1 | /* $Id: SUPDrvTracer.cpp 85766 2020-08-14 12:27:41Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBoxDrv - The VirtualBox Support Driver - Tracer Interface.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 |
28 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
32 | #define SUPDRV_AGNOSTIC
33 | #include "SUPDrvInternal.h"
34 |
35 | #include <VBox/err.h>
36 | #include <VBox/log.h>
37 | #include <VBox/VBoxTpG.h>
38 |
39 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
40 | #include <iprt/ctype.h>
41 | #include <iprt/list.h>
42 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
43 | #include <iprt/semaphore.h>
44 | #include <iprt/thread.h>
45 | #include <iprt/param.h>
46 | #include <iprt/uuid.h>
47 |
48 |
49 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
50 | * Structures and Typedefs *
51 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
52 | /** Pointer to a user tracer module registration record. */
54 |
55 | /**
56 | * Data for a tracepoint provider.
57 | */
58 | typedef struct SUPDRVTPPROVIDER
59 | {
60 | /** The entry in the provider list for this image. */
61 | RTLISTNODE ListEntry;
62 | /** The entry in the per session provider list for this image. */
63 | RTLISTNODE SessionListEntry;
64 |
65 | /** The core structure. */
67 |
68 | /** Pointer to the image this provider resides in. NULL if it's a
69 | * driver. */
71 | /** The session this provider is associated with if registered via
72 | * SUPR0VtgRegisterDrv. NULL if pImage is set. */
74 | /** The user tracepoint module associated with this provider. NULL if
75 | * pImage is set. */
77 |
78 | /** Used to indicate that we've called pfnProviderDeregistered already and it
79 | * failed because the provider was busy. Next time we must try
80 | * pfnProviderDeregisterZombie.
81 | *
82 | * @remarks This does not necessiarly mean the provider is in the zombie
83 | * list. See supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl. */
84 | bool fZombie;
85 | /** Set if the provider has been successfully registered with the
86 | * tracer. */
87 | bool fRegistered;
88 | /** The provider name (for logging purposes). */
89 | char szName[1];
91 | /** Pointer to the data for a tracepoint provider. */
93 |
94 |
95 | /**
96 | * User tracer module VTG data copy.
97 | */
98 | typedef struct SUPDRVVTGCOPY
99 | {
100 | /** Magic (SUDPRVVTGCOPY_MAGIC). */
101 | uint32_t u32Magic;
102 | /** Refernece counter (we expect to share a lot of these). */
103 | uint32_t cRefs;
104 | /** The size of the */
105 | uint32_t cbStrTab;
106 | /** Image type flags. */
107 | uint32_t fFlags;
108 | /** Hash list entry (SUPDRVDEVEXT::aTrackerUmodHash). */
109 | RTLISTNODE ListEntry;
110 | /** The VTG object header.
111 | * The rest of the data follows immediately afterwards. First the object,
112 | * then the probe locations and finally the probe location string table. All
113 | * pointers are fixed up to point within this data. */
114 | VTGOBJHDR Hdr;
116 | /** Pointer to a VTG object copy. */
118 | /** Magic value for SUPDRVVTGCOPY. */
119 | #define SUDPRVVTGCOPY_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x00080386)
120 |
121 |
122 | /**
123 | * User tracer module registration record.
124 | */
125 | typedef struct SUPDRVTRACERUMOD
126 | {
127 | /** Magic (SUPDRVTRACERUMOD_MAGIC). */
128 | uint32_t u32Magic;
129 | /** List entry. This is anchored in SUPDRVSESSION::UmodList. */
130 | RTLISTNODE ListEntry;
131 | /** The address of the ring-3 VTG header. */
132 | RTR3PTR R3PtrVtgHdr;
133 | /** Pointer to the ring-0 copy of the VTG data. */
135 | /** The memory object that locks down the user memory. */
136 | RTR0MEMOBJ hMemObjLock;
137 | /** The memory object that maps the locked memory into kernel space. */
138 | RTR0MEMOBJ hMemObjMap;
139 | /** Pointer to the probe enabled-count array within the mapping. */
140 | uint32_t *pacProbeEnabled;
141 | /** Pointer to the probe location array within the mapping. */
142 | void *pvProbeLocs;
143 | /** The address of the ring-3 probe locations. */
144 | RTR3PTR R3PtrProbeLocs;
145 | /** The lookup table index. */
146 | uint8_t iLookupTable;
147 | /** The module bit count. */
148 | uint8_t cBits;
149 | /** The size of a probe location record. */
150 | uint8_t cbProbeLoc;
151 | /** The number of probe locations. */
152 | uint32_t cProbeLocs;
153 | /** Ring-0 probe location info. */
154 | SUPDRVPROBELOC aProbeLocs[1];
156 | /** Magic value for SUPDRVVTGCOPY. */
157 | #define SUPDRVTRACERUMOD_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x00080486)
158 |
159 |
160 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
161 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
162 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
163 | /** Simple SUPR0Printf-style logging. */
164 | #ifdef DEBUG_bird
165 | # define LOG_TRACER(a_Args) SUPR0Printf a_Args
166 | #else
167 | # define LOG_TRACER(a_Args) do { } while (0)
168 | #endif
169 |
170 |
171 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
172 | * Global Variables *
173 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
174 | /** The address of the current probe fire routine for kernel mode. */
175 | PFNRT g_pfnSupdrvProbeFireKernel = supdrvTracerProbeFireStub;
176 |
177 |
178 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
179 | * Internal Functions *
180 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
181 | static void supdrvVtgReleaseObjectCopy(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVVTGCOPY pThis);
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 | /**
186 | * Validates a VTG string against length and characterset limitations.
187 | *
190 | * @param psz The string.
191 | */
192 | static int supdrvVtgValidateString(const char *psz)
193 | {
194 | size_t off = 0;
195 | while (off < _4K)
196 | {
197 | char const ch = psz[off++];
198 | if (!ch)
199 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
200 | if ( !RTLocCIsAlNum(ch)
201 | && ch != ' '
202 | && ch != '_'
203 | && ch != '-'
204 | && ch != '('
205 | && ch != ')'
206 | && ch != ','
207 | && ch != '*'
208 | && ch != '&'
209 | )
210 | {
211 | /*RTAssertMsg2("off=%u '%s'\n", off, psz);*/
213 | }
214 | }
216 | }
217 |
218 |
219 | /** Used by the validation code below. */
220 | #define MY_CHECK_RET(a_Expr, a_rc) \
221 | MY_CHECK_MSG_RET(a_Expr, ("%s: Validation failed on line " RT_XSTR(__LINE__) ": " #a_Expr "\n", __FUNCTION__), a_rc)
222 |
223 | /** Used by the validation code below. */
224 | #define MY_CHECK_MSG_RET(a_Expr, a_PrintfArgs, a_rc) \
225 | do { if (RT_UNLIKELY(!(a_Expr))) { SUPR0Printf a_PrintfArgs; return (a_rc); } } while (0)
226 |
227 | /** Used by the validation code below. */
228 | #define MY_WITHIN_IMAGE(p, rc) \
229 | do { \
230 | if (pbImage) \
231 | { \
232 | if ((uintptr_t)(p) - (uintptr_t)pbImage > cbImage) \
233 | { \
234 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidate: " #rc " - p=%p pbImage=%p cbImage=%#zxline=%u %s\n", \
235 | p, pbImage, cbImage, #p); \
236 | return (rc); \
237 | } \
238 | } \
239 | else if (!RT_VALID_PTR(p)) \
240 | return (rc); \
241 | } while (0)
242 |
243 |
244 | /**
245 | * Validates the VTG object header.
246 | *
247 | * @returns VBox status code.
248 | * @param pVtgHdr The header.
249 | * @param uVtgHdrAddr The address where the header is actually
250 | * loaded.
251 | * @param pbImage The image base, if available.
252 | * @param cbImage The image size, if available.
253 | * @param fUmod Whether this is a user module.
254 | */
255 | static int supdrvVtgValidateHdr(PVTGOBJHDR pVtgHdr, RTUINTPTR uVtgHdrAddr, const uint8_t *pbImage, size_t cbImage, bool fUmod)
256 | {
257 | struct VTGAREAS
258 | {
259 | uint32_t off;
260 | uint32_t cb;
261 | } const *paAreas;
262 | unsigned cAreas;
263 | unsigned i;
264 | uint32_t cbVtgObj;
265 | uint32_t off;
266 |
267 | #define MY_VALIDATE_SIZE(cb, cMin, cMax, cbUnit, rcBase) \
268 | do { \
269 | if ((cb) < (cMin) * (cbUnit)) \
270 | { \
271 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: " #rcBase "_TOO_FEW - cb=%#zx cMin=%#zx cbUnit=%#zx line=%u %s\n", \
272 | (size_t)(cb), (size_t)(cMin), (size_t)cbUnit, __LINE__, #cb); \
273 | return rcBase ## _TOO_FEW; \
274 | } \
275 | if ((cb) >= (cMax) * (cbUnit)) \
276 | { \
277 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: " #rcBase "_TOO_MUCH - cb=%#zx cMax=%#zx cbUnit=%#zx line=%u %s\n", \
278 | (size_t)(cb), (size_t)(cMax), (size_t)cbUnit, __LINE__, #cb); \
279 | return rcBase ## _TOO_MUCH; \
280 | } \
281 | if ((cb) / (cbUnit) * (cbUnit) != (cb)) \
282 | { \
283 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: " #rcBase "_NOT_MULTIPLE - cb=%#zx cbUnit=%#zx line=%u %s\n", \
284 | (size_t)(cb), (size_t)cbUnit, __LINE__, #cb); \
285 | return rcBase ## _NOT_MULTIPLE; \
286 | } \
287 | } while (0)
288 |
289 | #define MY_VALIDATE_OFF(off, cb, cMin, cMax, cbUnit, cbAlign, rcBase) \
290 | do { \
291 | if ( (cb) >= cbVtgObj \
292 | || off > cbVtgObj - (cb) ) \
293 | { \
294 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: " #rcBase "_OFF - off=%#x cb=%#x pVtgHdr=%p cbVtgHdr=%#zx line=%u %s\n", \
295 | (off), (cb), pVtgHdr, cbVtgObj, __LINE__, #off); \
296 | return rcBase ## _OFF; \
297 | } \
298 | if (RT_ALIGN(off, cbAlign) != (off)) \
299 | { \
300 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: " #rcBase "_OFF - off=%#x align=%#zx line=%u %s\n", \
301 | (off), (size_t)(cbAlign), __LINE__, #off); \
302 | return rcBase ## _OFF; \
303 | } \
304 | MY_VALIDATE_SIZE(cb, cMin, cMax, cbUnit, rcBase); \
305 | } while (0)
306 |
307 | /*
308 | * Make sure both pbImage and cbImage are NULL/0 if one if of them is.
309 | */
310 | if (!pbImage || !cbImage)
311 | {
312 | pbImage = NULL;
313 | cbImage = 0;
314 | cbVtgObj = pVtgHdr->cbObj;
315 | }
316 | else
317 | {
319 | cbVtgObj = pVtgHdr->cbObj;
320 | MY_WITHIN_IMAGE((uint8_t *)pVtgHdr + cbVtgObj - 1, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_PTR);
321 | }
322 |
323 | if (cbVtgObj > _1M)
324 | {
325 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: VERR_SUPDRV_TRACER_TOO_LARGE - cbVtgObj=%#x\n", cbVtgObj);
327 | }
328 |
329 | /*
330 | * Set the probe location array offset and size members.
331 | */
332 | if (!pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs)
333 | {
334 | uint64_t u64Tmp = pVtgHdr->uProbeLocsEnd.u64 - pVtgHdr->uProbeLocs.u64;
335 | if (u64Tmp >= UINT32_MAX)
336 | {
337 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_TOO_MUCH - u64Tmp=%#llx ProbeLocs=%#llx ProbeLocsEnd=%#llx\n",
338 | u64Tmp, pVtgHdr->uProbeLocs.u64, pVtgHdr->uProbeLocsEnd.u64);
340 | }
341 | /*SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: cbProbeLocs %#x -> %#x\n", pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs, (uint32_t)u64Tmp);*/
342 | pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs = (uint32_t)u64Tmp;
343 |
344 | u64Tmp = pVtgHdr->uProbeLocs.u64 - uVtgHdrAddr;
345 | #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
346 | /* The loader and/or ld64-97.17 seems not to generate fixups for our
347 | __VTGObj section. Detect this by comparing them with the
348 | u64VtgObjSectionStart member and assume max image size of 4MB.
349 | Seems to be worked around by the __VTGPrLc.End and __VTGPrLc.Begin
350 | padding fudge, meaning that the linker misplaced the relocations. */
351 | if ( (int64_t)u64Tmp != (int32_t)u64Tmp
352 | && pVtgHdr->u64VtgObjSectionStart != uVtgHdrAddr
353 | && pVtgHdr->u64VtgObjSectionStart < _4M
354 | && pVtgHdr->uProbeLocsEnd.u64 < _4M
355 | && !fUmod)
356 | {
357 | uint64_t offDelta = uVtgHdrAddr - pVtgHdr->u64VtgObjSectionStart;
358 | /*SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: offDelta=%#llx\n", offDelta);*/
359 | pVtgHdr->uProbeLocs.u64 += offDelta;
360 | pVtgHdr->uProbeLocsEnd.u64 += offDelta;
361 | u64Tmp += offDelta;
362 | }
363 | #endif
364 | if ((int64_t)u64Tmp != (int32_t)u64Tmp)
365 | {
366 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_PTR - u64Tmp=%#llx uProbeLocs=%#llx uVtgHdrAddr=%RTptr\n",
367 | u64Tmp, pVtgHdr->uProbeLocs.u64, uVtgHdrAddr);
369 | }
370 | /*SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: offProbeLocs %#x -> %#x\n", pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs, (int32_t)u64Tmp);*/
371 | pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs = (int32_t)u64Tmp;
372 | }
373 |
374 | /*
375 | * The non-area description fields.
376 | */
377 | if (memcmp(pVtgHdr->szMagic, VTGOBJHDR_MAGIC, sizeof(pVtgHdr->szMagic)))
378 | {
379 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: %p: %.16Rhxs\n", pVtgHdr, pVtgHdr->szMagic);
381 | }
382 | if ( pVtgHdr->cBits != ARCH_BITS
383 | && ( !fUmod
384 | || ( pVtgHdr->cBits != 32
385 | && pVtgHdr->cBits != 64)) )
386 | return VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BITS;
387 | MY_CHECK_RET(pVtgHdr->au32Reserved1[0] == 0, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_MISC);
388 | MY_CHECK_RET(pVtgHdr->au32Reserved1[1] == 0, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_MISC);
390 |
391 | /*
392 | * Check the individual area descriptors.
393 | */
394 | MY_VALIDATE_OFF(pVtgHdr->offStrTab, pVtgHdr->cbStrTab, 4, _1M, sizeof(char), sizeof(uint8_t), VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR);
395 | MY_VALIDATE_OFF(pVtgHdr->offArgLists, pVtgHdr->cbArgLists, 1, _32K, sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t), VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR);
396 | MY_VALIDATE_OFF(pVtgHdr->offProbes, pVtgHdr->cbProbes, 1, _32K, sizeof(VTGDESCPROBE), sizeof(uint32_t), VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR);
397 | MY_VALIDATE_OFF(pVtgHdr->offProviders, pVtgHdr->cbProviders, 1, 16, sizeof(VTGDESCPROVIDER), sizeof(uint32_t), VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR);
398 | MY_VALIDATE_OFF(pVtgHdr->offProbeEnabled, pVtgHdr->cbProbeEnabled, 1, _32K, sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t), VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR);
399 | if (!fUmod)
400 | {
403 | MY_VALIDATE_SIZE( pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs, 1, _128K, sizeof(VTGPROBELOC), VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR);
404 | }
405 | else
406 | {
407 | if (pVtgHdr->cBits == 32)
408 | MY_VALIDATE_SIZE( pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs, 1, _8K, sizeof(VTGPROBELOC32), VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR);
409 | else
410 | MY_VALIDATE_SIZE( pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs, 1, _8K, sizeof(VTGPROBELOC64), VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR);
411 | /* Will check later that offProbeLocs are following closely on the
412 | enable count array, so no need to validate the offset here. */
413 | }
414 |
415 | /*
416 | * Some additional consistency checks.
417 | */
418 | if ( pVtgHdr->uProbeLocsEnd.u64 - pVtgHdr->uProbeLocs.u64 != pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs
419 | || (int64_t)(pVtgHdr->uProbeLocs.u64 - uVtgHdrAddr) != pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs)
420 | {
421 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_MISC - uProbeLocs=%#llx uProbeLocsEnd=%#llx offProbeLocs=%#llx cbProbeLocs=%#x uVtgHdrAddr=%RTptr\n",
422 | pVtgHdr->uProbeLocs.u64, pVtgHdr->uProbeLocsEnd.u64, pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs, pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs, uVtgHdrAddr);
424 | }
425 |
426 | if (pVtgHdr->cbProbes / sizeof(VTGDESCPROBE) != pVtgHdr->cbProbeEnabled / sizeof(uint32_t))
427 | {
428 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_MISC - cbProbeEnabled=%#zx cbProbes=%#zx\n",
429 | pVtgHdr->cbProbeEnabled, pVtgHdr->cbProbes);
431 | }
432 |
433 | /*
434 | * Check that there are no overlapping areas. This is a little bit ugly...
435 | */
436 | paAreas = (struct VTGAREAS const *)&pVtgHdr->offStrTab;
437 | cAreas = pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs >= 0 ? 6 : 5;
438 | off = sizeof(VTGOBJHDR);
439 | for (i = 0; i < cAreas; i++)
440 | {
441 | if (paAreas[i].off < off)
442 | {
443 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_MISC - overlapping areas %d and %d\n", i, i-1);
445 | }
446 | off = paAreas[i].off + paAreas[i].cb;
447 | }
448 | if ( pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs > 0
449 | && (uint32_t)-pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs < pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs)
450 | {
451 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_MISC - probe locations overlaps the header\n");
453 | }
454 |
455 | /*
456 | * Check that the object size is correct.
457 | */
458 | if (pVtgHdr->cbObj != pVtgHdr->offProbeEnabled + pVtgHdr->cbProbeEnabled)
459 | {
460 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidateHdr: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_HDR_MISC - bad header size %#x, expected %#x\n",
461 | pVtgHdr->cbObj, pVtgHdr->offProbeEnabled + pVtgHdr->cbProbeEnabled);
463 | }
464 |
465 |
466 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
467 | #undef MY_VALIDATE_OFF
468 | #undef MY_VALIDATE_SIZE
469 | }
470 |
471 |
472 | /**
473 | * Validates the VTG data.
474 | *
475 | * @returns VBox status code.
476 | * @param pVtgHdr The VTG object header of the data to validate.
477 | * @param uVtgHdrAddr The address where the header is actually
478 | * loaded.
479 | * @param pbImage The image base. For validating the probe
480 | * locations.
481 | * @param cbImage The image size to go with @a pbImage.
482 | * @param fUmod Whether this is a user module.
483 | */
484 | static int supdrvVtgValidate(PVTGOBJHDR pVtgHdr, RTUINTPTR uVtgHdrAddr, const uint8_t *pbImage, size_t cbImage, bool fUmod)
485 | {
486 | uintptr_t offTmp;
487 | uintptr_t i;
488 | uintptr_t cProviders;
489 | int rc;
490 |
491 | if (!pbImage || !cbImage)
492 | {
493 | pbImage = NULL;
494 | cbImage = 0;
495 | }
496 |
497 | #define MY_VALIDATE_STR(a_offStrTab) \
498 | do { \
499 | if ((a_offStrTab) >= pVtgHdr->cbStrTab) \
501 | rc = supdrvVtgValidateString((char *)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offStrTab + (a_offStrTab)); \
502 | if (rc != VINF_SUCCESS) \
503 | return rc; \
504 | } while (0)
505 | #define MY_VALIDATE_ATTR(Attr) \
506 | do { \
507 | if ((Attr).u8Code <= (uint8_t)kVTGStability_Invalid || (Attr).u8Code >= (uint8_t)kVTGStability_End) \
508 | return VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_ATTR; \
509 | if ((Attr).u8Data <= (uint8_t)kVTGStability_Invalid || (Attr).u8Data >= (uint8_t)kVTGStability_End) \
510 | return VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_ATTR; \
511 | if ((Attr).u8DataDep <= (uint8_t)kVTGClass_Invalid || (Attr).u8DataDep >= (uint8_t)kVTGClass_End) \
512 | return VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_ATTR; \
513 | } while (0)
514 |
515 | /*
516 | * The header.
517 | */
518 | rc = supdrvVtgValidateHdr(pVtgHdr, uVtgHdrAddr, pbImage, cbImage, fUmod);
519 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
520 | return rc;
521 |
522 | /*
523 | * Validate the providers.
524 | */
525 | cProviders = i = pVtgHdr->cbProviders / sizeof(VTGDESCPROVIDER);
526 | while (i-- > 0)
527 | {
528 | PCVTGDESCPROVIDER pProvider = (PCVTGDESCPROVIDER)((uintptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offProviders) + i;
529 |
530 | MY_VALIDATE_STR(pProvider->offName);
531 | MY_CHECK_RET(pProvider->iFirstProbe < pVtgHdr->cbProbeEnabled / sizeof(uint32_t), VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROVIDER);
532 | MY_CHECK_RET((uint32_t)pProvider->iFirstProbe + pProvider->cProbes <= pVtgHdr->cbProbeEnabled / sizeof(uint32_t),
534 | MY_VALIDATE_ATTR(pProvider->AttrSelf);
535 | MY_VALIDATE_ATTR(pProvider->AttrModules);
536 | MY_VALIDATE_ATTR(pProvider->AttrFunctions);
537 | MY_VALIDATE_ATTR(pProvider->AttrNames);
538 | MY_VALIDATE_ATTR(pProvider->AttrArguments);
539 | MY_CHECK_RET(pProvider->bReserved == 0, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROVIDER);
540 | MY_CHECK_RET(pProvider->cProbesEnabled == 0, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROVIDER);
541 | MY_CHECK_RET(pProvider->uSettingsSerialNo == 0, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROVIDER);
542 | }
543 |
544 | /*
545 | * Validate probes.
546 | */
547 | i = pVtgHdr->cbProbes / sizeof(VTGDESCPROBE);
548 | while (i-- > 0)
549 | {
550 | PCVTGDESCPROBE pProbe = (PCVTGDESCPROBE)( (uintptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offProbes) + i;
551 | PCVTGDESCPROVIDER pProvider = (PCVTGDESCPROVIDER)((uintptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offProviders) + pProbe->idxProvider;
552 | PCVTGDESCARGLIST pArgList = (PCVTGDESCARGLIST)( (uintptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offArgLists + pProbe->offArgList );
553 | unsigned iArg;
554 | bool fHaveLargeArgs;
555 |
556 |
557 | MY_VALIDATE_STR(pProbe->offName);
558 | MY_CHECK_RET(pProbe->offArgList < pVtgHdr->cbArgLists, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE);
559 | MY_CHECK_RET((pProbe->offArgList & 3) == 0, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE);
560 | MY_CHECK_RET(pProbe->idxEnabled == i, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE); /* The lists are parallel. */
561 | MY_CHECK_RET(pProbe->idxProvider < cProviders, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE);
562 | MY_CHECK_RET(i - pProvider->iFirstProbe < pProvider->cProbes, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE);
563 | if (pProbe->offObjHdr != (intptr_t)pVtgHdr - (intptr_t)pProbe)
564 | {
565 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidate: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE - iProbe=%u offObjHdr=%d expected %zd\n",
566 | i, pProbe->offObjHdr, (intptr_t)pVtgHdr - (intptr_t)pProbe);
568 | }
569 |
570 | /* The referenced argument list. */
571 | if (pArgList->cArgs > 16)
572 | {
573 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidate: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_ARGLIST - iProbe=%u cArgs=%u\n", i, pArgList->cArgs);
575 | }
576 | if (pArgList->fHaveLargeArgs >= 2)
577 | {
578 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidate: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_ARGLIST - iProbe=%u fHaveLargeArgs=%d\n", i, pArgList->fHaveLargeArgs);
580 | }
581 | if ( pArgList->abReserved[0]
582 | || pArgList->abReserved[1])
583 | {
584 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidate: VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_ARGLIST - reserved MBZ iProbe=%u\n", i);
586 | }
587 | fHaveLargeArgs = false;
588 | iArg = pArgList->cArgs;
589 | while (iArg-- > 0)
590 | {
591 | uint32_t const fType = pArgList->aArgs[iArg].fType;
592 | if (fType & ~VTG_TYPE_VALID_MASK)
593 | {
594 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidate: VERR_SUPDRV_TRACER_BAD_ARG_FLAGS - fType=%#x iArg=%u iProbe=%u (#0)\n", fType, iArg, i);
596 | }
597 |
598 | switch (pArgList->aArgs[iArg].fType & VTG_TYPE_SIZE_MASK)
599 | {
600 | case 0:
601 | if (pArgList->aArgs[iArg].fType & VTG_TYPE_FIXED_SIZED)
602 | {
603 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidate: VERR_SUPDRV_TRACER_BAD_ARG_FLAGS - fType=%#x iArg=%u iProbe=%u (#1)\n", fType, iArg, i);
605 | }
606 | break;
607 | case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8:
608 | break;
609 | default:
610 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidate: VERR_SUPDRV_TRACER_BAD_ARG_FLAGS - fType=%#x iArg=%u iProbe=%u (#2)\n", fType, iArg, i);
612 | }
613 | if (VTG_TYPE_IS_LARGE(pArgList->aArgs[iArg].fType))
614 | fHaveLargeArgs = true;
615 |
616 | MY_VALIDATE_STR(pArgList->aArgs[iArg].offType);
617 | }
618 | if ((uint8_t)fHaveLargeArgs != pArgList->fHaveLargeArgs)
619 | {
620 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvVtgValidate: VERR_SUPDRV_TRACER_BAD_ARG_FLAGS - iProbe=%u fHaveLargeArgs=%d expected %d\n",
621 | i, pArgList->fHaveLargeArgs, fHaveLargeArgs);
623 | }
624 | }
625 |
626 | /*
627 | * Check that pacProbeEnabled is all zeros.
628 | */
629 | {
630 | uint32_t const *pcProbeEnabled = (uint32_t const *)((uintptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offProbeEnabled);
631 | i = pVtgHdr->cbProbeEnabled / sizeof(uint32_t);
632 | while (i-- > 0)
634 | }
635 |
636 | /*
637 | * Probe locations.
638 | */
639 | {
640 | PVTGPROBELOC paProbeLocs = (PVTGPROBELOC)((intptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs);
641 | i = pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs / sizeof(VTGPROBELOC);
642 | while (i-- > 0)
643 | {
644 | MY_CHECK_RET(paProbeLocs[i].uLine < _1G, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE_LOC);
645 | MY_CHECK_RET(paProbeLocs[i].fEnabled == false, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE_LOC);
646 | MY_CHECK_RET(paProbeLocs[i].idProbe == 0, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE_LOC);
647 | offTmp = (uintptr_t)paProbeLocs[i].pProbe - (uintptr_t)pVtgHdr->offProbes - (uintptr_t)pVtgHdr;
648 | #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN /* See header validation code. */
649 | if ( offTmp >= pVtgHdr->cbProbes
650 | && pVtgHdr->u64VtgObjSectionStart != uVtgHdrAddr
651 | && pVtgHdr->u64VtgObjSectionStart < _4M
652 | && (uintptr_t)paProbeLocs[i].pProbe < _4M
653 | && !fUmod )
654 | {
655 | uint64_t offDelta = uVtgHdrAddr - pVtgHdr->u64VtgObjSectionStart;
656 |
657 | paProbeLocs[i].pProbe = (PVTGDESCPROBE)((uintptr_t)paProbeLocs[i].pProbe + offDelta);
658 | if ((uintptr_t)paProbeLocs[i].pszFunction < _4M)
659 | paProbeLocs[i].pszFunction = (const char *)((uintptr_t)paProbeLocs[i].pszFunction + offDelta);
660 |
661 | offTmp += offDelta;
662 | }
663 | #endif
664 | MY_CHECK_RET(offTmp < pVtgHdr->cbProbes, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE_LOC);
666 | MY_WITHIN_IMAGE(paProbeLocs[i].pszFunction, VERR_SUPDRV_VTG_BAD_PROBE_LOC);
667 | }
668 | }
669 |
670 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
671 | }
672 |
673 | #undef MY_VALIDATE_STR
674 | #undef MY_VALIDATE_ATTR
675 | #undef MY_WITHIN_IMAGE
676 |
677 |
678 | /**
679 | * Gets a string from the string table.
680 | *
681 | * @returns Pointer to the string.
682 | * @param pVtgHdr The VTG object header.
683 | * @param offStrTab The string table offset.
684 | */
685 | static const char *supdrvVtgGetString(PVTGOBJHDR pVtgHdr, uint32_t offStrTab)
686 | {
687 | Assert(offStrTab < pVtgHdr->cbStrTab);
688 | return (char *)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offStrTab + offStrTab;
689 | }
690 |
691 |
692 | /**
693 | * Frees the provider structure and associated resources.
694 | *
695 | * @param pProv The provider to free.
696 | */
697 | static void supdrvTracerFreeProvider(PSUPDRVTPPROVIDER pProv)
698 | {
699 | LOG_TRACER(("Freeing tracepoint provider '%s' / %p\n", pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider));
700 | pProv->fRegistered = false;
701 | pProv->fZombie = true;
702 | pProv->Core.pDesc = NULL;
703 | pProv->Core.pHdr = NULL;
704 | pProv->Core.paProbeLocsRO = NULL;
705 | pProv->Core.pvProbeLocsEn = NULL;
706 | pProv->Core.pacProbeEnabled = NULL;
707 | pProv->Core.paR0ProbeLocs = NULL;
708 | pProv->Core.paR0Probes = NULL;
709 | RT_ZERO(pProv->Core.TracerData);
710 | RTMemFree(pProv);
711 | }
712 |
713 |
714 | /**
715 | * Unlinks and deregisters a provider.
716 | *
717 | * If the provider is still busy, it will be put in the zombie list.
718 | *
719 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
720 | * @param pProv The provider.
721 | *
722 | * @remarks The caller owns mtxTracer.
723 | */
724 | static void supdrvTracerDeregisterVtgObj(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVTPPROVIDER pProv)
725 | {
726 | int rc;
727 |
728 | RTListNodeRemove(&pProv->ListEntry);
729 | if (pProv->pSession)
730 | {
731 | RTListNodeRemove(&pProv->SessionListEntry);
732 | RTListInit(&pProv->SessionListEntry);
733 | pProv->pSession->cTpProviders--;
734 | }
735 |
736 | if (!pProv->fRegistered || !pDevExt->pTracerOps)
737 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
738 | else
739 | rc = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProviderDeregister(pDevExt->pTracerOps, &pProv->Core);
740 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
741 | {
742 | supdrvTracerFreeProvider(pProv);
743 | return;
744 | }
745 |
746 | pProv->fZombie = true;
747 | pProv->pImage = NULL;
748 | pProv->pSession = NULL;
749 | pProv->pUmod = NULL;
750 | pProv->Core.pDesc = NULL;
751 | pProv->Core.pHdr = NULL;
752 | pProv->Core.paProbeLocsRO = NULL;
753 | pProv->Core.pvProbeLocsEn = NULL;
754 | pProv->Core.pacProbeEnabled = NULL;
755 | pProv->Core.paR0ProbeLocs = NULL;
756 |
757 | RTListAppend(&pDevExt->TracerProviderZombieList, &pProv->ListEntry);
758 | LOG_TRACER(("Invalidated provider '%s' / %p and put it on the zombie list (rc=%Rrc)\n",
759 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider, rc));
760 | }
761 |
762 |
763 | /**
764 | * Processes the zombie list.
765 | *
766 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
767 | */
768 | static void supdrvTracerProcessZombies(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
769 | {
770 | PSUPDRVTPPROVIDER pProv, pProvNext;
771 |
772 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
773 | RTListForEachSafe(&pDevExt->TracerProviderZombieList, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, ListEntry)
774 | {
775 | int rc = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProviderDeregisterZombie(pDevExt->pTracerOps, &pProv->Core);
776 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
777 | {
778 | RTListNodeRemove(&pProv->ListEntry);
779 | supdrvTracerFreeProvider(pProv);
780 | }
781 | }
782 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
783 | }
784 |
785 |
786 | /**
787 | * Unregisters all providers, including zombies, waiting for busy providers to
788 | * go idle and unregister smoothly.
789 | *
790 | * This may block.
791 | *
792 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
793 | */
794 | static void supdrvTracerRemoveAllProviders(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
795 | {
796 | uint32_t i;
799 |
800 | /*
801 | * Unregister all probes (there should only be one).
802 | */
803 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
804 | RTListForEachSafe(&pDevExt->TracerProviderList, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, ListEntry)
805 | {
806 | supdrvTracerDeregisterVtgObj(pDevExt, pProv);
807 | }
808 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
809 |
810 | /*
811 | * Try unregister zombies now, sleep on busy ones and tracer opens.
812 | */
813 | for (i = 0; ; i++)
814 | {
815 | bool fEmpty;
816 |
817 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
818 |
819 | /* Zombies */
820 | RTListForEachSafe(&pDevExt->TracerProviderZombieList, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, ListEntry)
821 | {
822 | int rc;
823 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerRemoveAllProviders: Attemting to unregister '%s' / %p...\n",
824 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider));
825 |
826 | if (pDevExt->pTracerOps)
827 | rc = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProviderDeregisterZombie(pDevExt->pTracerOps, &pProv->Core);
828 | else
829 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
830 | if (!rc)
831 | {
832 | RTListNodeRemove(&pProv->ListEntry);
833 | supdrvTracerFreeProvider(pProv);
834 | }
835 | else if (!(i & 0xf))
836 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvTracerRemoveAllProviders: Waiting on busy provider '%s' / %p (rc=%d)\n",
837 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider, rc);
838 | else
839 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerRemoveAllProviders: Failed to unregister provider '%s' / %p - rc=%d\n",
840 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider, rc));
841 | }
842 |
843 | fEmpty = RTListIsEmpty(&pDevExt->TracerProviderZombieList);
844 |
845 | /* Tracer opens. */
846 | if ( pDevExt->cTracerOpens
847 | && pDevExt->pTracerOps)
848 | {
849 | fEmpty = false;
850 | if (!(i & 0xf))
851 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvTracerRemoveAllProviders: Waiting on %u opens\n", pDevExt->cTracerOpens);
852 | else
853 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerRemoveAllProviders: Waiting on %u opens\n", pDevExt->cTracerOpens));
854 | }
855 |
856 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
857 |
858 | if (fEmpty)
859 | break;
860 |
861 | /* Delay...*/
862 | RTThreadSleep(1000);
863 | }
864 | }
865 |
866 |
867 | /**
868 | * Registers the VTG tracepoint providers of a driver.
869 | *
870 | * @returns VBox status code.
871 | * @param pDevExt The device instance data.
872 | * @param pVtgHdr The VTG object header.
873 | * @param pImage The image if applicable.
874 | * @param pSession The session if applicable.
875 | * @param pUmod The associated user tracepoint module if
876 | * applicable.
877 | * @param pszModName The module name.
878 | */
879 | static int supdrvTracerRegisterVtgObj(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PVTGOBJHDR pVtgHdr, PSUPDRVLDRIMAGE pImage,
880 | PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PSUPDRVTRACERUMOD pUmod, const char *pszModName)
881 | {
882 | int rc;
883 | uintptr_t i;
885 | size_t cchModName;
886 |
887 | /*
888 | * Validate input.
889 | */
890 | AssertPtrReturn(pDevExt, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
891 | AssertPtrReturn(pVtgHdr, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
892 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pImage, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
893 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pSession, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
894 | AssertPtrReturn(pszModName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
895 | cchModName = strlen(pszModName);
896 |
897 | if (pImage)
898 | rc = supdrvVtgValidate(pVtgHdr, (uintptr_t)pVtgHdr,
899 | (const uint8_t *)pImage->pvImage, pImage->cbImageBits,
900 | false /*fUmod*/);
901 | else
902 | rc = supdrvVtgValidate(pVtgHdr, (uintptr_t)pVtgHdr, NULL, 0, pUmod != NULL);
903 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
904 | return rc;
905 |
906 | /*
907 | * Check that there aren't any obvious duplicates.
908 | * (Yes, this isn't race free, but it's good enough for now.)
909 | */
910 | rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
911 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
912 | return rc;
913 | if (pImage || !pSession || pSession->R0Process == NIL_RTPROCESS)
914 | {
915 | RTListForEach(&pDevExt->TracerProviderList, pProv, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, ListEntry)
916 | {
917 | if (pProv->Core.pHdr == pVtgHdr)
918 | {
920 | break;
921 | }
922 |
923 | if ( pProv->pSession == pSession
924 | && pProv->pImage == pImage)
925 | {
927 | break;
928 | }
929 | }
930 | }
931 | else
932 | {
933 | RTListForEach(&pSession->TpProviders, pProv, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, SessionListEntry)
934 | {
935 | if (pProv->Core.pHdr == pVtgHdr)
936 | {
938 | break;
939 | }
940 | }
941 | }
942 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
943 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
944 | return rc;
945 |
946 | /*
947 | * Register the providers.
948 | */
949 | i = pVtgHdr->cbProviders / sizeof(VTGDESCPROVIDER);
950 | while (i-- > 0)
951 | {
952 | PVTGDESCPROVIDER pDesc = (PVTGDESCPROVIDER)((uintptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offProviders) + i;
953 | const char *pszName = supdrvVtgGetString(pVtgHdr, pDesc->offName);
954 | size_t const cchName = strlen(pszName) + (pUmod ? 16 : 0);
955 |
956 | pProv = (PSUPDRVTPPROVIDER)RTMemAllocZ(RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, szName[cchName + 1 + cchModName + 1]));
957 | if (pProv)
958 | {
959 | pProv->Core.pszName = &pProv->szName[0];
960 | pProv->Core.pszModName = &pProv->szName[cchName + 1];
961 | pProv->Core.pDesc = pDesc;
962 | pProv->Core.pHdr = pVtgHdr;
963 | pProv->Core.paProbeLocsRO = (PCVTGPROBELOC )((uintptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs);
964 | if (!pUmod)
965 | {
966 | pProv->Core.pvProbeLocsEn = (void *)((uintptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offProbeLocs);
967 | pProv->Core.pacProbeEnabled = (uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)pVtgHdr + pVtgHdr->offProbeEnabled);
968 | pProv->Core.paR0ProbeLocs = NULL;
969 | pProv->Core.paR0Probes = NULL;
970 | pProv->Core.cbProbeLocsEn = sizeof(VTGPROBELOC);
971 | pProv->Core.cBits = ARCH_BITS;
972 | pProv->Core.fUmod = false;
973 | }
974 | else
975 | {
976 | pProv->Core.pvProbeLocsEn = pUmod->pvProbeLocs;
977 | pProv->Core.pacProbeEnabled = pUmod->pacProbeEnabled;
978 | pProv->Core.paR0ProbeLocs = &pUmod->aProbeLocs[0];
979 | pProv->Core.paR0Probes = (PSUPDRVPROBEINFO)&pUmod->aProbeLocs[pUmod->cProbeLocs];
980 | pProv->Core.cbProbeLocsEn = pUmod->cbProbeLoc;
981 | pProv->Core.cBits = pUmod->cBits;
982 | pProv->Core.fUmod = true;
983 | }
984 | pProv->pImage = pImage;
985 | pProv->pSession = pSession;
986 | pProv->pUmod = pUmod;
987 | pProv->fZombie = false;
988 | pProv->fRegistered = true;
989 |
990 | if (!pUmod)
991 | memcpy(pProv->szName, pszName, cchName + 1);
992 | else
993 | RTStrPrintf(pProv->szName, cchName + 1, "%s%u", pszName, (uint32_t)pSession->Process);
994 | memcpy((void *)pProv->Core.pszModName, pszModName, cchModName + 1);
995 |
996 | /*
997 | * Do the actual registration and list manipulations while holding
998 | * down the lock.
999 | */
1000 | rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1001 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1002 | {
1003 | if ( pDevExt->pTracerOps
1004 | && !pDevExt->fTracerUnloading)
1005 | rc = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProviderRegister(pDevExt->pTracerOps, &pProv->Core);
1006 | else
1007 | {
1008 | pProv->fRegistered = false;
1009 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1010 | }
1011 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1012 | {
1013 | RTListAppend(&pDevExt->TracerProviderList, &pProv->ListEntry);
1014 | if (pSession)
1015 | {
1016 | RTListAppend(&pSession->TpProviders, &pProv->SessionListEntry);
1017 | pSession->cTpProviders++;
1018 | }
1019 | else
1020 | RTListInit(&pProv->SessionListEntry);
1021 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1022 | LOG_TRACER(("Registered tracepoint provider '%s' in '%s' -> %p\n",
1023 | pProv->szName, pszModName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider));
1024 | }
1025 | else
1026 | {
1027 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1028 | LOG_TRACER(("Failed to register tracepoint provider '%s' in '%s' -> %Rrc\n",
1029 | pProv->szName, pszModName, rc));
1030 | }
1031 | }
1032 | }
1033 | else
1034 | rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY;
1035 |
1036 | /*
1037 | * In case of failure, we have to undo any providers we already
1038 | * managed to register.
1039 | */
1040 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1041 | {
1043 |
1044 | if (pProv)
1045 | supdrvTracerFreeProvider(pProv);
1046 |
1047 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1048 | if (pImage)
1049 | {
1050 | RTListForEachReverseSafe(&pDevExt->TracerProviderList, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, ListEntry)
1051 | {
1052 | if (pProv->Core.pHdr == pVtgHdr)
1053 | supdrvTracerDeregisterVtgObj(pDevExt, pProv);
1054 | }
1055 | }
1056 | else
1057 | {
1058 | RTListForEachSafe(&pSession->TpProviders, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, SessionListEntry)
1059 | {
1060 | if (pProv->Core.pHdr == pVtgHdr)
1061 | supdrvTracerDeregisterVtgObj(pDevExt, pProv);
1062 | }
1063 | }
1064 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1065 | return rc;
1066 | }
1067 | }
1068 |
1069 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1070 | }
1071 |
1072 |
1073 | /**
1074 | * Registers the VTG tracepoint providers of a driver.
1075 | *
1076 | * @returns VBox status code.
1077 | * @param pSession The support driver session handle.
1078 | * @param pVtgHdr The VTG header.
1079 | * @param pszName The driver name.
1080 | */
1081 | SUPR0DECL(int) SUPR0TracerRegisterDrv(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PVTGOBJHDR pVtgHdr, const char *pszName)
1082 | {
1083 | int rc;
1084 |
1086 | AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1087 | AssertPtrReturn(pVtgHdr, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1088 | AssertReturn(pSession->R0Process == NIL_RTR0PROCESS, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1089 | LOG_TRACER(("SUPR0TracerRegisterDrv: pSession=%p pVtgHdr=%p pszName=%s\n", pSession, pVtgHdr, pszName));
1090 |
1091 | rc = supdrvTracerRegisterVtgObj(pSession->pDevExt, pVtgHdr, NULL /*pImage*/, pSession, NULL /*pUmod*/, pszName);
1092 |
1093 | /*
1094 | * Try unregister zombies while we have a chance.
1095 | */
1096 | supdrvTracerProcessZombies(pSession->pDevExt);
1097 |
1098 | return rc;
1099 | }
1100 |
1101 |
1102 | /**
1103 | * Deregister the VTG tracepoint providers of a driver.
1104 | *
1105 | * @param pSession The support driver session handle.
1106 | */
1107 | SUPR0DECL(void) SUPR0TracerDeregisterDrv(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession)
1108 | {
1109 | PSUPDRVTPPROVIDER pProv, pProvNext;
1111 | AssertReturnVoid(SUP_IS_SESSION_VALID(pSession));
1112 | AssertReturnVoid(pSession->R0Process == NIL_RTR0PROCESS);
1113 | LOG_TRACER(("SUPR0TracerDeregisterDrv: pSession=%p\n", pSession));
1114 |
1115 | pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt;
1116 |
1117 | /*
1118 | * Search for providers belonging to this driver session.
1119 | */
1120 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1121 | RTListForEachSafe(&pSession->TpProviders, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, SessionListEntry)
1122 | {
1123 | supdrvTracerDeregisterVtgObj(pDevExt, pProv);
1124 | }
1125 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1126 |
1127 | /*
1128 | * Try unregister zombies while we have a chance.
1129 | */
1130 | supdrvTracerProcessZombies(pDevExt);
1131 | }
1132 |
1133 |
1134 | /**
1135 | * Registers the VTG tracepoint providers of a module loaded by
1136 | * the support driver.
1137 | *
1138 | * This should be called from the ModuleInit code.
1139 | *
1140 | * @returns VBox status code.
1141 | * @param hMod The module handle.
1142 | * @param pVtgHdr The VTG header.
1143 | */
1144 | SUPR0DECL(int) SUPR0TracerRegisterModule(void *hMod, PVTGOBJHDR pVtgHdr)
1145 | {
1148 | int rc;
1149 |
1150 | LOG_TRACER(("SUPR0TracerRegisterModule: %p\n", pVtgHdr));
1151 |
1152 | /*
1153 | * Validate input and context.
1154 | */
1155 | AssertPtrReturn(pImage, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
1156 | AssertPtrReturn(pVtgHdr, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1157 |
1158 | AssertPtrReturn(pImage, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1159 | pDevExt = pImage->pDevExt;
1160 | AssertPtrReturn(pDevExt, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1161 | AssertReturn(pDevExt->pLdrInitImage == pImage, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1162 | AssertReturn(pDevExt->hLdrInitThread == RTThreadNativeSelf(), VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1163 | AssertReturn((uintptr_t)pVtgHdr - (uintptr_t)pImage->pvImage < pImage->cbImageBits, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1164 |
1165 | /*
1166 | * Do the job.
1167 | */
1168 | rc = supdrvTracerRegisterVtgObj(pDevExt, pVtgHdr, pImage, NULL /*pSession*/, NULL /*pUmod*/, pImage->szName);
1169 | LOG_TRACER(("SUPR0TracerRegisterModule: rc=%d\n", rc));
1170 |
1171 | /*
1172 | * Try unregister zombies while we have a chance.
1173 | */
1174 | supdrvTracerProcessZombies(pDevExt);
1175 |
1176 | return rc;
1177 | }
1178 |
1179 |
1180 | /**
1181 | * Registers the tracer implementation.
1182 | *
1183 | * This should be called from the ModuleInit code or from a ring-0 session.
1184 | *
1185 | * @returns VBox status code.
1186 | * @param hMod The module handle.
1187 | * @param pSession Ring-0 session handle.
1188 | * @param pReg Pointer to the tracer registration structure.
1189 | * @param ppHlp Where to return the tracer helper method table.
1190 | */
1192 | {
1196 | int rc;
1197 | int rc2;
1198 |
1199 | /*
1200 | * Validate input and context.
1201 | */
1202 | AssertPtrReturn(ppHlp, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1203 | *ppHlp = NULL;
1204 | AssertPtrReturn(pReg, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
1205 |
1206 | if (pImage)
1207 | {
1208 | AssertPtrReturn(pImage, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1209 | AssertReturn(pSession == NULL, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1210 | pDevExt = pImage->pDevExt;
1211 | AssertPtrReturn(pDevExt, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1212 | AssertReturn(pDevExt->pLdrInitImage == pImage, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1213 | AssertReturn(pDevExt->hLdrInitThread == RTThreadNativeSelf(), VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1214 | }
1215 | else
1216 | {
1218 | AssertReturn(pSession->R0Process == NIL_RTR0PROCESS, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1219 | pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt;
1220 | AssertPtrReturn(pDevExt, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1221 | }
1222 |
1223 | AssertReturn(pReg->u32Magic == SUPDRVTRACERREG_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_MAGIC);
1226 | AssertPtrReturn(pReg->pfnProbeFireKernel, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1227 | AssertPtrReturn(pReg->pfnProbeFireUser, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1228 | AssertPtrReturn(pReg->pfnTracerOpen, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1229 | AssertPtrReturn(pReg->pfnTracerIoCtl, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1230 | AssertPtrReturn(pReg->pfnTracerClose, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1231 | AssertPtrReturn(pReg->pfnProviderRegister, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1232 | AssertPtrReturn(pReg->pfnProviderDeregister, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1233 | AssertPtrReturn(pReg->pfnProviderDeregisterZombie, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1234 |
1235 | /*
1236 | * Do the job.
1237 | */
1238 | rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1239 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1240 | {
1241 | if (!pDevExt->pTracerOps)
1242 | {
1243 | LOG_TRACER(("SUPR0TracerRegisterImpl: pReg=%p\n", pReg));
1244 | pDevExt->pTracerOps = pReg;
1245 | pDevExt->pTracerSession = pSession;
1246 | pDevExt->pTracerImage = pImage;
1247 |
1248 | g_pfnSupdrvProbeFireKernel = (PFNRT)pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProbeFireKernel;
1249 |
1250 | *ppHlp = &pDevExt->TracerHlp;
1251 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1252 |
1253 | /*
1254 | * Iterate the already loaded modules and register their providers.
1255 | */
1256 | RTListForEach(&pDevExt->TracerProviderList, pProv, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, ListEntry)
1257 | {
1258 | Assert(!pProv->fRegistered);
1259 | pProv->fRegistered = true;
1260 | rc2 = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProviderRegister(pDevExt->pTracerOps, &pProv->Core);
1261 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc2))
1262 | {
1263 | pProv->fRegistered = false;
1264 | SUPR0Printf("SUPR0TracerRegisterImpl: Failed to register provider %s::%s - rc=%d\n",
1265 | pProv->Core.pszModName, pProv->szName, rc2);
1266 | }
1267 | }
1268 | }
1269 | else
1271 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1272 | }
1273 |
1274 | return rc;
1275 |
1276 | }
1277 |
1278 |
1279 | /**
1280 | * Common tracer implementation deregistration code.
1281 | *
1282 | * The caller sets fTracerUnloading prior to calling this function.
1283 | *
1284 | * @param pDevExt The device extension structure.
1285 | */
1286 | static void supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
1287 | {
1288 | uint32_t i;
1291 |
1292 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1293 |
1294 | /*
1295 | * Reinstall the stub probe-fire function.
1296 | */
1297 | g_pfnSupdrvProbeFireKernel = supdrvTracerProbeFireStub;
1298 |
1299 | /*
1300 | * Disassociate the tracer implementation from all providers.
1301 | * We will have to wait on busy providers.
1302 | */
1303 | for (i = 0; ; i++)
1304 | {
1305 | uint32_t cZombies = 0;
1306 |
1307 | /* Live providers. */
1308 | RTListForEachSafe(&pDevExt->TracerProviderList, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, ListEntry)
1309 | {
1310 | int rc;
1311 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Attemting to unregister '%s' / %p...\n",
1312 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider));
1313 |
1314 | if (!pProv->fRegistered)
1315 | continue;
1316 | if (!pProv->fZombie)
1317 | {
1318 | rc = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProviderDeregister(pDevExt->pTracerOps, &pProv->Core);
1319 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1320 | pProv->fZombie = true;
1321 | }
1322 | else
1323 | rc = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProviderDeregisterZombie(pDevExt->pTracerOps, &pProv->Core);
1324 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1325 | pProv->fZombie = pProv->fRegistered = false;
1326 | else
1327 | {
1328 | cZombies++;
1329 | if (!(i & 0xf))
1330 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Waiting on busy provider '%s' / %p (rc=%d)\n",
1331 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider, rc);
1332 | else
1333 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Failed to unregister provider '%s' / %p - rc=%d\n",
1334 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider, rc));
1335 | }
1336 | }
1337 |
1338 | /* Zombies providers. */
1339 | RTListForEachSafe(&pDevExt->TracerProviderZombieList, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, ListEntry)
1340 | {
1341 | int rc;
1342 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Attemting to unregister '%s' / %p (zombie)...\n",
1343 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider));
1344 |
1345 | rc = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProviderDeregisterZombie(pDevExt->pTracerOps, &pProv->Core);
1346 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1347 | {
1348 | RTListNodeRemove(&pProv->ListEntry);
1349 | supdrvTracerFreeProvider(pProv);
1350 | }
1351 | else
1352 | {
1353 | cZombies++;
1354 | if (!(i & 0xf))
1355 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Waiting on busy provider '%s' / %p (rc=%d)\n",
1356 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider, rc);
1357 | else
1358 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Failed to unregister provider '%s' / %p - rc=%d\n",
1359 | pProv->szName, pProv->Core.TracerData.DTrace.idProvider, rc));
1360 | }
1361 | }
1362 |
1363 | /* Tracer opens. */
1364 | if (pDevExt->cTracerOpens)
1365 | {
1366 | cZombies++;
1367 | if (!(i & 0xf))
1368 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Waiting on %u opens\n", pDevExt->cTracerOpens);
1369 | else
1370 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Waiting on %u opens\n", pDevExt->cTracerOpens));
1371 | }
1372 |
1373 | /* Tracer calls. */
1374 | if (pDevExt->cTracerCallers)
1375 | {
1376 | cZombies++;
1377 | if (!(i & 0xf))
1378 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Waiting on %u callers\n", pDevExt->cTracerCallers);
1379 | else
1380 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl: Waiting on %u callers\n", pDevExt->cTracerCallers));
1381 | }
1382 |
1383 | /* Done? */
1384 | if (cZombies == 0)
1385 | break;
1386 |
1387 | /* Delay...*/
1388 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1389 | RTThreadSleep(1000);
1390 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1391 | }
1392 |
1393 | /*
1394 | * Deregister the tracer implementation.
1395 | */
1396 | pDevExt->pTracerImage = NULL;
1397 | pDevExt->pTracerSession = NULL;
1398 | pDevExt->pTracerOps = NULL;
1399 | pDevExt->fTracerUnloading = false;
1400 |
1401 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1402 | }
1403 |
1404 |
1405 | /**
1406 | * Deregister a tracer implementation.
1407 | *
1408 | * This should be called from the ModuleTerm code or from a ring-0 session.
1409 | *
1410 | * @returns VBox status code.
1411 | * @param hMod The module handle.
1412 | * @param pSession Ring-0 session handle.
1413 | */
1414 | SUPR0DECL(int) SUPR0TracerDeregisterImpl(void *hMod, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession)
1415 | {
1418 | int rc;
1419 |
1420 | /*
1421 | * Validate input and context.
1422 | */
1423 | if (pImage)
1424 | {
1425 | AssertPtrReturn(pImage, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1426 | AssertReturn(pSession == NULL, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1427 | pDevExt = pImage->pDevExt;
1428 | }
1429 | else
1430 | {
1432 | AssertReturn(pSession->R0Process == NIL_RTR0PROCESS, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1433 | pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt;
1434 | }
1435 | AssertPtrReturn(pDevExt, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1436 |
1437 | /*
1438 | * Do the job.
1439 | */
1440 | rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1441 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1442 | {
1443 | if ( pImage
1444 | ? pDevExt->pTracerImage == pImage
1445 | : pDevExt->pTracerSession == pSession)
1446 | {
1447 | LOG_TRACER(("SUPR0TracerDeregisterImpl: Unloading ...\n"));
1448 | pDevExt->fTracerUnloading = true;
1449 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1450 | supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl(pDevExt);
1451 | LOG_TRACER(("SUPR0TracerDeregisterImpl: ... done.\n"));
1452 | }
1453 | else
1454 | {
1456 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1457 | }
1458 | }
1459 |
1460 | return rc;
1461 | }
1462 |
1463 |
1464 | /*
1465 | * The probe function is a bit more fun since we need tail jump optimizating.
1466 | *
1467 | * Since we cannot ship yasm sources for linux and freebsd, owing to the cursed
1468 | * rebuilding of the kernel module from scratch at install time, we have to
1469 | * deploy some ugly gcc inline assembly here.
1470 | */
1471 | #if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX))
1472 | __asm__("\
1473 | .section .text \n\
1474 | \n\
1475 | .p2align 4 \n\
1476 | .global SUPR0TracerFireProbe \n\
1477 | .type SUPR0TracerFireProbe, @function \n\
1478 | SUPR0TracerFireProbe: \n\
1479 | ");
1480 | # if defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64)
1481 | __asm__("\
1482 | movq g_pfnSupdrvProbeFireKernel(%rip), %rax \n\
1483 | jmp *%rax \n\
1484 | ");
1485 | # elif defined(RT_ARCH_X86)
1486 | __asm__("\
1487 | movl g_pfnSupdrvProbeFireKernel, %eax \n\
1488 | jmp *%eax \n\
1489 | ");
1490 | # else
1491 | # error "Which arch is this?"
1492 | # endif
1493 | __asm__("\
1494 | .size SUPR0TracerFireProbe, . - SUPR0TracerFireProbe \n\
1495 | \n\
1496 | .type supdrvTracerProbeFireStub,@function \n\
1497 | .global supdrvTracerProbeFireStub \n\
1498 | supdrvTracerProbeFireStub: \n\
1499 | ret \n\
1500 | .size supdrvTracerProbeFireStub, . - supdrvTracerProbeFireStub \n\
1501 | \n\
1502 | .previous \n\
1503 | ");
1504 | # if 0 /* Slickedit on windows highlighting fix */
1505 | )
1506 | # endif
1507 | #endif
1508 |
1509 |
1510 | /**
1511 | * Module unloading hook, called after execution in the module have ceased.
1512 | *
1513 | * @param pDevExt The device extension structure.
1514 | * @param pImage The image being unloaded.
1515 | */
1516 | void VBOXCALL supdrvTracerModuleUnloading(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVLDRIMAGE pImage)
1517 | {
1518 | PSUPDRVTPPROVIDER pProv, pProvNext;
1519 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pImage); /* paranoia */
1520 |
1521 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1522 |
1523 | /*
1524 | * If it is the tracer image, we have to unload all the providers.
1525 | */
1526 | if (pDevExt->pTracerImage == pImage)
1527 | {
1528 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerModuleUnloading: Unloading tracer ...\n"));
1529 | pDevExt->fTracerUnloading = true;
1530 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1531 | supdrvTracerCommonDeregisterImpl(pDevExt);
1532 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerModuleUnloading: ... done.\n"));
1533 | }
1534 | else
1535 | {
1536 | /*
1537 | * Unregister all providers belonging to this image.
1538 | */
1539 | RTListForEachSafe(&pDevExt->TracerProviderList, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, ListEntry)
1540 | {
1541 | if (pProv->pImage == pImage)
1542 | supdrvTracerDeregisterVtgObj(pDevExt, pProv);
1543 | }
1544 |
1545 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1546 |
1547 | /*
1548 | * Try unregister zombies while we have a chance.
1549 | */
1550 | supdrvTracerProcessZombies(pDevExt);
1551 | }
1552 | }
1553 |
1554 |
1555 | /**
1556 | * Called when a session is being cleaned up.
1557 | *
1558 | * @param pDevExt The device extension structure.
1559 | * @param pSession The session that is being torn down.
1560 | */
1561 | void VBOXCALL supdrvTracerCleanupSession(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession)
1562 | {
1563 | /*
1564 | * Deregister all providers.
1565 | */
1568 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1569 | RTListForEachSafe(&pSession->TpProviders, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, SessionListEntry)
1570 | {
1571 | supdrvTracerDeregisterVtgObj(pDevExt, pProv);
1572 | }
1573 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1574 |
1575 | /*
1576 | * Clean up instance data the trace may have associated with the session.
1577 | */
1578 | if (pSession->uTracerData)
1579 | supdrvIOCtl_TracerClose(pDevExt, pSession);
1580 |
1581 | /*
1582 | * Deregister any tracer implementation.
1583 | */
1584 | if (pSession->R0Process == NIL_RTR0PROCESS)
1585 | (void)SUPR0TracerDeregisterImpl(NULL, pSession);
1586 |
1587 | if (pSession->R0Process != NIL_RTR0PROCESS)
1588 | {
1589 | /*
1590 | * Free any lingering user modules. We don't bother holding the lock
1591 | * here as there shouldn't be anyone messing with the session at this
1592 | * point.
1593 | */
1596 | RTListForEachSafe(&pSession->TpUmods, pUmod, pUmodNext, SUPDRVTRACERUMOD, ListEntry)
1597 | {
1598 | RTR0MemObjFree(pUmod->hMemObjMap, false /*fFreeMappings*/);
1599 | RTR0MemObjFree(pUmod->hMemObjLock, false /*fFreeMappings*/);
1600 | supdrvVtgReleaseObjectCopy(pDevExt, pUmod->pVtgCopy);
1601 | RTMemFree(pUmod);
1602 | }
1603 | }
1604 | }
1605 |
1606 |
1607 | static void supdrvVtgReleaseObjectCopy(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVVTGCOPY pThis)
1608 | {
1609 | uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicDecU32(&pThis->cRefs);
1610 | if (!cRefs)
1611 | {
1612 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1613 | pThis->u32Magic = ~SUDPRVVTGCOPY_MAGIC;
1614 | RTListNodeRemove(&pThis->ListEntry);
1615 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1616 |
1617 | RTMemFree(pThis);
1618 | }
1619 | }
1620 |
1621 |
1622 | /**
1623 | * Finds a matching VTG object copy, caller owns the lock already.
1624 | *
1625 | * @returns Copy with reference. NULL if not found.
1626 | * @param pHashList The hash list to search.
1627 | * @param pHdr The VTG header (valid).
1628 | * @param cbStrTab The string table size.
1629 | * @param fFlags The user module flags.
1630 | */
1631 | static PSUPDRVVTGCOPY supdrvVtgFindObjectCopyLocked(PRTLISTANCHOR pHashList, PCVTGOBJHDR pHdr, uint32_t cbStrTab, uint32_t fFlags)
1632 | {
1634 |
1636 | RTListForEach(pHashList, pCur, SUPDRVVTGCOPY, ListEntry)
1637 | {
1638 | #define HDR_EQUALS(member) pCur->Hdr.member == pHdr->member
1639 | if ( HDR_EQUALS(Uuid.au32[0])
1640 | && HDR_EQUALS(Uuid.au32[1])
1641 | && HDR_EQUALS(Uuid.au32[2])
1642 | && HDR_EQUALS(Uuid.au32[3])
1643 | && HDR_EQUALS(cbObj)
1644 | && HDR_EQUALS(cBits)
1645 | && pCur->cbStrTab == cbStrTab
1646 | && pCur->fFlags == fFlags
1647 | )
1648 | {
1649 | if (RT_LIKELY( HDR_EQUALS(offStrTab)
1650 | && HDR_EQUALS(cbStrTab)
1651 | && HDR_EQUALS(offArgLists)
1652 | && HDR_EQUALS(cbArgLists)
1653 | && HDR_EQUALS(offProbes)
1654 | && HDR_EQUALS(cbProbes)
1655 | && HDR_EQUALS(offProviders)
1656 | && HDR_EQUALS(cbProviders)
1657 | && HDR_EQUALS(offProbeEnabled)
1658 | && HDR_EQUALS(cbProbeEnabled)
1659 | && HDR_EQUALS(offProbeLocs)
1660 | && HDR_EQUALS(cbProbeLocs)
1661 | )
1662 | )
1663 | {
1664 | Assert(pCur->cRefs > 0);
1665 | Assert(pCur->cRefs < _1M);
1666 | pCur->cRefs++;
1667 | return pCur;
1668 | }
1669 | }
1670 | #undef HDR_EQUALS
1671 | }
1672 |
1673 | return NULL;
1674 | }
1675 |
1676 |
1677 | /**
1678 | * Finds a matching VTG object copy.
1679 | *
1680 | * @returns Copy with reference. NULL if not found.
1681 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
1682 | * @param pHdr The VTG header (valid).
1683 | * @param cbStrTab The string table size.
1684 | * @param fFlags The user module flags.
1685 | */
1686 | static PSUPDRVVTGCOPY supdrvVtgFindObjectCopy(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PCVTGOBJHDR pHdr, uint32_t cbStrTab, uint32_t fFlags)
1687 | {
1688 | PRTLISTANCHOR pHashList = &pDevExt->aTrackerUmodHash[pHdr->Uuid.au8[3] % RT_ELEMENTS(pDevExt->aTrackerUmodHash)];
1690 |
1691 | int rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1692 | AssertRCReturn(rc, NULL);
1693 |
1694 | pRet = supdrvVtgFindObjectCopyLocked(pHashList, pHdr, cbStrTab, fFlags);
1695 |
1696 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1697 | return pRet;
1698 | }
1699 |
1700 |
1701 | /**
1702 | * Makes a shared copy of the VTG object.
1703 | *
1704 | * @returns VBox status code.
1705 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
1706 | * @param pVtgHdr The VTG header (valid).
1707 | * @param R3PtrVtgHdr The ring-3 VTG header address.
1708 | * @param uVtgHdrAddr The address of the VTG header in the context
1709 | * where it is actually used.
1710 | * @param R3PtrStrTab The ring-3 address of the probe location string
1711 | * table. The probe location array have offsets
1712 | * into this instead of funciton name pointers.
1713 | * @param cbStrTab The size of the probe location string table.
1714 | * @param fFlags The user module flags.
1715 | * @param pUmod The structure we've allocated to track the
1716 | * module. This have a valid kernel mapping of the
1717 | * probe location array. Upon successful return,
1718 | * the pVtgCopy member will hold the address of our
1719 | * copy (with a referenced of course).
1720 | */
1721 | static int supdrvVtgCreateObjectCopy(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PCVTGOBJHDR pVtgHdr, RTR3PTR R3PtrVtgHdr, RTUINTPTR uVtgHdrAddr,
1722 | RTR3PTR R3PtrStrTab, uint32_t cbStrTab, uint32_t fFlags, PSUPDRVTRACERUMOD pUmod)
1723 | {
1724 | /*
1725 | * Calculate the space required, allocate and copy in the data.
1726 | */
1727 | int rc;
1728 | uint32_t const cProbeLocs = pVtgHdr->cbProbeLocs / (pVtgHdr->cBits == 32 ? sizeof(VTGPROBELOC32) : sizeof(VTGPROBELOC64));
1729 | uint32_t const cbProbeLocs = cProbeLocs * sizeof(VTGPROBELOC);
1730 | uint32_t const offProbeLocs = RT_ALIGN(pVtgHdr->cbObj, 8);
1731 | size_t const cb = offProbeLocs + cbProbeLocs + cbStrTab + 1;
1733 | if (!pThis)
1734 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
1735 |
1736 | pThis->u32Magic = SUDPRVVTGCOPY_MAGIC;
1737 | pThis->cRefs = 1;
1738 | pThis->cbStrTab = cbStrTab;
1739 | pThis->fFlags = fFlags & SUP_TRACER_UMOD_FLAGS_TYPE_MASK;
1740 | RTListInit(&pThis->ListEntry);
1741 |
1742 | rc = RTR0MemUserCopyFrom(&pThis->Hdr, R3PtrVtgHdr, pVtgHdr->cbObj);
1743 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1744 | {
1745 | char *pchStrTab = (char *)&pThis->Hdr + offProbeLocs + cbProbeLocs;
1746 | rc = RTR0MemUserCopyFrom(pchStrTab, R3PtrStrTab, cbStrTab);
1747 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1748 | {
1749 | PVTGPROBELOC paDst = (PVTGPROBELOC)((char *)&pThis->Hdr + offProbeLocs);
1750 | uint32_t i;
1751 |
1752 | /*
1753 | * Some paranoia: Overwrite the header with the copy we've already
1754 | * validated and zero terminate the string table.
1755 | */
1756 | pThis->Hdr = *pVtgHdr;
1757 | pchStrTab[cbStrTab] = '\0';
1758 |
1759 | /*
1760 | * Set the probe location array related header members since we're
1761 | * making our own copy in a different location.
1762 | */
1763 | pThis->Hdr.uProbeLocs.u64 = (uintptr_t)paDst;
1764 | pThis->Hdr.uProbeLocsEnd.u64 = (uintptr_t)paDst + cbProbeLocs;
1765 | pThis->Hdr.offProbeLocs = offProbeLocs;
1766 | pThis->Hdr.cbProbeLocs = cbProbeLocs;
1767 | pThis->Hdr.cBits = ARCH_BITS;
1768 |
1769 | /*
1770 | * Copy, convert and fix up the probe location table.
1771 | */
1772 | if (pVtgHdr->cBits == 32)
1773 | {
1774 | uintptr_t const offDelta = (uintptr_t)&pThis->Hdr - uVtgHdrAddr;
1775 | PCVTGPROBELOC32 paSrc = (PCVTGPROBELOC32)pUmod->pvProbeLocs;
1776 |
1777 | for (i = 0; i < cProbeLocs; i++)
1778 | {
1779 | paDst[i].uLine = paSrc[i].uLine;
1780 | paDst[i].fEnabled = paSrc[i].fEnabled;
1781 | paDst[i].idProbe = paSrc[i].idProbe;
1782 | if (paSrc[i].pszFunction > cbStrTab)
1783 | {
1785 | break;
1786 | }
1787 | paDst[i].pszFunction = pchStrTab + paSrc[i].pszFunction;
1788 | paDst[i].pProbe = (PVTGDESCPROBE)(uintptr_t)(paSrc[i].pProbe + offDelta);
1789 | }
1790 | }
1791 | else
1792 | {
1793 | uint64_t const offDelta = (uintptr_t)&pThis->Hdr - uVtgHdrAddr;
1794 | PCVTGPROBELOC64 paSrc = (PCVTGPROBELOC64)pUmod->pvProbeLocs;
1795 |
1796 | for (i = 0; i < cProbeLocs; i++)
1797 | {
1798 | paDst[i].uLine = paSrc[i].uLine;
1799 | paDst[i].fEnabled = paSrc[i].fEnabled;
1800 | paDst[i].idProbe = paSrc[i].idProbe;
1801 | if (paSrc[i].pszFunction > cbStrTab)
1802 | {
1804 | break;
1805 | }
1806 | paDst[i].pszFunction = pchStrTab + (uintptr_t)paSrc[i].pszFunction;
1807 | paDst[i].pProbe = (PVTGDESCPROBE)(uintptr_t)(paSrc[i].pProbe + offDelta);
1808 | }
1809 | }
1810 |
1811 | /*
1812 | * Validate it
1813 | *
1814 | * Note! fUmod is false as this is a kernel copy with all native
1815 | * structures.
1816 | */
1817 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1818 | rc = supdrvVtgValidate(&pThis->Hdr, (uintptr_t)&pThis->Hdr, (uint8_t *)&pThis->Hdr, cb, false /*fUmod*/);
1819 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1820 | {
1821 | /*
1822 | * Add it to the hash list, making sure nobody raced us.
1823 | */
1824 | PRTLISTANCHOR pHashList = &pDevExt->aTrackerUmodHash[ pVtgHdr->Uuid.au8[3]
1825 | % RT_ELEMENTS(pDevExt->aTrackerUmodHash)];
1826 |
1827 | rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1828 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1829 | {
1830 | pUmod->pVtgCopy = supdrvVtgFindObjectCopyLocked(pHashList, pVtgHdr, cbStrTab, fFlags);
1831 | if (!pUmod->pVtgCopy)
1832 | {
1833 | pUmod->pVtgCopy = pThis;
1834 | RTListAppend(pHashList, &pThis->ListEntry);
1835 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1836 | return rc;
1837 | }
1838 |
1839 | /*
1840 | * Someone raced us, free our copy and return the existing
1841 | * one instead.
1842 | */
1843 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1844 | }
1845 | }
1846 | }
1847 | }
1848 | RTMemFree(pThis);
1849 | return rc;
1850 | }
1851 |
1852 |
1853 | /**
1854 | * Undoes what supdrvTracerUmodSetProbeIds did.
1855 | *
1856 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
1857 | * @param pSession The current session.
1858 | * @param pUmod The user tracepoint module.
1859 | */
1860 | static void supdrvTracerUmodClearProbeIds(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PSUPDRVTRACERUMOD pUmod)
1861 | {
1862 | uint32_t i;
1863 |
1864 | AssertReturnVoid(pUmod->iLookupTable < RT_ELEMENTS(pSession->apTpLookupTable));
1865 | AssertReturnVoid(pSession->apTpLookupTable[pUmod->iLookupTable] == pUmod);
1866 |
1867 | /*
1868 | * Clear the probe IDs and disable the probes.
1869 | */
1870 | i = pUmod->cProbeLocs;
1871 | if (pUmod->cBits == 32)
1872 | {
1873 | PVTGPROBELOC32 paProbeLocs = (PVTGPROBELOC32)pUmod->pvProbeLocs;
1874 | while (i-- > 0)
1875 | paProbeLocs[i].idProbe = 0;
1876 | }
1877 | else
1878 | {
1879 | PVTGPROBELOC64 paProbeLocs = (PVTGPROBELOC64)pUmod->pvProbeLocs;
1880 | while (i-- > 0)
1881 | paProbeLocs[i].idProbe = 0;
1882 | }
1883 |
1884 | /*
1885 | * Free the lookup table entry. We'll have to wait for the table to go
1886 | * idle to make sure there are no current users of pUmod.
1887 | */
1888 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1889 | if (pSession->apTpLookupTable[pUmod->iLookupTable] == pUmod)
1890 | {
1891 | if (pSession->cTpProbesFiring > 0)
1892 | {
1893 | i = 0;
1894 | while (pSession->cTpProbesFiring > 0)
1895 | {
1896 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1897 | i++;
1898 | if (!(i & 0xff))
1899 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvTracerUmodClearProbeIds: waiting for lookup table to go idle (i=%u)\n", i);
1900 | RTThreadSleep(10);
1901 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1902 | }
1903 | }
1904 | ASMAtomicWriteNullPtr(&pSession->apTpLookupTable[pUmod->iLookupTable]);
1905 | }
1906 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1907 | }
1908 |
1909 |
1910 | /**
1911 | * Allocates a lookup table entry for the Umod and sets the
1912 | * VTGPROBELOC::idProbe fields in user mode.
1913 | *
1915 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
1916 | * @param pSession The current session.
1917 | * @param pUmod The user tracepoint module.
1918 | */
1919 | static int supdrvTracerUmodSetProbeIds(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PSUPDRVTRACERUMOD pUmod)
1920 | {
1921 | uint32_t iBase;
1922 | uint32_t i;
1923 |
1924 | /*
1925 | * Allocate a lookup table entry.
1926 | */
1927 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1928 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pSession->apTpLookupTable); i++)
1929 | {
1930 | if (!pSession->apTpLookupTable[i])
1931 | {
1932 | pSession->apTpLookupTable[i] = pUmod;
1933 | pUmod->iLookupTable = i;
1934 | break;
1935 | }
1936 | }
1937 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
1938 | if (i >= RT_ELEMENTS(pSession->apTpLookupTable))
1940 |
1941 | /*
1942 | * Set probe IDs of the usermode probe location to indicate our lookup
1943 | * table entry as well as the probe location array entry.
1944 | */
1945 | iBase = (uint32_t)pUmod->iLookupTable << 24;
1946 | i = pUmod->cProbeLocs;
1947 | if (pUmod->cBits == 32)
1948 | {
1949 | PVTGPROBELOC32 paProbeLocs = (PVTGPROBELOC32)pUmod->pvProbeLocs;
1950 | while (i-- > 0)
1951 | paProbeLocs[i].idProbe = iBase | i;
1952 | }
1953 | else
1954 | {
1955 | PVTGPROBELOC64 paProbeLocs = (PVTGPROBELOC64)pUmod->pvProbeLocs;
1956 | while (i-- > 0)
1957 | paProbeLocs[i].idProbe = iBase | i;
1958 | }
1959 |
1960 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1961 | }
1962 |
1963 |
1964 | int VBOXCALL supdrvIOCtl_TracerUmodRegister(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession,
1965 | RTR3PTR R3PtrVtgHdr, RTUINTPTR uVtgHdrAddr,
1966 | RTR3PTR R3PtrStrTab, uint32_t cbStrTab,
1967 | const char *pszModName, uint32_t fFlags)
1968 | {
1969 | VTGOBJHDR Hdr;
1971 | RTR3PTR R3PtrLock;
1972 | size_t cbLock;
1973 | uint32_t cProbeLocs;
1974 | int rc;
1975 |
1976 | /*
1977 | * Validate input.
1978 | */
1979 | if (pSession->R0Process == NIL_RTR0PROCESS)
1981 | if ( fFlags != SUP_TRACER_UMOD_FLAGS_EXE
1984 |
1985 | if (pSession->cTpProviders >= RT_ELEMENTS(pSession->apTpLookupTable))
1987 |
1988 | if ( cbStrTab < 2
1989 | || cbStrTab > _1M)
1991 |
1992 | /*
1993 | * Read the VTG header into a temporary buffer and perform some simple
1994 | * validations to make sure we aren't wasting our time here.
1995 | */
1996 | rc = RTR0MemUserCopyFrom(&Hdr, R3PtrVtgHdr, sizeof(Hdr));
1997 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1998 | return rc;
1999 | rc = supdrvVtgValidateHdr(&Hdr, uVtgHdrAddr, NULL, 0, true /*fUmod*/);
2000 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
2001 | return rc;
2002 | if (Hdr.cbProviders / sizeof(VTGDESCPROVIDER) > 2)
2004 |
2005 | /*
2006 | * Check how much needs to be locked down and how many probe locations
2007 | * there are.
2008 | */
2009 | if ( Hdr.offProbeLocs <= 0
2010 | || Hdr.offProbeEnabled > (uint32_t)Hdr.offProbeLocs
2011 | || (uint32_t)Hdr.offProbeLocs - Hdr.offProbeEnabled - Hdr.cbProbeEnabled > 128)
2013 | R3PtrLock = R3PtrVtgHdr + Hdr.offProbeEnabled;
2014 | cbLock = Hdr.offProbeLocs + Hdr.cbProbeLocs - Hdr.offProbeEnabled + (R3PtrLock & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK);
2015 | R3PtrLock &= ~(RTR3PTR)PAGE_OFFSET_MASK;
2016 | if (cbLock > _64K)
2018 |
2019 | cProbeLocs = Hdr.cbProbeLocs / (Hdr.cBits == 32 ? sizeof(VTGPROBELOC32) : sizeof(VTGPROBELOC64));
2020 |
2021 | /*
2022 | * Allocate the tracker data we keep in the session.
2023 | */
2025 | + (Hdr.cbProbeEnabled / sizeof(uint32_t) * sizeof(SUPDRVPROBEINFO)) );
2026 | if (!pUmod)
2027 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
2028 | pUmod->u32Magic = SUPDRVTRACERUMOD_MAGIC;
2029 | RTListInit(&pUmod->ListEntry);
2030 | pUmod->R3PtrVtgHdr = R3PtrVtgHdr;
2031 | pUmod->pVtgCopy = NULL;
2032 | pUmod->hMemObjLock = NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ;
2033 | pUmod->hMemObjMap = NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ;
2034 | pUmod->R3PtrProbeLocs = (RTR3INTPTR)R3PtrVtgHdr + Hdr.offProbeLocs;
2035 | pUmod->iLookupTable = UINT8_MAX;
2036 | pUmod->cBits = Hdr.cBits;
2037 | pUmod->cbProbeLoc = Hdr.cBits == 32 ? sizeof(VTGPROBELOC32) : sizeof(VTGPROBELOC64);
2038 | pUmod->cProbeLocs = cProbeLocs;
2039 |
2040 | /*
2041 | * Lock down and map the user-mode structures.
2042 | */
2043 | rc = RTR0MemObjLockUser(&pUmod->hMemObjLock, R3PtrLock, cbLock, RTMEM_PROT_READ | RTMEM_PROT_WRITE, NIL_RTR0PROCESS);
2044 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2045 | {
2046 | rc = RTR0MemObjMapKernel(&pUmod->hMemObjMap, pUmod->hMemObjLock, (void *)-1, 0, RTMEM_PROT_READ | RTMEM_PROT_WRITE);
2047 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2048 | {
2049 | pUmod->pacProbeEnabled = (uint32_t *)( (uintptr_t)RTR0MemObjAddress(pUmod->hMemObjMap)
2050 | + ((uintptr_t)(R3PtrVtgHdr + Hdr.offProbeEnabled) & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK));
2051 | pUmod->pvProbeLocs = (uint8_t *)pUmod->pacProbeEnabled + Hdr.offProbeLocs - Hdr.offProbeEnabled;
2052 |
2053 | /*
2054 | * Does some other process use the same module already? If so,
2055 | * share the VTG data with it. Otherwise, make a ring-0 copy it.
2056 | */
2057 | pUmod->pVtgCopy = supdrvVtgFindObjectCopy(pDevExt, &Hdr, cbStrTab, fFlags);
2058 | if (!pUmod->pVtgCopy)
2059 | rc = supdrvVtgCreateObjectCopy(pDevExt, &Hdr, R3PtrVtgHdr, uVtgHdrAddr, R3PtrStrTab, cbStrTab, fFlags, pUmod);
2060 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2061 | {
2062 | AssertPtr(pUmod->pVtgCopy);
2063 |
2064 | /*
2065 | * Grabe a place in apTpLookupTable and set the probe IDs
2066 | * accordingly.
2067 | */
2068 | rc = supdrvTracerUmodSetProbeIds(pDevExt, pSession, pUmod);
2069 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2070 | {
2071 | /*
2072 | * Register the providers.
2073 | */
2074 | rc = supdrvTracerRegisterVtgObj(pDevExt, &pUmod->pVtgCopy->Hdr,
2075 | NULL /*pImage*/, pSession, pUmod, pszModName);
2076 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2077 | {
2078 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2079 | RTListAppend(&pSession->TpUmods, &pUmod->ListEntry);
2080 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2081 |
2082 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2083 | }
2084 |
2085 | /* bail out. */
2086 | supdrvTracerUmodClearProbeIds(pDevExt, pSession, pUmod);
2087 | }
2088 | supdrvVtgReleaseObjectCopy(pDevExt, pUmod->pVtgCopy);
2089 | }
2090 | RTR0MemObjFree(pUmod->hMemObjMap, false /*fFreeMappings*/);
2091 | }
2092 | RTR0MemObjFree(pUmod->hMemObjLock, false /*fFreeMappings*/);
2093 | }
2094 | pUmod->u32Magic = ~SUPDRVTRACERUMOD_MAGIC;
2095 | RTMemFree(pUmod);
2096 | return rc;
2097 | }
2098 |
2099 |
2100 | int VBOXCALL supdrvIOCtl_TracerUmodDeregister(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, RTR3PTR R3PtrVtgHdr)
2101 | {
2103 | uint32_t i;
2104 | int rc;
2105 |
2106 | /*
2107 | * Validate the request.
2108 | */
2109 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2110 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pSession->apTpLookupTable); i++)
2111 | {
2112 | pUmod = pSession->apTpLookupTable[i];
2113 | if ( pUmod
2114 | && pUmod->u32Magic == SUPDRVTRACERUMOD_MAGIC
2115 | && pUmod->R3PtrVtgHdr == R3PtrVtgHdr)
2116 | break;
2117 | }
2118 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2119 | if (pUmod)
2120 | {
2123 |
2124 | /*
2125 | * Remove ourselves from the lookup table and clean up the ring-3 bits
2126 | * we've dirtied. We do this first to make sure no probes are firing
2127 | * when we're destroying the providers in the next step.
2128 | */
2129 | supdrvTracerUmodClearProbeIds(pDevExt, pSession, pUmod);
2130 |
2131 | /*
2132 | * Deregister providers related to the VTG object.
2133 | */
2134 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2135 | RTListForEachSafe(&pSession->TpProviders, pProv, pProvNext, SUPDRVTPPROVIDER, SessionListEntry)
2136 | {
2137 | if (pProv->pUmod == pUmod)
2138 | supdrvTracerDeregisterVtgObj(pDevExt, pProv);
2139 | }
2140 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2141 |
2142 | /*
2143 | * Destroy the Umod object.
2144 | */
2145 | pUmod->u32Magic = ~SUPDRVTRACERUMOD_MAGIC;
2146 | supdrvVtgReleaseObjectCopy(pDevExt, pUmod->pVtgCopy);
2147 | RTR0MemObjFree(pUmod->hMemObjMap, false /*fFreeMappings*/);
2148 | RTR0MemObjFree(pUmod->hMemObjLock, false /*fFreeMappings*/);
2149 | RTMemFree(pUmod);
2150 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2151 | }
2152 | else
2153 | rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
2154 | return rc;
2155 | }
2156 |
2157 |
2158 | /**
2159 | * Implementation of supdrvIOCtl_TracerUmodProbeFire and
2160 | * SUPR0TracerUmodProbeFire.
2161 | *
2162 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
2163 | * @param pSession The calling session.
2164 | * @param pCtx The context record.
2165 | */
2166 | static void supdrvTracerUmodProbeFire(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PSUPDRVTRACERUSRCTX pCtx)
2167 | {
2168 | /*
2169 | * We cannot trust user mode to hand us the right bits nor not calling us
2170 | * when disabled. So, we have to check for our selves.
2171 | */
2173 | uint32_t const iLookupTable = pCtx->idProbe >> 24;
2174 | uint32_t const iProbeLoc = pCtx->idProbe & UINT32_C(0x00ffffff);
2175 |
2176 | if (RT_UNLIKELY( !pDevExt->pTracerOps
2177 | || pDevExt->fTracerUnloading))
2178 | return;
2179 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(iLookupTable >= RT_ELEMENTS(pSession->apTpLookupTable)))
2180 | return;
2181 | if (RT_UNLIKELY( pCtx->cBits != 32
2182 | && pCtx->cBits != 64))
2183 | return;
2184 |
2185 | ASMAtomicIncU32(&pSession->cTpProviders);
2186 |
2187 | pUmod = pSession->apTpLookupTable[iLookupTable];
2188 | if (RT_LIKELY(pUmod))
2189 | {
2190 | if (RT_LIKELY( pUmod->u32Magic == SUPDRVTRACERUMOD_MAGIC
2191 | && iProbeLoc < pUmod->cProbeLocs
2192 | && pCtx->cBits == pUmod->cBits))
2193 | {
2194 | #if 0 /* This won't work for RC modules. */
2195 | RTR3PTR R3PtrProbeLoc = pUmod->R3PtrProbeLocs + iProbeLoc * pUmod->cbProbeLoc;
2196 | if (RT_LIKELY( (pCtx->cBits == 32 ? (RTR3PTR)pCtx->u.X86.uVtgProbeLoc : pCtx->u.Amd64.uVtgProbeLoc)
2197 | == R3PtrProbeLoc))
2198 | #endif
2199 | {
2200 | if (RT_LIKELY(pUmod->aProbeLocs[iProbeLoc].fEnabled))
2201 | {
2203 | ASMAtomicIncU32(&pDevExt->cTracerCallers);
2204 | pVtgCopy = pUmod->pVtgCopy;
2205 | if (RT_LIKELY( pDevExt->pTracerOps
2206 | && !pDevExt->fTracerUnloading
2207 | && pVtgCopy))
2208 | {
2210 | pProbeLocRO = (PCVTGPROBELOC)((uintptr_t)&pVtgCopy->Hdr + pVtgCopy->Hdr.offProbeLocs) + iProbeLoc;
2211 |
2212 | pCtx->idProbe = pUmod->aProbeLocs[iProbeLoc].idProbe;
2213 | pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProbeFireUser(pDevExt->pTracerOps, pSession, pCtx, &pVtgCopy->Hdr, pProbeLocRO);
2214 | }
2215 | ASMAtomicDecU32(&pDevExt->cTracerCallers);
2216 | }
2217 | }
2218 | }
2219 | }
2220 |
2221 | ASMAtomicDecU32(&pSession->cTpProviders);
2222 | }
2223 |
2224 |
2226 | {
2227 | AssertReturnVoid(SUP_IS_SESSION_VALID(pSession));
2228 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pCtx);
2229 |
2230 | supdrvTracerUmodProbeFire(pSession->pDevExt, pSession, pCtx);
2231 | }
2232 |
2233 |
2235 | {
2236 | supdrvTracerUmodProbeFire(pDevExt, pSession, pCtx);
2237 | }
2238 |
2239 |
2240 | /**
2241 | * Open the tracer.
2242 | *
2243 | * @returns VBox status code
2244 | * @param pDevExt The device extension structure.
2245 | * @param pSession The current session.
2246 | * @param uCookie The tracer cookie.
2247 | * @param uArg The tracer open argument.
2248 | */
2249 | int VBOXCALL supdrvIOCtl_TracerOpen(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uint32_t uCookie, uintptr_t uArg)
2250 | {
2251 | RTNATIVETHREAD hNativeSelf = RTThreadNativeSelf();
2252 | int rc;
2253 |
2254 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2255 |
2256 | if (!pSession->uTracerData)
2257 | {
2258 | if (pDevExt->pTracerOps)
2259 | {
2260 | if (pDevExt->pTracerSession != pSession)
2261 | {
2262 | if (!pDevExt->fTracerUnloading)
2263 | {
2264 | if (pSession->hTracerCaller == NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD)
2265 | {
2266 | pDevExt->cTracerOpens++;
2267 | pSession->uTracerData = ~(uintptr_t)0;
2268 | pSession->hTracerCaller = hNativeSelf;
2269 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2270 |
2271 | rc = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnTracerOpen(pDevExt->pTracerOps, pSession, uCookie, uArg, &pSession->uTracerData);
2272 |
2273 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2274 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
2275 | {
2276 | pDevExt->cTracerOpens--;
2277 | pSession->uTracerData = 0;
2278 | }
2279 | pSession->hTracerCaller = NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD;
2280 | }
2281 | else
2283 | }
2284 | else
2286 | }
2287 | else
2289 | }
2290 | else
2292 | }
2293 | else
2295 |
2296 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2297 | return rc;
2298 | }
2299 |
2300 |
2301 | /**
2302 | * Closes the tracer.
2303 | *
2304 | * @returns VBox status code.
2305 | * @param pDevExt The device extension structure.
2306 | * @param pSession The current session.
2307 | */
2308 | int VBOXCALL supdrvIOCtl_TracerClose(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession)
2309 | {
2310 | RTNATIVETHREAD hNativeSelf = RTThreadNativeSelf();
2311 | int rc;
2312 |
2313 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2314 |
2315 | if (pSession->uTracerData)
2316 | {
2317 | Assert(pDevExt->cTracerOpens > 0);
2318 |
2319 | if (pDevExt->pTracerOps)
2320 | {
2321 | if (pSession->hTracerCaller == NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD)
2322 | {
2323 | uintptr_t uTracerData = pSession->uTracerData;
2324 | pSession->uTracerData = 0;
2325 | pSession->hTracerCaller = hNativeSelf;
2326 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2327 |
2328 | pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnTracerClose(pDevExt->pTracerOps, pSession, uTracerData);
2329 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2330 |
2331 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2332 | pSession->hTracerCaller = NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD;
2333 | Assert(pDevExt->cTracerOpens > 0);
2334 | pDevExt->cTracerOpens--;
2335 | }
2336 | else
2338 | }
2339 | else
2340 | {
2342 | pSession->uTracerData = 0;
2343 | Assert(pDevExt->cTracerOpens > 0);
2344 | pDevExt->cTracerOpens--;
2345 | }
2346 | }
2347 | else
2349 |
2350 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2351 | return rc;
2352 | }
2353 |
2354 |
2355 | /**
2356 | * Performs a tracer I/O control request.
2357 | *
2358 | * @returns VBox status code.
2359 | * @param pDevExt The device extension structure.
2360 | * @param pSession The current session.
2361 | * @param uCmd The tracer command.
2362 | * @param uArg The tracer argument.
2363 | * @param piRetVal Where to store the tracer specific return value.
2364 | */
2365 | int VBOXCALL supdrvIOCtl_TracerIOCtl(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uintptr_t uCmd, uintptr_t uArg, int32_t *piRetVal)
2366 | {
2367 | RTNATIVETHREAD hNativeSelf = RTThreadNativeSelf();
2368 | int rc;
2369 |
2370 | *piRetVal = 0;
2371 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2372 |
2373 | if (pSession->uTracerData)
2374 | {
2375 | Assert(pDevExt->cTracerOpens > 0);
2376 | if (pDevExt->pTracerOps)
2377 | {
2378 | if (!pDevExt->fTracerUnloading)
2379 | {
2380 | if (pSession->hTracerCaller == NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD)
2381 | {
2382 | uintptr_t uTracerData = pSession->uTracerData;
2383 | pDevExt->cTracerOpens++;
2384 | pSession->hTracerCaller = hNativeSelf;
2385 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2386 |
2387 | rc = pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnTracerIoCtl(pDevExt->pTracerOps, pSession, uTracerData, uCmd, uArg, piRetVal);
2388 |
2389 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2390 | pSession->hTracerCaller = NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD;
2391 | Assert(pDevExt->cTracerOpens > 0);
2392 | pDevExt->cTracerOpens--;
2393 | }
2394 | else
2396 | }
2397 | else
2399 | }
2400 | else
2402 | }
2403 | else
2405 |
2406 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2407 | return rc;
2408 | }
2409 |
2410 |
2411 | /**
2412 | * Early module initialization hook.
2413 | *
2414 | * @returns VBox status code.
2415 | * @param pDevExt The device extension structure.
2416 | */
2417 | int VBOXCALL supdrvTracerInit(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
2418 | {
2419 | /*
2420 | * Initialize the tracer.
2421 | */
2422 | int rc = RTSemFastMutexCreate(&pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2423 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2424 | {
2425 | uint32_t i;
2426 |
2427 | pDevExt->TracerHlp.uVersion = SUPDRVTRACERHLP_VERSION;
2428 | /** @todo */
2429 | pDevExt->TracerHlp.uEndVersion = SUPDRVTRACERHLP_VERSION;
2430 | RTListInit(&pDevExt->TracerProviderList);
2431 | RTListInit(&pDevExt->TracerProviderZombieList);
2432 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pDevExt->aTrackerUmodHash); i++)
2433 | RTListInit(&pDevExt->aTrackerUmodHash[i]);
2434 |
2436 | pDevExt->pTracerOps = supdrvDTraceInit();
2437 | if (pDevExt->pTracerOps)
2438 | g_pfnSupdrvProbeFireKernel = (PFNRT)pDevExt->pTracerOps->pfnProbeFireKernel;
2439 | #endif
2440 |
2441 | /*
2442 | * Register the provider for this module, if compiled in.
2443 | */
2444 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DTRACE_R0DRV
2445 | rc = supdrvTracerRegisterVtgObj(pDevExt, &g_VTGObjHeader, NULL /*pImage*/, NULL /*pSession*/, NULL /*pUmod*/, "vboxdrv");
2446 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2447 | return rc;
2448 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvTracerInit: supdrvTracerRegisterVtgObj failed with rc=%d\n", rc);
2449 | RTSemFastMutexDestroy(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2450 | #else
2451 |
2452 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2453 | #endif
2454 | }
2455 | pDevExt->mtxTracer = NIL_RTSEMFASTMUTEX;
2456 | return rc;
2457 | }
2458 |
2459 |
2460 | /**
2461 | * Late module termination hook.
2462 | *
2463 | * @returns VBox status code.
2464 | * @param pDevExt The device extension structure.
2465 | */
2466 | void VBOXCALL supdrvTracerTerm(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
2467 | {
2468 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerTerm\n"));
2469 |
2470 | supdrvTracerRemoveAllProviders(pDevExt);
2472 | supdrvDTraceFini();
2473 | #endif
2474 | RTSemFastMutexDestroy(pDevExt->mtxTracer);
2475 | pDevExt->mtxTracer = NIL_RTSEMFASTMUTEX;
2476 | LOG_TRACER(("supdrvTracerTerm: Done\n"));
2477 | }
2478 |