/* $Id: vboximg-mount.cpp 77142 2019-02-02 00:20:11Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * vboximg-mount - Disk Image Flattening FUSE Program. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DEFAULT /** @todo log group */ #define FUSE_USE_VERSION 27 #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined(RT_OS_FEEBSD) # define UNIX_DERIVATIVE #endif #define MAX_READERS (INT32_MAX / 32) #include #ifdef UNIX_DERIVATIVE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX) # include # undef PVM /* Blasted old BSD mess still hanging around darwin. */ #endif #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vboximg-mount.h" #include "vboximgCrypto.h" #include "vboximgMedia.h" #include "SelfSizingTable.h" #include "vboximgOpts.h" using namespace com; enum { USAGE_FLAG, }; enum { PARTITION_TABLE_MBR = 1, PARTITION_TABLE_GPT = 2 }; #define VBOX_EXTPACK "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" #define GPT_PTABLE_SIZE 32 * BLOCKSIZE /** Max size we to read for GPT partition table */ #define MBR_PARTITIONS_MAX 4 /** Fixed number of partitions in Master Boot Record */ #define BASENAME_MAX 256 /** Maximum name for the basename of a path (for RTStrNLen()*/ #define VBOXIMG_PARTITION_MAX 256 /** How much storage to allocate to store partition info */ #define PARTITION_NAME_MAX 72 /** Maximum partition name size (accomodates GPT partition name) */ #define BLOCKSIZE 512 /** Commonly used disk block size */ #define DOS_BOOT_RECORD_SIGNATURE 0xaa55 /** MBR and EBR (partition table) signature [EOT boundary] */ #define NULL_BOOT_RECORD_SIGNATURE 0x0000 /** MBR or EBR null signature value */ #define MAX_UUID_LEN 256 /** Max length of a UUID */ #define LBA(n) (n * BLOCKSIZE) #define VD_SECTOR_SIZE 512 /** Virtual disk sector/blocksize */ #define VD_SECTOR_MASK (VD_SECTOR_SIZE - 1) /** Masks off a blocks worth of data */ #define VD_SECTOR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_MASK (~UINT64_C(VD_SECTOR_MASK)) /** Masks the overflow of a blocks worth of data */ #define VERBOSE g_vboximgOpts.fVerbose #define IS_BIG_ENDIAN (*(uint16_t *)"\0\xff" < 0x100) #define PARTTYPE_IS_NULL(parType) ((uint8_t)parType == 0x00) #define PARTTYPE_IS_GPT(parType) ((uint8_t)parType == 0xee) #define PARTTYPE_IS_EXT(parType) (( (uint8_t)parType) == 0x05 /* Extended */ \ || ((uint8_t)parType) == 0x0f /* W95 Extended (LBA) */ \ || ((uint8_t)parType) == 0x85) /* Linux Extended */ #define SAFENULL(strPtr) (strPtr ? strPtr : "") #define CSTR(arg) Utf8Str(arg).c_str() /* Converts XPCOM string type to C string type */ static struct fuse_operations g_vboximgOps; /** FUSE structure that defines allowed ops for this FS */ /* Global variables */ static PVDISK g_pVDisk; /** Handle for Virtual Disk in contet */ static char *g_pszDiskUuid; /** UUID of image (if known, otherwise NULL) */ static off_t g_vDiskOffset; /** Biases r/w from start of VD */ static off_t g_vDiskSize; /** Limits r/w length for VD */ static int32_t g_cReaders; /** Number of readers for VD */ static int32_t g_cWriters; /** Number of writers for VD */ static RTFOFF g_cbEntireVDisk; /** Size of VD */ static PVDINTERFACE g_pVdIfs; /** @todo Remove when VD I/O becomes threadsafe */ static VDINTERFACETHREADSYNC g_VDIfThreadSync; /** @todo Remove when VD I/O becomes threadsafe */ static RTCRITSECT g_vdioLock; /** @todo Remove when VD I/O becomes threadsafe */ static uint16_t g_lastPartNbr; /** Last partition number found in MBR + EBR chain */ static bool g_fGPT; /** True if GPT type partition table was found */ static char *g_pszImageName; /** Base filename for current VD image */ static char *g_pszImagePath; /** Full path to current VD image */ static char *g_pszBaseImagePath; /** Base image known after parsing */ static char *g_pszBaseImageName; /** Base image known after parsing */ static uint32_t g_cImages; /** Number of images in diff chain */ /* Table entry containing partition info parsed out of GPT or MBR and EBR chain of specified VD */ typedef struct { int idxPartition; /** partition number */ char *pszName; off_t offPartition; /** partition offset from start of disk, in bytes */ uint64_t cbPartition; /** partition size in bytes */ uint8_t fBootable; /** partition bootable */ union { uint8_t legacy; /** partition type MBR/EBR */ uint128_t gptGuidTypeSpecifier; /** partition type GPT */ } partitionType; /** uint8_t for MBR/EBR (legacy) and GUID for GPT */ union { MBRPARTITIONENTRY mbrEntry; /** MBR (also EBR partition entry) */ GPTPARTITIONENTRY gptEntry; /** GPT partition entry */ } partitionEntry; } PARTITIONINFO; PARTITIONINFO g_aParsedPartitionInfo[VBOXIMG_PARTITION_MAX + 1]; /* Note: Element 0 reserved for EntireDisk partitionEntry */ VBOXIMGOPTS g_vboximgOpts; #define OPTION(fmt, pos, val) { fmt, offsetof(struct vboximgOpts, pos), val } static struct fuse_opt vboximgOptDefs[] = { OPTION("--image %s", pszImageUuidOrPath, 0), OPTION("-i %s", pszImageUuidOrPath, 0), OPTION("--rw", fRW, 1), OPTION("--root", fAllowRoot, 0), OPTION("--vm %s", pszVm, 0), OPTION("--partition %d", idxPartition, 1), OPTION("-p %d", idxPartition, 1), OPTION("--offset %d", offset, 1), OPTION("-o %d", offset, 1), OPTION("--size %d", size, 1), OPTION("-s %d", size, 1), OPTION("-l", fList, 1), OPTION("--list", fList, 1), OPTION("--verbose", fVerbose, 1), OPTION("-v", fVerbose, 1), OPTION("--wide", fWide, 1), OPTION("-w", fWide, 1), OPTION("-lv", fVerboseList, 1), OPTION("-vl", fVerboseList, 1), OPTION("-lw", fWideList, 1), OPTION("-wl", fWideList, 1), OPTION("-h", fBriefUsage, 1), FUSE_OPT_KEY("--help", USAGE_FLAG), FUSE_OPT_KEY("-vm", FUSE_OPT_KEY_NONOPT), FUSE_OPT_END }; typedef struct IMAGELIST { struct IMAGELIST *next; struct IMAGELIST *prev; ComPtr pLockToken; bool fWriteable; ComPtr pImage; Bstr pImageName; Bstr pImagePath; } IMAGELIST; IMAGELIST listHeadLockList; /* flink & blink intentionally left NULL */ static void briefUsage() { RTPrintf("usage: vboximg-mount [options] \n\n" "vboximg-mount options:\n\n" " [ { -i | --image } ] VirtualBox disk base image or snapshot,\n" " specified by UUID or path\n" "\n" " [ { -l | --list } ] If --image specified, list its partitions,\n" " otherwise, list registered VMs and their\n" " attached virtual HDD disk media. In verbose\n" " mode, VM/media list will be long format,\n" " i.e. including snapshot images and paths.\n" "\n" " [ { -w | --wide } ] List media in wide / tabular format\n" " (reduces vertical scrolling but requires\n" " wider than standard 80 column window)\n" "\n" " [ --vm UUID ] Restrict media list to specified vm.\n" "\n" " [ { -p | --partition } ] Expose only specified partition via FUSE.\n" "\n" " [ { -o | --offset } ] Bias disk I/O by offset from disk start.\n" " (incompatible with -p, --partition)\n" "\n" " [ { -s | --size } ] Specify size of mounted disk.\n" " (incompatible with -p, --partition)\n" "\n" " [ --rw ] Make image writeable (default = readonly)\n" "\n" " [ --root ] Same as -o allow_root.\n" "\n" " [ { -v | --verbose } ] Log extra information.\n" "\n" " [ -o opt[,opt...]] FUSE mount options.\n" "\n" " [ { --help | -h | -? } ] Display this usage information.\n" ); RTPrintf("\n" "vboximg-mount is a utility to make VirtualBox disk images available to the host\n" "operating system for privileged or non-priviliged access. Any version of the\n" "disk can be mounted from its available history of snapshots.\n" "\n" "If the user specifies a base image identifier using the --image option, only\n" "the base image will be mounted, disregarding any snapshots. Alternatively,\n" "if a snapshot is specified, the state of the FUSE-mounted virtual disk\n" "is synthesized from the implied chain of snapshots, including base the image.\n" "\n" "The virtual disk is exposed as a device node within a FUSE-based filesystem\n" "that overlays the user-provided mount point. The FUSE filesystem consists of a\n" "directory containing two files: A pseudo HDD device node and a symbolic\n" "link. The device node, named 'vhdd', is the access point to the virtual disk\n" "(i.e. the OS-mountable raw binary). The symbolic link has the same basename(1)\n" "as the virtual disk base image and points to the location of the\n" "virtual disk base image. If the --partition, --offset, or --size\n" "options are provided, the boundaries of the FUSE-mounted subsection of the\n" "virtual disk will be described as a numeric range in brackets appended to the\n" "symbolic link name.\n" "\n" ); } static int vboximgOptHandler(void *data, const char *arg, int optKey, struct fuse_args *outargs) { NOREF(data); NOREF(arg); NOREF(optKey); NOREF(outargs); /* * Apparently this handler is only called for arguments FUSE can't parse, * and arguments that don't result in variable assignment such as "USAGE" * In this impl. that's always deemed a parsing error. */ if (*arg != '-') /* could be user's mount point */ return 1; return -1; } /** @copydoc fuse_operations::open */ static int vboximgOp_open(const char *pszPath, struct fuse_file_info *pInfo) { RT_NOREF(pszPath, pInfo);; LogFlowFunc(("pszPath=%s\n", pszPath)); uint32_t notsup = 0; int rc = 0; #ifdef UNIX_DERIVATIVE # ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN notsup = O_APPEND | O_NONBLOCK | O_SYMLINK | O_NOCTTY | O_SHLOCK | O_EXLOCK | O_ASYNC | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL | O_EVTONLY; # elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) notsup = O_APPEND | O_ASYNC | O_DIRECT | O_NOATIME | O_NOCTTY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_NONBLOCK; /* | O_LARGEFILE | O_SYNC | ? */ # elif defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) notsup = O_APPEND | O_ASYNC | O_DIRECT | O_NOCTTY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_NONBLOCK; /* | O_LARGEFILE | O_SYNC | ? */ # endif #else # error "Port me" #endif if (pInfo->flags & notsup) rc -EINVAL; #ifdef UNIX_DERIVATIVE if ((pInfo->flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_ACCMODE) rc = -EINVAL; # ifdef O_DIRECTORY if (pInfo->flags & O_DIRECTORY) rc = -ENOTDIR; # endif #endif if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFunc(("rc=%d \"%s\"\n", rc, pszPath)); return rc; } int fWriteable = (pInfo->flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_WRONLY || (pInfo->flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDWR; if (g_cWriters) rc = -ETXTBSY; else { if (fWriteable) g_cWriters++; else { if (g_cReaders + 1 > MAX_READERS) rc = -EMLINK; else g_cReaders++; } } LogFlowFunc(("rc=%d \"%s\"\n", rc, pszPath)); return rc; } /** @todo Remove when VD I/O becomes threadsafe */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboximgThreadStartRead(void *pvUser) { PRTCRITSECT vdioLock = (PRTCRITSECT)pvUser; return RTCritSectEnter(vdioLock); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboximgThreadFinishRead(void *pvUser) { PRTCRITSECT vdioLock = (PRTCRITSECT)pvUser; return RTCritSectLeave(vdioLock); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboximgThreadStartWrite(void *pvUser) { PRTCRITSECT vdioLock = (PRTCRITSECT)pvUser; return RTCritSectEnter(vdioLock); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboximgThreadFinishWrite(void *pvUser) { PRTCRITSECT vdioLock = (PRTCRITSECT)pvUser; return RTCritSectLeave(vdioLock); } /** @todo (end of to do section) */ /** @copydoc fuse_operations::release */ static int vboximgOp_release(const char *pszPath, struct fuse_file_info *pInfo) { NOREF(pszPath); LogFlowFunc(("pszPath=%s\n", pszPath)); if ( (pInfo->flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_WRONLY || (pInfo->flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDWR) { g_cWriters--; Assert(g_cWriters >= 0); } else if ((pInfo->flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) { g_cReaders--; Assert(g_cReaders >= 0); } else AssertFailed(); LogFlowFunc(("\"%s\"\n", pszPath)); return 0; } /** * VD read Sanitizer taking care of unaligned accesses. * * @return VBox bootIndicator code. * @param pDisk VD disk container. * @param off Offset to start reading from. * @param pvBuf Pointer to the buffer to read into. * @param cbRead Amount of bytes to read. */ static int vdReadSanitizer(PVDISK pDisk, uint64_t off, void *pvBuf, size_t cbRead) { int rc; uint64_t const cbMisalignmentOfStart = off & VD_SECTOR_MASK; uint64_t const cbMisalignmentOfEnd = (off + cbRead) & VD_SECTOR_MASK; if (cbMisalignmentOfStart + cbMisalignmentOfEnd == 0) /* perfectly aligned request; just read it and done */ rc = VDRead(pDisk, off, pvBuf, cbRead); else { uint8_t *pbBuf = (uint8_t *)pvBuf; uint8_t abBuf[VD_SECTOR_SIZE]; /* If offset not @ sector boundary, read whole sector, then copy unaligned * bytes (requested by user), only up to sector boundary, into user's buffer */ if (cbMisalignmentOfStart) { rc = VDRead(pDisk, off - cbMisalignmentOfStart, abBuf, VD_SECTOR_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { size_t const cbPartial = RT_MIN(VD_SECTOR_SIZE - cbMisalignmentOfStart, cbRead); memcpy(pbBuf, &abBuf[cbMisalignmentOfStart], cbPartial); pbBuf += cbPartial; off += cbPartial; /* Beginning of next sector or EOD */ cbRead -= cbPartial; /* # left to read */ } } else /* user's offset already aligned, did nothing */ rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* Read remaining aligned sectors, deferring any tail-skewed bytes */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbRead >= VD_SECTOR_SIZE) { Assert(!(off % VD_SECTOR_SIZE)); size_t cbPartial = cbRead - cbMisalignmentOfEnd; Assert(!(cbPartial % VD_SECTOR_SIZE)); rc = VDRead(pDisk, off, pbBuf, cbPartial); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pbBuf += cbPartial; off += cbPartial; cbRead -= cbPartial; } } /* Unaligned buffered read of tail. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbRead) { Assert(cbRead == cbMisalignmentOfEnd); Assert(cbRead < VD_SECTOR_SIZE); Assert(!(off % VD_SECTOR_SIZE)); rc = VDRead(pDisk, off, abBuf, VD_SECTOR_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) memcpy(pbBuf, abBuf, cbRead); } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { int sysrc = -RTErrConvertToErrno(rc); LogFlowFunc(("error: %s (vbox err: %d)\n", strerror(sysrc), rc)); rc = sysrc; } return cbRead; } /** * VD write Sanitizer taking care of unaligned accesses. * * @return VBox bootIndicator code. * @param pDisk VD disk container. * @param off Offset to start writing to. * @param pvSrc Pointer to the buffer to read from. * @param cbWrite Amount of bytes to write. */ static int vdWriteSanitizer(PVDISK pDisk, uint64_t off, const void *pvSrc, size_t cbWrite) { uint8_t const *pbSrc = (uint8_t const *)pvSrc; uint8_t abBuf[4096]; int rc; int cbRemaining = cbWrite; /* * Take direct route if the request is sector aligned. */ uint64_t const cbMisalignmentOfStart = off & VD_SECTOR_MASK; size_t const cbMisalignmentOfEnd = (off + cbWrite) & VD_SECTOR_MASK; if (!cbMisalignmentOfStart && !cbMisalignmentOfEnd) { rc = VDWrite(pDisk, off, pbSrc, cbWrite); do { size_t cbThisWrite = RT_MIN(cbWrite, sizeof(abBuf)); rc = VDWrite(pDisk, off, memcpy(abBuf, pbSrc, cbThisWrite), cbThisWrite); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pbSrc += cbThisWrite; off += cbThisWrite; cbRemaining -= cbThisWrite; } else break; } while (cbRemaining > 0); } else { /* * Unaligned buffered read+write of head. Aligns the offset. */ if (cbMisalignmentOfStart) { rc = VDRead(pDisk, off - cbMisalignmentOfStart, abBuf, VD_SECTOR_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { size_t const cbPartial = RT_MIN(VD_SECTOR_SIZE - cbMisalignmentOfStart, cbWrite); memcpy(&abBuf[cbMisalignmentOfStart], pbSrc, cbPartial); rc = VDWrite(pDisk, off - cbMisalignmentOfStart, abBuf, VD_SECTOR_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pbSrc += cbPartial; off += cbPartial; cbRemaining -= cbPartial; } } } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Aligned direct write. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbWrite >= VD_SECTOR_SIZE) { Assert(!(off % VD_SECTOR_SIZE)); size_t cbPartial = cbWrite - cbMisalignmentOfEnd; Assert(!(cbPartial % VD_SECTOR_SIZE)); rc = VDWrite(pDisk, off, pbSrc, cbPartial); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pbSrc += cbPartial; off += cbPartial; cbRemaining -= cbPartial; } } /* * Unaligned buffered read + write of tail. */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbWrite > 0) { Assert(cbWrite == cbMisalignmentOfEnd); Assert(cbWrite < VD_SECTOR_SIZE); Assert(!(off % VD_SECTOR_SIZE)); rc = VDRead(pDisk, off, abBuf, VD_SECTOR_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { memcpy(abBuf, pbSrc, cbWrite); rc = VDWrite(pDisk, off, abBuf, VD_SECTOR_SIZE); } } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { int sysrc = -RTErrConvertToErrno(rc); LogFlowFunc(("error: %s (vbox err: %d)\n", strerror(sysrc), rc)); return sysrc; } return cbWrite - cbRemaining; } /** @copydoc fuse_operations::read */ static int vboximgOp_read(const char *pszPath, char *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *pInfo) { NOREF(pszPath); NOREF(pInfo); LogFlowFunc(("my offset=%#llx size=%#zx path=\"%s\"\n", (uint64_t)offset, cbBuf, pszPath)); AssertReturn(offset >= 0, -EINVAL); AssertReturn((int)cbBuf >= 0, -EINVAL); AssertReturn((unsigned)cbBuf == cbBuf, -EINVAL); AssertReturn(offset + g_vDiskOffset >= 0, -EINVAL); int64_t adjOff = offset + g_vDiskOffset; int rc = 0; if ((off_t)(adjOff + cbBuf) < adjOff) rc = -EINVAL; else if (adjOff >= g_vDiskSize) return 0; else if (!cbBuf) return 0; if (rc >= 0) rc = vdReadSanitizer(g_pVDisk, adjOff, pbBuf, cbBuf); if (rc < 0) LogFlowFunc(("%s\n", strerror(rc))); return rc; } /** @copydoc fuse_operations::write */ static int vboximgOp_write(const char *pszPath, const char *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *pInfo) { NOREF(pszPath); NOREF(pInfo); LogFlowFunc(("offset=%#llx size=%#zx path=\"%s\"\n", (uint64_t)offset, cbBuf, pszPath)); AssertReturn(offset >= 0, -EINVAL); AssertReturn((int)cbBuf >= 0, -EINVAL); AssertReturn((unsigned)cbBuf == cbBuf, -EINVAL); AssertReturn(offset + g_vDiskOffset >= 0, -EINVAL); int64_t adjOff = offset + g_vDiskOffset; int rc = 0; if (!g_vboximgOpts.fRW) { LogFlowFunc(("WARNING: vboximg-mount (FUSE FS) --rw option not specified\n" " (write operation ignored w/o error!)\n")); return cbBuf; } else if ((off_t)(adjOff + cbBuf) < adjOff) rc = -EINVAL; else if (offset >= g_vDiskSize) return 0; else if (!cbBuf) return 0; if (rc >= 0) rc = vdWriteSanitizer(g_pVDisk, adjOff, pbBuf, cbBuf); if (rc < 0) LogFlowFunc(("%s\n", strerror(rc))); return rc; } /** @copydoc fuse_operations::getattr */ static int vboximgOp_getattr(const char *pszPath, struct stat *stbuf) { int rc = 0; LogFlowFunc(("pszPath=%s, stat(\"%s\")\n", pszPath, g_pszImagePath)); memset(stbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); if (RTStrCmp(pszPath, "/") == 0) { stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0755; stbuf->st_nlink = 2; } else if (RTStrCmp(pszPath + 1, "vhdd") == 0) { rc = stat(g_pszImagePath, stbuf); if (rc < 0) return rc; /* * st_size represents the size of the FUSE FS-mounted portion of the disk. * By default it is the whole disk, but can be a partition or specified * (or overridden) directly by the { -s | --size } option on the command line. */ stbuf->st_size = g_vDiskSize; stbuf->st_nlink = 1; } else if (RTStrNCmp(pszPath + 1, g_pszImageName, strlen(g_pszImageName)) == 0) { /* When the disk is partitioned, the symbolic link named from `basename` of * resolved path to VBox disk image, has appended to it formatted text * representing the offset range of the partition. * * $ vboximg-mount -i /stroll/along/the/path/simple_fixed_disk.vdi -p 1 /mnt/tmpdir * $ ls /mnt/tmpdir * simple_fixed_disk.vdi[20480:2013244928] vhdd */ rc = stat(g_pszImagePath, stbuf); if (rc < 0) return rc; stbuf->st_size = 0; stbuf->st_mode = S_IFLNK | 0444; stbuf->st_nlink = 1; stbuf->st_uid = 0; stbuf->st_gid = 0; } else rc = -ENOENT; return rc; } /** @copydoc fuse_operations::readdir */ static int vboximgOp_readdir(const char *pszPath, void *pvBuf, fuse_fill_dir_t pfnFiller, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *pInfo) { NOREF(offset); NOREF(pInfo); if (RTStrCmp(pszPath, "/") != 0) return -ENOENT; /* * mandatory '.', '..', ... */ pfnFiller(pvBuf, ".", NULL, 0); pfnFiller(pvBuf, "..", NULL, 0); /* * Create FUSE FS dir entry that is depicted here (and exposed via stat()) as * a symbolic link back to the resolved path to the VBox virtual disk image, * whose symlink name is basename that path. This is a convenience so anyone * listing the dir can figure out easily what the vhdd FUSE node entry * represents. */ if (g_vDiskOffset == 0 && (g_vDiskSize == 0 || g_vDiskSize == g_cbEntireVDisk)) pfnFiller(pvBuf, g_pszImageName, NULL, 0); else { char tmp[BASENAME_MAX]; RTStrPrintf(tmp, sizeof (tmp), "%s[%jd:%jd]", g_pszImageName, g_vDiskOffset, g_vDiskSize); pfnFiller(pvBuf, tmp, NULL, 0); } /* * Create entry named "vhdd", which getattr() will describe as a * regular file, and thus will go through the open/release/read/write vectors * to access the VirtualBox image as processed by the IRPT VD API. */ pfnFiller(pvBuf, "vhdd", NULL, 0); return 0; } /** @copydoc fuse_operations::readlink */ static int vboximgOp_readlink(const char *pszPath, char *buf, size_t size) { NOREF(pszPath); RTStrCopy(buf, size, g_pszImagePath); return 0; } uint8_t parsePartitionTable(void) { MBR_t mbr; EBR_t ebr; PTH_t parTblHdr; ASSERT(sizeof (mbr) == 512); ASSERT(sizeof (ebr) == 512); /* * First entry describes entire disk as a single entity */ g_aParsedPartitionInfo[0].idxPartition = 0; g_aParsedPartitionInfo[0].offPartition = 0; g_aParsedPartitionInfo[0].cbPartition = VDGetSize(g_pVDisk, 0); g_aParsedPartitionInfo[0].pszName = RTStrDup("EntireDisk"); /* * Currently only DOS partitioned disks are supported. Ensure this one conforms */ int rc = vdReadSanitizer(g_pVDisk, 0, &mbr, sizeof (mbr)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Error reading MBR block from disk\n"); if (mbr.signature == NULL_BOOT_RECORD_SIGNATURE) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Unprt disk (null MBR signature)\n"); if (mbr.signature != DOS_BOOT_RECORD_SIGNATURE) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Invalid MBR found on image with signature 0x%04hX\n", mbr.signature); /* * Parse the four physical partition entires in the MBR (any one, and only one, can be an EBR) */ int idxEbrPartitionInMbr = 0; for (int idxPartition = 1; idxPartition <= MBR_PARTITIONS_MAX; idxPartition++) { MBRPARTITIONENTRY *pMbrPartitionEntry = &g_aParsedPartitionInfo[idxPartition].partitionEntry.mbrEntry;; memcpy (pMbrPartitionEntry, &mbr.partitionEntry[idxPartition - 1], sizeof (MBRPARTITIONENTRY)); if (PARTTYPE_IS_NULL(pMbrPartitionEntry->type)) continue; if (PARTTYPE_IS_EXT(pMbrPartitionEntry->type)) { if (idxEbrPartitionInMbr) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Multiple EBRs found found in MBR\n"); idxEbrPartitionInMbr = idxPartition; } PARTITIONINFO *ppi = &g_aParsedPartitionInfo[idxPartition]; ppi->idxPartition = idxPartition; ppi->offPartition = (off_t) pMbrPartitionEntry->partitionLba * BLOCKSIZE; ppi->cbPartition = (off_t) pMbrPartitionEntry->partitionBlkCnt * BLOCKSIZE; ppi->fBootable = pMbrPartitionEntry->bootIndicator == 0x80; ppi->partitionType.legacy = pMbrPartitionEntry->type; g_lastPartNbr = idxPartition; if (PARTTYPE_IS_GPT(pMbrPartitionEntry->type)) { g_fGPT = true; break; } } if (g_fGPT) { g_lastPartNbr = 2; /* from the 'protective MBR' */ rc = vdReadSanitizer(g_pVDisk, LBA(1), &parTblHdr, sizeof (parTblHdr)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Error reading Partition Table Header (LBA 1) from disk\n"); uint8_t *pTblBuf = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(GPT_PTABLE_SIZE); if (!pTblBuf) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Out of memory\n"); rc = vdReadSanitizer(g_pVDisk, LBA(2), pTblBuf, GPT_PTABLE_SIZE); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Error reading Partition Table blocks from disk\n"); uint32_t cEntries = parTblHdr.cPartitionEntries; uint32_t cbEntry = parTblHdr.cbPartitionEntry; if (cEntries * cbEntry > GPT_PTABLE_SIZE) { RTPrintf("Partition entries exceed GPT table read from disk (pruning!)\n"); while (cEntries * cbEntry > GPT_PTABLE_SIZE && cEntries > 0) --cEntries; } uint8_t *pEntryRaw = pTblBuf; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) { GPTPARTITIONENTRY *pEntry = (GPTPARTITIONENTRY *)pEntryRaw; PARTITIONINFO *ppi = &g_aParsedPartitionInfo[g_lastPartNbr]; memcpy(&(ppi->partitionEntry).gptEntry, pEntry, sizeof(GPTPARTITIONENTRY)); if (!pEntry->firstLba) break; ppi->offPartition = pEntry->firstLba * BLOCKSIZE; ppi->cbPartition = (pEntry->lastLba - pEntry->firstLba) * BLOCKSIZE; ppi->fBootable = pEntry->attrFlags & (1 << GPT_LEGACY_BIOS_BOOTABLE); ppi->partitionType.gptGuidTypeSpecifier = pEntry->partitionTypeGuid; size_t cwName = sizeof (pEntry->partitionName) / 2; RTUtf16LittleToUtf8Ex((PRTUTF16)pEntry->partitionName, RTSTR_MAX, &ppi->pszName, cwName, NULL); ppi->idxPartition = g_lastPartNbr++; pEntryRaw += cbEntry; } return PARTITION_TABLE_GPT; } /* * Starting with EBR located in MBR, walk EBR chain to parse the logical partition entries */ if (idxEbrPartitionInMbr) { uint32_t firstEbrLba = g_aParsedPartitionInfo[idxEbrPartitionInMbr].partitionEntry.mbrEntry.partitionLba; off_t firstEbrOffset = (off_t)firstEbrLba * BLOCKSIZE; off_t chainedEbrOffset = 0; if (!firstEbrLba) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Inconsistency for logical partition start. Aborting\n"); for (int idxPartition = 5; idxPartition <= VBOXIMG_PARTITION_MAX; idxPartition++) { off_t currentEbrOffset = firstEbrOffset + chainedEbrOffset; vdReadSanitizer(g_pVDisk, currentEbrOffset, &ebr, sizeof (ebr)); if (ebr.signature != DOS_BOOT_RECORD_SIGNATURE) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Invalid EBR found on image with signature 0x%04hX\n", ebr.signature); MBRPARTITIONENTRY *pEbrPartitionEntry = &g_aParsedPartitionInfo[idxPartition].partitionEntry.mbrEntry; /* EBR entry struct same as MBR */ memcpy(pEbrPartitionEntry, &ebr.partitionEntry, sizeof (MBRPARTITIONENTRY)); if (pEbrPartitionEntry->type == NULL_BOOT_RECORD_SIGNATURE) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Logical partition with type 0 encountered"); if (!pEbrPartitionEntry->partitionLba) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Logical partition invalid partition start offset (LBA) encountered"); PARTITIONINFO *ppi = &g_aParsedPartitionInfo[idxPartition]; ppi->idxPartition = idxPartition; ppi->offPartition = currentEbrOffset + (off_t)pEbrPartitionEntry->partitionLba * BLOCKSIZE; ppi->cbPartition = (off_t)pEbrPartitionEntry->partitionBlkCnt * BLOCKSIZE; ppi->fBootable = pEbrPartitionEntry->bootIndicator == 0x80; ppi->partitionType.legacy = pEbrPartitionEntry->type; g_lastPartNbr = idxPartition; if (ebr.chainingPartitionEntry.type == 0) /* end of chain */ break; if (!PARTTYPE_IS_EXT(ebr.chainingPartitionEntry.type)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Logical partition chain broken"); chainedEbrOffset = ebr.chainingPartitionEntry.partitionLba * BLOCKSIZE; } } return PARTITION_TABLE_MBR; } const char *getClassicPartitionDesc(uint8_t type) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof (g_partitionDescTable) / sizeof (struct PartitionDesc); i++) { if (g_partitionDescTable[i].type == type) return g_partitionDescTable[i].desc; } return "????"; } void displayGptPartitionTable(void) { RTPrintf( "Virtual disk image:\n\n"); RTPrintf(" Base: %s\n", g_pszBaseImagePath); if (g_cImages > 1) RTPrintf(" Diff: %s\n", g_pszImagePath); if (g_pszDiskUuid) RTPrintf(" UUID: %s\n\n", g_pszDiskUuid); void *colBoot = NULL; SELFSIZINGTABLE tbl(2); /* Note: Omitting partition name column because type/UUID seems suffcient */ void *colPartNbr = tbl.addCol("#", "%3d", 1); /* If none of the partitions supports legacy BIOS boot, don't show that column */ for (int idxPartition = 2; idxPartition <= g_lastPartNbr; idxPartition++) if (g_aParsedPartitionInfo[idxPartition].fBootable) { colBoot = tbl.addCol("Boot", "%c ", 1); break; } void *colStart = tbl.addCol("Start", "%lld", 1); void *colSectors = tbl.addCol("Sectors", "%lld", -1, 2); void *colSize = tbl.addCol("Size", "%s", 1); void *colOffset = tbl.addCol("Offset", "%lld", 1); void *colType = tbl.addCol("Type", "%s", -1, 2); #if 0 /* need to see how other OSes w/GPT use 'Name' field, right now 'Type' seems to suffice */ void *colName = tbl.addCol("Name", "%s", -1); */ #endif for (int idxPartition = 2; idxPartition <= g_lastPartNbr; idxPartition++) { PARTITIONINFO *ppi = &g_aParsedPartitionInfo[idxPartition]; if (ppi->idxPartition) { char abGuid[GUID_STRING_LENGTH * 2]; RTStrPrintf(abGuid, sizeof(abGuid), "%RTuuid", &ppi->partitionType.gptGuidTypeSpecifier); char *pszPartitionTypeDesc = NULL; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(g_gptPartitionTypes) / sizeof(GPTPARTITIONTYPE); i++) if (RTStrNICmp(abGuid, g_gptPartitionTypes[i].gptPartitionUuid, GUID_STRING_LENGTH) == 0) { pszPartitionTypeDesc = (char *)g_gptPartitionTypes[i].gptPartitionTypeDesc; break; } if (!pszPartitionTypeDesc) RTPrintf("Couldn't find GPT partitiontype for GUID: %s\n", abGuid); void *row = tbl.addRow(); tbl.setCell(row, colPartNbr, idxPartition - 1); if (colBoot) tbl.setCell(row, colBoot, ppi->fBootable ? '*' : ' '); tbl.setCell(row, colStart, ppi->offPartition / BLOCKSIZE); tbl.setCell(row, colSectors, ppi->cbPartition / BLOCKSIZE); tbl.setCell(row, colSize, vboximgScaledSize(ppi->cbPartition)); tbl.setCell(row, colOffset, ppi->offPartition); tbl.setCell(row, colType, SAFENULL(pszPartitionTypeDesc)); #if 0 /* see comment for stubbed-out 'Name' column definition above */ tbl.setCell(row, colName, ppi->pszName); #endif } } tbl.displayTable(); RTPrintf ("\n"); } void displayLegacyPartitionTable(void) { /* * Partition table is most readable and concise when headers and columns * are adapted to the actual data, to avoid insufficient or excessive whitespace. */ RTPrintf( "Virtual disk image:\n\n"); RTPrintf(" Base: %s\n", g_pszBaseImagePath); if (g_cImages > 1) RTPrintf(" Diff: %s\n", g_pszImagePath); if (g_pszDiskUuid) RTPrintf(" UUID: %s\n\n", g_pszDiskUuid); SELFSIZINGTABLE tbl(2); void *colPartition = tbl.addCol("Partition", "%s(%d)", -1); void *colBoot = tbl.addCol("Boot", "%c ", 1); void *colStart = tbl.addCol("Start", "%lld", 1); void *colSectors = tbl.addCol("Sectors", "%lld", -1, 2); void *colSize = tbl.addCol("Size", "%s", 1); void *colOffset = tbl.addCol("Offset", "%lld", 1); void *colId = tbl.addCol("Id", "%2x", 1); void *colType = tbl.addCol("Type", "%s", -1, 2); for (int idxPartition = 1; idxPartition <= g_lastPartNbr; idxPartition++) { PARTITIONINFO *p = &g_aParsedPartitionInfo[idxPartition]; if (p->idxPartition) { void *row = tbl.addRow(); tbl.setCell(row, colPartition, g_pszBaseImageName, idxPartition); tbl.setCell(row, colBoot, p->fBootable ? '*' : ' '); tbl.setCell(row, colStart, p->offPartition / BLOCKSIZE); tbl.setCell(row, colSectors, p->cbPartition / BLOCKSIZE); tbl.setCell(row, colSize, vboximgScaledSize(p->cbPartition)); tbl.setCell(row, colOffset, p->offPartition); tbl.setCell(row, colId, p->partitionType.legacy); tbl.setCell(row, colType, getClassicPartitionDesc((p->partitionType).legacy)); } } tbl.displayTable(); RTPrintf ("\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("RTR3InitExe failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); rc = VDInit(); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("VDInit failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); memset(&g_vboximgOps, 0, sizeof(g_vboximgOps)); g_vboximgOps.open = vboximgOp_open; g_vboximgOps.read = vboximgOp_read; g_vboximgOps.write = vboximgOp_write; g_vboximgOps.getattr = vboximgOp_getattr; g_vboximgOps.release = vboximgOp_release; g_vboximgOps.readdir = vboximgOp_readdir; g_vboximgOps.readlink = vboximgOp_readlink; struct fuse_args args = FUSE_ARGS_INIT(argc, argv); memset(&g_vboximgOpts, 0, sizeof(g_vboximgOpts)); g_vboximgOpts.idxPartition = -1; rc = fuse_opt_parse(&args, &g_vboximgOpts, vboximgOptDefs, vboximgOptHandler); if (rc < 0 || argc < 2 || RTStrCmp(argv[1], "-?" ) == 0 || g_vboximgOpts.fBriefUsage) { briefUsage(); return 0; } if (g_vboximgOpts.fAllowRoot) fuse_opt_add_arg(&args, "-oallow_root"); /* * FUSE doesn't seem to like combining options with one hyphen, as traditional UNIX * command line utilities allow. The following flags, fWideList and fVerboseList, * and their respective option definitions give the appearance of combined opts, * so that -vl, -lv, -wl, -lw options are allowed, since those in particular would * tend to conveniently facilitate some of the most common use cases. */ if (g_vboximgOpts.fWideList) { g_vboximgOpts.fWide = true; g_vboximgOpts.fList = true; } if (g_vboximgOpts.fVerboseList) { g_vboximgOpts.fVerbose = true; g_vboximgOpts.fList = true; } if (g_vboximgOpts.fAllowRoot) fuse_opt_add_arg(&args, "-oallow_root"); /* * Initialize COM. */ using namespace com; HRESULT hrc = com::Initialize(); if (FAILED(hrc)) { # ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM if (hrc == NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED) { char szHome[RTPATH_MAX] = ""; com::GetVBoxUserHomeDirectory(szHome, sizeof(szHome)); return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "Failed to initialize COM because the global settings directory '%s' is not accessible!", szHome); } # endif return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "Failed to initialize COM! (hrc=%Rhrc)", hrc); } /* * Get the remote VirtualBox object and create a local session object. */ ComPtr pVirtualBoxClient; ComPtr pVirtualBox; hrc = pVirtualBoxClient.createInprocObject(CLSID_VirtualBoxClient); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = pVirtualBoxClient->COMGETTER(VirtualBox)(pVirtualBox.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(hrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "Failed to get IVirtualBox object! (hrc=%Rhrc)", hrc); if (g_vboximgOpts.fList && g_vboximgOpts.pszImageUuidOrPath == NULL) { vboximgListVMs(pVirtualBox); return VINF_SUCCESS; } Bstr pMediumUuid; ComPtr pVDiskMedium = NULL; char *pszFormat; VDTYPE enmType; /* * Open chain of images from what is provided on command line, to base image */ if (g_vboximgOpts.pszImageUuidOrPath) { /* compiler was too fussy about access mode's data type in conditional expr, so... */ if (g_vboximgOpts.fRW) CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, OpenMedium(Bstr(g_vboximgOpts.pszImageUuidOrPath).raw(), DeviceType_HardDisk, AccessMode_ReadWrite, false /* forceNewUuid */, pVDiskMedium.asOutParam())); else CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, OpenMedium(Bstr(g_vboximgOpts.pszImageUuidOrPath).raw(), DeviceType_HardDisk, AccessMode_ReadOnly, false /* forceNewUuid */, pVDiskMedium.asOutParam())); if (FAILED(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("\nCould't find specified VirtualBox base or snapshot disk image:\n%s", g_vboximgOpts.pszImageUuidOrPath); CHECK_ERROR(pVDiskMedium, COMGETTER(Id)(pMediumUuid.asOutParam())); g_pszDiskUuid = RTStrDup((char *)CSTR(pMediumUuid)); /* * Lock & cache the disk image media chain (from leaf to base). * Only leaf can be rw (and only if media is being mounted in non-default writable (rw) mode) * * Note: Failure to acquire lock is intentionally fatal (e.g. program termination) */ if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf("\nAttempting to lock medium chain from leaf image to base image\n"); bool fLeaf = true; g_cImages = 0; do { ++g_cImages; IMAGELIST *pNewEntry= new IMAGELIST(); pNewEntry->pImage = pVDiskMedium; CHECK_ERROR(pVDiskMedium, COMGETTER(Name)((pNewEntry->pImageName).asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR(pVDiskMedium, COMGETTER(Location)((pNewEntry->pImagePath).asOutParam())); if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf(" %s", CSTR(pNewEntry->pImageName)); if (fLeaf && g_vboximgOpts.fRW) { if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf(" ... Locking for write\n"); CHECK_ERROR_RET(pVDiskMedium, LockWrite((pNewEntry->pLockToken).asOutParam()), rc); pNewEntry->fWriteable = true; } else { if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf(" ... Locking for read\n"); CHECK_ERROR_RET(pVDiskMedium, LockRead((pNewEntry->pLockToken).asOutParam()), rc); } IMAGELIST *pCurImageEntry = &listHeadLockList; while (pCurImageEntry->next) pCurImageEntry = pCurImageEntry->next; pCurImageEntry->next = pNewEntry; pNewEntry->prev = pCurImageEntry; listHeadLockList.prev = pNewEntry; CHECK_ERROR(pVDiskMedium, COMGETTER(Parent)(pVDiskMedium.asOutParam())); fLeaf = false; } while(pVDiskMedium); } ComPtr pVDiskBaseMedium = listHeadLockList.prev->pImage; Bstr pVDiskBaseImagePath = listHeadLockList.prev->pImagePath; Bstr pVDiskBaseImageName = listHeadLockList.prev->pImageName; g_pszBaseImagePath = RTStrDup((char *)CSTR(pVDiskBaseImagePath)); g_pszBaseImageName = RTStrDup((char *)CSTR(pVDiskBaseImageName)); g_pszImagePath = RTStrDup((char *)CSTR(listHeadLockList.next->pImagePath)); g_pszImageName = RTStrDup((char *)CSTR(listHeadLockList.next->pImageName)); /* * Attempt to VDOpen media (base and any snapshots), handling encryption, * if that property is set for base media */ Bstr pBase64EncodedKeyStore; rc = pVDiskBaseMedium->GetProperty(Bstr("CRYPT/KeyStore").raw(), pBase64EncodedKeyStore.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && strlen(CSTR(pBase64EncodedKeyStore)) != 0) { RTPrintf("\nvboximgMount: Encrypted disks not supported in this version\n\n"); return -1; } /* ***************** BEGIN IFDEF'D (STUBBED-OUT) CODE ************** */ /* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv */ #if 0 /* The following encrypted disk related code is stubbed out until it can be finished. * What is here is an attempt to port the VBoxSVC specific code in i_openForIO to * a client's proximity. It is supplemented by code in vboximgCrypto.cpp and * vboximageCrypt.h that was lifed from SecretKeyStore.cpp along with the setup * task function. * * The ultimate solution may be to use a simpler but less efficient COM interface, * or to use VD encryption interfaces and key containers entirely. The keystore * handling/filter approach that is here may be a bumbling hybrid approach * that is broken (trying to bridge incompatible disk encryption mechanisms) or otherwise * doesn't make sense. */ Bstr pKeyId; ComPtr pExtPackManager; ComPtr pExtPack; com::SafeIfaceArray pExtPackPlugIns; if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { RTPrintf("Got GetProperty(\"CRYPT/KeyStore\") = %s\n", CSTR(pBase64EncodedKeyStore)); if (strlen(CSTR(pBase64EncodedKeyStore)) == 0) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Image '%s' is configured for encryption but " "there is no key store to retrieve the password from", CSTR(pVDiskBaseImageName)); SecretKeyStore keyStore(false); RTBase64Decode(CSTR(pBase64EncodedKeyStore), &keyStore, sizeof (SecretKeyStore), NULL, NULL); rc = pVDiskBaseMedium->GetProperty(Bstr("CRYPT/KeyId").raw(), pKeyId.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && strlen(CSTR(pKeyId)) == 0) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Image '%s' is configured for encryption but " "doesn't have a key identifier set", CSTR(pVDiskBaseImageName)); RTPrintf(" key id: %s\n", CSTR(pKeyId)); #ifndef VBOX_WITH_EXTPACK return RTMsgErrorExitFailure( "Encryption is not supported because extension pack support is not built in"); #endif CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(ExtensionPackManager)(pExtPackManager.asOutParam())); BOOL fExtPackUsable; CHECK_ERROR(pExtPackManager, IsExtPackUsable((PRUnichar *)VBOX_EXTPACK, &fExtPackUsable)); if (fExtPackUsable) { /* Load the PlugIn */ CHECK_ERROR(pExtPackManager, Find((PRUnichar *)VBOX_EXTPACK, pExtPack.asOutParam())); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure( "Encryption is not supported because the extension pack '%s' is missing", VBOX_EXTPACK); CHECK_ERROR(pExtPack, COMGETTER(PlugIns)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(pExtPackPlugIns))); Bstr pPlugInPath; size_t iPlugIn; for (iPlugIn = 0; iPlugIn < pExtPackPlugIns.size(); iPlugIn++) { Bstr pPlugInName; CHECK_ERROR(pExtPackPlugIns[iPlugIn], COMGETTER(Name)(pPlugInName.asOutParam())); if (RTStrCmp(CSTR(pPlugInName), "VDPlugInCrypt") == 0) { CHECK_ERROR(pExtPackPlugIns[iPlugIn], COMGETTER(ModulePath)(pPlugInPath.asOutParam())); break; } } if (iPlugIn == pExtPackPlugIns.size()) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Encryption is not supported because the extension pack '%s' " "is missing the encryption PlugIn (old extension pack installed?)", VBOX_EXTPACK); rc = VDPluginLoadFromFilename(CSTR(pPlugInPath)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Retrieving encryption settings of the image failed " "because the encryption PlugIn could not be loaded\n"); } SecretKey *pKey = NULL; rc = keyStore.retainSecretKey(Utf8Str(pKeyId), &pKey); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure( "Failed to retrieve the secret key with ID \"%s\" from the store (%Rrc)", CSTR(pKeyId), rc); VDISKCRYPTOSETTINGS vdiskCryptoSettings, *pVDiskCryptoSettings = &vdiskCryptoSettings; vboxImageCryptoSetup(pVDiskCryptoSettings, NULL, (const char *)CSTR(pBase64EncodedKeyStore), (const char *)pKey->getKeyBuffer(), false); rc = VDFilterAdd(g_pVDisk, "CRYPT", VD_FILTER_FLAGS_DEFAULT, pVDiskCryptoSettings->vdFilterIfaces); keyStore.releaseSecretKey(Utf8Str(pKeyId)); if (rc == VERR_VD_PASSWORD_INCORRECT) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("The password to decrypt the image is incorrect"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Failed to load the decryption filter: %Rrc", rc); } #endif /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ */ /* **************** END IFDEF'D (STUBBED-OUT) CODE ***************** */ rc = RTCritSectInit(&g_vdioLock); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { g_VDIfThreadSync.pfnStartRead = vboximgThreadStartRead; g_VDIfThreadSync.pfnFinishRead = vboximgThreadFinishRead; g_VDIfThreadSync.pfnStartWrite = vboximgThreadStartWrite; g_VDIfThreadSync.pfnFinishWrite = vboximgThreadFinishWrite; rc = VDInterfaceAdd(&g_VDIfThreadSync.Core, "vboximg_ThreadSync", VDINTERFACETYPE_THREADSYNC, &g_vdioLock, sizeof(VDINTERFACETHREADSYNC), &g_pVdIfs); } else return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("ERROR: Failed to create critsects " "for virtual disk I/O, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); /* * Create HDD container to open base image and differencing images into */ rc = VDGetFormat(NULL /* pVDIIfsDisk */, NULL /* pVDIIfsImage*/, CSTR(pVDiskBaseImagePath), &pszFormat, &enmType); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("VDGetFormat(,,%s,,) " "failed (during HDD container creation), rc=%Rrc\n", g_pszImagePath, rc); if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf("\nCreating container for base image of format %s\n", pszFormat); g_pVDisk = NULL; rc = VDCreate(g_pVdIfs, enmType, &g_pVDisk); if ((rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("ERROR: Couldn't create virtual disk container\n"); /* Open all virtual disk media from leaf snapshot (if any) to base image*/ if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf("\nOpening medium chain\n"); IMAGELIST *pCurMedium = listHeadLockList.prev; /* point to base image */ while (pCurMedium != &listHeadLockList) { if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf(" Open: %s\n", CSTR(pCurMedium->pImagePath)); rc = VDOpen(g_pVDisk, CSTR(pszFormat), CSTR(pCurMedium->pImagePath), pCurMedium->fWriteable, g_pVdIfs); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Could not open the medium storage unit '%s' %Rrc", CSTR(pCurMedium->pImagePath), rc); pCurMedium = pCurMedium->prev; } g_cReaders = VDIsReadOnly(g_pVDisk) ? INT32_MAX / 2 : 0; g_cWriters = 0; g_cbEntireVDisk = VDGetSize(g_pVDisk, 0 /* base */); if (g_vboximgOpts.fList) { if (g_pVDisk == NULL) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("No valid --image to list partitions from\n"); RTPrintf("\n"); rc = parsePartitionTable(); switch(rc) { case PARTITION_TABLE_MBR: displayLegacyPartitionTable(); break; case PARTITION_TABLE_GPT: displayGptPartitionTable(); break; default: return rc; } return 0; } if (g_vboximgOpts.idxPartition >= 0) { if (g_vboximgOpts.offset) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("--offset and --partition are mutually exclusive options\n"); if (g_vboximgOpts.size) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("--size and --partition are mutually exclusive options\n"); /* * --partition option specified. That will set the global offset and limit * honored by the disk read and write sanitizers to constrain operations * to within the specified partion based on an initial parsing of the MBR */ rc = parsePartitionTable(); if (rc < 0) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Error parsing disk MBR/Partition table\n"); int partNbr = g_vboximgOpts.idxPartition; if (partNbr < 0 || partNbr > g_lastPartNbr) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Non-valid partition number specified\n"); if (partNbr == 0) { g_vDiskOffset = 0; g_vDiskSize = VDGetSize(g_pVDisk, 0); if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf("\nPartition 0 specified - Whole disk will be accessible\n"); } else { int fFoundPartition = false; for (int i = 1; i < g_lastPartNbr + 1; i++) { /* If GPT, display vboximg's representation of partition table starts at partition 2 * but the table is displayed calling it partition 1, because the protective MBR * record is relatively pointless to display or reference in this context */ if (g_aParsedPartitionInfo[i].idxPartition == partNbr + (g_fGPT ? 1 : 0)) { fFoundPartition = true; g_vDiskOffset = g_aParsedPartitionInfo[i].offPartition; g_vDiskSize = g_vDiskOffset + g_aParsedPartitionInfo[i].cbPartition; if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf("\nPartition %d specified. Only sectors %llu to %llu of disk will be accessible\n", g_vboximgOpts.idxPartition, g_vDiskOffset / BLOCKSIZE, g_vDiskSize / BLOCKSIZE); } } if (!fFoundPartition) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("Couldn't find partition %d in partition table\n", partNbr); } } else { if (g_vboximgOpts.offset) { if (g_vboximgOpts.offset < 0 || g_vboximgOpts.offset + g_vboximgOpts.size > g_cbEntireVDisk) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("User specified offset out of range of virtual disk\n"); if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf("Setting r/w bias (offset) to user requested value for sector %llu\n", g_vDiskOffset / BLOCKSIZE); g_vDiskOffset = g_vboximgOpts.offset; } if (g_vboximgOpts.size) { if (g_vboximgOpts.size < 0 || g_vboximgOpts.offset + g_vboximgOpts.size > g_cbEntireVDisk) return RTMsgErrorExitFailure("User specified size out of range of virtual disk\n"); if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf("Setting r/w size limit to user requested value %llu\n", g_vDiskSize / BLOCKSIZE); g_vDiskSize = g_vboximgOpts.size; } } if (g_vDiskSize == 0) g_vDiskSize = g_cbEntireVDisk - g_vDiskOffset; /* * Hand control over to libfuse. */ if (VERBOSE) RTPrintf("\nvboximg-mount: Going into background...\n"); rc = fuse_main(args.argc, args.argv, &g_vboximgOps, NULL); int rc2 = VDClose(g_pVDisk, false /* fDelete */); AssertRC(rc2); RTPrintf("vboximg-mount: fuse_main -> %d\n", rc); return rc; }