# $Id: dlm_header.py 56922 2015-07-13 10:23:52Z vboxsync $ import sys, cPickle, re, os sys.path.append( "../glapi_parser" ) import apiutil # mode is "header" or "defs" mode = sys.argv[1] keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[3]+"/APIspec.txt") # Any new function implemented in the DLM has to have an entry added here. # Each function has its return type, function name, and parameters provided. # We'll use these to generate both a header file, and a definition file. additionalFunctions = [ ('CRDLM DLM_APIENTRY *', 'crDLMNewDLM', 'unsigned int configSize, const CRDLMConfig *config'), ('CRDLMContextState DLM_APIENTRY *', 'crDLMNewContext', 'CRDLM *dlm'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMFreeContext', 'CRDLMContextState *state, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMUseDLM', 'CRDLM *dlm'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY','crDLMFreeDLM', 'CRDLM *dlm, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMSetCurrentState', 'CRDLMContextState *state'), ('CRDLMContextState DLM_APIENTRY *', 'crDLMGetCurrentState', 'void'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMSetupClientState', 'SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMRestoreClientState', 'CRClientState *clientState, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMSendAllDLMLists', 'CRDLM *dlm, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMSendAllLists', 'SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMSendDLMList', 'CRDLM *dlm, unsigned long listIdentifier, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMSendList', 'unsigned long listIdentifier, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMReplayDLMList', 'CRDLM *dlm, unsigned long listIdentifier, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMReplayList', 'unsigned long listIdentifier, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMReplayDLMListState', 'CRDLM *dlm, unsigned long listIdentifier, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMReplayListState', 'unsigned long listIdentifier, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMReplayDLMLists', 'CRDLM *dlm, GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMReplayLists', 'GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMReplayDLMListsState', 'CRDLM *dlm, GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMReplayListsState', 'GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('CRDLMError DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMDeleteListContent', 'CRDLM *dlm, unsigned long listIdentifier'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMComputeBoundingBox', 'unsigned long listId'), ('GLuint DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMGetCurrentList', 'void'), ('GLenum DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMGetCurrentMode', 'void'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMErrorFunction', 'CRDLMErrorCallback callback'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMNewList', 'GLuint list, GLenum mode, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMEndList', 'SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMCallList', 'GLuint list, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMCallLists', 'GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMDeleteLists', 'GLuint list, GLsizei range, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMListBase', 'GLuint base, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('GLboolean DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMIsList', 'GLuint list, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('GLuint DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMGenLists', 'GLsizei range, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), ('int32_t DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMSaveState', 'CRDLM *dlm, PSSMHANDLE pSSM'), ('bool DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMLoadState', 'CRDLM *dlm, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable'), #('void DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMListSent', 'CRDLM *dlm, unsigned long listIdentifier'), #('GLboolean DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMIsListSent', 'CRDLM *dlm, unsigned long listIdentifier'), #('GLint DLM_APIENTRY', 'crDLMListSize', 'CRDLM *dlm, unsigned long listIdentifier'), ] if mode == 'header': print """#ifndef CR_DLM_H /* DO NOT EDIT. This file is auto-generated by %s. */ #define CR_DLM_H #if defined(WINDOWS) #define DLM_APIENTRY #else #define DLM_APIENTRY #endif #include "chromium.h" #include "state/cr_client.h" #include "cr_spu.h" #include "cr_hash.h" #include "cr_threads.h" #include "cr_pack.h" #ifdef CHROMIUM_THREADSAFE #include "cr_threads.h" #endif #include """ % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # Generate operation codes enum to be used for saving and restoring lists. print "/* OpCodes codes enum to be used for saving and restoring lists. */" print "typedef enum {" for func_name in keys: if apiutil.CanCompile(func_name) and not apiutil.FindSpecial("dlm", func_name): print " VBOX_DL_OPCODE_%s," % func_name print " VBOX_DL_OPCODE_MAX," print "} VBoxDLOpCode;" print """ /* 3D bounding box */ typedef struct { double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax; } CRDLMBounds; /* Indicates whether we're currently involved in playback or not */ typedef enum { CRDLM_IMMEDIATE = 0, CRDLM_REPLAY_STATE_FUNCTIONS = 1, CRDLM_REPLAY_ALL_FUNCTIONS = 2 } CRDLMReplayState; /* This is enough information to hold an instance of a single function call. */ typedef struct DLMInstanceList { struct DLMInstanceList *next; struct DLMInstanceList *stateNext; int cbInstance; VBoxDLOpCode iVBoxOpCode; /* This field name should not interfere w/ OpenGL function parameters names (for example w/ param 'opcode' for glLogicOp()). */ void (*execute)(struct DLMInstanceList *instance, SPUDispatchTable *dispatchTable); } DLMInstanceList; typedef struct { DLMInstanceList *first, *last; uint32_t numInstances; DLMInstanceList *stateFirst, *stateLast; GLuint hwid; } DLMListInfo; typedef struct { /* This holds all the display list information, hashed by list identifier. */ CRHashTable *displayLists; /* This is a count of the number of contexts/users that are using * this DLM. */ unsigned int userCount; #ifdef CHROMIUM_THREADSAFE /* This mutex protects the displayLists hash table from simultaneous * updates by multiple contexts. */ CRmutex dlMutex; CRtsd tsdKey; #endif /* Configuration information - see the CRDLMConfig structure below * for details. */ unsigned int bufferSize; } CRDLM; /* This structure holds thread-specific state. Each thread can be * associated with one (and only one) context; and each context can * be associated with one (and only one) DLM. Making things interesting, * though, is that each DLM can be associated with multiple contexts. * * So the thread-specific data key is associated with each context, not * with each DLM. Two different threads can, through two different * contexts that share a single DLM, each have independent state and * conditions. */ typedef struct { CRDLM *dlm; /* the DLM associated with this state */ unsigned long currentListIdentifier; /* open display list */ DLMListInfo *currentListInfo; /* open display list data */ GLenum currentListMode; /* GL_COMPILE or GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE */ GLuint listBase; } CRDLMContextState; /* These additional structures are for passing information to and from the * CRDLM interface routines. */ typedef struct { /* The size, in bytes, that the packer will initially allocate for * each new buffer. */ #define CRDLM_DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE (1024*1024) unsigned int bufferSize; /* this will be allocated for each buffer */ } CRDLMConfig; /* Positive values match GL error values. * 0 (GL_NO_ERROR) is returned for success * Negative values are internal errors. * Possible positive values (from GL/gl.h) are: * GL_NO_ERROR (0x0) * GL_INVALID_ENUM (0x0500) * GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x0501) * GL_INVALID_OPERATION (0x0502) * GL_STACK_OVERFLOW (0x0503) * GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW (0x0504) * GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY (0x0505) */ typedef int CRDLMError; /* This error reported if there's no current state. The caller is responsible * for appropriately allocating context state with crDLMNewContext(), and * for making it current with crDLMMakeCurrent(). */ #define CRDLM_ERROR_STATE (-1) typedef void (*CRDLMErrorCallback)(int line, const char *file, GLenum error, const char *info); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif """ elif mode == 'defs': apiutil.CopyrightDef() print '''\t; DO NOT EDIT. This code is generated by %s. EXPORTS''' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) else: raise "unknown generation mode '%s'" % mode # Generate the list of functions, starting with those coded into # the module for (returnValue, name, parameters) in additionalFunctions: if mode == 'header': print "extern %s %s(%s);" % (returnValue, name, parameters) elif mode == 'defs': print "%s" % name # Continue with functions that are auto-generated. if mode == 'header': print print "/* auto-generated compilation functions begin here */" for func_name in keys: props = apiutil.Properties(func_name) # We're interested in intercepting all calls that: # - can be put into a display list (i.e. "not ("nolist" in props)") # - change client-side state that affects saving DL elements (i.e. "setclient" in props) if apiutil.CanCompile(func_name): params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name) argstring = apiutil.MakeDeclarationString(params) if "useclient" in props or "pixelstore" in props: argstring = argstring + ", CRClientState *c" if mode == 'header': print 'extern void DLM_APIENTRY crDLMCompile%s( %s );' % (func_name, argstring) elif mode == 'defs': print "crDLMCompile%s" % func_name # Next make declarations for all the checklist functions. if mode == 'header': print """ /* auto-generated CheckList functions begin here. There is one for each * function that has a dual nature: even when there's an active glNewList, * sometimes they are compiled into the display list, and sometimes they * are treated like a control function. The CheckList function will * return TRUE if the function should really be compiled into a display * list. The calling SPU is responsible for checking this; but the * DLM will also print an error if it detects an invalid use. */ """ elif mode == 'defs': pass for func_name in keys: if "checklist" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name): params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name) argstring = apiutil.MakeDeclarationString(params) if mode == 'header': print 'int DLM_APIENTRY crDLMCheckList%s( %s );' % (func_name, argstring) elif mode == 'defs': print "crDLMCheckList%s" % func_name if mode == 'header': print """ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* CR_DLM_H */"""