113 | echo 'i checkinstall=./checkinstall.sh' >> prototype
114 | echo 'i postinstall=./postinstall.sh' >> prototype
115 | echo 'i preremove=./preremove.sh' >> prototype
116 | echo 'i space=./vbox.space' >> prototype
117 | if test -f "./vbox.copyright"; then
118 | echo 'i copyright=./vbox.copyright' >> prototype
119 | fi
120 |
121 | # Create relative hardlinks for executables to either the 32-bit or 64-bit subfolders
123 | create_hardlink VBoxManage
124 | create_hardlink VBoxSDL
125 | create_hardlink VBoxAutostart
126 | create_hardlink vboxwebsrv
127 | create_hardlink VBoxZoneAccess
128 | create_hardlink VBoxSVC
129 | create_hardlink VBoxBugReport
130 | create_hardlink VBoxBalloonCtrl
131 | create_hardlink VBoxTestOGL
132 | create_hardlink VirtualBox
133 | create_hardlink vbox-img
134 | create_hardlink VBoxHeadless
135 |
136 | # Exclude directories to not cause install-time conflicts with existing system directories
137 | cd "$PKG_BASE_DIR"
138 | find . ! -type d | $VBOX_GGREP -v -E 'prototype|makepackage.sh|vbox.pkginfo|postinstall.sh|checkinstall.sh|preremove.sh|ReadMe.txt|vbox.space|vbox.depend|vbox.copyright|VirtualBoxKern' | pkgproto >> prototype
139 |
140 | # Include opt/VirtualBox and subdirectories as we want uninstall to clean up directory structure.
141 | # Include var/svc for manifest class action script does not create them.
142 | find . -type d | $VBOX_GGREP -E 'opt/VirtualBox|var/svc/manifest/application/virtualbox' | pkgproto >> prototype
143 |
144 | # fix up file permissions (owner/group)
145 | # don't grok for class-specific files (like sed, if any)
146 | filelist_fixup prototype '$2 == "none"' '$5 = "root"; $6 = "bin"'
147 |
148 | # don't include autoresponse and LICENSE from the base folder into / of
149 | # the package, it goes into .tar.gz and another one already exists
150 | # in /opt/VirtualBox
151 | sed '/f none autoresponse/d' prototype > prototype2
152 | mv -f prototype2 prototype
153 | sed '/f none LICENSE/d' prototype > prototype2
154 | mv -f prototype2 prototype
155 |
156 | # HostDriver vboxdrv
157 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/vboxdrv"' '$6 = "sys"'
158 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/amd64/vboxdrv"' '$6 = "sys"'
159 |
160 | # NetFilter vboxflt
161 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/vboxflt"' '$6 = "sys"'
162 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/amd64/vboxflt"' '$6 = "sys"'
163 |
164 | # NetFilter vboxbow
165 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/vboxbow"' '$6 = "sys"'
166 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/amd64/vboxbow"' '$6 = "sys"'
167 |
168 | # NetAdapter vboxnet
169 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/vboxnet"' '$6 = "sys"'
170 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/amd64/vboxnet"' '$6 = "sys"'
171 |
172 | # USBMonitor vboxusbmon
173 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/vboxusbmon"' '$6 = "sys"'
174 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/amd64/vboxusbmon"' '$6 = "sys"'
175 |
176 | # USB Client vboxusb
177 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/vboxusb"' '$6 = "sys"'
178 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/amd64/vboxusb"' '$6 = "sys"'
179 |
180 | # Manifest class action scripts
181 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "var/svc/manifest/application/virtualbox/virtualbox-webservice.xml"' '$2 = "manifest";$6 = "sys"'
182 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "var/svc/manifest/application/virtualbox/virtualbox-balloonctrl.xml"' '$2 = "manifest";$6 = "sys"'
183 | filelist_fixup prototype '$3 == "var/svc/manifest/application/virtualbox/virtualbox-zoneaccess.xml"' '$2 = "manifest";$6 = "sys"'
184 |
185 | # Use 'root' as group so as to match attributes with the previous installation and prevent a conflict. Otherwise pkgadd bails out thinking
186 | # we're violating directory attributes of another (non existing) package
187 | dirlist_fixup prototype '$3 == "var/svc/manifest/application/virtualbox"' '$6 = "root"'
188 |
189 | # Hardening requires some executables to be marked setuid.
190 | if test -n "$HARDENED"; then
191 | $VBOX_AWK 'NF == 6 \
192 | && ( ( $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VirtualBox" \
193 | && "'$GUISHAREDLIB'" == "") \
194 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VirtualBoxVM" \
195 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VBoxHeadless" \
196 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VBoxSDL" \
197 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/i386/VirtualBox" \
198 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/i386/VBoxHeadless" \
199 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/i386/VBoxSDL" \
200 | ) \
201 | { $4 = "4755" } { print }' prototype > prototype2
202 | mv -f prototype2 prototype
203 | fi
204 |
205 | # Other executables that need setuid root (hardened or otherwise)
206 | $VBOX_AWK 'NF == 6 \
207 | && ( $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VBoxNetAdpCtl" \
208 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/i386/VBoxNetAdpCtl" \
209 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VBoxNetDHCP" \
210 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/i386/VBoxNetDHCP" \
211 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VBoxNetNAT" \
212 | || $3 == "opt/VirtualBox/i386/VBoxNetNAT" \
213 | ) \
214 | { $4 = "4755" } { print }' prototype > prototype2
215 | mv -f prototype2 prototype
216 |
217 | # Our package is a non-relocatable package. pkgadd will take care of "relocating" them when they are used for
218 | # remote installations using $PKG_INSTALL_ROOT and not $BASEDIR. Seems this little subtlety led to it's own page:
219 | # http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-4042/package-2?a=view
220 | filelist_fixup prototype '$2 == "none"' '$3="/"$3'
221 | filelist_fixup prototype '$2 == "manifest"' '$3="/"$3'
222 | symlink_fixup prototype '$2 == "none"' '$3="/"$3'
223 | hardlink_fixup prototype '$2 == "none"' '$3="/"$3'
224 |
225 | echo " --- start of prototype ---"
226 | cat prototype
227 | echo " --- end of prototype --- "
228 |
229 | # Explicitly set timestamp to shutup warning
230 | VBOXPKG_TIMESTAMP=vbox`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`_r$VBOX_SVN_REV
231 |
232 | # Create the package instance
233 | pkgmk -p $VBOXPKG_TIMESTAMP -o -r .
234 |
235 | # Translate into package datastream
236 | pkgtrans -s -o /var/spool/pkg "`pwd`/$VBOX_PKGFILE" "$VBOX_PKGNAME"
237 |
238 | # $5 if exists would contain the path to the VBI package to include in the .tar.gz
239 | #if [ -f LICENSE ]; then
241 | #fi
242 | #if test -f "$5"; then
243 | # $VBOX_GTAR zcvf "$VBOX_ARCHIVE" $VBOX_LICENSEFILE "$VBOX_PKGFILE" "$5" autoresponse ReadMe.txt
244 | #else
245 | # $VBOX_GTAR zcvf "$VBOX_ARCHIVE" $VBOX_LICENSEFILE "$VBOX_PKGFILE" autoresponse ReadMe.txt
246 | #fi
247 |
248 | echo "## Package file created successfully!"
249 | rm -rf "/var/spool/pkg/$VBOX_PKGNAME"
250 |
251 | exit $?
252 |