1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | # $Id: checkinstall.sh 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $
3 | ## @file
4 | #
5 | # VirtualBox checkinstall script for Solaris.
6 | #
7 |
8 | #
9 | # Copyright (C) 2009-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
10 | #
11 | # This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
12 | # available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
13 | #
14 | # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
15 | # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
16 | # as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
17 | # License.
18 | #
19 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
20 | # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 | # General Public License for more details.
23 | #
24 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 | # along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
26 | #
27 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
28 | #
29 |
30 | infoprint()
31 | {
32 | echo 1>&2 "$1"
33 | }
34 |
35 | errorprint()
36 | {
37 | echo 1>&2 "## $1"
38 | }
39 |
40 | abort_error()
41 | {
42 | errorprint "Please close all VirtualBox processes and re-run this installer."
43 | exit 1
44 | }
45 |
46 | checkdep_ips()
47 | {
48 | if test -z "$1"; then
49 | errorprint "Missing argument to checkdep_ips"
50 | return 1
51 | fi
52 | # using "list" without "-a" only lists installed pkgs which is what we need
53 | $BIN_PKG $BASEDIR_OPT list "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
54 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
55 | return 0
56 | fi
58 | return 1
59 | }
60 |
61 | checkdep_ips_python()
62 | {
63 | if test -z "$1"; then
64 | errorprint "Missing argument to checkdep_ips_python"
65 | return 1
66 | fi
67 |
68 | # Check installed packages for any python runtime from the argument list passed
69 | # to this function. We can't use 'pkg list -q' here since it didn't exist until
70 | # S11.2 FCS (CR 16663535).
71 | for pkg in "${@}"; do
72 | $BIN_PKG $BASEDIR_OPT list "${pkg}" >/dev/null 2>&1
73 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
74 | return 0
75 | fi
76 | done
77 |
78 | # 'pkg info' Branch fields:
79 | # For S11-11.3: TrunkID|Update|SRU|Reserved|BuildID|NightlyID
80 | # For S11.4: TrunkID|Update|SRU|Reserved|Reserved|BuildID|NightlyID
81 | # N.B. For S11-11.3: TrunkID=0.175 For S11.4: TrunkID=11
82 | # Example Solaris 11 FMRIs:
83 | # Solaris 11 pre-FCS =
84 | # Solaris 11 FCS =
85 | # Solaris 11.1 SRU21 =
86 | # Solaris 11.2 SRU15 =
87 | # Solaris 11.3 SRU36 =
88 | # Solaris 11.4 SRU55 =
89 | eval `$BIN_PKG $BASEDIR_OPT info system/kernel | \
90 | awk '/Branch:/ { split($2, array, "."); if ($2 == 175) {print "export UPDATE="array[3] " SRU="array[4];} \
91 | else {print "export UPDATE="array[2] " SRU="array[3]} }'`
92 |
93 | # If the parsing of the pkg FMRI failed for any reason then default to the first
94 | # Solaris 11.4 CBE which was released relatively recently (March 2022) and is
95 | # freely available.
96 | if test -z "$UPDATE"; then
97 | export UPDATE=4 SRU=42
98 | fi
99 |
100 | # Map of introduction and removal of python releases in Solaris 11 releases/SRUs:
101 | # python 2.6: S11 FCS -> S11.3 SRU19 [removed in S11.3 SRU20]
102 | # python 2.7: S11 FCS -> S11.4 SRU56 [removed in S11.4 SRU57]
103 | # python 3.4: S11.3 FCS -> S11.4 SRU26 [removed in S11.4 SRU27]
104 | # python 3.5: S11.4 FCS -> S11.4 SRU29 [removed in S11.4 SRU30]
105 | # python 3.7: S11.4 SRU4 -> TBD
106 | # python 3.9: S11.4 SRU30 -> TBD
107 | # python 3.11: S11.4 SRU54 -> TBD
108 | if test "$UPDATE" -lt 3 || test "$UPDATE" -gt 4; then # S11 FCS - S11.2 SRU15 or anything before S11 FCS
109 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-26 or runtime/python-27"
110 | elif test "$UPDATE" -eq 3 && test "$SRU" -le 19; then # S11.3 FCS - S11.3 SRU19
111 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-26 or runtime/python-27 or runtime/python-34"
112 | elif test "$UPDATE" -eq 3 && test "$SRU" -gt 19; then # S11.3 SRU20 - S11.3 SRU<latest>
113 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-27 or runtime/python-34"
114 | elif test "$UPDATE" -eq 4 && test "$SRU" -le 3; then # S11.4 FCS - S11.4 SRU3
115 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-27 or runtime/python-34 or runtime/python-35"
116 | elif test "$UPDATE" -eq 4 && test "$SRU" -le 26; then # S11.4 SRU4 - S11.4 SRU26
117 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-27 or runtime/python-34 or runtime/python-35 or runtime/python-37"
118 | elif test "$UPDATE" -eq 4 && test "$SRU" -le 29; then # S11.4 SRU27 - S11.4 SRU29
119 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-27 or runtime/python-35 or runtime/python-37"
120 | elif test "$UPDATE" -eq 4 && test "$SRU" -le 53; then # S11.4 SRU30 - S11.4 SRU53
121 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-27 or runtime/python-37 or runtime/python-39"
122 | elif test "$UPDATE" -eq 4 && test "$SRU" -le 56; then # S11.4 SRU54 - S11.4 SRU56
123 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-27 or runtime/python-37 or runtime/python-39 or runtime/python-311"
124 | elif test "$UPDATE" -eq 4 && test "$SRU" -gt 56; then # S11.4 SRU57 - S11.4 SRU<latest>
125 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-37 or runtime/python-39 or runtime/python-311"
126 | else # Fall through just in case.
127 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="$PKG_MISSING_IPS runtime/python-37 or runtime/python-39 or runtime/python-311"
128 | fi
129 |
130 | return 1
131 | }
132 |
133 | checkdep_ips_either()
134 | {
135 | if test -z "$1" || test -z "$2"; then
136 | errorprint "Missing argument to checkdep_ips_either"
137 | return 1
138 | fi
139 | # using "list" without "-a" only lists installed pkgs which is what we need
140 | $BIN_PKG $BASEDIR_OPT list "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
141 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
142 | return 0
143 | fi
144 | $BIN_PKG $BASEDIR_OPT list "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1
145 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
146 | return 0
147 | fi
149 | return 1
150 | }
151 |
152 | disable_service()
153 | {
154 | if test -z "$1" || test -z "$2"; then
155 | errorprint "Missing argument to disable_service"
156 | return 1
157 | fi
158 | servicefound=`$BIN_SVCS -H "$1" 2> /dev/null | grep '^online'`
159 | if test ! -z "$servicefound"; then
160 | infoprint "$2 ($1) is still enabled. Disabling..."
161 | $BIN_SVCADM disable -s "$1"
162 | # Don't delete the service, handled by manifest class action
163 | # /usr/sbin/svccfg delete $1
164 | fi
165 | }
166 |
167 | # find_bin_path()
168 | # !! failure is always fatal
169 | find_bin_path()
170 | {
171 | if test -z "$1"; then
172 | errorprint "missing argument to find_bin_path()"
173 | exit 1
174 | fi
175 |
176 | binfilename=`basename $1`
177 | binfilepath=`which $binfilename 2> /dev/null`
178 | if test -x "$binfilepath"; then
179 | echo "$binfilepath"
180 | return 0
181 | else
182 | errorprint "$1 missing or is not an executable"
183 | exit 1
184 | fi
185 | }
186 |
187 | # find_bins()
188 | # !! failure is always fatal
189 | find_mandatory_bins()
190 | {
191 | # Search only for binaries that might be in different locations
192 | if test ! -x "$BIN_SVCS"; then
193 | BIN_SVCS=`find_bin_path "$BIN_SVCS"`
194 | fi
195 |
196 | if test ! -x "$BIN_SVCADM"; then
197 | BIN_SVCADM=`find_bin_path "$BIN_SVCADM"`
198 | fi
199 | }
200 |
201 |
202 | #
203 | # Begin execution
204 | #
205 |
206 | # Nothing to check for remote install
208 | if test "x${PKG_INSTALL_ROOT:=/}" != "x/"; then
211 | fi
212 |
213 | # Nothing to check for non-global zones
214 | currentzone=`zonename`
215 | if test "x$currentzone" != "xglobal"; then
216 | exit 0
217 | fi
218 |
220 | BIN_PKG=/usr/bin/pkg
221 | BIN_SVCS=/usr/bin/svcs
222 | BIN_SVCADM=/usr/sbin/svcadm
223 |
224 | # Check non-optional binaries
225 | find_mandatory_bins
226 |
227 | infoprint "Checking package dependencies..."
228 |
229 | if test -x "$BIN_PKG"; then
230 | checkdep_ips "system/library/iconv/iconv-core"
231 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/libice"
232 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/libsm"
233 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/libx11"
234 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/libxcb"
235 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/libxext"
236 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/libxfixes"
237 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/libxkbcommon"
238 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/libxrender"
239 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/mesa"
240 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/toolkit/libxt"
241 | checkdep_ips "x11/library/xcb-util"
242 | checkdep_ips_python "runtime/python-26" "runtime/python-27" "runtime/python-34" "runtime/python-35" "runtime/python-37" "runtime/python-39" "runtime/python-311"
243 | checkdep_ips_either "system/library/gcc/gcc-c++-runtime" "system/library/gcc/gcc-c++-runtime-9"
244 | checkdep_ips_either "system/library/gcc/gcc-c-runtime" "system/library/gcc/gcc-c-runtime-9"
245 | else
246 | PKG_MISSING_IPS="runtime/python-37 system/library/iconv/iconv-core system/library/gcc/gcc-c++-runtime-9 system/library/gcc/gcc-c-runtime-9"
247 | fi
248 |
249 | if test "x$PKG_MISSING_IPS" != "x"; then
250 | if test ! -x "$BIN_PKG"; then
251 | errorprint "Missing or non-executable binary: pkg ($BIN_PKG)."
252 | errorprint "Cannot check for dependencies."
253 | errorprint ""
254 | errorprint "Please install one of the required packaging system."
255 | exit 1
256 | fi
257 | errorprint "Missing packages: $PKG_MISSING_IPS"
258 | errorprint ""
259 | errorprint "Please install these packages before installing VirtualBox."
260 | exit 1
261 | else
262 | infoprint "Done."
263 | fi
264 |
265 | # Nothing more to do for remote installs
266 | if test "$REMOTE_INST" -eq 1; then
267 | exit 0
268 | fi
269 |
270 | # Check & disable running services
271 | disable_service "svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess" "VirtualBox zone access service"
272 | disable_service "svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice" "VirtualBox web service"
273 | disable_service "svc:/application/virtualbox/autostart" "VirtualBox auto-start service"
274 | disable_service "svc:/application/virtualbox/balloonctrl" "VirtualBox balloon-control service"
275 |
276 | # Check if VBoxSVC is currently running
277 | VBOXSVC_PID=`ps -eo pid,fname | grep VBoxSVC | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
278 | if test ! -z "$VBOXSVC_PID" && test "$VBOXSVC_PID" -ge 0; then
279 | errorprint "VirtualBox's VBoxSVC (pid $VBOXSVC_PID) still appears to be running."
280 | abort_error
281 | fi
282 |
283 | # Check if VBoxNetDHCP is currently running
284 | VBOXNETDHCP_PID=`ps -eo pid,fname | grep VBoxNetDHCP | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
285 | if test ! -z "$VBOXNETDHCP_PID" && test "$VBOXNETDHCP_PID" -ge 0; then
286 | errorprint "VirtualBox's VBoxNetDHCP (pid $VBOXNETDHCP_PID) still appears to be running."
287 | abort_error
288 | fi
289 |
290 | # Check if VBoxNetNAT is currently running
291 | VBOXNETNAT_PID=`ps -eo pid,fname | grep VBoxNetNAT | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
292 | if test ! -z "$VBOXNETNAT_PID" && test "$VBOXNETNAT_PID" -ge 0; then
293 | errorprint "VirtualBox's VBoxNetNAT (pid $VBOXNETNAT_PID) still appears to be running."
294 | abort_error
295 | fi
296 |
297 | # Check if vboxnet is still plumbed, if so try unplumb it
298 | BIN_IFCONFIG=`which ifconfig 2> /dev/null`
299 | if test -x "$BIN_IFCONFIG"; then
300 | vboxnetup=`$BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 >/dev/null 2>&1`
301 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
302 | infoprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter is still plumbed"
303 | infoprint "Trying to remove old NetAdapter..."
304 | $BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 unplumb
305 | if test "$?" -ne 0; then
306 | errorprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter 'vboxnet0' couldn't be unplumbed (probably in use)."
307 | abort_error
308 | fi
309 | fi
310 | vboxnetup=`$BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 inet6 >/dev/null 2>&1`
311 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
312 | infoprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter (Ipv6) is still plumbed"
313 | infoprint "Trying to remove old NetAdapter..."
314 | $BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 inet6 unplumb
315 | if test "$?" -ne 0; then
316 | errorprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter 'vboxnet0' IPv6 couldn't be unplumbed (probably in use)."
317 | abort_error
318 | fi
319 | fi
320 | fi
321 |
322 | # Make sure that SMF has finished removing any services left over from a
323 | # previous installation which may interfere with installing new ones.
324 | # This is only relevant on Solaris 11 for SysV packages.
325 | #
326 | # See BugDB 14838646 for the original problem and @bugref{7866} for
327 | # follow up fixes.
328 | for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
329 | $BIN_SVCS -H "svc:/application/virtualbox/autostart" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
330 | $BIN_SVCS -H "svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
331 | $BIN_SVCS -H "svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
332 | $BIN_SVCS -H "svc:/application/virtualbox/balloonctrl" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
333 | if test "${i}" = "1"; then
334 | printf "Waiting for services from previous installation to be removed."
335 | elif test "${i}" = "10"; then
336 | printf "\nWarning!!! Some service(s) still appears to be present"
337 | else
338 | printf "."
339 | fi
340 | sleep 1
341 | done
342 | test "${i}" = "1" || printf "\n"
343 |
344 | exit 0
345 |