1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #
3 | # Oracle VM VirtualBox
4 | # VirtualBox linux installation script
5 |
6 | #
7 | # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Oracle Corporation
8 | #
9 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | # available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | #
17 |
18 | PATH=$PATH:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
19 |
20 | # Source functions needed by the installer
21 | . ./routines.sh
22 |
23 | LOG="/var/log/vbox-install.log"
26 | BUILD="_BUILD_"
27 | ARCH="_ARCH_"
29 | CONFIG_DIR="/etc/vbox"
30 | CONFIG="vbox.cfg"
31 | CONFIG_FILES="filelist"
32 | DEFAULT_FILES=`pwd`/deffiles
33 | GROUPNAME="vboxusers"
34 | INSTALLATION_DIR="/opt/VirtualBox"
38 | ACTION=""
39 | SELF=$1
40 | DKMS=`which dkms 2> /dev/null`
41 | RC_SCRIPT=0
42 | if [ -n "$HARDENED" ]; then
43 | VBOXDRV_MODE=0600
44 | VBOXDRV_GRP="root"
45 | else
46 | VBOXDRV_MODE=0660
48 | fi
49 | VBOXUSB_MODE=0664
51 |
52 |
53 | ##############################################################################
54 | # Helper routines #
55 | ##############################################################################
56 |
57 | usage() {
58 | info ""
59 | info "Usage: install [<installation directory>] | uninstall"
60 | info ""
61 | info "Example:"
62 | info "$SELF install"
63 | exit 1
64 | }
65 |
66 | module_loaded() {
67 | lsmod | grep -q vboxdrv
68 | }
69 |
70 | # This routine makes sure that there is no previous installation of
71 | # VirtualBox other than one installed using this install script or a
72 | # compatible method. We do this by checking for any of the VirtualBox
73 | # applications in /usr/bin. If these exist and are not symlinks into
74 | # the installation directory, then we assume that they are from an
75 | # incompatible previous installation.
76 |
77 | ## Helper routine: test for a particular VirtualBox binary and see if it
78 | ## is a link into a previous installation directory
79 | ##
80 | ## Arguments: 1) the binary to search for and
81 | ## 2) the installation directory (if any)
82 | ## Returns: false if an incompatible version was detected, true otherwise
83 | check_binary() {
84 | binary=$1
85 | install_dir=$2
86 | test ! -e $binary 2>&1 > /dev/null ||
87 | ( test -n "$install_dir" &&
88 | readlink $binary 2>/dev/null | grep "$install_dir" > /dev/null
89 | )
90 | }
91 |
92 | ## Main routine
93 | ##
94 | ## Argument: the directory where the previous installation should be
95 | ## located. If this is empty, then we will assume that any
96 | ## installation of VirtualBox found is incompatible with this one.
97 | ## Returns: false if an incompatible installation was found, true otherwise
98 | check_previous() {
99 | install_dir=$1
100 | # These should all be symlinks into the installation folder
101 | check_binary "/usr/bin/VirtualBox" "$install_dir" &&
102 | check_binary "/usr/bin/VBoxManage" "$install_dir" &&
103 | check_binary "/usr/bin/VBoxSDL" "$install_dir" &&
104 | check_binary "/usr/bin/VBoxVRDP" "$install_dir" &&
105 | check_binary "/usr/bin/VBoxHeadless" "$install_dir" &&
106 | check_binary "/usr/bin/vboxwebsrv" "$install_dir"
107 | }
108 |
109 | ##############################################################################
110 | # Main script #
111 | ##############################################################################
112 |
113 | info "VirtualBox Version $VERSION r$SVNREV ($BUILD) installer"
114 |
115 | check_root # Make sure that we were invoked as root...
116 | check_running # ... and that no copy of VirtualBox was running at the time.
117 |
118 | # Set up logging before anything else
119 | create_log $LOG
120 | log "VirtualBox $VERSION r$SVNREV installer, built $BUILD."
121 | log ""
122 | log "Testing system setup..."
123 |
124 | # Sanity check: figure out whether build arch matches uname arch
125 | cpu=`uname -m`;
126 | case "$cpu" in
127 | i[3456789]86|x86)
128 | cpu="x86"
129 | ;;
130 | x86_64)
131 | cpu="amd64"
132 | ;;
133 | esac
134 | if [ "$cpu" != "$ARCH" ]; then
135 | info "Detected unsupported $cpu environment."
136 | log "Detected unsupported $cpu environment."
137 | exit 1
138 | fi
139 |
140 | # Check that the system is setup correctly for the installation
141 | have_bzip2="`check_bzip2; echo $?`" # Do we have bzip2?
142 | have_gmake="`check_gmake; echo $?`" # Do we have GNU make?
143 | have_ksource="`check_ksource; echo $?`" # Can we find the kernel source?
144 | have_gcc="`check_gcc; echo $?`" # Is GCC installed?
145 |
146 | if [ $have_bzip2 -eq 1 -o $have_gmake -eq 1 -o $have_ksource -eq 1 \
147 | -o $have_gcc -eq 1 ]; then
148 | info "Problems were found which would prevent VirtualBox from installing."
149 | info "Please correct these problems and try again."
150 | log "Giving up due to the problems mentioned above."
151 | exit 1
152 | else
153 | log "System setup appears correct."
154 | log ""
155 | fi
156 |
157 | # Sensible default actions
158 | ACTION="install"
159 | BUILD_MODULE="true"
160 | while true
161 | do
162 | if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
163 | break
164 | fi
165 | shift
166 | case "$1" in
167 | install)
168 | ACTION="install"
169 | ;;
170 |
171 | uninstall)
172 | ACTION="uninstall"
173 | ;;
174 |
175 | force)
177 | ;;
178 | license_accepted_unconditionally)
179 | # Legacy option
180 | ;;
181 | no_module)
183 | ;;
184 | *)
185 | if [ "$ACTION" = "" ]; then
186 | info "Unknown command '$1'."
187 | usage
188 | fi
189 | if [ "`echo $1|cut -c1`" != "/" ]; then
190 | info "Please specify an absolute path"
191 | usage
192 | fi
194 | ;;
195 | esac
196 | done
197 |
198 | if [ "$ACTION" = "install" ]; then
199 | # Find previous installation
200 | if [ ! -r $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG ]; then
201 | mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR
202 | touch $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG
203 | else
206 | fi
207 | if ! check_previous $INSTALL_DIR
208 | then
209 | info
210 | info "You appear to have a version of VirtualBox on your system which was installed"
211 | info "from a different source or using a different type of installer (or a damaged"
212 | info "installation of VirtualBox). We strongly recommend that you remove it before"
213 | info "installing this version of VirtualBox."
214 | info
215 | info "Do you wish to continue anyway? [yes or no]"
216 | read reply dummy
217 | if ! expr "$reply" : [yY] && ! expr "$reply" : [yY][eE][sS]
218 | then
219 | info
220 | info "Cancelling installation."
221 | log "User requested cancellation of the installation"
222 | exit 1
223 | fi
224 | fi
225 |
226 | # Terminate Server and VBoxNetDHCP if running
227 | terminate_proc VBoxSVC
228 | terminate_proc VBoxNetDHCP
229 |
230 | # Remove previous installation
231 | if [ -n "$PREV_INSTALLATION" -a -z "$FORCE_UPGRADE" -a ! "$VERSION" = "$INSTALL_VER" ] &&
232 | expr "$INSTALL_VER" "<" "1.6.0" > /dev/null 2>&1
233 | then
234 | info
235 | info "If you are upgrading from VirtualBox 1.5 or older and if some of your virtual"
236 | info "machines have saved states, then the saved state information will be lost"
237 | info "after the upgrade and will have to be discarded. If you do not want this then"
238 | info "you can cancel the upgrade now."
239 | info
240 | info "Do you wish to continue? [yes or no]"
241 | read reply dummy
242 | if ! expr "$reply" : [yY] && ! expr "$reply" : [yY][eE][sS]
243 | then
244 | info
245 | info "Cancelling upgrade."
246 | log "User requested cancellation of the installation"
247 | exit 1
248 | fi
249 | fi
250 |
251 | if [ ! "$VERSION" = "$INSTALL_VER" -a ! "$BUILD_MODULE" = "true" -a -n "$DKMS" ]
252 | then
253 | # Not doing this can confuse dkms
254 | info "Rebuilding the kernel module after version change"
255 | BUILD_MODULE=true
256 | fi
257 |
258 | if [ -n "$PREV_INSTALLATION" ]; then
260 | info "Removing previous installation of VirtualBox $INSTALL_VER$INSTALL_REV from $PREV_INSTALLATION"
261 | log "Removing previous installation of VirtualBox $INSTALL_VER$INSTALL_REV from $PREV_INSTALLATION"
262 | log ""
263 |
264 | stop_init_script vboxnet
265 | delrunlevel vboxnet > /dev/null 2>&1
266 | if [ "$BUILD_MODULE" = "true" ]; then
267 | stop_init_script vboxdrv
268 | if [ -n "$DKMS" ]
269 | then
270 | $DKMS remove -m vboxdrv -v $INSTALL_VER --all > /dev/null 2>&1
271 | $DKMS remove -m vboxnetflt -v $INSTALL_VER --all > /dev/null 2>&1
272 | $DKMS remove -m vboxnetadp -v $INSTALL_VER --all > /dev/null 2>&1
273 | fi
274 | # OSE doesn't always have the initscript
275 | rmmod vboxnetadp > /dev/null 2>&1
276 | rmmod vboxnetflt > /dev/null 2>&1
277 | rmmod vboxdrv > /dev/null 2>&1
278 |
279 | module_loaded && {
280 | info "Warning: could not stop VirtualBox kernel module."
281 | info "Please restart your system to apply changes."
282 | log "Unable to remove the old VirtualBox kernel module."
283 | log " An old version of VirtualBox may be running."
284 | }
285 | else
287 | fi
288 |
290 | . ./uninstall.sh
291 |
292 | fi
293 |
294 | info "Installing VirtualBox to $INSTALLATION_DIR"
295 | log "Installing VirtualBox to $INSTALLATION_DIR"
296 | log ""
297 |
298 | # Verify the archive
299 | mkdir -p $INSTALLATION_DIR
300 | bzip2 -d -c VirtualBox.tar.bz2 | tar -tf - > $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILES
301 | RETVAL=$?
302 | if [ $RETVAL != 0 ]; then
303 | rmdir $INSTALLATION_DIR 2> /dev/null
304 | rm -f $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG 2> /dev/null
305 | rm -f $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILES 2> /dev/null
306 | log 'Error running "bzip2 -d -c VirtualBox.tar.bz2 | tar -tf - > '"$CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILES"'".'
307 | abort "Error installing VirtualBox. Installation aborted"
308 | fi
309 |
310 | # Create installation directory and install
311 | bzip2 -d -c VirtualBox.tar.bz2 | tar -xf - -C $INSTALLATION_DIR
312 | RETVAL=$?
313 | if [ $RETVAL != 0 ]; then
314 | cwd=`pwd`
316 | rm -f `cat $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILES` 2> /dev/null
317 | cd $pwd
318 | rmdir $INSTALLATION_DIR 2> /dev/null
319 | rm -f $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG 2> /dev/null
320 | log 'Error running "bzip2 -d -c VirtualBox.tar.bz2 | tar -xf - -C '"$INSTALLATION_DIR"'".'
321 | abort "Error installing VirtualBox. Installation aborted"
322 | fi
323 |
324 | cp uninstall.sh routines.sh $INSTALLATION_DIR
325 | echo "routines.sh" >> $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILES
326 | echo "uninstall.sh" >> $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILES
327 |
328 | # XXX SELinux: allow text relocation entries
329 | if [ -x /usr/bin/chcon ]; then
330 | chcon -t texrel_shlib_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBox* > /dev/null 2>&1
331 | chcon -t texrel_shlib_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/VRDPAuth.so > /dev/null 2>&1
332 | chcon -t texrel_shlib_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/VirtualBox.so > /dev/null 2>&1
333 | chcon -t texrel_shlib_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/components/VBox*.so > /dev/null 2>&1
334 | chcon -t java_exec_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/VirtualBox > /dev/null 2>&1
335 | chcon -t java_exec_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxSDL > /dev/null 2>&1
336 | chcon -t java_exec_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxHeadless > /dev/null 2>&1
337 | chcon -t java_exec_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxNetDHCP > /dev/null 2>&1
338 | chcon -t java_exec_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/vboxwebsrv > /dev/null 2>&1
339 | chcon -t java_exec_t $INSTALLATION_DIR/webtest > /dev/null 2>&1
340 | fi
341 |
342 | # Hardened build: Mark selected binaries set-user-ID-on-execution,
343 | # create symlinks for working around unsupported $ORIGIN/.. in VBoxC.so (setuid),
344 | # and finally make sure the directory is only writable by the user (paranoid).
345 | if [ -n "$HARDENED" ]; then
346 | test -e $INSTALLATION_DIR/VirtualBox && chmod 4511 $INSTALLATION_DIR/VirtualBox
348 | test -e $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxHeadless && chmod 4511 $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxHeadless
350 |
351 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxVMM.so $INSTALLATION_DIR/components/VBoxVMM.so
352 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxREM.so $INSTALLATION_DIR/components/VBoxREM.so
353 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxRT.so $INSTALLATION_DIR/components/VBoxRT.so
354 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxDDU.so $INSTALLATION_DIR/components/VBoxDDU.so
356 |
357 | chmod go-w $INSTALLATION_DIR
358 | fi
359 |
360 | # This binary needs to be suid root in any case, even if not hardened
361 | test -e $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxNetAdpCtl && chmod 4511 $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxNetAdpCtl
362 |
363 | # Install runlevel scripts
364 | install_init_script vboxdrv.sh vboxdrv
365 | install_init_script vboxweb-service.sh vboxweb-service
366 | delrunlevel vboxdrv > /dev/null 2>&1
367 | addrunlevel vboxdrv 20 80 # This may produce useful output
368 | delrunlevel vboxweb-service > /dev/null 2>&1
369 | addrunlevel vboxweb-service 25 75 # This may produce useful output
370 |
371 | # Create users group
372 | groupadd $GROUPNAME 2> /dev/null
373 |
374 | # Create symlinks to start binaries
375 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBox.sh /usr/bin/VirtualBox
376 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBox.sh /usr/bin/VBoxManage
377 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBox.sh /usr/bin/VBoxSDL
378 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBox.sh /usr/bin/VBoxVRDP
379 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBox.sh /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless
380 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBox.sh /usr/bin/vboxwebsrv
381 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/VBox.png /usr/share/pixmaps/VBox.png
382 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/virtualbox.desktop /usr/share/applications/virtualbox.desktop
383 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/rdesktop-vrdp /usr/bin/rdesktop-vrdp
384 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/src/vboxdrv /usr/src/vboxdrv-_VERSION_
385 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/src/vboxnetflt /usr/src/vboxnetflt-_VERSION_
386 | ln -sf $INSTALLATION_DIR/src/vboxnetadp /usr/src/vboxnetadp-_VERSION_
387 |
388 | # If Python is available, install Python bindings
389 | if [ -n "$PYTHON" ]; then
390 | maybe_run_python_bindings_installer $INSTALLATION_DIR
391 | fi
392 |
393 | # Create udev description file
394 | if [ -d /etc/udev/rules.d ]; then
395 | udev_call=""
396 | udev_app=`which udevadm 2> /dev/null`
397 | if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
398 | udev_call="${udev_app} version 2> /dev/null"
399 | else
400 | udev_app=`which udevinfo 2> /dev/null`
401 | if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
402 | udev_call="${udev_app} -V 2> /dev/null"
403 | fi
404 | fi
405 | udev_fix="="
406 | if [ "${udev_call}" != "" ]; then
407 | udev_out=`${udev_call}`
408 | udev_ver=`expr "$udev_out" : '[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)'`
409 | if [ "$udev_ver" = "" -o "$udev_ver" -lt 55 ]; then
410 | udev_fix=""
411 | fi
412 | fi
413 | # Write udev rules
414 | echo "KERNEL=${udev_fix}\"vboxdrv\", NAME=\"vboxdrv\", OWNER=\"root\", GROUP=\"$VBOXDRV_GRP\", MODE=\"$VBOXDRV_MODE\"" \
415 | > /etc/udev/rules.d/10-vboxdrv.rules
416 | echo "SUBSYSTEM=${udev_fix}\"usb_device\", GROUP=\"$VBOXUSB_GRP\", MODE=\"$VBOXUSB_MODE\"" \
417 | >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-vboxdrv.rules
418 | echo "SUBSYSTEM=${udev_fix}\"usb\", ENV{DEVTYPE}==\"usb_device\", GROUP=\"$VBOXUSB_GRP\", MODE=\"$VBOXUSB_MODE\"" \
419 | >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-vboxdrv.rules
420 | fi
421 | # Remove old udev description file
422 | if [ -f /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules ]; then
423 | rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules 2> /dev/null
424 | fi
425 |
426 | # Push the permissions to the USB device nodes. One of these should match.
427 | # Rather nasty to use udevadm trigger for this, but I don't know of any
428 | # better way.
429 | udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=usb > /dev/null 2>&1
430 | udevtrigger --subsystem-match=usb > /dev/null 2>&1
431 | udevtrigger --subsystem-match=usb_device > /dev/null 2>&1
432 | udevplug -Busb > /dev/null 2>&1
433 |
434 | # Make kernel module
435 | MODULE_FAILED="false"
436 | if [ "$BUILD_MODULE" = "true" ]
437 | then
438 | info "Building the VirtualBox vboxdrv kernel module"
439 | log "Output from the module build process (the Linux kernel build system) follows:"
440 | cur=`pwd`
441 | log ""
442 | cd $INSTALLATION_DIR/src/vboxdrv
443 | ./build_in_tmp \
444 | --save-module-symvers /tmp/vboxdrv-Module.symvers \
445 | --no-print-directory install >> $LOG 2>&1
446 | RETVAL=$?
447 | if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]
448 | then
449 | info "Failed to build the vboxdrv kernel module."
450 | info "Please check the log file $LOG for more information."
451 | MODULE_FAILED="true"
452 | RC_SCRIPT=1
453 | else
454 | info "Building the VirtualBox netflt kernel module"
455 | log "Output from the module build process (the Linux kernel build system) follows:"
456 | cd $INSTALLATION_DIR/src/vboxnetflt
457 | ./build_in_tmp \
458 | --use-module-symvers /tmp/vboxdrv-Module.symvers \
459 | --no-print-directory install >> $LOG 2>&1
460 | RETVAL=$?
461 | if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]
462 | then
463 | info "Failed to build the vboxnetflt kernel module."
464 | info "Please check the log file $LOG for more information."
465 | MODULE_FAILED="true"
466 | RC_SCRIPT=1
467 | else
468 | info "Building the VirtualBox netadp kernel module"
469 | log "Output from the module build process (the Linux kernel build system) follows:"
470 | cd $INSTALLATION_DIR/src/vboxnetadp
471 | ./build_in_tmp \
472 | --use-module-symvers /tmp/vboxdrv-Module.symvers \
473 | --no-print-directory install >> $LOG 2>&1
474 | RETVAL=$?
475 | if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]
476 | then
477 | info "Failed to build the vboxnetadp kernel module."
478 | info "Please check the log file $LOG for more information."
479 | MODULE_FAILED="true"
480 | RC_SCRIPT=1
481 | fi
482 | fi
483 | fi
484 | # cleanup
485 | rm -f /tmp/vboxdrv-Module.symvers
486 | # Start VirtualBox kernel module
487 | if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && ! start_init_script vboxdrv; then
488 | info "Failed to load the kernel module."
489 | MODULE_FAILED="true"
490 | RC_SCRIPT=1
491 | fi
492 | log ""
493 | log "End of the output from the Linux kernel build system."
494 | cd $cur
495 | fi
496 |
497 | echo "# VirtualBox installation directory" > $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG
499 | echo "# VirtualBox version" >> $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG
502 | info ""
503 | if [ ! "$MODULE_FAILED" = "true" ]
504 | then
505 | info "VirtualBox has been installed successfully."
506 | else
507 | info "VirtualBox has been installed successfully, but the kernel module could not"
508 | info "be built. When you have fixed the problems preventing this, execute"
509 | info " /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup"
510 | info "as administrator to build it."
511 | fi
512 | info ""
513 | info "You will find useful information about using VirtualBox in the user manual"
514 | info " $INSTALLATION_DIR/UserManual.pdf"
515 | info "and in the user FAQ"
516 | info " http://www.alldomusa.eu.org/wiki/User_FAQ"
517 | info ""
518 | info "We hope that you enjoy using VirtualBox."
519 | info ""
520 | log "Installation successful"
521 | elif [ "$ACTION" = "uninstall" ]; then
522 | . ./uninstall.sh
523 | fi
524 | exit $RC_SCRIPT