AudioOutput<html>The audio playback device <b>%1</b> does not work.<br/>Falling back to <b>%2</b>.</html><html>Perangkat pemutar audio <b>%1</b> tak bekerja.<br/>Beralih ke cadangan <b>%2</b>.</html><html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which just became available and has higher preference.</html><html>Bertukar ke perangkat pemutar audio <b>%1</b><br/>yang baru saja jadi tersedia dan memiliki preferensi lebih tinggi.</html>Revert back to device '%1'Kembali ke perangkat '%1'CloseButtonClose TabMAC_APPLICATION_MENUServicesLayananHide %1Sembunyikan %1Hide OthersSembunyikan LainnyaShow AllTampilkan SemuaPreferences...Preferensi...Quit %1Keluar %1About %1Tentang %1Phonon::NotificationsPemberitahuanMusicMusikVideoVideoCommunicationKomunikasiGamesPermainanAccessibilityAksesibilitasPhonon::Gstreamer::BackendWarning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed.
Some video features have been disabled.Peringatan: Sepertinya Anda belum memasang paket gstreamer0.10-plugins-good.
Beberapa fitur video telah dimatikan.Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed.
All audio and video support has been disabledPeringatan: Sepertinya Anda belum memasang plugin GStreamer dasar.
Semua dukungan audio dan video telah dimatikanPhonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectCannot start playback.
Check your Gstreamer installation and make sure you
have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.Tak bisa mulai memutar.
Periksa instalasi Gstreamer Anda dan pastikan bahwa
libgstreamer-plugins-base telah terpasang.A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0Sebuah codec yang diperlukan hilang. Anda perlu memasang codec berikut untuk memainkannya: %0Could not open media source.Tak bisa membuka sumber media.Invalid source type.Tipe sumber tak valid.Could not locate media source.Tak bisa menemukan sumber media.Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.Tak bisa membuka perangkat audio. Perangkat telah dipakai.Could not decode media source.Tak bisa men-decode sumber media.Phonon::VolumeSliderVolume: %1%Volume: %1%Use this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1%Gunakan penggeser ini untuk mengatur keras suara. Posisi paling kiri adalah 0%, paling kanan %1%Q3Accel%1, %2 not defined%1, %2 tak didefinisikanAmbiguous %1 not handled%1 ambigu tak ditanganiQ3DataTableTrueBenarFalseSalahInsertSisipkanUpdatePerbaruiDeleteHapusQ3FileDialogCopy or Move a FileSalin atau Pindah sebuah FileRead: %1Baca: %1Write: %1Tulis: %1CancelBatalAll Files (*)Semua File (*)NameNamaSizeUkuranTypeTipeDateTanggalAttributesAtribut&OK&OKLook &in:Lihat d&i:File &name:&Nama file:File &type:&Tipe file:BackMundurOne directory upNaik satu direktoriCreate New FolderBuat Folder BaruList ViewTilikan DaftarDetail ViewTilikan RinciPreview File InfoPratinjau Info FilePreview File ContentsPratinjau Isi FileRead-writeBaca-tulisRead-onlyBaca-sajaWrite-onlyTulis-sajaInaccessibleTak dapat diaksesSymlink to FileSymlink ke FileSymlink to DirectorySymlink ke DirektoriSymlink to SpecialSymlink ke SpesialFileFileDirDirSpecialSpesialOpenBukaSave AsSimpan Sebagai&Open&Buka&Save&Simpan&Rename&Ubah Nama&DeleteHapu&sR&eloadMuat &UlangSort by &NameUrut &NamaSort by &SizeUrut &UkuranSort by &DateUrut &Tanggal&UnsortedT&ak DiurutkanSortUrutkanShow &hidden files&Tampilkan file tersembunyithe filefilethe directorydirektorithe symlinksymlinkDelete %1Hapus %1<qt>Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"?</qt><qt>Anda yakin hendak menghapus %1 "%2"?</qt>&Yes&Ya&No&TidakNew Folder 1Folder Baru 1New FolderFolder BaruNew Folder %1Folder Baru %1Find DirectoryCari DirektoriDirectoriesDirektoriDirectory:Direktori:ErrorKesalahan%1
File not found.
Check path and filename.%1
File tak ditemukan.
Periksa path dan nama file.Q3LocalFsCould not read directory
%1Tak bisa membaca direktori
%1Could not create directory
%1Tak bisa membuat direktori
%1Could not remove file or directory
%1Tak bisa menghapus file atau direktori
%1Could not rename
%2Tak bisa mengubah nama
%2Could not open
%1Tak bisa membuka
%1Could not write
%1Tak bisa menulis
%1Q3MainWindowLine upBariskanCustomize...Gubah...Q3NetworkProtocolOperation stopped by the userOperasi dihentikan oleh penggunaQ3ProgressDialogCancelBatalQ3TabDialogOKOKApplyTerapkanHelpBantuanDefaultsBawaanCancelBatalQ3TextEdit&Undo&Batalkan&Redo&Jadi LagiCu&tPo&tong&Copy&Salin&PasteTem&pelClearBersihkanSelect AllPilih SemuaQ3TitleBarSystemSistemRestore upKembali naikMinimizeMinimalkanRestore downKembali turunMaximizeMaksimalkanCloseTutupContains commands to manipulate the windowMemuat perintah untuk memanipulasi windowPuts a minimized back to normalMengembalikan yang terminimumkan ke normalMoves the window out of the wayMemindah window agar tak menghalangiPuts a maximized window back to normalMengembalikan yang termaksimumkan ke normalMakes the window full screenMembuat window memenuhi layarCloses the windowMenutup windowHolds the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate itMenampilkan nama window dan mewadahi kendali untuk memanipulasikannyaQ3ToolBarMore...Lebih...Q3UrlOperatorThe protocol `%1' is not supportedProtokol '%1' tak didukungThe protocol `%1' does not support listing directoriesProtokol '%1' tak mendukung daftar direktoriThe protocol `%1' does not support creating new directoriesProtokol '%1' tak mendukung pembuatan direktori baruThe protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directoriesProtokol '%1' tak mendukung penghapusan file atau direktoriThe protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directoriesProtokol '%1' tak mendukung pengubahan nama file atau direktoriThe protocol `%1' does not support getting filesProtokol '%1' tak mendukung pengambilan fileThe protocol `%1' does not support putting filesProtokol '%1' tak mendukung peletakan fileThe protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directoriesProtokol '%1' tak mendukung penyalinan atau pemindahan file atau direktori(unknown)(tak dikenal)Q3Wizard&Cancel&Batal< &Back< Kem&bali&Next >La&njut >&Finish&Selesai&Help&BantuanQAbstractSocketHost not foundHost tak ditemukanConnection refusedKoneksi ditolakSocket operation timed outOperasi soket habis waktuSocket is not connectedSoket tak terhubungOperation on socket is not supportedConnection timed outKoneksi habis waktuTrying to connect while connection is in progressNetwork unreachableJaringan tak dapat dicapaiQAbstractSpinBox&Step up&NaikkanStep &down&Turunkan&Select AllPilih &SemuaQAccessibleActionInterfacePressTekanIncreaseDecreaseShowMenuSetFocusToggleJungkitkanScroll LeftGulung KiriScroll RightGulung KananScroll UpScroll DownPrevious PageNext PageTriggers the actionIncrease the valueDecrease the valueShows the menuSets the focusToggles the stateScrolls to the leftScrolls to the rightScrolls upScrolls downGoes back a pageGoes to the next pageQAndroidPlatformThemeYesYaYes to AllNoTidakNo to AllQApplicationActivateAktifkanExecutable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.Executable '%1 memerlukan Qt %2, menemukan Qt %3.Incompatible Qt Library ErrorKesalahan Pustaka Qt Yang Tak KompatibelQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONTranslate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.LTRActivates the program's main windowAktifkan window utama programQCheckBoxUncheckHapus contrengCheckContrengToggleJungkitkanQCocoaMenuItemAbout QtTentang QtAboutConfigPreferenceOptionsOpsiSettingSetupQuitKeluarExitCutPotongCopySalinPasteTempelSelect AllPilih SemuaQCocoaThemeDon't SaveJangan SimpanQColorDialogHu&e:Hu&e:&Sat:&Sat:&Val:&Val:&Red:Me&rah:&Green:&Hijau:Bl&ue:Bir&u:A&lpha channel:Kanal a&lfa:&Basic colorsWarna &dasar&Custom colorsWarna &gubahan&Add to Custom ColorsT&ambahkan ke Warna GubahanSelect colorPilih warna&HTML:Cursor at %1, %2
Press ESC to cancelSelect Color&Pick Screen ColorQComboBoxOpenBukaFalseSalahTrueBenarCloseTutupOpen the combo box selection popupQCommandLineParserDisplays version information.Displays this help.Unknown option '%1'.Unknown options: %1.Missing value after '%1'.Unexpected value after '%1'.[options]Usage: %1Options:Arguments:QCoreApplication%1: permission deniedQSystemSemaphore%1: ijin ditolak%1: already existsQSystemSemaphore%1: telah ada%1: doesn't existsQSystemSemaphore%1: tidak ada%1: out of resourcesQSystemSemaphore%1: kehabisan sumber daya%1: unknown error %2QSystemSemaphore%1: kesalahan tak dikenal %2%1: key is emptyQSystemSemaphore%1: kunci kosong%1: unable to make keyQSystemSemaphore%1: tak bisa membuat kunci%1: ftok failedQSystemSemaphore%1: ftok gagalQCupsJobWidgetJobJob ControlScheduled printing:Billing information:Job priority:Banner PagesEnd:Banner page at endStart:Banner page at startPrint ImmediatelyHold IndefinitelyDay (06:00 to 17:59)Night (18:00 to 05:59)Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)Specific TimeNoneCUPS Banner pageNihilStandardCUPS Banner pageUnclassifiedCUPS Banner pageConfidentialCUPS Banner pageClassifiedCUPS Banner pageSecretCUPS Banner pageTop SecretCUPS Banner pageQDB2DriverUnable to connectTak bisa menyambungUnable to commit transactionTak bisa commit transaksiUnable to rollback transactionTak bisa rollback transaksiUnable to set autocommitTak bisa menata autocommitQDB2ResultUnable to execute statementTak bisa mengeksekusi pernyataanUnable to prepare statementTak bisa menyiapkan pernyataanUnable to bind variableTak bisa mem-bind variabelUnable to fetch record %1Tak bisa mengambil record %1Unable to fetch nextTak bisa mengambil berikutnyaUnable to fetch firstTak bisa mengambil yang pertamaQDBusTrayIconOKOKQDateTimeEditAMAMamamPMPMpmpmQDateTimeParserAMAMamamPMPMpmpmQDialQDialQDialSpeedoMeterSpeedoMeterSliderHandleSliderHandleQDialogWhat's This?Apa Ini?DoneSelesaiQDialogButtonBoxOKOKSaveSimpanOpenBukaCancelBatalCloseTutupApplyTerapkanResetResetHelpBantuanDon't SaveJangan SimpanDiscardBuang&Yes&YaYes to &AllYa untuk Semu&a&No&TidakN&o to AllT&idak untuk SemuaSave AllSimpan SemuaAbortGugurkanRetryCoba LagiIgnoreAbaikanRestore DefaultsKembalikan BawaanClose without SavingTutup tanpa Menyimpan&OK&OKQDirModelNameNamaSizeUkuranKindMatch OS X FinderJenisTypeAll other platformsTipeDate ModifiedTanggal DiubahQDnsLookupOperation cancelledQDnsLookupRunnableIPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supportedInvalid domain nameNot yet supported on AndroidResolver functions not foundResolver initialization failedServer could not process queryServer failureNon existent domainServer refused to answerInvalid reply receivedCould not expand domain nameInvalid IPv4 address recordInvalid IPv6 address recordInvalid canonical name recordInvalid name server recordInvalid pointer recordInvalid mail exchange recordInvalid service recordInvalid text recordResolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading supportNo hostname givenInvalid hostnameHost %1 could not be found.Unknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalQDockWidgetCloseAccessible name for button closing a dock widgetTutupDockDokFloatAccessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)AmbangkanUndocks and re-attaches the dock widgetCloses the dock widgetQDoubleSpinBoxMoreLebihLessKurangQErrorMessageDebug Message:Pesan Debug:Warning:Peringatan:Fatal Error:Kesalahan Fatal:&Show this message againTampilkan lagi pe&san ini&OK&OKQFileDestination file is the same file.Source file does not exist.Destination file existsError while renaming.Unable to restore from %1: %2Will not rename sequential file using block copyCannot remove source fileCannot open %1 for inputCannot open for outputFailure to write blockCannot create %1 for outputQFileDeviceNo file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtensionQFileDialogAll Files (*)Semua File (*)DirectoriesDirektori&Open&Buka&Save&SimpanOpenBuka%1 already exists.
Do you want to replace it?%1 telah ada.
Anda ingin menggantikannya?%1
File not found.
Please verify the correct file name was given.%1
File tak ditemukan.
Mohon periksa bahwa nama file yang diberikan benar.My ComputerKomputerku&Rename&Ubah Nama&DeleteHapu&sShow &hidden files&Tampilkan file tersembunyiBackMundurParent DirectoryDirektori IndukList ViewTilikan DaftarDetail ViewTilikan RinciFiles of type:File dengan tipe:Directory:Direktori:%1
Directory not found.
Please verify the correct directory name was given.%1
Direktori tak ditemukan.
Mohon periksa bahwa nama direktori yang diberikan benar.'%1' is write protected.
Do you want to delete it anyway?%1 terlindung-tulis.
Anda tetap ingin menghapusnya?Are sure you want to delete '%1'?Anda yakin hendak menghapus '%1'?Could not delete directory.Tak bisa menghapus direktori.Save AsSimpan SebagaiDriveDriveFileFileUnknownTak DikenalFind DirectoryCari DirektoriShow TampilkanForwardMajuNew FolderFolder Baru&New FolderFolder &Baru&Choose&PilihRemoveHapusFile &name:&Nama file:Look in:Lihat di:Create New FolderBuat Folder BaruGo backAlt+LeftGo forwardAlt+RightGo to the parent directoryAlt+UpCreate a New FolderChange to list view modeChange to detail view modeSidebarList of places and bookmarksFilesAll files (*)DeleteHapusAre you sure you want to delete '%1'?Recent Places%1 File%1 is a file name suffix, for example txtFile FolderMatch Windows ExplorerFolderAll other platformsAliasOS X FinderShortcutAll other platformsQFileSystemModelInvalid filenameNama file tak valid<b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.<b>Nama "%1" tak bisa dipakai.</b><p>Cobalah memakai nama lain, dengan lebih sedikit karakter atau tanpa tanda pungtuasi.NameNamaSizeUkuranKindMatch OS X FinderJenisTypeAll other platformsTipeDate ModifiedTanggal DiubahMy ComputerKomputerkuComputerKomputer%1 TB%1 TB%1 GB%1 GB%1 MB%1 MB%1 KB%1 kB%1 bytes%1 byte%1 byte(s)QFontDatabaseNormalNormalBoldTebalDemi BoldDemi BoldBlackHitamDemiThe word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searchesDemiLightRinganItalicMiringObliqueObliqueAnyApapunLatinLatinGreekYunaniCyrillicSirilikArmenianArmeniaHebrewIbraniArabicArabSyriacSiriaThaanaThaanaDevanagariDevanagriBengaliBengalGurmukhiGurmukhiGujaratiGujaratOriyaOriyaTamilTamilTeluguTeluguKannadaKannadaMalayalamMalayalamSinhalaSinhalaThaiThailandLaoLaosTibetanTibetMyanmarBurmaGeorgianGeorgiaKhmerKhmerSimplified ChineseCina DisederhanakanTraditional ChineseCina TradisionalJapaneseJepangKoreanKoreaVietnameseVietnamSymbolSimbolOghamOghamRunicRunikNormalThe Normal or Regular font weightNormalMediumThe Medium font weightThinExtra LightExtra BoldExtraThe word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searchesN'KoQFontDialog&Font&FontFont st&yleGa&ya font&Size&UkuranEffectsEfekStri&keoutDi&coret&Underline&Garis bawahSampleContohWr&iting SystemSistem Menul&isSelect FontPilih FontQFtpNot connectedTak terhubungHost %1 not foundHost %1 tak ditemukanConnection refused to host %1Sambungan ditolak ke host %1Connected to host %1Tersambung ke host %1Connection refused for data connectionSambungan ditolak untuk koneksi dataUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalConnecting to host failed:
%1Menyambung ke host gagal: %1Login failed:
%1Login gagal:
%1Listing directory failed:
%1Mendaftar direktori gagal:
%1Changing directory failed:
%1Berpindah direktori gagal:
%1Downloading file failed:
%1Mengunduh file gagal:
%1Uploading file failed:
%1Mengunggah file gagal:
%1Removing file failed:
%1Menghapus file gagal:
%1Creating directory failed:
%1Membuat direktori gagal:
%1Removing directory failed:
%1Menghapus direktori gagal:
%1Connection closedSambungan ditutupHost %1 foundHost %1 ditemukanConnection to %1 closedSambungan ke %1 ditutupHost foundHost ditemukanConnected to hostTersambung ke hostConnection timed out to host %1Data Connection refusedQGnomeTheme&OK&OK&Save&Simpan&Cancel&Batal&CloseTutu&pClose without SavingTutup tanpa MenyimpanQGuiApplicationQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONTranslate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.LTRQHostInfoUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalNo host name givenQHostInfoAgentHost not foundHost tak ditemukanUnknown address typeTipe alamat tak dikenalUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalNo host name givenInvalid hostnameUnknown error (%1)QHttpUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalRequest abortedPermintaan digugurkanNo server set to connect toServer untuk dihubungi tak ditataWrong content lengthPanjang isi salahServer closed connection unexpectedlyServer menutup koneksi tak terdugaConnection refusedSambungan ditolakHost %1 not foundHost %1 tak ditemukanHTTP request failedPermintaan HTTP gagalInvalid HTTP response headerHeader respon HTTP tak validInvalid HTTP chunked bodyBody chunked HTTP tak validHost %1 foundHost %1 ditemukanConnected to host %1Tersambung ke host %1Connection to %1 closedSambungan ke %1 ditutupHost foundHost ditemukanConnected to hostTersambung ke hostConnection closedSambungan ditutupProxy authentication requiredOtentikasi proksi diperlukanAuthentication requiredOtentikasi diperlukanHTTPS connection requested but SSL support not compiled inKoneksi HTTPS diminta tapi dukungan SSL tak disertakan saat kompailConnection refused (or timed out)Sambungan ditolak (atau habis waktu)Proxy requires authenticationProksi memerlukan otentikasiHost requires authenticationHost memerlukan otentikasiData corruptedData terkorupsiUnknown protocol specifiedProtokol tak dikenal dinyatakanSSL handshake failedHandshake SSL gagalToo many redirectsInsecure redirectQHttpSocketEngineAuthentication requiredOtentikasi diperlukanDid not receive HTTP response from proxyError parsing authentication request from proxyProxy denied connectionError communicating with HTTP proxyProxy server not foundProxy connection refusedProxy server connection timed outProxy connection closed prematurelyQIBaseDriverError opening databaseKesalahan saat membuka databaseCould not start transactionTak bisa memulai transaksiUnable to commit transactionTak bisa commit transaksiUnable to rollback transactionTak bisa rollback transaksiQIBaseResultUnable to create BLOBTak bisa membuat BLOBUnable to write BLOBTak bisa menulis BLOBUnable to open BLOBTak bisa membuka BLOBUnable to read BLOBTak bisa membaca BLOBCould not find arrayTak bisa temukan arrayCould not get array dataTak bisa mendapat data arrayCould not get query infoTak bisa mendapat info queryCould not start transactionTak bisa memulai transaksiUnable to commit transactionTak bisa commit transaksiCould not allocate statementTak bisa mengalokasikan pernyataanCould not prepare statementTak bisa menyiapkan pernyataanCould not describe input statementTak bisa menjelaskan pernyataan masukanCould not describe statementTak bisa menjelaskan pernyataanUnable to close statementTak bisa menutup pernyataanUnable to execute queryTak bisa mengeksekusi queryCould not fetch next itemTak bisa mengambil butir berikutnyaCould not get statement infoTak bisa mendapat info pernyataanQIODevicePermission deniedIjin ditolakToo many open filesTerlalu banyak file terbukaNo such file or directoryFile atau direktori tak adaNo space left on deviceTak ada ruang tersisa pada perangkatUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalfile to open is a directoryQImageReaderInvalid deviceFile not foundUnsupported image formatUnable to read image dataUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalQImageWriterUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalDevice is not setDevice not writableUnsupported image formatQInputContextXIMXIMXIM input methodMetoda masukan XIMWindows input methodMetoda masukan WindowsMac OS X input methodMetoda masuka Mac OS XQInputDialogEnter a value:QJsonParseErrorno error occurredtak terjadi kesalahanunterminated objectmissing name separatorunterminated arraymissing value separatorillegal valueinvalid termination by numberillegal numberinvalid escape sequenceinvalid UTF8 stringunterminated stringobject is missing after a commatoo deeply nested documenttoo large documentgarbage at the end of the documentQKeySequenceEditPress shortcut%1, ...This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."QLibraryQLibrary::load_sys: Cannot load %1 (%2)QLibrary::load_sys: Tak bisa memuat %1 (%2)QLibrary::unload_sys: Cannot unload %1 (%2)QLibrary::unload_sys: Tak bisa membongkar %1 (%2)QLibrary::resolve_sys: Symbol "%1" undefined in %2 (%3)QLibrary::resolve_sys: Simbol "%1" tak terdefinisi dalam %2 (%3)Could not mmap '%1': %2Tak bisa mmap '%1': %2Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'Data verifikasi plugin tak cocok dalam '%1'Could not unmap '%1': %2Tak bisa unmap '%1': %2The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]Plugin '%1' memakai pustaka Qt yang tak kompatibel. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"Plugin '%1' memakai pustaka Qt yang tak kompatibel. Mengharapkan kunci build "%2", mendapat "%3"Unknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalThe shared library was not found.Pustaka bersama tak ditemukan.The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.File '%1' bukan plugin Qt yang valid.The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)Plugin '%1' memakai pustaka Qt yang tak kompatibel. (Tak bisa mencampur pustaka debug dan rilis.)'%1' is not an ELF object (%2)'%1' is not an ELF object'%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'Cannot load library %1: %2Cannot unload library %1: %2Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3'%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)file is corruptfile too smallno suitable architecture in fat binaryinvalid magic %1wrong architecturenot a dynamic library'%1' is not a Qt pluginQLineEdit&Undo&Batalkan&Redo&Jadi LagiCu&tPo&tong&Copy&Salin&PasteTem&pelDeleteHapusSelect AllPilih SemuaQLocalServer%1: Name error%1: Kesalahan nama%1: Permission denied%1: Ijin ditolak%1: Address in use%1: Alamat dipakai%1: Unknown error %2%1: Kesalahan tak dikenal %2QLocalSocket%1: Connection refused%1: Koneksi ditolak%1: Remote closed%1: Remote ditutup%1: Invalid name%1: Nama tak valid%1: Socket access error%1: Kesalahan akses soket%1: Socket resource error%1: Kesalahan sumber daya soket%1: Socket operation timed out%1: Operasi soket habis waktu%1: Datagram too large%1: Datagram terlalu besar%1: Connection error%1: Kesalahan koneksi%1: The socket operation is not supported%1: Operasi soket tak didukung%1: Unknown error %2%1: Kesalahan tak dikenal %2%1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state%1: Unknown errorTrying to connect while connection is in progress%1: Access deniedQMYSQLDriverUnable to open database 'Tak bisa membuka database 'Unable to connectTak bisa menyambungUnable to begin transactionTak bisa memulai transaksiUnable to commit transactionTak bisa commit transaksiUnable to rollback transactionTak bisa rollback transaksiUnable to allocate a MYSQL objectUnable to open database '%1'QMYSQLResultUnable to fetch dataTak bisa mengambil dataUnable to execute queryTak bisa mengeksekusi queryUnable to store resultTak bisa menyimpan hasilUnable to prepare statementTak bisa menyiapkan pernyataanUnable to reset statementTak bisa mereset pernyataanUnable to bind valueTak bisa mem-bind nilaiUnable to execute statementTak bisa mengeksekusi pernyataanUnable to bind outvaluesTak bisa mem-bind outvalueUnable to store statement resultsTak bisa menyimpan hasil pernyataanUnable to execute next queryTak bisa mengeksekusi query berikutnyaUnable to store next resultTak bisa menyimpan hasil berikutnyaQMdiArea(Untitled)(Tanpa judul)QMdiSubWindow%1 - [%2]%1 - [%2]CloseTutupMinimizeMinimalkanRestore DownKembali Turun&Restore&Kembalikan&Move&Pindahkan&Size&UkuranMi&nimizeMi&nimalkanMa&ximizeMa&ksimalkanStay on &Top&Tetap di Atas&CloseTutu&p- [%1]- [%1]MaximizeMaksimalkanUnshadeHapus BayangShadeBerbayangRestoreKembalikanHelpBantuanMenuMenuQMenuCloseTutupOpenBukaExecuteJalankanQMessageBoxHelpBantuanOKOKAbout QtTentang Qt<p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p><p>Program ini memakai Qt versi %1.</p>Show Details...Tampilkan Rincian...Hide Details...Sembunyikan Rincian...<p>This program uses Qt Open Source Edition version %1.</p><p>Qt Open Source Edition is intended for the development of Open Source applications. You need a commercial Qt license for development of proprietary (closed source) applications.</p><p>Please see <a href=""></a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Program ini memakai Qt Open Source Edition versi %1.</p><p>Qt Open Source Edition ditujukan bagi pengembangan aplikasi Open Source. Anda perlu lisensi komersial Qt bagi pengembangan aplikasi proprietary (closed source).</p><p>Silakan lihat <a href=""></a> untuk ringkasan tentang masalah lisensi Qt.</p><h3>About Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt is a Nokia product. See <a href=""></a> for more information.</p><h3>Tentang Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt adalah toolkit C++ untuk pengembangan aplikasi lintas platform.</p><p>Qt menyediakan portabilitas sumber tunggal mencakup MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, dan semua varian Unix komersial utama. Qt juga tersedia bagi device embedded sebagai Qt for Embedded Linux dan Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt adalah sebuah produk Nokia. Lihat <a href=""></a> untuk informasi lebih lanjut.</p><h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>QMultiInputContextSelect IMPilih IMQMultiInputContextPluginMultiple input method switcherPenukar metoda masukan bergandaMultiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgetsPenukar metoda masukan berganda yang memakai menu konteks dari widget teksQNativeSocketEngineThe remote host closed the connectionHost remote menutup koneksiNetwork operation timed outOperasi jaringan habis waktuOut of resourcesKehabisan sumber dayaUnsupported socket operationOperasi soket yang tak didukungProtocol type not supportedTipe protokol tak didukungInvalid socket descriptorDescriptor soket tak validNetwork unreachableJaringan tak dapat dicapaiPermission deniedIjin ditolakConnection timed outKoneksi habis waktuConnection refusedKoneksi ditolakThe bound address is already in useAlamat yang di-bind telah dipakaiThe address is not availableAlamat tak tersediaThe address is protectedAlamat terproteksiUnable to send a messageTak bisa mengirim pesanUnable to receive a messageTak bisa menerima pesanUnable to writeTak bisa menulisNetwork errorKesalahan jaringanAnother socket is already listening on the same portSoket lain telah mendengarkan pada port yang samaUnable to initialize non-blocking socketTak bisa menginisialisasi soket non-blockingUnable to initialize broadcast socketTak bisa menginisialisasi soket broadcastAttempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportPercobaan memakai soket IPv6 pada sebuah platform tanpa dukungan IPv6Host unreachableHost tak dapat dicapaiDatagram was too large to sendDatagram terlalu besar untuk dikirimOperation on non-socketOperasi pada bukan soketUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalThe proxy type is invalid for this operationTipe proksi tak valid bagi operasi iniTemporary errorNetwork dropped connection on resetConnection reset by peerQNetworkAccessCacheBackendError opening %1QNetworkAccessDataBackendInvalid URI: %1URI tak valid: %1QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackendWrite error writing to %1: %2Kesalahan saat menulis ke %1: %2Socket error on %1: %2Kesalahan soket pada %1: %2Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1Host remote menutup koneksi secara dini pada %1QNetworkAccessFileBackendRequest for opening non-local file %1Meminta membuka file non-lokal %1Error opening %1: %2Kesalahan saat membuka %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2Kesalahan saat menulis ke %1: %2Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryTak bisa membuka %1: Path adalah direktoriRead error reading from %1: %2Kesalahan saat membaca dari %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendCannot open %1: is a directoryTak bisa membuka %1: itu adalah direktoriLogging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredLogin ke %1 gagal: otentikasi diperlukanError while downloading %1: %2Kesalahan ketika mengunduh %1: %2Error while uploading %1: %2Kesalahan ketika mengunggah %1: %2No suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessManagerNetwork access is disabled.QNetworkReplyError downloading %1 - server replied: %2Kesalahan mendownload %1 - server menjawab: %2Protocol "%1" is unknownProtokol "%1" tak dikenalError transferring %1 - server replied: %2Background request not allowed.Network session error.backend start error.Temporary network failure.QNetworkReplyHttpImplOperation canceledOperasi dibatalkanNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkReplyImplOperation canceledOperasi dibatalkanQNetworkSessionInvalid configuration.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplUnknown session error.The session was aborted by the user or system.The requested operation is not supported by the system.The specified configuration cannot be used.Roaming was aborted or is not possible.QOCIDriverUnable to logonTak bisa logonUnable to initializeQOCIDriverTak bisa menginisialisasiUnable to begin transactionTak bisa memulai transaksiUnable to commit transactionTak bisa commit transaksiUnable to rollback transactionTak bisa rollback transaksiQOCIResultUnable to bind column for batch executeTak bisa mem-bind kolom untuk eksekusi batchUnable to execute batch statementTak bisa mengeksekusi pernyataan batchUnable to goto nextTak bisa goto nextUnable to alloc statementTak bisa alloc pernyataanUnable to prepare statementTak bisa menyiapkan pernyataanUnable to bind valueTak bisa mem-bind nilaiUnable to execute select statementTak bisa mengeksekusi pernyataan selectUnable to execute statementTak bisa mengeksekusi pernyataanUnable to get statement typeQODBCDriverUnable to connectTak bisa menyambungUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionalityTak bisa menyambung - Driver tak mendukung semua fungsionalitas yang diperlukanUnable to disable autocommitTak bisa mematikan autocommitUnable to commit transactionTak bisa commit transaksiUnable to rollback transactionTak bisa rollback transaksiUnable to enable autocommitTak bisa menghidupkan autocommitUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality requiredQODBCResultQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configurationQODBCResult::reset: Tak bisa menata 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' sebagai atribut pernyataan. Mohon periksa konfigurasi driver ODBC AndaUnable to execute statementTak bisa mengeksekusi pernyataanUnable to fetch nextTak bisa mengambil berikutnyaUnable to prepare statementTak bisa menyiapkan pernyataanUnable to bind variableTak bisa mem-bind variabelUnable to fetch lastTak bisa mengambil yang terakhirUnable to fetchTak bisa mengambilUnable to fetch firstTak bisa mengambil yang pertamaUnable to fetch previousTak bisa mengambil sebelumnyaQObjectOperation not supported on %1Operasi tak didukung pada %1Invalid URI: %1URI tak valid: %1Write error writing to %1: %2Kesalahan saat menulis ke %1: %2Read error reading from %1: %2Kesalahan saat membaca dari %1: %2Socket error on %1: %2Kesalahan soket pada %1: %2Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1Host remote menutup koneksi secara dini pada %1Protocol error: packet of size 0 receivedKesalahan protokol: paket berukuran 0 diterimaQPPDOptionsModelNameNamaValueNilaiQPSQLDriverUnable to connectTak bisa menyambungCould not begin transactionTak bisa memulai transaksiCould not commit transactionTak bisa commit transaksiCould not rollback transactionTak bisa rollback transaksiUnable to subscribeTak bisa berlanggananUnable to unsubscribeTak bisa berhenti berlanggananQPSQLResultUnable to create queryTak bisa membuat queryUnable to prepare statementTak bisa menyiapkan pernyataanQPageSetupWidgetCentimeters (cm)Sentimeter (cm)Millimeters (mm)Milimeter (mm)Inches (in)Inci (in)Points (pt)Poin (pt)FormFormPaperKertasPage size:Ukuran halaman:Width:Lebar:Height:Tinggi:Paper source:Sumber kertas:OrientationOrientasiPortraitPotretLandscapeLandscapeReverse landscapeLandscape terbalikReverse portraitPotret terbalikMarginsBatastop marginbatas atasleft marginbatas kiriright marginbatas kananbottom marginbatas bawahPage LayoutPage order:Pages per sheet:Pica (P̸)Didot (DD)Cicero (CC)CustomGubahanmmUnit 'Millimeter'ptUnit 'Points'inUnit 'Inch'P̸Unit 'Pica'DDUnit 'Didot'CCUnit 'Cicero'QPageSizeCustom (%1mm x %2mm)Custom size name in millimetersCustom (%1pt x %2pt)Custom size name in pointsCustom (%1in x %2in)Custom size name in inchesCustom (%1pc x %2pc)Custom size name in picasCustom (%1DD x %2DD)Custom size name in didotsCustom (%1CC x %2CC)Custom size name in ciceros%1 x %2 inPage size in 'Inch'.A0A0A1A1A2A2A3A3A4A4A5A5A6A6A7A7A8A8A9A9A10A10B0B0B1B1B2B2B3B3B4B4B5B5B6B6B7B7B8B8B9B9B10B10Executive (7.5 x 10 in)Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)Folio (8.27 x 13 in)LegalLegalLetter / ANSI ATabloid / ANSI BLedger / ANSI BCustomGubahanA3 ExtraA4 ExtraA4 PlusA4 SmallA5 ExtraB5 ExtraJIS B0JIS B1JIS B2JIS B3JIS B4JIS B5JIS B6JIS B7JIS B8JIS B9JIS B10ANSI CANSI DANSI ELegal ExtraLetter ExtraLetter PlusLetter SmallTabloid ExtraArchitect AArchitect BArchitect CArchitect DArchitect ENoteQuartoStatementSuper ASuper BPostcardDouble PostcardPRC 16KPRC 32KPRC 32K BigFan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)Envelope B4Envelope B5Envelope B6Envelope C0Envelope C1Envelope C2Envelope C3Envelope C4Envelope C5Envelope C6Envelope C65Envelope C7Envelope DLEnvelope US 9Envelope US 10Envelope US 11Envelope US 12Envelope US 14Envelope MonarchEnvelope PersonalEnvelope Chou 3Envelope Chou 4Envelope InviteEnvelope ItalianEnvelope Kaku 2Envelope Kaku 3Envelope PRC 1Envelope PRC 2Envelope PRC 3Envelope PRC 4Envelope PRC 5Envelope PRC 6Envelope PRC 7Envelope PRC 8Envelope PRC 9Envelope PRC 10Envelope You 4QPlatformThemeOKOKSaveSimpanSave AllSimpan SemuaOpenBuka&Yes&YaYes to &AllYa untuk Semu&a&No&TidakN&o to AllT&idak untuk SemuaAbortGugurkanRetryCoba LagiIgnoreAbaikanCloseTutupCancelBatalDiscardBuangHelpBantuanApplyTerapkanResetResetRestore DefaultsKembalikan BawaanQPluginLoaderUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalThe plugin was not loaded.Plugin tak dimuat.QPrintDialoglocally connectedtersambung secara lokalAliases: %1Alias: %1unknowntak dikenalPrint To File ...Cetak Ke File ...File %1 is not writable.
Please choose a different file name.File %1 tak dapat ditulisi.
Silakan pilih nama file lain.%1 already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?%1 telah ada.
Apakah Anda hendak menimpanya?%1 is a directory.
Please choose a different file name.%1 adalah direktori.
Silakan pilih nama file lain.A0A0A1A1A2A2A3A3A4A4A5A5A6A6A7A7A8A8A9A9B0B0B1B1B2B2B3B3B4B4B5B5B6B6B7B7B8B8B9B9B10B10C5EC5EDLEDLEExecutiveEksekutifFolioFolioLedgerLedgerLegalLegalLetterLetterTabloidTabloidUS Common #10 EnvelopeAmplop Biasa #10 ASCustomGubahan&Options >>&Opsi >>&Print&Cetak&Options <<&Opsi <<Print to File (PDF)Cetak ke File (PDF)Print to File (Postscript)Cetak ke File (Postscript)Local fileFile lokalWrite %1 fileTulis file %1PrintLeft to Right, Top to BottomLeft to Right, Bottom to TopRight to Left, Bottom to TopRight to Left, Top to BottomBottom to Top, Left to RightBottom to Top, Right to LeftTop to Bottom, Left to RightTop to Bottom, Right to Left1 (1x1)2 (2x1)4 (2x2)6 (2x3)9 (3x3)16 (4x4)All PagesOdd PagesEven PagesWrite PDF fileOptions 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
Please turn one of those options off.The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.OKOKAutomaticQPrintPreviewDialogPage SetupPenyiapan HalamanPrint PreviewPratinjau CetakNext pageHalaman berikutnyaPrevious pageHalaman sebelumnyaFirst pageHalaman pertamaLast pageHalaman terakhirFit widthPas lebarFit pagePas halamanZoom inZum perbesarZoom outZum perkecilPortraitPotretLandscapeLandscapeShow single pageTampilkan halaman tunggalShow facing pagesTampilkan halaman berhadapanShow overview of all pagesTampilkan ringkasan semua halamanPrintCetakPage setupPenyiapan halamanCloseTutup%1%Export to PDFQPrintPropertiesDialogPrinter PropertiesJob OptionsQPrintPropertiesWidgetFormFormPageHalamanAdvancedTingkat lanjutQPrintSettingsOutputFormFormCopiesSalinanPrint rangeJangkauan cetakPrint allCetak semuaPages fromHalaman daritosampaiSelectionPilihanOutput SettingsPengaturan KeluaranCopies:Salinan:CollateKolasiReverseBalikOptionsOpsiColor ModeMode WarnaColorWarnaGrayscaleGrayscaleDuplex PrintingPencetakan DupleksNoneNihilLong sideSisi panjangShort sideSisi pendekCurrent PagePage Set:QPrintWidgetFormFormPrinterPrinter&Name:&Nama:P&ropertiesP&ropertiLocation:Lokasi:PreviewPratinjauType:Tipe:Output &file:&File keluaran:......QProcessProcess failed to startProcess crashedProcess operation timed outError reading from processError writing to processNo program definedCould not open input redirection for readingResource error (fork failure): %1Could not open output redirection for writingProcess failed to start: %1QProgressDialogCancelBatalQPushButtonOpenBukaQQnxFileDialogHelperAll files (*.*)QQnxFilePickerPick a fileQRadioButtonCheckPeriksaQRegExpno error occurredtak terjadi kesalahandisabled feature usedfitur yang dimatikan dipakaibad char class syntaxsintaks kelas karakter burukbad lookahead syntaxsintaks lookahead burukbad repetition syntaxsintaks pengulangan burukinvalid octal valuenilai oktal tak validmissing left delimdelim kiri hilangunexpected endakhir tak diharapkanmet internal limitmencapai batas internallookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371invalid intervalinvalid categoryQRegularExpressionno error\ at end of pattern\c at end of patternunrecognized character follows \numbers out of order in {} quantifiernumber too big in {} quantifiermissing terminating ] for character classinvalid escape sequence in character classrange out of order in character classnothing to repeatinternal error: unexpected repeatunrecognized character after (? or (?-POSIX named classes are supported only within a classmissing )reference to non-existent subpatternerroffset passed as NULLunknown option bit(s) setmissing ) after commentregular expression is too largefailed to get memoryunmatched parenthesesinternal error: code overflowunrecognized character after (?<lookbehind assertion is not fixed lengthmalformed number or name after (?(conditional group contains more than two branchesassertion expected after (?((?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )unknown POSIX class namePOSIX collating elements are not supportedthis version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 supportcharacter value in \x{...} sequence is too largeinvalid condition (?(0)\C not allowed in lookbehind assertionPCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \unumber after (?C is > 255closing ) for (?C expectedrecursive call could loop indefinitelyunrecognized character after (?Psyntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)two named subpatterns have the same nameinvalid UTF-8 stringsupport for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiledmalformed \P or \p sequenceunknown property name after \P or \psubpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)internal error: overran compiling workspaceinternal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not foundDEFINE group contains more than one branchrepeating a DEFINE group is not allowedinconsistent NEWLINE options\g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain numbera numbered reference must not be zeroan argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)(*VERB) not recognizednumber is too bigsubpattern name expecteddigit expected after (?+] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility modedifferent names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed(*MARK) must have an argumentthis version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support\c must be followed by an ASCII character\k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted nameinternal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()\N is not supported in a classtoo many forward referencesdisallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)invalid UTF-16 stringname is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)character value in \u.... sequence is too largeinvalid UTF-32 stringsetting UTF is disabled by the applicationnon-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)missing opening brace after \oparentheses are too deeply nestedinvalid range in character classgroup name must start with a non-digitparentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)digits missing in \x{} or \o{}QSQLite2DriverError to open databaseKesalahan membuka databaseUnable to begin transactionTak bisa memulai transaksiUnable to commit transactionTak bisa commit transaksiUnable to rollback TransactionTak bisa rollback transaksiError opening databaseKesalahan saat membuka databaseUnable to rollback transactionTak bisa rollback transaksiQSQLite2ResultUnable to fetch resultsTak bisa mengambil hasilUnable to execute statementTak bisa mengeksekusi pernyataanQSQLiteDriverError opening databaseKesalahan saat membuka databaseError closing databaseKesalahan saat menutup databaseUnable to begin transactionTak bisa memulai transaksiUnable to commit transactionTak bisa commit transaksiUnable to rollback transactionTak bisa rollback transaksiQSQLiteResultUnable to fetch rowTak bisa mengambil barisUnable to execute statementTak bisa mengeksekusi pernyataanUnable to reset statementTak bisa mereset pernyataanUnable to bind parametersTak bisa mem-bind parameterParameter count mismatchCacah parameter tak cocokNo queryTak ada queryUnable to execute multiple statements at a timeQSaveFileExisting file %1 is not writableFilename refers to a directoryWriting canceled by applicationQScrollBarScroll hereGulung ke siniLeft edgeTepi kiriTopPuncakRight edgeTepi kananBottomDasarPage leftHalaman kiriPage upHalaman naikPage rightHalaman kananPage downHalaman turunScroll leftGulung kiriScroll upGulung atasScroll rightGulung kananScroll downGulung bawahLine upBaris naikPositionPosisiLine downBaris turunQSharedMemory%1: unable to set key on lock%1: tak bisa menata kunci pada gembok%1: create size is less then 0%1: ukuran pembuatan kurang dari 0%1: unable to lock%1: tak bisa mengunci%1: unable to unlock%1: tak bisa membuka kunci%1: permission denied%1: ijin ditolak%1: already exists%1: telah ada%1: doesn't exists%1: tidak ada%1: out of resources%1: kehabisan sumber daya%1: unknown error %2%1: kesalahan tak dikenal %2%1: key is empty%1: kunci kosong%1: unix key file doesn't exists%1: file kunci unix tak ada%1: ftok failed%1: ftok gagal%1: unable to make key%1: tak bisa membuat kunci%1: system-imposed size restrictions%1: pembatasan ukuran dari sistem%1: not attached%1: tak tercantol%1: bad name%1: UNIX key file doesn't exist%1: doesn't exist%1: invalid size%1: key error%1: size query failedQShortcutSpaceThis and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.SpasiEscEscTabTabBacktabBacktabBackspaceBackspaceReturnReturnEnterEnterInsInsDelDelPausePausePrintPrintSysReqSysReqHomeHomeEndEndLeftKiriUpNaikRightKananDownTurunPgUpPgUpPgDownPgDownCapsLockCapsLockNumLockNumLockScrollLockScrollLockMenuMenuHelpBantuanBackMundurForwardMajuStopStopRefreshSegarkanVolume DownVolume TurunVolume MuteVolume BisuVolume UpVolume NaikBass BoostDorong BasBass UpBas NaikBass DownBas TurunTreble UpTreble NaikTreble DownTreble TurunMedia PlayMainkan MediaMedia StopStop MediaMedia PreviousMedia SebelumnyaMedia NextMedia SelanjutnyaMedia RecordRekam MediaFavoritesFavoritSearchCariStandbyStandbyOpen URLBuka URLLaunch MailLuncurkan MailLaunch MediaLuncurkan MediaLaunch (0)Luncurkan (0)Launch (1)Luncurkan (1)Launch (2)Luncurkan (2)Launch (3)Luncurkan (3)Launch (4)Luncurkan (4)Launch (5)Luncurkan (5)Launch (6)Luncurkan (6)Launch (7)Luncurkan (7)Launch (8)Luncurkan (8)Launch (9)Luncurkan (9)Launch (A)Luncurkan (A)Launch (B)Luncurkan (B)Launch (C)Luncurkan (C)Launch (D)Luncurkan (D)Launch (E)Luncurkan (E)Launch (F)Luncurkan (F)Print ScreenCetak LayarPage UpHalaman NaikPage DownHalaman TurunCaps LockCaps LockNum LockNum LockNumber LockKunci AngkaScroll LockScroll LockInsertSisipkanDeleteHapusEscapeEscapeSystem RequestPermintaan SistemSelectPilihYesYaNoTidakContext1Konteks1Context2Konteks2Context3Konteks3Context4Konteks4CallButton to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)PanggilHangupButton to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)PutuskanFlipBalikkanCtrlCtrlShiftShiftAltAltMetaMeta++F%1F%1Home PageHalaman RumahMedia PauseMedia player pause buttonToggle Media Play/PauseMedia player button to toggle between playing and pausedMonitor Brightness UpMonitor Brightness DownKeyboard Light On/OffKeyboard Brightness UpKeyboard Brightness DownPower OffWake UpEjectScreensaverWWWSleepLightBulbShopHistoryAdd FavoriteHot LinksAdjust BrightnessFinanceCommunityMedia RewindBack ForwardApplication LeftApplication RightBookCDCalculatorClearBersihkanClear GrabCloseTutupCopySalinCutPotongDisplayDOSDocumentsSpreadsheetBrowserGameGoiTouchLogoffMarketMeetingKeyboard MenuMenu PBMy SitesNewsHome OfficeOptionPasteTempelPhoneReplyReloadMuat UlangRotate WindowsRotation PBRotation KBSaveSimpanSendSpellcheckerSplit ScreenSupportTask PanelTerminalToolsTravelVideoVideoWord ProcessorXFerZoom InZoom OutAwayMessengerWebCamMail ForwardPicturesMusicMusikBatteryBluetoothWirelessUltra Wide BandMedia Fast ForwardAudio RepeatAudio Random PlaySubtitleAudio Cycle TrackTimeHibernateViewTop MenuPower DownSuspendMicrophone MuteRedGreenYellowBlueChannel UpChannel DownGuideInfoSettingsMicrophone Volume UpMicrophone Volume DownNewOpenBukaFindUndoBatalkanRedoJadi lagiToggle Call/HangupButton that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.Voice DialButton to trigger voice dialingLast Number RedialButton to redial the last number calledCamera ShutterButton to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)Camera FocusButton to focus the cameraKanjiMuhenkanHenkanRomajiHiraganaKatakanaHiragana KatakanaZenkakuHankakuZenkaku HankakuTourokuMassyoKana LockKana ShiftEisu ShiftEisu toggleCode inputMultiple CandidatePrevious CandidateHangulHangul StartHangul EndHangul HanjaHangul JamoHangul RomajaHangul JeonjaHangul BanjaHangul PreHanjaHangul PostHanjaHangul SpecialCancelBatalPrinterPrinterExecuteJalankanPlayZoomExitTouchpad ToggleTouchpad OnTouchpad OffNumQSliderPage leftHalaman kiriPage upHalaman naikPositionPosisiPage rightHalaman kananPage downHalaman turunQSocks5SocketEngineSocks5 timeout error connecting to socks serverKesalahan habis waktu socks5 saat menyambung ke server socksNetwork operation timed outOperasi jaringan habis waktuConnection to proxy refusedConnection to proxy closed prematurelyProxy host not foundConnection to proxy timed outProxy authentication failedProxy authentication failed: %1SOCKS version 5 protocol errorGeneral SOCKSv5 server failureConnection not allowed by SOCKSv5 serverTTL expiredSOCKSv5 command not supportedAddress type not supportedUnknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1QSpiAccessibleBridgeinvalid roleRole of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructedtitle barRole of an accessible objectmenu barRole of an accessible objectscroll barRole of an accessible objectgripRole of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another objectsoundRole of an accessible objectcursorRole of an accessible objecttext caretRole of an accessible objectalert messageRole of an accessible objectframeRole of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
Role of an accessible objectfillerRole of an accessible objectpopup menuRole of an accessible objectmenu itemRole of an accessible objecttool tipRole of an accessible objectapplicationRole of an accessible objectdocumentRole of an accessible objectpanelRole of an accessible objectchartRole of an accessible objectdialogRole of an accessible objectseparatorRole of an accessible objecttool barRole of an accessible objectstatus barRole of an accessible objecttableRole of an accessible objectcolumn headerRole of an accessible object - part of a tablerow headerRole of an accessible object - part of a tablecolumnRole of an accessible object - part of a tablerowRole of an accessible object - part of a tablecellRole of an accessible object - part of a tablelinkRole of an accessible objecthelp balloonRole of an accessible objectassistantRole of an accessible object - a helper dialoglistRole of an accessible objectlist itemRole of an accessible objecttreeRole of an accessible objecttree itemRole of an accessible objectpage tabRole of an accessible objectproperty pageRole of an accessible objectindicatorRole of an accessible objectgraphicRole of an accessible objectlabelRole of an accessible objecttextRole of an accessible objectpush buttonRole of an accessible objectcheck boxRole of an accessible objectradio buttonRole of an accessible objectcombo boxRole of an accessible objectprogress barRole of an accessible objectdialRole of an accessible objecthotkey fieldRole of an accessible objectsliderRole of an accessible objectspin boxRole of an accessible objectcanvasRole of an accessible objectanimationRole of an accessible objectequationRole of an accessible objectbutton with drop downRole of an accessible objectbutton menuRole of an accessible objectbutton with drop down gridRole of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.spaceRole of an accessible object - blank space between other tab listRole of an accessible objectclockRole of an accessible objectsplitterRole of an accessible objectlayered paneRole of an accessible objectweb documentRole of an accessible objectparagraphRole of an accessible objectsectionRole of an accessible objectcolor chooserRole of an accessible objectfooterRole of an accessible objectformRole of an accessible objectheadingRole of an accessible objectnoteRole of an accessible objectcomplementary contentRole of an accessible objectunknownRole of an accessible objecttak dikenalQSpinBoxMoreLebihLessKurangQSqlDeleteHapusDelete this record?Hapus record ini?YesYaNoTidakInsertSisipkanUpdatePerbaruiSave edits?Simpan edit?CancelBatalConfirmKonfirmasiCancel your edits?Batalkan edit Anda?QSslSocketUnable to write data: %1Tak bisa menulis data: %1Error while reading: %1Kesalahan saat membaca: %1Error during SSL handshake: %1Kesalahan ketika handshake SSL: %1Error creating SSL context (%1)Kesalahan saat membuat konteks SSL (%1)Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)Daftar cipher tak valid atau kosong (%1)Error creating SSL session, %1Kesalahan saat membuat sesi SSL, %1Error creating SSL session: %1Kesalahan saat membuat sesi SSL: %1Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1Tak bisa menyediakan sebuah sertifikat tanpa kunci, %1Error loading local certificate, %1Kesalahan saat memuat sertifikat lokal, %1Error loading private key, %1Kesalahan saat memuat kunci privat, %1Private key does not certificate public key, %1Kunci privat tak mensertifikasi kunci publik, %1Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)unsupported protocolPrivate key does not certify public key, %1OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2No errorThe issuer certificate could not be foundThe certificate signature could not be decryptedThe public key in the certificate could not be readThe signature of the certificate is invalidThe certificate is not yet validThe certificate has expiredThe certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid timeThe certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid timeThe certificate is self-signed, and untrustedThe root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrustedThe issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be foundNo certificates could be verifiedOne of the CA certificates is invalidThe basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceededThe supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purposeThe root CA certificate is not trusted for this purposeThe root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purposeThe current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificateThe current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificateThe peer did not present any certificateThe host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificateThe peer certificate is blacklistedUnknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalThe TLS/SSL connection has been closedUnable to init SSL Context: %1Unable to decrypt data: %1QStandardPathsDesktopDocumentsFontsFontApplicationsMusicMusikMoviesPicturesTemporary DirectoryHomeHomeCacheShared DataRuntimeConfigurationShared ConfigurationShared CacheDownloadApplication DataApplication ConfigurationQStateMachineMissing initial state in compound state '%1'Missing default state in history state '%1'No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'Unknown errorKesalahan tak dikenalQSystemSemaphore%1: permission denied%1: ijin ditolak%1: already exists%1: telah ada%1: does not exist%1: out of resources%1: kehabisan sumber daya%1: unknown error %2%1: kesalahan tak dikenal %2QTDSDriverUnable to open connectionTak bisa membuka koneksiUnable to use databaseTak bisa memakai databaseQTabBarScroll LeftGulung KiriScroll RightGulung KananQTcpServerOperation on socket is not supportedQTextControl&Undo&Batalkan&Redo&Jadi LagiCu&tPo&tong&Copy&SalinCopy &Link LocationSalin &Lokasi Taut&PasteTem&pelDeleteHapusSelect AllPilih SemuaQToolButtonPressTekanOpenBukaQUdpSocketThis platform does not support IPv6Platform ini tak mendukung IPv6QUndoGroupUndoBatalkanRedoJadi lagiUndo %1UndoDefault text for undo actionBatalkanRedo %1RedoDefault text for redo actionJadi lagiQUndoModel<empty><kosong>QUndoStackUndoBatalkanRedoJadi lagiUndo %1UndoDefault text for undo actionBatalkanRedo %1RedoDefault text for redo actionJadi lagiQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRM Left-to-right markLRM Left-to-right markRLM Right-to-left markRLM Right-to-left markZWJ Zero width joinerZWJ Zero width joinerZWNJ Zero width non-joinerZWNJ Zero width non-joinerZWSP Zero width spaceZWSP Zero width spaceLRE Start of left-to-right embeddingLRE Start of left-to-right embeddingRLE Start of right-to-left embeddingRLE Start of right-to-left embeddingLRO Start of left-to-right overrideLRO Start of left-to-right overrideRLO Start of right-to-left overrideRLO Start of right-to-left overridePDF Pop directional formattingPDF Pop directional formattingInsert Unicode control characterSisipkan karakter kendali UnicodeLRI Left-to-right isolateRLI Right-to-left isolateFSI First strong isolatePDI Pop directional isolateQWebFrameRequest cancelledPermintaan dibatalkanRequest blockedPermintaan diblokCannot show URLTak bisa menampilkan URLFrame load interruped by policy changePemuatan frame diinterupsi oleh perubahan kebijakanCannot show mimetypeTak bisa menampilkan mimetypeFile does not existFile tak adaQWebPageBad HTTP requestPermintaan HTTP burukSubmitdefault label for Submit buttons in forms on web pagesSubmitSubmitSubmit (input element) alt text for <input> elements with no alt, title, or valueSubmitResetdefault label for Reset buttons in forms on web pagesResetThis is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: text that appears at the start of nearly-obsolete web pages in the form of a 'searchable index'Ini adalah indeks yang dapat dicari. Masukkan kata kunci pencarian: Choose Filetitle for file button used in HTML formsPilih FileNo file selectedtext to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selectedTak ada file yang dipilihOpen in New WindowOpen in New Window context menu itemBuka di Window BaruSave Link...Download Linked File context menu itemSimpan Taut...Copy LinkCopy Link context menu itemSalin TautOpen ImageOpen Image in New Window context menu itemBuka CitraSave ImageDownload Image context menu itemSimpan CitraCopy ImageCopy Link context menu itemSalin CitraOpen FrameOpen Frame in New Window context menu itemBuka FrameCopyCopy context menu itemSalinGo BackBack context menu itemMundurGo ForwardForward context menu itemMajuStopStop context menu itemStopReloadReload context menu itemMuat UlangCutCut context menu itemPotongPastePaste context menu itemTempelNo Guesses FoundNo Guesses Found context menu itemTebakan Tak DitemukanIgnoreIgnore Spelling context menu itemAbaikanAdd To DictionaryLearn Spelling context menu itemTambahkan Ke KamusSearch The WebSearch The Web context menu itemCari Di WebLook Up In DictionaryLook Up in Dictionary context menu itemLihat Di KamusOpen LinkOpen Link context menu itemBuka TautIgnoreIgnore Grammar context menu itemAbaikanSpellingSpelling and Grammar context sub-menu itemEjaanShow Spelling and Grammarmenu item titleTampilkan Ejaan dan Tata BahasaHide Spelling and Grammarmenu item titleSembunyikan Ejaan dan Tata BahasaCheck SpellingCheck spelling context menu itemPeriksa EjaanCheck Spelling While TypingCheck spelling while typing context menu itemPeriksa Ejaan Ketika MengetikCheck Grammar With SpellingCheck grammar with spelling context menu itemPeriksa Tata Bahasa Ketika MengetikFontsFont context sub-menu itemFontBoldBold context menu itemTebalItalicItalic context menu itemMiringUnderlineUnderline context menu itemGaris BawahOutlineOutline context menu itemOutlineDirectionWriting direction context sub-menu itemArahDefaultDefault writing direction context menu itemBawaanLTRLeft to Right context menu itemLTRRTLRight to Left context menu itemRTLInspectInspect Element context menu itemPeriksaNo recent searchesLabel for only item in menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, when no searches have been performedTak ada pencarian terkiniRecent searcheslabel for first item in the menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, used as embedded menu titlePencarian terkiniClear recent searchesmenu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contentsBersihkan pencarian terkiniUnknownUnknown filesize FTP directory listing itemTak Dikenal%1 (%2x%3 pixels)Title string for images%1 (%2x%3 piksel)Web Inspector - %2Web Inspector - %2QWhatsThisActionWhat's This?Apa Ini?QWidget**QWidgetTextControl&Undo&Batalkan&Redo&Jadi LagiCu&tPo&tong&Copy&SalinCopy &Link LocationSalin &Lokasi Taut&PasteTem&pelDeleteHapusSelect AllPilih SemuaQWindowsDirect2DIntegrationQt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.Cannot load direct2d platform pluginQWizardGo BackMundurContinueLanjutkanCommitCommitDoneSelesaiQuitKeluarHelpBantuan< &Back< Kem&bali&Finish&SelesaiCancelBatal&Help&Bantuan&NextLa&njut&Next >La&njut >QWorkspace&Restore&Kembalikan&Move&Pindahkan&Size&UkuranMi&nimizeMi&nimalkanMa&ximizeMa&ksimalkan&CloseTutu&pStay on &Top&Tetap di AtasSh&adeBerb&ayang%1 - [%2]%1 - [%2]MinimizeMinimalkanRestore DownKembali TurunCloseTutup&UnshadeHap&us BayangQXmlno error occurredtak terjadi kesalahanerror triggered by consumerkesalahan dipicu oleh konsumerunexpected end of fileakhir file yang tak diharapkanmore than one document type definitionlebih dari satu definisi tipe dokumenerror occurred while parsing elementterjadi kesalahan saat mengurai elementag mismatchtag tak cocokerror occurred while parsing contentterjadi kesalahan saat mengurai isiunexpected characterkarakter tak diharapkaninvalid name for processing instructionnama tak valid bagi instruksi pemrosesanversion expected while reading the XML declarationversi diharapkan saat membaca deklarasi XMLwrong value for standalone declarationnilai yang salah bagi deklarasi standaloneencoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationdeklarasi encoding atau deklarasi standalone diharapkan saat membaca deklarasi XMLstandalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationdeklarasi standalone diharapkan saat membaca deklarasi XMLerror occurred while parsing document type definitionterjadi kesalahan saat mengurai definisi tipe dokumenletter is expecteddiharapkan huruferror occurred while parsing commentterjadi kesalahan saat mengurai komentarerror occurred while parsing referenceterjadi kesalahan saat mengurai acuaninternal general entity reference not allowed in DTDacuan entitas umum internal tak diijinkan dalam DTDexternal parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute valueacuan entitas umum terurai eksternal tak diijinkan dalam nilai atributexternal parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTDacuan entitas umum terurai eksternal tak diijinkan dalam DTDunparsed entity reference in wrong contextacuan entitas tak diurai dalam konteks yang salahrecursive entitiesentitas rekursiferror in the text declaration of an external entitykesalahan dalam deklarasi teks dari entitas eksternalQXmlStreamExtra content at end of document.Isi ekstra di akhir dokumen.Invalid entity value.Nila entitas tak valid.Invalid XML character.Karakter XML tak valid.Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.Urutan ']]>' tak diijinkan dalam isi.Namespace prefix '%1' not declaredPrefiks namespace '%1' tak dideklarasikanAttribute redefined.Atribut didefinisikan ulang.Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.Karakter tak diharapkan '%1' dalam literal id publik.Invalid XML version string.String versi XML tak valid.Unsupported XML version.Versi XML tak didukung.%1 is an invalid encoding name.%1 adalah nama encoding yang tak valid.Encoding %1 is unsupportedEncoding %1 tak didukungStandalone accepts only yes or no.Standalone hanya menerima yes atau no.Invalid attribute in XML declaration.Atribut tak valid dalam deklarasi XML.Premature end of document.Akhir dokumen prematur.Invalid document.Dokumen tak valid.Expected Berharap, but got ', tapi memperoleh 'Unexpected 'Tak berharap 'Expected character data.Diharapkan data karakter.Recursive entity detected.Entitas rekursif terdeteksi.Start tag expected.Tag awal diharapkan.XML declaration not at start of document.Deklarasi XML bukan di awal dokumen.NDATA in parameter entity declaration.NDATA dalam deklarasi entitas parameter.%1 is an invalid processing instruction name.%1 adalah nama instruksi pemrosesan yang tak valid.Invalid processing instruction name.Nama instruksi pemrosesan yang tak valid.Illegal namespace declaration.Deklarasi namespace yang tak legal.Invalid XML name.Nama XML tak valid.Opening and ending tag mismatch.Tag pembuka dan penutup tak cocok.Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.Acuan ke entitas tak diurai '%1'.Entity '%1' not declared.Entitas '%1' tak dideklarasikan.Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.Acuan ke entitas eksternal '%1' dalam nilai atribut.Invalid character reference.Acuan karakter tak valid.Encountered incorrectly encoded content.Menemui isi ter-encode secara tak benar.The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.Atribut pseudo standalone mesti muncul setelah encoding.%1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.%1 adalah identifier PUBLIC yang tak valid.Attribute '%1' redefined.QtXmlPatternsAn %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared.Suatu atribut %1 dengan nilai %2 telah dideklarasikan.An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't.Suatu atribut %1 mesti memiliki %2 yang valid sebagai nilai, sedangkan %3 tidak.Network timeout.Habis waktu jaringan.Element %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element.Elemen %1 tak dapat diserialisasi karena muncul di luar elemen dokumen.Attribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level.Atribut %1 tak dapat diserialisasi karena muncul di level puncak.Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2.Tahun %1 tak valid karena dimulai dengan %2.Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3.Tanggal %1 di luar jangkauan %2..%3.Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3.Bulan %1 di luar jangkauan %2..%3.Overflow: Can't represent date %1.Overflow: Tak bisa merepresentasikan tanggal %1.Day %1 is invalid for month %2.Tanggal %1 tak valid bagi bulan %2.Time 24:%1:%2.%3 is invalid. Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0; Waktu 24:%1:%2.%3 tak valid. Jam 24, tapi menit, detik, dan milidetik semua bukan 0; Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid.Waktu %1:%2:%3.%4 tak valid.Overflow: Date can't be represented.Overflow: Tanggal tak bisa direpresentasikan.At least one component must be present.Paling tidak mesti ada satu komponen.At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter.Paling tidak satu komponen waktu mesti ada setelah delimiter %1.No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2.Tidak ada operand dalam pembagian bilangan bulat, %1, bisa jadi %2.The first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2).Operand pertama dalam pembagian bilangan bulat, %1, tak boleh tak hingga (%2).The second operand in a division, %1, cannot be zero (%2).Operand kedua dalam suatu pembagian, %1, tak boleh nol (%2).%1 is not a valid value of type %2.%1 bukan nilai yang valid dari tipe %2.When casting to %1 from %2, the source value cannot be %3.Saat casting ke %1 dari %2, nilai sumber tak boleh %3.Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.Pembagian bilangan bulat (%1) oleh nol (%2) tak terdefinisi.Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.Pembagian (%1) oleh nol (%2) tak terdefinisi.Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.Pembagian modulus (%1) oleh nol (%2) tak terdefinisi.Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed.Membagi suatu nilai bertipe %1 dengan %2 (bukan sebuah bilangan) tak diijinkan.Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed.Membagi suatu nilai bertipe %1 dengan %2 atau %3 (plus atau minus nol) tak diijinkan.Multiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed.Perkalian atas suatu nilai bertipe %1 dengan %2 atau %3 (plus atau minus tak hingga) tak diijinkan.A value of type %1 cannot have an Effective Boolean Value.Suatu nilai bertipe %1 tak bisa memiliki Effective Boolean Value.Effective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values.Effective Booelan Value tak bisa dihitung bagi urutan yang memuat dua atau lebih nilai atomik.Value %1 of type %2 exceeds maximum (%3).Nilai %1 bertipe %2 melebihi maksimum (%3).Value %1 of type %2 is below minimum (%3).Nilai %1 bertipe %2 kurang dari minimum (%3).A value of type %1 must contain an even number of digits. The value %2 does not.Sebuah nilai bertipe %1 mesti memuat suatu jumlah digit genap. Nilai %2 tidak.%1 is not valid as a value of type %2.%1 tak valid sebagai sebuah nilai bertipe %2.Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2.Operator %1 tak dapat dipakai pada tipe %2.Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3.Operator %1 tak dapat dipakai pada nilai atomik bertipe %2 dan %3.The namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1.URI namespace dalam nama bagi suatu atribut yang dihitung tak boleh %1.The name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2.Nama bagi atribut yang dihitung tak boleh memiliki URI namespace %1 dengan nama lokal %2.Type error in cast, expected %1, received %2.Kesalahan tipe dalam cast, diharapkan %1, diterima %2.When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed.Ketika casting ke %1 atau tipe turunannya, nilai sumber mesti bertipe sama, atau berupa literal string. Tipe %2 tak diijinkan.No casting is possible with %1 as the target type.Tak ada casting yang mungkin untuk tipe target %1.It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2.Tak mungkin cast dari %1 ke %2.Casting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated.Casting ke %1 tak mungkin karena itu adalah tipe abstrak, sehingga tak pernah bisa di-instantiasi.It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3Tak mungkin cast nilai %1 bertipe %2 ke %3Failure when casting from %1 to %2: %3Kegagalan saat casting dari %1 ke %2:%3A comment cannot contain %1Komentar tak bisa memuat %1A comment cannot end with a %1.Komentar tak bisa diakhiri dengan %1.No comparisons can be done involving the type %1.Tak ada perbandingan yang dapat dilakukan yang melibatkan tipe %1.Operator %1 is not available between atomic values of type %2 and %3.Operator %1 tak tersedia antara nilai atomik bertipa %2 dan %3.An attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place.Sebuah node atribut tak bisa menjadi anak dari suatu node dokumen. Maka, atribut %1 tidak pada tempatnya.A library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module.Sebuah modul pustaka tak bisa dievaluasi secara langsung. Itu harus diimpor dari suatu modul utama.A value of type %1 cannot be a predicate. A predicate must have either a numeric type or an Effective Boolean Value type.Sebuah nilai bertipe %1 tak bisa berupa predikat. Suatu predikat mesti memiliki tipe numerik atau bertipe Effective Boolean Value.A positional predicate must evaluate to a single numeric value.Sebuah predikat posisional harus mengevaluasi ke suau nilai numerik tunggal.The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, is %2 invalid.Nama target dalam sebuah instruksi pemrosesan tak bisa %1 dalam kombinasi huruf besar dan kecil. Maka %2 tak valid.%1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3.%1 bukan nama target yang valid dalam suatu instruksi pemrosesan. Itu harus berupa nilai %2, mis. %3.The last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two.Langkah terakhir dalam suatu path mesti memuat nilai node atau atomik. Itu tak bisa berupa campuran antara keduanya.The data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1Data dari instruksi pemrosesan tak boleh memuat string %1No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1Tidak ada binding namespace bagi prefiks %1No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2Tidak ada binding namespace bagi prefiks %1 dalam %2%1 is an invalid %2%1 adalah %2 yang tak valid%1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.%1 menerima paling banyak %n argumen. Maka %2 tak valid.%1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.%1 menerima paling sedikit %n argumen. Maka %2 tak valid.The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration.Argumen pertama bagi %1 tak boleh bertipe %2. Itu harus berupa tipe numerik, xs:yearMonthDuration, atau xs:dayTimeDuration.The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.Argumen pertama bagi %1 tak boleh bertipe %2. Itu harus bertipe %3, %4, atau %5.The second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.Argumen kedua bagi %1 tak boleh bertipe %2. Itu harus bertipe %3, %4, atau %5.%1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character.%1 bukan karakter XML 1.0 yang valid.The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2.Argumen pertama ke %1 tak boleh bertipe %2.If both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same.Bila kedua nilai memiliki ofset zone, mereka mesti memiliki ofset zone yang sama. %1 dan %2 tak sama.%1 was called.%1 dipanggil.%1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string.%1 mesti diikuti oleh %2 atau %3, bukan di akhir string pengganti.In the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped.Dalam string pengganti, %1 mesti diikuti oleh paling tidak satu digit ketika tidak di-escape.In the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3Dalam string pengganti, %1 hanya dapat dipakai untuk meng-escape dirinya sendiri atau %2, bukan %3%1 matches newline characters%1 cocok dengan karakter baris baru%1 and %2 match the start and end of a line.%1 dan %2 cocok dengan awal dan akhir dari suatu baris.Matches are case insensitiveKecocokan peka huruf besar kecilWhitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classesKarakter whitespace dihapus, kecuali ketika muncul dalam kelas karakter%1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2%1 adalah pola ekspresi reguler yang tak valid: %2%1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are:%1 adalah flag yang tak valid bagi ekspres reguler. Flag yang valid adalah:If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified.Bila argumen pertama adalah urutan kosong atau string panjang nol (tanpa namespace), suatu prefiks tak dapat dinyatakan. Prefiks %1 telah dinyatakan.It will not be possible to retrieve %1.Tak akan mungkin mengambil %1.The root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node.Node akar dari argumen kedia ke fungsi %1 mesti berupa suatu node dokumen. %2 bukan node dokumen.The default collection is undefinedKoleksi baku tak didefinisikan%1 cannot be retrieved%1 tak dapat diambilThe normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization).Bentuk normalisasi %1 tak didukung. Bentuk yang didukung adalah %2, %3, %4, dan %5, serta nihil, yaitu string kosong (tanpa normalisasi).A zone offset must be in the range %1..%2 inclusive. %3 is out of range.Ofset zone mesti dalam jangkauan %1..%2. %3 di luar jangkauan.%1 is not a whole number of minutes.%1 bukan angka menit yang bulat.Required cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2.Kardinalitas yang diperlukan adalah %1; kardinalitas yang didapat %2.The item %1 did not match the required type %2.Butir %1 tak cocok dengan tipe %2 yang diperlukan.%1 is an unknown schema type.%1 adalah tipe skema yang tak dikenal.Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog.Hanya satu deklarasi %1 yang dapat terjadi dalam prolog query.The initialization of variable %1 depends on itselfInisialisasi variabel %1 bergantung kepada dirinya sendiriNo variable by name %1 existsTak ada variabel bernama %1The variable %1 is unusedVariabe %1 tak dipakaiVersion %1 is not supported. The supported XQuery version is 1.0.Versi %1 tak didukung. Versi XQuery yang didukung adalah 1.0.The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2.Pengkodean %1 tak valid. Itu mesti memuat hanya karakter Latin, tak boleh memuat whitespace, dan mesti cocok dengan ekspresi regular %2.No function with signature %1 is availableTak ada fungsi dengan tanda tangan %1 yang tersediaA default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.Deklarasi namespace baku mesti terjadi sebelum deklarasi fungsi, variabel, dan opsi.Namespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.Deklarasi namespace mesti terjadi sebelum deklarasi fungsi, variabel, dan opsi.Module imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.Impor modul mesti terjadi sebelum deklarasi fungsi, variabel, dan opsi.It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1.Tak mungkin mendeklarasi ulang prefiks %1.Only the prefix %1 can be declared to bind the namespace %2. By default, it is already bound to the prefix %1.Hanya prefiks %1 dapat dideklarasikan untuk bind namespace %2. Secara baku, ia telah di-bind ke prefix %1.Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog.Prefiks %1 telah dideklarasikan dalam prolog.The name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options.Nama dari suatu opsi mesti memiliki prefiks. Tak ada namespace baku bagi opsi.The Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur.Fitur Impor Skema tak didukung, sehingga deklarasi %1 tak bisa muncul.The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty.Namespace tujuan dari %1 tak boleh kosong.The module import feature is not supportedFitur impor modul tak didukungA variable by name %1 has already been declared in the prolog.Variabel bernama %1 telah dideklarasikan dalam prolog.No value is available for the external variable by name %1.Tak ada nilai yang tersedia bagi variabel eksternal berdasarkan nama %1.The namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1 which exists for cases like this)Namespace bagi fungsi yang didefinisikan oleh pengguna tak boleh kosong (coba prefiks terpradefinisi %1 yang ada untuk kasus-kasus seperti ini)The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases.Namespace %1 dicadangkan; maka fungsi yang didefinisikan oleh pengguna tak boleh memakainya. Cobalah prefiks terpradefinisi %2, yang ada untuk kasus-kasus tersebut.The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2Namespace dari suatu fungsi yang didefinisikan oleh pengguna dalam sebuah modul pustaka mesti ekuivalen dengan namespace modul. Dengan kata lain, itu mesti %1 dan bukan %2A function already exists with the signature %1.Telah ada fungsi dengan tanda tangan %1.No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as externalTak ada fungsi eksternal yang didukung. Semua fungsi yang didukung dapat langsung dipakai, tanpa perlu mendeklarasikan mereka sebelumnya sebagai eksternalAn argument by name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique.Sebuah argumen bernama %1 telah dideklarasikan. Setiap nama argumen mesti unik.The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide.Nama dari suatu variabel yang di-bind bagi ekspresi-for mesti berbeda dengan variable posisional. Maka, dua variabel bernam %1 bertabrakan.The Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used.Fitur Validasi Skema tak didukung. Maka ekspresi %1 tak boleh dipakai.None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be presentTak satupun dari ekspresi pragman didukung. Maka, ekspresi fallback mesti adaThe %1-axis is unsupported in XQuerySumbu %1 tak didukung dalam XQuery%1 is not a valid numeric literal.%1 bukan literal numerik yang valid.No function by name %1 is available.Tak ada fungsi dengan nama %1 yang tersedia.The namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1.URI namespace tak boleh berupa string kosong ketika mem-bind ke suatu prefiks, %1.%1 is an invalid namespace URI.%1 adalah URI namespace yang tak valid.It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1Tak mungkin bind ke prefiks %1Namespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).Namespace %1 hanya dapat di-bind ke %2 (dan itu, pada kasus manapun, di pradeklarasikan).Prefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).Prefiks %1 hanya dapat di-bind ke %2 (dan itu, pada kasus manapun, di pradeklarasikan).Two namespace declaration attributes have the same name: %1.Dua atribut deklarasi namespace memiliki nama yang sama: %1.The namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions.URI namespace mesti berupa konstanta dan tak boleh memakai ekspresi yang di-enclose.An attribute by name %1 has already appeared on this element.Sebuah atribut bernama %1 telah muncul pada elemen ini.A direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2.Susunan sebuah konstruktor elemen langsung tidak baik. %1 diakhiri dengan %2.The name %1 does not refer to any schema type.Nama %1 tak mengacu ke tipe skema apapun.%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works.%1 adahal suatu tipe kompleks. Casting ke tipe kompleks tidak mungkin. Namun casting ke tipe atomik seperti %2 bisa.%1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types.%1 bukan tipe atomik. Casting hanya mungkin bagi tipe atomik.%1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction. Therefore this name test will never match.%1 bukan nama yang valid bagi sebuah instruksi pemrosesan. Maka uji nama ini tak akan pernah cocok.%1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported.%1 tak di dalam deklarasi atribu in-scope. Perhatikan bahwa fitur impor skema tak didukung.The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace.Nama dari ekspresi ekstensi mesti dalam suatu namespace.emptykosongzero or onenol atau satuexactly onetepat satuone or moresatu atau lebihzero or morenol atau lebihRequired type is %1, but %2 was found.Tipe yang diperlukan adalah %1, tapi yang ditemukan %2.Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision.Mempromosikan %1 ke %2 dapat menyebabkan kehilangan presisi.The focus is undefined.Fokus tak terdefinisi.It's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node.Tak mungkin menambah atribut setelah sebarang jenis node lain.An attribute by name %1 has already been created.Sebuah atribut bernama %1 telah dibuat.Only the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported.Hanya Unicode Codepoint Collation yang didukung(%1). %2 tak didukung.VolumeSliderMutedHeningVolume: %1%Volume: %1%WebCore::PlatformScrollbarScroll hereGulung ke siniLeft edgeTepi kiriTopPuncakRight edgeTepi kananBottomDasarPage leftHalaman kiriPage upHalaman naikPage rightHalaman kananPage downHalaman turunScroll leftGulung kiriScroll upGulung atasScroll rightGulung kananScroll downGulung bawah