1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 |
6 | import sys
7 |
8 | from pack_currenttypes import *
9 | import apiutil
10 |
11 | apiutil.CopyrightC()
12 |
13 | print '''
14 | #include "state/cr_currentpointers.h"
15 | #include "state.h"
16 |
17 | #include <stdio.h>
18 |
19 | #ifdef WINDOWS
20 | #pragma warning( disable : 4127 )
21 | #endif
22 |
23 | typedef void (*convert_func) (GLfloat *, const unsigned char *);
24 | '''
25 |
26 | import convert
27 |
28 | for k in current_fns.keys():
29 | name = k
30 | name = '%s%s' % (k[:1].lower(),k[1:])
31 | ucname = k.upper()
32 | num_members = len(current_fns[k]['default']) + 1
33 |
34 | print '#define VPINCH_CONVERT_%s(op,data,dst) \\' % ucname
35 | print '{\\'
36 | print '\tGLfloat vdata[%d] = {' % num_members,
37 |
38 | ## Copy dst data into vdata
39 | i = 0;
40 | for defaultvar in current_fns[k]['default']:
41 | print '%d' % defaultvar,
42 | if i != num_members:
43 | print ',',
44 | i += 1
45 | print '};\\'
46 |
47 | print '\tswitch (op) { \\'
48 | for type in current_fns[k]['types']:
49 | if type[0:1] == "N":
50 | normalize = 1
51 | type = type[1:]
52 | else:
53 | normalize = 0
54 | for size in current_fns[k]['sizes']:
55 | uctype = type.upper()
56 | if ucname == 'EDGEFLAG':
57 | print '\tcase CR_%s_OPCODE: \\' % ucname
58 | else:
59 | print '\tcase CR_%s%d%s_OPCODE: \\' % (ucname,size,uctype)
60 |
61 | if (ucname == 'COLOR' or ucname == 'NORMAL' or ucname == 'SECONDARYCOLOR' or normalize) and type != 'f' and type != 'd':
62 | print '\t\t__convert_rescale_%s%d (vdata, (%s *) (data)); \\' % (type,size,gltypes[type]['type'])
63 | else:
64 | print '\t\t__convert_%s%d (vdata, (%s *) (data)); \\' % (type,size,gltypes[type]['type'])
65 | print '\t\tbreak; \\'
66 |
67 | print '\tdefault: \\'
68 | print '\t\tcrSimpleError ( "Unknown opcode in VPINCH_CONVERT_%s" ); \\' % ucname
69 | print '\t}\\'
70 |
71 | i = 0
72 | for member in current_fns[k]['members']:
73 | print '\t(dst).%s = vdata[%d];\\' % (member,i)
74 | i += 1
75 |
76 | print '}\n'
77 |
78 | print '''
79 |
80 | void crStateCurrentRecover( void )
81 | {
82 | const unsigned char *v;
83 | convert_func convert=NULL;
84 | CRContext *g = GetCurrentContext();
85 | CRCurrentState *c = &(g->current);
86 | CRStateBits *sb = GetCurrentBits();
87 | CRCurrentBits *cb = &(sb->current);
88 | static const GLfloat color_default[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
89 | static const GLfloat secondaryColor_default[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
90 | static const GLfloat texCoord_default[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
91 | static const GLfloat normal_default[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
92 | static const GLfloat index_default = 0.0f;
93 | static const GLboolean edgeFlag_default = GL_TRUE;
94 | static const GLfloat vertexAttrib_default[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
95 | static const GLfloat fogCoord_default = 0.0f;
96 | GLnormal_p *normal = &(c->current->c.normal);
97 | GLcolor_p *color = &(c->current->c.color);
98 | GLsecondarycolor_p *secondaryColor = &(c->current->c.secondaryColor);
99 | GLtexcoord_p *texCoord = &(c->current->c.texCoord);
100 | GLindex_p *index = &(c->current->c.index);
101 | GLedgeflag_p *edgeFlag = &(c->current->c.edgeFlag);
102 | GLvertexattrib_p *vertexAttrib = &(c->current->c.vertexAttrib);
103 | GLfogcoord_p *fogCoord = &(c->current->c.fogCoord);
104 | unsigned int i;
105 | CRbitvalue nbitID[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
106 |
107 | /*
108 | * If the calling SPU hasn't called crStateSetCurrentPointers()
109 | * we can't recover anything, so abort now. (i.e. we don't have
110 | * a pincher, oh, and just emit the message once).
111 | */
112 | if (!c->current) {
113 | static int donewarning = 0;
114 | if (!donewarning)
115 | crWarning("No pincher, please call crStateSetCurrentPointers() in your SPU");
116 | donewarning = 1;
117 | return; /* never get here */
118 | }
119 |
120 | c->attribsUsedMask = c->current->attribsUsedMask;
121 |
122 | /* silence warnings */
123 | (void) __convert_b1;
124 | (void) __convert_b2;
125 | (void) __convert_b3;
126 | (void) __convert_b4;
127 | (void) __convert_ui1;
128 | (void) __convert_ui2;
129 | (void) __convert_ui3;
130 | (void) __convert_ui4;
131 | (void) __convert_l1;
132 | (void) __convert_l2;
133 | (void) __convert_l3;
134 | (void) __convert_l4;
135 | (void) __convert_us1;
136 | (void) __convert_us2;
137 | (void) __convert_us3;
138 | (void) __convert_us4;
139 | (void) __convert_ub1;
140 | (void) __convert_ub2;
141 | (void) __convert_ub3;
142 | (void) __convert_ub4;
143 | (void) __convert_rescale_s1;
144 | (void) __convert_rescale_s2;
145 | (void) __convert_rescale_b1;
146 | (void) __convert_rescale_b2;
147 | (void) __convert_rescale_ui1;
148 | (void) __convert_rescale_ui2;
149 | (void) __convert_rescale_i1;
150 | (void) __convert_rescale_i2;
151 | (void) __convert_rescale_us1;
152 | (void) __convert_rescale_us2;
153 | (void) __convert_rescale_ub1;
154 | (void) __convert_rescale_ub2;
155 | (void) __convert_Ni1;
156 | (void) __convert_Ni2;
157 | (void) __convert_Ni3;
158 | (void) __convert_Ni4;
159 | (void) __convert_Nb1;
160 | (void) __convert_Nb2;
161 | (void) __convert_Nb3;
162 | (void) __convert_Nb4;
163 | (void) __convert_Nus1;
164 | (void) __convert_Nus2;
165 | (void) __convert_Nus3;
166 | (void) __convert_Nus4;
167 | (void) __convert_Nui1;
168 | (void) __convert_Nui2;
169 | (void) __convert_Nui3;
170 | (void) __convert_Nui4;
171 | (void) __convert_Ns1;
172 | (void) __convert_Ns2;
173 | (void) __convert_Ns3;
174 | (void) __convert_Ns4;
175 | (void) __convert_Nub1;
176 | (void) __convert_Nub2;
177 | (void) __convert_Nub3;
178 | (void) __convert_Nub4;
179 |
180 | DIRTY(nbitID, g->neg_bitid);
181 |
182 | /* Save pre state */
183 | for (i = 0; i < CR_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++) {
184 | COPY_4V(c->vertexAttribPre[i] , c->vertexAttrib[i]);
185 | }
186 | c->edgeFlagPre = c->edgeFlag;
187 | c->colorIndexPre = c->colorIndex;
188 |
189 | '''
190 |
191 | for k in current_fns.keys():
192 | print '\t/* %s */' % k
193 | print '\tv=NULL;'
194 | name = '%s%s' % (k[:1].lower(),k[1:])
195 |
196 | indent = ""
197 | if current_fns[k].has_key( 'array' ):
198 | print '\tfor (i = 0 ; i < %s ; i++)' % current_fns[k]['array']
199 | print '\t{'
200 | indent += "\t"
201 | for type in current_fns[k]['types']:
202 | if type[0:1] == "N":
203 | normalized = 1
204 | type2 = type[1:]
205 | else:
206 | normalized = 0
207 | type2 = type
208 | for size in current_fns[k]['sizes']:
209 | ptr = '%s->%s%d' % (name, type, size )
210 | if current_fns[k].has_key( 'array' ):
211 | ptr += "[i]"
212 | print '%s\tif (v < %s)' % (indent, ptr)
213 | print '%s\t{' % indent
214 | print '%s\t\tv = %s;' % (indent, ptr)
215 | if (k == 'Color' or k == 'Normal' or k == 'SecondaryColor' or normalized) and type != 'f' and type != 'd' and type != 'l':
216 | print '%s\t\tconvert = (convert_func) __convert_rescale_%s%d;' % (indent,type,size)
217 | else:
218 | print '%s\t\tconvert = (convert_func) __convert_%s%d;' % (indent,type,size)
219 | print '%s\t}' % indent
220 | print ''
221 | print '%s\tif (v != NULL) {' % indent
222 | if current_fns[k].has_key( 'array' ):
223 | if k == 'TexCoord':
224 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0 + i], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
225 | else:
226 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->%s[i], %s_default);' % (indent,name,name)
227 | else:
228 | if k == 'Normal':
229 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_NORMAL], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
230 | elif k == 'FogCoord':
231 | print '%s\t\tc->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_FOG][0] = %s_default;' % (indent,name)
232 | elif k == 'Color':
233 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
234 | elif k == 'SecondaryColor':
235 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR1], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
236 | elif k == 'TexCoord':
237 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
238 | elif k == 'Index':
239 | print '%s\t\tc->colorIndex = %s_default;' % (indent,name)
240 | elif k == 'EdgeFlag':
241 | print '%s\t\tc->edgeFlag = %s_default;' % (indent,name)
242 | else:
243 | print '%s\t\tc->%s = %s_default;' % (indent,name,name)
244 | if k == 'EdgeFlag':
245 | print '%s\t\t__convert_boolean (&c->edgeFlag, v);' % (indent)
246 | dirtyVar = 'cb->edgeFlag'
247 | elif k == 'Normal':
248 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_NORMAL][0]), v);' % (indent)
249 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_NORMAL]'
250 | elif k == 'TexCoord':
251 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0 + i][0]), v);' % (indent)
252 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0 + i]'
253 | elif k == 'Color':
254 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0][0]), v);' % (indent)
255 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0]'
256 | elif k == 'Index':
257 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->colorIndex), v);' % (indent)
258 | dirtyVar = 'cb->colorIndex'
259 | elif k == 'SecondaryColor':
260 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR1][0]), v);' % (indent)
261 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR1]'
262 | elif k == 'FogCoord':
263 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_FOG][0]), v);' % (indent)
264 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_FOG]'
265 | elif k == 'VertexAttrib':
266 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[i][0]), v);' % (indent)
267 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[i]'
268 | else:
269 | assert 0 # should never get here
270 |
271 | print '%s\t\tDIRTY(%s, nbitID);' % (indent, dirtyVar)
272 |
273 | # if current_fns[k].has_key( 'array' ):
274 | # print '%s\t\tDIRTY(cb->%s[i], nbitID);' % (indent,name)
275 | # else:
276 | # print '%s\t\tDIRTY(cb->%s, nbitID);' % (indent,name)
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 | print '%s\t\tDIRTY(cb->dirty, nbitID);' % indent
281 | print '%s\t}' % indent
282 | if current_fns[k].has_key( 'array' ):
283 | print '%s\t%s->ptr[i] = v;' % (indent, name )
284 | else:
285 | print '%s\t%s->ptr = v;' % (indent, name )
286 | if current_fns[k].has_key( 'array' ):
287 | print '\t}'
288 | print '}'
289 |
290 | print '''
291 |
292 | void crStateCurrentRecoverNew(CRContext *g, CRCurrentStatePointers *current)
293 | {
294 | const unsigned char *v;
295 | convert_func convert=NULL;
296 | CRCurrentState *c = &(g->current);
297 | CRStateBits *sb = GetCurrentBits();
298 | CRCurrentBits *cb = &(sb->current);
299 |
300 | static const GLfloat vertexAttrib_default[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
301 |
302 | GLvertexattrib_p *vertexAttrib = &(current->c.vertexAttrib);
303 |
304 | unsigned int i;
305 | CRbitvalue nbitID[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
306 |
307 |
308 | /* silence warnings */
309 | (void) __convert_b1;
310 | (void) __convert_b2;
311 | (void) __convert_b3;
312 | (void) __convert_b4;
313 | (void) __convert_ui1;
314 | (void) __convert_ui2;
315 | (void) __convert_ui3;
316 | (void) __convert_ui4;
317 | (void) __convert_l1;
318 | (void) __convert_l2;
319 | (void) __convert_l3;
320 | (void) __convert_l4;
321 | (void) __convert_us1;
322 | (void) __convert_us2;
323 | (void) __convert_us3;
324 | (void) __convert_us4;
325 | (void) __convert_ub1;
326 | (void) __convert_ub2;
327 | (void) __convert_ub3;
328 | (void) __convert_ub4;
329 | (void) __convert_rescale_s1;
330 | (void) __convert_rescale_s2;
331 | (void) __convert_rescale_b1;
332 | (void) __convert_rescale_b2;
333 | (void) __convert_rescale_ui1;
334 | (void) __convert_rescale_ui2;
335 | (void) __convert_rescale_i1;
336 | (void) __convert_rescale_i2;
337 | (void) __convert_rescale_us1;
338 | (void) __convert_rescale_us2;
339 | (void) __convert_rescale_ub1;
340 | (void) __convert_rescale_ub2;
341 | (void) __convert_Ni1;
342 | (void) __convert_Ni2;
343 | (void) __convert_Ni3;
344 | (void) __convert_Ni4;
345 | (void) __convert_Nb1;
346 | (void) __convert_Nb2;
347 | (void) __convert_Nb3;
348 | (void) __convert_Nb4;
349 | (void) __convert_Nus1;
350 | (void) __convert_Nus2;
351 | (void) __convert_Nus3;
352 | (void) __convert_Nus4;
353 | (void) __convert_Nui1;
354 | (void) __convert_Nui2;
355 | (void) __convert_Nui3;
356 | (void) __convert_Nui4;
357 | (void) __convert_Ns1;
358 | (void) __convert_Ns2;
359 | (void) __convert_Ns3;
360 | (void) __convert_Ns4;
361 | (void) __convert_Nub1;
362 | (void) __convert_Nub2;
363 | (void) __convert_Nub3;
364 | (void) __convert_Nub4;
365 |
366 |
367 | '''
368 |
369 | for k in current_fns_new.keys():
370 | print '\t/* %s */' % k
371 | print '\tif (current->changed%s)' % k
372 | print '\t{'
373 | print '\t\tv=NULL;'
374 | name = '%s%s' % (k[:1].lower(),k[1:])
375 |
376 | indent = ""
377 | if current_fns_new[k].has_key( 'array' ):
378 | print '\t\tfor (i = 0 ; i < %s ; i++)' % current_fns_new[k]['array']
379 | print '\t\t{'
380 | indent += "\t\t"
381 | print '\t\tif (!(current->changed%s & (1 << i))) continue;' % k
382 | for type in current_fns_new[k]['types']:
383 | if type[0:1] == "N":
384 | normalized = 1
385 | type2 = type[1:]
386 | else:
387 | normalized = 0
388 | type2 = type
389 | for size in current_fns_new[k]['sizes']:
390 | ptr = '%s->%s%d' % (name, type, size )
391 | if current_fns_new[k].has_key( 'array' ):
392 | ptr += "[i]"
393 | print '#ifdef DEBUG_misha'
394 | print '%s\tif (%s)' % (indent, ptr)
395 | print '%s\t{' % (indent)
396 | print '%s\t\tuint32_t *pTst = (uint32_t*)(%s);' % (indent, ptr)
397 | print '%s\t\t--pTst;' % (indent)
398 | print '%s\t\tAssert((*pTst) == i);' % (indent)
399 | print '%s\t}' % (indent)
400 | print '#endif'
401 | print '%s\tif (v < %s)' % (indent, ptr)
402 | print '%s\t{' % indent
403 | print '%s\t\tv = %s;' % (indent, ptr)
404 | if (k == 'Color' or k == 'Normal' or k == 'SecondaryColor' or normalized) and type != 'f' and type != 'd' and type != 'l':
405 | print '%s\t\tconvert = (convert_func) __convert_rescale_%s%d;' % (indent,type,size)
406 | else:
407 | print '%s\t\tconvert = (convert_func) __convert_%s%d;' % (indent,type,size)
408 | print '%s\t}' % indent
409 | print ''
410 | print '%s\tif (v != NULL) {' % indent
411 | if current_fns_new[k].has_key( 'array' ):
412 | if k == 'TexCoord':
413 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0 + i], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
414 | else:
415 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->%s[i], %s_default);' % (indent,name,name)
416 | else:
417 | if k == 'Normal':
418 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_NORMAL], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
419 | elif k == 'FogCoord':
420 | print '%s\t\tc->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_FOG][0] = %s_default;' % (indent,name)
421 | elif k == 'Color':
422 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
423 | elif k == 'SecondaryColor':
424 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR1], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
425 | elif k == 'TexCoord':
426 | print '%s\t\tCOPY_4V(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0], %s_default);' % (indent,name)
427 | elif k == 'Index':
428 | print '%s\t\tc->colorIndex = %s_default;' % (indent,name)
429 | elif k == 'EdgeFlag':
430 | print '%s\t\tc->edgeFlag = %s_default;' % (indent,name)
431 | else:
432 | print '%s\t\tc->%s = %s_default;' % (indent,name,name)
433 | if k == 'EdgeFlag':
434 | print '%s\t\t__convert_boolean (&c->edgeFlag, v);' % (indent)
435 | dirtyVar = 'cb->edgeFlag'
436 | elif k == 'Normal':
437 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_NORMAL][0]), v);' % (indent)
438 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_NORMAL]'
439 | elif k == 'TexCoord':
440 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0 + i][0]), v);' % (indent)
441 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0 + i]'
442 | elif k == 'Color':
443 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0][0]), v);' % (indent)
444 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0]'
445 | elif k == 'Index':
446 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->colorIndex), v);' % (indent)
447 | dirtyVar = 'cb->colorIndex'
448 | elif k == 'SecondaryColor':
449 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR1][0]), v);' % (indent)
450 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR1]'
451 | elif k == 'FogCoord':
452 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_FOG][0]), v);' % (indent)
453 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[VERT_ATTRIB_FOG]'
454 | elif k == 'VertexAttrib':
455 | print '%s\t\tconvert(&(c->vertexAttrib[i][0]), v);' % (indent)
456 | dirtyVar = 'cb->vertexAttrib[i]'
457 | else:
458 | assert 0 # should never get here
459 |
460 | print '%s\t\tDIRTY(%s, nbitID);' % (indent, dirtyVar)
461 |
462 | # if current_fns_new[k].has_key( 'array' ):
463 | # print '%s\t\tDIRTY(cb->%s[i], nbitID);' % (indent,name)
464 | # else:
465 | # print '%s\t\tDIRTY(cb->%s, nbitID);' % (indent,name)
466 |
467 |
468 |
469 | print '%s\t\tDIRTY(cb->dirty, nbitID);' % indent
470 | print '%s\t}' % indent
471 | if current_fns_new[k].has_key( 'array' ):
472 | print '%s\t%s->ptr[i] = v;' % (indent, name )
473 | else:
474 | print '%s\t%s->ptr = v;' % (indent, name )
475 | if current_fns_new[k].has_key( 'array' ):
476 | print '\t\t}'
477 | print '\t\tcurrent->changed%s = 0;' % k
478 | print '\t}'
479 | print '}'