1 | /**
2 | *
3 | * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
4 | * "VM settings" dialog UI include (Qt Designer)
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | */
18 |
19 | /****************************************************************************
20 | ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
21 | **
22 | ** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use
23 | ** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an
24 | ** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in
25 | ** place of a destructor.
26 | *****************************************************************************/
27 |
28 |
29 | /**
30 | * QDialog class reimplementation to use for adding network interface.
31 | * It has one line-edit field for entering network interface's name and
32 | * common dialog's ok/cancel buttons.
33 | */
34 | class VBoxAddNIDialog : public QDialog
35 | {
37 |
38 | public:
39 |
40 | VBoxAddNIDialog (QWidget *aParent, const QString &aIfaceName) :
41 | QDialog (aParent, "VBoxAddNIDialog", true /* modal */),
42 | mLeName (0)
43 | {
44 | setCaption (tr ("Add Host Interface"));
45 | QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout (this, 10, 10, "mainLayout");
46 |
47 | /* Setup Input layout */
48 | QHBoxLayout *inputLayout = new QHBoxLayout (mainLayout, 10, "inputLayout");
49 | QLabel *lbName = new QLabel (tr ("Interface Name"), this);
50 | mLeName = new QLineEdit (aIfaceName, this);
51 | QWhatsThis::add (mLeName, tr ("Descriptive name of the new network interface"));
52 | inputLayout->addWidget (lbName);
53 | inputLayout->addWidget (mLeName);
54 | connect (mLeName, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
55 | this, SLOT (validate()));
56 |
57 | /* Setup Button layout */
58 | QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout (mainLayout, 10, "buttonLayout");
59 | mBtOk = new QPushButton (tr ("&OK"), this, "mBtOk");
60 | QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
61 | QPushButton *btCancel = new QPushButton (tr ("Cancel"), this, "btCancel");
62 | connect (mBtOk, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (accept()));
63 | connect (btCancel, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (reject()));
64 | buttonLayout->addWidget (mBtOk);
65 | buttonLayout->addItem (spacer);
66 | buttonLayout->addWidget (btCancel);
67 |
68 | /* resize to fit the aIfaceName in one string */
69 | int requiredWidth = mLeName->fontMetrics().width (aIfaceName) +
70 | mLeName->frameWidth() * 2 +
71 | mLeName->lineWidth() * 2 +
72 | inputLayout->spacing() +
73 | lbName->fontMetrics().width (lbName->text()) +
74 | lbName->frameWidth() * 2 +
75 | lbName->lineWidth() * 2 +
76 | mainLayout->margin() * 2;
77 | resize (requiredWidth, minimumHeight());
78 |
79 | /* Validate interface name field */
80 | validate();
81 | }
82 |
83 | ~VBoxAddNIDialog() {}
84 |
85 | QString getName() { return mLeName->text(); }
86 |
87 | private slots:
88 |
89 | void validate()
90 | {
91 | mBtOk->setEnabled (!mLeName->text().isEmpty());
92 | }
93 |
94 | private:
95 |
96 | void showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent)
97 | {
98 | setFixedHeight (height());
99 | QDialog::showEvent (aEvent);
100 | }
101 |
102 | QPushButton *mBtOk;
103 | QLineEdit *mLeName;
104 | };
105 |
106 |
107 | /**
108 | * Calculates a suitable page step size for the given max value.
109 | * The returned size is so that there will be no more than 32 pages.
110 | * The minimum returned page size is 4.
111 | */
112 | static int calcPageStep (int aMax)
113 | {
114 | /* reasonable max. number of page steps is 32 */
115 | uint page = ((uint) aMax + 31) / 32;
116 | /* make it a power of 2 */
117 | uint p = page, p2 = 0x1;
118 | while ((p >>= 1))
119 | p2 <<= 1;
120 | if (page != p2)
121 | p2 <<= 1;
122 | if (p2 < 4)
123 | p2 = 4;
124 | return (int) p2;
125 | }
126 |
127 |
128 | /**
129 | * QListView class reimplementation to use as boot items table.
130 | * It has one unsorted column without header with automated width
131 | * resize management.
132 | * Keymapping handlers for ctrl-up & ctrl-down are translated into
133 | * boot-items up/down moving.
134 | */
135 | class BootItemsTable : public QListView
136 | {
137 | Q_OBJECT
138 |
139 | public:
140 |
141 | BootItemsTable (QWidget *aParent, const char *aName)
142 | : QListView (aParent, aName)
143 | {
144 | addColumn (QString::null);
145 | header()->hide();
146 | setSorting (-1);
147 | setColumnWidthMode (0, Maximum);
148 | setResizeMode (AllColumns);
149 | QWhatsThis::add (this, tr ("Defines the boot device order. "
150 | "Use checkboxes to the left to enable or disable "
151 | "individual boot devices. Move items up and down to "
152 | "change the device order."));
153 | setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
154 | connect (this, SIGNAL (pressed (QListViewItem*)),
155 | this, SLOT (processPressed (QListViewItem*)));
156 | }
157 |
158 | ~BootItemsTable() {}
159 |
160 | void emitItemToggled() { emit itemToggled(); }
161 |
162 | signals:
163 |
164 | void moveItemUp();
165 | void moveItemDown();
166 | void itemToggled();
167 |
168 | private slots:
169 |
170 | void processPressed (QListViewItem *aItem)
171 | {
172 | if (!aItem)
173 | setSelected (currentItem(), true);
174 | }
175 |
176 | void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *aEvent)
177 | {
178 | if (aEvent->state() == Qt::ControlButton)
179 | {
180 | switch (aEvent->key())
181 | {
182 | case Qt::Key_Up:
183 | emit moveItemUp();
184 | return;
185 | case Qt::Key_Down:
186 | emit moveItemDown();
187 | return;
188 | default:
189 | break;
190 | }
191 | }
192 | QListView::keyPressEvent (aEvent);
193 | }
194 | };
195 |
196 |
197 | /**
198 | * QWidget class reimplementation to use as boot items widget.
199 | * It contains BootItemsTable and two tool-buttons for moving
200 | * boot-items up/down.
201 | * This widget handles saving/loading CMachine information related
202 | * to boot sequience.
203 | */
204 | class BootItemsList : public QWidget
205 | {
206 | Q_OBJECT
207 |
208 | class BootItem : public QCheckListItem
209 | {
210 | public:
211 |
212 | BootItem (BootItemsTable *aParent, QListViewItem *aAfter,
213 | const QString &aName, Type aType)
214 | : QCheckListItem (aParent, aAfter, aName, aType) {}
215 |
216 | private:
217 |
218 | void stateChange (bool)
219 | {
220 | BootItemsTable *table = static_cast<BootItemsTable*> (listView());
221 | table->emitItemToggled();
222 | }
223 | };
224 |
225 | public:
226 |
227 | BootItemsList (QWidget *aParent, const char *aName)
228 | : QWidget (aParent, aName), mBootTable (0)
229 | {
230 | /* Setup main widget layout */
231 | QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout (this, 0, 6, "mainLayout");
232 |
233 | /* Setup settings layout */
234 | mBootTable = new BootItemsTable (this, "mBootTable");
235 | connect (mBootTable, SIGNAL (currentChanged (QListViewItem*)),
236 | this, SLOT (processCurrentChanged (QListViewItem*)));
237 | mainLayout->addWidget (mBootTable);
238 |
239 | /* Setup button's layout */
240 | QVBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QVBoxLayout (mainLayout, 0, "buttonLayout");
241 | mBtnUp = new QToolButton (this, "mBtnUp");
242 | mBtnDown = new QToolButton (this, "mBtnDown");
243 | mBtnUp->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
244 | mBtnDown->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
245 | QWhatsThis::add (mBtnUp, tr ("Moves the selected boot device up."));
246 | QWhatsThis::add (mBtnDown, tr ("Moves the selected boot device down."));
247 | QToolTip::add (mBtnUp, tr ("Move Up (Ctrl-Up)"));
248 | QToolTip::add (mBtnDown, tr ("Move Down (Ctrl-Down)"));
249 | mBtnUp->setAutoRaise (true);
250 | mBtnDown->setAutoRaise (true);
251 | mBtnUp->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::StrongFocus);
252 | mBtnDown->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::StrongFocus);
253 | mBtnUp->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("list_moveup_16px.png",
254 | "list_moveup_disabled_16px.png"));
255 | mBtnDown->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("list_movedown_16px.png",
256 | "list_movedown_disabled_16px.png"));
257 | QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum,
258 | QSizePolicy::Minimum);
259 | connect (mBtnUp, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (moveItemUp()));
260 | connect (mBtnDown, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (moveItemDown()));
261 | connect (mBootTable, SIGNAL (moveItemUp()), this, SLOT (moveItemUp()));
262 | connect (mBootTable, SIGNAL (moveItemDown()), this, SLOT (moveItemDown()));
263 | connect (mBootTable, SIGNAL (itemToggled()), this, SLOT (onItemToggled()));
264 | buttonLayout->addWidget (mBtnUp);
265 | buttonLayout->addWidget (mBtnDown);
266 | buttonLayout->addItem (spacer);
267 |
268 | /* Setup focus proxy for BootItemsList */
269 | setFocusProxy (mBootTable);
270 | }
271 |
272 | ~BootItemsList() {}
273 |
274 | void fixTabStops()
275 | {
276 | /* fix focus order for BootItemsList */
277 | setTabOrder (mBootTable, mBtnUp);
278 | setTabOrder (mBtnUp, mBtnDown);
279 | }
280 |
281 | void getFromMachine (const CMachine &aMachine)
282 | {
283 | /* Load boot-items of current VM */
284 | QStringList uniqueList;
285 | int minimumWidth = 0;
286 | for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++ i)
287 | {
288 | CEnums::DeviceType type = aMachine.GetBootOrder (i);
289 | if (type != CEnums::NoDevice)
290 | {
291 | QString name = vboxGlobal().toString (type);
292 | QCheckListItem *item = new BootItem (mBootTable,
293 | mBootTable->lastItem(), name, QCheckListItem::CheckBox);
294 | item->setOn (true);
295 | uniqueList << name;
296 | int width = item->width (mBootTable->fontMetrics(), mBootTable, 0);
297 | if (width > minimumWidth) minimumWidth = width;
298 | }
299 | }
300 | /* Load other unique boot-items */
301 | for (int i = CEnums::FloppyDevice; i < CEnums::USBDevice; ++ i)
302 | {
303 | QString name = vboxGlobal().toString ((CEnums::DeviceType) i);
304 | if (!uniqueList.contains (name))
305 | {
306 | QCheckListItem *item = new BootItem (mBootTable,
307 | mBootTable->lastItem(), name, QCheckListItem::CheckBox);
308 | uniqueList << name;
309 | int width = item->width (mBootTable->fontMetrics(), mBootTable, 0);
310 | if (width > minimumWidth) minimumWidth = width;
311 | }
312 | }
313 | processCurrentChanged (mBootTable->firstChild());
314 | mBootTable->setFixedWidth (minimumWidth +
315 | 4 /* viewport margin */);
316 | mBootTable->setFixedHeight (mBootTable->childCount() *
317 | mBootTable->firstChild()->totalHeight() +
318 | 4 /* viewport margin */);
319 | }
320 |
321 | void putBackToMachine (CMachine &aMachine)
322 | {
323 | QCheckListItem *item = 0;
324 | /* Search for checked items */
325 | int index = 1;
326 | item = static_cast<QCheckListItem*> (mBootTable->firstChild());
327 | while (item)
328 | {
329 | if (item->isOn())
330 | {
331 | CEnums::DeviceType type =
332 | vboxGlobal().toDeviceType (item->text (0));
333 | aMachine.SetBootOrder (index++, type);
334 | }
335 | item = static_cast<QCheckListItem*> (item->nextSibling());
336 | }
337 | /* Search for non-checked items */
338 | item = static_cast<QCheckListItem*> (mBootTable->firstChild());
339 | while (item)
340 | {
341 | if (!item->isOn())
342 | aMachine.SetBootOrder (index++, CEnums::NoDevice);
343 | item = static_cast<QCheckListItem*> (item->nextSibling());
344 | }
345 | }
346 |
347 | void processFocusIn (QWidget *aWidget)
348 | {
349 | if (aWidget == mBootTable)
350 | {
351 | mBootTable->setSelected (mBootTable->currentItem(), true);
352 | processCurrentChanged (mBootTable->currentItem());
353 | }
354 | else if (aWidget != mBtnUp && aWidget != mBtnDown)
355 | {
356 | mBootTable->setSelected (mBootTable->currentItem(), false);
357 | processCurrentChanged (mBootTable->currentItem());
358 | }
359 | }
360 |
361 | signals:
362 |
363 | void bootSequenceChanged();
364 |
365 | private slots:
366 |
367 | void moveItemUp()
368 | {
369 | QListViewItem *item = mBootTable->currentItem();
370 | Assert (item);
371 | QListViewItem *itemAbove = item->itemAbove();
372 | if (!itemAbove) return;
373 | itemAbove->moveItem (item);
374 | processCurrentChanged (item);
375 | emit bootSequenceChanged();
376 | }
377 |
378 | void moveItemDown()
379 | {
380 | QListViewItem *item = mBootTable->currentItem();
381 | Assert (item);
382 | QListViewItem *itemBelow = item->itemBelow();
383 | if (!itemBelow) return;
384 | item->moveItem (itemBelow);
385 | processCurrentChanged (item);
386 | emit bootSequenceChanged();
387 | }
388 |
389 | void onItemToggled()
390 | {
391 | emit bootSequenceChanged();
392 | }
393 |
394 | void processCurrentChanged (QListViewItem *aItem)
395 | {
396 | bool upEnabled = aItem && aItem->isSelected() && aItem->itemAbove();
397 | bool downEnabled = aItem && aItem->isSelected() && aItem->itemBelow();
398 | if ((mBtnUp->hasFocus() && !upEnabled) ||
399 | (mBtnDown->hasFocus() && !downEnabled))
400 | mBootTable->setFocus();
401 | mBtnUp->setEnabled (upEnabled);
402 | mBtnDown->setEnabled (downEnabled);
403 | }
404 |
405 | private:
406 |
407 | BootItemsTable *mBootTable;
408 | QToolButton *mBtnUp;
409 | QToolButton *mBtnDown;
410 | };
411 |
412 |
413 | /// @todo (dmik) remove?
414 | ///**
415 | // * Returns the through position of the item in the list view.
416 | // */
417 | //static int pos (QListView *lv, QListViewItem *li)
418 | //{
419 | // QListViewItemIterator it (lv);
420 | // int p = -1, c = 0;
421 | // while (it.current() && p < 0)
422 | // {
423 | // if (it.current() == li)
424 | // p = c;
425 | // ++ it;
426 | // ++ c;
427 | // }
428 | // return p;
429 | //}
430 |
431 | class USBListItem : public QCheckListItem
432 | {
433 | public:
434 |
435 | USBListItem (QListView *aParent, QListViewItem *aAfter)
436 | : QCheckListItem (aParent, aAfter, QString::null, CheckBox)
437 | , mId (-1) {}
438 |
439 | int mId;
440 | };
441 |
442 | /**
443 | * Returns the path to the item in the form of 'grandparent > parent > item'
444 | * using the text of the first column of every item.
445 | */
446 | static QString path (QListViewItem *li)
447 | {
448 | static QString sep = ": ";
449 | QString p;
450 | QListViewItem *cur = li;
451 | while (cur)
452 | {
453 | if (!p.isNull())
454 | p = sep + p;
455 | p = cur->text (0).simplifyWhiteSpace() + p;
456 | cur = cur->parent();
457 | }
458 | return p;
459 | }
460 |
461 | enum
462 | {
463 | /* listView column numbers */
464 | listView_Category = 0,
465 | listView_Id = 1,
466 | listView_Link = 2,
467 | /* lvUSBFilters column numbers */
468 | lvUSBFilters_Name = 0,
469 | };
470 |
471 |
472 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::init()
473 | {
474 | polished = false;
475 |
476 | /* disallow resetting First Run Wizard flag until media enumeration
477 | * process is finished and all data is finally loaded into ui */
478 | mAllowResetFirstRunFlag = false;
479 | connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (mediaEnumFinished (const VBoxMediaList &)),
480 | this, SLOT (onMediaEnumerationDone()));
481 |
482 | setIcon (QPixmap::fromMimeSource ("settings_16px.png"));
483 |
484 | /* all pages are initially valid */
485 | valid = true;
486 | buttonOk->setEnabled( true );
487 |
488 | /* disable unselecting items by clicking in the unused area of the list */
489 | new QIListViewSelectionPreserver (this, listView);
490 | /* hide the header and internal columns */
491 | listView->header()->hide();
492 | listView->setColumnWidthMode (listView_Id, QListView::Manual);
493 | listView->setColumnWidthMode (listView_Link, QListView::Manual);
494 | listView->hideColumn (listView_Id);
495 | listView->hideColumn (listView_Link);
496 | /* sort by the id column (to have pages in the desired order) */
497 | listView->setSorting (listView_Id);
498 | listView->sort();
499 | /* disable further sorting (important for network adapters) */
500 | listView->setSorting (-1);
501 | /* set the first item selected */
502 | listView->setSelected (listView->firstChild(), true);
503 | listView_currentChanged (listView->firstChild());
504 | /* setup status bar icon */
505 | warningPixmap->setMaximumSize( 16, 16 );
506 | warningPixmap->setPixmap( QMessageBox::standardIcon( QMessageBox::Warning ) );
507 |
508 | /* page title font is derived from the system font */
509 | QFont f = font();
510 | f.setBold (true);
511 | f.setPointSize (f.pointSize() + 2);
512 | titleLabel->setFont (f);
513 |
514 | /* setup the what's this label */
515 | QApplication::setGlobalMouseTracking (true);
516 | qApp->installEventFilter (this);
517 | whatsThisTimer = new QTimer (this);
518 | connect (whatsThisTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (updateWhatsThis()));
519 | whatsThisCandidate = NULL;
520 |
521 | whatsThisLabel = new QIRichLabel (this, "whatsThisLabel");
522 | VBoxVMSettingsDlgLayout->addWidget (whatsThisLabel, 2, 1);
523 |
524 | #ifndef DEBUG
525 | /* Enforce rich text format to avoid jumping margins (margins of plain
526 | * text labels seem to be smaller). We don't do it in the DEBUG builds to
527 | * be able to immediately catch badly formatted text (i.e. text that
528 | * contains HTML tags but doesn't start with <qt> so that Qt isn't able to
529 | * recognize it as rich text and draws all tags as is instead of doing
530 | * formatting). We want to catch this text because this is how it will look
531 | * in the whatsthis balloon where we cannot enforce rich text. */
532 | whatsThisLabel->setTextFormat (Qt::RichText);
533 | #endif
534 |
535 | whatsThisLabel->setMaxHeightMode (true);
536 | whatsThisLabel->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::NoFocus);
537 | whatsThisLabel->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
538 | whatsThisLabel->setBackgroundMode (QLabel::PaletteMidlight);
539 | whatsThisLabel->setFrameShape (QLabel::Box);
540 | whatsThisLabel->setFrameShadow (QLabel::Sunken);
541 | whatsThisLabel->setMargin (7);
542 | whatsThisLabel->setScaledContents (FALSE);
543 | whatsThisLabel->setAlignment (int (QLabel::WordBreak |
544 | QLabel::AlignJustify |
545 | QLabel::AlignTop));
546 |
547 | whatsThisLabel->setFixedHeight (whatsThisLabel->frameWidth() * 2 +
548 | 6 /* seems that RichText adds some margin */ +
549 | whatsThisLabel->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() * 4);
550 | whatsThisLabel->setMinimumWidth (whatsThisLabel->frameWidth() * 2 +
551 | 6 /* seems that RichText adds some margin */ +
552 | whatsThisLabel->fontMetrics().width ('m') * 40);
553 |
554 | /*
555 | * setup connections and set validation for pages
556 | * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
557 | */
558 |
559 | /* General page */
560 |
561 | CSystemProperties sysProps = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
562 |
563 | const uint MinRAM = sysProps.GetMinGuestRAM();
564 | const uint MaxRAM = sysProps.GetMaxGuestRAM();
565 | const uint MinVRAM = sysProps.GetMinGuestVRAM();
566 | const uint MaxVRAM = sysProps.GetMaxGuestVRAM();
567 |
568 | leName->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (QRegExp (".+"), this));
569 |
570 | leRAM->setValidator (new QIntValidator (MinRAM, MaxRAM, this));
571 | leVRAM->setValidator (new QIntValidator (MinVRAM, MaxVRAM, this));
572 |
573 | wvalGeneral = new QIWidgetValidator (pagePath (pageGeneral), pageGeneral, this);
574 | connect (wvalGeneral, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
575 | this, SLOT(enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
576 |
577 | tbSelectSavedStateFolder->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png",
578 | "select_file_dis_16px.png"));
579 | tbResetSavedStateFolder->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("eraser_16px.png",
580 | "eraser_disabled_16px.png"));
581 |
582 | teDescription->setTextFormat (Qt::PlainText);
583 |
584 | /* HDD Images page */
585 |
586 | QWhatsThis::add (static_cast <QWidget *> (grbHDA->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
587 | tr ("When checked, attaches the specified virtual hard disk to the "
588 | "Master slot of the Primary IDE controller."));
589 | QWhatsThis::add (static_cast <QWidget *> (grbHDB->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
590 | tr ("When checked, attaches the specified virtual hard disk to the "
591 | "Slave slot of the Primary IDE controller."));
592 | QWhatsThis::add (static_cast <QWidget *> (grbHDD->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
593 | tr ("When checked, attaches the specified virtual hard disk to the "
594 | "Slave slot of the Secondary IDE controller."));
595 | cbHDA = new VBoxMediaComboBox (grbHDA, "cbHDA", VBoxDefs::HD);
596 | cbHDB = new VBoxMediaComboBox (grbHDB, "cbHDB", VBoxDefs::HD);
597 | cbHDD = new VBoxMediaComboBox (grbHDD, "cbHDD", VBoxDefs::HD);
598 | hdaLayout->insertWidget (0, cbHDA);
599 | hdbLayout->insertWidget (0, cbHDB);
600 | hddLayout->insertWidget (0, cbHDD);
601 | /* sometimes the weirdness of Qt just kills... */
602 | setTabOrder (static_cast <QWidget *> (grbHDA->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
603 | cbHDA);
604 | setTabOrder (static_cast <QWidget *> (grbHDB->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
605 | cbHDB);
606 | setTabOrder (static_cast <QWidget *> (grbHDD->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
607 | cbHDD);
608 |
609 | QWhatsThis::add (cbHDB, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot "
610 | "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk."));
611 | QWhatsThis::add (cbHDD, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot "
612 | "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk."));
613 | QWhatsThis::add (cbHDA, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot "
614 | "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk."));
615 | QWhatsThis::add (cbHDB, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot "
616 | "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk."));
617 | QWhatsThis::add (cbHDD, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot "
618 | "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk."));
619 |
620 | wvalHDD = new QIWidgetValidator (pagePath (pageHDD), pageHDD, this);
621 | connect (wvalHDD, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
622 | this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
623 | connect (wvalHDD, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)),
624 | this, SLOT (revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *)));
625 |
626 | connect (grbHDA, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (hdaMediaChanged()));
627 | connect (grbHDB, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (hdbMediaChanged()));
628 | connect (grbHDD, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (hddMediaChanged()));
629 | connect (cbHDA, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (hdaMediaChanged()));
630 | connect (cbHDB, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (hdbMediaChanged()));
631 | connect (cbHDD, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (hddMediaChanged()));
632 | connect (tbHDA, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerHDA()));
633 | connect (tbHDB, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerHDB()));
634 | connect (tbHDD, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerHDD()));
635 |
636 | /* setup iconsets -- qdesigner is not capable... */
637 | tbHDA->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png",
638 | "select_file_dis_16px.png"));
639 | tbHDB->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png",
640 | "select_file_dis_16px.png"));
641 | tbHDD->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png",
642 | "select_file_dis_16px.png"));
643 |
644 | /* CD/DVD-ROM Drive Page */
645 |
646 | QWhatsThis::add (static_cast <QWidget *> (bgDVD->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
647 | tr ("When checked, mounts the specified media to the CD/DVD drive of the "
648 | "virtual machine. Note that the CD/DVD drive is always connected to the "
649 | "Secondary Master IDE controller of the machine."));
650 | cbISODVD = new VBoxMediaComboBox (bgDVD, "cbISODVD", VBoxDefs::CD);
651 | cdLayout->insertWidget(0, cbISODVD);
652 | QWhatsThis::add (cbISODVD, tr ("Displays the image file to mount to the virtual CD/DVD "
653 | "drive and allows to quickly select a different image."));
654 |
655 | wvalDVD = new QIWidgetValidator (pagePath (pageDVD), pageDVD, this);
656 | connect (wvalDVD, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
657 | this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
658 | connect (wvalDVD, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)),
659 | this, SLOT (revalidate( QIWidgetValidator *)));
660 |
661 | connect (bgDVD, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (cdMediaChanged()));
662 | connect (rbHostDVD, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)), wvalDVD, SLOT (revalidate()));
663 | connect (rbISODVD, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)), wvalDVD, SLOT (revalidate()));
664 | connect (cbISODVD, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (cdMediaChanged()));
665 | connect (tbISODVD, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerISODVD()));
666 |
667 | /* setup iconsets -- qdesigner is not capable... */
668 | tbISODVD->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png",
669 | "select_file_dis_16px.png"));
670 |
671 | /* Floppy Drive Page */
672 |
673 | QWhatsThis::add (static_cast <QWidget *> (bgFloppy->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
674 | tr ("When checked, mounts the specified media to the Floppy drive of the "
675 | "virtual machine."));
676 | cbISOFloppy = new VBoxMediaComboBox (bgFloppy, "cbISOFloppy", VBoxDefs::FD);
677 | fdLayout->insertWidget(0, cbISOFloppy);
678 | QWhatsThis::add (cbISOFloppy, tr ("Displays the image file to mount to the virtual Floppy "
679 | "drive and allows to quickly select a different image."));
680 |
681 | wvalFloppy = new QIWidgetValidator (pagePath (pageFloppy), pageFloppy, this);
682 | connect (wvalFloppy, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
683 | this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
684 | connect (wvalFloppy, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)),
685 | this, SLOT (revalidate( QIWidgetValidator *)));
686 |
687 | connect (bgFloppy, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (fdMediaChanged()));
688 | connect (rbHostFloppy, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate()));
689 | connect (rbISOFloppy, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate()));
690 | connect (cbISOFloppy, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (fdMediaChanged()));
691 | connect (tbISOFloppy, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerISOFloppy()));
692 |
693 | /* setup iconsets -- qdesigner is not capable... */
694 | tbISOFloppy->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png",
695 | "select_file_dis_16px.png"));
696 |
697 | /* Audio Page */
698 |
699 | QWhatsThis::add (static_cast <QWidget *> (grbAudio->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
700 | tr ("When checked, the virtual PCI audio card is plugged into the "
701 | "virtual machine that uses the specified driver to communicate "
702 | "to the host audio card."));
703 |
704 | /* Network Page */
705 |
706 | #ifndef Q_WS_WIN
707 | gbInterfaceList->setHidden (true);
708 | #endif
709 | /* setup tab widget */
710 | mNoInterfaces = tr ("<No suitable interfaces>");
711 | /* setup iconsets */
712 | pbHostAdd->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("add_host_iface_16px.png",
713 | "add_host_iface_disabled_16px.png"));
714 | pbHostRemove->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("remove_host_iface_16px.png",
715 | "remove_host_iface_disabled_16px.png"));
716 | /* setup languages */
717 | QToolTip::add (pbHostAdd, tr ("Add"));
718 | QToolTip::add (pbHostRemove, tr ("Remove"));
719 |
720 | /* Serial Port Page */
721 |
722 | /* Parallel Port Page (currently disabled) */
723 | QListViewItem *item = listView->findItem ("#parallelPorts", listView_Link);
724 | if (item) item->setVisible (false);
725 |
726 | /* USB Page */
727 |
728 | connect (cbEnableUSBController, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
729 | this, SLOT (usbAdapterToggled (bool)));
730 |
731 | lvUSBFilters->header()->hide();
732 | /* disable sorting */
733 | lvUSBFilters->setSorting (-1);
734 | /* disable unselecting items by clicking in the unused area of the list */
735 | new QIListViewSelectionPreserver (this, lvUSBFilters);
736 | /* create the widget stack for filter settings */
737 | /// @todo (r=dmik) having a separate settings widget for every USB filter
738 | // is not that smart if there are lots of USB filters. The reason for
739 | // stacking here is that the stacked widget is used to temporarily store
740 | // data of the associated USB filter until the dialog window is accepted.
741 | // If we remove stacking, we will have to create a structure to store
742 | // editable data of all USB filters while the dialog is open.
743 | wstUSBFilters = new QWidgetStack (grbUSBFilters, "wstUSBFilters");
744 | grbUSBFiltersLayout->addWidget (wstUSBFilters);
745 | /* create a default (disabled) filter settings widget at index 0 */
746 | VBoxUSBFilterSettings *settings = new VBoxUSBFilterSettings (wstUSBFilters);
747 | settings->setup (VBoxUSBFilterSettings::MachineType);
748 | wstUSBFilters->addWidget (settings, 0);
749 | lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (NULL);
750 |
751 | /* setup iconsets -- qdesigner is not capable... */
752 | tbAddUSBFilter->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_new_16px.png",
753 | "usb_new_disabled_16px.png"));
754 | tbAddUSBFilterFrom->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_add_16px.png",
755 | "usb_add_disabled_16px.png"));
756 | tbRemoveUSBFilter->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_remove_16px.png",
757 | "usb_remove_disabled_16px.png"));
758 | tbUSBFilterUp->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_moveup_16px.png",
759 | "usb_moveup_disabled_16px.png"));
760 | tbUSBFilterDown->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_movedown_16px.png",
761 | "usb_movedown_disabled_16px.png"));
762 | usbDevicesMenu = new VBoxUSBMenu (this);
763 | connect (usbDevicesMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(menuAddUSBFilterFrom_activated(int)));
764 | mUSBFilterListModified = false;
765 |
766 | /* VRDP Page */
767 |
768 | QWhatsThis::add (static_cast <QWidget *> (grbVRDP->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")),
769 | tr ("When checked, the VM will act as a Remote Desktop "
770 | "Protocol (RDP) server, allowing remote clients to connect "
771 | "and operate the VM (when it is running) "
772 | "using a standard RDP client."));
773 |
774 | leVRDPPort->setValidator (new QIntValidator (0, 0xFFFF, this));
775 | leVRDPTimeout->setValidator (new QIntValidator (this));
776 | wvalVRDP = new QIWidgetValidator (pagePath (pageVRDP), pageVRDP, this);
777 | connect (wvalVRDP, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
778 | this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
779 | connect (wvalVRDP, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)),
780 | this, SLOT (revalidate( QIWidgetValidator *)));
781 |
782 | connect (grbVRDP, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate()));
783 | connect (leVRDPPort, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate()));
784 | connect (leVRDPTimeout, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate()));
785 |
786 | /* Shared Folders Page */
787 |
788 | QVBoxLayout* pageFoldersLayout = new QVBoxLayout (pageFolders, 0, 10, "pageFoldersLayout");
789 | mSharedFolders = new VBoxSharedFoldersSettings (pageFolders, "sharedFolders");
790 | mSharedFolders->setDialogType (VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::MachineType);
791 | pageFoldersLayout->addWidget (mSharedFolders);
792 |
793 | /*
794 | * set initial values
795 | * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
796 | */
797 |
798 | /* General page */
799 |
800 | cbOS->insertStringList (vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSTypeDescriptions());
801 |
802 | slRAM->setPageStep (calcPageStep (MaxRAM));
803 | slRAM->setLineStep (slRAM->pageStep() / 4);
804 | slRAM->setTickInterval (slRAM->pageStep());
805 | /* setup the scale so that ticks are at page step boundaries */
806 | slRAM->setMinValue ((MinRAM / slRAM->pageStep()) * slRAM->pageStep());
807 | slRAM->setMaxValue (MaxRAM);
808 | txRAMMin->setText (tr ("<qt>%1 MB</qt>").arg (MinRAM));
809 | txRAMMax->setText (tr ("<qt>%1 MB</qt>").arg (MaxRAM));
810 | /* limit min/max. size of QLineEdit */
811 | leRAM->setMaximumSize (leRAM->fontMetrics().width ("99999")
812 | + leRAM->frameWidth() * 2,
813 | leRAM->minimumSizeHint().height());
814 | leRAM->setMinimumSize (leRAM->maximumSize());
815 | /* ensure leRAM value and validation is updated */
816 | slRAM_valueChanged (slRAM->value());
817 |
818 | slVRAM->setPageStep (calcPageStep (MaxVRAM));
819 | slVRAM->setLineStep (slVRAM->pageStep() / 4);
820 | slVRAM->setTickInterval (slVRAM->pageStep());
821 | /* setup the scale so that ticks are at page step boundaries */
822 | slVRAM->setMinValue ((MinVRAM / slVRAM->pageStep()) * slVRAM->pageStep());
823 | slVRAM->setMaxValue (MaxVRAM);
824 | txVRAMMin->setText (tr ("<qt>%1 MB</qt>").arg (MinVRAM));
825 | txVRAMMax->setText (tr ("<qt>%1 MB</qt>").arg (MaxVRAM));
826 | /* limit min/max. size of QLineEdit */
827 | leVRAM->setMaximumSize (leVRAM->fontMetrics().width ("99999")
828 | + leVRAM->frameWidth() * 2,
829 | leVRAM->minimumSizeHint().height());
830 | leVRAM->setMinimumSize (leVRAM->maximumSize());
831 | /* ensure leVRAM value and validation is updated */
832 | slVRAM_valueChanged (slVRAM->value());
833 |
834 | /* Boot-order table */
835 | tblBootOrder = new BootItemsList (groupBox12, "tblBootOrder");
836 | connect (tblBootOrder, SIGNAL (bootSequenceChanged()),
837 | this, SLOT (resetFirstRunFlag()));
838 |
839 | /* Fixing focus order for BootItemsList */
840 | setTabOrder (tbwGeneral, tblBootOrder);
841 | setTabOrder (tblBootOrder->focusProxy(), chbEnableACPI);
842 | groupBox12Layout->addWidget (tblBootOrder);
843 | tblBootOrder->fixTabStops();
844 | /* Shared Clipboard mode */
845 | cbSharedClipboard->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ClipDisabled));
846 | cbSharedClipboard->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ClipHostToGuest));
847 | cbSharedClipboard->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ClipGuestToHost));
848 | cbSharedClipboard->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ClipBidirectional));
849 | /* IDE Controller Type */
850 | cbIdeController->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::IDEControllerPIIX3));
851 | cbIdeController->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::IDEControllerPIIX4));
852 |
853 | /* HDD Images page */
854 |
855 | /* CD-ROM Drive Page */
856 |
857 | /* Audio Page */
858 |
859 | cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::NullAudioDriver));
860 | #if defined Q_WS_WIN32
861 | cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::DSOUNDAudioDriver));
862 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_WINMM
863 | cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::WINMMAudioDriver));
864 | #endif
865 | #elif defined Q_OS_LINUX
866 | cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::OSSAudioDriver));
867 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_ALSA
868 | cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ALSAAudioDriver));
869 | #endif
870 | #elif defined Q_OS_MACX
871 | cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::CoreAudioDriver));
872 | #endif
873 |
874 | /* Network Page */
875 |
876 | loadInterfacesList();
877 |
878 | /*
879 | * update the Ok button state for pages with validation
880 | * (validityChanged() connected to enableNext() will do the job)
881 | */
882 | wvalGeneral->revalidate();
883 | wvalHDD->revalidate();
884 | wvalDVD->revalidate();
885 | wvalFloppy->revalidate();
886 |
887 | /* VRDP Page */
888 |
889 | cbVRDPAuthType->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::VRDPAuthNull));
890 | cbVRDPAuthType->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::VRDPAuthExternal));
891 | cbVRDPAuthType->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::VRDPAuthGuest));
892 | }
893 |
894 | /**
895 | * Returns a path to the given page of this settings dialog. See ::path() for
896 | * details.
897 | */
898 | QString VBoxVMSettingsDlg::pagePath (QWidget *aPage)
899 | {
900 | QListViewItem *li = listView->
901 | findItem (QString::number (widgetStack->id (aPage)), 1);
902 | return ::path (li);
903 | }
904 |
905 | bool VBoxVMSettingsDlg::eventFilter (QObject *object, QEvent *event)
906 | {
907 | if (!object->isWidgetType())
908 | return QDialog::eventFilter (object, event);
909 |
910 | QWidget *widget = static_cast <QWidget *> (object);
911 | if (widget->topLevelWidget() != this)
912 | return QDialog::eventFilter (object, event);
913 |
914 | switch (event->type())
915 | {
916 | case QEvent::Enter:
917 | case QEvent::Leave:
918 | {
919 | if (event->type() == QEvent::Enter)
920 | whatsThisCandidate = widget;
921 | else
922 | whatsThisCandidate = NULL;
923 | whatsThisTimer->start (100, true /* sshot */);
924 | break;
925 | }
926 | case QEvent::FocusIn:
927 | {
928 | updateWhatsThis (true /* gotFocus */);
929 | tblBootOrder->processFocusIn (widget);
930 | break;
931 | }
932 | default:
933 | break;
934 | }
935 |
936 | return QDialog::eventFilter (object, event);
937 | }
938 |
939 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showEvent (QShowEvent *e)
940 | {
941 | QDialog::showEvent (e);
942 |
943 | /* one may think that QWidget::polish() is the right place to do things
944 | * below, but apparently, by the time when QWidget::polish() is called,
945 | * the widget style & layout are not fully done, at least the minimum
946 | * size hint is not properly calculated. Since this is sometimes necessary,
947 | * we provide our own "polish" implementation. */
948 |
949 | if (polished)
950 | return;
951 |
952 | polished = true;
953 |
954 | /* update geometry for the dynamically added usb-page to ensure proper
955 | * sizeHint calculation by the Qt layout manager */
956 | wstUSBFilters->updateGeometry();
957 | /* let our toplevel widget calculate its sizeHint properly */
958 | QApplication::sendPostedEvents (0, 0);
959 |
960 | layout()->activate();
961 |
962 | /* resize to the miminum possible size */
963 | resize (minimumSize());
964 |
965 | VBoxGlobal::centerWidget (this, parentWidget());
966 | }
967 |
968 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::updateShortcuts()
969 | {
970 | /* setup necessary combobox item */
971 | cbHDA->setCurrentItem (uuidHDA);
972 | cbHDB->setCurrentItem (uuidHDB);
973 | cbHDD->setCurrentItem (uuidHDD);
974 | cbISODVD->setCurrentItem (uuidISODVD);
975 | cbISOFloppy->setCurrentItem (uuidISOFloppy);
976 | /* check if the enumeration process has been started yet */
977 | if (!vboxGlobal().isMediaEnumerationStarted())
978 | vboxGlobal().startEnumeratingMedia();
979 | else
980 | {
981 | cbHDA->refresh();
982 | cbHDB->refresh();
983 | cbHDD->refresh();
984 | cbISODVD->refresh();
985 | cbISOFloppy->refresh();
986 | }
987 | }
988 |
989 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::loadInterfacesList()
990 | {
991 | #if defined Q_WS_WIN
992 | /* clear inner list */
993 | mInterfaceList.clear();
994 | /* load current inner list */
995 | CHostNetworkInterfaceEnumerator en =
996 | vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost().GetNetworkInterfaces().Enumerate();
997 | while (en.HasMore())
998 | mInterfaceList += en.GetNext().GetName();
999 | /* save current list item name */
1000 | QString currentListItemName = lbHostInterface->currentText();
1001 | /* load current list items */
1002 | lbHostInterface->clear();
1003 | if (mInterfaceList.count())
1004 | lbHostInterface->insertStringList (mInterfaceList);
1005 | else
1006 | lbHostInterface->insertItem (mNoInterfaces);
1007 | /* select current list item */
1008 | int index = lbHostInterface->index (
1009 | lbHostInterface->findItem (currentListItemName));
1010 | if (index == -1)
1011 | index = 0;
1012 | lbHostInterface->setCurrentItem (index);
1013 | lbHostInterface->setSelected (index, true);
1014 | /* enable/disable interface delete button */
1015 | pbHostRemove->setEnabled (!mInterfaceList.isEmpty());
1016 | #endif
1017 | }
1018 |
1019 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hostInterfaceAdd()
1020 | {
1021 | #if defined Q_WS_WIN
1022 |
1023 | /* allow the started helper process to make itself the foreground window */
1024 | AllowSetForegroundWindow (ASFW_ANY);
1025 |
1026 | /* search for the max available interface index */
1027 | int ifaceNumber = 0;
1028 | QString ifaceName = tr ("VirtualBox Host Interface %1");
1029 | QRegExp regExp (QString ("^") + ifaceName.arg ("([0-9]+)") + QString ("$"));
1030 | for (uint index = 0; index < lbHostInterface->count(); ++ index)
1031 | {
1032 | QString iface = lbHostInterface->text (index);
1033 | int pos = regExp.search (iface);
1034 | if (pos != -1)
1035 | ifaceNumber = regExp.cap (1).toInt() > ifaceNumber ?
1036 | regExp.cap (1).toInt() : ifaceNumber;
1037 | }
1038 |
1039 | /* creating add host interface dialog */
1040 | VBoxAddNIDialog dlg (this, ifaceName.arg (++ ifaceNumber));
1041 | if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted)
1042 | return;
1043 | QString iName = dlg.getName();
1044 |
1045 | /* create interface */
1046 | CHost host = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost();
1047 | CHostNetworkInterface iFace;
1048 | CProgress progress = host.CreateHostNetworkInterface (iName, iFace);
1049 | if (host.isOk())
1050 | {
1051 | vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, iName, this);
1052 | if (progress.GetResultCode() == 0)
1053 | {
1054 | /* add&select newly created interface */
1055 | delete lbHostInterface->findItem (mNoInterfaces);
1056 | lbHostInterface->insertItem (iName);
1057 | mInterfaceList += iName;
1058 | lbHostInterface->setCurrentItem (lbHostInterface->count() - 1);
1059 | lbHostInterface->setSelected (lbHostInterface->count() - 1, true);
1060 | for (int index = 0; index < tbwNetwork->count(); ++ index)
1061 | networkPageUpdate (tbwNetwork->page (index));
1062 | /* enable interface delete button */
1063 | pbHostRemove->setEnabled (true);
1064 | }
1065 | else
1066 | vboxProblem().cannotCreateHostInterface (progress, iName, this);
1067 | }
1068 | else
1069 | vboxProblem().cannotCreateHostInterface (host, iName, this);
1070 |
1071 | /* allow the started helper process to make itself the foreground window */
1072 | AllowSetForegroundWindow (ASFW_ANY);
1073 |
1074 | #endif
1075 | }
1076 |
1077 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hostInterfaceRemove()
1078 | {
1079 | #if defined Q_WS_WIN
1080 |
1081 | /* allow the started helper process to make itself the foreground window */
1082 | AllowSetForegroundWindow (ASFW_ANY);
1083 |
1084 | /* check interface name */
1085 | QString iName = lbHostInterface->currentText();
1086 | if (iName.isEmpty())
1087 | return;
1088 |
1089 | /* asking user about deleting selected network interface */
1090 | int delNetIface = vboxProblem().message (this, VBoxProblemReporter::Question,
1091 | tr ("<p>Do you want to remove the selected host network interface "
1092 | "<nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p>"
1093 | "<p><b>Note:</b> This interface may be in use by one or more "
1094 | "network adapters of this or another VM. After it is removed, these "
1095 | "adapters will no longer work until you correct their settings by "
1096 | "either choosing a different interface name or a different adapter "
1097 | "attachment type.</p>").arg (iName),
1098 | 0, /* autoConfirmId */
1099 | QIMessageBox::Ok | QIMessageBox::Default,
1100 | QIMessageBox::Cancel | QIMessageBox::Escape);
1101 | if (delNetIface == QIMessageBox::Cancel)
1102 | return;
1103 |
1104 | CHost host = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost();
1105 | CHostNetworkInterface iFace = host.GetNetworkInterfaces().FindByName (iName);
1106 | if (host.isOk())
1107 | {
1108 | /* delete interface */
1109 | CProgress progress = host.RemoveHostNetworkInterface (iFace.GetId(), iFace);
1110 | if (host.isOk())
1111 | {
1112 | vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, iName, this);
1113 | if (progress.GetResultCode() == 0)
1114 | {
1115 | if (lbHostInterface->count() == 1)
1116 | {
1117 | lbHostInterface->insertItem (mNoInterfaces);
1118 | /* disable interface delete button */
1119 | pbHostRemove->setEnabled (false);
1120 | }
1121 | delete lbHostInterface->findItem (iName);
1122 | lbHostInterface->setSelected (lbHostInterface->currentItem(), true);
1123 | mInterfaceList.erase (mInterfaceList.find (iName));
1124 | for (int index = 0; index < tbwNetwork->count(); ++ index)
1125 | networkPageUpdate (tbwNetwork->page (index));
1126 | }
1127 | else
1128 | vboxProblem().cannotRemoveHostInterface (progress, iFace, this);
1129 | }
1130 | }
1131 |
1132 | if (!host.isOk())
1133 | vboxProblem().cannotRemoveHostInterface (host, iFace, this);
1134 | #endif
1135 | }
1136 |
1137 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::networkPageUpdate (QWidget *aWidget)
1138 | {
1139 | if (!aWidget) return;
1140 | #if defined Q_WS_WIN
1141 | VBoxVMNetworkSettings *set = static_cast<VBoxVMNetworkSettings*> (aWidget);
1142 | set->loadList (mInterfaceList, mNoInterfaces);
1143 | set->revalidate();
1144 | #endif
1145 | }
1146 |
1147 |
1148 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::onMediaEnumerationDone()
1149 | {
1150 | mAllowResetFirstRunFlag = true;
1151 | }
1152 |
1153 |
1154 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::resetFirstRunFlag()
1155 | {
1156 | if (mAllowResetFirstRunFlag)
1157 | mResetFirstRunFlag = true;
1158 | }
1159 |
1160 |
1161 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hdaMediaChanged()
1162 | {
1163 | resetFirstRunFlag();
1164 | uuidHDA = grbHDA->isChecked() ? cbHDA->getId() : QUuid();
1165 | txHDA->setText (getHdInfo (grbHDA, uuidHDA));
1166 | /* revailidate */
1167 | wvalHDD->revalidate();
1168 | }
1169 |
1170 |
1171 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hdbMediaChanged()
1172 | {
1173 | resetFirstRunFlag();
1174 | uuidHDB = grbHDB->isChecked() ? cbHDB->getId() : QUuid();
1175 | txHDB->setText (getHdInfo (grbHDB, uuidHDB));
1176 | /* revailidate */
1177 | wvalHDD->revalidate();
1178 | }
1179 |
1180 |
1181 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hddMediaChanged()
1182 | {
1183 | resetFirstRunFlag();
1184 | uuidHDD = grbHDD->isChecked() ? cbHDD->getId() : QUuid();
1185 | txHDD->setText (getHdInfo (grbHDD, uuidHDD));
1186 | /* revailidate */
1187 | wvalHDD->revalidate();
1188 | }
1189 |
1190 |
1191 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::cdMediaChanged()
1192 | {
1193 | resetFirstRunFlag();
1194 | uuidISODVD = bgDVD->isChecked() ? cbISODVD->getId() : QUuid();
1195 | /* revailidate */
1196 | wvalDVD->revalidate();
1197 | }
1198 |
1199 |
1200 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::fdMediaChanged()
1201 | {
1202 | resetFirstRunFlag();
1203 | uuidISOFloppy = bgFloppy->isChecked() ? cbISOFloppy->getId() : QUuid();
1204 | /* revailidate */
1205 | wvalFloppy->revalidate();
1206 | }
1207 |
1208 |
1209 | QString VBoxVMSettingsDlg::getHdInfo (QGroupBox *aGroupBox, QUuid aId)
1210 | {
1211 | QString notAttached = tr ("<not attached>", "hard disk");
1212 | if (aId.isNull())
1213 | return notAttached;
1214 | return aGroupBox->isChecked() ?
1215 | vboxGlobal().details (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHardDisk (aId), true) :
1216 | notAttached;
1217 | }
1218 |
1219 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::updateWhatsThis (bool gotFocus /* = false */)
1220 | {
1221 | QString text;
1222 |
1223 | QWidget *widget = NULL;
1224 | if (!gotFocus)
1225 | {
1226 | if (whatsThisCandidate != NULL && whatsThisCandidate != this)
1227 | widget = whatsThisCandidate;
1228 | }
1229 | else
1230 | {
1231 | widget = focusData()->focusWidget();
1232 | }
1233 | /* if the given widget lacks the whats'this text, look at its parent */
1234 | while (widget && widget != this)
1235 | {
1236 | text = QWhatsThis::textFor (widget);
1237 | if (!text.isEmpty())
1238 | break;
1239 | widget = widget->parentWidget();
1240 | }
1241 |
1242 | if (text.isEmpty() && !warningString.isEmpty())
1243 | text = warningString;
1244 | if (text.isEmpty())
1245 | text = QWhatsThis::textFor (this);
1246 |
1247 | whatsThisLabel->setText (text);
1248 | }
1249 |
1250 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::setWarning (const QString &warning)
1251 | {
1252 | warningString = warning;
1253 | if (!warning.isEmpty())
1254 | warningString = QString ("<font color=red>%1</font>").arg (warning);
1255 |
1256 | if (!warningString.isEmpty())
1257 | whatsThisLabel->setText (warningString);
1258 | else
1259 | updateWhatsThis (true);
1260 | }
1261 |
1262 | /**
1263 | * Sets up this dialog.
1264 | *
1265 | * If @a aCategory is non-null, it should be one of values from the hidden
1266 | * '[cat]' column of #listView (see VBoxVMSettingsDlg.ui in qdesigner)
1267 | * prepended with the '#' sign. In this case, the specified category page
1268 | * will be activated when the dialog is open.
1269 | *
1270 | * If @a aWidget is non-null, it should be a name of one of widgets
1271 | * from the given category page. In this case, the specified widget
1272 | * will get focus when the dialog is open.
1273 | *
1274 | * @note Calling this method after the dialog is open has no sense.
1275 | *
1276 | * @param aCategory Category to select when the dialog is open or null.
1277 | * @param aWidget Category to select when the dialog is open or null.
1278 | */
1279 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::setup (const QString &aCategory, const QString &aControl)
1280 | {
1281 | if (!aCategory.isNull())
1282 | {
1283 | /* search for a list view item corresponding to the category */
1284 | QListViewItem *item = listView->findItem (aCategory, listView_Link);
1285 | if (item)
1286 | {
1287 | listView->setSelected (item, true);
1288 |
1289 | /* search for a widget with the given name */
1290 | if (!aControl.isNull())
1291 | {
1292 | QObject *obj = widgetStack->visibleWidget()->child (aControl);
1293 | if (obj && obj->isWidgetType())
1294 | {
1295 | QWidget *w = static_cast <QWidget *> (obj);
1296 | QWidgetList parents;
1297 | QWidget *p = w;
1298 | while ((p = p->parentWidget()) != NULL)
1299 | {
1300 | if (!strcmp (p->className(), "QTabWidget"))
1301 | {
1302 | /* the tab contents widget is two steps down
1303 | * (QTabWidget -> QWidgetStack -> QWidget) */
1304 | QWidget *c = parents.last();
1305 | if (c)
1306 | c = parents.prev();
1307 | if (c)
1308 | static_cast <QTabWidget *> (p)->showPage (c);
1309 | }
1310 | parents.append (p);
1311 | }
1312 |
1313 | w->setFocus();
1314 | }
1315 | }
1316 | }
1317 | }
1318 | }
1319 |
1320 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::listView_currentChanged (QListViewItem *item)
1321 | {
1322 | Assert (item);
1323 | int id = item->text (1).toInt();
1324 | Assert (id >= 0);
1325 | titleLabel->setText (::path (item));
1326 | widgetStack->raiseWidget (id);
1327 | }
1328 |
1329 |
1330 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *wval)
1331 | {
1332 | Q_UNUSED (wval);
1333 |
1334 | /* reset the warning text; interested parties will set it during
1335 | * validation */
1336 | setWarning (QString::null);
1337 |
1338 | QString wvalWarning;
1339 |
1340 | /* detect the overall validity */
1341 | bool newValid = true;
1342 | {
1343 | QObjectList *l = this->queryList ("QIWidgetValidator");
1344 | QObjectListIt it (*l);
1345 | QObject *obj;
1346 | while ((obj = it.current()) != 0)
1347 | {
1348 | QIWidgetValidator *wval = (QIWidgetValidator *) obj;
1349 | newValid = wval->isValid();
1350 | if (!newValid)
1351 | {
1352 | wvalWarning = wval->warningText();
1353 | break;
1354 | }
1355 | ++ it;
1356 | }
1357 | delete l;
1358 | }
1359 |
1360 | if (warningString.isNull() && !wvalWarning.isNull())
1361 | {
1362 | /* try to set the generic error message when invalid but no specific
1363 | * message is provided */
1364 | setWarning (wvalWarning);
1365 | }
1366 |
1367 | if (valid != newValid)
1368 | {
1369 | valid = newValid;
1370 | buttonOk->setEnabled (valid);
1371 | warningLabel->setHidden (valid);
1372 | warningPixmap->setHidden (valid);
1373 | }
1374 | }
1375 |
1376 |
1377 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *wval)
1378 | {
1379 | /* do individual validations for pages */
1380 | QWidget *pg = wval->widget();
1381 | bool valid = wval->isOtherValid();
1382 |
1383 | QString warningText;
1384 | QString pageTitle = pagePath (pg);
1385 |
1386 | if (pg == pageHDD)
1387 | {
1388 | CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
1389 | valid = true;
1390 |
1391 | QValueList <QUuid> uuids;
1392 |
1393 | if (valid && grbHDA->isChecked())
1394 | {
1395 | if (uuidHDA.isNull())
1396 | {
1397 | valid = false;
1398 | warningText = tr ("Primary Master hard disk is not selected");
1399 | }
1400 | else uuids << uuidHDA;
1401 | }
1402 |
1403 | if (valid && grbHDB->isChecked())
1404 | {
1405 | if (uuidHDB.isNull())
1406 | {
1407 | valid = false;
1408 | warningText = tr ("Primary Slave hard disk is not selected");
1409 | }
1410 | else
1411 | {
1412 | bool found = uuids.findIndex (uuidHDB) >= 0;
1413 | if (found)
1414 | {
1415 | CHardDisk hd = vbox.GetHardDisk (uuidHDB);
1416 | valid = hd.GetType() == CEnums::ImmutableHardDisk;
1417 | }
1418 | if (valid)
1419 | uuids << uuidHDB;
1420 | else
1421 | warningText = tr ("Primary Slave hard disk is already attached "
1422 | "to a different slot");
1423 | }
1424 | }
1425 |
1426 | if (valid && grbHDD->isChecked())
1427 | {
1428 | if (uuidHDD.isNull())
1429 | {
1430 | valid = false;
1431 | warningText = tr ("Secondary Slave hard disk is not selected");
1432 | }
1433 | else
1434 | {
1435 | bool found = uuids.findIndex (uuidHDD) >= 0;
1436 | if (found)
1437 | {
1438 | CHardDisk hd = vbox.GetHardDisk (uuidHDD);
1439 | valid = hd.GetType() == CEnums::ImmutableHardDisk;
1440 | }
1441 | if (valid)
1442 | uuids << uuidHDB;
1443 | else
1444 | warningText = tr ("Secondary Slave hard disk is already attached "
1445 | "to a different slot");
1446 | }
1447 | }
1448 |
1449 | cbHDA->setEnabled (grbHDA->isChecked());
1450 | cbHDB->setEnabled (grbHDB->isChecked());
1451 | cbHDD->setEnabled (grbHDD->isChecked());
1452 | tbHDA->setEnabled (grbHDA->isChecked());
1453 | tbHDB->setEnabled (grbHDB->isChecked());
1454 | tbHDD->setEnabled (grbHDD->isChecked());
1455 | }
1456 | else if (pg == pageDVD)
1457 | {
1458 | if (!bgDVD->isChecked())
1459 | rbHostDVD->setChecked(false), rbISODVD->setChecked(false);
1460 | else if (!rbHostDVD->isChecked() && !rbISODVD->isChecked())
1461 | rbHostDVD->setChecked(true);
1462 |
1463 | valid = !(rbISODVD->isChecked() && uuidISODVD.isNull());
1464 |
1465 | cbHostDVD->setEnabled (rbHostDVD->isChecked());
1466 | cbPassthrough->setEnabled (rbHostDVD->isChecked());
1467 |
1468 | cbISODVD->setEnabled (rbISODVD->isChecked());
1469 | tbISODVD->setEnabled (rbISODVD->isChecked());
1470 |
1471 | if (!valid)
1472 | warningText = tr ("CD/DVD image file is not selected");
1473 | }
1474 | else if (pg == pageFloppy)
1475 | {
1476 | if (!bgFloppy->isChecked())
1477 | rbHostFloppy->setChecked(false), rbISOFloppy->setChecked(false);
1478 | else if (!rbHostFloppy->isChecked() && !rbISOFloppy->isChecked())
1479 | rbHostFloppy->setChecked(true);
1480 |
1481 | valid = !(rbISOFloppy->isChecked() && uuidISOFloppy.isNull());
1482 |
1483 | cbHostFloppy->setEnabled (rbHostFloppy->isChecked());
1484 |
1485 | cbISOFloppy->setEnabled (rbISOFloppy->isChecked());
1486 | tbISOFloppy->setEnabled (rbISOFloppy->isChecked());
1487 |
1488 | if (!valid)
1489 | warningText = tr ("Floppy image file is not selected");
1490 | }
1491 | else if (pg == pageNetwork)
1492 | {
1493 | QWidget *tab = NULL;
1494 | for (int index = 0; index < tbwNetwork->count(); ++ index)
1495 | {
1496 | tab = tbwNetwork->page (index);
1497 | VBoxVMNetworkSettings *page =
1498 | static_cast <VBoxVMNetworkSettings *> (tab);
1499 | valid = page->isPageValid (mInterfaceList);
1500 | if (!valid) break;
1501 | }
1502 | if (!valid)
1503 | {
1504 | Assert (tab);
1505 | warningText = tr ("Incorrect host network interface is selected");
1506 | pageTitle += ": " + tbwNetwork->tabLabel (tab);
1507 | }
1508 | }
1509 | else if (pg == pageSerial)
1510 | {
1511 | valid = true;
1512 | QValueList <QString> ports;
1513 | QValueList <QString> paths;
1514 |
1515 | int index = 0;
1516 | for (; index < tbwSerialPorts->count(); ++ index)
1517 | {
1518 | QWidget *tab = tbwSerialPorts->page (index);
1519 | VBoxVMSerialPortSettings *page =
1520 | static_cast <VBoxVMSerialPortSettings *> (tab);
1521 |
1522 | /* check the predefined port number unicity */
1523 | if (page->mSerialPortBox->isChecked() && !page->isUserDefined())
1524 | {
1525 | QString port = page->mPortNumCombo->currentText();
1526 | valid = !ports.contains (port);
1527 | if (!valid)
1528 | {
1529 | warningText = tr ("Duplicate port number is selected ");
1530 | pageTitle += ": " + tbwSerialPorts->tabLabel (tab);
1531 | break;
1532 | }
1533 | ports << port;
1534 | }
1535 | /* check the port path emptiness & unicity */
1536 | CEnums::PortMode mode =
1537 | vboxGlobal().toPortMode (page->mHostModeCombo->currentText());
1538 | if (mode != CEnums::DisconnectedPort)
1539 | {
1540 | QString path = page->mPortPathLine->text();
1541 | valid = !path.isEmpty() && !paths.contains (path);
1542 | if (!valid)
1543 | {
1544 | warningText = path.isEmpty() ?
1545 | tr ("Port path is not specified ") :
1546 | tr ("Duplicate port path is entered ");
1547 | pageTitle += ": " + tbwSerialPorts->tabLabel (tab);
1548 | break;
1549 | }
1550 | paths << path;
1551 | }
1552 | }
1553 | }
1554 | else if (pg == pageParallel)
1555 | {
1556 | valid = true;
1557 | QValueList <QString> ports;
1558 | QValueList <QString> paths;
1559 |
1560 | int index = 0;
1561 | for (; index < tbwParallelPorts->count(); ++ index)
1562 | {
1563 | QWidget *tab = tbwParallelPorts->page (index);
1564 | VBoxVMParallelPortSettings *page =
1565 | static_cast <VBoxVMParallelPortSettings *> (tab);
1566 |
1567 | /* check the predefined port number unicity */
1568 | if (page->mParallelPortBox->isChecked() && !page->isUserDefined())
1569 | {
1570 | QString port = page->mPortNumCombo->currentText();
1571 | valid = !ports.contains (port);
1572 | if (!valid)
1573 | {
1574 | warningText = tr ("Duplicate port number is selected ");
1575 | pageTitle += ": " + tbwParallelPorts->tabLabel (tab);
1576 | break;
1577 | }
1578 | ports << port;
1579 | }
1580 | /* check the port path emptiness & unicity */
1581 | if (page->mParallelPortBox->isChecked())
1582 | {
1583 | QString path = page->mPortPathLine->text();
1584 | valid = !path.isEmpty() && !paths.contains (path);
1585 | if (!valid)
1586 | {
1587 | warningText = path.isEmpty() ?
1588 | tr ("Port path is not specified ") :
1589 | tr ("Duplicate port path is entered ");
1590 | pageTitle += ": " + tbwParallelPorts->tabLabel (tab);
1591 | break;
1592 | }
1593 | paths << path;
1594 | }
1595 | }
1596 | }
1597 |
1598 | if (!valid)
1599 | setWarning (tr ("%1 on the <b>%2</b> page.")
1600 | .arg (warningText, pageTitle));
1601 |
1602 | wval->setOtherValid (valid);
1603 | }
1604 |
1605 |
1606 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::getFromMachine (const CMachine &machine)
1607 | {
1608 | cmachine = machine;
1609 |
1610 | setCaption (machine.GetName() + tr (" - Settings"));
1611 |
1612 | CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
1613 | CBIOSSettings biosSettings = cmachine.GetBIOSSettings();
1614 |
1615 | /* name */
1616 | leName->setText (machine.GetName());
1617 |
1618 | /* OS type */
1619 | QString typeId = machine.GetOSTypeId();
1620 | cbOS->setCurrentItem (vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSTypeIndex (typeId));
1621 | cbOS_activated (cbOS->currentItem());
1622 |
1623 | /* RAM size */
1624 | slRAM->setValue (machine.GetMemorySize());
1625 |
1626 | /* VRAM size */
1627 | slVRAM->setValue (machine.GetVRAMSize());
1628 |
1629 | /* Boot-order */
1630 | tblBootOrder->getFromMachine (machine);
1631 |
1632 | /* ACPI */
1633 | chbEnableACPI->setChecked (biosSettings.GetACPIEnabled());
1634 |
1635 | /* IO APIC */
1636 | chbEnableIOAPIC->setChecked (biosSettings.GetIOAPICEnabled());
1637 |
1638 | /* VT-x/AMD-V */
1639 | machine.GetHWVirtExEnabled() == CEnums::False ? chbVTX->setChecked (false) :
1640 | machine.GetHWVirtExEnabled() == CEnums::True ? chbVTX->setChecked (true) :
1641 | chbVTX->setNoChange();
1642 |
1643 | /* Saved state folder */
1644 | leSnapshotFolder->setText (machine.GetSnapshotFolder());
1645 |
1646 | /* Description */
1647 | teDescription->setText (machine.GetDescription());
1648 |
1649 | /* Shared clipboard mode */
1650 | cbSharedClipboard->setCurrentItem (machine.GetClipboardMode());
1651 |
1652 | /* IDE controller type */
1653 | cbIdeController->setCurrentText (vboxGlobal().toString (biosSettings.GetIDEControllerType()));
1654 |
1655 | /* other features */
1656 | QString saveRtimeImages = cmachine.GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_SaveMountedAtRuntime);
1657 | chbRememberMedia->setChecked (saveRtimeImages != "no");
1658 |
1659 | /* hard disk images */
1660 | {
1661 | struct
1662 | {
1663 | CEnums::DiskControllerType ctl;
1664 | LONG dev;
1665 | struct {
1666 | QGroupBox *grb;
1667 | QComboBox *cbb;
1668 | QLabel *tx;
1669 | QUuid *uuid;
1670 | } data;
1671 | }
1672 | diskSet[] =
1673 | {
1674 | { CEnums::IDE0Controller, 0, {grbHDA, cbHDA, txHDA, &uuidHDA} },
1675 | { CEnums::IDE0Controller, 1, {grbHDB, cbHDB, txHDB, &uuidHDB} },
1676 | { CEnums::IDE1Controller, 1, {grbHDD, cbHDD, txHDD, &uuidHDD} },
1677 | };
1678 |
1679 | grbHDA->setChecked (false);
1680 | grbHDB->setChecked (false);
1681 | grbHDD->setChecked (false);
1682 |
1683 | CHardDiskAttachmentEnumerator en =
1684 | machine.GetHardDiskAttachments().Enumerate();
1685 | while (en.HasMore())
1686 | {
1687 | CHardDiskAttachment hda = en.GetNext();
1688 | for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (diskSet); i++)
1689 | {
1690 | if (diskSet [i].ctl == hda.GetController() &&
1691 | diskSet [i].dev == hda.GetDeviceNumber())
1692 | {
1693 | CHardDisk hd = hda.GetHardDisk();
1694 | CHardDisk root = hd.GetRoot();
1695 | QString src = root.GetLocation();
1696 | if (hd.GetStorageType() == CEnums::VirtualDiskImage)
1697 | {
1698 | QFileInfo fi (src);
1699 | src = fi.fileName() + " (" +
1700 | QDir::convertSeparators (fi.dirPath (true)) + ")";
1701 | }
1702 | diskSet [i].data.grb->setChecked (true);
1703 | diskSet [i].data.tx->setText (vboxGlobal().details (hd));
1704 | *(diskSet [i].data.uuid) = QUuid (root.GetId());
1705 | }
1706 | }
1707 | }
1708 | }
1709 |
1710 | /* floppy image */
1711 | {
1712 | /* read out the host floppy drive list and prepare the combobox */
1713 | CHostFloppyDriveCollection coll =
1714 | vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost().GetFloppyDrives();
1715 | hostFloppies.resize (coll.GetCount());
1716 | cbHostFloppy->clear();
1717 | int id = 0;
1718 | CHostFloppyDriveEnumerator en = coll.Enumerate();
1719 | while (en.HasMore())
1720 | {
1721 | CHostFloppyDrive hostFloppy = en.GetNext();
1722 | /** @todo set icon? */
1723 | QString name = hostFloppy.GetName();
1724 | QString description = hostFloppy.GetDescription();
1725 | QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ?
1726 | name :
1727 | QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name);
1728 | cbHostFloppy->insertItem (fullName, id);
1729 | hostFloppies [id] = hostFloppy;
1730 | ++ id;
1731 | }
1732 |
1733 | CFloppyDrive floppy = machine.GetFloppyDrive();
1734 | switch (floppy.GetState())
1735 | {
1736 | case CEnums::HostDriveCaptured:
1737 | {
1738 | CHostFloppyDrive drv = floppy.GetHostDrive();
1739 | QString name = drv.GetName();
1740 | QString description = drv.GetDescription();
1741 | QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ?
1742 | name :
1743 | QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name);
1744 | if (coll.FindByName (name).isNull())
1745 | {
1746 | /*
1747 | * if the floppy drive is not currently available,
1748 | * add it to the end of the list with a special mark
1749 | */
1750 | cbHostFloppy->insertItem ("* " + fullName);
1751 | cbHostFloppy->setCurrentItem (cbHostFloppy->count() - 1);
1752 | }
1753 | else
1754 | {
1755 | /* this will select the correct item from the prepared list */
1756 | cbHostFloppy->setCurrentText (fullName);
1757 | }
1758 | rbHostFloppy->setChecked (true);
1759 | break;
1760 | }
1761 | case CEnums::ImageMounted:
1762 | {
1763 | CFloppyImage img = floppy.GetImage();
1764 | QString src = img.GetFilePath();
1765 | AssertMsg (!src.isNull(), ("Image file must not be null"));
1766 | QFileInfo fi (src);
1767 | rbISOFloppy->setChecked (true);
1768 | uuidISOFloppy = QUuid (img.GetId());
1769 | break;
1770 | }
1771 | case CEnums::NotMounted:
1772 | {
1773 | bgFloppy->setChecked(false);
1774 | break;
1775 | }
1776 | default:
1777 | AssertMsgFailed (("invalid floppy state: %d\n", floppy.GetState()));
1778 | }
1779 | }
1780 |
1781 | /* CD/DVD-ROM image */
1782 | {
1783 | /* read out the host DVD drive list and prepare the combobox */
1784 | CHostDVDDriveCollection coll =
1785 | vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost().GetDVDDrives();
1786 | hostDVDs.resize (coll.GetCount());
1787 | cbHostDVD->clear();
1788 | int id = 0;
1789 | CHostDVDDriveEnumerator en = coll.Enumerate();
1790 | while (en.HasMore())
1791 | {
1792 | CHostDVDDrive hostDVD = en.GetNext();
1793 | /// @todo (r=dmik) set icon?
1794 | QString name = hostDVD.GetName();
1795 | QString description = hostDVD.GetDescription();
1796 | QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ?
1797 | name :
1798 | QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name);
1799 | cbHostDVD->insertItem (fullName, id);
1800 | hostDVDs [id] = hostDVD;
1801 | ++ id;
1802 | }
1803 |
1804 | CDVDDrive dvd = machine.GetDVDDrive();
1805 | switch (dvd.GetState())
1806 | {
1807 | case CEnums::HostDriveCaptured:
1808 | {
1809 | CHostDVDDrive drv = dvd.GetHostDrive();
1810 | QString name = drv.GetName();
1811 | QString description = drv.GetDescription();
1812 | QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ?
1813 | name :
1814 | QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name);
1815 | if (coll.FindByName (name).isNull())
1816 | {
1817 | /*
1818 | * if the DVD drive is not currently available,
1819 | * add it to the end of the list with a special mark
1820 | */
1821 | cbHostDVD->insertItem ("* " + fullName);
1822 | cbHostDVD->setCurrentItem (cbHostDVD->count() - 1);
1823 | }
1824 | else
1825 | {
1826 | /* this will select the correct item from the prepared list */
1827 | cbHostDVD->setCurrentText (fullName);
1828 | }
1829 | rbHostDVD->setChecked (true);
1830 | cbPassthrough->setChecked (dvd.GetPassthrough());
1831 | break;
1832 | }
1833 | case CEnums::ImageMounted:
1834 | {
1835 | CDVDImage img = dvd.GetImage();
1836 | QString src = img.GetFilePath();
1837 | AssertMsg (!src.isNull(), ("Image file must not be null"));
1838 | QFileInfo fi (src);
1839 | rbISODVD->setChecked (true);
1840 | uuidISODVD = QUuid (img.GetId());
1841 | break;
1842 | }
1843 | case CEnums::NotMounted:
1844 | {
1845 | bgDVD->setChecked(false);
1846 | break;
1847 | }
1848 | default:
1849 | AssertMsgFailed (("invalid DVD state: %d\n", dvd.GetState()));
1850 | }
1851 | }
1852 |
1853 | /* audio */
1854 | {
1855 | CAudioAdapter audio = machine.GetAudioAdapter();
1856 | grbAudio->setChecked (audio.GetEnabled());
1857 | cbAudioDriver->setCurrentText (vboxGlobal().toString (audio.GetAudioDriver()));
1858 | }
1859 |
1860 | /* network */
1861 | {
1862 | ulong count = vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetNetworkAdapterCount();
1863 | for (ulong slot = 0; slot < count; ++ slot)
1864 | {
1865 | CNetworkAdapter adapter = machine.GetNetworkAdapter (slot);
1866 | addNetworkAdapter (adapter);
1867 | }
1868 | }
1869 |
1870 | /* serial ports */
1871 | {
1872 | ulong count = vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetSerialPortCount();
1873 | for (ulong slot = 0; slot < count; ++ slot)
1874 | {
1875 | CSerialPort port = machine.GetSerialPort (slot);
1876 | addSerialPort (port);
1877 | }
1878 | }
1879 |
1880 | /* parallel ports */
1881 | {
1882 | ulong count = vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetParallelPortCount();
1883 | for (ulong slot = 0; slot < count; ++ slot)
1884 | {
1885 | CParallelPort port = machine.GetParallelPort (slot);
1886 | addParallelPort (port);
1887 | }
1888 | }
1889 |
1890 | /* USB */
1891 | {
1892 | CUSBController ctl = machine.GetUSBController();
1893 |
1894 | if (ctl.isNull())
1895 | {
1896 | /* disable the USB controller category if the USB controller is
1897 | * not available (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */
1898 |
1899 | QListViewItem *usbItem = listView->findItem ("#usb", listView_Link);
1900 | Assert (usbItem);
1901 | if (usbItem)
1902 | usbItem->setVisible (false);
1903 |
1904 | /* disable validators if any */
1905 | pageUSB->setEnabled (false);
1906 |
1907 | /* Show an error message (if there is any).
1908 | * Note that we don't use the generic cannotLoadMachineSettings()
1909 | * call here because we want this message to be suppressable. */
1910 | vboxProblem().cannotAccessUSB (machine);
1911 | }
1912 | else
1913 | {
1914 | cbEnableUSBController->setChecked (ctl.GetEnabled());
1915 | cbEnableUSBEhci->setChecked (ctl.GetEnabledEhci());
1916 | usbAdapterToggled (cbEnableUSBController->isChecked());
1917 |
1918 | CUSBDeviceFilterEnumerator en = ctl.GetDeviceFilters().Enumerate();
1919 | while (en.HasMore())
1920 | addUSBFilter (en.GetNext(), false /* isNew */);
1921 |
1922 | lvUSBFilters->setCurrentItem (lvUSBFilters->firstChild());
1923 | /* silly Qt -- doesn't emit currentChanged after adding the
1924 | * first item to an empty list */
1925 | lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (lvUSBFilters->firstChild());
1926 | }
1927 | }
1928 |
1929 | /* vrdp */
1930 | {
1931 | CVRDPServer vrdp = machine.GetVRDPServer();
1932 |
1933 | if (vrdp.isNull())
1934 | {
1935 | /* disable the VRDP category if VRDP is
1936 | * not available (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */
1937 |
1938 | QListViewItem *vrdpItem = listView->findItem ("#vrdp", listView_Link);
1939 | Assert (vrdpItem);
1940 | if (vrdpItem)
1941 | vrdpItem->setVisible (false);
1942 |
1943 | /* disable validators if any */
1944 | pageVRDP->setEnabled (false);
1945 |
1946 | /* if machine has something to say, show the message */
1947 | vboxProblem().cannotLoadMachineSettings (machine, false /* strict */);
1948 | }
1949 | else
1950 | {
1951 | grbVRDP->setChecked (vrdp.GetEnabled());
1952 | leVRDPPort->setText (QString::number (vrdp.GetPort()));
1953 | cbVRDPAuthType->setCurrentText (vboxGlobal().toString (vrdp.GetAuthType()));
1954 | leVRDPTimeout->setText (QString::number (vrdp.GetAuthTimeout()));
1955 | }
1956 | }
1957 |
1958 | /* shared folders */
1959 | {
1960 | mSharedFolders->getFromMachine (machine);
1961 | }
1962 |
1963 | /* request for media shortcuts update */
1964 | cbHDA->setBelongsTo (machine.GetId());
1965 | cbHDB->setBelongsTo (machine.GetId());
1966 | cbHDD->setBelongsTo (machine.GetId());
1967 | updateShortcuts();
1968 |
1969 | /* revalidate pages with custom validation */
1970 | wvalHDD->revalidate();
1971 | wvalDVD->revalidate();
1972 | wvalFloppy->revalidate();
1973 | wvalVRDP->revalidate();
1974 |
1975 | /* finally set the reset First Run Wizard flag to "false" to make sure
1976 | * user will see this dialog if he hasn't change the boot-order
1977 | * and/or mounted images configuration */
1978 | mResetFirstRunFlag = false;
1979 | }
1980 |
1981 |
1982 | COMResult VBoxVMSettingsDlg::putBackToMachine()
1983 | {
1984 | CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
1985 | CBIOSSettings biosSettings = cmachine.GetBIOSSettings();
1986 |
1987 | /* name */
1988 | cmachine.SetName (leName->text());
1989 |
1990 | /* OS type */
1991 | CGuestOSType type = vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSType (cbOS->currentItem());
1992 | AssertMsg (!type.isNull(), ("vmGuestOSType() must return non-null type"));
1993 | cmachine.SetOSTypeId (type.GetId());
1994 |
1995 | /* RAM size */
1996 | cmachine.SetMemorySize (slRAM->value());
1997 |
1998 | /* VRAM size */
1999 | cmachine.SetVRAMSize (slVRAM->value());
2000 |
2001 | /* boot order */
2002 | tblBootOrder->putBackToMachine (cmachine);
2003 |
2004 | /* ACPI */
2005 | biosSettings.SetACPIEnabled (chbEnableACPI->isChecked());
2006 |
2007 | /* IO APIC */
2008 | biosSettings.SetIOAPICEnabled (chbEnableIOAPIC->isChecked());
2009 |
2010 | /* VT-x/AMD-V */
2011 | cmachine.SetHWVirtExEnabled (
2012 | chbVTX->state() == QButton::Off ? CEnums::False :
2013 | chbVTX->state() == QButton::On ? CEnums::True : CEnums::Default);
2014 |
2015 | /* Saved state folder */
2016 | if (leSnapshotFolder->isModified())
2017 | {
2018 | cmachine.SetSnapshotFolder (leSnapshotFolder->text());
2019 | if (!cmachine.isOk())
2020 | vboxProblem()
2021 | .cannotSetSnapshotFolder (cmachine,
2022 | QDir::convertSeparators (leSnapshotFolder->text()));
2023 | }
2024 |
2025 | /* Description */
2026 | cmachine.SetDescription (teDescription->text());
2027 |
2028 | /* Shared clipboard mode */
2029 | cmachine.SetClipboardMode ((CEnums::ClipboardMode)cbSharedClipboard->currentItem());
2030 |
2031 | /* IDE controller type */
2032 | biosSettings.SetIDEControllerType (vboxGlobal().toIDEControllerType (cbIdeController->currentText()));
2033 |
2034 | /* other features */
2035 | cmachine.SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_SaveMountedAtRuntime,
2036 | chbRememberMedia->isChecked() ? "yes" : "no");
2037 |
2038 | /* hard disk images */
2039 | {
2040 | struct
2041 | {
2042 | CEnums::DiskControllerType ctl;
2043 | LONG dev;
2044 | struct {
2045 | QGroupBox *grb;
2046 | QUuid *uuid;
2047 | } data;
2048 | }
2049 | diskSet[] =
2050 | {
2051 | { CEnums::IDE0Controller, 0, {grbHDA, &uuidHDA} },
2052 | { CEnums::IDE0Controller, 1, {grbHDB, &uuidHDB} },
2053 | { CEnums::IDE1Controller, 1, {grbHDD, &uuidHDD} }
2054 | };
2055 |
2056 | /*
2057 | * first, detach all disks (to ensure we can reattach them to different
2058 | * controllers / devices, when appropriate)
2059 | */
2060 | CHardDiskAttachmentEnumerator en =
2061 | cmachine.GetHardDiskAttachments().Enumerate();
2062 | while (en.HasMore())
2063 | {
2064 | CHardDiskAttachment hda = en.GetNext();
2065 | for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (diskSet); i++)
2066 | {
2067 | if (diskSet [i].ctl == hda.GetController() &&
2068 | diskSet [i].dev == hda.GetDeviceNumber())
2069 | {
2070 | cmachine.DetachHardDisk (diskSet [i].ctl, diskSet [i].dev);
2071 | if (!cmachine.isOk())
2072 | vboxProblem().cannotDetachHardDisk (
2073 | this, cmachine, diskSet [i].ctl, diskSet [i].dev);
2074 | }
2075 | }
2076 | }
2077 |
2078 | /* now, attach new disks */
2079 | for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (diskSet); i++)
2080 | {
2081 | QUuid *newId = diskSet [i].data.uuid;
2082 | if (diskSet [i].data.grb->isChecked() && !(*newId).isNull())
2083 | {
2084 | cmachine.AttachHardDisk (*newId, diskSet [i].ctl, diskSet [i].dev);
2085 | if (!cmachine.isOk())
2086 | vboxProblem().cannotAttachHardDisk (
2087 | this, cmachine, *newId, diskSet [i].ctl, diskSet [i].dev);
2088 | }
2089 | }
2090 | }
2091 |
2092 | /* floppy image */
2093 | {
2094 | CFloppyDrive floppy = cmachine.GetFloppyDrive();
2095 | if (!bgFloppy->isChecked())
2096 | {
2097 | floppy.Unmount();
2098 | }
2099 | else if (rbHostFloppy->isChecked())
2100 | {
2101 | int id = cbHostFloppy->currentItem();
2102 | Assert (id >= 0);
2103 | if (id < (int) hostFloppies.count())
2104 | floppy.CaptureHostDrive (hostFloppies [id]);
2105 | /*
2106 | * otherwise the selected drive is not yet available, leave it
2107 | * as is
2108 | */
2109 | }
2110 | else if (rbISOFloppy->isChecked())
2111 | {
2112 | Assert (!uuidISOFloppy.isNull());
2113 | floppy.MountImage (uuidISOFloppy);
2114 | }
2115 | }
2116 |
2117 | /* CD/DVD-ROM image */
2118 | {
2119 | CDVDDrive dvd = cmachine.GetDVDDrive();
2120 | if (!bgDVD->isChecked())
2121 | {
2122 | dvd.SetPassthrough (false);
2123 | dvd.Unmount();
2124 | }
2125 | else if (rbHostDVD->isChecked())
2126 | {
2127 | dvd.SetPassthrough (cbPassthrough->isChecked());
2128 | int id = cbHostDVD->currentItem();
2129 | Assert (id >= 0);
2130 | if (id < (int) hostDVDs.count())
2131 | dvd.CaptureHostDrive (hostDVDs [id]);
2132 | /*
2133 | * otherwise the selected drive is not yet available, leave it
2134 | * as is
2135 | */
2136 | }
2137 | else if (rbISODVD->isChecked())
2138 | {
2139 | dvd.SetPassthrough (false);
2140 | Assert (!uuidISODVD.isNull());
2141 | dvd.MountImage (uuidISODVD);
2142 | }
2143 | }
2144 |
2145 | /* Clear the "GUI_FirstRun" extra data key in case if the boot order
2146 | * and/or disk configuration were changed */
2147 | if (mResetFirstRunFlag)
2148 | cmachine.SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_FirstRun, QString::null);
2149 |
2150 | /* audio */
2151 | {
2152 | CAudioAdapter audio = cmachine.GetAudioAdapter();
2153 | audio.SetAudioDriver (vboxGlobal().toAudioDriverType (cbAudioDriver->currentText()));
2154 | audio.SetEnabled (grbAudio->isChecked());
2155 | AssertWrapperOk (audio);
2156 | }
2157 |
2158 | /* network */
2159 | {
2160 | for (int index = 0; index < tbwNetwork->count(); index++)
2161 | {
2162 | VBoxVMNetworkSettings *page =
2163 | (VBoxVMNetworkSettings *) tbwNetwork->page (index);
2164 | Assert (page);
2165 | page->putBackToAdapter();
2166 | }
2167 | }
2168 |
2169 | /* serial ports */
2170 | {
2171 | for (int index = 0; index < tbwSerialPorts->count(); index++)
2172 | {
2173 | VBoxVMSerialPortSettings *page =
2174 | (VBoxVMSerialPortSettings *) tbwSerialPorts->page (index);
2175 | Assert (page);
2176 | page->putBackToPort();
2177 | }
2178 | }
2179 |
2180 | /* parallel ports */
2181 | {
2182 | for (int index = 0; index < tbwParallelPorts->count(); index++)
2183 | {
2184 | VBoxVMParallelPortSettings *page =
2185 | (VBoxVMParallelPortSettings *) tbwParallelPorts->page (index);
2186 | Assert (page);
2187 | page->putBackToPort();
2188 | }
2189 | }
2190 |
2191 | /* usb */
2192 | {
2193 | CUSBController ctl = cmachine.GetUSBController();
2194 |
2195 | if (!ctl.isNull())
2196 | {
2197 | /* the USB controller may be unavailable (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */
2198 |
2199 | ctl.SetEnabled (cbEnableUSBController->isChecked());
2200 | ctl.SetEnabledEhci (cbEnableUSBEhci->isChecked());
2201 |
2202 | /*
2203 | * first, remove all old filters (only if the list is changed,
2204 | * not only individual properties of filters)
2205 | */
2206 | if (mUSBFilterListModified)
2207 | for (ulong count = ctl.GetDeviceFilters().GetCount(); count; -- count)
2208 | ctl.RemoveDeviceFilter (0);
2209 |
2210 | /* then add all new filters */
2211 | for (QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->firstChild(); item;
2212 | item = item->nextSibling())
2213 | {
2214 | USBListItem *uli = static_cast <USBListItem *> (item);
2215 | VBoxUSBFilterSettings *settings =
2216 | static_cast <VBoxUSBFilterSettings *>
2217 | (wstUSBFilters->widget (uli->mId));
2218 | Assert (settings);
2219 |
2220 | COMResult res = settings->putBackToFilter();
2221 | if (!res.isOk())
2222 | return res;
2223 |
2224 | CUSBDeviceFilter filter = settings->filter();
2225 | filter.SetActive (uli->isOn());
2226 |
2227 | if (mUSBFilterListModified)
2228 | ctl.InsertDeviceFilter (~0, filter);
2229 | }
2230 | }
2231 |
2232 | mUSBFilterListModified = false;
2233 | }
2234 |
2235 | /* vrdp */
2236 | {
2237 | CVRDPServer vrdp = cmachine.GetVRDPServer();
2238 |
2239 | if (!vrdp.isNull())
2240 | {
2241 | /* VRDP may be unavailable (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */
2242 | vrdp.SetEnabled (grbVRDP->isChecked());
2243 | vrdp.SetPort (leVRDPPort->text().toULong());
2244 | vrdp.SetAuthType (vboxGlobal().toVRDPAuthType (cbVRDPAuthType->currentText()));
2245 | vrdp.SetAuthTimeout (leVRDPTimeout->text().toULong());
2246 | }
2247 | }
2248 |
2249 | /* shared folders */
2250 | {
2251 | mSharedFolders->putBackToMachine();
2252 | }
2253 |
2254 | return COMResult();
2255 | }
2256 |
2257 |
2258 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerHDA() { showVDImageManager (&uuidHDA, cbHDA); }
2259 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerHDB() { showVDImageManager (&uuidHDB, cbHDB); }
2260 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerHDD() { showVDImageManager (&uuidHDD, cbHDD); }
2261 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerISODVD() { showVDImageManager (&uuidISODVD, cbISODVD); }
2262 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerISOFloppy() { showVDImageManager(&uuidISOFloppy, cbISOFloppy); }
2263 |
2264 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showVDImageManager (QUuid *id, VBoxMediaComboBox *cbb, QLabel*)
2265 | {
2266 | VBoxDefs::DiskType type = VBoxDefs::InvalidType;
2267 | if (cbb == cbISODVD)
2268 | type = VBoxDefs::CD;
2269 | else if (cbb == cbISOFloppy)
2270 | type = VBoxDefs::FD;
2271 | else
2272 | type = VBoxDefs::HD;
2273 |
2274 | VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg dlg (this, "VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg",
2275 | WType_Dialog | WShowModal);
2276 | QUuid machineId = cmachine.GetId();
2277 | QUuid hdId = type == VBoxDefs::HD ? cbb->getId() : QUuid();
2278 | QUuid cdId = type == VBoxDefs::CD ? cbb->getId() : QUuid();
2279 | QUuid fdId = type == VBoxDefs::FD ? cbb->getId() : QUuid();
2280 | dlg.setup (type, true, &machineId, true /* aRefresh */, cmachine,
2281 | hdId, cdId, fdId);
2282 | if (dlg.exec() == VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::Accepted)
2283 | {
2284 | *id = dlg.getSelectedUuid();
2285 | resetFirstRunFlag();
2286 | }
2287 | else
2288 | {
2289 | *id = cbb->getId();
2290 | }
2291 |
2292 | cbb->setCurrentItem (*id);
2293 | cbb->setFocus();
2294 |
2295 | /* revalidate pages with custom validation */
2296 | wvalHDD->revalidate();
2297 | wvalDVD->revalidate();
2298 | wvalFloppy->revalidate();
2299 | }
2300 |
2301 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::addNetworkAdapter (const CNetworkAdapter &aAdapter)
2302 | {
2303 | VBoxVMNetworkSettings *page = new VBoxVMNetworkSettings();
2304 | page->loadList (mInterfaceList, mNoInterfaces);
2305 | page->getFromAdapter (aAdapter);
2306 | QString pageTitle = QString (tr ("Adapter %1", "network"))
2307 | .arg (aAdapter.GetSlot());
2308 | tbwNetwork->addTab (page, pageTitle);
2309 |
2310 | /* fix the tab order so that main dialog's buttons are always the last */
2311 | setTabOrder (page->leTAPTerminate, buttonHelp);
2312 | setTabOrder (buttonHelp, buttonOk);
2313 | setTabOrder (buttonOk, buttonCancel);
2314 |
2315 | /* setup validation */
2316 | QIWidgetValidator *wval =
2317 | new QIWidgetValidator (QString ("%1: %2")
2318 | .arg (pagePath (pageNetwork), pageTitle),
2319 | pageNetwork, this);
2320 | connect (page->grbEnabled, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), wval, SLOT (revalidate()));
2321 | connect (page->cbNetworkAttachment, SIGNAL (activated (const QString &)),
2322 | wval, SLOT (revalidate()));
2323 | connect (wval, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
2324 | this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
2325 | connect (wval, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)),
2326 | this, SLOT (revalidate( QIWidgetValidator *)));
2327 |
2328 | page->setValidator (wval);
2329 | page->revalidate();
2330 |
2331 | #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
2332 |
2333 | /* fix focus order (make sure the Host Interface list UI goes after the
2334 | * last network adapter UI item) */
2335 |
2336 | setTabOrder (page->chbCableConnected, lbHostInterface);
2337 | setTabOrder (lbHostInterface, pbHostAdd);
2338 | setTabOrder (pbHostAdd, pbHostRemove);
2339 |
2340 | #endif
2341 | }
2342 |
2343 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::addSerialPort (const CSerialPort &aPort)
2344 | {
2345 | VBoxVMSerialPortSettings *page = new VBoxVMSerialPortSettings();
2346 | page->getFromPort (aPort);
2347 | QString pageTitle = QString (tr ("Port %1", "serial ports"))
2348 | .arg (aPort.GetSlot());
2349 | tbwSerialPorts->addTab (page, pageTitle);
2350 |
2351 | /* fix the tab order so that main dialog's buttons are always the last */
2352 | setTabOrder (page->mPortPathLine, buttonHelp);
2353 | setTabOrder (buttonHelp, buttonOk);
2354 | setTabOrder (buttonOk, buttonCancel);
2355 |
2356 | /* setup validation */
2357 | QIWidgetValidator *wval =
2358 | new QIWidgetValidator (QString ("%1: %2")
2359 | .arg (pagePath (pageSerial), pageTitle),
2360 | pageSerial, this);
2361 | connect (page->mSerialPortBox, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
2362 | wval, SLOT (revalidate()));
2363 | connect (page->mIRQLine, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
2364 | wval, SLOT (revalidate()));
2365 | connect (page->mIOPortLine, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
2366 | wval, SLOT (revalidate()));
2367 | connect (page->mHostModeCombo, SIGNAL (activated (const QString &)),
2368 | wval, SLOT (revalidate()));
2369 | connect (wval, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
2370 | this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
2371 | connect (wval, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)),
2372 | this, SLOT (revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *)));
2373 |
2374 | wval->revalidate();
2375 | }
2376 |
2377 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::addParallelPort (const CParallelPort &aPort)
2378 | {
2379 | VBoxVMParallelPortSettings *page = new VBoxVMParallelPortSettings();
2380 | page->getFromPort (aPort);
2381 | QString pageTitle = QString (tr ("Port %1", "parallel ports"))
2382 | .arg (aPort.GetSlot());
2383 | tbwParallelPorts->addTab (page, pageTitle);
2384 |
2385 | /* fix the tab order so that main dialog's buttons are always the last */
2386 | setTabOrder (page->mPortPathLine, buttonHelp);
2387 | setTabOrder (buttonHelp, buttonOk);
2388 | setTabOrder (buttonOk, buttonCancel);
2389 |
2390 | /* setup validation */
2391 | QIWidgetValidator *wval =
2392 | new QIWidgetValidator (QString ("%1: %2")
2393 | .arg (pagePath (pageParallel), pageTitle),
2394 | pageParallel, this);
2395 | connect (page->mParallelPortBox, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
2396 | wval, SLOT (revalidate()));
2397 | connect (page->mIRQLine, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
2398 | wval, SLOT (revalidate()));
2399 | connect (page->mIOPortLine, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
2400 | wval, SLOT (revalidate()));
2401 | connect (wval, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
2402 | this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
2403 | connect (wval, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)),
2404 | this, SLOT (revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *)));
2405 |
2406 | wval->revalidate();
2407 | }
2408 |
2409 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::slRAM_valueChanged( int val )
2410 | {
2411 | leRAM->setText( QString().setNum( val ) );
2412 | }
2413 |
2414 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::leRAM_textChanged( const QString &text )
2415 | {
2416 | slRAM->setValue( text.toInt() );
2417 | }
2418 |
2419 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::slVRAM_valueChanged( int val )
2420 | {
2421 | leVRAM->setText( QString().setNum( val ) );
2422 | }
2423 |
2424 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::leVRAM_textChanged( const QString &text )
2425 | {
2426 | slVRAM->setValue( text.toInt() );
2427 | }
2428 |
2429 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::cbOS_activated (int item)
2430 | {
2431 | Q_UNUSED (item);
2432 | /// @todo (dmik) remove?
2433 | // CGuestOSType type = vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSType (item);
2434 | // txRAMBest->setText (tr ("<qt>Best %1 MB<qt>")
2435 | // .arg (type.GetRecommendedRAM()));
2436 | // txVRAMBest->setText (tr ("<qt>Best %1 MB</qt>")
2437 | // .arg (type.GetRecommendedVRAM()));
2438 | txRAMBest->setText (QString::null);
2439 | txVRAMBest->setText (QString::null);
2440 | }
2441 |
2442 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbResetSavedStateFolder_clicked()
2443 | {
2444 | /*
2445 | * do this instead of le->setText (QString::null) to cause
2446 | * isModified() return true
2447 | */
2448 | leSnapshotFolder->selectAll();
2449 | leSnapshotFolder->del();
2450 | }
2451 |
2452 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbSelectSavedStateFolder_clicked()
2453 | {
2454 | QString settingsFolder = VBoxGlobal::getFirstExistingDir (leSnapshotFolder->text());
2455 | if (settingsFolder.isNull())
2456 | settingsFolder = QFileInfo (cmachine.GetSettingsFilePath()).dirPath (true);
2457 |
2458 | QString folder = vboxGlobal().getExistingDirectory (settingsFolder, this);
2459 | if (folder.isNull())
2460 | return;
2461 |
2462 | folder = QDir::convertSeparators (folder);
2463 | /* remove trailing slash if any */
2464 | folder.remove (QRegExp ("[\\\\/]$"));
2465 |
2466 | /*
2467 | * do this instead of le->setText (folder) to cause
2468 | * isModified() return true
2469 | */
2470 | leSnapshotFolder->selectAll();
2471 | leSnapshotFolder->insert (folder);
2472 | }
2473 |
2474 | // USB Filter stuff
2475 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2476 |
2477 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::usbAdapterToggled (bool aOn)
2478 | {
2479 | if (!aOn)
2480 | cbEnableUSBEhci->setChecked (aOn);
2481 | grbUSBFilters->setEnabled (aOn);
2482 | }
2483 |
2484 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::addUSBFilter (const CUSBDeviceFilter &aFilter, bool isNew)
2485 | {
2486 | QListViewItem *currentItem = isNew
2487 | ? lvUSBFilters->currentItem()
2488 | : lvUSBFilters->lastItem();
2489 |
2490 | VBoxUSBFilterSettings *settings = new VBoxUSBFilterSettings (wstUSBFilters);
2491 | settings->setup (VBoxUSBFilterSettings::MachineType);
2492 | settings->getFromFilter (aFilter);
2493 |
2494 | USBListItem *item = new USBListItem (lvUSBFilters, currentItem);
2495 | item->setOn (aFilter.GetActive());
2496 | item->setText (lvUSBFilters_Name, aFilter.GetName());
2497 |
2498 | item->mId = wstUSBFilters->addWidget (settings);
2499 |
2500 | /* fix the tab order so that main dialog's buttons are always the last */
2501 | setTabOrder (settings->focusProxy(), buttonHelp);
2502 | setTabOrder (buttonHelp, buttonOk);
2503 | setTabOrder (buttonOk, buttonCancel);
2504 |
2505 | if (isNew)
2506 | {
2507 | lvUSBFilters->setSelected (item, true);
2508 | lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (item);
2509 | settings->leUSBFilterName->setFocus();
2510 | }
2511 |
2512 | connect (settings->leUSBFilterName, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
2513 | this, SLOT (lvUSBFilters_setCurrentText (const QString &)));
2514 |
2515 | /* setup validation */
2516 |
2517 | QIWidgetValidator *wval =
2518 | new QIWidgetValidator (pagePath (pageUSB), settings, settings);
2519 | connect (wval, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
2520 | this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
2521 |
2522 | wval->revalidate();
2523 | }
2524 |
2525 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (QListViewItem *item)
2526 | {
2527 | if (item && lvUSBFilters->selectedItem() != item)
2528 | lvUSBFilters->setSelected (item, true);
2529 |
2530 | tbRemoveUSBFilter->setEnabled (!!item);
2531 |
2532 | tbUSBFilterUp->setEnabled (!!item && item->itemAbove());
2533 | tbUSBFilterDown->setEnabled (!!item && item->itemBelow());
2534 |
2535 | if (item)
2536 | {
2537 | USBListItem *uli = static_cast <USBListItem *> (item);
2538 | wstUSBFilters->raiseWidget (uli->mId);
2539 | }
2540 | else
2541 | {
2542 | /* raise the disabled widget */
2543 | wstUSBFilters->raiseWidget (0);
2544 | }
2545 | }
2546 |
2547 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::lvUSBFilters_setCurrentText (const QString &aText)
2548 | {
2549 | QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem();
2550 | Assert (item);
2551 |
2552 | item->setText (lvUSBFilters_Name, aText);
2553 | }
2554 |
2555 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbAddUSBFilter_clicked()
2556 | {
2557 | /* search for the max available filter index */
2558 | int maxFilterIndex = 0;
2559 | QString usbFilterName = tr ("New Filter %1", "usb");
2560 | QRegExp regExp (QString ("^") + usbFilterName.arg ("([0-9]+)") + QString ("$"));
2561 | QListViewItemIterator iterator (lvUSBFilters);
2562 | while (*iterator)
2563 | {
2564 | QString filterName = (*iterator)->text (lvUSBFilters_Name);
2565 | int pos = regExp.search (filterName);
2566 | if (pos != -1)
2567 | maxFilterIndex = regExp.cap (1).toInt() > maxFilterIndex ?
2568 | regExp.cap (1).toInt() : maxFilterIndex;
2569 | ++ iterator;
2570 | }
2571 |
2572 | /* creating new usb filter */
2573 | CUSBDeviceFilter filter = cmachine.GetUSBController()
2574 | .CreateDeviceFilter (usbFilterName.arg (maxFilterIndex + 1));
2575 |
2576 | filter.SetActive (true);
2577 | addUSBFilter (filter, true /* isNew */);
2578 |
2579 | mUSBFilterListModified = true;
2580 | }
2581 |
2582 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbAddUSBFilterFrom_clicked()
2583 | {
2584 | usbDevicesMenu->exec (QCursor::pos());
2585 | }
2586 |
2587 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::menuAddUSBFilterFrom_activated (int aIndex)
2588 | {
2589 | CUSBDevice usb = usbDevicesMenu->getUSB (aIndex);
2590 | /* if null then some other item but a USB device is selected */
2591 | if (usb.isNull())
2592 | return;
2593 |
2594 | CUSBDeviceFilter filter = cmachine.GetUSBController()
2595 | .CreateDeviceFilter (vboxGlobal().details (usb));
2596 |
2597 | filter.SetVendorId (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetVendorId()));
2598 | filter.SetProductId (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetProductId()));
2599 | filter.SetRevision (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetRevision()));
2600 | /* The port property depends on the host computer rather than on the USB
2601 | * device itself; for this reason only a few people will want to use it in
2602 | * the filter since the same device plugged into a different socket will
2603 | * not match the filter in this case. */
2604 | #if 0
2605 | /// @todo set it anyway if Alt is currently pressed
2606 | filter.SetPort (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetPort()));
2607 | #endif
2608 | filter.SetManufacturer (usb.GetManufacturer());
2609 | filter.SetProduct (usb.GetProduct());
2610 | filter.SetSerialNumber (usb.GetSerialNumber());
2611 | filter.SetRemote (usb.GetRemote() ? "yes" : "no");
2612 |
2613 | filter.SetActive (true);
2614 | addUSBFilter (filter, true /* isNew */);
2615 |
2616 | mUSBFilterListModified = true;
2617 | }
2618 |
2619 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbRemoveUSBFilter_clicked()
2620 | {
2621 | QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem();
2622 | Assert (item);
2623 |
2624 | USBListItem *uli = static_cast <USBListItem *> (item);
2625 | QWidget *settings = wstUSBFilters->widget (uli->mId);
2626 | Assert (settings);
2627 | wstUSBFilters->removeWidget (settings);
2628 | delete settings;
2629 |
2630 | delete item;
2631 |
2632 | lvUSBFilters->setSelected (lvUSBFilters->currentItem(), true);
2633 | mUSBFilterListModified = true;
2634 | }
2635 |
2636 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbUSBFilterUp_clicked()
2637 | {
2638 | QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem();
2639 | Assert (item);
2640 |
2641 | QListViewItem *itemAbove = item->itemAbove();
2642 | Assert (itemAbove);
2643 | itemAbove = itemAbove->itemAbove();
2644 |
2645 | if (!itemAbove)
2646 | {
2647 | /* overcome Qt stupidity */
2648 | item->itemAbove()->moveItem (item);
2649 | }
2650 | else
2651 | item->moveItem (itemAbove);
2652 |
2653 | lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (item);
2654 | mUSBFilterListModified = true;
2655 | }
2656 |
2657 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbUSBFilterDown_clicked()
2658 | {
2659 | QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem();
2660 | Assert (item);
2661 |
2662 | QListViewItem *itemBelow = item->itemBelow();
2663 | Assert (itemBelow);
2664 |
2665 | item->moveItem (itemBelow);
2666 |
2667 | lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (item);
2668 | mUSBFilterListModified = true;
2669 | }
2670 |
2671 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsDlg.ui.moc"
2672 |