1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | ## @file
3 | #
4 | # VirtualBox checkinstall script for Solaris.
5 | #
6 |
7 | #
8 | # Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Oracle Corporation
9 | #
10 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | # available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
12 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | #
18 |
19 | infoprint()
20 | {
21 | echo 1>&2 "$1"
22 | }
23 |
24 | errorprint()
25 | {
26 | echo 1>&2 "## $1"
27 | }
28 |
29 | abort_error()
30 | {
31 | errorprint "Please close all VirtualBox processes and re-run this installer."
32 | exit 1
33 | }
34 |
35 | checkdep_svr4()
36 | {
37 | if test -z "$1"; then
38 | errorprint "Missing argument to checkdep_svr4"
39 | return 1
40 | fi
41 | $BIN_PKGINFO $BASEDIR_OPT "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
42 | if test $? -eq 0; then
43 | return 0
44 | fi
46 | return 1
47 | }
48 |
49 | checkdep_ips()
50 | {
51 | if test -z "$1"; then
52 | errorprint "Missing argument to checkdep_svr4"
53 | return 1
54 | fi
55 | # using "list" without "-a" only lists installed pkgs which is what we need
56 | $BIN_PKG $BASEDIR_OPT list "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
57 | if test $? -eq 0; then
58 | return 0
59 | fi
61 | return 1
62 |
63 | }
64 |
65 | # nothing to check for remote install
67 | if test "x${PKG_INSTALL_ROOT:=/}" != "x/"; then
70 | fi
71 |
72 | # nothing to check for non-global zones
73 | currentzone=`zonename`
74 | if test "$currentzone" != "global"; then
75 | exit 0
76 | fi
77 |
78 |
79 | infoprint "Checking package dependencies..."
80 |
83 | BIN_PKGINFO=`which pkginfo 2> /dev/null`
84 | BIN_PKG=`which pkg 2> /dev/null`
85 |
86 | if test -x "$BIN_PKG"; then
87 | checkdep_ips "runtime/python-26"
88 | checkdep_ips "system/library/iconv/utf-8"
89 | else
90 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="runtime/python-26 system/library/iconv/utf-8"
91 | fi
92 | if test -x "$BIN_PKGINFO"; then
93 | checkdep_svr4 "SUNWPython"
94 | checkdep_svr4 "SUNWPython-devel"
95 | checkdep_svr4 "SUNWuiu8"
96 | else
97 | PKG_MISSING_SVR4="SUNWPython SUNWPython-devel SUNWuiu8"
98 | fi
99 |
100 | if test "$PKG_MISSING_IPS" != "" && test "$PKG_MISSING_SVR4" != ""; then
101 | if test ! -x "$BIN_PKG" && test ! -x "$BIN_PKGINFO"; then
102 | errorprint "Missing or non-executable binaries: pkg ($BIN_PKG) and pkginfo ($BIN_PKGINFO)."
103 | errorprint "Cannot check for dependencies."
104 | errorprint ""
105 | errorprint "Please install one of the required packaging system."
106 | exit 1
107 | fi
108 | errorprint "Missing packages: "
109 | errorprint "IPS : $PKG_MISSING_IPS"
110 | errorprint "SVr4: $PKG_MISSING_SVR4"
111 | errorprint ""
112 | errorprint "Please install either the IPS or SVr4 packages before installing VirtualBox."
113 | exit 1
114 | else
115 | infoprint "Done."
116 | fi
117 |
118 | # nothing more to do for remote installs
119 | if test "$REMOTE_INST" -eq 1; then
120 | exit 0
121 | fi
122 |
123 | # Check if the Zone Access service is holding open vboxdrv, if so stop & remove it
124 | servicefound=`svcs -H "svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess" 2> /dev/null | grep '^online'`
125 | if test ! -z "$servicefound"; then
126 | infoprint "VirtualBox's zone access service appears to still be running."
127 | infoprint "Halting & removing zone access service..."
128 | /usr/sbin/svcadm disable -s svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess
129 | # Don't delete the service, handled by manifest class action
130 | # /usr/sbin/svccfg delete svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess
131 | fi
132 |
133 | # Check if the Web service is running, if so stop & remove it
134 | servicefound=`svcs -H "svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice" 2> /dev/null | grep '^online'`
135 | if test ! -z "$servicefound"; then
136 | infoprint "VirtualBox web service appears to still be running."
137 | infoprint "Halting & removing webservice..."
138 | /usr/sbin/svcadm disable -s svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice
139 | # Don't delete the service, handled by manifest class action
140 | # /usr/sbin/svccfg delete svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice
141 | fi
142 |
143 | # Check if the autostart service is running, if so stop & remove it
144 | servicefound=`svcs -H "svc:/application/virtualbox/autostart" 2> /dev/null | grep '^online'`
145 | if test ! -z "$servicefound"; then
146 | infoprint "VirtualBox autostart service appears to still be running."
147 | infoprint "Halting & removing autostart service..."
148 | /usr/sbin/svcadm disable -s svc:/application/virtualbox/autostart
149 | fi
150 |
151 | # Check if VBoxSVC is currently running
152 | VBOXSVC_PID=`ps -eo pid,fname | grep VBoxSVC | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
153 | if test ! -z "$VBOXSVC_PID" && test "$VBOXSVC_PID" -ge 0; then
154 | errorprint "VirtualBox's VBoxSVC (pid $VBOXSVC_PID) still appears to be running."
155 | abort_error
156 | fi
157 |
158 | # Check if VBoxNetDHCP is currently running
159 | VBOXNETDHCP_PID=`ps -eo pid,fname | grep VBoxNetDHCP | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
160 | if test ! -z "$VBOXNETDHCP_PID" && test "$VBOXNETDHCP_PID" -ge 0; then
161 | errorprint "VirtualBox's VBoxNetDHCP (pid $VBOXNETDHCP_PID) still appears to be running."
162 | abort_error
163 | fi
164 |
165 | # Check if VBoxNetLwipNAT is currently running
166 | VBOXNETLWIPNAT_PID=`ps -eo pid,fname | grep VBoxNetLwipNAT | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
167 | if test ! -z "$VBOXNETLWIPNAT_PID" && test "$VBOXNETLWIPNAT_PID" -ge 0; then
168 | errorprint "VirtualBox's VBoxNetLwipNAT (pid $VBOXNETLWIPNAT_PID) still appears to be running."
169 | abort_error
170 | fi
171 |
172 | # Check if vboxnet is still plumbed, if so try unplumb it
173 | BIN_IFCONFIG=`which ifconfig 2> /dev/null`
174 | if test -x "$BIN_IFCONFIG"; then
175 | vboxnetup=`$BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 >/dev/null 2>&1`
176 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
177 | infoprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter is still plumbed"
178 | infoprint "Trying to remove old NetAdapter..."
179 | $BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 unplumb
180 | if test "$?" -ne 0; then
181 | errorprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter 'vboxnet0' couldn't be unplumbed (probably in use)."
182 | abort_error
183 | fi
184 | fi
185 | vboxnetup=`$BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 inet6 >/dev/null 2>&1`
186 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
187 | infoprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter (Ipv6) is still plumbed"
188 | infoprint "Trying to remove old NetAdapter..."
189 | $BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 inet6 unplumb
190 | if test "$?" -ne 0; then
191 | errorprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter 'vboxnet0' IPv6 couldn't be unplumbed (probably in use)."
192 | abort_error
193 | fi
194 | fi
195 | fi
196 |
197 | # If we are using SVR4 packages then make sure that SMF has finished
198 | # disabling any services left over from a previous installation which
199 | # may interfere with installing new ones. Should only be relevant on
200 | # Solaris 11.
201 | if test -x "$BIN_PKGINFO"; then
202 | for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
203 | svcs -a | grep virtualbox >/dev/null || break
204 | if test "${i}" = "1"; then
205 | printf "Waiting for services from previous installation to be removed."
206 | else
207 | printf "."
208 | fi
209 | sleep 1
210 | done
211 | test "${i}" = "1" || printf "\n"
212 | fi
213 |
214 | exit 0
215 |