/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University * All rights reserved * * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. */ #include "cr_environment.h" #include "cr_string.h" #include "cr_error.h" #include "cr_mem.h" #include "cr_spu.h" #include "renderspu.h" #include "cr_extstring.h" static void DoSync(void) { CRMessage *in, out; out.header.type = CR_MESSAGE_OOB; if (render_spu.is_swap_master) { int a; for (a = 0; a < render_spu.num_swap_clients; a++) { crNetGetMessage( render_spu.swap_conns[a], &in ); crNetFree( render_spu.swap_conns[a], in); } for (a = 0; a < render_spu.num_swap_clients; a++) crNetSend( render_spu.swap_conns[a], NULL, &out, sizeof(CRMessage)); } else { crNetSend( render_spu.swap_conns[0], NULL, &out, sizeof(CRMessage)); crNetGetMessage( render_spu.swap_conns[0], &in ); crNetFree( render_spu.swap_conns[0], in); } } /* * Visual functions */ /** * used for debugging and giving info to the user. */ void renderspuMakeVisString( GLbitfield visAttribs, char *s ) { s[0] = 0; if (visAttribs & CR_RGB_BIT) crStrcat(s, "RGB"); if (visAttribs & CR_ALPHA_BIT) crStrcat(s, "A"); if (visAttribs & CR_DOUBLE_BIT) crStrcat(s, ", Doublebuffer"); if (visAttribs & CR_STEREO_BIT) crStrcat(s, ", Stereo"); if (visAttribs & CR_DEPTH_BIT) crStrcat(s, ", Z"); if (visAttribs & CR_STENCIL_BIT) crStrcat(s, ", Stencil"); if (visAttribs & CR_ACCUM_BIT) crStrcat(s, ", Accum"); if (visAttribs & CR_MULTISAMPLE_BIT) crStrcat(s, ", Multisample"); if (visAttribs & CR_OVERLAY_BIT) crStrcat(s, ", Overlay"); if (visAttribs & CR_PBUFFER_BIT) crStrcat(s, ", PBuffer"); } /* * Find a VisualInfo which matches the given display name and attribute * bitmask, or return a pointer to a new visual. */ VisualInfo * renderspuFindVisual(const char *displayName, GLbitfield visAttribs) { int i; if (!displayName) displayName = ""; /* first, try to find a match */ #if defined(WINDOWS) || defined(DARWIN) for (i = 0; i < render_spu.numVisuals; i++) { if (visAttribs == render_spu.visuals[i].visAttribs) { return &(render_spu.visuals[i]); } } #elif defined(GLX) for (i = 0; i < render_spu.numVisuals; i++) { if (crStrcmp(displayName, render_spu.visuals[i].displayName) == 0 && visAttribs == render_spu.visuals[i].visAttribs) { return &(render_spu.visuals[i]); } } #endif if (render_spu.numVisuals >= MAX_VISUALS) { crWarning("Render SPU: Couldn't create a visual, too many visuals already"); return NULL; } /* create a new visual */ i = render_spu.numVisuals; render_spu.visuals[i].displayName = crStrdup(displayName); render_spu.visuals[i].visAttribs = visAttribs; if (renderspu_SystemInitVisual(&(render_spu.visuals[i]))) { render_spu.numVisuals++; return &(render_spu.visuals[i]); } else { crWarning("Render SPU: Couldn't get a visual, renderspu_SystemInitVisual failed"); return NULL; } } /* * Context functions */ GLint RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuCreateContext(const char *dpyName, GLint visBits, GLint shareCtx) { ContextInfo *context, *sharedContext = NULL; VisualInfo *visual; if (shareCtx > 0) { sharedContext = (ContextInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.contextTable, shareCtx); } if (!dpyName || crStrlen(render_spu.display_string)>0) dpyName = render_spu.display_string; visual = renderspuFindVisual(dpyName, visBits); if (!visual) return -1; context = (ContextInfo *) crCalloc(sizeof(ContextInfo)); if (!context) return -1; context->id = render_spu.context_id; context->shared = sharedContext; if (!renderspu_SystemCreateContext(visual, context, sharedContext)) return -1; crHashtableAdd(render_spu.contextTable, render_spu.context_id, context); render_spu.context_id++; /* crDebug("Render SPU: CreateContext(%s, 0x%x) returning %d", dpyName, visBits, context->id); */ return context->id; } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuDestroyContext( GLint ctx ) { ContextInfo *context; CRASSERT(ctx); context = (ContextInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.contextTable, ctx); CRASSERT(context); renderspu_SystemDestroyContext( context ); if (context->extensionString) { crFree(context->extensionString); context->extensionString = NULL; } crHashtableDelete(render_spu.contextTable, ctx, crFree); } void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuMakeCurrent(GLint crWindow, GLint nativeWindow, GLint ctx) { WindowInfo *window; ContextInfo *context; /* crDebug("%s win=%d native=0x%x ctx=%d", __FUNCTION__, crWindow, (int) nativeWindow, ctx); */ window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, crWindow); context = (ContextInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.contextTable, ctx); if (window && context) { #ifdef CHROMIUM_THREADSAFE crSetTSD(&_RenderTSD, context); #else render_spu.currentContext = context; #endif context->currentWindow = window; if (!window) { crDebug("Render SPU: MakeCurrent invalid window id: %d", crWindow); return; } if (!context) { crDebug("Render SPU: MakeCurrent invalid context id: %d", ctx); return; } renderspu_SystemMakeCurrent( window, nativeWindow, context ); if (!context->everCurrent) { /* print OpenGL info */ const char *extString = (const char *) render_spu.ws.glGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ); /* crDebug( "Render SPU: GL_EXTENSIONS: %s", render_spu.ws.glGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ) ); */ crInfo( "Render SPU: GL_VENDOR: %s", render_spu.ws.glGetString( GL_VENDOR ) ); crInfo( "Render SPU: GL_RENDERER: %s", render_spu.ws.glGetString( GL_RENDERER ) ); crInfo( "Render SPU: GL_VERSION: %s", render_spu.ws.glGetString( GL_VERSION ) ); crInfo( "Render SPU: GL_EXTENSIONS: %s", render_spu.ws.glGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ) ); if (crStrstr(extString, "GL_ARB_window_pos")) context->haveWindowPosARB = GL_TRUE; else context->haveWindowPosARB = GL_FALSE; context->everCurrent = GL_TRUE; } if (crWindow == 0 && window->mapPending && !render_spu.render_to_app_window && !render_spu.render_to_crut_window) { /* Window[0] is special, it's the default window and normally hidden. * If the mapPending flag is set, then we should now make the window * visible. */ /*renderspu_SystemShowWindow( window, GL_TRUE );*/ window->mapPending = GL_FALSE; } window->everCurrent = GL_TRUE; } else { #ifdef CHROMIUM_THREADSAFE crSetTSD(&_RenderTSD, NULL); #else render_spu.currentContext = NULL; #endif } } /* * Window functions */ GLint RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuWindowCreate( const char *dpyName, GLint visBits ) { WindowInfo *window; VisualInfo *visual; GLboolean showIt; if (!dpyName || crStrlen(render_spu.display_string) > 0) dpyName = render_spu.display_string; visual = renderspuFindVisual( dpyName, visBits ); if (!visual) { crWarning( "Render SPU: Couldn't create a window, renderspuFindVisual returned NULL" ); return -1; } /* Allocate WindowInfo */ window = (WindowInfo *) crCalloc(sizeof(WindowInfo)); if (!window) { crWarning( "Render SPU: Couldn't create a window" ); return -1; } crHashtableAdd(render_spu.windowTable, render_spu.window_id, window); window->id = render_spu.window_id; render_spu.window_id++; window->x = render_spu.defaultX; window->y = render_spu.defaultY; window->width = render_spu.defaultWidth; window->height = render_spu.defaultHeight; if ((render_spu.render_to_app_window || render_spu.render_to_crut_window) && !crGetenv("CRNEWSERVER")) showIt = 0; else showIt = window->id > 0; /* Set window->title, replacing %i with the window ID number */ { const char *s = crStrstr(render_spu.window_title, "%i"); if (s) { int i, j, k; window->title = crAlloc(crStrlen(render_spu.window_title) + 10); for (i = 0; render_spu.window_title[i] != '%'; i++) window->title[i] = render_spu.window_title[i]; k = sprintf(window->title + i, "%d", window->id); CRASSERT(k < 10); i++; /* skip the 'i' after the '%' */ j = i + k; for (; (window->title[j] = s[i]) != 0; i++, j++) ; } else { window->title = crStrdup(render_spu.window_title); } } /* crDebug("Render SPU: Creating window (visBits=0x%x, id=%d)", visBits, window->id); */ /* Have GLX/WGL/AGL create the window */ if (!renderspu_SystemVBoxCreateWindow( visual, showIt, window )) { crFree(window); crWarning( "Render SPU: Couldn't create a window, renderspu_SystemCreateWindow failed" ); return -1; } CRASSERT(window->visual == visual); return window->id; } static void renderspuCheckCurrentCtxWindowCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2) { ContextInfo *pCtx = (ContextInfo *) data1; WindowInfo *pWindow = data2; (void) key; if (pCtx->currentWindow==pWindow) { renderspuMakeCurrent(0, 0, pCtx->id); } } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuWindowDestroy( GLint win ) { WindowInfo *window; GET_CONTEXT(pOldCtx); CRASSERT(win >= 0); window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, win); if (window) { crDebug("Render SPU: Destroy window (%d)", win); renderspu_SystemDestroyWindow( window ); /* remove window info from hash table, and free it */ crHashtableDelete(render_spu.windowTable, win, crFree); /* check if this window is bound to some ctx. Note: window pointer is already freed here */ crHashtableWalk(render_spu.contextTable, renderspuCheckCurrentCtxWindowCB, window); /* restore current context */ { GET_CONTEXT(pNewCtx); if (pNewCtx!=pOldCtx) { renderspuMakeCurrent(pOldCtx&&pOldCtx->currentWindow ? pOldCtx->currentWindow->id:0, 0, pOldCtx ? pOldCtx->id:0); } } } else { crDebug("Render SPU: Attempt to destroy invalid window (%d)", win); } } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuWindowSize( GLint win, GLint w, GLint h ) { WindowInfo *window; CRASSERT(win >= 0); window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, win); if (window) { renderspu_SystemWindowSize( window, w, h ); } else { crDebug("Render SPU: Attempt to resize invalid window (%d)", win); } } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuWindowPosition( GLint win, GLint x, GLint y ) { if (!render_spu.ignore_window_moves) { WindowInfo *window; CRASSERT(win >= 0); window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, win); if (window) { renderspu_SystemWindowPosition( window, x, y ); window->x = x; window->y = y; } else { crDebug("Render SPU: Attempt to move invalid window (%d)", win); } } } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuWindowVisibleRegion(GLint win, GLint cRects, GLint *pRects) { WindowInfo *window; CRASSERT(win >= 0); window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, win); if (window) { renderspu_SystemWindowVisibleRegion( window, cRects, pRects ); } else { crDebug("Render SPU: Attempt to set VisibleRegion for invalid window (%d)", win); } } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuWindowShow( GLint win, GLint flag ) { WindowInfo *window; CRASSERT(win >= 0); window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, win); if (window) { if (window->nativeWindow) { /* We're rendering back to the native app window instead of the * new window which we (the Render SPU) created earlier. * So, we never want to show the Render SPU's window. */ flag = 0; } renderspu_SystemShowWindow( window, (GLboolean) flag ); } else { crDebug("Render SPU: Attempt to hide/show invalid window (%d)", win); } } /* * Set the current raster position to the given window coordinate. */ static void SetRasterPos( GLint winX, GLint winY ) { GLfloat fx, fy; /* Push current matrix mode and viewport attributes */ render_spu.self.PushAttrib( GL_TRANSFORM_BIT | GL_VIEWPORT_BIT ); /* Setup projection parameters */ render_spu.self.MatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); render_spu.self.PushMatrix(); render_spu.self.LoadIdentity(); render_spu.self.MatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); render_spu.self.PushMatrix(); render_spu.self.LoadIdentity(); render_spu.self.Viewport( winX - 1, winY - 1, 2, 2 ); /* set the raster (window) position */ /* huh ? */ fx = (GLfloat) (winX - (int) winX); fy = (GLfloat) (winY - (int) winY); render_spu.self.RasterPos4f( fx, fy, 0.0, 1.0 ); /* restore matrices, viewport and matrix mode */ render_spu.self.PopMatrix(); render_spu.self.MatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); render_spu.self.PopMatrix(); render_spu.self.PopAttrib(); } /* * Draw the mouse pointer bitmap at (x,y) in window coords. */ static void DrawCursor( GLint x, GLint y ) { #define POINTER_WIDTH 32 #define POINTER_HEIGHT 32 /* Somebody artistic could probably do better here */ static const char *pointerImage[POINTER_HEIGHT] = { "XX..............................", "XXXX............................", ".XXXXX..........................", ".XXXXXXX........................", "..XXXXXXXX......................", "..XXXXXXXXXX....................", "...XXXXXXXXXXX..................", "...XXXXXXXXXXXXX................", "....XXXXXXXXXXXXXX..............", "....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX............", ".....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..........", ".....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX........", "......XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX......", "......XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX....", ".......XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..", ".......XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.", "........XXXXXXXXXXXXX...........", "........XXXXXXXX.XXXXX..........", ".........XXXXXX...XXXXX.........", ".........XXXXX.....XXXXX........", "..........XXX.......XXXXX.......", "..........XX.........XXXXX......", "......................XXXXX.....", ".......................XXXXX....", "........................XXX.....", ".........................X......", "................................", "................................", "................................", "................................", "................................", "................................" }; static GLubyte pointerBitmap[POINTER_HEIGHT][POINTER_WIDTH / 8]; static GLboolean firstCall = GL_TRUE; GLboolean lighting, depthTest, scissorTest; if (firstCall) { /* Convert pointerImage into pointerBitmap */ GLint i, j; for (i = 0; i < POINTER_HEIGHT; i++) { for (j = 0; j < POINTER_WIDTH; j++) { if (pointerImage[POINTER_HEIGHT - i - 1][j] == 'X') { GLubyte bit = 128 >> (j & 0x7); pointerBitmap[i][j / 8] |= bit; } } } firstCall = GL_FALSE; } render_spu.self.GetBooleanv(GL_LIGHTING, &lighting); render_spu.self.GetBooleanv(GL_DEPTH_TEST, &depthTest); render_spu.self.GetBooleanv(GL_SCISSOR_TEST, &scissorTest); render_spu.self.Disable(GL_LIGHTING); render_spu.self.Disable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); render_spu.self.Disable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); render_spu.self.PixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); render_spu.self.Color3f(1, 1, 1); /* save current raster pos */ render_spu.self.PushAttrib(GL_CURRENT_BIT); SetRasterPos(x, y); render_spu.self.Bitmap(POINTER_WIDTH, POINTER_HEIGHT, 1.0, 31.0, 0, 0, (const GLubyte *) pointerBitmap); /* restore current raster pos */ render_spu.self.PopAttrib(); if (lighting) render_spu.self.Enable(GL_LIGHTING); if (depthTest) render_spu.self.Enable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); if (scissorTest) render_spu.self.Enable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuSwapBuffers( GLint window, GLint flags ) { WindowInfo *w = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, window); if (!w) { crDebug("Render SPU: SwapBuffers invalid window id: %d", window); return; } if (flags & CR_SUPPRESS_SWAP_BIT) { render_spu.self.Finish(); return; } if (render_spu.drawCursor) DrawCursor( render_spu.cursorX, render_spu.cursorY ); if (render_spu.swap_master_url) DoSync(); renderspu_SystemSwapBuffers( w, flags ); } /* * Barrier functions * Normally, we'll have a crserver somewhere that handles the barrier calls. * However, if we're running the render SPU on the client node, then we * should handle barriers here. The threadtest demo illustrates this. * If we have N threads calling using this SPU we need these barrier * functions to synchronize them. */ static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuBarrierCreateCR( GLuint name, GLuint count ) { Barrier *b; if (render_spu.ignore_papi) return; b = (Barrier *) crHashtableSearch( render_spu.barrierHash, name ); if (b) { /* HACK -- this allows everybody to create a barrier, and all but the first creation are ignored, assuming the count match. */ if ( b->count != count ) { crError( "Render SPU: Barrier name=%u created with count=%u, but already " "exists with count=%u", name, count, b->count ); } } else { b = (Barrier *) crAlloc( sizeof(Barrier) ); b->count = count; crInitBarrier( &b->barrier, count ); crHashtableAdd( render_spu.barrierHash, name, b ); } } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuBarrierDestroyCR( GLuint name ) { if (render_spu.ignore_papi) return; crHashtableDelete( render_spu.barrierHash, name, crFree ); } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuBarrierExecCR( GLuint name ) { Barrier *b; if (render_spu.ignore_papi) return; b = (Barrier *) crHashtableSearch( render_spu.barrierHash, name ); if (b) { crWaitBarrier( &(b->barrier) ); } else { crWarning("Render SPU: Bad barrier name %d in BarrierExec()", name); } } /* * Semaphore functions * XXX we should probably implement these too, for the same reason as * barriers (see above). */ static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuSemaphoreCreateCR( GLuint name, GLuint count ) { (void) name; (void) count; } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuSemaphoreDestroyCR( GLuint name ) { (void) name; } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuSemaphorePCR( GLuint name ) { (void) name; } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuSemaphoreVCR( GLuint name ) { (void) name; } /* * Misc functions */ static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuChromiumParameteriCR(GLenum target, GLint value) { (void) target; (void) value; #if 0 switch (target) { default: crWarning("Unhandled target in renderspuChromiumParameteriCR()"); break; } #endif } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuChromiumParameterfCR(GLenum target, GLfloat value) { (void) target; (void) value; #if 0 switch (target) { default: crWarning("Unhandled target in renderspuChromiumParameterfCR()"); break; } #endif } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuChromiumParametervCR(GLenum target, GLenum type, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *values) { int client_num; unsigned short port; CRMessage *msg, pingback; unsigned char *privbuf = NULL; switch (target) { case GL_GATHER_CONNECT_CR: if (render_spu.gather_userbuf_size) privbuf = (unsigned char *)crAlloc(1024*768*4); port = ((GLint *) values)[0]; if (render_spu.gather_conns == NULL) render_spu.gather_conns = crAlloc(render_spu.server->numClients*sizeof(CRConnection *)); else { crError("Oh bother! duplicate GL_GATHER_CONNECT_CR getting through"); } for (client_num=0; client_num< render_spu.server->numClients; client_num++) { switch (render_spu.server->clients[client_num]->conn->type) { case CR_TCPIP: crDebug("Render SPU: AcceptClient from %s on %d", render_spu.server->clients[client_num]->conn->hostname, render_spu.gather_port); render_spu.gather_conns[client_num] = crNetAcceptClient("tcpip", NULL, port, 1024*1024, 1); break; case CR_GM: render_spu.gather_conns[client_num] = crNetAcceptClient("gm", NULL, port, 1024*1024, 1); break; default: crError("Render SPU: Unknown Network Type to Open Gather Connection"); } if (render_spu.gather_userbuf_size) { render_spu.gather_conns[client_num]->userbuf = privbuf; render_spu.gather_conns[client_num]->userbuf_len = render_spu.gather_userbuf_size; } else { render_spu.gather_conns[client_num]->userbuf = NULL; render_spu.gather_conns[client_num]->userbuf_len = 0; } if (render_spu.gather_conns[client_num]) { crDebug("Render SPU: success! from %s", render_spu.gather_conns[client_num]->hostname); } } break; case GL_GATHER_DRAWPIXELS_CR: pingback.header.type = CR_MESSAGE_OOB; for (client_num=0; client_num< render_spu.server->numClients; client_num++) { crNetGetMessage(render_spu.gather_conns[client_num], &msg); if (msg->header.type == CR_MESSAGE_GATHER) { crNetFree(render_spu.gather_conns[client_num], msg); } else { crError("Render SPU: expecting MESSAGE_GATHER. got crap! (%d of %d)", client_num, render_spu.server->numClients-1); } } /* * We're only hitting the case if we're not actually calling * child.SwapBuffers from readback, so a switch about which * call to DoSync() we really want [this one, or the one * in SwapBuffers above] is not necessary -- karl */ if (render_spu.swap_master_url) DoSync(); for (client_num=0; client_num< render_spu.server->numClients; client_num++) crNetSend(render_spu.gather_conns[client_num], NULL, &pingback, sizeof(CRMessageHeader)); render_spu.self.RasterPos2i(((GLint *)values)[0], ((GLint *)values)[1]); render_spu.self.DrawPixels( ((GLint *)values)[2], ((GLint *)values)[3], ((GLint *)values)[4], ((GLint *)values)[5], render_spu.gather_conns[0]->userbuf); render_spu.self.SwapBuffers(((GLint *)values)[6], 0); break; case GL_CURSOR_POSITION_CR: if (type == GL_INT && count == 2) { render_spu.cursorX = ((GLint *) values)[0]; render_spu.cursorY = ((GLint *) values)[1]; crDebug("Render SPU: GL_CURSOR_POSITION_CR (%d, %d)", render_spu.cursorX, render_spu.cursorY); } else { crWarning("Render SPU: Bad type or count for ChromiumParametervCR(GL_CURSOR_POSITION_CR)"); } break; case GL_WINDOW_SIZE_CR: /* XXX this is old code that should be removed. * NOTE: we can only resize the default (id=0) window!!! */ { GLint w, h; WindowInfo *window; CRASSERT(type == GL_INT); CRASSERT(count == 2); CRASSERT(values); w = ((GLint*)values)[0]; h = ((GLint*)values)[1]; window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, 0); if (window) { renderspu_SystemWindowSize(window, w, h); } } break; default: #if 0 crWarning("Unhandled target in renderspuChromiumParametervCR(0x%x)", (int) target); #endif break; } } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuGetChromiumParametervCR(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum type, GLsizei count, GLvoid *values) { switch (target) { case GL_WINDOW_SIZE_CR: { GLint x, y, w, h, *size = (GLint *) values; WindowInfo *window; CRASSERT(type == GL_INT); CRASSERT(count == 2); CRASSERT(values); size[0] = size[1] = 0; /* default */ window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, index); if (window) { renderspu_SystemGetWindowGeometry(window, &x, &y, &w, &h); size[0] = w; size[1] = h; } } break; case GL_WINDOW_POSITION_CR: /* return window position, as a screen coordinate */ { GLint *pos = (GLint *) values; GLint x, y, w, h; WindowInfo *window; CRASSERT(type == GL_INT); CRASSERT(count == 2); CRASSERT(values); pos[0] = pos[1] = 0; /* default */ window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, index); if (window) { renderspu_SystemGetWindowGeometry(window, &x, &y, &w, &h); pos[0] = x;/*window->x;*/ pos[1] = y;/*window->y;*/ } } break; case GL_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE_CR: { GLint *maxSize = (GLint *) values; WindowInfo *window; CRASSERT(type == GL_INT); CRASSERT(count == 2); CRASSERT(values); window = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, index); if (window) { renderspu_SystemGetMaxWindowSize(window, maxSize + 0, maxSize + 1); } } break; default: ; /* nothing - silence compiler */ } } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuBoundsInfoCR( CRrecti *bounds, GLbyte *payload, GLint len, GLint num_opcodes ) { (void) bounds; (void) payload; (void) len; (void) num_opcodes; /* draw the bounding box */ if (render_spu.draw_bbox) { GET_CONTEXT(context); WindowInfo *window = context->currentWindow; GLint x, y, w, h; renderspu_SystemGetWindowGeometry(window, &x, &y, &w, &h); render_spu.self.PushMatrix(); render_spu.self.LoadIdentity(); render_spu.self.MatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); render_spu.self.PushMatrix(); render_spu.self.LoadIdentity(); render_spu.self.Ortho(0, w, 0, h, -1, 1); render_spu.self.Color3f(1, 1, 1); render_spu.self.Begin(GL_LINE_LOOP); render_spu.self.Vertex2i(bounds->x1, bounds->y1); render_spu.self.Vertex2i(bounds->x2, bounds->y1); render_spu.self.Vertex2i(bounds->x2, bounds->y2); render_spu.self.Vertex2i(bounds->x1, bounds->y2); render_spu.self.End(); render_spu.self.PopMatrix(); render_spu.self.MatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); render_spu.self.PopMatrix(); } } static void RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuWriteback( GLint *writeback ) { (void) writeback; } static void remove_trailing_space(char *s) { int k = crStrlen(s); while (k > 0 && s[k-1] == ' ') k--; s[k] = 0; } static const GLubyte * RENDER_APIENTRY renderspuGetString(GLenum pname) { static char tempStr[1000]; GET_CONTEXT(context); if (pname == GL_EXTENSIONS) { const char *nativeExt; char *crExt, *s1, *s2; if (!render_spu.ws.glGetString) return NULL; nativeExt = (const char *) render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); if (!nativeExt) { /* maybe called w/out current context. */ return NULL; } crExt = crStrjoin3(crExtensions, " ", crAppOnlyExtensions); s1 = crStrIntersect(nativeExt, crExt); remove_trailing_space(s1); s2 = crStrjoin3(s1, " ", crChromiumExtensions); remove_trailing_space(s2); crFree(crExt); crFree(s1); if (context->extensionString) crFree(context->extensionString); context->extensionString = s2; return (const GLubyte *) s2; } else if (pname == GL_VENDOR) return (const GLubyte *) CR_VENDOR; else if (pname == GL_VERSION) return render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_VERSION); else if (pname == GL_RENDERER) { sprintf(tempStr, "Chromium (%s)", (char *) render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_RENDERER)); return (const GLubyte *) tempStr; } #ifdef CR_OPENGL_VERSION_2_0 else if (pname == GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION) return render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION); #endif #ifdef GL_CR_real_vendor_strings else if (pname == GL_REAL_VENDOR) return render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_VENDOR); else if (pname == GL_REAL_VERSION) return render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_VERSION); else if (pname == GL_REAL_RENDERER) return render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_RENDERER); else if (pname == GL_REAL_EXTENSIONS) return render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); #endif else return NULL; } DECLEXPORT(void) renderspuReparentWindow(GLint window) { WindowInfo *pWindow; CRASSERT(window >= 0); pWindow = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, window); if (!pWindow) { crDebug("Render SPU: Attempt to reparent invalid window (%d)", window); return; } renderspu_SystemReparentWindow(pWindow); } #if defined(DARWIN) # ifdef VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT void renderspuFlush() { renderspu_SystemFlush(); } void renderspuFinish() { renderspu_SystemFinish(); } void renderspuBindFramebufferEXT(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) { renderspu_SystemBindFramebufferEXT(target, framebuffer); } # endif #endif #define FILLIN( NAME, FUNC ) \ table[i].name = crStrdup(NAME); \ table[i].fn = (SPUGenericFunction) FUNC; \ i++; /* These are the functions which the render SPU implements, not OpenGL. */ int renderspuCreateFunctions(SPUNamedFunctionTable table[]) { int i = 0; FILLIN( "SwapBuffers", renderspuSwapBuffers ); FILLIN( "CreateContext", renderspuCreateContext ); FILLIN( "DestroyContext", renderspuDestroyContext ); FILLIN( "MakeCurrent", renderspuMakeCurrent ); FILLIN( "WindowCreate", renderspuWindowCreate ); FILLIN( "WindowDestroy", renderspuWindowDestroy ); FILLIN( "WindowSize", renderspuWindowSize ); FILLIN( "WindowPosition", renderspuWindowPosition ); FILLIN( "WindowVisibleRegion", renderspuWindowVisibleRegion ); FILLIN( "WindowShow", renderspuWindowShow ); FILLIN( "BarrierCreateCR", renderspuBarrierCreateCR ); FILLIN( "BarrierDestroyCR", renderspuBarrierDestroyCR ); FILLIN( "BarrierExecCR", renderspuBarrierExecCR ); FILLIN( "BoundsInfoCR", renderspuBoundsInfoCR ); FILLIN( "SemaphoreCreateCR", renderspuSemaphoreCreateCR ); FILLIN( "SemaphoreDestroyCR", renderspuSemaphoreDestroyCR ); FILLIN( "SemaphorePCR", renderspuSemaphorePCR ); FILLIN( "SemaphoreVCR", renderspuSemaphoreVCR ); FILLIN( "Writeback", renderspuWriteback ); FILLIN( "ChromiumParameteriCR", renderspuChromiumParameteriCR ); FILLIN( "ChromiumParameterfCR", renderspuChromiumParameterfCR ); FILLIN( "ChromiumParametervCR", renderspuChromiumParametervCR ); FILLIN( "GetChromiumParametervCR", renderspuGetChromiumParametervCR ); FILLIN( "GetString", renderspuGetString ); #if defined(DARWIN) # ifdef VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT FILLIN( "Flush", renderspuFlush ); FILLIN( "Finish", renderspuFinish ); FILLIN( "BindFramebufferEXT", renderspuBindFramebufferEXT ); # endif #endif return i; }