1 | # $Id: Makefile.include.header 76553 2019-01-01 01:45:53Z vboxsync $
2 | ## @file
3 | # VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel module Makefile, common parts.
4 | #
5 | # (For 2.6.x, the main file must be called 'Makefile'!)
6 | #
7 |
8 | #
9 | # Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Oracle Corporation
10 | #
11 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
12 | # available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
13 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
15 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
16 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
17 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
18 | #
19 |
20 | # Testing:
21 | # * Building with KERN_DIR set uses the value specified and
22 | # the default value for the unspecified one if any.
23 |
24 | #
25 | # These file should be included by the Makefiles for any kernel modules we
26 | # build as part of the Guest Additions. The intended way of doing this is as
27 | # follows:
28 | #
29 | # # Linux kbuild sets this to our source directory if we are called from
30 | # # there
31 | # obj ?= $(CURDIR)
32 | # include $(obj)/Makefile.include.header
33 | # MOD_NAME = <name of the module to be built, without extension>
34 | # MOD_OBJS = <list of object files which should be included>
35 | # MOD_DEFS = <any additional defines which this module needs>
36 | # MOD_INCL = <any additional include paths which this module needs>
37 | # MOD_CFLAGS = <any additional CFLAGS which this module needs>
38 | # include $(obj)/Makefile.include.footer
39 | #
40 | # The kmk kBuild define KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH is available.
41 | #
42 |
43 |
44 | #
45 | # First, figure out which architecture we're targeting and the build type.
46 | # (We have to support basic cross building (ARCH=i386|x86_64).)
47 | # While at it, warn about BUILD_* vars found to help with user problems.
48 | #
49 | ifeq ($(filter-out x86_64 amd64 AMD64,$(shell uname -m)),)
51 | else
53 | endif
54 | ifneq ($(filter-out amd64 x86,$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH)),)
55 | $(warning Ignoring unknown BUILD_TARGET_ARCH value '$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH)'.)
57 | endif
58 | ifeq ($(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH),)
59 | ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
60 | BUILD_TARGET_ARCH := amd64
61 | else
62 | ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
64 | else
66 | endif
67 | endif
68 | else
70 | $(warning Using BUILD_TARGET_ARCH='$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH)' from the $(origin BUILD_TARGET_ARCH).)
71 | endif
72 | endif
73 |
74 | ifneq ($(filter-out release profile debug strict,$(BUILD_TYPE)),)
75 | $(warning Ignoring unknown BUILD_TYPE value '$(BUILD_TYPE)'.)
76 | BUILD_TYPE :=
77 | endif
78 | ifeq ($(BUILD_TYPE),)
79 | BUILD_TYPE := release
80 | else
81 | ifneq ($(BUILD_TYPE),release)
82 | $(warning Using BUILD_TYPE='$(BUILD_TYPE)' from the $(origin BUILD_TYPE).)
83 | endif
84 | endif
85 | ifeq ($(USERNAME),)
86 | USERNAME := noname
87 | endif
88 |
89 | ifeq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)
90 |
91 | #
92 | # building from this directory
93 | #
94 |
95 | # kernel base directory
96 | ifdef KERN_DIR
97 | ifndef KERN_VER
98 | ifeq ($(filter %/build,$(KERN_DIR)),)
99 | $(error The variable KERN_DIR must be a kernel build folder and end with /build without a trailing slash, or KERN_VER must be set)
100 | endif
101 | endif
102 | endif
103 |
104 | ifndef KERN_VER
105 | ifdef KERN_DIR
106 | KERN_VER = $(notdir $(patsubst %/build,%,$(KERN_DIR)))
107 | ifeq ($(shell expr $(KERN_VER) : '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*.[0-9]*'),0)
108 | $(error The kernel build folder path must end in <version>/build, or the variable KERN_VER must be set)
109 | endif
110 | endif
111 | KERN_VER ?= $(shell uname -r)
112 | endif
113 |
114 | # guess kernel major version (24 or later)
115 | ifeq ($(shell if grep '"2\.4\.' /lib/modules/$(KERN_VER)/build/include/linux/version.h > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo yes; fi),yes)
116 | KERN_VERSION := 24
117 | else
118 | KERN_VERSION := 26
119 | endif
120 |
121 | else # neq($(KERNELRELEASE),)
122 |
123 | #
124 | # building from kbuild (make -C <kernel_directory> M=`pwd`)
125 | #
126 |
127 | # guess kernel version (24 or 26)
128 | ifeq ($(shell if echo "$(VERSION).$(PATCHLEVEL)." | grep '2\.4\.' > /dev/null; then echo yes; fi),yes)
129 | KERN_VERSION := 24
130 | else
131 | KERN_VERSION := 26
132 | endif
133 |
135 |
136 | endif # neq($(KERNELRELEASE),)
137 |
138 | # Kernel build folder
139 | ifeq ($(KERN_DIR),)
140 | KERN_DIR := /lib/modules/$(KERN_VER)/build
141 | endif
142 | ifneq ($(shell if test -d $(KERN_DIR); then echo yes; fi),yes)
143 | $(error Error: unable to find the headers of the Linux kernel to build against. \
144 | Specify KERN_VER=<version> (currently $(KERN_VER)) and run Make again)
145 | endif
146 | # Kernel include folder
147 | KERN_INCL := $(KERN_DIR)/include
148 | # module install folder
149 | INSTALL_MOD_DIR ?= misc
151 |
152 | # debug - show guesses.
153 | ifdef DEBUG
154 | $(warning dbg: INSTALL_MOD_PATH = $(INSTALL_MOD_PATH))
155 | $(warning dbg: INSTALL_MOD_DIR = $(INSTALL_MOD_DIR))
156 | $(warning dbg: KERN_DIR = $(KERN_DIR))
157 | $(warning dbg: KERN_INCL = $(KERN_INCL))
158 | $(warning dbg: KERN_VERSION = $(KERN_VERSION))
159 | $(warning dbg: MODULE_DIR = $(MODULE_DIR))
160 | endif