1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved.
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #ifndef STATE_H
8 | #define STATE_H
9 |
10 | #include "cr_glstate.h"
11 |
12 | #define CRSTATE_CHECKERR_RET(expr, result, message, ret) \
13 | if (expr) { \
14 | crStateError(__LINE__, __FILE__, result, message); \
15 | return ret; \
16 | }
17 |
18 | #define CRSTATE_NO_RETURN
19 |
20 | #define CRSTATE_CHECKERR(expr, result, message) CRSTATE_CHECKERR_RET(expr, result, message, CRSTATE_NO_RETURN)
21 |
22 | typedef struct _crCheckIDHWID {
23 | GLuint id, hwid;
24 | } crCheckIDHWID_t;
25 |
26 | extern SPUDispatchTable diff_api;
27 | extern CRStateBits *__currentBits;
28 |
29 | #define GetCurrentBits() __currentBits
30 |
32 | #include <cr_threads.h>
33 |
34 | extern CRtsd __contextTSD;
35 | #define GetCurrentContext() VBoxTlsRefGetCurrent(CRContext, &__contextTSD)
36 |
37 | /* NOTE: below SetCurrentContext stuff is supposed to be used only internally!!
38 | * it is placed here only to simplify things since some code besides state_init.c
39 | * (i.e. state_glsl.c) is using it */
40 | #define SetCurrentContext(_ctx) VBoxTlsRefSetCurrent(CRContext, &__contextTSD, _ctx)
41 | #else
42 | extern CRContext *__currentContext;
43 | #define GetCurrentContext() __currentContext
44 | #endif
45 |
46 | extern GLboolean g_bVBoxEnableDiffOnMakeCurrent;
47 |
48 | extern CRContext *g_pAvailableContexts[CR_MAX_CONTEXTS];
49 |
50 | extern void crStateTextureInitTextureObj (CRContext *ctx, CRTextureObj *tobj, GLuint name, GLenum target);
51 | extern void crStateTextureInitTextureFormat( CRTextureLevel *tl, GLenum internalFormat );
52 |
53 | /* Normally these functions would have been in cr_bufferobject.h but
54 | * that led to a number of issues.
55 | */
56 | void crStateBufferObjectInit(CRContext *ctx);
57 |
58 | void crStateBufferObjectDestroy (CRContext *ctx);
59 |
60 | void crStateBufferObjectDiff(CRBufferObjectBits *bb, CRbitvalue *bitID,
61 | CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx);
62 |
63 | void crStateBufferObjectSwitch(CRBufferObjectBits *bb, CRbitvalue *bitID,
64 | CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx);
65 |
66 | /* These would normally be in cr_client.h */
67 |
68 | void crStateClientDiff(CRClientBits *cb, CRbitvalue *bitID, CRContext *from, CRContext *to);
69 |
70 | void crStateClientSwitch(CRClientBits *cb, CRbitvalue *bitID, CRContext *from, CRContext *to);
71 |
72 | void crStateGetTextureObjectAndImage(CRContext *g, GLenum texTarget, GLint level,
73 | CRTextureObj **obj, CRTextureLevel **img);
74 |
75 | void crStateFreeBufferObject(void *data);
76 | void crStateFreeFBO(void *data);
77 | void crStateFreeRBO(void *data);
78 |
79 | void crStateGenNames(CRContext *g, CRHashTable *table, GLsizei n, GLuint *names);
80 | void crStateRegNames(CRContext *g, CRHashTable *table, GLsizei n, GLuint *names);
81 | #endif