/* $Id: VBoxNetAdp-darwin.cpp 35824 2011-02-02 13:32:03Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxNetAdp - Virtual Network Adapter Driver (Host), Darwin Specific Code. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ /* * Deal with conflicts first. * PVM - BSD mess, that FreeBSD has correct a long time ago. * iprt/types.h before sys/param.h - prevents UINT32_C and friends. */ #include #include #undef PVM #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_NET_ADP_DRV #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN /* Buggy 10.4 headers, fixed in 10.5. */ #include RT_C_DECLS_END #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VBOXNETADP_OS_SPECFIC 1 #include "../VBoxNetAdpInternal.h" /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /** The maximum number of SG segments. * Used to prevent stack overflow and similar bad stuff. */ #define VBOXNETADP_DARWIN_MAX_SEGS 32 #define VBOXNETADP_DARWIN_MAX_FAMILIES 4 #define VBOXNETADP_DARWIN_NAME "vboxnet" #define VBOXNETADP_DARWIN_MTU 1500 #define VBOXNETADP_DARWIN_DETACH_TIMEOUT 500 #define VBOXNETADP_FROM_IFACE(iface) ((PVBOXNETADP) ifnet_softc(iface)) /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN static kern_return_t VBoxNetAdpDarwinStart(struct kmod_info *pKModInfo, void *pvData); static kern_return_t VBoxNetAdpDarwinStop(struct kmod_info *pKModInfo, void *pvData); RT_C_DECLS_END static int VBoxNetAdpDarwinOpen(dev_t Dev, int fFlags, int fDevType, struct proc *pProcess); static int VBoxNetAdpDarwinClose(dev_t Dev, int fFlags, int fDevType, struct proc *pProcess); static int VBoxNetAdpDarwinIOCtl(dev_t Dev, u_long iCmd, caddr_t pData, int fFlags, struct proc *pProcess); /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** * Declare the module stuff. */ RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN extern kern_return_t _start(struct kmod_info *pKModInfo, void *pvData); extern kern_return_t _stop(struct kmod_info *pKModInfo, void *pvData); KMOD_EXPLICIT_DECL(VBoxNetAdp, VBOX_VERSION_STRING, _start, _stop) DECLHIDDEN(kmod_start_func_t *) _realmain = VBoxNetAdpDarwinStart; DECLHIDDEN(kmod_stop_func_t *) _antimain = VBoxNetAdpDarwinStop; DECLHIDDEN(int) _kext_apple_cc = __APPLE_CC__; RT_C_DECLS_END /** * The (common) global data. */ static int g_nCtlDev = -1; /* Major dev number */ static void *g_hCtlDev = 0; /* FS dev handle */ /** * The character device switch table for the driver. */ static struct cdevsw g_ChDev = { /*.d_open = */VBoxNetAdpDarwinOpen, /*.d_close = */VBoxNetAdpDarwinClose, /*.d_read = */eno_rdwrt, /*.d_write = */eno_rdwrt, /*.d_ioctl = */VBoxNetAdpDarwinIOCtl, /*.d_stop = */eno_stop, /*.d_reset = */eno_reset, /*.d_ttys = */NULL, /*.d_select = */eno_select, /*.d_mmap = */eno_mmap, /*.d_strategy = */eno_strat, /*.d_getc = */eno_getc, /*.d_putc = */eno_putc, /*.d_type = */0 }; static void vboxNetAdpDarwinComposeUUID(PVBOXNETADP pThis, PRTUUID pUuid) { /* Generate UUID from name and MAC address. */ RTUuidClear(pUuid); memcpy(pUuid->au8, "vboxnet", 7); pUuid->Gen.u8ClockSeqHiAndReserved = (pUuid->Gen.u8ClockSeqHiAndReserved & 0x3f) | 0x80; pUuid->Gen.u16TimeHiAndVersion = (pUuid->Gen.u16TimeHiAndVersion & 0x0fff) | 0x4000; pUuid->Gen.u8ClockSeqLow = pThis->iUnit; vboxNetAdpComposeMACAddress(pThis, (PRTMAC)pUuid->Gen.au8Node); } static errno_t vboxNetAdpDarwinOutput(ifnet_t pIface, mbuf_t pMBuf) { mbuf_freem_list(pMBuf); return 0; } static void vboxNetAdpDarwinAttachFamily(PVBOXNETADP pThis, protocol_family_t Family) { u_int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < VBOXNETADP_MAX_FAMILIES; i++) if (pThis->u.s.aAttachedFamilies[i] == 0) { pThis->u.s.aAttachedFamilies[i] = Family; break; } } static void vboxNetAdpDarwinDetachFamily(PVBOXNETADP pThis, protocol_family_t Family) { u_int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < VBOXNETADP_MAX_FAMILIES; i++) if (pThis->u.s.aAttachedFamilies[i] == Family) pThis->u.s.aAttachedFamilies[i] = 0; } static errno_t vboxNetAdpDarwinAddProto(ifnet_t pIface, protocol_family_t Family, const struct ifnet_demux_desc *pDemuxDesc, u_int32_t nDesc) { PVBOXNETADP pThis = VBOXNETADP_FROM_IFACE(pIface); Assert(pThis); vboxNetAdpDarwinAttachFamily(pThis, Family); LogFlow(("vboxNetAdpAddProto: Family=%d.\n", Family)); return ether_add_proto(pIface, Family, pDemuxDesc, nDesc); } static errno_t vboxNetAdpDarwinDelProto(ifnet_t pIface, protocol_family_t Family) { PVBOXNETADP pThis = VBOXNETADP_FROM_IFACE(pIface); Assert(pThis); LogFlow(("vboxNetAdpDelProto: Family=%d.\n", Family)); vboxNetAdpDarwinDetachFamily(pThis, Family); return ether_del_proto(pIface, Family); } static void vboxNetAdpDarwinDetach(ifnet_t pIface) { PVBOXNETADP pThis = VBOXNETADP_FROM_IFACE(pIface); Assert(pThis); Log2(("vboxNetAdpDarwinDetach: Signaling detach to vboxNetAdpUnregisterDevice.\n")); /* Let vboxNetAdpDarwinUnregisterDevice know that the interface has been detached. */ RTSemEventSignal(pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached); } int vboxNetAdpOsCreate(PVBOXNETADP pThis, PCRTMAC pMACAddress) { int rc; struct ifnet_init_params Params; RTUUID uuid; struct sockaddr_dl mac; pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; rc = RTSemEventCreate(&pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { printf("vboxNetAdpOsCreate: failed to create semaphore (rc=%d).\n", rc); return rc; } mac.sdl_len = sizeof(mac); mac.sdl_family = AF_LINK; mac.sdl_alen = ETHER_ADDR_LEN; mac.sdl_nlen = 0; mac.sdl_slen = 0; memcpy(LLADDR(&mac), pMACAddress->au8, mac.sdl_alen); RTStrPrintf(pThis->szName, VBOXNETADP_MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s%d", VBOXNETADP_NAME, pThis->iUnit); vboxNetAdpDarwinComposeUUID(pThis, &uuid); Params.uniqueid = uuid.au8; Params.uniqueid_len = sizeof(uuid); Params.name = VBOXNETADP_NAME; Params.unit = pThis->iUnit; Params.family = IFNET_FAMILY_ETHERNET; Params.type = IFT_ETHER; Params.output = vboxNetAdpDarwinOutput; Params.demux = ether_demux; Params.add_proto = vboxNetAdpDarwinAddProto; Params.del_proto = vboxNetAdpDarwinDelProto; Params.check_multi = ether_check_multi; Params.framer = ether_frameout; Params.softc = pThis; Params.ioctl = (ifnet_ioctl_func)ether_ioctl; Params.set_bpf_tap = NULL; Params.detach = vboxNetAdpDarwinDetach; Params.event = NULL; Params.broadcast_addr = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"; Params.broadcast_len = ETHER_ADDR_LEN; errno_t err = ifnet_allocate(&Params, &pThis->u.s.pIface); if (!err) { err = ifnet_attach(pThis->u.s.pIface, &mac); if (!err) { err = ifnet_set_flags(pThis->u.s.pIface, IFF_RUNNING | IFF_BROADCAST | IFF_SIMPLEX | IFF_MULTICAST, 0xFFFF); if (!err) { ifnet_set_mtu(pThis->u.s.pIface, VBOXNETADP_MTU); return VINF_SUCCESS; } else Log(("vboxNetAdpDarwinRegisterDevice: Failed to set flags (err=%d).\n", err)); ifnet_detach(pThis->u.s.pIface); } else Log(("vboxNetAdpDarwinRegisterDevice: Failed to attach to interface (err=%d).\n", err)); ifnet_release(pThis->u.s.pIface); } else Log(("vboxNetAdpDarwinRegisterDevice: Failed to allocate interface (err=%d).\n", err)); RTSemEventDestroy(pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached); pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; return RTErrConvertFromErrno(err); } void vboxNetAdpOsDestroy(PVBOXNETADP pThis) { u_int32_t i; /* Bring down the interface */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; errno_t err; AssertPtr(pThis->u.s.pIface); Assert(pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached != NIL_RTSEMEVENT); err = ifnet_set_flags(pThis->u.s.pIface, 0, IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING); if (err) Log(("vboxNetAdpDarwinUnregisterDevice: Failed to bring down interface " "(err=%d).\n", err)); /* Detach all protocols. */ for (i = 0; i < VBOXNETADP_MAX_FAMILIES; i++) if (pThis->u.s.aAttachedFamilies[i]) ifnet_detach_protocol(pThis->u.s.pIface, pThis->u.s.aAttachedFamilies[i]); err = ifnet_detach(pThis->u.s.pIface); if (err) Log(("vboxNetAdpDarwinUnregisterDevice: Failed to detach interface " "(err=%d).\n", err)); Log2(("vboxNetAdpDarwinUnregisterDevice: Waiting for 'detached' event...\n")); /* Wait until we get a signal from detach callback. */ rc = RTSemEventWait(pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached, VBOXNETADP_DETACH_TIMEOUT); if (rc == VERR_TIMEOUT) LogRel(("VBoxAdpDrv: Failed to detach interface %s%d\n.", VBOXNETADP_NAME, pThis->iUnit)); err = ifnet_release(pThis->u.s.pIface); if (err) Log(("vboxNetAdpUnregisterDevice: Failed to release interface (err=%d).\n", err)); RTSemEventDestroy(pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached); pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; } /** * Device open. Called on open /dev/vboxnetctl * * @param pInode Pointer to inode info structure. * @param pFilp Associated file pointer. */ static int VBoxNetAdpDarwinOpen(dev_t Dev, int fFlags, int fDevType, struct proc *pProcess) { char szName[128]; szName[0] = '\0'; proc_name(proc_pid(pProcess), szName, sizeof(szName)); Log(("VBoxNetAdpDarwinOpen: pid=%d '%s'\n", proc_pid(pProcess), szName)); return 0; } /** * Close device. */ static int VBoxNetAdpDarwinClose(dev_t Dev, int fFlags, int fDevType, struct proc *pProcess) { Log(("VBoxNetAdpDarwinClose: pid=%d\n", proc_pid(pProcess))); return 0; } /** * Device I/O Control entry point. * * @returns Darwin for slow IOCtls and VBox status code for the fast ones. * @param Dev The device number (major+minor). * @param iCmd The IOCtl command. * @param pData Pointer to the data (if any it's a SUPDRVIOCTLDATA (kernel copy)). * @param fFlags Flag saying we're a character device (like we didn't know already). * @param pProcess The process issuing this request. */ static int VBoxNetAdpDarwinIOCtl(dev_t Dev, u_long iCmd, caddr_t pData, int fFlags, struct proc *pProcess) { uint32_t cbReq = IOCPARM_LEN(iCmd); PVBOXNETADPREQ pReq = (PVBOXNETADPREQ)pData; int rc; Log(("VBoxNetAdpDarwinIOCtl: param len %#x; iCmd=%#lx\n", cbReq, iCmd)); switch (IOCBASECMD(iCmd)) { case IOCBASECMD(VBOXNETADP_CTL_ADD): { if ( (IOC_DIRMASK & iCmd) != IOC_INOUT || cbReq < sizeof(VBOXNETADPREQ)) return EINVAL; PVBOXNETADP pNew; Log(("VBoxNetAdpDarwinIOCtl: szName=%s\n", pReq->szName)); rc = vboxNetAdpCreate(&pNew, pReq->szName[0] && RTStrEnd(pReq->szName, RT_MIN(cbReq, sizeof(pReq->szName))) ? pReq->szName : NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return EINVAL; Assert(strlen(pReq->szName) < sizeof(pReq->szName)); strncpy(pReq->szName, pNew->szName, sizeof(pReq->szName) - 1); pReq->szName[sizeof(pReq->szName) - 1] = '\0'; Log(("VBoxNetAdpDarwinIOCtl: Added '%s'\n", pReq->szName)); break; } case IOCBASECMD(VBOXNETADP_CTL_REMOVE): { if (!RTStrEnd(pReq->szName, RT_MIN(cbReq, sizeof(pReq->szName)))) return EINVAL; PVBOXNETADP pAdp = vboxNetAdpFindByName(pReq->szName); if (!pAdp) return EINVAL; rc = vboxNetAdpDestroy(pAdp); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return EINVAL; Log(("VBoxNetAdpDarwinIOCtl: Removed %s\n", pReq->szName)); break; } default: printf("VBoxNetAdpDarwinIOCtl: unknown command %lx.\n", IOCBASECMD(iCmd)); return EINVAL; } return 0; } int vboxNetAdpOsInit(PVBOXNETADP pThis) { /* * Init the darwin specific members. */ pThis->u.s.pIface = NULL; pThis->u.s.hEvtDetached = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; memset(pThis->u.s.aAttachedFamilies, 0, sizeof(pThis->u.s.aAttachedFamilies)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Start the kernel module. */ static kern_return_t VBoxNetAdpDarwinStart(struct kmod_info *pKModInfo, void *pvData) { int rc; /* * Initialize IPRT and find our module tag id. * (IPRT is shared with VBoxDrv, it creates the loggers.) */ rc = RTR0Init(0); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { Log(("VBoxNetAdpDarwinStart\n")); rc = vboxNetAdpInit(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { g_nCtlDev = cdevsw_add(-1, &g_ChDev); if (g_nCtlDev < 0) { LogRel(("VBoxAdp: failed to register control device.")); rc = VERR_CANT_CREATE; } else { g_hCtlDev = devfs_make_node(makedev(g_nCtlDev, 0), DEVFS_CHAR, UID_ROOT, GID_WHEEL, 0600, VBOXNETADP_CTL_DEV_NAME); if (!g_hCtlDev) { LogRel(("VBoxAdp: failed to create FS node for control device.")); rc = VERR_CANT_CREATE; } } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("VBoxAdpDrv: version " VBOX_VERSION_STRING " r%d\n", VBOX_SVN_REV)); return KMOD_RETURN_SUCCESS; } LogRel(("VBoxAdpDrv: failed to initialize device extension (rc=%d)\n", rc)); RTR0Term(); } else printf("VBoxAdpDrv: failed to initialize IPRT (rc=%d)\n", rc); return KMOD_RETURN_FAILURE; } /** * Stop the kernel module. */ static kern_return_t VBoxNetAdpDarwinStop(struct kmod_info *pKModInfo, void *pvData) { Log(("VBoxNetAdpDarwinStop\n")); vboxNetAdpShutdown(); /* Remove control device */ devfs_remove(g_hCtlDev); cdevsw_remove(g_nCtlDev, &g_ChDev); RTR0Term(); return KMOD_RETURN_SUCCESS; }