/* $Id: cr_htable.h 76553 2019-01-01 01:45:53Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * uint32_t handle to void simple table API */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ___cr_htable_h_ #define ___cr_htable_h_ #include #include #include #ifndef IN_RING0 # define VBOXHTABLEDECL(_type) DECLEXPORT(_type) #else # define VBOXHTABLEDECL(_type) RTDECL(_type) #endif RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN typedef uint32_t CRHTABLE_HANDLE; #define CRHTABLE_HANDLE_INVALID 0UL typedef struct CRHTABLE { uint32_t cData; uint32_t iNext2Search; uint32_t cSize; void **paData; } CRHTABLE, *PCRHTABLE; typedef struct CRHTABLE_ITERATOR { PCRHTABLE pTbl; uint32_t iCur; uint32_t cLeft; } VCRHTABLE_ITERATOR, *PCRHTABLE_ITERATOR; /*private stuff, not to be used directly */ DECLINLINE(CRHTABLE_HANDLE) crHTableIndex2Handle(uint32_t iIndex) { return iIndex+1; } DECLINLINE(uint32_t) crHTableHandle2Index(CRHTABLE_HANDLE hHandle) { return hHandle-1; } /* public API */ DECLINLINE(void) CrHTableIterInit(PCRHTABLE pTbl, PCRHTABLE_ITERATOR pIter) { pIter->pTbl = pTbl; pIter->iCur = 0; pIter->cLeft = pTbl->cData; } DECLINLINE(void*) CrHTableIterNext(PCRHTABLE_ITERATOR pIter, CRHTABLE_HANDLE *phHandle) { PCRHTABLE pTbl; uint32_t i; if (!pIter->cLeft) { if (phHandle) *phHandle = 0; return NULL; } pTbl = pIter->pTbl; for (i = pIter->iCur; i < pTbl->cSize; ++i) { if (pTbl->paData[i]) { pIter->iCur = i+1; --(pIter->cLeft); if (phHandle) *phHandle = crHTableIndex2Handle(i); return pTbl->paData[i]; } } crWarning("interator concurent modification!"); return NULL; } VBOXHTABLEDECL(int) CrHTableCreate(PCRHTABLE pTbl, uint32_t cSize); DECLINLINE(void) CrHTableMoveTo(PCRHTABLE pSrcTbl, PCRHTABLE pDstTbl) { *pDstTbl = *pSrcTbl; CrHTableCreate(pSrcTbl, 0); } VBOXHTABLEDECL(void) CrHTableEmpty(PCRHTABLE pTbl); VBOXHTABLEDECL(void) CrHTableDestroy(PCRHTABLE pTbl); VBOXHTABLEDECL(int) CrHTableRealloc(PCRHTABLE pTbl, uint32_t cNewSize); VBOXHTABLEDECL(CRHTABLE_HANDLE) CrHTablePut(PCRHTABLE pTbl, void *pvData); VBOXHTABLEDECL(int) CrHTablePutToSlot(PCRHTABLE pTbl, CRHTABLE_HANDLE hHandle, void* pvData); /* note: can be called for the element returned with CrHTableIterNext w/o corrupting the iterator */ VBOXHTABLEDECL(void*) CrHTableRemove(PCRHTABLE pTbl, CRHTABLE_HANDLE hHandle); VBOXHTABLEDECL(void*) CrHTableGet(PCRHTABLE pTbl, CRHTABLE_HANDLE hHandle); RT_C_DECLS_END #endif /* #ifndef ___cr_htable_h_*/