#!/usr/bin/make -f # $Id: rules 96407 2022-08-22 17:43:14Z vboxsync $ ## @file # VirtualBox rules. # # # Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as # available from https://www.virtualbox.org. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the # License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only # # # NOTE: if you make changes to this file, please check if the updates should # be also applied to the publicly visible debian/rules file. # #export DH_VERBOSE=1 # possible overrides: # OSE=1 force VBOX_OSE # NOPARALLEL=1 compile with -j1 # LINUX= compile vboxdrv against Linux found in # VERBOSE=1 verbose build # DEBUG=1 debug build # NOSUBVER=1 disable generation of the sub-version field (which is # either the subversion rev [if available] or the build date) # NODOCS=1 don't build docs, use precompiled UserManual*.pdf and # maybe UserManual*.qch and UserManual*.qhc from $(vboxroot)/prebuild # NOMODS=1 don't build any module # NOQT=1 don't build the Qt GUI # NOSDL=1 don't build VBoxSDL # EFI=1 include the EFI binary from prebuild # VERSUFFIX= set a particular package version suffix (e.g. _customer) # HEADLESS=1 build the headless version # VNC=1 build VNC code # NOWEBSVC=1 don't build the webservice API # STAGEDISO= don't build the VBoxAdditions, use the precompiled .iso # PKGDIR= where to store the final package(s) # svn_revision=xxx do not depend on subversion being available, but use this # hard-coded revision number instead # # NODOCS will be set if UserManual*.pdf, UserManual*.qch and UserManual*.qhc are # placed in $(vboxroot)/prebuild. # STAGEDISO will be set if VBoxGuestAdditions.iso is placed there. # # Wine will not be required if STAGEDISO is set. package := virtualbox verpkg := virtualbox-7.0 vboxroot := $(shell while ! test -r configure && ! test "$$PWD" = "/"; do cd ..; done; pwd) debroot := $(vboxroot)/src/VBox/Installer/linux instlin := $(vboxroot)/src/VBox/Installer/linux pkgdir := $(if $(PKGDIR),$(PKGDIR),$(shell cd $(vboxroot)/..; pwd)) outdir := $(if $(PATH_OUT_BASE),$(PATH_OUT_BASE),$(vboxroot)/out) bldbase := $(outdir)/debian builddir := $(bldbase)/builddir moddir := $(bldbase)/modules prefix := $(bldbase)/$(verpkg) arch := $(shell dpkg --print-architecture) verfile := $(builddir)/version-generated.mk ose := $(if $(OSE),1,$(if $(wildcard $(vboxroot)/src/VBox/RDP/server),,1)) chrarch := $(shell if [ `uname -m` = "x86_64" ]; then echo "amd64"; else echo "x86"; fi) -include $(vboxroot)/SVN_REVISION NOMODS ?= $(ose) NOQT ?= $(HEADLESS) NOSDL ?= $(HEADLESS) NOWEBSVC ?= EFI ?= $(if $(wildcard $(vboxroot)/prebuild/VBoxEFI32.fd $(vboxroot)/prebuild/VBoxEFI64.fd),1,) NODOCS ?= $(if $(wildcard $(addprefix $(vboxroot)/prebuild/,UserManual*.pdf UserManual*.qch UserManual*.qhc)),1,) STAGEDISO ?= $(if $(wildcard $(vboxroot)/prebuild/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso),$(vboxroot)/prebuild,) NOWINE := $(if $(STAGEDISO),1,$(ose)) PYTHON := $(firstword $(shell which python3) $(shell which python)) DEBPKGFILES := changelog compat control dirs postinst postrm preinst prerm rules templates ifneq ($(STAGEDISO),) ifeq ($(wildcard $(STAGEDISO)/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso),) $(error STAGEDISO='$(STAGEDISO)/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso' not found) endif endif # Replicate debian package buildfiles to $(bldbase) ifneq ($(shell pwd),$(outdir)) cmd := $(filter-out all Makefile,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) all: mkdir -p $(bldbase) ln -sf $(addprefix $(debroot)/debian/,$(DEBPKGFILES)) $(bldbase) +$(MAKE) -C $(outdir) vboxroot=$(vboxroot) -f debian/rules $(cmd) Makefile: $(cmd): all .PHONY: all $(MAKECMDGOALS) else ifneq ($(wildcard $(verfile)),) include $(verfile) ver := $(VBOX_VERSION_STRING) svnver := $(if $(NOSUBVER),,$(if $(svn_revision),-$(svn_revision),$(shell if \ svn info $(vboxroot) > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ svn info $(vboxroot)|sed -e "s/^Revision: \(.*\)/-\1/;t;d"; else \ date +"-%Y%m%d"; fi))) debver := $(subst _ALPHA,~alpha,$(subst _BETA,~beta,$(subst _RC,~rc,$(subst _OSE,~ose,$(ver)))))$(svnver)$(VERSUFFIX)$(if $(HEADLESS),~headless,)$(if $(DEBUG),~dbg,) archdir := $(prefix)/opt/VirtualBox-$(ver) endif ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) debrel := $(if $(shell which lsb_release),_$(shell lsb_release -si)_$(shell lsb_release -sc),unknown) debdist := $(strip $(shell grep $(debrel) $(debroot)/distributions_deb | cut -d'=' -f2)) ifeq ($(debdist),) debdist := $(if $(shell which lsb_release),_$(shell lsb_release -si | tr a-z A-Z)_$(shell lsb_release -sr | sed -e 's/\./_/g' -e 's/\([^_]*\)\(_[^_]*\).*/\1\2/'),unknown) # $(error package distribution not detected (debrel=$(debrel))) endif endif cfg_flags := $(if $(NOQT),--disable-qt,) \ $(if $(NOSDL),--disable-vboxsdl,) \ $(if $(ose),--ose,) $(if $(LINUX),--with-linux=$(LINUX),) \ $(if $(HEADLESS),--build-headless,) \ $(if $(DEBUG),--build-debug,) \ $(if $(NOWINE),,--setup-wine) \ $(if $(VNC),--enable-vnc,) \ $(if $(PATH_OUT_BASE),--out-base-dir=$(PATH_OUT_BASE),) \ --disable-extpack bld_flags := LOCALCFG=$(debroot)/debian/LocalConfig.kmk \ PATH_OUT=$(builddir) \ VBOX_WITHOUT_EXTPACK_PUEL_PACKING=1 \ VBOX_WITHOUT_EXTPACK_VNC_PACKING=1 \ VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA3D=1 \ VBOX_DO_STRIP= \ VBOX_PATH_PACKAGE_DOCS="\"/usr/share/doc/$(verpkg)\"" \ VBOX_PACKAGE_DIST=$(debdist) \ $(if $(svn_revision),VBOX_SVN_REV=$(svn_revision),) \ $(if $(NODOCS),VBOX_WITH_DOCS=,) \ $(if $(VERBOSE),--print-directory KBUILD_VERBOSE=2,--no-print-directory) \ $(if $(STAGEDISO),VBOX_WITHOUT_ADDITIONS=1,) configure: $(bldbase)/configure-stamp $(bldbase)/configure-stamp: dh_testdir mkdir -p $(bldbase) cd $(vboxroot) && ./configure --odir=$(bldbase) $(cfg_flags) touch $@ build: $(bldbase)/configure-stamp $(bldbase)/build-stamp $(bldbase)/build-stamp $(verfile): $(bldbase)/configure-stamp dh_testdir . $(bldbase)/env.sh && kmk -C $(vboxroot) $(bld_flags) $(if $(NOPARALLEL),-j1,) all # Files from prebuild go to (builddir)/bin to be used during the # packing stage, overriding what the build did/would produce. $(if $(NODOCS),cp $(addprefix $(vboxroot)/prebuild/,UserManual*.pdf UserManual*.qch UserManual*.qhc) $(builddir)/bin,) $(if $(EFI),cp $(vboxroot)/prebuild/VBoxEFI32.fd $(builddir)/bin,) $(if $(EFI),cp $(vboxroot)/prebuild/VBoxEFI64.fd $(builddir)/bin,) mkdir -p $(builddir)/bin/additions $(if $(STAGEDISO),cp $(STAGEDISO)/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso $(builddir)/bin/additions,) . $(bldbase)/env.sh && kmk -C $(vboxroot) $(bld_flags) \ VBOX_NO_LINUX_RUN_INSTALLER=1 \ VBOX_LNX_ADD_ARCHIVE.x86=$(builddir)/bin/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions-x86.tar.bz2 \ VBOX_LNX_ADD_ARCHIVE.amd64=$(builddir)/bin/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions-amd64.tar.bz2 \ VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS.linux.x86=$(builddir)/bin/additions \ VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS.linux.amd64=$(builddir)/bin/additions \ packing touch $(bldbase)/build-stamp # Build modules for every kernel we find in /lib/modules/* $(bldbase)/modules-stamp: $(bldbase)/build-stamp rm -rf $(moddir) mkdir $(moddir) for d in $(wildcard /lib/modules/*); do \ if [ -L $$d/build ]; then \ make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv KERN_VER=$$(basename $$d) clean && \ make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv KBUILD_VERBOSE= KERN_VER=$$(basename $$d) all; \ make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetflt KERN_VER=$$(basename $$d) clean && \ (cp $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv/Module.symvers $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetflt || true) && \ make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetflt KBUILD_VERBOSE= KERN_VER=$$(basename $$d) KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS=$(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetflt/Module.symvers all; \ make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetadp KERN_VER=$$(basename $$d) clean && \ (cp $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv/Module.symvers $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetadp || true) && \ make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetadp KBUILD_VERBOSE= KERN_VER=$$(basename $$d) KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS=$(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetadp/Module.symvers all; \ [ -d $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxpci ] && make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxpci KERN_VER=$$(basename $$d) clean && \ (cp $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv/Module.symvers $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxpci || true) && \ make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxpci KBUILD_VERBOSE= KERN_VER=$$(basename $$d) KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS=$(builddir)/bin/src/vboxpci/Module.symvers all; \ true; \ fi; \ done touch $@ clean: dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_clean rm -rf $(archdir) rm -rf $(builddir) rm -rf $(moddir) rm -rf $(bldbase)/wine.* rm -rf $(bldbase)/VirtualBox-* rm -f $(bldbase)/VirtualBox.tar $(bldbase)/VirtualBox.tar.bz2 rm -f $(bldbase)/virtualbox-*.substvars $(bldbase)/virtualbox*.debhelper rm -f $(bldbase)/$(verpkg).mime $(bldbase)/$(verpkg).sharedmimeinfo rm -f $(bldbase)/modules-stamp $(bldbase)/build-stamp $(bldbase)/configure-stamp rm -f $(bldbase)/AutoConfig.kmk $(bldbase)/configure.log $(bldbase)/env.sh rm -f $(addprefix $(bldbase)/,$(DEBPKGFILES)) if [ -d $(bldbase) ]; then rmdir $(bldbase); fi ifeq ($(VBOX_VERSION_MAJOR),) binary: build $(verfile) +$(MAKE) -f debian/rules binary else # Build architecture-dependent files here. binary: build $(if $(NOMODS),,$(bldbase)/modules-stamp) dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_prep dh_installdirs tar -xC $(prefix)/opt -f $(builddir)/bin/VirtualBox.tar install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/applications install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/lib install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/bin install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package) mv $(archdir)/UnattendedTemplates $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package)/ install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/doc/$(verpkg) $(if $(NOQT),,mv $(archdir)/virtualbox.desktop \ $(prefix)/usr/share/applications/virtualbox.desktop) $(if $(NOQT),,mv $(archdir)/virtualboxvm.desktop \ $(prefix)/usr/share/applications/virtualboxvm.desktop) install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/pixmaps $(if $(NOQT),,install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/icons/hicolor) $(if $(NOQT),,cp $(archdir)/icons/128x128/virtualbox.png \ $(prefix)/usr/share/pixmaps/virtualbox.png) $(if $(NOQT),,mv $(archdir)/nls $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package)) $(if $(NOQT),,cd $(archdir)/icons; for i in *; do \ for j in $$i/virtualbox.*; do \ if [ -f $$j ]; then \ if [ ! -d $(prefix)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$$i/apps ]; then \ install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$$i/apps; \ fi; \ mv $$j $(prefix)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$$i/apps; \ fi; \ done; \ install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$$i/mimetypes; \ mv $$i/* $(prefix)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$$i/mimetypes || true; \ rmdir $$i; \ done) $(if $(NOQT),,rmdir $(archdir)/icons) $(if $(NOQT),,mv $(archdir)/virtualbox.xml $(bldbase)/$(verpkg).sharedmimeinfo) install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/lintian/overrides sed \ -e 's|%VERPKG%|$(verpkg)|g' \ $(vboxroot)/debian/lintian-override.in > \ $(prefix)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(verpkg) mv $(archdir)/VBox.png \ $(prefix)/usr/share/pixmaps/VBox.png mv $(archdir)/src $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package) rm $(archdir)/VBox.sh install -D -g 0 -o 0 -m 644 $(instlin)/VBox.sh $(prefix)/usr/bin/VBox mv $(archdir)/VBoxSysInfo.sh $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package) if [ -r $(archdir)/VBoxDTrace ]; then \ mv $(archdir)/VBoxDTrace $(prefix)/usr/bin; \ fi $(if $(NOMODS),,for d in $(moddir)/*; do \ if [ -f $$d/vboxdrv.ko -a -f $$d/vboxnetflt.ko -a -f $$d/vboxnetadp.ko ]; then \ install -D -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 \ $$d/vboxdrv.ko $(prefix)/lib/modules/$$(basename $$d)/misc/vboxdrv.ko; \ install -D -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 \ $$d/vboxnetflt.ko $(prefix)/lib/modules/$$(basename $$d)/misc/vboxnetflt.ko; \ install -D -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 \ $$d/vboxnetadp.ko $(prefix)/lib/modules/$$(basename $$d)/misc/vboxnetadp.ko; \ if [ -f $$d/vboxpci.ko ]; then \ install -D -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 \ $$d/vboxpci.ko $(prefix)/lib/modules/$$(basename $$d)/misc/vboxpci.ko; \ fi \ fi \ done) dh_installdocs $(addprefix $(archdir)/,UserManual*.pdf LICENSE) mv $(addprefix $(archdir)/,additions/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso) $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package) mv $(archdir) $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package) if [ -f $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/libQt5CoreVBox.so.5 ]; then \ $(vboxroot)/tools/linux.$(chrarch)/bin/chrpath \ --keepgoing --replace /usr/lib/$(package) \ $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/*.so.5 \ $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/plugins/platforms/*.so; \ $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/plugins/platformthemes/*.so; \ $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/plugins/sqldrivers/*.so; \ $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/plugins/styles/*.so; \ $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/plugins/xcbglintegrations/*.so; \ echo "[Paths]" > $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/qt.conf; \ echo "Plugins = /usr/lib/$(package)/plugins" >> $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/qt.conf; \ fi export VBOX_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/lib/$(package) && \ cd $(builddir)/bin/sdk/installer && \ $(PYTHON) ./vboxapisetup.py install --root $(prefix) rm -rf $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/sdk/installer ln -s ../VBoxVMM.so $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/components/VBoxVMM.so rmdir $(prefix)/opt dh_link \ $(if $(NOQT),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VirtualBox) \ $(if $(NOQT),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/virtualbox) \ $(if $(NOQT),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VirtualBoxVM) \ $(if $(NOQT),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/virtualboxvm) \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxManage \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/vboxmanage \ $(if $(NOSDL),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxSDL) \ $(if $(NOSDL),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/vboxsdl) \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxHeadless \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/vboxheadless \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxBugReport \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/vboxbugreport \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxBalloonCtrl \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/vboxballoonctrl \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxAutostart \ usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/vboxautostart \ $(if $(NOWEBSVC),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/vboxwebsrv) \ $(if $(NOVBOXIMG),,usr/lib/virtualbox/vbox-img usr/bin/vbox-img) \ $(if $(NOVBOXIMGMOUNT),,usr/lib/virtualbox/vboximg-mount usr/bin/vboximg-mount) \ usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxhost usr/src/vboxhost-$(ver) $(if $(NOMODS),,dh_installmodules) rm -f $(bldbase)/changelog sed -e 's|%VER%|$(debver)|g' \ -e 's|%DATE%|$(shell date -R)|g' \ -e 's|%DEBREL%|$(subst _,~,$(debrel))|g' \ -e 's|%VERPKG%|$(verpkg)|g' \ $(debroot)/debian/changelog.in > $(bldbase)/changelog dh_installdebconf dh_installchangelogs dh_installmenu dh_installmime dh_link ifeq ($(DEBUG),) dh_strip --keep-debug \ $(addprefix --exclude=lib,$(addsuffix VBox.so.5,\ Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets Qt5PrintSupport Qt5OpenGL Qt5DBus Qt5XcbQpa Qt5X11Extras)) endif mkdir -p $(bldbase)/$(verpkg)-dbg/usr/lib/$(package) mv $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/*.debug $(bldbase)/$(verpkg)-dbg/usr/lib/$(package) ifeq ($(DEBUG),) mv $(prefix)/usr/lib/debug $(bldbase)/$(verpkg)-dbg/usr/lib endif $(firstword $(shell which dh_python3) $(shell which dh_python2)) dh_compress -X.pdf -X.qch -X.qhc -X LICENSE -X.py dh_fixperms dh_makeshlibs dh_installdeb dh_perl # For some reason, the Qt libraries couldn't be found on newer releases (e.g. Ubuntu hardy). # Python is deliberately not listed as a dependency (see also comment in the "control" file. # It is expected that dh_gencontrol shows a warning "substitution variable ${python:Versions} # used, but is not defined" because of this. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(prefix)/usr/lib/virtualbox dh_shlibdeps --exclude=VBoxPython dh_gencontrol -- \ -Valsa=$(if $(HEADLESS),,libasound2) \ -Vpulse=$(if $(HEADLESS),,libpulse0) \ -Vsdlttf=$(if $(HEADLESS),,libsdl-ttf2.0-0) dh_md5sums dh_builddeb --destdir $(pkgdir) -- -Zxz endif .PHONY: binary configure build clean endif