1 | /** @file
2 | *
3 | * VirtualBox External Authentication Library:
4 | * Mac OS X Authentication. This is based on
5 | * http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/samplecode/CryptNoMore/
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Oracle Corporation
10 | *
11 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
12 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
13 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
15 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
16 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
17 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
18 | */
19 |
20 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
21 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
22 |
23 | #include <VBox/VBoxAuth.h>
24 |
25 | #include <DirectoryService/DirectoryService.h>
26 |
27 | /* Globals */
28 | static const size_t s_cBufferSize = 32 * 1024;
29 |
30 | tDirStatus defaultSearchNodePath(tDirReference pDirRef, tDataListPtr *pdsNodePath)
31 | {
32 | tDirStatus dsErr = eDSNoErr;
33 | /* Create a buffer for the resulting nodes */
34 | tDataBufferPtr pTmpBuf = NULL;
35 | pTmpBuf = dsDataBufferAllocate(pDirRef, s_cBufferSize);
36 | if (pTmpBuf)
37 | {
38 | /* Try to find the default search node for local names */
39 | UInt32 cNodes;
40 | tContextData hCtx = 0;
41 | dsErr = dsFindDirNodes(pDirRef, pTmpBuf, NULL, eDSLocalNodeNames, &cNodes, &hCtx);
42 | /* Any nodes found? */
43 | if ( dsErr == eDSNoErr
44 | && cNodes >= 1)
45 | /* The first path of the node list is what we looking for. */
46 | dsErr = dsGetDirNodeName(pDirRef, pTmpBuf, 1, pdsNodePath);
47 | else
48 | dsErr = eDSNodeNotFound;
49 |
50 | if (hCtx) /* (DSoNodeConfig.m from DSTools-162 does exactly the same free if not-zero-regardless-of-return-code.) */
51 | dsReleaseContinueData(pDirRef, hCtx);
52 | dsDataBufferDeAllocate(pDirRef, pTmpBuf);
53 | }
54 | else
55 | dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;
56 |
57 | return dsErr;
58 | }
59 |
60 | tDirStatus userAuthInfo(tDirReference pDirRef, tDirNodeReference pNodeRef, const char *pszUsername, tDataListPtr *ppAuthNodeListOut)
61 | {
62 | tDirStatus dsErr = eDSNoErr;
63 | tDirStatus dsCleanErr = eDSNoErr;
64 | /* Create a buffer for the resulting authentication info */
65 | tDataBufferPtr pTmpBuf = dsDataBufferAllocate(pDirRef, s_cBufferSize);
66 | if (pTmpBuf)
67 | {
68 | /* Create the necessary lists for kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation and kDSNAttrRecordName. */
69 | tDataListPtr pRecordType = dsBuildListFromStrings(pDirRef, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, NULL);
70 | tDataListPtr pRecordName = dsBuildListFromStrings(pDirRef, pszUsername, NULL);
71 | tDataListPtr pRequestedAttributes = dsBuildListFromStrings(pDirRef, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation, kDSNAttrRecordName, NULL);
72 | if (!( pRecordType == NULL
73 | || pRecordName == NULL
74 | || pRequestedAttributes == NULL))
75 | {
76 | /* Now search for the first matching record */
77 | UInt32 cRecords = 1;
78 | tContextData hCtx = 0;
79 | dsErr = dsGetRecordList(pNodeRef,
80 | pTmpBuf,
81 | pRecordName,
82 | eDSExact,
83 | pRecordType,
84 | pRequestedAttributes,
85 | false,
86 | &cRecords,
87 | &hCtx);
88 | if ( dsErr == eDSNoErr
89 | && cRecords >= 1)
90 | {
91 | /* Process the first found record. Look at any attribute one by one. */
92 | tAttributeListRef hRecAttrListRef = 0;
93 | tRecordEntryPtr pRecEntry = NULL;
94 | tDataListPtr pAuthNodeList = NULL;
95 | dsErr = dsGetRecordEntry(pNodeRef, pTmpBuf, 1, &hRecAttrListRef, &pRecEntry);
96 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
97 | {
98 | for (size_t i = 1; i <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount; ++i)
99 | {
100 | tAttributeValueListRef hAttrValueListRef = 0;
101 | tAttributeEntryPtr pAttrEntry = NULL;
102 | /* Get the information for this attribute. */
103 | dsErr = dsGetAttributeEntry(pNodeRef, pTmpBuf, hRecAttrListRef, i,
104 | &hAttrValueListRef, &pAttrEntry);
105 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
106 | {
107 | tAttributeValueEntryPtr pValueEntry = NULL;
108 | /* Has any value? */
109 | if (pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount > 0)
110 | {
111 | dsErr = dsGetAttributeValue(pNodeRef, pTmpBuf, 1, hAttrValueListRef, &pValueEntry);
112 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
113 | {
114 | /* Check for kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation */
115 | if (strcmp(pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation) == 0)
116 | {
117 | /* Convert the meta location attribute to a path node list */
118 | pAuthNodeList = dsBuildFromPath(pDirRef,
119 | pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData,
120 | "/");
121 | if (pAuthNodeList == NULL)
122 | dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;
123 | }
124 | }
125 | }
126 |
127 | if (pValueEntry != NULL)
128 | dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(pDirRef, pValueEntry);
129 | if (hAttrValueListRef)
130 | dsCloseAttributeValueList(hAttrValueListRef);
131 | if (pAttrEntry != NULL)
132 | dsDeallocAttributeEntry(pDirRef, pAttrEntry);
133 |
134 | if (dsErr != eDSNoErr)
135 | break;
136 | }
137 | }
138 | }
139 | /* Copy the results */
140 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
141 | {
142 | if (pAuthNodeList != NULL)
143 | {
144 | /* Copy out results. */
145 | *ppAuthNodeListOut = pAuthNodeList;
146 | pAuthNodeList = NULL;
147 | }
148 | else
149 | dsErr = eDSAttributeNotFound;
150 | }
151 |
152 | if (pAuthNodeList != NULL)
153 | {
154 | dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pAuthNodeList);
155 | if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
156 | free(pAuthNodeList);
157 | }
158 | if (hRecAttrListRef)
159 | dsCloseAttributeList(hRecAttrListRef);
160 | if (pRecEntry != NULL)
161 | dsDeallocRecordEntry(pDirRef, pRecEntry);
162 | }
163 | else
164 | dsErr = eDSRecordNotFound;
165 | if (hCtx)
166 | dsReleaseContinueData(pDirRef, hCtx);
167 | }
168 | else
169 | dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;
170 | if (pRequestedAttributes != NULL)
171 | {
172 | dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pRequestedAttributes);
173 | if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
174 | free(pRequestedAttributes);
175 | }
176 | if (pRecordName != NULL)
177 | {
178 | dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pRecordName);
179 | if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
180 | free(pRecordName);
181 | }
182 | if (pRecordType != NULL)
183 | {
184 | dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pRecordType);
185 | if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
186 | free(pRecordType);
187 | }
188 | dsDataBufferDeAllocate(pDirRef, pTmpBuf);
189 | }
190 | else
191 | dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;
192 |
193 | return dsErr;
194 | }
195 |
196 | tDirStatus authWithNode(tDirReference pDirRef, tDataListPtr pAuthNodeList, const char *pszUsername, const char *pszPassword)
197 | {
198 | tDirStatus dsErr = eDSNoErr;
199 | /* Open the authentication node. */
200 | tDirNodeReference hAuthNodeRef = 0;
201 | dsErr = dsOpenDirNode(pDirRef, pAuthNodeList, &hAuthNodeRef);
202 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
203 | {
204 | /* How like we to authenticate! */
205 | tDataNodePtr pAuthMethod = dsDataNodeAllocateString(pDirRef, kDSStdAuthNodeNativeClearTextOK);
206 | if (pAuthMethod)
207 | {
208 | /* Create the memory holding the authentication data. The data
209 | * structure consists of 4 byte length of the username + zero byte,
210 | * the username itself, a 4 byte length of the password & the
211 | * password itself + zero byte. */
212 | tDataBufferPtr pAuthOutBuf = dsDataBufferAllocate(pDirRef, s_cBufferSize);
213 | if (pAuthOutBuf)
214 | {
215 | size_t cUserName = strlen(pszUsername) + 1;
216 | size_t cPassword = strlen(pszPassword) + 1;
217 | unsigned long cLen = 0;
218 | tDataBufferPtr pAuthInBuf = dsDataBufferAllocate(pDirRef, sizeof(cLen) + cUserName + sizeof(cLen) + cPassword);
219 | if (pAuthInBuf)
220 | {
221 | /* Move the data into the buffer. */
222 | pAuthInBuf->fBufferLength = 0;
223 | /* Length of the username */
224 | cLen = cUserName;
225 | memcpy(&pAuthInBuf->fBufferData[pAuthInBuf->fBufferLength], &cLen, sizeof(cLen));
226 | pAuthInBuf->fBufferLength += sizeof(cLen);
227 | /* The username itself */
228 | memcpy(&pAuthInBuf->fBufferData[pAuthInBuf->fBufferLength], pszUsername, cUserName);
229 | pAuthInBuf->fBufferLength += cUserName;
230 | /* Length of the password */
231 | cLen = cPassword;
232 | memcpy(&pAuthInBuf->fBufferData[pAuthInBuf->fBufferLength], &cLen, sizeof(cLen));
233 | pAuthInBuf->fBufferLength += sizeof(cLen);
234 | /* The password itself */
235 | memcpy(&pAuthInBuf->fBufferData[pAuthInBuf->fBufferLength], pszPassword, cPassword);
236 | pAuthInBuf->fBufferLength += cPassword;
237 | /* Now authenticate */
238 | dsErr = dsDoDirNodeAuth(hAuthNodeRef, pAuthMethod, true, pAuthInBuf, pAuthOutBuf, NULL);
239 | /* Clean up. */
240 | dsDataBufferDeAllocate(pDirRef, pAuthInBuf);
241 | }
242 | else
243 | dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;
244 | dsDataBufferDeAllocate(pDirRef, pAuthOutBuf);
245 | }
246 | else
247 | dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;
248 | dsDataNodeDeAllocate(pDirRef, pAuthMethod);
249 | }
250 | else
251 | dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;
252 | dsCloseDirNode(hAuthNodeRef);
253 | }
254 |
255 | return dsErr;
256 | }
257 |
261 |
262 | DECLEXPORT(AuthResult) AUTHCALL AuthEntry(const char *pszCaller,
263 | PAUTHUUID pUuid,
264 | AuthGuestJudgement guestJudgement,
265 | const char *pszUser,
266 | const char *pszPassword,
267 | const char *pszDomain,
268 | int fLogon,
269 | unsigned clientId)
270 | {
271 | RT_NOREF(pszCaller, pUuid, guestJudgement, pszDomain, clientId);
272 |
273 | /* Validate input */
274 | AssertPtrReturn(pszUser, AuthResultAccessDenied);
275 | AssertPtrReturn(pszPassword, AuthResultAccessDenied);
276 |
277 | /* Result to a default value */
278 | AuthResult result = AuthResultAccessDenied;
279 |
280 | /* Only process logon requests. */
281 | if (!fLogon)
282 | return result; /* Return value is ignored by the caller. */
283 |
284 | tDirStatus dsErr = eDSNoErr;
285 | tDirStatus dsCleanErr = eDSNoErr;
286 | tDirReference hDirRef = 0;
287 | /* Connect to the Directory Service. */
288 | dsErr = dsOpenDirService(&hDirRef);
289 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
290 | {
291 | /* Fetch the default search node */
292 | tDataListPtr pSearchNodeList = NULL;
293 | dsErr = defaultSearchNodePath(hDirRef, &pSearchNodeList);
294 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
295 | {
296 | /* Open the default search node */
297 | tDirNodeReference hSearchNodeRef = 0;
298 | dsErr = dsOpenDirNode(hDirRef, pSearchNodeList, &hSearchNodeRef);
299 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
300 | {
301 | /* Search for the user info, fetch the authentication node &
302 | * the authentication user name. This allows the client to
303 | * specify a long user name even if the name which is used to
304 | * authenticate has the short form. */
305 | tDataListPtr pAuthNodeList = NULL;
306 | dsErr = userAuthInfo(hDirRef, hSearchNodeRef, pszUser, &pAuthNodeList);
307 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
308 | {
309 | /* Open the authentication node and do the authentication. */
310 | dsErr = authWithNode(hDirRef, pAuthNodeList, pszUser, pszPassword);
311 | if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
312 | result = AuthResultAccessGranted;
313 | dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(hDirRef, pAuthNodeList);
314 | if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
315 | free(pAuthNodeList);
316 | }
317 | dsCloseDirNode(hSearchNodeRef);
318 | }
319 | dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(hDirRef, pSearchNodeList);
320 | if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
321 | free(pSearchNodeList);
322 | }
323 | dsCloseDirService(hDirRef);
324 | }
325 |
326 | return result;
327 | }
328 |