1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #
3 | # VirtualBox Uninstaller Script.
4 | #
5 | # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Oracle Corporation
6 | #
7 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
8 | # available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
9 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
10 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
11 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
12 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
13 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
14 | #
15 |
16 | # Override any funny stuff from the user.
17 | export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH"
18 |
19 | #
20 | # Display a simple welcome message first.
21 | #
22 | echo ""
23 | echo "Welcome to the VirtualBox uninstaller script."
24 | echo ""
25 |
26 | #
27 | # Check for arguments and display
28 | #
29 | my_default_prompt=0
30 | if test "$#" != "0"; then
31 | if test "$#" != "1" -o "$1" != "--unattended"; then
32 | echo "Error: Unknown argument(s): $*"
33 | echo ""
34 | echo "Usage: uninstall.sh [--unattended]"
35 | echo ""
36 | echo "If the '--unattended' option is not given, you will be prompted"
37 | echo "for a Yes/No before doing the actual uninstallation."
38 | echo ""
39 | exit 4;
40 | fi
41 | my_default_prompt="Yes"
42 | fi
43 |
44 | #
45 | # Collect directories and files to remove.
46 | # Note: Do NOT attempt adding directories or filenames with spaces!
47 | #
48 | my_directories=""
49 | my_files=""
50 |
51 | test -d /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox/"
52 | test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxStartupItems.pkg/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Receipts/VBoxStartupItems.pkg/"
53 |
54 | test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxDrv.kext/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Extensions/VBoxDrv.kext/"
55 | test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxUSB.kext/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Extensions/VBoxUSB.kext/"
56 | test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxNetFlt.kext/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Extensions/VBoxNetFlt.kext/"
57 | test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxNetAdp.kext/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Extensions/VBoxNetAdp.kext/"
58 | # Tiger support is obsolete, but we leave it here for a clean removing of older
59 | # VirtualBox versions
60 | test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxDrvTiger.kext/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Extensions/VBoxDrvTiger.kext/"
61 | test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxUSBTiger.kext/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Extensions/VBoxUSBTiger.kext/"
62 | test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxKEXTs.pkg/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Receipts/VBoxKEXTs.pkg/"
63 |
64 | test -f /usr/bin/VirtualBox && my_files="$my_files /usr/bin/VirtualBox"
65 | test -f /usr/bin/VBoxManage && my_files="$my_files /usr/bin/VBoxManage"
66 | test -f /usr/bin/VBoxVRDP && my_files="$my_files /usr/bin/VBoxVRDP"
67 | test -f /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless && my_files="$my_files /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless"
68 | test -f /usr/bin/vboxwebsrv && my_files="$my_files /usr/bin/vboxwebsrv"
69 | test -d /Library/Receipts/VirtualBoxCLI.pkg/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Receipts/VirtualBoxCLI.pkg/"
70 |
71 | test -d /Applications/VirtualBox.app/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Applications/VirtualBox.app/"
72 | test -d /Library/Receipts/VirtualBox.pkg/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Receipts/VirtualBox.pkg/"
73 |
74 | # legacy
75 | test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxDrv.pkg/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Receipts/VBoxDrv.pkg/"
76 | test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxUSB.pkg/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Receipts/VBoxUSB.pkg/"
77 |
78 | # python stuff
79 | python_versions="2.3 2.5 2.6"
80 | for p in $python_versions; do
81 | test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/VirtualBox_constants.py && my_files="$my_files /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/VirtualBox_constants.py"
82 | test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/VirtualBox_constants.pyc && my_files="$my_files /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/VirtualBox_constants.pyc"
83 | test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/__init__.py && my_files="$my_files /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/__init__.py"
84 | test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/__init__.pyc && my_files="$my_files /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/__init__.pyc"
85 | test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi-1.0-py$p.egg-info && my_files="$my_files /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi-1.0-py$p.egg-info"
86 | test -d /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/ && my_directories="$my_directories /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/"
87 | done
88 |
89 | #
90 | # Collect KEXTs to remove.
91 | # Note that the unload order is significant.
92 | #
93 | my_kexts=""
94 | for kext in org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv; do
95 | if /usr/sbin/kextstat -b $kext -l | grep -q $kext; then
96 | my_kexts="$my_kexts $kext"
97 | fi
98 | done
99 |
100 | #
101 | # Did we find anything to uninstall?
102 | #
103 | if test -z "$my_directories" -a -z "$my_files" -a -z "$my_kexts"; then
104 | echo "No VirtualBox files, directories or KEXTs to uninstall."
105 | echo "Done."
106 | exit 0;
107 | fi
108 |
109 | #
110 | # Look for running VirtualBox processes and warn the user
111 | # if something is running. Since deleting the files of
112 | # running processes isn't fatal as such, we will leave it
113 | # to the user to choose whether to continue or not.
114 | #
115 | # Note! comm isn't supported on Tiger, so we make -c to do the stripping.
116 | #
117 | my_processes="`ps -axco 'pid uid command' | grep -wEe '(VirtualBox|VirtualBoxVM|VBoxManage|VBoxHeadless|vboxwebsrv|VBoxXPCOMIPCD|VBoxSVC|VBoxNetDHCP)' | grep -vw grep | grep -vw VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool | tr '\n' '\a'`";
118 | if test -n "$my_processes"; then
119 | echo 'Warning! Found the following active VirtualBox processes:'
120 | echo "$my_processes" | tr '\a' '\n'
121 | echo ""
122 | echo "We recommend that you quit all VirtualBox processes before"
123 | echo "uninstalling the product."
124 | echo ""
125 | if test "$my_default_prompt" != "Yes"; then
126 | echo "Do you wish to continue none the less (Yes/No)?"
127 | read my_answer
128 | if test "$my_answer" != "Yes" -a "$my_answer" != "YES" -a "$my_answer" != "yes"; then
129 | echo "Aborting uninstall. (answer: '$my_answer')".
130 | exit 2;
131 | fi
132 | echo ""
133 | my_answer=""
134 | fi
135 | fi
136 |
137 | #
138 | # Display the files and directories that will be removed
139 | # and get the user's consent before continuing.
140 | #
141 | if test -n "$my_files" -o -n "$my_directories"; then
142 | echo "The following files and directories (bundles) will be removed:"
143 | for file in $my_files; do echo " $file"; done
144 | for dir in $my_directories; do echo " $dir"; done
145 | fi
146 | if test -n "$my_kexts"; then
147 | echo "And the following KEXTs will be unloaded:"
148 | for kext in $my_kexts; do echo " $kext"; done
149 | fi
150 | echo ""
151 |
152 | if test "$my_default_prompt" != "Yes"; then
153 | echo "Do you wish to uninstall VirtualBox (Yes/No)?"
154 | read my_answer
155 | if test "$my_answer" != "Yes" -a "$my_answer" != "YES" -a "$my_answer" != "yes"; then
156 | echo "Aborting uninstall. (answer: '$my_answer')".
157 | exit 2;
158 | fi
159 | echo ""
160 | fi
161 |
162 | #
163 | # Display the sudo usage instructions and execute the command.
164 | #
165 | echo "The uninstallation processes requires administrative privileges"
166 | echo "because some of the installed files cannot be removed by a normal"
167 | echo "user. You may be prompted for your password now..."
168 | echo ""
169 |
170 | if test -n "$my_files" -o -n "$my_directories"; then
171 | /usr/bin/sudo -p "Please enter %u's password:" /bin/rm -Rf $my_files $my_directories
172 | my_rc=$?
173 | if test "$my_rc" -ne 0; then
174 | echo "An error occured durning 'sudo rm', there should be a message above. (rc=$my_rc)"
175 | test -x /usr/bin/sudo || echo "warning: Cannot find /usr/bin/sudo or it's not an executable."
176 | test -x /bin/rm || echo "warning: Cannot find /bin/rm or it's not an executable"
177 | echo ""
178 | echo "The uninstall failed. Please retry."
179 | exit 1;
180 | fi
181 | fi
182 |
183 | my_rc=0
184 | for kext in $my_kexts; do
185 | echo unloading $kext
186 | /usr/bin/sudo -p "Please enter %u's password (unloading $kext):" /sbin/kextunload -m $kext
187 | my_rc2=$?
188 | if test "$my_rc2" -ne 0; then
189 | echo "An error occured durning 'sudo /sbin/kextunload -m $kext', there should be a message above. (rc=$my_rc2)"
190 | test -x /usr/bin/sudo || echo "warning: Cannot find /usr/bin/sudo or it's not an executable."
191 | test -x /sbin/kextunload || echo "warning: Cannot find /sbin/kextunload or it's not an executable"
192 | my_rc=$my_rc2
193 | fi
194 | done
195 | if test "$my_rc" -eq 0; then
196 | echo "Successfully uninstalled VirtualBox."
197 | else
198 | echo "Failed to unload on or more KEXTs, please reboot the machine to complete the uninstall."
199 | fi
200 | echo "Done."
201 | exit 0;
202 |