@@@EnglishNative language nameGalego--Native language country name (empty if this language is for all countries)EspañaEnglishLanguage name, in EnglishGalician--Language country name, in English (empty if native country name is empty)SpainOracle CorporationComma-separated list of translatorsOficina de Software Libre da USC, Enrique Estévez Fernández, Francisco Diéguez Souto, Mancomun, Antón Méixome.AttachmentsModelDouble-click to add a new attachmentFaga dobre clic para engadir un novo discoHard DiskDisco ríxidoSlotEspazoQApplicationExecutable <b>%1</b> requires Qt %2.x, found Qt %3.Executábel <b>%1</b> require Qt %2.x, encontrado Qt %3.Incompatible Qt Library ErrorErro por incompatibilidade da biblioteca QtVirtualBox - Error In %1VirtualBox - Erro en %1<html><b>%1 (rc=%2)</b><br/><br/><html><b>%1 (rc=%2)</b><br/><br/>Please try reinstalling VirtualBox.Unha solución podería ser a reinstalación do VirtualBox.This error means that the kernel driver was either not able to allocate enough memory or that some mapping operation failed.<br/><br/>There are known problems with Linux 2.6.29. If you are running such a kernel, please edit /usr/src/vboxdrv-*/Makefile and enable <i>VBOX_USE_INSERT_PAGE = 1</i>. After that, re-compile the kernel module by executing<br/><br/> <font color=blue>'/sbin/rcvboxdrv setup'</font><br/><br/>as root.Este erro significa que ao controlador do núcleo lle foi imposíbel asignar a memoria suficiente ou que fallou algunha operación de mapeo.<br/><br/>Existen algúns problemas coa versión do núcleo de Linux 2.6.29. Se está empregando este núcleo edite /usr/src/vboxdrv-*/Makefile e active <i>VBOX_USE_INSERT_PAGE = 1</i>. A continuación, recompile o módulo do núcleo executando<br/><br/> <font color=blue>'/sbin/rcvboxdrv setup'</font><br/><br/>como usuario root.The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing<br/><br/> <font color=blue>'/sbin/rcvboxdrv setup'</font><br/><br/>as root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.O controlador do núcleo Linux de VirtualBox (vboxdrv) non está cargado ou existe un problema cos permisos de /dev/vboxdrv. Reconfigura o módulo do núcleo executando<br/><br/> <font color=blue>'/sbin/rcvboxdrv setup'</font><br/><br/>como usuario root. Usuarios de Ubuntu, Fedora ou Mandriva deberían instalar primeiro o paquete DKMS. Este paquete vixía os cambios do núcleo Linux e recompila o módulo do núcleo vboxdrv se é necesario.Make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully.Asegúrese de que o módulo do núcleo foi cargado correctamente.VirtualBox - Runtime ErrorVirtualBox - Erro en tempo de execución<b>Cannot access the kernel driver!</b><br/><br/><b>Non é posíbel acceder ao controlador do núcleo!</b><br/><br/>Unknown error %2 during initialization of the RuntimeOcorreu un erro %2 descoñecido ao iniciar o RuntimeKernel driver not accessibleO controlador do núcleo non é accesíbelThe VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of VirtualBox. The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not successful. Please try completely uninstalling and reinstalling VirtualBox.Os módulos de VirtualBox do núcleo non se axustan a esta versión de VirtualBox. Polo visto a instalación de Virtualbox non foi correcta. Unha solución podería ser desinstalar completamente VirtualBox e a súa reinstalación.The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of VirtualBox. The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not successful. Executing<br/><br/> <font color=blue>'/sbin/rcvboxdrv setup'</font><br/><br/>may correct this. Make sure that you do not mix the OSE version and the PUEL version of VirtualBox.Os módulos de VirtualBox do núcleo non se axustan a esta versión de VirtualBox. Polo visto a instalación de Virtualbox non foi correcta. Ao executar<br/><br/> <font color=blue>'/sbin/rcvboxdrv setup'</font><br/><br/>debería arranxarse este problema. Asegúrese de que non mestura a versión OSE e a versión PUEL de VirtualBox.This error means that the kernel driver was either not able to allocate enough memory or that some mapping operation failed.The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver is either not loaded or not set up correctly. Please try setting it up again by executing<br/><br/> <font color=blue>'/sbin/vboxconfig'</font><br/><br/>as root.<br/><br/>If your system has EFI Secure Boot enabled you may also need to sign the kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt, vboxnetadp, vboxpci) before you can load them. Please see your Linux system's documentation for more information.The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of VirtualBox. The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not successful. Executing<br/><br/> <font color=blue>'/sbin/vboxconfig'</font><br/><br/>may correct this. Make sure that you are not mixing builds of VirtualBox from different sources.QIArrowButtonPress&Back&Volver&NextSegui&nteQIArrowSplitter&Back&Volver&NextSegui&nte&Details&Detalles&Details (%1 of %2)&Detalles (%1 de %2)QIDialogContainerLoadingQIFileDialogSelect a directorySeleccione un cartafolSelect a fileSeleccione un ficheiroQIHelpButton&HelpA&xudaQIHttpConnection timed outExcedeuse o tempo de espera na conexiónCould not locate the file on the server (response: %1)Non foi posíbel atopar o ficheiro no servidor (resposta: %1)QIInputDialogName:QILabel&Copy&CopiarQILabelPrivate&Copy&CopiarQILineEdit&Copy&CopiarQIMessageBoxOKAceptarYesSiNoNonCancelCancelarIgnoreIgnorar&Details&Detalles&Details (%1 of %2)&Detalles (%1 de %2)Copy all errors to the clipboardCopyHelpQIWidgetValidatornot completevalue statenon completoinvalidvalue statenon válido<qt>The value of the <b>%1</b> field on the <b>%2</b> page is %3.</qt><qt>O valor do campo <b>%1</b> na páxina <b>%2</b> é %3.</qt><qt>One of the values on the <b>%1</b> page is %2.</qt><qt>Un dos valores da páxina <b>%1</b> é %2.</qt>QObjectResult Code: error infoCódigo resultado: Component: error infoCompoñente: Interface: error infoInterface: Callee: error infoReceptor: Callee RC: error infoReceptor RC: SFTreeViewItem%1, %2: %3, %4: %5, %6: %7, %8: %9col.1 text, col.2 name: col.2 text, col.3 name: col.3 text, col.4 name: col.4 text, col.5 name: col.5 textFullCompletoRead-onlySó de lecturaYesSiUIAccelerationFeaturesEditorHardware Virtualization:Virtualización de hardware:Enable &VT-x/AMD-VActivar &VT-x/AMD-VWhen checked, the virtual machine will try to make use of the host CPU's hardware virtualization extensions such as Intel VT-x and AMD-V.Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual tentará facer uso das extensións de hardware de virtualización da CPU do anfitrión, tales como Intel VT-x e AMD-V.Enable Nested Pa&gingActivar paxinación aniñada (Nested Pa&ging)When checked, the virtual machine will try to make use of the nested paging extension of Intel VT-x and AMD-V.Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual tentará facer uso da extensión de paxinación aniñada de Intel VT-x e AMD-V.UIAcquirePublicKeyDialogChoose a public key filePublic keyWe haven't found public key id_rsa[.pub] in suitable locations. If you have one, please put it under one of those folders OR copy content to the edit box below:<br><br>%1<br><br>If you don't have one, please consider using one of the following tools to generate it:<br><br>%2We haven't found public key id_rsa[.pub] in suitable location. If you have one, please put it under specified folder OR copy content to the edit box below:<br><br>%1<br><br>If you don't have one, please consider using the following tool to generate it:<br><br>%2Paste public keyBrowseUIActionPool&Machine&Máquina&Fullscreen Mode&Modo de pantalla completaSwitch to fullscreen modeCambiar a modo de pantalla completaSeam&less ModeModo f&luídoSwitch to seamless desktop integration modeCambiar ao modo de integración de escritorio fluídoAuto-resize &Guest DisplayRedimensionar o tamaño da pantalla do convi&dadoAutomatically resize the guest display when the window is resized (requires Guest Additions)Redimensionar automaticamente o tamaño da pantalla do convidado cando se redimensiona a xanela (require dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado)&Adjust Window Size&Axustar o tamaño da xanelaAdjust window size and position to best fit the guest displayAxustar o tamaño e a posición da xanela que mellor se axusta a pantalla do convidadoDisable &Mouse IntegrationDesactivar a integración do &ratoTemporarily disable host mouse pointer integrationDesactivar temporalmente a integración do punteiro do rato do anfitriónEnable &Mouse IntegrationActivar a integración do &ratoEnable temporarily disabled host mouse pointer integrationActivar temporalmente a integración do punteiro do rato do anfitrión&Insert Ctrl-Alt-Del&Inserir Ctrl-Alt-SuprSend the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to the virtual machineEnviar a orde Ctrl-Alt-Supr a máquina virtual&Insert Ctrl-Alt-Backspace&Inserir Ctrl-Alt-RetrocesoSend the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace sequence to the virtual machineEnviar a secuencia Ctrl-Alt-Retroceso á máquina virtualTake &Snapshot...Tomar in&stantánea...Take a snapshot of the virtual machineTomar unha instantánea da máquina virtualSession I&nformation DialogDiálogo da i&nformación da sesiónShow Session Information WindowMostrar o diálogo da información da sesión&PauseDe&terSuspend the execution of the virtual machineSuspender a execución da máquina virtualR&esumeCon&tinuarResume the execution of the virtual machineContinuar a execución da máquina virtual&Reset&RestabelecerReset the virtual machineRestabelecer a máquina virtualACPI S&hutdownApa&gado ACPISend the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machineEnvía o evento pulsación botón de enerxía (ACPI Power) á máquina virtual&Close...Pe&char...Close the virtual machinePechar a máquina virtual&Devices&Dispositivos&USB DevicesDispositivos &USB&Shared Folders...Cartafole&s compartidos...Create or modify shared foldersCrear ou modificar cartafoles compartidos&Remote DisplayPantalla &remotaEnable or disable remote desktop (RDP) connections to this machineActivar ou desactivar as conexións de escritorio remoto a esta máquina&Insert Guest Additions CD image...&Instalar os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado...Insert the Guest Additions disk file into the virtual driveMontar a imaxe de instalación dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoDe&bugDepu&ración&Statistics...debug actionE&statísticas...&Command Line...debug actionLiña de o&rdes...&Logging...debug actionRe&xistro...&HelpA&xuda&Settings...Configuración&s...Show the log files of the selected virtual machineMostrar os ficheiros de rexistro da máquina virtual seleccionada&Contents...&Contidos...Open the browser and go to the VirtualBox product web siteAbre o navegador e vai ao sitio web do produto VirtualBoxGo back to showing all suppressed warnings and messagesFai que todos os avisos e as mensaxes desactivadas sexan mostradas novamenteCheck for a new VirtualBox versionComproba se hai unha nova versión de VirtualBox&About VirtualBox...Sobre Virtu&alBox...Show a window with product informationMostrar un diálogo con información do produto&FileMac OS X version&Ficheiro&FileNon Mac OS X version&Ficheiro&Virtual Media Manager...Xestor de medios &virtuais...Display the Virtual Media Manager windowMostra o diálogo do xestor de medios virtuais&Import Appliance...&Importar servizo virtualizado...Import an appliance into VirtualBoxImporta un servizo virtualizado (appliance) no VirtualBox&Export Appliance...&Exportar servizo virtualizado...Export one or more VirtualBox virtual machines as an applianceExportar un servizo virtualizado (Appliance) desde máquinas virtuais de VirtualBox&Preferences...global settings&Preferencias...Display the global settings windowMostrar o diálogo de configuracións globaisE&xitSaí&rClose applicationCerrar o aplicativoCreate a new virtual machineCrear unha nova máquina virtualS&tartI&niciarStart the selected virtual machineIniciar a máquina virtual seleccionadaS&howM&ostrarSwitch to the window of the selected virtual machineCambia a xanela da máquina virtual seleccionadaRefresh the accessibility state of the selected virtual machineActualizar o estado de accesibilidade da máquina virtual seleccionada&New...&Novo...&Add...Eng&adir...DiscardDescartarDiscard the saved state of the selected virtual machineDescartar o estado gardado da máquina virtual seleccionada&Close&CerrarShow &Log...Mostrar re&xistro...&VirtualBox Web Site...Sitio web de &VirtualBox...&Reset All Warnings&Restabelecer todos os avisosC&heck for Updates...Ve&rificar actualizacións...&Insert Guest Additions CD image...new&Instalar os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado...Insert the Guest Additions disk file into the virtual drivenewMontar a imaxe de instalación dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoNetworkRede&File&Ficheiro&Preferences...global preferences window&Preferencias...Show &Log...debug actionMostrar re&xistro...EnableVirtual ScreenActivarNo supported devices connected to the host PCNingún dispositivo compatíbel está conectado ao PC anfitriónRe&freshActuali&zar&Details&Detalles&SnapshotsIn&stantáneasPreview Monitor %1&Connect Network AdapterConnect Network Adapter &%1No USB Devices ConnectedNo Webcams ConnectedNo supported webcams connected to the host PC&VirtualBox&Window&MinimizeMinimize active windowShow help contents&VirtualBox Bug Tracker...Open the browser and go to the VirtualBox product bug tracker&VirtualBox Forums...Open the browser and go to the VirtualBox product forums&Oracle Web Site...Open the browser and go to the Oracle web siteDisplay a window with product informationDisplay the global preferences window&Log&Find&BuscarLog ViewerVisualizador de rexistroOpen pane with searching options&FilterOpen pane with filtering options&BookmarkOpen pane with bookmarking options&OptionsOpen pane with log viewer options&RefreshActualiza&r&Save...&Gardar...Save selected virtual machine logFile ManagerHostGuestConvidadoCopy to guestCopy the selected object(s) from host to guestCopy to hostCopy the selected object(s) from guest to hostSettingsConfiguraciónsLogRexistroSessionGo one level up to parent folderGo HomeGo to home folderGo to Home FolderDeleteBorrarDelete selected file object(s)RefreshRenameCreate New DirectoryCopyCopy selected file object(s)CutCut selected file object(s)PastePaste copied/cut file object(s)Select AllSelect all files objectsInvert SelectionInvert the current selectionShow PropertiesShow the properties of currently selected file object(s)ImportExportE&xtra Data Manager...Display the Extra Data Manager window&Group&New Machine...Create new virtual machine&Add Machine...Add existing virtual machineRena&me Group...Rename selected virtual machine group&UngroupUngroup items of selected virtual machine group&SortSort items of selected virtual machine group alphabeticallyAdd new group based on selected virtual machinesDisplay the virtual machine settings windowCl&one...Clone selected virtual machine&Move...Move selected virtual machine&Remove...Remove selected virtual machinesSort group of first selected virtual machine alphabeticallyStart selected virtual machinesSwitch to the windows of selected virtual machines&Normal Start&Headless StartStart selected virtual machines in the background&Detachable StartStart selected virtual machines with option of continuing in backgroundSuspend execution of selected virtual machinesReset selected virtual machinesD&iscard Saved State...Discard saved state of selected virtual machinesShow log files of selected virtual machinesRefresh accessibility state of selected virtual machinesS&how in FinderShow the VirtualBox Machine Definition files in FinderS&how in ExplorerShow the VirtualBox Machine Definition files in ExplorerS&how in File ManagerShow the VirtualBox Machine Definition files in the File ManagerCr&eate Alias on DesktopCreate alias files to the VirtualBox Machine Definition files on your desktopCr&eate Shortcut on DesktopCreate shortcut files to the VirtualBox Machine Definition files on your desktop&Detach GUIDetach the GUI from headless VM&Save StateSave state of selected virtual machinesACPI Sh&utdownSend ACPI Shutdown signal to selected virtual machinesPo&wer OffPower off selected virtual machinesOpen the machine details paneOpen the machine snapshots pane&LogsOpen the machine logs pane&Virtual Media ManagerOpen the Virtual Media Manager&Cloud Profile ManagerOpen the Cloud Profile Manager&Snapshot&Take...Snapshot PaneTake a snapshot of the current virtual machine stateTomar unha instantánea do estado actual da máquina virtual&Delete...Delete selected snapshot of the virtual machine&Restore...Restore selected snapshot of the virtual machine&PropertiesOpen pane with the selected snapshot properties&Clone...&MediumMedia Manager&Copy...Re&lease...Re&fresh...Refresh the list of disk image filesActualizar a lista de medios&Network&Create...Network ManagerCreate new host-only networkRemove selected host-only networkOpen pane with selected host-only network propertiesRefresh the list of host-only networks&CloudAdd&Add Profile...Cloud Profile ManagerAdd new cloud profile&Import Profiles...Import the list of cloud profiles from external filesRemoveEliminar&Remove Profile...Remove selected cloud profilePropertiesProfile &PropertiesOpen pane with selected cloud profile propertiesHelp&Show Help...Show cloud profile helpTake Sn&apshot...Session I&nformation...Display the virtual machine session information windowFile Manager...Save the state of the virtual machineSend the ACPI Shutdown signal to the virtual machinePower off the virtual machine&View&Full-screen ModeSwitch between normal and full-screen modeSwitch between normal and seamless desktop integration modeS&caled ModeSwitch between normal and scaled mode&Minimize WindowAutomatically resize the guest display when the window is resizedTake Screensh&ot...Take guest display screenshot&Recording&Recording Settings...Display virtual machine settings window to configure video/audio recordingEnable guest video/audio recordingR&emote DisplayAllow remote desktop (RDP) connections to this machine&Menu Bar&Menu Bar Settings...Display window to configure menu-barShow Menu &BarEnable menu-bar&Status Bar&Status Bar Settings...Display window to configure status-barShow Status &BarEnable status-bar&Input&Keyboard&Keyboard Settings...Display global preferences window to configure keyboard shortcuts&Insert %1that means send the %1 key sequence to the virtual machineSend the %1 sequence to the virtual machine&Mouse&Mouse IntegrationEnable host mouse pointer integration&Hard Disks&Hard Disk Settings...Display virtual machine settings window to configure hard disks&Optical Drives&Floppy Drives&AudioAudio OutputEnable audio outputAudio InputEnable audio input&Network Settings...Display virtual machine settings window to configure network adapters&USB&USB Settings...Display virtual machine settings window to configure USB devices&WebcamsShared &Clipboard&Drag and Drop&Shared Folders&Shared Folders Settings...Display virtual machine settings window to configure shared foldersInsert the Guest Additions disk file into the virtual optical drive&Loggingdebug actionDock IconShow Monitor PreviewShow Application IconDisable Dock Icon OverlayScale to %1%scale-factorScale to %1% (unscaled output)scale-factorScale to %1% (autoscaled output)scale-factorResize to %1x%2Virtual ScreenPopup MenuOptionsOpen panel with file manager optionsOpen panel with file manager logOperationsOpen panel with file manager operationsGo UpDisplay the virtual machine file manager windowToolsE&xport to OCI...Export selected virtual machine to OCITry&Try Oracle Cloud for Free...Try Oracle cloud for freeTry Oracle Cloud for FreeDisplay Global PreferencesOpen Find PaneOpen Filter PaneOpen Bookmark PaneOpen Options PaneSave Virtual Machine LogCopy from Host to GuestCopy from Guest to HostOpen Log PaneOpen Operations PaneGo One Level UpDelete Selected Object(s)Refresh ContentsRename selected file objectRename Selected ObjectCopy Selected Object(s)Cut Selected Object(s)Paste Copied/Cut Object(s)Select All ObjectsInvert Current SelectionShow Properties of Current Object(s)E&xport Locally...Export selected virtual machine locallyS&earchSearch virtual machines with respect to a search termTake SnapshotDelete SnapshotRestore SnapshotOpen Snapshot PropertiesClone Virtual MachineAdd a disk imageAdd Disk ImageCreate a new disk imageCreate Disk ImageCopy selected disk imageCopy Disk ImageMove selected disk imageMove Disk ImageRemove selected disk imageRemove Disk ImageRelease selected disk imageRelease Disk ImageOpen pane with selected disk image propertiesOpen Disk Image Properties&SearchOpen the disk image search paneOpen Disk Image Search PaneRefresh the list of disk imagesRefresh Disk ImagesCreate Host-only NetworkRemove Host-only NetworkOpen Host-only Network PropertiesRefresh Host-only NetworksAdd Cloud ProfileImport Cloud ProfilesRemove Cloud ProfileOpen Cloud Profile PropertiesShow Cloud Profile Help&Soft Keyboard...Display soft keyboardGuest Control Terminal...debug action[Root]groupCopy Key Fingerprint (%1)Connectto cloud VMConnect with %1 (%2)with terminal application (profile)Connect with %1with terminal applicationRefresh the currently viewed logRefresh the Currently Viewed Log&ReloadReread all the log files and refresh pagesReread All the Log Files and Refresh PagesToggle guest session panel of the file managerToggle Guest Session PanelVISO CreatorConfigurationConfiguraciónOpen panel for VISO Creator configurationOpen Configuration PanelOpen panel for VISO Creator optionsOpen Options Panel&AddAdd selected item(s) to VISOAdd Selected Item(s) to VISO&RemoveRemove selected item(s) from VISORemove Selected Item(s) from VISO&New DirectoryCreate a new directory under the current locationCreate a New Directory Under the Current Location&RenameRename the selected objectRename the Selected ObjectR&esetReset the VISO content.&Medium SelectorMedium SelectorAdd existing disk image fileAdd Existing Disk Image FileCreate a new disk image fileCreate a New Disk Image File&Refresh...Refresh disk images&Activity&Export...VM Activity MonitorExport the chart data into a text fileExport Data to File&Activity Overview...Activity MonitorNavigate to the vm activity overviewNavigate to the VM Activity Overview&Welcome ScreenOpen the Welcome Screen&Extension Pack ManagerOpen the Extension Pack Manager&Network ManagerOpen the Network Manager&VM Activity OverviewOpen the VM Activity Overview&Quit[New]groupMove to Gro&upC&onsole&Create ConnectionCreate console connection to be able to use ssh/vnc clients&Delete ConnectionDelete console connection to disconnect ssh/vnc clients&Configure Console ApplicationsOpen configuration dialog to edit console application settings&Copy Command (serial) for Unix&Copy Command (serial) for WindowsCopy console command for serial connection&Copy Command (VNC) for Unix&Copy Command (VNC) for WindowsCopy console command for VNC connectionShow &LogShow cloud console logTerminate&Terminate Cloud Instance...Terminate cloud instance of selected virtual machinesOpen the machine activity monitor pane&File ManagerOpen the File Manager&Extension&Install...Extension Pack ManagerInstall extension packInstall Extension Pack&Uninstall...Uninstall selected extension packUninstall Extension Pack&Clearremove all inaccessible mediaRemove All Inaccessible Media&Console&Add Application...Cloud Console ManagerAdd new cloud console applicationAdd Cloud Console Application&Remove Application...Remove selected cloud console applicationRemove Cloud Console ApplicationAdd new cloud console profileAdd Cloud Console ProfileRemove selected cloud console profileRemove Cloud Console ProfileConsole &PropertiesOpen pane with selected cloud console propertiesOpen Cloud Console Properties&ResourcesColumnsVM Activity OverviewShow/Hide ColumnsVM ActivitySwitch to selected virtual machine's activity monitor paneDisplay the log viewer widget.UIAddDiskEncryptionPasswordDialogIDpassword table fieldPasswordpassword table field<nobr>Used by the following %n hard disk(s):</nobr><br>%1This text is never used with n == 0. Feel free to drop the %n where possible, we only included it because of problems with Qt Linguist (but the user can see how many hard drives are in the tool-tip and doesn't need to be told).%1 - Disk EncryptionThis virtual machine is password protected. Please enter the %n encryption password(s) below.This text is never used with n == 0. Feel free to drop the %n where possible, we only included it because of problems with Qt Linguist (but the user can see how many passwords are in the list and doesn't need to be told).UIAdditionalUnattendedOptionsHolds the product key.UIApplianceEditorWidgetVirtual System %1Sistema virtual %1NameNomeProductProdutoProduct-URLURL do produtoVendorProvedorVendor-URLURL do provedorVersionVersiónDescriptionDescriciónLicenseLicenzaGuest OS TypeTipo do sistema operativo convidadoCPUCPURAMRAMHard Disk Controller (IDE)Controlador IDE do disco ríxidoHard Disk Controller (SATA)Controlador SATA do disco ríxidoHard Disk Controller (SCSI)Controlador SCSI do disco ríxidoDVDDVDFloppyDisqueteiraNetwork AdapterAdaptador de redeUSB ControllerControlador USBSound CardTarxeta de sonVirtual Disk ImageImaxe de disco virtualUnknown Hardware ItemElemento de hardware descoñecidoMBMB<b>Original Value:</b> %1<b>Valor orixinal:</b> %1ConfigurationConfiguraciónWarnings:Avisos:MBsize suffix MBytes=1024 KBytesMBMBsize suffix MBytes=1024KBytesMBStorage Controller (IDE)Storage Controller (SATA)Storage Controller (SCSI)Storage Controller (SAS)Detailed list of all components of all virtual machines of the current applianceSettings FileBase FolderPrimary GroupUIApplianceImportEditorWidgetImporting Appliance ...Importando o servizo virtualizado ...UIApplianceModelItem%1col.1 text%1: %2col.1 text: col.2 textUIApplianceUnverifiedCertificateViewerUnverifiable Certificate! Continue?<b>The appliance is signed by an unverified self signed certificate issued by '%1'. We recommend to only proceed with the importing if you are sure you should trust this entity.</b><b>The appliance is signed by an unverified certificate issued to '%1'. We recommend to only proceed with the importing if you are sure you should trust this entity.</b>TrueFalse<tr><td>%1:</td><td>%2</td></tr>key: valueIssuerSubjectNot Valid BeforeNot Valid AfterSerial NumberSelf-SignedAuthority (CA)Public Algorithm%1 (%2)value (clarification)Signature AlgorithmX.509 Version NumberUIAudioControllerEditorAudio &Controller:&Controlador de audio:Selects the type of the virtual sound card. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different audio hardware to the virtual machine.Seleccione o tipo da tarxeta de son virtual. Dependendo deste valor, VirtualBox proporcionará diferente hardware de audio á máquina virtual.UIAudioFeaturesEditorExtended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:Enable Audio &OutputWhen checked, output to the virtual audio device will reach the host. Otherwise the guest is muted.Enable Audio &InputWhen checked, the guest will be able to capture audio input from the host. Otherwise the guest will capture only silence.UIAudioHostDriverEditorHost Audio &Driver:Controla&dor de audio do anfitrión:Selects the audio output driver. The Null Audio Driver makes the guest see an audio card, however every access to it will be ignored.UIAudioSettingsEditorEnable &Audio&Activar audioWhen checked, a virtual PCI audio card will be plugged into the virtual machine and will communicate with the host audio system using the specified driver.Cando está marcada, a tarxeta de son PCI virtual é conectada a máquina virtual que emprega o controlador especificado para comunicarse coa tarxeta de son do anfitrión.UIAutoCaptureKeyboardEditorExtended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:&Auto Capture KeyboardCapturar o teclado &automaticamenteWhen checked, the keyboard is automatically captured every time the VM window is activated. When the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) are directed to the VM.Cando está marcada, capturarase automaticamente o teclado cada vez que a xanela da máquina virtual sexa activada. Cando o teclado está capturado, todas as combinacións de teclas (incluso as do sistema como Alt-Tab) son dirixidas á máquina virtual.UIBaseMemoryEditorBase &Memory:&Memoria base:%1 MBMBMBHolds the amount of base memory the virtual machine will have.Minimum possible base memory size.Maximum possible base memory size.UIBootFailureDialog&CancelCloses this dialog without resetting the guest or mounting a medium&Mount and Retry BootMounts the selected ISO if any and reboots the vmThe virtual machine failed to boot. That might be caused by a missing operating system or misconfigured boot order. Mounting an operating system install DVD might solve this problem. Selecting an ISO file will attempt to mount it after the dialog is closed.DVD:Do not show this dialog againWhen checked this dialog will not be shown again.Holds the path of the ISO to be attached to machine as boot medium.The selected path is invalid.UIBootOrderEditor&Boot Order:Or&de de inicio:Defines the boot device order. Use the checkboxes on the left to enable or disable individual boot devices.Move items up and down to change the device order.Moves selected boot item up.Moves selected boot item down.UIChipsetEditor&Chipset:Selects the chipset to be emulated in this virtual machine. Note that the ICH9 chipset emulation is experimental and not recommended except for guest systems (such as Mac OS X) which require it.UIChooserAbstractModelNew groupUIChooserItemGroup<b>%1</b>Group item tool-tip / Group name%n group(s)Group item tool-tip / Group info<nobr>%1</nobr>Group item tool-tip / Group info wrapper<nobr>%1</nobr>%n machine(s)Group item tool-tip / Machine info(%n running)Group item tool-tip / Running machine info<nobr>%1</nobr>Group item tool-tip / Machine info wrapper<nobr>%1</nobr><nobr>%1 %2</nobr>Group item tool-tip / Machine info wrapper, including running<nobr>%1</nobr> {1 %2<?}Collapse groupExpand groupUIChooserNodeGlobalToolsItemUIChooserNodeMachineVirtual MachineUIChooserSearchWidgetNavigate to the next item among the search resultsNavigate to the previous item among the search resultsEnter a search term to be used during virtual machine searchClose the search widgetUIChooserViewContains a tree of Virtual Machines and their groupsUICloneVMAdditionalOptionsEditorMAC Address P&olicy:Determines MAC address policy for clonning:Include all network adapter MAC addressesInclude all network adapter MAC addresses during cloning.Include only NAT network adapter MAC addressesInclude only NAT network adapter MAC addresses during cloning.Generate new MAC addresses for all network adaptersGenerate new MAC addresses for all network adapters during cloning.Additional Options:Enables keeping the disk names during cloning.Keep &Disk NamesEnables keeping hardware UUIDs during cloning.Keep Hard&ware UUIDsUICloneVMCloneModeGroupBoxCurrent &machine stateWhen chosen, only the current state of the source vm is cloned.Current &snapshot tree branch&EverythingWhen chosen, all the saved states of the source vm are also cloned.UICloneVMCloneTypeGroupBox&Full cloneWhen chosen, all the virtual disks of the source vm are also cloned.&Linked cloneWhen chosen, the cloned vm will save space by sharing the source VM's disk images.UICloneVMNamePathEditorClone name cannot be emptyPath is invalidThe clone name is not unique%1 Clone&Name:&Nome:&Path:UICloudConsoleDetailsWidgetName:Path:Argument:Enter a name for this console application...Enter a path for this console application...Enter an argument for this console application...Enter a name for this console profile...Enter an argument for this console profile...ResetRestabelecerReset changes in current console detailsReset Changes (%1)ApplyApply changes in current console detailsApply Changes (%1)UICloudConsoleManagerCloud Console ManagerResetRestabelecerApplyClosePecharReset changes in current cloud console detailsApply changes in current cloud console detailsClose dialog without savingReset Changes (%1)Apply Changes (%1)Close Window (%1)UICloudConsoleManagerWidgetApplicationList in MenuUICloudMachineSettingsDialogSettingsConfiguracións%1 - %2%1 - %2UICloudMachineSettingsDialogPageContains a list of cloud machine settings.UICloudProfileDetailsWidgetName:Properties:Contains cloud profile settingsEnter a name for the new profile...Enter a name for this profile...ResetRestabelecerReset changes in current profile detailsReset Changes (%1)AddAdd a new profile with following nameAdd Profile (%1)ApplyApply changes in current profile detailsApply Changes (%1)UICloudProfileManagerCloud Profile ManagerResetRestabelecerApplyClosePecharReset changes in current cloud profile detailsApply changes in current cloud profile detailsClose dialog without savingReset Changes (%1)Apply Changes (%1)Close Window (%1)Add ProfileHelpShow dialog helpShow Help (%1)UICloudProfileManagerWidgetSourceFonteList VMsRegistered cloud providers and profilesUIColorThemeEditorColor &Theme:Selects the color theme. It can be Light, Dark or automatically detected (default).UICommonMBsize suffix MBytes=1024 KBytesMB<nobr>%1 MB</nobr>details report<nobr>%1 MB</nobr>Enableddetails report (3D Acceleration)ActivadoDisableddetails report (3D Acceleration)Desactivadonot setdetails report (execution engine)Activedetails report (Nested Paging)Inactivedetails report (Nested Paging)Activedetails report (Unrestricted Execution)Inactivedetails report (Unrestricted Execution)Execution enginedetails reportNested PagingPaxinación aniñadaUnrestricted ExecutionExecution Capdetails reportParavirtualization Interfacedetails reportProcessorsdetails reportPowered OffMachineStateApagadaSavedMachineStateGardadaAbortedMachineStateInterrompidaTeleportedMachineStateRunningMachineStateExecutandoPausedMachineStateDetidaGuru MeditationMachineStateTeleportingMachineStateTaking SnapshotMachineStateTaking Online SnapshotMachineStateTaking Live SnapshotMachineStateStartingMachineStateIniciandoStoppingMachineStateDetendoSavingMachineStateGardandoRestoringMachineStateRestaurandoTeleporting Paused VMMachineStateDeleting SnapshotMachineStateRestoring SnapshotMachineStateSetting UpMachineStateA configurarUnlockedSessionStateLockedSessionStateSpawningSessionStateXerandoUnlockingSessionStateNoneParavirtProviderNingúnDefaultParavirtProviderPredefinidoLegacyParavirtProviderMinimalParavirtProviderHyper-VParavirtProviderKVMParavirtProviderNoneDeviceTypeNingúnFloppyDeviceTypeDisqueteiraOpticalDeviceTypeHard DiskDeviceTypeDisco ríxidoNetworkDeviceTypeRedeUSBDeviceTypeUSBShared FolderDeviceTypeCartafol compartidoDisabledClipboardTypeDesactivadoHost To GuestClipboardTypeAnfitrión a convidadoGuest To HostClipboardTypeConvidado a anfitriónBidirectionalClipboardTypeBidireccionalDisabledDragAndDropTypeDesactivadoHost To GuestDragAndDropTypeAnfitrión a convidadoGuest To HostDragAndDropTypeConvidado a anfitriónBidirectionalDragAndDropTypeBidireccionalPS/2 MousePointingHIDTypeUSB MousePointingHIDTypeUSB TabletPointingHIDTypePS/2 and USB MousePointingHIDTypeUSB Multi-Touch TabletPointingHIDTypeNoneGraphicsControllerTypeNingúnVBoxVGAGraphicsControllerTypeVMSVGAGraphicsControllerTypeVBoxSVGAGraphicsControllerTypeNormalMediumTypeNormalImmutableMediumTypeImmutábelWritethroughMediumTypeEscritura directaShareableMediumTypeReadonlyMediumTypeMulti-attachMediumTypeDynamically allocated storageMediumVariantNew dynamically allocated storageMediumVariantDynamically allocated differencing storageMediumVariantFixed size storageMediumVariantDynamically allocated storage split into files of less than 2GBMediumVariantDynamically allocated differencing storage split into files of less than 2GBMediumVariantFixed size storage split into files of less than 2GBMediumVariantDynamically allocated compressed storageMediumVariantDynamically allocated differencing compressed storageMediumVariantFixed size ESX storageMediumVariantFixed size storage on raw diskMediumVariantNot attachedNetworkAttachmentTypeSen conexiónNATNetworkAttachmentTypeNATBridged AdapterNetworkAttachmentTypeAdaptador ponte (bridged)Internal NetworkNetworkAttachmentTypeRede internaHost-only AdapterNetworkAttachmentTypeAdaptador exclusivo do anfitriónGeneric DriverNetworkAttachmentTypeNAT NetworkNetworkAttachmentTypePCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)NetworkAdapterTypePCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)PCnet-FAST III (Am79C973)NetworkAdapterTypePCnet-FAST III (Am79C973)Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)NetworkAdapterTypeIntel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)Intel PRO/1000 T Server (82543GC)NetworkAdapterTypeIntel PRO/1000 T Server (82543GC)Intel PRO/1000 MT Server (82545EM)NetworkAdapterTypeIntel PRO/1000 MT Server (82545EM)Paravirtualized Network (virtio-net)NetworkAdapterTypeDenyNetworkAdapterPromiscModePolicyAllow VMsNetworkAdapterPromiscModePolicyAllow AllNetworkAdapterPromiscModePolicyDisconnectedPortModeDesconectadoHost PipePortModeCanalización no anfitriónHost DevicePortModeDispositivo no anfitriónRaw FilePortModeFicheiro RawTCPPortModeOHCIUSBControllerTypeEHCIUSBControllerTypexHCIUSBControllerTypeNot supportedUSBDeviceStateNon compatíbelUnavailableUSBDeviceStateNon dispoñíbelBusyUSBDeviceStateOcupadoAvailableUSBDeviceStateDispoñíbelHeldUSBDeviceStateRetidoCapturedUSBDeviceStateCapturadoIgnoreUSBDeviceFilterActionIgnorarHoldUSBDeviceFilterActionReterNull Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeControlador de audio nuloWindows MultimediaAudioDriverTypeWindows MultimediaOSS Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeControlador de audio OSSALSA Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeControlador de audio ALSAWindows DirectSoundAudioDriverTypeWindows DirectSoundCoreAudioAudioDriverTypeCoreAudioPulseAudioAudioDriverTypePulseAudioSolaris AudioAudioDriverTypeAudio de SolarisICH AC97AudioControllerTypeICH AC97SoundBlaster 16AudioControllerTypeSoundBlaster 16Intel HD AudioAudioControllerTypeNullAuthTypeNuloExternalAuthTypeExternoGuestAuthTypeConvidadoIDEStorageBusIDESATAStorageBusSATASCSIStorageBusSCSIFloppyStorageBusDisqueteiraSASStorageBusUSBStorageBusUSBPCIeStorageBusvirtio-scsiStorageBusLsiLogicStorageControllerTypeBusLogicStorageControllerTypeBusLogicAHCIStorageControllerTypeAHCIPIIX3StorageControllerTypePIIX3PIIX4StorageControllerTypePIIX4ICH6StorageControllerTypeICH6I82078StorageControllerTypeLsiLogic SASStorageControllerTypeUSBStorageControllerTypeUSBNVMeStorageControllerTypevirtio-scsiStorageControllerTypePIIX3ChipsetTypePIIX3ICH9ChipsetTypeICH9UDPNATProtocolTCPNATProtocolStartingGuestSessionStatusIniciandoStartingProcessStatusIniciandoPausedProcessStatusDetidaBsize suffix BytesKBsize suffix KBytes=1024 BytesGBsize suffix GBytes=1024 MBytesTBsize suffix TBytes=1024 GBytesPBsize suffix PBytes=1024 TBytesIDE Primary Device 0StorageSlotIDE Primary Device 1StorageSlotIDE Secondary Device 0StorageSlotIDE Secondary Device 1StorageSlotSATA Port %1StorageSlotSCSI Port %1StorageSlotSAS Port %1StorageSlotFloppy Device %1StorageSlotUSB Port %1StorageSlotNVMe Port %1StorageSlotvirtio-scsi Port %1StorageSlotNameNomeOSLocationLocalizaciónGroupsRAMRAMCPU CountCPU Execution CapBoot OrderOrde de inicioChipset TypeFirmwareAccelerationVRAMScreen CountScale FactorGraphics ControllerVRDERecordingHard DisksDiscos ríxidosOptical DevicesFloppy DevicesDriverControllerControladorInput/OutputNot Attachednetwork adapterSen conectarNATNATBridget AdapterInternal NetworkRede internaHost Only AdapterGeneric DriverNAT NetworkDisconnectedserial portDesconectadoHost PipeCanalización no anfitriónHost DeviceDispositivo no anfitriónRaw FileFicheiro RawTCPDevice FiltersFiltros do dispositivoMenu BarStatus BarMini ToolbarGeneralDetailsElementTypeXeralPreviewDetailsElementTypeSystemDetailsElementTypeSistemaDisplayDetailsElementTypePantallaStorageDetailsElementTypeAlmacenamentoAudioDetailsElementTypeAudioNetworkDetailsElementTypeRedeSerial portsDetailsElementTypeUSBDetailsElementTypeUSBShared foldersDetailsElementTypeUser interfaceDetailsElementTypeDescriptionDetailsElementTypeDescriciónHard DisksIndicatorTypeDiscos ríxidosOptical DisksIndicatorTypeFloppy DisksIndicatorTypeAudioIndicatorTypeAudioNetworkIndicatorTypeRedeUSBIndicatorTypeUSBShared FoldersIndicatorTypeCartafoles compartidosDisplayIndicatorTypePantallaRecordingIndicatorTypeFeaturesIndicatorTypeMouseIndicatorTypeKeyboardIndicatorTypeGeneralInformationElementTypeXeralPreviewInformationElementTypeSystemInformationElementTypeSistemaDisplayInformationElementTypePantallaStorageInformationElementTypeAlmacenamentoAudioInformationElementTypeAudioNetworkInformationElementTypeRedeSerial portsInformationElementTypeUSBInformationElementTypeUSBShared foldersInformationElementTypeUser interfaceInformationElementTypeDescriptionInformationElementTypeDescriciónRuntime attributesInformationElementTypeStorage statisticsInformationElementTypeNetwork statisticsInformationElementTypeVDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)UIMediumFormatVMDK (Virtual Machine Disk)UIMediumFormatVHD (Virtual Hard Disk)UIMediumFormatHDD (Parallels Hard Disk)UIMediumFormatQED (QEMU enhanced disk)UIMediumFormatQCOW (QEMU Copy-On-Write)UIMediumFormatVideo/AudioUISettingsDefs::RecordingModeVideo OnlyUISettingsDefs::RecordingModeAudio OnlyUISettingsDefs::RecordingModePlease choose a virtual hard disk fileAll virtual hard disk files (%1)Please choose a virtual optical disk fileAll virtual optical disk files (%1)Please choose a virtual floppy disk fileAll virtual floppy disk files (%1)All files (*)Todos os ficheiros (*)Unknown deviceUSB device detailsUnknown device %1:%2USB device detailsDispositivo descoñecido %1:%2<nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB device tooltip<nobr>ID do vendedor: %1</nobr><br><nobr>ID do produto: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Revisión: %3</nobr><br><nobr>Serial No. %1</nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr>Número de serie %1</nobr><br><nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr>Estado: %1</nobr><nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>ID do vendedor: %1</nobr><nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>ID do produto: %2</nobr><nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Revisión: %3</nobr><nobr>Product: %4</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Produto: %4</nobr><nobr>Manufacturer: %5</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Fabricante: %5</nobr><nobr>Serial No.: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Número de serie: %1</nobr><nobr>Port: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Porto: %1</nobr><nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Estado: %1</nobr>User-definedserial portDefinido polo usuarioInaccessiblemediumInaccesíbelEmptymediumHost Drive '%1'mediumHost Drive %1 (%2)medium<p style=white-space:pre>Type (Format): %1 (%2)</p>medium<p>Attached to: %1</p>image<i>Not Attached</i>image<i>Checking accessibility...</i>mediumFailed to check accessibility of disk image files.medium<b>No disk image file selected</b>mediumYou can also change this while the machine is running.<b>No disk image files available</b>mediumYou can create or add disk image files in the virtual machine settings.Attaching this hard disk will be performed indirectly using a newly created differencing hard disk.mediumEncryptedmediumChecking...mediumComprobando...Some of the files in this hard disk chain are inaccessible. Please use the Virtual Medium Manager to inspect these files.mediumThis base hard disk is indirectly attached using the following differencing hard disk:mediumDifferencingMediumTypeA diferenciarAdapter %1Adaptador %1Please choose a location for new virtual hard disk filePCnet-ISA (Am79C960)NetworkAdapterTypeCloud Network [EXPERIMENTAL]NetworkAttachmentTypeProvisioningCloudMachineStateRunningCloudMachineStateExecutandoStartingCloudMachineStateIniciandoStoppingCloudMachineStateDetendoStoppedCloudMachineStateCreating ImageCloudMachineStateTerminatingCloudMachineStateTerminatedCloudMachineStateAborted-SavedMachineStateNonePointingHIDTypeNingúnUSB MT TouchScreen and TouchPadPointingHIDTypeHost-only Adapter [DEPRECATED]NetworkAttachmentTypeHost-only NetworkNetworkAttachmentTypeNovell NE2000 (NE2000)NetworkAdapterTypeNovell NE1000 (NE1000)NetworkAdapterTypeWD EtherCard Plus 16 (WD8013EBT)NetworkAdapterTypeWD EtherCard Plus (WD8013E)NetworkAdapterType3Com EtherLink II (3C503)NetworkAdapterType3Com EtherLink (3C501)NetworkAdapterTypeDefaultAudioDriverTypePredefinidoNull AudioAudioDriverTypeOSS AudioAudioDriverTypeALSA AudioAudioDriverTypeWindows Audio SessionAudioDriverTypeCore AudioAudioDriverTypeUndefinedGuestSessionStatusStartedGuestSessionStatusTerminatingGuestSessionStatusTerminatedGuestSessionStatusTimed Out (Killed)GuestSessionStatusTimed Out (Abnormally)GuestSessionStatusDownGuestSessionStatusErrorGuestSessionStatusUndefinedProcessStatusStartedProcessStatusTerminatingProcessStatusTerminated (Normally)ProcessStatusTerminated (Signal)ProcessStatusTerminated (Abnormally)ProcessStatusTimed Out (Killed)ProcessStatusTimed Out (Abnormally)ProcessStatusDownProcessStatusErrorProcessStatusCloud NetworkHost Only NetworkVisual StateFollow System Settingscolor themeLightcolor themeDarkcolor themeNormal (window)visual stateFull-screenvisual stateSeamlessvisual stateScaledvisual stateLeave Unchangedcipher typeAnyUSB filter remoteCalqueraYesUSB filter remoteSiNoUSB filter remoteNonNoneMaximum Guest Screen SizeNingúnHintMaximum Guest Screen SizeAutomaticMaximum Guest Screen SizeNoneUISettingsDefs::RecordingModeNingúnUIContextMenuNavigationActionReturn to Start PageReload the Current PageGo Forward to Next PageGo Back to Previous PageAdd a New BookmarkUICustomFileSystemModelNameNomeSizeTamañoChange TimeOwnerPermissionsPathCamiñoNew DirectoryLocal PathUIDefaultMachineFolderEditorDefault &Machine Folder:Cartafol predefinido da &máquina:Holds the path to the default virtual machine folder. This folder is used, if not explicitly specified otherwise, when creating new virtual machines.Mostra o camiño ao cartafol de máquinas virtuais predefinido. Este cartafol empregase, no caso de non especificarse outro, ao crear novas máquinas virtuais.UIDescriptionPagePrivateNo description. Press the Edit button below to add it.Sen descrición. Prema no botón Editar de abaixo para engadila.EditEditarEdit (Ctrl+E)Editar (Ctrl+E)UIDetailsNamedetails (general)NomeOperating Systemdetails (general)Settings File Locationdetails (general)Groupsdetails (general)Information InaccessibledetailsBase Memorydetails (system)Memoria base%1 MBdetailsProcessorsdetails (system)Execution Capdetails (system)%1%detailsBoot Orderdetails (system)Orde de inicioChipset Typedetails (system)EFIdetails (system)Enableddetails (system/EFI)ActivadoDisableddetails (system/EFI)DesactivadoVT-x/AMD-Vdetails (system)VT-x/AMD-VNested Pagingdetails (system)Paxinación aniñadaPAE/NXdetails (system)PAE/NXMinimal Paravirtualizationdetails (system)Hyper-V Paravirtualizationdetails (system)KVM Paravirtualizationdetails (system)Accelerationdetails (system)Video Memorydetails (display)Memoria de vídeoScreensdetails (display)Scale-factordetails (display)3Ddetails (display)Accelerationdetails (display)Remote Desktop Server Portdetails (display/vrde)Remote Desktop Serverdetails (display/vrde)Disableddetails (display/vrde/VRDE server)DesactivadoFrame Size: %1x%2, Frame Rate: %3fps, Bit Rate: %4kbpsDisableddetails (display/video capture)Desactivado[Optical Drive]details (storage)Not Attacheddetails (storage)Sen conectarHost Driverdetails (audio)Controlador do anfitriónControllerdetails (audio)ControladorAudio Outputdetails (audio)Enableddetails (audio/output)ActivadoDisableddetails (audio/output)DesactivadoAudio Inputdetails (audio)Enableddetails (audio/input)ActivadoDisableddetails (audio/input)DesactivadoDisableddetails (audio)DesactivadoBridged Adapter, %1details (network)Internal Network, '%1'details (network)Host-only Adapter, '%1'details (network)Generic Driver, '%1'details (network)Generic Driver, '%1' { %2 }details (network)NAT Network, '%1'details (network)Adapter %1details (network)Adaptador %1Disableddetails (network/adapter)DesactivadoPort %1details (serial)Porto %1Disableddetails (serial)DesactivadoUSB Controllerdetails (usb)Controlador USBDevice Filtersdetails (usb)Filtros do dispositivo%1 (%2 active)details (usb)%1 (%2 activo)Disableddetails (usb)DesactivadoUSB Controller Inaccessibledetails (usb)Shared Foldersdetails (shared folders)Cartafoles compartidosNonedetails (shared folders)NingúnMenu-bardetails (user interface)Enableddetails (user interface/menu-bar)ActivadoDisableddetails (user interface/menu-bar)DesactivadoStatus-bardetails (user interface)Enableddetails (user interface/status-bar)ActivadoDisableddetails (user interface/status-bar)DesactivadoMini-toolbar Positiondetails (user interface)Topdetails (user interface/mini-toolbar position)Bottomdetails (user interface/mini-toolbar position)Mini-toolbardetails (user interface)Disableddetails (user interface/mini-toolbar)DesactivadoNonedetails (description)NingúnRecording Filedetails (display/recording)Recording Attributesdetails (display/recording)Recordingdetails (display/recording)Disableddetails (display/recording)DesactivadoGraphics Controllerdetails (display)USB 1.1 (OHCI) Controllerdetails (usb)USB 2.0 (OHCI + EHCI) Controllerdetails (usb)USB 3.0 (xHCI) Controllerdetails (usb)%1 MBEnableddetails (cloud value)ActivadoDisableddetails (cloud value)DesactivadoHost-only Network, '%1'details (network)Visual Statedetails (user interface)UIDetailsBlockNamedetails reportNomeOS Typedetails reportTipo de sistema operativoBase Memorydetails reportMemoria base<nobr>%1 MB</nobr>details report<nobr>%1 MB</nobr><nobr>%1</nobr>details report<nobr>%1</nobr>Boot Orderdetails reportOrde de inicioACPIdetails reportACPII/O APICdetails reportI/O APICVT-x/AMD-Vdetails reportVT-x/AMD-VNested Pagingdetails reportPaxinación aniñadaPAE/NXdetails reportPAE/NXVideo Memorydetails reportMemoria de vídeoDisableddetails report (VRDE Server)DesactivadoNot Attacheddetails report (Storage)Sen conectarHost Driverdetails report (audio)Controlador do anfitriónControllerdetails report (audio)ControladorDisableddetails report (audio)DesactivadoBridged adapter, %1details report (network)Adaptador ponte, %1Internal network, '%1'details report (network)Rede interna, '%1'Host-only adapter, '%1'details report (network)Adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión, '%1'Adapter %1details report (network)Adaptador %1Disableddetails report (network)DesactivadoPort %1details report (serial ports)Porto %1Disableddetails report (serial ports)DesactivadoPort %1details report (parallel ports)Porto %1Disableddetails report (parallel ports)DesactivadoDevice Filtersdetails report (USB)Filtros do dispositivo%1 (%2 active)details report (USB)%1 (%2 activo)Disableddetails report (USB)DesactivadoShared Foldersdetails report (shared folders)Cartafoles compartidosNonedetails report (shared folders)NingúnNonedetails report (description)NingúnUIDetailsElement%1 detailslike 'General details' or 'Storage details'Copy value (%1)Edit value...UIDetailsPagePrivateNamedetails reportNomeOS Typedetails reportTipo de sistema operativoBase Memorydetails reportMemoria base<nobr>%1 MB</nobr>details report<nobr>%1 MB</nobr><nobr>%1</nobr>details report<nobr>%1</nobr>Boot Orderdetails reportOrde de inicioACPIdetails reportACPII/O APICdetails reportI/O APICVT-x/AMD-Vdetails reportVT-x/AMD-VNested Pagingdetails reportPaxinación aniñadaPAE/NXdetails reportPAE/NXVideo Memorydetails reportMemoria de vídeoDisableddetails report (VRDE Server)DesactivadoNot Attacheddetails report (Storage)Sen conectarHost Driverdetails report (audio)Controlador do anfitriónControllerdetails report (audio)ControladorDisableddetails report (audio)DesactivadoBridged adapter, %1details report (network)Adaptador ponte, %1Internal network, '%1'details report (network)Rede interna, '%1'Host-only adapter, '%1'details report (network)Adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión, '%1'Adapter %1details report (network)Adaptador %1Disableddetails report (network)DesactivadoPort %1details report (serial ports)Porto %1Disableddetails report (serial ports)DesactivadoPort %1details report (parallel ports)Porto %1Disableddetails report (parallel ports)DesactivadoDevice Filtersdetails report (USB)Filtros do dispositivo%1 (%2 active)details report (USB)%1 (%2 activo)Disableddetails report (USB)DesactivadoShared Foldersdetails report (shared folders)Cartafoles compartidosNonedetails report (shared folders)NingúnNonedetails report (description)NingúnThe selected virtual machine is <i>inaccessible</i>. Please inspect the error message shown below and press the <b>Refresh</b> button if you want to repeat the accessibility check:A máquina virtual seleccionada está <i>inaccesíbel</i>. Inspecciona a mensaxe de erro mostrada abaixo e prema no botón <b>Actualizar</b> se quere repetir a comprobación de accesibilidade:Generaldetails reportXeralSystemdetails reportSistemaDisplaydetails reportPantallaStoragedetails reportAlmacenamentoAudiodetails reportAudioNetworkdetails reportRedeSerial Portsdetails reportPortos serieParallel Portsdetails reportPortos paralelosUSBdetails reportUSBShared Foldersdetails reportCartafoles compartidosDescriptiondetails reportDescriciónUIDetailsSetContains the details of virtual machine '%1'UIDetailsViewContains a list of Virtual Machine details.UIDetailsWidgetCloudNetworkN&ame:Holds the name for this network.&Provider:Holds the cloud provider for this network.P&rofile:Holds the cloud profile for this network.&Id:Holds the id for this network.Selects the id for this network.ResetRestabelecerApplyReset changes in current interface detailsApply changes in current interface detailsReset Changes (%1)Apply Changes (%1)UIDetailsWidgetHostNetwork&Name:&Nome:Holds the name for this network.&Mask:Holds the mask for this network.&Lower Bound:Holds the lower address bound for this network.&Upper Bound:Holds the upper address bound for this network.ResetRestabelecerApplyReset changes in current network detailsApply changes in current network detailsReset Changes (%1)Apply Changes (%1)&Adapter&Adaptador&DHCP ServerServidor &DHCPConfigure Adapter &AutomaticallyConfigure Adapter &Manually&IPv4 Address:Enderezo &IPv4:Holds the host IPv4 address for this adapter.Mostrar o enderezo IPv4 do equipo para este adaptador.IPv4 Network &Mask:&Máscara de rede IPv4:Holds the host IPv4 network mask for this adapter.Mostrar a máscara de rede IPv4 do equipo para este adaptador.I&Pv6 Address:Enderezo I&Pv6:Holds the host IPv6 address for this adapter if IPv6 is supported.Mostrar o enderezo IPv6 do equipo para este adaptador de se permitir IPv6.IPv6 Prefix &Length:&Lonxitude da máscara de rede IPv6:Holds the host IPv6 prefix length for this adapter if IPv6 is supported.Mostra a lonxitude do prefixo da máscara de rede IPv6 do anfitrión para este adaptador de se permitir IPv6.Reset changes in current interface detailsApply changes in current interface details&Enable ServerActivar o s&ervidorWhen checked, the DHCP Server will be enabled for this network on machine start-up.Server Add&ress:Ende&rezo do servidor:Holds the address of the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o enderezo do servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.Server &Mask:&Máscara do servidor:Holds the network mask of the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra a máscara de rede do servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.&Lower Address Bound:&Límite inferior de enderezos:Holds the lower address bound offered by the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o límite inferior de enderezos ofrecidos polo servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.&Upper Address Bound:Límite s&uperior de enderezos:Holds the upper address bound offered by the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o límite superior de enderezos ofrecidos polo servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.Reset changes in current DHCP server detailsApply changes in current DHCP server detailsUIDetailsWidgetNATNetwork&General Options&Port ForwardingN&ame:Holds the name for this network.IPv&4 Prefix:Holds the IPv4 prefix for this network.IPv&6 Prefix:Holds the IPv6 prefix for this network.Enable &DHCPWhen checked, this network will support DHCP.&Enable IPv6When checked, this network will support IPv6.Advertise Default IPv6 &RouteWhen checked, this network will be advertised as the default IPv6 route.ResetRestabelecerApplyReset changes in current interface detailsApply changes in current interface detailsReset Changes (%1)Apply Changes (%1)IPv&4IPv&6UIDialogPanelClose the paneUIDiskEncryptionSettingsEditorEn&able Disk EncryptionWhen checked, disks attached to this virtual machine will be encrypted.Disk Encryption C&ipher:Holds the cipher to be used for encrypting the virtual machine disks.E&nter New Password:Holds the encryption password for disks attached to this virtual machine.C&onfirm New Password:Confirms the disk encryption password.Leave Unchangedcipher typeUIDiskVariantWidgetPre-allocate &Full SizeWhen checked, the virtual disk image is allocated with its full size during VM creation time&Split into 2GB partsWhen checked, the virtual hard disk file is split into 2GB parts.UIDnDHandlerDropping data ...Retrieving data ...UIDownloaderThe download process has been cancelled by the user.O usuario cancelou o proceso de descarga.Looking for %1...Downloading %1...Verifying %1...UIDownloaderAdditionsCancelCancelarDownloading the VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file from <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr>Descargando a imaxe do CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado desde <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr>Cancel the VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file downloadCancelar a descarga da imaxe do CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado<p>Failed to save the downloaded file as <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr></p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao gardar o ficheiro descargado como <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr></p>Select folder to save Guest Additions image toSeleccione o cartafol onde gardar a imaxe dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoUIDownloaderExtensionPackVirtualBox Extension PackSelect folder to save %1 toUIDownloaderGuestAdditionsVirtualBox Guest AdditionsSelect folder to save Guest Additions image toSeleccione o cartafol onde gardar a imaxe dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoUIDownloaderUserManualVirtualBox User ManualSelect folder to save User Manual toUIDragAndDropEditorD&rag'n'Drop:Holds which data will be copied between the guest and the host OS by drag'n'drop. This feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.UIEmptyFilePathSelectorChoose...UIErrorPaneThe selected virtual machine is <i>inaccessible</i>. Please inspect the error message shown below and press the <b>Refresh</b> button if you want to repeat the accessibility check:A máquina virtual seleccionada está <i>inaccesíbel</i>. Inspecciona a mensaxe de erro mostrada abaixo e prema no botón <b>Actualizar</b> se quere repetir a comprobación de accesibilidade:UIErrorStringResult Code: error infoCódigo resultado: Component: error infoCompoñente: Interface: error infoInterface: Callee: error infoReceptor: Callee RC: error infoReceptor RC: UIExecutionCapEditor&Execution Cap:Limits the amount of time that each virtual CPU is allowed to run for. Each virtual CPU will be allowed to use up to this percentage of the processing time available on one physical CPU.%%1%Minimum possible execution cap.Maximum possible virtual CPU count.UIExportApplianceWzdSelect a file to export intoSeleccione un ficheiro para a exportaciónOpen Virtualization Format (%1)Abrir virtualización de formato (%1)ApplianceServizo virtualizado (Appliance)Exporting Appliance ...Exportando servizo virtualizado ...Appliance Export WizardAsistente de exportación de servizo virtualizadoWelcome to the Appliance Export Wizard!Benvida ao asistente de exportación de servizo virtualizado!<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">This wizard will guide you through the process of exporting an appliance. </p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Use the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Next</span> button to go the next page of the wizard and the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Back</span> button to return to the previous page.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Please select the virtual machines that you wish to the appliance. You can select more than one. Please note that these machines have to be turned off before they can be exported.</p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Este asistente guiarao a través do proceso de exportación dun servizo virtualizado (appliance). </p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Emprega o botón <span style=" font-weight:600;">Seguinte</span> para ir á seguinte páxina do asistente e o botón <span style=" font-weight:600;">Volver</span> para regresar á páxina anterior.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Seleccione a máquina virtual que será exportada como servizo virtualizado. Pode seleccionar máis dunha. Nota que estas máquinas deben estar apagadas para poder ser exportadas.</p></body></html>< &Back< Vo&lver&Next >Segui&nte>CancelCancelarAppliance Export SettingsConfiguración de exportación de servizos virtualizadosHere you can change additional configuration values of the selected virtual machines. You can modify most of the properties shown by double-clicking on the items.Aquí pode modificar valores de configuración adicionais das máquinas virtuais seleccionadas. Pode modificar a maioría das propiedades mostradas facendo dobre clic enriba dos elementos.Restore DefaultsRestabelecer predefinidas&Export >&Exportar >Write in legacy OVF 0.9 format for compatibility with other virtualization products.Almacena no formato orixinal OVF 0.9 para obter compatibilidade con outros produtos de virtualización.&Write legacy OVF 0.9Almacena no &formato orixinal OVF 0.9Please choose a filename to export the OVF to.Escolla un nome de ficheiro no que exportar o OVF.Please complete the additional fields like the username, password and the bucket, and provide a filename for the OVF target.Complete os campos adicionais como o nome de usuario, contrasinal e contedor. Para rematar vostede debe proporcionar o nome de ficheiro para o OVF destino.Please complete the additional fields like the username, password, hostname and the bucket, and provide a filename for the OVF target.Complete os campos adicionais coma o nome de usuario, contrasinal, nome de equipo e o contedor. Para rematar vostede debe proporcionar o nome de ficheiro para o OVF destino.Checking files ...A comprobar ficheiros ...Removing files ...A eliminar ficheiros ...Please specify the target for the OVF export. You can choose between a local file system export, uploading the OVF to the Sun Cloud service or an S3 storage server.Especifique o destino para o exportado de OVF. Vostede pode seleccionar entre exportar a un sistema de ficheiros local, subir o OVF ao servizo Sun Cloud ou a un servidor de almacenamento S3.&Local Filesystem Sistema de ficheiros &local Sun &CloudSun &Cloud&Simple Storage System (S3)&Sistema de almacenamento simple (S3)&Username:Nome de &usuario:&Password:&Contrasinal:&File:&Ficheiro:&Bucket:Conte&dor:&Hostname:Nome do e&quipo:UIExportApplianceWzdPage1Welcome to the Appliance Export Wizard!Benvida ao asistente de exportación de servizo virtualizado!UIExportApplianceWzdPage2Here you can change additional configuration values of the selected virtual machines. You can modify most of the properties shown by double-clicking on the items.Aquí pode modificar valores de configuración adicionais das máquinas virtuais seleccionadas. Pode modificar a maioría das propiedades mostradas facendo dobre clic enriba dos elementos.Appliance Export SettingsConfiguración de exportación de servizos virtualizadosPlease specify the target for the OVF export. You can choose between a local file system export, uploading the OVF to the Sun Cloud service or an S3 storage server.Especifique o destino para o exportado de OVF. Vostede pode seleccionar entre exportar a un sistema de ficheiros local, subir o OVF ao servizo Sun Cloud ou a un servidor de almacenamento S3.&Local Filesystem Sistema de ficheiros &local Sun &CloudSun &Cloud&Simple Storage System (S3)&Sistema de almacenamento simple (S3)UIExportApplianceWzdPage3Please specify the target for the OVF export. You can choose between a local file system export, uploading the OVF to the Sun Cloud service or an S3 storage server.Especifique o destino para o exportado de OVF. Vostede pode seleccionar entre exportar a un sistema de ficheiros local, subir o OVF ao servizo Sun Cloud ou a un servidor de almacenamento S3.&Local Filesystem Sistema de ficheiros &local Sun &CloudSun &Cloud&Simple Storage System (S3)&Sistema de almacenamento simple (S3)Appliance Export SettingsConfiguración de exportación de servizos virtualizados&Username:Nome de &usuario:&Password:&Contrasinal:&Hostname:Nome do e&quipo:&Bucket:Conte&dor:&File:&Ficheiro:Write in legacy OVF 0.9 format for compatibility with other virtualization products.Almacena no formato orixinal OVF 0.9 para obter compatibilidade con outros produtos de virtualización.&Write legacy OVF 0.9Almacena no &formato orixinal OVF 0.9ApplianceServizo virtualizado (Appliance)Select a file to export intoSeleccione un ficheiro para a exportaciónOpen Virtualization Format (%1)Abrir virtualización de formato (%1)Please complete the additional fields like the username, password and the bucket, and provide a filename for the OVF target.Complete os campos adicionais como o nome de usuario, contrasinal e contedor. Para rematar vostede debe proporcionar o nome de ficheiro para o OVF destino.Please complete the additional fields like the username, password, hostname and the bucket, and provide a filename for the OVF target.Complete os campos adicionais coma o nome de usuario, contrasinal, nome de equipo e o contedor. Para rematar vostede debe proporcionar o nome de ficheiro para o OVF destino.UIExportApplianceWzdPage4&Username:Nome de &usuario:&Password:&Contrasinal:&Hostname:Nome do e&quipo:&Bucket:Conte&dor:&File:&Ficheiro:Write in legacy OVF 0.9 format for compatibility with other virtualization products.Almacena no formato orixinal OVF 0.9 para obter compatibilidade con outros produtos de virtualización.&Write legacy OVF 0.9Almacena no &formato orixinal OVF 0.9Appliance Export SettingsConfiguración de exportación de servizos virtualizadosApplianceServizo virtualizado (Appliance)Select a file to export intoSeleccione un ficheiro para a exportaciónOpen Virtualization Format (%1)Abrir virtualización de formato (%1)Please choose a filename to export the OVF to.Escolla un nome de ficheiro no que exportar o OVF.Please complete the additional fields like the username, password and the bucket, and provide a filename for the OVF target.Complete os campos adicionais como o nome de usuario, contrasinal e contedor. Para rematar vostede debe proporcionar o nome de ficheiro para o OVF destino.Please complete the additional fields like the username, password, hostname and the bucket, and provide a filename for the OVF target.Complete os campos adicionais coma o nome de usuario, contrasinal, nome de equipo e o contedor. Para rematar vostede debe proporcionar o nome de ficheiro para o OVF destino.Checking files ...A comprobar ficheiros ...Removing files ...A eliminar ficheiros ...Exporting Appliance ...Exportando servizo virtualizado ...Here you can change additional configuration values of the selected virtual machines. You can modify most of the properties shown by double-clicking on the items.Aquí pode modificar valores de configuración adicionais das máquinas virtuais seleccionadas. Pode modificar a maioría das propiedades mostradas facendo dobre clic enriba dos elementos.UIExtensionPackManagerExtension Pack ManagerClosePecharHelpClose dialogShow dialog helpClose Window (%1)Show Help (%1)UIExtensionPackManagerWidgetActiveNameNomeVersionVersiónRegistered extension packsSelect an extension package fileExtension package files (%1)UIFDCreationDialog1.44M1.2M720K360KFloppy Disk CreatorFile &Path:&Size:Sets the size of the floppy disk.&Format disk as FAT12Formats the floppy disk as FAT12.2.88MCreate the disk and close this dialog.CancelCancelarFile already existsUIFileManager%1 - File ManagerClosePecharClearCancelCancelarNot yet startedWorkingPausedDetidaCanceledSuccededFailedInvalidRemove SelectedRemove FinishedRemove AllList directories on topList directories before filesAsk before deleteShow a confirmation dialog before deleting files and directoriesHuman readable sizesShow file/directory sizes in human readable format rather than in bytesPasswordUser name to authenticate session creationUser NamePassword to authenticate session creationClose SessionTotal Size bytesFile CountDelete the selected file(s) and/or folder(s)Ask for this confirmation next timeDelete confirmation can be disabled/enabled also from the Options panel.NameNomeSizeTamañoUnknownFileDirectorySymbolic Link<b>Size:</b> %1 bytes<b>Allocated:</b> %1 bytesdirectoryfilesymbolic linkcharacter deviceblock devicefifosocketwhiteoutunknownillegal-value<b>Type:</b> %1<br/><b>INode:</b> %1<br/><b>Device:</b> %1<br/><b>Hardlinks:</b> %1<br/><b>Mode:</b> %1<br/><b>Attributes:</b> %1<br/><b>Device ID:</b> %1<br/><b>Owner:</b> %1 (%2)<br/><b>Group:</b> %1 (%2)<br/><b>Birth:</b> %1<br/><b>Change:</b> %1<br/><b>Modified:</b> %1<br/><b>Access:</b> %1<br/><b>Selected:</b> %1 files and %2 directories<br/><b>Size (non-recursive):</b> %1 bytesProperties<b>Name:</b> %1<br/><b>Created:</b> %1<br/><b>Owner:</b> %1Show hidden objectsShow hidden files/directoriesFile ManagerClose dialog without savingReset Changes (%1)HelpShow dialog helpShow Help (%1)Open SessionGuest File System:<p>Machine reference is invalid.</p><p>File manager cannot work since the selected guest is not currently running.</p><p>File manager cannot work since the guest is paused.</p><p>File manager cannot work since the selected guest does not have the guest additions.</p><p>Enter a valid user name and password to initiate the file manager.</p><p>Guest control session is running.</p><p>Some error has occurred. Please check the log panel.</p>Host File System:HostChange TimeOwnerPermissionsUIFilePathSelector&Copy&CopiarOther...Outro...ResetRestabelecerResets the folder path to the default value.Restabelece o camiño do cartafol ao valor predefinido.Resets the file path to the default value.Restabelece o camiño do ficheiro ao valor predefinido.<reset to default><restabelecer predefinidos>The actual default path value will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this window again.O valor do camiño predefinido actual mostrarase despois de aceptar os cambios e ó abrir novamente este diálogo.<not selected><sen seleccionar>Please use the <b>Other...</b> item from the drop-down list to select a path.Emprega o elemento <b>Outro...</b> da lista despregábel para seleccionar o camiño desexado.Displays a window to select a different folder.Displays a window to select a different file.UIFirstRunWzdFirst Run WizardAsistente de primeira execución<p>You have started a newly created virtual machine for the first time. This wizard will help you to perform the steps necessary for installing an operating system of your choice onto this virtual machine.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page. You can also press <b>Cancel</b> if you want to cancel the execution of this wizard.</p><p>Iniciou por primeira vez unha máquina virtual creada recentemente. Este asistente axudárao a efectuar os pasos necesarios para instalar un sistema operativo da súa elección nesta máquina virtual.</p><p>Empregue o botón <b>Seguinte</b> para ir á seguinte páxina do asistente e o botón <b>Volver</b> para regresar á páxina anterior. Tamén pode premer en <b>Cancelar</b> se quere cancelar a execución deste asistente.</p>Welcome to the First Run Wizard!Benvida ao asistente de primeira execución!<p>Select the type of media you would like to use for installation.</p><p>Selecciona o tipo de medio proposto abaixo que lle gustaría empregar para a instalación.</p>Media TypeTipo de medio&CD/DVD DeviceDispositivo de &CD/DVD&Floppy DeviceDis&queteira<p>Select the media which contains the setup program of the operating system you want to install. This media must be bootable, otherwise the setup program will not be able to start.</p><p>Seleccione o medio que contén o programa de instalación do sistema operativo que quere instalar. Este medio debe ser iniciábel, noutro caso o programa de instalación non se poderá iniciar.</p>Media SourceFonte de medios&Host DriveUnidade anfi&trión&Image FileFicheiro de &imaxeSelect Installation MediaSeleccionar medio de instalación<p>You have selected the following media to boot from:</p><p>Seleccionou iniciar desde os seguintes medios:</p>SummaryResumoCD/DVD DeviceDispositivo de CD/DVDFloppy DeviceDisqueteiraHost Drive %1Unidade do anfitrión %1<p>You have started a newly created virtual machine for the first time. This wizard will help you to perform the steps necessary for booting an operating system of your choice on the virtual machine.</p><p>Note that you will not be able to install an operating system into this virtual machine right now because you did not attach any hard disk to it. If this is not what you want, you can cancel the execution of this wizard, select <b>Settings</b> from the <b>Machine</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window to access the settings window of this machine and change the hard disk configuration.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page. You can also press <b>Cancel</b> if you want to cancel the execution of this wizard.</p><p>Iniciou por primeira vez unha máquina virtual creada recentemente. Este asistente axudárao a efectuar os pasos necesarios para iniciar un sistema operativo da súa escolla na máquina virtual.</p><p>Nota que agora non poderá instalar un sistema operativo nesta máquina virtual porque non conectou ningún disco ríxido a máquina. Se non é isto o que quere, pode cancelar a execución deste asistente. Seleccione <b>Configuracións</b> desde o menú <b>Máquina</b> da xanela principal de VirtualBox para acceder ao diálogo de configuracións desta máquina e cambiar a configuración do disco ríxido.</p><p>Empregue o botón <b>Seguinte</b> para ir á seguinte páxina do asistente e o botón <b>Volver</b> para regresar á páxina anterior. Tamén pode premer en <b>Cancelar</b> se quere cancelar a execución deste asistente.</p><p>Select the type of media you would like to use for booting an operating system.</p><p>Seleccione o tipo de medio que lle gustaría empregar para iniciar o sistema operativo.</p><p>Select the media that contains the operating system you want to work with. This media must be bootable, otherwise the operating system will not be able to start.</p><p>Seleccione o medio que contén o sistema operativo co quere traballar. Este medio debe ser iniciábel, noutro caso o sistema operativo non se poderá iniciar.</p><p>You have selected the following media to boot an operating system from:</p><p>Seleccionou iniciar un sistema operativo desde os seguintes medios:</p><p>If the above is correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p><p>Se o anterior é correcto, prema no botón <b>Finalizar</b>. Unha vez que prema nel, montarase unha máquina virtual no medio seleccionado e a máquina iniciará a súa execución.</p>< &Back< Vo&lver&Next >Segui&nte><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">If the above is correct, press the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Finish</span> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be temporarily mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Please note that when you close the virtual machine, the specified media will be automatically unmounted and the boot device will be set back to the first hard disk.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Depending on the type of the setup program, you may need to manually unmount (eject) the media after the setup program reboots the virtual machine, to prevent the installation process from starting again. You can do this by selecting the corresponding <span style=" font-weight:600;">Unmount...</span> action in the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Devices</span> menu<span style=" font-weight:600;">.</span></p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Se o anterior é correcto prema no botón <span style=" font-weight:600;">Finalizar</span>. Unha vez que prema nel, o medio seleccionado montarase temporalmente na máquina virtual e a máquina iniciará a súa execución.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Nota que cando peche a máquina virtual, automaticamente se desmontará o medio especificado e o dispositivo de inicio estabelecerase ao primeiro disco ríxido.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Dependendo do tipo de programa de instalación, pode necesitar desmontar manualmente (expulsar) o medio despois de que o programa de instalación reinicie a máquina virtual para evitar que o proceso de instalación comece de novo. Pode facer isto seleccionado a acción <span style=" font-weight:600;">Desmontar...</span> no menú <span style=" font-weight:600;">Dispositivos</span><span style=" font-weight:600;">.</span></p></body></html>&Finish&FinalizarTypesummaryTipoSourcesummaryFonteCancelCancelarUIFirstRunWzdPage1Welcome to the First Run Wizard!Benvida ao asistente de primeira execución!UIFirstRunWzdPage2<p>Select the media which contains the setup program of the operating system you want to install. This media must be bootable, otherwise the setup program will not be able to start.</p><p>Seleccione o medio que contén o programa de instalación do sistema operativo que quere instalar. Este medio debe ser iniciábel, noutro caso o programa de instalación non se poderá iniciar.</p><p>Select the media that contains the operating system you want to work with. This media must be bootable, otherwise the operating system will not be able to start.</p><p>Seleccione o medio que contén o sistema operativo co quere traballar. Este medio debe ser iniciábel, noutro caso o sistema operativo non se poderá iniciar.</p>Media SourceFonte de mediosSelect Installation MediaSeleccionar medio de instalaciónUIFirstRunWzdPage3<p>You have selected the following media to boot from:</p><p>Seleccionou iniciar desde os seguintes medios:</p><p>You have selected the following media to boot an operating system from:</p><p>Seleccionou iniciar un sistema operativo desde os seguintes medios:</p><p>If the above is correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p><p>Se o anterior é correcto, prema no botón <b>Finalizar</b>. Unha vez que prema nel, montarase unha máquina virtual no medio seleccionado e a máquina iniciará a súa execución.</p>SummaryResumoCD/DVD DeviceDispositivo de CD/DVDTypesummaryTipoSourcesummaryFonteUIFormEditorWidgetEdit...NameNomeValueUIGAInstallationGroupBoxInvalid Guest Additions installation mediaUIGChooserItemGroup<nobr>%1</nobr>Group item tool-tip / Group info wrapper<nobr>%1</nobr><nobr>%1</nobr>Group item tool-tip / Machine info wrapper<nobr>%1</nobr><nobr>%1 %2</nobr>Group item tool-tip / Machine info wrapper, including running<nobr>%1</nobr> {1 %2<?}UIGDetailsNamedetails (general)NomeVT-x/AMD-Vdetails (system)VT-x/AMD-VPAE/NXdetails (system)PAE/NXDisableddetails (display/vrde/VRDE server)DesactivadoNot attacheddetails (storage)Sen conexiónControllerdetails (audio)ControladorDisableddetails (audio)DesactivadoBridged adapter, %1details (network)Adaptador ponte, %1Internal network, '%1'details (network)Rede interna, '%1'Host-only adapter, '%1'details (network)Adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión, '%1'Adapter %1details (network)Adaptador %1Disableddetails (network/adapter)DesactivadoPort %1details (serial)Porto %1Disableddetails (serial)DesactivadoPort %1details (parallel)Porto %1Disableddetails (parallel)Desactivado%1 (%2 active)details (usb)%1 (%2 activo)Disableddetails (usb)DesactivadoNonedetails (shared folders)NingúnNonedetails (description)NingúnBase Memorydetails (system)Memoria baseBoot Orderdetails (system)Orde de inicioNested Pagingdetails (system)Paxinación aniñadaVideo Memorydetails (display)Memoria de vídeoNot Attacheddetails (storage)Sen conectarHost Driverdetails (audio)Controlador do anfitriónDevice Filtersdetails (usb)Filtros do dispositivoShared Foldersdetails (shared folders)Cartafoles compartidosDisableddetails (display/video capture)DesactivadoEnableddetails (display/Unscaled HiDPI Video Output)ActivadoUSB Controllerdetails (usb)Controlador USBEnableddetails (user interface/menu-bar)ActivadoDisableddetails (user interface/menu-bar)DesactivadoEnableddetails (user interface/status-bar)ActivadoDisableddetails (user interface/status-bar)DesactivadoDisableddetails (user interface/mini-toolbar)DesactivadoEnableddetails (system/EFI)ActivadoDisableddetails (system/EFI)DesactivadoDisableddetails (display/Unscaled HiDPI Video Output)DesactivadoEnableddetails (audio/output)ActivadoDisableddetails (audio/output)DesactivadoEnableddetails (audio/input)ActivadoDisableddetails (audio/input)DesactivadoDisableddetails (display/recording)DesactivadoUIGDetailsUpdateThreadAudioControllerdetailsControladorDisableddetailsDesactivadoUIGDetailsUpdateThreadDescriptionNonedetailsNingúnUIGDetailsUpdateThreadDisplayVideo MemorydetailsMemoria de vídeoDisableddetails report (VRDE Server)DesactivadoUIGDetailsUpdateThreadGeneralNamedetailsNomeUIGDetailsUpdateThreadNetworkBridged adapter, %1details report (network)Adaptador ponte, %1Internal network, '%1'details report (network)Rede interna, '%1'Host-only adapter, '%1'details report (network)Adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión, '%1'Adapter %1detailsAdaptador %1DisableddetailsDesactivadoUIGDetailsUpdateThreadParallelPort %1detailsPorto %1DisableddetailsDesactivadoUIGDetailsUpdateThreadSFNonedetailsNingúnUIGDetailsUpdateThreadSerialPort %1detailsPorto %1DisableddetailsDesactivadoUIGDetailsUpdateThreadStorageNot attacheddetailsSen conexiónUIGDetailsUpdateThreadSystemBase MemorydetailsMemoria baseBoot OrderdetailsOrde de inicioVT-x/AMD-Vdetails reportVT-x/AMD-VNested PagingdetailsPaxinación aniñadaPAE/NXdetails reportPAE/NXUIGDetailsUpdateThreadUSB%1 (%2 active)details%1 (%2 activo)DisableddetailsDesactivadoUIGlobalDisplayFeaturesEditorExtended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:&Raise Window Under Mouse PointerWhen checked, machine windows will be raised when the mouse pointer moves over them.&Disable Host Screen SaverWhen checked, screen saver of the host OS is disabled.UIGlobalProxyFeaturesEditor&Auto-detect Host Proxy SettingsWhen chosen, VirtualBox will try to auto-detect host proxy settings for tasks like downloading Guest Additions from the network or checking for updates.&Direct Connection to the InternetWhen chosen, VirtualBox will use direct Internet connection for tasks like downloading Guest Additions from the network or checking for updates.&Manual Proxy ConfigurationWhen chosen, VirtualBox will use the proxy settings supplied for tasks like downloading Guest Additions from the network or checking for updates.&URL:Holds the proxy URL. The format is: <table cellspacing=0 style='white-space:pre'><tr><td>[{type}://][{userid}[:{password}]@]{server}[:{port}]</td></tr><tr><td>http://username:password@proxy.host.com:port</td></tr></table>UIGlobalSettingsDisplayNoneMaximum Guest Screen SizeNingúnUIGlobalSettingsExtensionNameNomeVersionVersiónUIGlobalSettingsGeneralHolds the path to the default virtual machine folder. This folder is used, if not explicitly specified otherwise, when creating new virtual machines.Mostra o camiño ao cartafol de máquinas virtuais predefinido. Este cartafol empregase, no caso de non especificarse outro, ao crear novas máquinas virtuais.Holds the path to the library that provides authentication for Remote Display (VRDP) clients.Mostra o camiño á biblioteca que fornece autenticación para clientes con pantalla remota (VRDP).Default &Hard Disk Folder:Cartafol predefinido do disco rí&xido:Default &Machine Folder:Cartafol predefinido da &máquina:V&RDP Authentication Library:Biblioteca de autenticación V&RDP:Holds the path to the default hard disk folder. This folder is used, if not explicitly specified otherwise, when adding existing or creating new virtual hard disks.Mostra o camiño ao cartafol de discos ríxidos predefinido. Este cartafol empregase, no caso de non especificarse outro, ao agregar ou crear discos ríxidos virtuais.When checked, the application will provide an icon with the context menu in the system tray.Cando está marcada, o aplicativo fornecerá unha icona cun menú contextual na área de notificacións (System Tray).&Show System Tray IconMo&strar icona na área de notificacións (System Tray)When checked, the Dock Icon will reflect the VM window content in realtime.Cando está marcada, a icona ancorada reflexará en tempo real o contido da xanela da máquina virtual.&Dock Icon Realtime PreviewPrevisualización en tempo real &da icona ancoradaUIGlobalSettingsInputHost &Key:Tecla an&fitrión:Holds the key used as a Host Key in the VM window. Activate the entry field and press a new Host Key. Note that alphanumeric, cursor movement and editing keys cannot be used.Mostra a tecla empregada como tecla anfitrión na xanela da máquina virtual. Active o campo de entrada e prema a nova tecla anfitrión. Nota que as teclas alfanuméricas, de movemento do cursor e as teclas de edición non é posíbel empregalas como unha tecla anfitrión.When checked, the keyboard is automatically captured every time the VM window is activated. When the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) are directed to the VM.Cando está marcada, capturarase automaticamente o teclado cada vez que a xanela da máquina virtual sexa activada. Cando o teclado está capturado, todas as combinacións de teclas (incluso as do sistema como Alt-Tab) son dirixidas á máquina virtual.&Auto Capture KeyboardCapturar o teclado &automaticamenteHost Key CombinationSome items have the same shortcuts assigned.UIGlobalSettingsLanguage (built-in)Language (integrado)<unavailable>Language<non dispoñíbel><unknown>Author(s)<descoñecido>DefaultLanguagePredefinidoLanguage:Idioma:&Interface Language:&Idioma da interface:Lists all available user interface languages. The effective language is written in <b>bold</b>. Select <i>Default</i> to reset to the system default language.Lista todos os idiomas dispoñíbeis da interface de usuario. O idioma elixido está escrito en <b>negra</b>. Seleccione <i>Predefinido</i> para restabelecer ao idioma predefinido do seu sistema.NameNomeIdIdLanguageIdiomaAuthorAutorAuthor(s):Autor(es):UIGlobalSettingsNetwork%1 network<adapter name> networkrede %1host IPv4 address of <b>%1</b> is wrongenderezo IPv4 do equipo <b>%1</b> é incorrectohost IPv4 network mask of <b>%1</b> is wrongmáscara de rede IPv4 do equipo <b>%1</b> é incorrectahost IPv6 address of <b>%1</b> is wrongenderezo IPv6 do equipo <b>%1</b> é incorrectoDHCP server address of <b>%1</b> is wrongenderezo do servidor DHCP de <b>%1</b> é incorrectoDHCP server network mask of <b>%1</b> is wrongmáscara de rede do servidor DHCP de <b>%1</b> é incorrectaDHCP lower address bound of <b>%1</b> is wrongO límite inferior <b>%1</b> do enderezo DHCP é incorrectoDHCP upper address bound of <b>%1</b> is wrongO límite superior <b>%1</b> do enderezo DHCP é incorrectoAdapterAdaptadorAutomatically configuredinterfaceConfigurado automaticamenteManually configuredinterfaceConfigurado manualmenteIPv4 AddressEnderezo IPv4Not setaddressSen definirIPv4 Network MaskMáscara de rede IPv4Not setmaskSen definirIPv6 AddressEnderezo IPv6IPv6 Prefix LengthLonxitude da máscara de rede IPv6Not setlengthSen definirDHCP ServerServidor DHCPEnabledserverActivadoDisabledserverDesactivadoAddressEnderezoNetwork MaskMáscara de redeLower BoundLímite inferiorNot setboundSen definirUpper BoundLímite superior&Add host-only networkEng&adir rede exclusiva do anfitrión&Remove host-only networkElimina&r rede exclusiva do anfitrión&Edit host-only network&Editar rede exclusiva do anfitriónPerformingcreating/removing host-only networkRealizando&Host-only Networks:Redes e&xclusivas do anfitrión:Lists all available host-only networks.Lista todas as redes exclusivas do anfitirión dispoñíbeis.NameNomeUIGlobalSettingsNetworkDetailsHost-only Network DetailsDetalles da rede exclusiva do anfitrión&Adapter&AdaptadorManual &ConfigurationManual de &configuraciónUse manual configuration for this host-only network adapter.Empregar a configuración manual para este adaptador da rede exclusiva do anfitrión.&IPv4 Address:Enderezo &IPv4:Holds the host IPv4 address for this adapter.Mostrar o enderezo IPv4 do equipo para este adaptador.IPv4 Network &Mask:&Máscara de rede IPv4:Holds the host IPv4 network mask for this adapter.Mostrar a máscara de rede IPv4 do equipo para este adaptador.I&Pv6 Address:Enderezo I&Pv6:Holds the host IPv6 address for this adapter if IPv6 is supported.Mostrar o enderezo IPv6 do equipo para este adaptador de se permitir IPv6.IPv6 Prefix &Length:&Lonxitude da máscara de rede IPv6:Holds the host IPv6 prefix length for this adapter if IPv6 is supported.Mostra a lonxitude do prefixo da máscara de rede IPv6 do anfitrión para este adaptador de se permitir IPv6.&DHCP ServerServidor &DHCP&Enable ServerActivar o s&ervidorIndicates whether the DHCP Server is enabled on machine startup or not.Indica se o servidor DHCP está activado no arranque da máquina ou non.Server Add&ress:Ende&rezo do servidor:Holds the address of the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o enderezo do servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.Server &Mask:&Máscara do servidor:Holds the network mask of the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra a máscara de rede do servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.&Lower Address Bound:&Límite inferior de enderezos:Holds the lower address bound offered by the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o límite inferior de enderezos ofrecidos polo servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.&Upper Address Bound:Límite s&uperior de enderezos:Holds the upper address bound offered by the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o límite superior de enderezos ofrecidos polo servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.UIGlobalSettingsNetworkDetailsHostHost-only Network DetailsDetalles da rede exclusiva do anfitrión&Adapter&AdaptadorManual &ConfigurationManual de &configuraciónUse manual configuration for this host-only network adapter.Empregar a configuración manual para este adaptador da rede exclusiva do anfitrión.&IPv4 Address:Enderezo &IPv4:Holds the host IPv4 address for this adapter.Mostrar o enderezo IPv4 do equipo para este adaptador.IPv4 Network &Mask:&Máscara de rede IPv4:Holds the host IPv4 network mask for this adapter.Mostrar a máscara de rede IPv4 do equipo para este adaptador.I&Pv6 Address:Enderezo I&Pv6:Holds the host IPv6 address for this adapter if IPv6 is supported.Mostrar o enderezo IPv6 do equipo para este adaptador de se permitir IPv6.IPv6 Prefix &Length:&Lonxitude da máscara de rede IPv6:Holds the host IPv6 prefix length for this adapter if IPv6 is supported.Mostra a lonxitude do prefixo da máscara de rede IPv6 do anfitrión para este adaptador de se permitir IPv6.&DHCP ServerServidor &DHCP&Enable ServerActivar o s&ervidorIndicates whether the DHCP Server is enabled on machine startup or not.Indica se o servidor DHCP está activado no arranque da máquina ou non.Server Add&ress:Ende&rezo do servidor:Holds the address of the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o enderezo do servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.Server &Mask:&Máscara do servidor:Holds the network mask of the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra a máscara de rede do servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.&Lower Address Bound:&Límite inferior de enderezos:Holds the lower address bound offered by the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o límite inferior de enderezos ofrecidos polo servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.&Upper Address Bound:Límite s&uperior de enderezos:Holds the upper address bound offered by the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o límite superior de enderezos ofrecidos polo servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.UIGlobalSettingsProxyNo proxy URL is currently specified.Invalid proxy URL is currently specified.You have provided a proxy password. Please be aware that the password will be saved in plain text. You may wish to configure a system-wide proxy instead and not store application-specific settings.UIGlobalSettingsUpdateWhen checked, the application will periodically connect to the VirtualBox website and check whether a new VirtualBox version is available.Cando está marcada, o aplicativo conectarase periodicamente ao sitio web de VirtualBox e comprobará se unha nova versión de VirtualBox está dispoñíbel.&Check for Updates&Comprobar actualizacións&Once per:Un&ha vez cada:Specifies how often the new version check should be performed. Note that if you want to completely disable this check, just clear the above check box.Especifica con que frecuencia se realizará a comprobación de novas versións. Se quere desactivar completamente esta comprobación, simplemente desmarque a caixa de verificación de enriba.Next Check:Seguinte comprobación:UIGraphicsControllerEditor&Graphics Controller:Selects the graphics adapter type the virtual machine will use.UIGraphicsTextPane%1: %2'key: value', like 'Name: MyVM'UIGuestControlFileManagerClosePecharNameNomeSizeTamañoCancelCancelarPausedDetidaUIGuestControlTreeWidgetTerminate ProcessExpand AllCollapse AllTerminate SessionRemove All Terminated Sessions/ProcessesPropertiesUIGuestProcessControlDialog%1 - Guest ControlClosePecharUIGuestProcessControlWidgetClosePecharSession/Process IDSession Name/Process CommandSession/Process StatusUIGuestProcessTreeItemProcess NameProcess IdProcess StatusExecutable PathArgumentsUIGuestSessionTreeItemSession NameSession IdSession StatusUIHelpBrowserTabHomeReturn to Start PageBackwardGo Back to Previous PageForwardSeguinteGo Forward to Next PageAdd BookmarkAdd a New BookmarkReloadReload the Current PageFind in PageFind a String in the Current PageUIHelpBrowserWidgetOracle VM VirtualBox User ManualCopy Selected TextOpen LinkOpen Link in New TabCopy LinkFind in PageZoomClose Other TabsClose Tab&File&Ficheiro&Edit&Editar&Navigation&View&TabsContentsIndexSearchBookmarksShow &Side BarShow &Tool BarShow St&atus Bar&Print...Im&primir...&Quit&Copy Selected Text&Find in PageFind Ne&xtFind &PreviousGo BackwardGo ForwardGo to Start PageReload PageAdd BookmarkClick to open this link in an external browserClick to enlarge the imageOpen in LinkOpen in Link New TabDelete BookmarkDelete All BookmarksBookmark added: Close T&abClose &Other TabsUIHelpButton&HelpA&xudaUIHelpViewer<div><p><h3>404. Not found.</h3>The page <b>%1</b> could not be found.</p></div>UIHostComboEditor<key_%1><tecla_%1>Left Esquerda Right Dereita Left ShiftMaiúsculas da esquerdaRight ShiftMaiúsculas da dereitaLeft CtrlCtrl da esquerdaRight CtrlCtrl da dereita Left AltAlt da esquerdaRight AltAlt da dereitaLeft WinKeyTecla de windows da esquerdaRight WinKeyTecla de windows da dereitaMenu keyTecla de menúAlt GrAlt GrCaps LockBloqueo maiúsculasScroll LockBloqueo de desprazamentoNoneNingúnLeft %1Right %1Host+UIHostNetworkDetailsWidget&Adapter&Adaptador&DHCP ServerServidor &DHCP&IPv4 Address:Enderezo &IPv4:Holds the host IPv4 address for this adapter.Mostrar o enderezo IPv4 do equipo para este adaptador.IPv4 Network &Mask:&Máscara de rede IPv4:Holds the host IPv4 network mask for this adapter.Mostrar a máscara de rede IPv4 do equipo para este adaptador.I&Pv6 Address:Enderezo I&Pv6:Holds the host IPv6 address for this adapter if IPv6 is supported.Mostrar o enderezo IPv6 do equipo para este adaptador de se permitir IPv6.IPv6 Prefix &Length:&Lonxitude da máscara de rede IPv6:Holds the host IPv6 prefix length for this adapter if IPv6 is supported.Mostra a lonxitude do prefixo da máscara de rede IPv6 do anfitrión para este adaptador de se permitir IPv6.ResetRestabelecer&Enable ServerActivar o s&ervidorServer Add&ress:Ende&rezo do servidor:Holds the address of the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o enderezo do servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.Server &Mask:&Máscara do servidor:Holds the network mask of the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra a máscara de rede do servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.&Lower Address Bound:&Límite inferior de enderezos:Holds the lower address bound offered by the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o límite inferior de enderezos ofrecidos polo servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.&Upper Address Bound:Límite s&uperior de enderezos:Holds the upper address bound offered by the DHCP server servicing the network associated with this host-only adapter.Mostra o límite superior de enderezos ofrecidos polo servidor DHCP ao servir a rede asociada con este adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión.UIHostNetworkManagerEnableDHCP ServerActivarAdapterAdaptadorAutomatically configuredinterfaceConfigurado automaticamenteManually configuredinterfaceConfigurado manualmenteIPv4 AddressEnderezo IPv4Not setaddressSen definirIPv4 Network MaskMáscara de rede IPv4Not setmaskSen definirIPv6 AddressEnderezo IPv6IPv6 Prefix LengthLonxitude da máscara de rede IPv6Not setlengthSen definirDHCP ServerServidor DHCPEnabledserverActivadoDisabledserverDesactivadoAddressEnderezoNetwork MaskMáscara de redeLower BoundLímite inferiorNot setboundSen definirUpper BoundLímite superior&Create&CrearNameNomeResetRestabelecerClosePecharUIHostnameDomainNameEditorHostname should be at least 2 character long. Allowed characters are alphanumerics, "-" and "."Domain name should be at least 2 character long. Allowed characters are alphanumerics, "-" and "."Hostna&me:Holds the hostname.&Domain Name:Holds the domain name.Hostname should be a string of length 2. Allowed characters are alphanumerics, '-', and '.'Domain name should be a string of length 2. Allowed characters are alphanumerics, '-', and '.'UIHotKeyEditorLeft Esquerda Right Dereita Left ShiftMaiúsculas da esquerdaRight ShiftMaiúsculas da dereitaLeft CtrlCtrl da esquerdaRight CtrlCtrl da dereita Left AltAlt da esquerdaRight AltAlt da dereitaLeft WinKeyTecla de windows da esquerdaRight WinKeyTecla de windows da dereitaMenu keyTecla de menúAlt GrAlt GrCaps LockBloqueo maiúsculasScroll LockBloqueo de desprazamento<key_%1><tecla_%1>PauseDeterPrint ScreenImprimir pantallaF1F1F2F2F3F3F4F4F5F5F6F6F7F7F8F8F9F9F10F10F11F11F12F12F13F13F14F14F15F15F16F16F17F17F18F18F19F19F20F20F21F21F22F22F23F23F24F24Num LockBloqueo númForwardSeguinteBackVolverNoneNingúnUnset shortcutReset shortcut to defaultUIHotKeyTableModelNameNomeUIImportApplianceWzdSelect an appliance to importSeleccione un servizo virtualizado para importarOpen Virtualization Format (%1)Abrir virtualización de formato (%1)Appliance Import WizardAsistente de importación de servizo virtualizadoWelcome to the Appliance Import Wizard!Benvida ao asistente de importación de servizo virtualizado!<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">This wizard will guide you through importing an appliance. </p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Use the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Next</span> button to go the next page of the wizard and the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Back</span> button to return to the previous page.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">VirtualBox currently supports importing appliances saved in the Open Virtualization Format (OVF). To continue, select the file to import below:</p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Este asistente guiarao a través do proceso de importación dun servizo virtualizado. </p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Empregue o botón <span style=" font-weight:600;">Seguinte</span> para ir á seguinte páxina do asistente e o botón <span style=" font-weight:600;">Volver</span> para regresar á páxina anterior.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Para importar un servizo virtualizado ten que seleccionar un ficheiro que describe o servizo virtualizado primeiro. Actualmente VirtualBox admite o formato aberto de virtualización ou Open Virtualization Format (OVF). Para continuar, seleccione abaixo o ficheiro para importar:</p></body></html>< &Back< Vo&lver&Next >Segui&nte>CancelCancelarAppliance Import SettingsConfiguración de importación de servizos virtualizadosThese are the virtual machines contained in the appliance and the suggested settings of the imported VirtualBox machines. You can change many of the properties shown by double-clicking on the items and disable others using the check boxes below.Estas son as máquinas virtuais descritas no ficheiro de servizos virtualizados (appliance) cos seus mapeos correspondentes para importar a VirtualBox. Vostede pode cambiar as propiedades mostradas facendo dobre clic nos elementos e desactivar outras empregando as caixas de verificación de abaixo.Restore DefaultsRestabelecer predefinidas&Import >&Importar >UIImportApplianceWzdPage1Select an appliance to importSeleccione un servizo virtualizado para importarOpen Virtualization Format (%1)Abrir virtualización de formato (%1)Welcome to the Appliance Import Wizard!Benvida ao asistente de importación de servizo virtualizado!UIImportApplianceWzdPage2These are the virtual machines contained in the appliance and the suggested settings of the imported VirtualBox machines. You can change many of the properties shown by double-clicking on the items and disable others using the check boxes below.Estas son as máquinas virtuais descritas no ficheiro de servizos virtualizados (appliance) cos seus mapeos correspondentes para importar a VirtualBox. Vostede pode cambiar as propiedades mostradas facendo dobre clic nos elementos e desactivar outras empregando as caixas de verificación de abaixo.Appliance Import SettingsConfiguración de importación de servizos virtualizadosUIImportLicenseViewer<b>The virtual system "%1" requires that you agree to the terms and conditions of the software license agreement shown below.</b><br /><br />Click <b>Agree</b> to continue or click <b>Disagree</b> to cancel the import.<b>O sistema virtual "%1" require que acepte o acordo de licenza mostrado abaixo.</b><br /><br />Prema <b>Aceptar</b> para continuar ou prema en <b>Non aceptar</b> para cancelar o importado.Software License AgreementContrato de licenza de software&DisagreeNon acep&to&Agree&Acepto&Print...Im&primir...&Save...&Gardar...Text (*.txt)Texto (*.txt)Save license to file...Gardar a licenza a un ficheiro...UIIndicatorsPoolconnectedNetwork adapters tooltipconectadodisconnectedNetwork adapters tooltipdesconectado<br><nobr><b>All network adapters are disabled</b></nobr>Network adapters tooltip<br><nobr><b>Todos os adaptadores de rede están desactivados</b></nobr><br><nobr><b>No USB devices attached</b></nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ningún dispositivo USB conectado</b></nobr><br><nobr><b>USB Controller is disabled</b></nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr><b>O controlador USB está desactivado</b></nobr><br><nobr><b>No shared folders</b></nobr>Shared folders tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ningún cartafol compartido</b></nobr>Indicates whether the Remote Display (VRDP Server) is enabled (<img src=:/vrdp_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=:/vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>).Indica se a pantalla remota (VRDP Server) está activada (<img src=:/vrdp_16px.png/>) ou non (<img src=:/vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>).<hr>The VRDP Server is listening on port %1<hr>O servidor VRDP está escoitando no porto %1Indicates the status of the hardware virtualization features used by this virtual machine:<br><nobr><b>%1:</b> %2</nobr><br><nobr><b>%3:</b> %4</nobr>Virtualization Stuff LEDIndica o estado dos recursos do hardware virtualizado en uso por esta máquina virtual:<br><nobr><b>%1:</b> %2</nobr><br><nobr><b>%3:</b> %4</nobr><br><nobr><b>%1:</b> %2</nobr>Virtualization Stuff LED<br><nobr><b>%1:</b> %2</nobr>Indicates whether the host mouse pointer is captured by the guest OS:<br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_disabled_16px.png/> pointer is not captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_16px.png/> pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> mouse integration (MI) is On</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_uncaptured_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is not captured</nobr><br>Note that the mouse integration feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Indica se o punteiro do rato do anfitrión é capturado polo sistema operativo convidado:<br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_disabled_16px.png/> o punteiro non está capturado</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_16px.png/> o punteiro está capturado</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> a integración do rato (MI, de mouse integration) está activada</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_16px.png/> a integración do rato está desactivada, o punteiro está capturado</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_uncaptured_16px.png/> a integración do rato está desactivada, o punteiro non está capturado</nobr><br>Nota que a característica de integración do rato require ter instalados os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado.Indicates whether the keyboard is captured by the guest OS (<img src=:/hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>).Indica se o teclado está capturado polo sistema operativo convidado<img src=:/hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) ou non (<img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>).Disconnectedcable (Network tooltip)DesconectadoAdapter %1 (%2)Network tooltipIPNetwork tooltipCableNetwork tooltipConnectedcable (Network tooltip)No USB devices attachedUSB tooltipNo shared foldersShared folders tooltipVideo memoryDisplay tooltipScreensDisplay tooltip3D accelerationDisplay tooltipRecording disabledRecording tooltipVideo/audio recording fileRecording tooltipAudio recording fileRecording tooltipVideo recording fileRecording tooltipIndicates whether the host mouse pointer is captured by the guest OS:%1Mouse tooltippointer is not capturedMouse tooltippointer is capturedMouse tooltipmouse integration (MI) is OnMouse tooltipMI is Off, pointer is capturedMouse tooltipMI is Off, pointer is not capturedMouse tooltipNote that the mouse integration feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Mouse tooltipIndicates whether the host keyboard is captured by the guest OS:%1Keyboard tooltipkeyboard is not capturedKeyboard tooltipkeyboard is capturedKeyboard tooltipUIInformationDataAudioAudioAudioHost Driverdetails report (audio)Controlador do anfitriónControllerdetails report (audio)ControladorUIInformationDataDisplayDisplaydetails reportPantallaVideo Memorydetails reportMemoria de vídeoEnableddetails report (3D Acceleration)ActivadoDisableddetails report (3D Acceleration)Desactivado3D Accelerationdetails reportAceleración 3DEnableddetails report (2D Video Acceleration)ActivadoDisableddetails report (2D Video Acceleration)DesactivadoDisableddetails report (VRDE Server)DesactivadoUIInformationDataGeneralGeneraldetails reportXeralNamedetails reportNomeOS Typedetails reportTipo de sistema operativoUIInformationDataNetworkNetworkRedeBridged adapter, %1details report (network)Adaptador ponte, %1Internal network, '%1'details report (network)Rede interna, '%1'Host-only adapter, '%1'details report (network)Adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión, '%1'Adapter %1details report (network)Adaptador %1UIInformationDataNetworkStatisticsData TransmittedDatos transmitidosData ReceivedDatos recibidosUIInformationDataParallelPortsParallel Portsdetails reportPortos paralelosPort %1details report (parallel ports)Porto %1Disableddetails report (parallel ports)DesactivadoUIInformationDataRuntimeAttributesRuntime Attributesdetails reportAtributos de tempo de execuciónNot Detectedguest additionsNon se detectouNot Detectedguest os typeNon se detectouScreen ResolutionResolución da pantallaVT-x/AMD-Vdetails reportVT-x/AMD-VNested Pagingdetails reportPaxinación aniñadaGuest AdditionsOs aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoGuest OS Typedetails reportTipo do sistema operativo convidadoUIInformationDataSerialPortsSerial PortsPortos seriePort %1details report (serial ports)Porto %1UIInformationDataSharedFoldersShared Foldersdetails reportCartafoles compartidosShared Foldersdetails report (shared folders)Cartafoles compartidosUIInformationDataStorageStorageAlmacenamentoUIInformationDataStorageStatisticsDMA TransfersTransferencia DMAPIO TransfersTransferencia PIOData ReadDatos lidosData WrittenDatos escritosUIInformationDataSystemSystemdetails reportSistemaEnableddetails report (ACPI)ActivadoDisableddetails report (ACPI)DesactivadoEnableddetails report (I/O APIC)ActivadoDisableddetails report (I/O APIC)DesactivadoEnableddetails report (PAE/NX)ActivadoDisableddetails report (PAE/NX)DesactivadoBase Memorydetails reportMemoria baseProcessor(s)details reportProcesador(es)Boot Orderdetails reportOrde de inicioACPIdetails reportACPII/O APICdetails reportI/O APICPAE/NXdetails reportPAE/NXEnableddetails report (VT-x/AMD-V)ActivadoDisableddetails report (VT-x/AMD-V)DesactivadoVT-x/AMD-Vdetails reportVT-x/AMD-VEnableddetails report (Nested Paging)ActivadoDisableddetails report (Nested Paging)DesactivadoNested Pagingdetails reportPaxinación aniñadaUIInformationDataUSBUSBdetails reportUSBDisableddetails report (USB)DesactivadoDevice Filtersdetails report (USB)Filtros do dispositivo%1 (%2 active)details report (USB)%1 (%2 activo)UIInputDialogCloudConsoleApplicationAdd ApplicationName:Path:Argument:UIInputDialogCloudConsoleProfileAdd ProfileName:Argument:UIItemCloudNetworkNetwork NameProviderProfileUIItemExtensionPack%1, %2: %3, %4col.2 text, col.3 name: col.3 text, col.1 name%1, %2: %3col.2 text, col.3 name: col.3 textUIItemHostNetworkEnableDHCP ServerActivarAdapterAdaptadorAutomatically configuredinterfaceConfigurado automaticamenteManually configuredinterfaceConfigurado manualmenteIPv4 AddressEnderezo IPv4Not setaddressSen definirIPv4 Network MaskMáscara de rede IPv4Not setmaskSen definirIPv6 AddressEnderezo IPv6IPv6 Prefix LengthLonxitude da máscara de rede IPv6Not setlengthSen definirDHCP ServerServidor DHCPEnabledserverActivadoDisabledserverDesactivadoAddressEnderezoNetwork MaskMáscara de redeLower BoundLímite inferiorNot setboundSen definirUpper BoundLímite superiorNameNomeMaskEnabledDHCP ServerActivadoDisabledDHCP ServerDesactivadoUIItemNATNetworkEnabledDHCP ServerActivadoDisabledDHCP ServerDesactivadoNetwork NameNetwork IPv4 PrefixNetwork IPv6 PrefixSupports DHCPyesnoSupports IPv6Default IPv6 routeUILanguageItem (built-in)Language (integrado)<unavailable>Language<non dispoñíbel><unknown>Author(s)<descoñecido>DefaultLanguagePredefinidoUILanguageSettingsEditor&Interface LanguagesLists all available user interface languages. The effective language is written in bold. Select Default to reset to the system default language.AuthorAutorLanguageIdiomaIdIdNameNomeLanguage:Idioma:Author(s):Autor(es):UILineTextEdit&Edit&EditarUIMachineDescriptionEditorHolds the description of the virtual machine. The description field is useful for commenting on configuration details of the installed guest OS.Mostrar a descrición da máquina virtual. O campo descrición é moi útil para comentar detalles da configuración do sistema operativo convidado instalado.UIMachineDisplayScreenFeaturesEditorExtended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:Enable &3D AccelerationActivar aceleración &3DWhen checked, the virtual machine will be given access to the 3D graphics capabilities available on the host.Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual terá acceso as capacidades gráficas 3D dispoñíbeis no anfitrión.UIMachineLogicVirtualBox OSEVirtualBox OSESnapshot %1Instantánea %1No supported devices connected to the host PCNingún dispositivo compatíbel está conectado ao PC anfitriónSelect a filename for the screenshot ...UIMachinePreviewNo previewUpdate disabledEvery 0.5 sEvery 1 sEvery 2 sEvery 5 sEvery 10 sUIMachineSettingsAudioWhen checked, a virtual PCI audio card will be plugged into the virtual machine and will communicate with the host audio system using the specified driver.Cando está marcada, a tarxeta de son PCI virtual é conectada a máquina virtual que emprega o controlador especificado para comunicarse coa tarxeta de son do anfitrión.Enable &Audio&Activar audioHost Audio &Driver:Controla&dor de audio do anfitrión:Controls the audio output driver. The <b>Null Audio Driver</b> makes the guest see an audio card, however every access to it will be ignored.Controla o controlador da saída de audio. O <b>Controlador de audio nulo</b> fai que o convidado vexa unha tarxeta de son, porén calquera acceso será ignorado.Audio &Controller:&Controlador de audio:Selects the type of the virtual sound card. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different audio hardware to the virtual machine.Seleccione o tipo da tarxeta de son virtual. Dependendo deste valor, VirtualBox proporcionará diferente hardware de audio á máquina virtual.Extended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:UIMachineSettingsDisplayyou have assigned less than <b>%1</b> of video memory which is the minimum amount required to switch the virtual machine to fullscreen or seamless mode.asignou menos de <b>%1</b> para a memoria de vídeo que é a mínima cantidade requirida para cambiar a máquina virtual entre o modo de pantalla completa e o modo fluído.<qt>%1 MB</qt><qt>%1 MB</qt>&Video&VídeoVideo &Memory:&Memoria de vídeo:Controls the amount of video memory provided to the virtual machine.Controla a cantidade de memoria vídeo proporcionada á máquina virtual.MBMBExtended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:When checked, the virtual machine will be given access to the 3D graphics capabilities available on the host.Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual terá acceso as capacidades gráficas 3D dispoñíbeis no anfitrión.Enable &3D AccelerationActivar aceleración &3D&Remote DisplayPantalla &remotaWhen checked, the VM will act as a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server, allowing remote clients to connect and operate the VM (when it is running) using a standard RDP client.Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual actúa como un servidor de protocolo de escritorio remoto (Remote Desktop Protocol), permitindo a clientes remotos conectarse e manexar a máquina virtual (cando se está executando) empregando un cliente RDP estándar.&Enable ServerActivar o s&ervidorServer &Port:&Porto do servidor:Holds the VRDP Server port number. You may specify <tt>0</tt> (zero) to reset the port to the default value.Mostrar o número de porto do servidor VRDP. Pode especificar <tt>0</tt> (cero) para restabelecer o valor predefinido do porto.Authentication &Method:&Método de autenticación:Defines the VRDP authentication method.Define o método de autenticación VRDP.Authentication &Timeout:&Tempo de espera na autenticación:Specifies the timeout for guest authentication, in milliseconds.Especifica o tempo de espera para a autenticación do convidado, en milísegundos.&ScreenThe virtual machine is currently assigned less than <b>%1</b> of video memory which is the minimum amount required to switch to full-screen or seamless mode.The virtual machine is set up to use hardware graphics acceleration and the operating system hint is set to Windows Vista or later. For best performance you should set the machine's video memory to at least <b>%1</b>.Remote Display is currently enabled for this virtual machine. However, this requires the <i>%1</i> to be installed. Please install the Extension Pack from the VirtualBox download site as otherwise your VM will be started with Remote Display disabled.The VRDE server port value is not currently specified.The VRDE authentication timeout value is not currently specified.Screen %1When checked, enables video recording for screen %1.Re&cordingThe virtual machine is configured to use 3D acceleration. This will work only if you pick a different graphics controller (%1). Either disable 3D acceleration or switch to required graphics controller type. The latter will be done automatically if you confirm your changes.The virtual machine is configured to use a graphics controller other than the recommended one (%1). Please consider switching unless you have a reason to keep the currently selected graphics controller.UIMachineSettingsGeneralHolds the path where snapshots of this virtual machine will be stored. Be aware that snapshots can take quite a lot of disk space.Mostra o camiño onde se almacenaran as instantáneas desta máquina virtual. Nota que as instantáneas poden ocupar bastante espazo en disco. &Basic&Básico&Name:&Nome:Holds the name of the virtual machine.Mostrar o nome da máquina virtual.&Advanced&Avanzado&Shared Clipboard:Portapapei&s compartido:Selects which clipboard data will be copied between the guest and the host OS. This feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Define o modo de compartir o portapapeis entre o sistema operativo convidado e o anfitrión. Nota que esta característica require ter instalados os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado.S&napshot Folder:Cartafol da i&nstantánea:&Description&DescriciónHolds the description of the virtual machine. The description field is useful for commenting on configuration details of the installed guest OS.Mostrar a descrición da máquina virtual. O campo descrición é moi útil para comentar detalles da configuración do sistema operativo convidado instalado.If checked, any CD/DVD or floppy disks inserted into or removed from the virtual drives while the machine is running will be remembered.Se está marcada, calquera cambio realizado na montaxe dos medios de CD/DVD e disquete durante a execución da máquina gardarase no ficheiro de configuracións para preservar a súa configuración entre execucións.Removable Media:Medios extraíbeis:&Remember Runtime ChangesLemb&rar os cambios en tempo de execuciónMini ToolBar:Barra de ferramentas pequena:If checked, show the Mini ToolBar in Fullscreen and Seamless modes.Se está marcada, mostra a barra de ferramentas pequena nos modos fluído e de pantalla completa.Show in &Fullscreen/SeamlessMostrar en modo de &Pantalla completa/Fluídoyou have selected a 64-bit guest OS type for this VM. As such guests require hardware virtualization (VT-x/AMD-V), this feature will be enabled automatically.seleccionou un sistema operativo convidado de tipo 64-bit para esta máquina virtual. Tales convidados requiren hardware de virtualización (VT-x/AMD-V) co que esta característica activarase automaticamente.Basi&cA&dvancedD&escriptionD&escriciónDisk Enc&ryptionNo name specified for the virtual machine.The virtual machine operating system hint is set to a 64-bit type. 64-bit guest systems require hardware virtualization, so this will be enabled automatically if you confirm the changes.You are trying to enable disk encryption for this virtual machine. However, this requires the <i>%1</i> to be installed. Please install the Extension Pack from the VirtualBox download site.Disk encryption cipher type not specified.Disk encryption password empty.Disk encryption passwords do not match.UIMachineSettingsInterfaceMini ToolBar:Barra de ferramentas pequena:UIMachineSettingsNetworkWhen checked, plugs this virtual network adapter into the virtual machine.Cando está marcada, conecta este adaptador de rede virtual á máquina virtual.&Enable Network AdapterActivar o adaptador d&e redeSelects the type of the virtual network adapter. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different network hardware to the virtual machine.Selecciona o tipo do adaptador de rede virtual. Dependendo deste valor, VirtualBox proporcionará diferente hardware de rede á máquina virtual.&Attached to:Conect&ado a:Controls how this virtual adapter is attached to the real network of the Host OS.Controla como este adaptador virtual se conecta á rede real do sistema operativo anfitrión.Adapter &Type:&Tipo de adaptador:no bridged network adapter is selectednon se seleccionou un adaptador de rede en modo ponteno internal network name is specifiednon se especificou un nome para a rede internano host-only network adapter is selectednon se seleccionou un adaptador de rede exclusivo do anfitriónNot selectednetwork adapter nameSen seleccionarOpen additional options dialog for current attachment type.Abrir o diálogo de opcións adicionais para o tipo de conexión actual.&Name:&Nome:Selects the name of the network adapter for <b>Bridged Adapter</b> or <b>Host-only Adapter</b> attachments and the name of the network <b>Internal Network</b> attachments.Selecciona o nome do adaptador de rede se o tipo anexado é equivalente a <b>Adaptador ponte</b> ou <b>Adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión</b> e o nome da rede interna se o tipo anexado é equivalente a <b>Rede interna</b>.Holds the MAC address of this adapter. It contains exactly 12 characters chosen from {0-9,A-F}. Note that the second character must be an even digit.Mostrar o enderezo MAC deste adaptador. Contén exactamente 12 caracteres escollidos de {0-9,A-F}. Nota que o segundo carácter debe ser un díxito par.Generates a new random MAC address.Xera un novo enderezo MAC aleatorio.Indicates whether the virtual network cable is plugged in on machine startup or not.Indica se o cable da rede virtual está conectado no arranque da máquina ou non.&Cable Connected&Cable conectadoNo bridged network adapter is currently selected.No internal network name is currently specified.No host-only network adapter is currently selected.No generic driver is currently selected.No NAT network name is currently specified.The MAC address must be 12 hexadecimal digits long.The second digit in the MAC address may not be odd as only unicast addresses are allowed.No cloud network name is currently specified.Host-only adapters are no longer supported, use host-only networks instead.No host-only network name is currently specified.UIMachineSettingsNetworkDetailsGuest &MAC Address:Enderezo &MAC do convidado:Holds the MAC address of this adapter. It contains exactly 12 characters chosen from {0-9,A-F}. Note that the second character must be an even digit.Mostrar o enderezo MAC deste adaptador. Contén exactamente 12 caracteres escollidos de {0-9,A-F}. Nota que o segundo carácter debe ser un díxito par.Generates a new random MAC address.Xera un novo enderezo MAC aleatorio.&Cable Connected&Cable conectadoIndicates whether the virtual network cable is plugged in on machine startup or not.Indica se o cable da rede virtual está conectado no arranque da máquina ou non.Additional OptionsOpcións adicionaisUIMachineSettingsParallelPort %1parallel portsPorto %1When checked, enables the given parallel port of the virtual machine.Cando está marcada, activa o porto paralelo da máquina virtual.&Enable Parallel PortActivar o porto paral&eloPort &Number:&Número de porto:Holds the parallel port number. You can choose one of the standard parallel ports or select <b>User-defined</b> and specify port parameters manually.Mostrar o número do porto paralelo. Pode escoller un dos portos paralelos estándar ou seleccionar <b>Definido polo usuario</b> e especificar os parámetros do porto manualmente.&IRQ:&IRQ:Holds the IRQ number of this parallel port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>255</tt>. Values greater than <tt>15</tt> may only be used if the <b>I/O APIC</b> is enabled for this virtual machine.Mostra o número IRQ deste porto paralelo. Os números enteiros no rango de <tt>0</tt> a <tt>255</tt> son valores válidos. Valores maiores que <tt>15</tt> soamente poden ser empregados se se activou a <b>I/O APIC</b> para esta máquina virtual.I/O Po&rt:Po&rto de E/S:Holds the base I/O port address of this parallel port. This should be a whole number between <tt>0</tt> and <tt>0xFFFF</tt>.Mostra o enderezo base E/S (I/O) deste porto paralelo. Os números enteiros no rango de <tt>0</tt> a <tt>0xFFFF</tt> son valores válidos.Port &Path:Camiño do &porto:Holds the host parallel device name.Mostra o nome do dispositivo paralelo do anfitrión.UIMachineSettingsParallelPageDuplicate port number selected Seleccionouse un número de porto duplicado Port path not specified Non se especificou o camiño do porto Duplicate port path entered Introduciuse un camiño de porto duplicado UIMachineSettingsPortForwardingDlgPort Forwarding RulesUIMachineSettingsSF&Add New Shared FolderEng&adir un novo cartafol compartido&Edit Selected Shared Folder&Editar o cartafol compartido seleccionado&Remove Selected Shared FolderElimin&ar o cartafol compartido seleccionadoAdds a new shared folder definition.Engada unha nova definición ao cartafol compartido.Edits the selected shared folder definition.Edita a definición do cartafol compartido seleccionado.Removes the selected shared folder definition.Elimina a definición do cartafol compartido seleccionado. Machine Folders Cartafoles da máquina Transient Folders Cartafoles transitoriosFullCompletoRead-onlySó de lecturaLists all shared folders accessible to this machine. Use 'net use x: \\vboxsvr\share' to access a shared folder named <i>share</i> from a DOS-like OS, or 'mount -t vboxsf share mount_point' to access it from a Linux OS. This feature requires Guest Additions.Lista todos os cartafoles compartidos accesíbeis a esta máquina. Empregue 'net use x: \\vboxsvr\\share' para acceder a un cartafol chamado <i>compartir</i> desde un sistema operativo baseado en DOS, ou 'mount -t vboxsf compartir punto_de_montaxe' para acceder desde un sistema operativo Linux. Esta funcionalidade require dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado.NameNomePathCamiñoAccessAccesoYesSiUIMachineSettingsSFDetailsAdd ShareEngadir compartirEdit ShareEditar compartirDialogDiálogoFolder Path:Camiño do cartafol:Folder Name:Nome do cartafol:Holds the name of the shared folder (as it will be seen by the guest OS).Mostra o nome do cartafol compartido (como se verá no sistema operativo convidado).When checked, the guest OS will not be able to write to the specified shared folder.Cando está marcada, o sistema operativo convidado non poderá escribir no cartafol compartido especificado.&Read-onlySó de lectu&ra&Make PermanentFacer &permanenteUIMachineSettingsSerialPort %1serial portsPorto %1When checked, enables the given serial port of the virtual machine.Cando está marcada, activa o porto serie da máquina virtual.&Enable Serial PortActivar o porto s&eriePort &Number:&Número de porto:Selects the serial port number. You can choose one of the standard serial ports or select <b>User-defined</b> and specify port parameters manually.Mostra o número do porto serie. Pode escoller un dos portos serie estándar ou seleccionar <b>Definido polo usuario</b> e especificar os parámetros do porto manualmente.&IRQ:&IRQ:Holds the IRQ number of this serial port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>255</tt>. Values greater than <tt>15</tt> may only be used if the <b>I/O APIC</b> is enabled for this virtual machine.Mostra o número IRQ deste porto serie. Os números enteiros no rango de <tt>0</tt> a <tt>255</tt> son valores válidos. Valores maiores que <tt>15</tt> soamente poden ser empregados se se activou a <b>I/O APIC</b> para esta máquina virtual.I/O Po&rt:Po&rto de E/S:Holds the base I/O port address of this serial port. This should be a whole number between <tt>0</tt> and <tt>0xFFFF</tt>.Mostra o enderezo base E/S (I/O) deste porto serie. Os números enteiros no rango de <tt>0</tt> a <tt>0xFFFF</tt> son valores válidos.Port &Mode:&Modo do porto:Controls the working mode of this serial port. If you select <b>Disconnected</b>, the guest OS will detect the serial port but will not be able to operate it.Controla o modo de traballo deste porto serie. Se selecciona <b>desconectado</b>, o sistema operativo convidado detectará o porto serie pero non poderá manexalo.If checked, the pipe specified in the <b>Port Path</b> field will be created by the virtual machine when it starts. Otherwise, the virtual machine will assume that the pipe exists and try to use it.Se está marcada, ao iniciarse a máquina virtual crearase a canalización especificada no campo <b>camiño do porto</b>. Noutro caso, a máquina virtual tentará empregar unha canalización existente.&Create Pipe&Crear canalizaciónHolds the path to the serial port's pipe on the host when the port is working in <b>Host Pipe</b> mode, or the host serial device name when the port is working in <b>Host Device</b> mode.Mostra o camiño da canalización do porto serie no anfitrión cando o porto traballa no modo <b>canalización no anfitrión</b>, ou o nome do dispositivo serie no anfitrión cando o porto traballa no modo <b>dispositivo no anfitrión</b>.Port/File &Path:Camiño do &porto/ficheiro:Holds the base I/O port address of this serial port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>0xFFFF</tt>.&Connect to existing pipe/socket&Path/Address:No IRQ is currently specified.No I/O port is currently specified.Two or more ports have the same settings.No port path is currently specified.There are currently duplicate port paths specified.Selects the serial port number. You can choose one of the standard serial ports or select User-defined and specify port parameters manually.Holds the IRQ number of this serial port. This should be a whole number between <tt>0</tt> and <tt>255</tt>. Values greater than <tt>15</tt> may only be used if the I/O APIC setting is enabled for this virtual machine.Selects the working mode of this serial port. If you select Disconnected, the guest OS will detect the serial port but will not be able to operate it.When checked, the virtual machine will assume that the pipe or socket specified in the Path/Address field exists and try to use it. Otherwise, the pipe or socket will be created by the virtual machine when it starts.<p>In Host Pipe mode: Holds the path to the serial port's pipe on the host. Examples: "\\.\pipe\myvbox" or "/tmp/myvbox", for Windows and UNIX-like systems respectively.</p><p>In Host Device mode: Holds the host serial device name. Examples: "COM1" or "/dev/ttyS0".</p><p>In Raw File mode: Holds the file-path on the host system, where the serial output will be dumped.</p><p>In TCP mode: Holds the TCP "port" when in server mode, or "hostname:port" when in client mode.UIMachineSettingsSerialPageDuplicate port number selected Seleccionouse un número de porto duplicado Port path not specified Non se especificou o camiño do porto Duplicate port path entered Introduciuse un camiño de porto duplicado UIMachineSettingsStorageNo hard disk is selected for <i>%1</i>Ningún disco ríxido está seleccionado para <i>%1</i><i>%1</i> uses the hard disk that is already attached to <i>%2</i><i>%1</i> emprega o disco ríxido que xa está conectado a <i>%2</i>&Add AttachmentEng&adir conexión&Remove AttachmentElimina&r conexión&Select Hard Disk&Seleccionar disco ríxidoAdds a new hard disk attachment.Engade a conexión un novo disco ríxido.Removes the highlighted hard disk attachment.Elimina a conexión ao disco ríxido realzado.&AttachmentsC&onexiónsLists all hard disks attached to this machine. Use a mouse click or the <tt>Space</tt> key on the highlighted item to activate the drop-down list and choose the desired value. Use the context menu or buttons to the right to add or remove hard disk attachments.Lista todos os discos ríxidos conectados a esta máquina. Prema co rato ou empregue a tecla de <tt>Espazo</tt> no elemento realzado para activar a lista despregábel e escoller o valor desexado. Empregue o menú contextual ou os botóns da dereita para engadir ou eliminar conexións a discos ríxidos.Invokes the Virtual Media Manager to select a hard disk to attach to the currently highlighted slot.Abre o xestor de medios virtuais para seleccionar un disco ríxido para conectar ao espazo realzado actualmente.If checked, shows the differencing hard disks that are attached to slots rather than their base hard disks (shown for indirect attachments) and allows explicit attaching of differencing hard disks. Check this only if you need a complex hard disk setup.Se está marcada, mostrará os discos ríxidos diferenciais conectados aos espazos en vez dos seus discos ríxidos base (mostrados no caso de conexións indirectas) e tamén permitirá conectar explicitamente outros discos ríxidos diferenciais. Active isto só se necesita unha configuración complexa de disco ríxido.&Show Differencing Hard Disks&Mostrar discos ríxidos diferenciaisWhen checked, enables an additional virtual controller (either SATA or SCSI) of this machine.Cando está marcada, activa un controlador virtual adicional (SATA ou SCSI) para esta máquina.&Enable Additional ControllerActi&var controlador adicionalIDE &Controller TypeTipo do &controlador do IDEDefines the type of the virtual IDE controller. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different virtual IDE hardware devices to the guest OS.Define o tipo do controlador do IDE virtual. Dependendo deste valor, VirtualBox proporcionará diferentes dispositivos hardware IDE virtuais para o sistema operativo convidado.&Name:&Nome:Host DriveUnidade do anfitriónImageImaxeController: %1Imagestorage imageImaxeRemove disk from virtual driveNo name is currently specified for the controller at position <b>%1</b>.The controller at position <b>%1</b> has the same name as the controller at position <b>%2</b>.No hard disk is selected for <i>%1</i>.<i>%1</i> is using a disk that is already attached to <i>%2</i>.at most one supportedcontrollerup to %1 supportedcontrollersThe machine currently has more storage controllers assigned than a %1 chipset supports. Please change the chipset type on the System settings page or reduce the number of the following storage controllers on the Storage settings page: %2USBUSBHard DiskDisco ríxidoChoose a disk file...Choose/Create a disk image...UIMachineSettingsSystemyou have assigned more than <b>%1%</b> of your computer's memory (<b>%2</b>) to the virtual machine. Not enough memory is left for your host operating system. Please select a smaller amount.Asignou máis de <b>%1%</b> da memoria do seu computdor (<b>%2</b>) á máquina virtual. Non hai memoria suficiente para o sistema operativo anfitrión. Escolla un valor menor.you have assigned more than <b>%1%</b> of your computer's memory (<b>%2</b>) to the virtual machine. There might not be enough memory left for your host operating system. Continue at your own risk.Asignou máis de <b>%1%</b> da memoria do seu computdor (<b>%2</b>) á máquina virtual. Podería non haber memoria suficiente para o sistema operativo anfitrión. Continuar baixo a súa responsabilidade.for performance reasons, the number of virtual CPUs attached to the virtual machine may not be more than twice the number of physical CPUs on the host (<b>%1</b>). Please reduce the number of virtual CPUs.por razóns de rendemento, o número de CPU virtuais anexado á máquina virtual non debe ser máis do dobre do número de CPU físicas do anfitrión (<b>%1</b>). Reduza o número de CPU virtuais.you have assigned more virtual CPUs to the virtual machine than the number of physical CPUs on your host system (<b>%1</b>). This is likely to degrade the performance of your virtual machine. Please consider reducing the number of virtual CPUs.asignou máis CPU virtuais á máquina virtual que o número de CPU físicas do sistema anfitrión (<b>%1</b>). Isto é susceptíbel de degradar o rendemento da súa máquina virtual. Considere a posibilidade de reducir o número de CPU virtuais.you have assigned more than one virtual CPU to this VM. This will not work unless the IO-APIC feature is also enabled. This will be done automatically when you accept the VM Settings by pressing the OK button.asignou máis dunha CPU virtual a esta máquina virtual. Isto non funcionará a menos que a característica IO-APIC tamén estea activada. Farase automaticamente cando ao premer no botón Aceptar acepte as configuracións da máquina virtual.you have assigned more than one virtual CPU to this VM. This will not work unless hardware virtualization (VT-x/AMD-V) is also enabled. This will be done automatically when you accept the VM Settings by pressing the OK button.asignou máis dunha CPU virtual a esta máquina virtual. Isto non funcionará a menos que a virtualización de hardware (VT-x/AMD-V) tamén estea activada. Farase automaticamente cando ao premer no botón Aceptar acepte as configuracións da máquina virtual.<qt>%1 MB</qt><qt>%1 MB</qt><qt>%1 CPU</qt>%1 is 1 for now<qt>%1 CPU</qt><qt>%1 CPUs</qt>%1 is 32 for now<qt>%1 CPU</qt>&MotherboardPlaca &baseBase &Memory:&Memoria base:Controls the amount of memory provided to the virtual machine. If you assign too much, the machine might not start.Controla a cantidade de memoria proporcionada á máquina virtual. Se asigna demasiada, a máquina podería non iniciar.MBMB&Boot Order:Or&de de inicio:Defines the boot device order. Use the checkboxes on the left to enable or disable individual boot devices. Move items up and down to change the device order.Define a orde do dispositivo de inicio. Empregue as caixas de verificación da esquerda para activar ou desactivar os dispositivos de inicio individuais. Mover os elementos cara a arriba e abaixo para cambiar a orde dos dispositivos.Move Down (Ctrl-Down)Mover cara a abaixo (Ctrl-Av Páx)Moves the selected boot device down.Mover cara a abaixo o dispositivo de inicio seleccionado.Move Up (Ctrl-Up)Mover cara a arriba (Ctrl-Re Páx)Moves the selected boot device up.Mover cara a arriba o dispositivo de inicio seleccionado.Extended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:When checked, the virtual machine will support the Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI). <b>Note:</b> don't disable this feature after having installed a Windows guest operating system!Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual permitirá a Interface avanzada de configuración e xestión de enerxía ou Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI). <b>Nota:</b> non desactivar esta característica despois de instalar un sistema operativo convidado Windows!Enable &ACPIActivar &ACPIWhen checked, the virtual machine will support the Input Output APIC (I/O APIC), which may slightly decrease performance. <b>Note:</b> don't disable this feature after having installed a Windows guest operating system!Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual permitirá a Entrada/Saída APIC (I/O APIC), o que pode reducir lixeiramente o rendemento da máquina virtual. <b>Nota:</b> non desactivar esta característica despois de instalar un sistema operativo convidado Windows!Enable &I/O APICActivar &I/O APIC&Processor&Procesador&Processor(s):&Procesador(es):Controls the number of virtual CPUs in the virtual machine.Controla o número de CPU virtuais na máquina virtual.When checked, the Physical Address Extension (PAE) feature of the host CPU will be exposed to the virtual machine.Cando está marcada, a característica de extensión de enderezo físico ou Physical Address Extension (PAE) da CPU do anfitrión será exposta á máquina virtual.Enable PA&E/NXActivar PA&E/NXAcce&lerationAce&leraciónHardware Virtualization:Virtualización de hardware:When checked, the virtual machine will try to make use of the host CPU's hardware virtualization extensions such as Intel VT-x and AMD-V.Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual tentará facer uso das extensións de hardware de virtualización da CPU do anfitrión, tales como Intel VT-x e AMD-V.Enable &VT-x/AMD-VActivar &VT-x/AMD-VWhen checked, the virtual machine will try to make use of the nested paging extension of Intel VT-x and AMD-V.Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual tentará facer uso da extensión de paxinación aniñada de Intel VT-x e AMD-V.Enable Nested Pa&gingActivar paxinación aniñada (Nested Pa&ging)<qt>%1 CPUs</qt>%1 is host cpu count * 2 for now<qt>%1 CPU</qt>More than <b>%1%</b> of the host computer's memory (<b>%2</b>) is assigned to the virtual machine. Not enough memory is left for the host operating system. Please select a smaller amount.More than <b>%1%</b> of the host computer's memory (<b>%2</b>) is assigned to the virtual machine. There might not be enough memory left for the host operating system. Please consider selecting a smaller amount.The I/O APIC feature is not currently enabled in the Motherboard section of the System page. This is needed to support a chipset of type ICH9. It will be enabled automatically if you confirm your changes.The USB controller emulation is not currently enabled on the USB page. This is needed to support an emulated USB pointing device. It will be enabled automatically if you confirm your changes.For performance reasons, the number of virtual CPUs attached to the virtual machine may not be more than twice the number of physical CPUs on the host (<b>%1</b>). Please reduce the number of virtual CPUs.More virtual CPUs are assigned to the virtual machine than the number of physical CPUs on the host system (<b>%1</b>). This is likely to degrade the performance of your virtual machine. Please consider reducing the number of virtual CPUs.The I/O APIC feature is not currently enabled in the Motherboard section of the System page. This is needed to support more than one virtual processor. It will be enabled automatically if you confirm your changes.The hardware virtualization is not currently enabled in the Acceleration section of the System page. This is needed to support more than one virtual processor. It will be enabled automatically if you confirm your changes.The processor execution cap is set to a low value. This may make the machine feel slow to respond.Please consider lowering the number of CPUs assigned to the virtual machine rather than setting the processor execution cap.Lowering the processor execution cap may result in a decline in performance.The hardware virtualization is not currently enabled in the Acceleration section of the System page. This is needed to support nested hardware virtualization. It will be enabled automatically if you confirm your changes.The nested paging is not currently enabled in the Acceleration section of the System page. This is needed to support nested hardware virtualization. It will be enabled automatically if you confirm your changes.The hardware virtualization is not currently enabled in the Acceleration section of the System page. This is needed for nested paging support. It will be enabled automatically if you confirm your changes.UIMachineSettingsUSB&Add Empty FilterEng&adir o filtro baleiroA&dd Filter From DeviceEngadir o filtro desde &dispositivo&Edit Filter&Editar o filtro&Remove FilterElimina&r o filtro&Move Filter Up&Mover cara a arriba o filtroM&ove Filter DownM&over cara a abaixo o filtroAdds a new USB filter with all fields initially set to empty strings. Note that such a filter will match any attached USB device.Engade un novo filtro USB con todos os campos definidos inicialmente con cadeas baleiras. Nota que tal filtro coincidirá con calquera dispositivo USB conectado. Adds a new USB filter with all fields set to the values of the selected USB device attached to the host PC.Engade un novo filtro USB con todos os campos definidos aos valores do dispositivo USB seleccionado conectado ao PC anfitrión.Edits the selected USB filter.Edita o filtro USB seleccionado.Removes the selected USB filter.Elimina o filtro USB seleccionado.Moves the selected USB filter up.Move cara a arriba o filtro USB seleccionado.Moves the selected USB filter down.Move cara a abaixo o filtro USB seleccionado.New Filter %1usbNovo filtro %1When checked, enables the virtual USB controller of this machine.Cando está marcada, activa o controlador USB virtual desta máquina.Enable &USB ControllerActivar o controlador &USBWhen checked, enables the virtual USB EHCI controller of this machine. The USB EHCI controller provides USB 2.0 support.Cando está marcada, activa o controlador USB EHCI virtual desta máquina. O controlador USB EHCI fornecerá compatibilidade de USB 2.0.Enable USB 2.0 (E&HCI) ControllerActivar o controlador USB 2.0 (E&HCI)USB Device &Filters&Filtros de dispositivo USBLists all USB filters of this machine. The checkbox to the left defines whether the particular filter is enabled or not. Use the context menu or buttons to the right to add or remove USB filters.Lista todos os filtros USB desta máquina. A caixa de verificación da esquerda define se o filtro específico está activado ou non. Emprega ou menú contextual ou o botón da dereita para engadir ou eliminar os filtros USB.[filter][filtro]<nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>ID do vendedor: %1</nobr><nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>ID do produto: %2</nobr><nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Revisión: %3</nobr><nobr>Product: %4</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Produto: %4</nobr><nobr>Manufacturer: %5</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Fabricante: %5</nobr><nobr>Serial No.: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Número de serie: %1</nobr><nobr>Port: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Porto: %1</nobr><nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Estado: %1</nobr>USB 2.0/3.0 is currently enabled for this virtual machine. However, this requires the <i>%1</i> to be installed. Please install the Extension Pack from the VirtualBox download site or disable USB 2.0/3.0 to be able to start the machine.UIMachineSettingsUSBFilterDetailsAnyremoteCalqueraYesremoteSiNoremoteNon&Name:&Nome:Holds the filter name.Mostrar o nome do filtro.&Vendor ID:ID do &vendedor:Defines the vendor ID filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where <tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any value.Define o filtro do ID do vendedor. O formato da cadea de <i>coincidencia exacta</i> é <tt>XXXX</tt> onde <tt>X</tt> é un díxito hexadecimal. Unha cadea baleira coincidirá con calquera valor.&Product ID:ID do &produto:Defines the product ID filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where <tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any value.Define o filtro do ID do produto. O formato da cadea de <i>coincidencia exacta</i> é <tt>XXXX</tt> onde <tt>X</tt> é un díxito hexadecimal. Unha cadea baleira coincidirá con calquera valor.&Revision:&Revisión:Defines the revision number filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>IIFF</tt> where <tt>I</tt> is a decimal digit of the integer part and <tt>F</tt> is a decimal digit of the fractional part. An empty string will match any value.Define o filtro do número de revisión. O formato da cadea de <i>coincidencia exacta</i> é <tt>IIFF</tt> onde <tt>l</tt> é un díxito decimal da parte enteira e <tt>F</tt> é un díxito decimal da parte fraccionaria. Unha cadea baleira coincidirá con calquera valor.&Manufacturer:&Fabricante:Defines the manufacturer filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Define o filtro do fabricante como unha cadea de <i>coincidencia exacta</i>. Unha cadea baleira coincidirá con calquera valor.Pro&duct:Pro&duto:Defines the product name filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Define o filtro do nome do produto como unha cadea de <i>coincidencia exacta</i>. Unha cadea baleira coincidirá con calquera valor.&Serial No.:Número de &serie:Defines the serial number filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Define o filtro do número de serie como unha cadea de <i>coincidencia exacta</i>. Unha cadea baleira coincidirá con calquera valor.Por&t:Por&to:Defines the host USB port filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Define o filtro do porto USB anfitrión como unha cadea de <i>coincidencia exacta</i>. Unha cadea baleira coincidirá con calquera valor.R&emote:R&emoto:Defines whether this filter applies to USB devices attached locally to the host computer (<i>No</i>), to a VRDP client's computer (<i>Yes</i>), or both (<i>Any</i>).Define se este filtro se lles aplica aos dispositivos USB conectados localmente ao computador anfitrión (<i>Non</i>), a un computador cliente VRDP (<i>Si</i>), ou a ambos (<i>Calquera</i>).&Action:&Acción:Defines an action performed by the host computer when a matching device is attached: give it up to the host OS (<i>Ignore</i>) or grab it for later usage by virtual machines (<i>Hold</i>).Define a acción que executará o computador anfitrión cando se conecte un dispositivo específico: darlle o control ao sistema operativo convidado (<i>Ignorar</i>) ou capturalo para un uso posterior por outras máquinas virtuais (<i>Reter</i>).USB Filter DetailsDetalles do filtro USBUIMachineWindow EXPERIMENTAL build %1r%2 - %3UIMachineWindowNormalShows the currently assigned Host key.<br>This key, when pressed alone, toggles the keyboard and mouse capture state. It can also be used in combination with other keys to quickly perform actions from the main menu.Mostra a tecla actualmente asignada como tecla anfitrión.<br>Cando se preme soa esta tecla, alterna o estado de captura do teclado e o rato. Tamén pode ser empregada en combinación con outras teclas para realizar accións do menú principal rapidamente.UIMaximumGuestScreenSizeEditorMaximum Guest Screen &Size:&Width:Holds the maximum width which we would like the guest to use.&Height:Holds the maximum height which we would like the guest to use.Selects maximum guest screen size policy.UIMediumDetailsWidget&Attributes&Information&Type:&Location:&Description:&Size:Holds the type of this medium.Holds the location of this medium.Holds the description of this medium.Holds the size of this medium.ResetRestabelecerApplyReset changes in current medium detailsApply changes in current medium detailsReset Changes (%1)Apply Changes (%1)Cannot change medium size from <b>%1</b> to <b>%2</b> as storage shrinking is currently not implemented.Choose Medium LocationThis type of medium is attached directly or indirectly, preserved when taking snapshots.This type of medium is attached indirectly, changes are wiped out the next time the virtual machine is started.This type of medium is attached directly, ignored when taking snapshots.This type of medium is attached directly, allowed to be used concurrently by several machines.This type of medium is attached directly, and can be used by several machines.This type of medium is attached indirectly, so that one base medium can be used for several VMs which have their own differencing medium to store their modifications.Location cannot be empty.UIMediumItemCurrent extension (*.%1)Choose the location of this medium%1, %2: %3, %4: %5col.1 text, col.2 name: col.2 text, col.3 name: col.3 textFormat:Storage details:Attached to:Encrypted with key:UUID:<i>Not Attached</i><i>Sen conectar</i><i>Not Encrypted</i>--no infoUIMediumManager&Optical disks&Floppy disks&Select&Seleccionar&Hard disks<i>Not Attached</i><i>Sen conectar</i>Re&freshActuali&zarRefresh the list of disk image filesActualizar a lista de mediosNameNomeVirtual SizeTamaño virtualActual SizeTamaño realSizeTamañoChecking accessibilityComprobando accesibilidadeVirtual Media ManagerXestor de medios virtuaisResetRestabelecerApplyClosePecharReset changes in current medium detailsApply changes in current medium detailsClose dialog without savingReset Changes (%1)Apply Changes (%1)Close Window (%1)Current extension (*.%1)Choose the location of this medium&Create&CrearHelpShow dialog helpShow Help (%1)UIMediumManagerWidgetRegistered hard drivesRegistered optical disksRegistered floppy disksUIMediumSearchWidgetSearch By NameSearch By UUIDSelect the search typeUIMediumSelector&Add...Eng&adir...&RefreshActualiza&rRefresh the list of disk image filesActualizar a lista de mediosChooseNameNomeVirtual SizeTamaño virtualActual SizeTamaño realExpand AllCollapse AllCancelCancelarLeave EmptyOptical Disk SelectorFloppy Disk SelectorHard Disk SelectorVirtual Medium Selector&CancelLeave &EmptyLeave the drive emptyC&hooseAttached the selected medium to the driveUIMediumSizeAndPathGroupBoxDisk file name is not uniqueHolds the location of the virtual disk file.Opens file selection dialog so that a location for the disk file can be selected.Hard Disk File Location and SizeSpecify a location for new virtual hard disk file...Please type the name of the new virtual hard disk file into the box below or click on the folder icon to select a different folder to create the file in.Select the size of the virtual hard disk in megabytes. This size is the limit on the amount of file data that a virtual machine will be able to store on the hard disk.UIMediumSizeEditorHolds the size of this medium.<nobr>%1 (%2 B)</nobr>Minimum size for this medium.Maximum size for this medium.UIMenuBarEditorWidgetSwitchCambiarClosePecharToggle menu %1Popup menu %1Enable Menu BarVirtual Screen ResizeVirtual Screen RemapVirtual Screen RescaleAllows to modify VM menu-bar contents.UIMessageCenterVirtualBox - Informationmsg box titleVirtualBox - InformaciónVirtualBox - Questionmsg box titleVirtualBox - PreguntaVirtualBox - Warningmsg box titleVirtualBox - AvisoVirtualBox - Errormsg box titleVirtualBox - ErroVirtualBox - Critical Errormsg box titleVirtualBox - Erro críticoDo not show this message againmsg box flagNon mostrar esta mensaxe de novoFailed to open <tt>%1</tt>. Make sure your desktop environment can properly handle URLs of this type.Produciuse un fallo ao abrir <tt>%1</tt>. Asegúrese de que o seu contorno de escritorio pode manipular correctamente URL deste tipo.<p>Failed to initialize COM or to find the VirtualBox COM server. Most likely, the VirtualBox server is not running or failed to start.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao iniciar COM ou non se encontrou o servidor COM de VirtualBox. Probablemente, o servidor VirtualBox non se esté executando ou fallou ao iniciarse.</p><p>O aplicativo terminará agora.</p><p>Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao crear o obxeto COM de VirtualBox.</p><p>O aplicativo terminará agora.</p>Failed to set global VirtualBox properties.Produciuse un fallo ao definir as propiedades globais de VirtualBox.Failed to access the USB subsystem.Produciuse un fallo ao acceder ao subsistema USB.Failed to create a new virtual machine.Produciuse un fallo ao crear unha nova máquina virtual.Failed to create a new virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao crear unha nova máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to apply the settings to the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao aplicar as configuracións á máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to start the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao iniciar a máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to pause the execution of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao deter a execución da máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to resume the execution of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao continuar a execución da máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to save the state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao gardar o estado da máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to create a snapshot of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao crear unha instantánea da máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to stop the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao deter a máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to remove the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar a máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to discard the saved state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao descartar o estado gardado da máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to discard the snapshot <b>%1</b> of the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao descartar a instantánea <b>%1</b> da máquina virtual <b>%2</b>.Failed to discard the current state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao descartar o estado actual da máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to discard the current snapshot and the current state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao descartar a instantánea actual e o estado actual da máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.There is no virtual machine named <b>%1</b>.Non hai ningunha máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.<p>Are you sure you want to permanently delete the virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p><p>This operation cannot be undone.</p><p>Esá seguro de que quere borrar permanentemente a máquina virtual <b>%1</b>?</p><p>Está operación non é posíbel desfacela.</p><p>Are you sure you want to unregister the inaccessible virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p><p>You will not be able to register it again from GUI.</p><p>Está seguro de que quere cancelar o rexistro a máquina virtual <b>%1</b> que está inaccesíbel?</p><p>Será imposíbel rexistrala de novo desde a interface gráfica de usuario.</p><p>Are you sure you want to discard the saved state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p><p>This operation is equivalent to resetting or powering off the machine without doing a proper shutdown of the guest OS.</p><p>Está seguro de que quere descartar o estado gardado da máquina virtual <b>%1</b>?</p><p>Esta operación é equivalente a reiniciar ou apagar a máquina sen facer un apagado apropiado polos medios do sistema operativo convidado.</p>Failed to create a new session.Produciuse un fallo ao crear unha nova sesión.Failed to open a session for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao abrir unha sesión para a máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.Failed to remove the host network interface <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar a interface de rede do anfitrión <b>%1</b>.Failed to attach the USB device <b>%1</b> to the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao conectar o dispositivo USB <b>%1</b> á máquina virtual <b>%2</b>.Failed to detach the USB device <b>%1</b> from the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao desconectar o dispositivo UBS <b>%1</b> desde a máquina vritual <b>%2</b>.Failed to create the shared folder <b>%1</b> (pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) for the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao crear un cartafol compartido <b>%1</b> (apuntando para <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> para a máquina virtual <b>%3</b>.Failed to remove the shared folder <b>%1</b> (pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) from the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar o cartafol compartido <b>%1</b> (apuntando para <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> para a máquina virtual <b>%3</b>.<p>The Virtual Machine reports that the guest OS does not support <b>mouse pointer integration</b> in the current video mode. You need to capture the mouse (by clicking over the VM display or pressing the host key) in order to use the mouse inside the guest OS.</p><p>A máquina virtual informa que o sistema operativo convidado non permite a <b>integración do punteiro do rato</b> no modo de vídeo actual. Necesita capturar o rato (facendo clic sobre a pantalla da máquina virtual ou premendo a tecla anfitrión) para poder empregalo dentro do sistema operativo convidado.</p><p>The Virtual Machine is currently in the <b>Paused</b> state and not able to see any keyboard or mouse input. If you want to continue to work inside the VM, you need to resume it by selecting the corresponding action from the menu bar.</p><p>A máquina virtual está actualmente no estado <b>Detida</b> e polo tanto non acepta ningunha entrada do rato e o teclado. Se quere continuar a traballar dentro da máquina virtual necesita retomar a sesión seleccionando a acción correspondente desde a barra de menú.</p><p>Cannot run VirtualBox in <i>VM Selector</i> mode due to local restrictions.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Non é posíbel executar VirtualBox no modo <i>Selector de máquina virtual (VM)</i> debido ás restricións locais.</p><p>O aplicativo terminará agora.</p><nobr>Fatal Error</nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Erro moi grave</nobr><nobr>Non-Fatal Error</nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Erro non moi grave</nobr><nobr>Warning</nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Aviso</nobr><nobr>Error ID: </nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Erro ID: </nobr>Severity: runtime error infoGravidade: <p>A fatal error has occurred during virtual machine execution! The virtual machine will be powered off. Please copy the following error message using the clipboard to help diagnose the problem:</p><p>Ocorreu un erro moi grave durante a execución da máquina virtual! A máquina virtual apagarase. Suxíreselle que empregue o portapapeis para copiar a seguinte mensaxe de erro para examinala máis a fondo:</p><p>An error has occurred during virtual machine execution! The error details are shown below. You may try to correct the error and resume the virtual machine execution.</p><p>Ocorreu un erro durante a execución da máquina virtual! Os detalles do erro móstranse abaixo. Pode tentar corrixir o erro descrito e continuar coa execución da máquina virtual.</p><p>The virtual machine execution may run into an error condition as described below. We suggest that you take an appropriate action to avert the error.</p><p>A execución da máquina virtual pode crear unha condición de erro como a que se describe abaixo. Pode ignorar esta mensaxe, pero suxíreselle que realice a acción apropiada para asegurarse de que o erro descrito non volva suceder.</p>Result Code: error infoCódigo resultado: Component: error infoCompoñente: Interface: error infoInterface: Callee: error infoReceptor: Callee RC: error infoReceptor RC: <p>Could not find a language file for the language <b>%1</b> in the directory <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.</p><p>The language will be temporarily reset to the system default language. Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> window which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window, and select one of the existing languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p><p>Non foi posíbel encontrar un ficheiro idioma para o <b>%1</b> no cartafol <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.</p><p>O idioma restabelecerase temporalmente ao predefinido do sistema. Vaia ao diálogo <b>Preferencias</b> que pode abrir desde o menú <b>Ficheiro</b> da xanela principal de VirtualBox e seleccione un dos idiomas existentes na sección <b>Idioma</b>.</p><p>Could not load the language file <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>. <p>The language will be temporarily reset to English (built-in). Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> window which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window, and select one of the existing languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p><p>Non foi posíbel cargar o ficheiro de idioma <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>. <p>O idioma restabelecerase temporalmente a Inglés (integrado). Vaia ao diálogo <b>Preferencias</b> que pode abrir desde o menú <b>Ficheiro</b> da xanela principal de VirtualBox e seleccione un dos idiomas existentes na sección <b>Idioma</b>.</p><p>The VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are too old: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2. Some features that require Guest Additions (mouse integration, guest display auto-resize) will most likely stop working properly.</p><p>Please update the Guest Additions to the current version by choosing <b>Insert Guest Additions CD image</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p><p>Os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado de VirtualBox instalados no sistema operativo convidado son antigos: a versión instalada é a %1 e requírese a versión %2. Algunhas características que requiren dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado (a integración do rato, o redimensionamento automático da pantalla do convidado) probablemente deixarán de traballar de maneira correcta.</p><p>Actualice os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado á versión máis recente elixindo <b>Instalar os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado</b> desde o menú <b>Dispositivos</b>.</p><p>The VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are outdated: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2. Some features that require Guest Additions (mouse integration, guest display auto-resize) may not work as expected.</p><p>It is recommended to update the Guest Additions to the current version by choosing <b>Insert Guest Additions CD image</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p><p>Os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado de VirtualBox instalados no sistema operativo convidado están desactualizados: a versión instalada é a %1 e requírese a versión %2. Algunhas características que requiren dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado (a integración do rato, o redimensionamento automático da pantalla do convidado) poden non traballar como se espera.</p><p>Recoméndase actualizar os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado á versión máis recente elixindo <b>Instalar os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado</b> desde o menú <b>Dispositivos</b>.</p><p>The VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are too recent for this version of VirtualBox: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2.</p><p>Using a newer version of Additions with an older version of VirtualBox is not supported. Please install the current version of the Guest Additions by choosing <b>Insert Guest Additions CD image</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p><p>Os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado de VirtualBox instalados no sistema operativo convidado son demasiado recentes: a versión instalada é a %1 e requírese a versión %2.</p><p>Non é compatíbel o uso dunha versión máis nova dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado cunha versión máis vella de VirtualBox. Instale a versión actual dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado elixindo <b>Instalar os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado</b> desde o menú <b>Dispositivos</b>.</p>Failed to change the snapshot folder path of the virtual machine <b>%1<b> to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Produciuse un fallo ao cambiar o camiño do cartafol da instantánea da máquina virtual <b>%1<b> a <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.<p>Failed to remove the shared folder <b>%1</b> (pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) from the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.</p><p>Please close all programs in the guest OS that may be using this shared folder and try again.</p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar o cartafol compartido <b>%1</b> (apuntando para <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) desde a máquina virtual <b>%3</b>.</p><p>Peche todos os programas que poden estar empregando este cartafol compartido no sistema operativo convidado e ténteo de novo.</p><p>Could not find the VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> or <nobr><b>%2</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you wish to download this disk image file from the Internet?</p><p>Non foi posíbel encontrar o ficheiro imaxe de CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado de VirtualBox <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> ou <nobr><b>%2</b>.</nobr></p><p>Quere descargar esta imaxe de CD desde a Internet?</p><p>Failed to download the VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file from <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a>.</nobr></p><p>%3</p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao descargar a imaxe de CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado de VirtualBox desde <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a>.</nobr></p><p>%3</p><p>Are you sure you want to download the VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file from <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a></nobr> (size %3 bytes)?</p><p>Está seguro de que quere descargar a imaxe de CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado de VirtualBox desde <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a></nobr> (tamaño %3 bytes)?</p><p>The VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a></nobr> and saved locally as <nobr><b>%3</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you wish to register this disk image file and insert it into the virtual CD/DVD drive?</p><p>A imaxe de CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado de VirtualBox descargouse correctamente desde <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a></nobr> e gardouse localmente como <nobr><b>%3</b>.</nobr></p><p>Quere rexistrar esta imaxe de CD e montala na unidade de CD/DVD virtual?</p><p>The virtual machine window is optimized to work in <b>%1 bit</b> color mode but the virtual display is currently set to <b>%2 bit</b>.</p><p>Please open the display properties dialog of the guest OS and select a <b>%3 bit</b> color mode, if it is available, for best possible performance of the virtual video subsystem.</p><p><b>Note</b>. Some operating systems, like OS/2, may actually work in 32 bit mode but report it as 24 bit (16 million colors). You may try to select a different color mode to see if this message disappears or you can simply disable the message now if you are sure the required color mode (%4 bit) is not available in the guest OS.</p><p>A xanela da máquina virtual está optimizada para traballar no modo de cor de <b>%1 bit</b> pero o modo de cor da pantalla virtual está definida a <b>%2 bit</b>.</p><p>Abre o diálogo de propiedades da pantalla do sistema operativo convidado e seleccione un modo de cor de <b>%3 bit</b>, se este está dispoñíbel, para obter un mellor rendemento do subsistema de vídeo virtual.</p><p><b>Nota</b>. Algúns sistemas operativos, coma OS/2, poden traballar en modo 32 bits pero informan de 24 bit (16 millóns de cores). Pode tentar seleccionar unha calidade de cor diferente para ver se esta mensaxe desaparece ou pode simplemente desactivar esta mensaxe agora mesmo se está seguro que a calidade de cor requirida (%4 bit) non está dispoñíbel no seu sistema operativo convidado.</p><p>You didn't attach a hard disk to the new virtual machine. The machine will not be able to boot unless you attach a hard disk with a guest operating system or some other bootable media to it later using the machine settings window or the First Run Wizard.</p><p>Do you wish to continue?</p><p>Vostede non conectou un disco ríxido á nova máquina virtual. A máquina non iniciará a non ser que vostede conecte un disco ríxido cun sistema operativo convidado ou algún outro medio iniciábel. Para facer isto máis tarde empregue o diálogo de configuracións da máquina ou o asistente de primeira execución.</p><p>Quere continuar?</p>Failed to find license files in <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Produciuse un fallo ao encontrar os ficheiros de licenza en <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Failed to open the license file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. Check file permissions.Produciuse un fallo ao abrir o ficheiro de licenza <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. Comprobar permisos do ficheiro.Failed to send the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao enviar o evento pulsación botón de enerxía (ACPI Power) á máquina virtual <b>%1</b>.<p>Congratulations! You have been successfully registered as a user of VirtualBox.</p><p>Thank you for finding time to fill out the registration form!</p><p>Parabéns! Rexistrouse correctamente como usuario do VirtualBox.</p><p>Grazas por dedicar tempo para cubrir o formulario de rexistro!</p><p>Failed to save the global VirtualBox settings to <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao gardar as configuracións globais de VirtualBox en <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>Failed to load the global GUI configuration from <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao cargar a configuración global da interface gráfica de usuario desde <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>O aplicativo terminará agora.</p><p>Failed to save the global GUI configuration to <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao gardar a configuración global da interface gráfica de usuario en <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>O aplicativo terminará agora.</p>Failed to save the settings of the virtual machine <b>%1</b> to <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.Produciuse un fallo ao gardar as configuracións da máquina virtual <b>%1</b> en <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.Failed to load the settings of the virtual machine <b>%1</b> from <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.Produciuse un fallo ao cargar as configuracións da máquina virtual <b>%1</b> desde <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.DeletemachineBorrarUnregistermachineCancelar o rexistroDiscardsaved stateDescartarDisablehard diskDesactivarDownloadadditionsDescargarInsertadditionsMontar<p>The host key is currently defined as <b>%1</b>.</p>additional message box paragraph<p>A tecla anfitrión está actualmente definida como <b>%1</b>.</p>Capturedo input captureCapturarCheckinaccessible media message boxMarcar&BackupwarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message boxCopia de seguran&zaSwitchfullscreenCambiarSwitchseamlessCambiar<p>Do you really want to reset the virtual machine?</p><p>This will cause any unsaved data in applications running inside it to be lost.</p><p>Desexa realmente reiniciar a máquina virtual?</p><p>Cando a máquina é reiniciada pérdense os datos sen gardar de todos os aplicativos que se estaban executando.</p>ResetmachineRestabelecerContinueno hard disk attachedContinuarGo Backno hard disk attachedVolverFailed to copy file <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> to <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b> (%3).Produciuse un fallo ao copiar o ficheiro <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> a <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b> (%3).&Createhard disk&CrearSelecthard diskSeleccionar<p>Could not enter seamless mode due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>Non foi posíbel entrar no modo fluído debido a que o convidado non ten memoria de vídeo suficiente.</p><p>Debería configurar a máquina virtual para ter polo menos <b>%1</b> de memoria de vídeo.</p><p>Could not switch the guest display to fullscreen mode due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>Press <b>Ignore</b> to switch to fullscreen mode anyway or press <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the operation.</p><p>Non foi posíbel cambiar a pantalla do convidado ao modo de pantalla completa debido a que o convidado non ten memoria de vídeo suficiente.</p><p>Debería configurar a máquina virtual para ter polo menos <b>%1</b> de memoria de vídeo.</p><p>Prema en <b>Ignorar</b> para cambiar ao modo de pantalla completa de calquera maneira ou en <b>Cancelar</b> para cancelar a operación.</p>You are already running the most recent version of VirtualBox.Xa está instalada a última versión de VirtualBox. Repita a comprobación de versión máis tarde.<p>You have <b>clicked the mouse</b> inside the Virtual Machine display or pressed the <b>host key</b>. This will cause the Virtual Machine to <b>capture</b> the host mouse pointer (only if the mouse pointer integration is not currently supported by the guest OS) and the keyboard, which will make them unavailable to other applications running on your host machine.</p><p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the <img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/> icon. This icon, together with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard and mouse capture state.</p><p>Fixo <b>clic co rato</b> dentro da pantalla da Máquina Virtual ou premeu a <b>tecla anfitrión</b>. Isto causará que a máquina virtual <b>capture</b> o punteiro do rato (soamente se o sistema operativo convidado non permite actualmente a integración do punteiro do rato) e o teclado do anfitrión, os cales non estarán dispoñíbeis para outros aplicativos que se estean a executar na máquina anfitrión.</p><p>En calquera momento pode premer a <b>tecla anfitrión</b> para <b>liberar</b> o teclado e o rato (se están capturados) e devolvelos a súa operación normal. A tecla anfitrión actualmente asignada móstrase na barra de estado na parte de abaixo da xanela da máquina virtual, ao lado da icona <img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>. Esta icona, xunto coa icona do rato adxacente, indica o actual estado de captura do rato e o teclado.</p><p>You have the <b>Auto capture keyboard</b> option turned on. This will cause the Virtual Machine to automatically <b>capture</b> the keyboard every time the VM window is activated and make it unavailable to other applications running on your host machine: when the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) will be directed to the VM.</p><p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the <img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/> icon. This icon, together with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard and mouse capture state.</p><p>Ten a opción de <b>captura de teclado automática</b> activada. Isto causará que a máquina virtual <b>capture</b> automaticamente o teclado cada vez que se active a xanela da máquina virtual e non estará dispoñíbel para outros aplicativos que se esteen executando na máquina anfitrión: cando o teclado está capturado, todas as combinacións de teclas (incluso as do sistema como Alt-Tab) serán dirixidas á máquina virtual.</p><p>En calquera momento pode premer a <b>tecla anfitrión</b> para <b>liberar</b> o teclado e o rato (se están capturados) e devolvelos a súa operación normal. A tecla anfitrión actualmente asignada móstrase na barra de estado na parte de abaixo da xanela da máquina virtual, ao lado da icona <img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>. Esta icona, xunto coa icona do rato adxacente, indica o actual estado de captura do rato e o teclado.</p><p>The Virtual Machine reports that the guest OS supports <b>mouse pointer integration</b>. This means that you do not need to <i>capture</i> the mouse pointer to be able to use it in your guest OS -- all mouse actions you perform when the mouse pointer is over the Virtual Machine's display are directly sent to the guest OS. If the mouse is currently captured, it will be automatically uncaptured.</p><p>The mouse icon on the status bar will look like <img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> to inform you that mouse pointer integration is supported by the guest OS and is currently turned on.</p><p><b>Note</b>: Some applications may behave incorrectly in mouse pointer integration mode. You can always disable it for the current session (and enable it again) by selecting the corresponding action from the menu bar.</p><p>A máquina virtual informa que o sistema operativo convidado permite a <b>integración do punteiro do rato</b>. Isto significa que non necesita <i>capturar</i> o punteiro do rato para poder empregalo no seu sistema operativo convidado -- todas as accións do rato que realice cando o punteiro do rato eantalla da mástá sobre a pquina virtual son enviadas directamente ao sistema operativo convidado. Se o rato está actualmente capturado será liberado automaticamente.</p><p>A icona do rato na barra de estado verase com <img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> para informalo de que a integración do punteiro do rato permítese no sistema operativo convidado e actualmente está activada.</p><p><b>Nota</b>:Algúns aplicativos poden comportase incorrectamente no modo de integración do punteiro do rato. Sempre pode desactivalo para a sesión actual (e activalo de novo) seleccionando a acción correspondente desde a barra do menú.</p><p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>fullscreen</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in fullscreen mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>Agora cambiarase a xanela da máquina virtual ao modo de <b>pantalla completa</b>. En calquera momento pode volver ao modo de xanela premendo <b>%1</b>. Nota que a tecla <i>anfitrión</i> está actualmente definida como <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Nota que a barra de menú principal ocúltase no modo de pantalla completa. Pode acceder a este premendo <b>Tecla anfitrión + Inicio</b>.</p><p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>Seamless</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in seamless mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>Agora cambiarase a xanela da máquina virtual ao modo de <b>Fluído</b>. En calquera momento pode volver ao modo de xanela premendo <b>%1</b>. Nota que a tecla <i>anfitrión</i> está actualmente definida como <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Nota que a barra de menú principal ocultase no modo fluído. Pode acceder a este premendo <b>Tecla anfitrión + Inicio</b>.</p>&Contents...&Contidos...Show the online help contentsMostrar os contidos da axuda en liña&VirtualBox Web Site...Sitio web de &VirtualBox...Open the browser and go to the VirtualBox product web siteAbre o navegador e vai ao sitio web do produto VirtualBox&Reset All Warnings&Restabelecer todos os avisosGo back to showing all suppressed warnings and messagesFai que todos os avisos e as mensaxes desactivadas sexan mostradas novamenteR&egister VirtualBox...R&existro de VirtualBox...Open VirtualBox registration formAbrir formulario de rexistro de VirtualBoxC&heck for Updates...Ve&rificar actualizacións...Check for a new VirtualBox versionComproba se hai unha nova versión de VirtualBox&About VirtualBox...Sobre Virtu&alBox...Show a window with product informationMostrar un diálogo con información do produto<p>A new version of VirtualBox has been released! Version <b>%1</b> is available at <a href="https://www.virtualbox.org/">virtualbox.org</a>.</p><p>You can download this version using the link:</p><p><a href=%2>%3</a></p><p>Unha nova versión de VirtualBox foi publicada! A versión <b>%1</b> está dispoñíbel en <a href="https://www.virtualbox.org/">virtualbox.org</a>.</p><p>Pode descargar esta versión directamente desde esta ligazón:</p><p><a href=%2>%3</a></p><p>Are you sure you want to release the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>?</p><p>This will detach it from the following virtual machine(s): <b>%3</b>.</p><p>Está seguro de que quere liberar o %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>?</p><p>Isto desconectarao das seguintes máquinas virtuais: <b>%3</b>.</p>Releasedetach mediumLiberar<p>Are you sure you want to remove the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> from the list of known disk image files?</p><p>Está seguro de que quere eliminar o %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> da lista de medios coñecidos?</p>As this hard disk is inaccessible its image file can not be deleted.Nota que este disco ríxido é inaccesíbel polo que non é posíbel eliminar a súa unidade de almacenamento neste intre.The next dialog will let you choose whether you also want to delete the storage unit of this hard disk or keep it for later usage.O seguinte diálogo permitiralle elixir se vostede quere eliminar a unidade de almacenamento deste disco ríxido ou conservala para un uso posterior.<p>Note that the storage unit of this medium will not be deleted and that it will be possible to add it to the list later again.</p><p>Nota que a unidade de almacenamento deste medio non se eliminará e polo tanto será posíbel engadila á lista de novo máis adiante.</p>RemovemediumEliminar<p>The hard disk storage unit at location <b>%1</b> already exists. You cannot create a new virtual hard disk that uses this location because it can be already used by another virtual hard disk.</p><p>Please specify a different location.</p><p>A unidade de almacenamento de disco ríxido localizada en <b>%1</b> xa existe. Non é posíbel crear un novo disco ríxido virtual que empregue esta localización porque xa pode estar sendo empregado por outro disco ríxido virtual.</p><p>Especifique unha localización diferente.</p><p>Do you want to delete the storage unit of the hard disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>?</p><p>If you select <b>Delete</b> then the specified storage unit will be permanently deleted. This operation <b>cannot be undone</b>.</p><p>If you select <b>Keep</b> then the hard disk will be only removed from the list of known hard disks, but the storage unit will be left untouched which makes it possible to add this hard disk to the list later again.</p><p>Quere borrar a unidade de almacenamento do disco ríxido <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>?</p><p>Se selecciona <b>Borrar</b>, a unidade de almacenamento especificada borrarase permanentemente. <b>Non é posíbel desfacer</b> esta operación.</p><p>Se selecciona <b>Manter</b>, o disco ríxido só se eliminará da lista de discos ríxidos coñecidos, pero a unidade de almacenamento non se modificará o que fai posíbel engadir de novo este disco ríxido á lista máis adiante.</p>Deletehard disk storageBorrarKeephard disk storageManterFailed to delete the storage unit of the hard disk <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao borrar a unidade de almacenamento do disco ríxido <b>%1</b>.<p>There are no unused hard disks available for the newly created attachment.</p><p>Press the <b>Create</b> button to start the <i>New Virtual Disk</i> wizard and create a new hard disk, or press the <b>Select</b> if you wish to open the <i>Virtual Media Manager</i>.</p><p>Non existen discos ríxidos sen empregar dispoñíbeis para a conexión creada recentemente.</p><p>Prema o botón <b>Crear</b> para iniciar o asistente de <i>novo disco virtual</i> para crear un novo disco ríxido, ou prema no botón <b>Seleccionar</b> para abrir o <i>xestor de medios virtuais</i> e seleccionar que facer.</p>Failed to create the hard disk storage <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr>Produciuse un fallo ao crear o almacenamento de disco ríxido <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr>Failed to attach the hard disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> to slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao conectar o disco ríxido <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> ao espazo <i>%2</i> da máquina <b>%3</b>.Failed to detach the hard disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> from slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao separar o disco ríxido <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> desde o espazo <i>%2</i> da máquina <b>%3</b>.Failed to mount the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> on the machine <b>%3</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao montar o %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> á máquina <b>%3</b>.Failed to unmount the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> from the machine <b>%3</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao desmontar o %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> desde a máquina <b>%3</b>.Failed to open the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Produciuse un fallo ao abrir o %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Failed to close the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Produciuse un fallo ao pechar o %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Failed to access the disk image file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Produciuse un fallo ao obter o estado de accesibilidade do medio <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.<p>Failed to connect to the VirtualBox online registration service due to the following error:</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao conectarse ao servizo de rexistro en liña de Virtual debido ao seguinte erro:</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>Unable to obtain the new version information due to the following error:</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>Resultou imposíbel obter a información da nova versión debido ao seguinte erro:</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>One or more virtual hard disks, CD/DVD or floppy disk image files are not currently accessible. As a result, you will not be able to operate virtual machines that use these files until they become accessible later.</p><p>Press <b>Check</b> to open the Virtual Media Manager window and see which files are inaccessible, or press <b>Ignore</b> to ignore this message.</p><p>Un ou máis medios virtuais (disco ríxido, CD/DVD ou disqueteira) non están accesíbeis actualmente. Polo tanto, non poderá traballar coas máquinas virtuais que empreguen estes medios ata que sexan accesíbeis.</p><p>Prema en <b>Comprobar</b> para abrir o xanela do xestor de medios virtuais e consulte que medios están inaccesíbeis, ou prema en <b>Ignorar</b> para ignorar esta mensaxe.</p><p>Your existing VirtualBox settings files were automatically converted from the old format to a new format required by the new version of VirtualBox.</p><p>Press <b>OK</b> to start VirtualBox now or press <b>More</b> if you want to get more information about what files were converted and access additional actions.</p><p>Press <b>Exit</b> to terminate the VirtualBox application without saving the results of the conversion to disk.</p><p>Convertéronse automaticamente os ficheiros existentes de configuracións de VirtualBox desde o formato antigo ao novo formato necesario para a nova versión de VirtualBox.</p><p>Prema en <b>Aceptar</b> para iniciar VirtualBox agora ou prema en <b>Máis</b> se quere obter máis información sobre que ficheiros se converteron e acceder a accións adicionais.</p><p>Prema en <b>Saír</b> para terminar o aplicativo VirtualBox sen gardar os resultados da conversión no disco.</p>&MorewarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message box&MáisE&xitwarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message boxSaí&r<p>The following VirtualBox settings files have been automatically converted to the new settings file format version <b>%1</b>.</p><p>However, the results of the conversion were not saved back to disk yet. Please press:</p><ul><li><b>Backup</b> to create backup copies of the settings files in the old format before saving them in the new format;</li><li><b>Overwrite</b> to save all auto-converted files without creating backup copies (it will not be possible to use these settings files with an older version of VirtualBox afterwards);</li>%2</ul><p>It is recommended to always select <b>Backup</b> because in this case it will be possible to go back to the previous version of VirtualBox (if necessary) without losing your current settings. See the VirtualBox Manual for more information about downgrading.</p><p>Os seguintes ficheiros de configuración de VirtualBox convertéronse automaticamente a nova versión de formato de ficheiro de configuracións <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Porén, os resultados da conversión non se gardaron en disco aínda. Prema en:</p><ul><li><b>Copia de seguranza</b> para crear copias de seguranza dos ficheiros de configuración no anterior formato antes de gardalos no novo formato;</li><li><b>Sobrescribir</b> para gardar todos os ficheiros convertidos automaticamente sen crear copias de seguranza (despois non será posíbel empregar estes ficheiros de configuración cunha versión anterior de VirtualBox);</li>%2</ul><p>Sempre se recomenda seleccionar <b>Copia de seguranza</b> porque neste caso (se for necesario) sería posíbel regresar á versión previa de VirtualBox sen perder a súa configuración actual. Consultar o manual de VirtualBox para máis información sobre volver a unha versión anterior.</p><li><b>Exit</b> to terminate VirtualBox without saving the results of the conversion to disk.</li><li><b>Saír</b> para finalizar VirtualBox sen gardar os resultados da conversión ao disco.</li>O&verwritewarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message boxS&obrescribir<p>A critical error has occurred while running the virtual machine and the machine execution has been stopped.</p><p>For help, please see the Community section on <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org>https://www.virtualbox.org</a> or your support contract. Please provide the contents of the log file <tt>VBox.log</tt> and the image file <tt>VBox.png</tt>, which you can find in the <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> directory, as well as a description of what you were doing when this error happened. Note that you can also access the above files by selecting <b>Show Log</b> from the <b>Machine</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window.</p><p>Press <b>OK</b> if you want to power off the machine or press <b>Ignore</b> if you want to leave it as is for debugging. Please note that debugging requires special knowledge and tools, so it is recommended to press <b>OK</b> now.</p><p>Ocorreu un erro crítico mentres se executaba a máquina virtual e se detivo a súa execución.</p><p>Para obter axuda, consulte a sección Comunidade en <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org>https://www.virtualbox.org</a> ou ao servizo de asistencia que teña contratado. Proporcione os contidos do ficheiro de rexistro <tt>VBox.log</tt> e o ficheiro de imaxe <tt>VBox.png</tt>, os cales pode localizar no cartafol <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>, así como unha descrición do que estaba a facer cando sucedeu este erro. Nota que tamén pode acceder aos ficheiros de arriba seleccionando <b>Mostrar rexistro</b> desde o menú <b>Máquina</b> da xanela principal de VirtualBox.</p><p>Prema en <b>Aceptar</b> se quere apagar a máquina ou prema en <b>Ignorar</b> se quere deixala como está para depuración. Nota que a depuración require coñecementos e ferramentas especiais, polo que se recomenda premer en <b>Aceptar</b> agora.</p>hard diskfailed to close ...disco ríxidoCD/DVD imagefailed to close ...imaxe de CD/DVDfloppy imagefailed to close ...imaxe de disqueteThe following files already exist:<br /><br />%1<br /><br />Are you sure you want to replace them? Replacing them will overwrite their contents.Os seguintes ficheiros xa existen:<br /><br />%1<br /><br />Está seguro de que quere substituílos? Substituílos sobrescribirá os seus contidos.Failed to remove the file <b>%1</b>.<br /><br />Please try to remove the file yourself and try again.Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar o ficheiro <b>%1</b>.<br/><br/>Elimine o ficheiro manualmente e ténteo de novo.You are running a prerelease version of VirtualBox. This version is not suitable for production use.Está a executar unha versión prerelease de VirtualBox. Esta versión non é axeitada para o uso en produción.Could not access USB on the host system, because neither the USB file system (usbfs) nor the DBus and hal services are currently available. If you wish to use host USB devices inside guest systems, you must correct this and restart VirtualBox.Non foi posíbel acceder ao USB no sistema anfitrión, porque nin o sistema de ficheiros USB (usbfs), nin o DBUS, nin os servizos da capa de abstracción de hardware (HAL) están dispoñíbeis actualmente. Se desexa empregar os dispositivos USB do anfitrión dentro dos sistemas convidados debe corrixir isto e reiniciar VirtualBox.You are trying to shut down the guest with the ACPI power button. This is currently not possible because the guest does not support software shutdown.Está tentando apagar o convidado co botón de enerxía ACPI. Isto actualmente non é posíbel porque o convidado non permite o uso do subsistema ACPI.<p>VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but is not operational. Your 64-bit guest will fail to detect a 64-bit CPU and will not be able to boot.</p><p>Please ensure that you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host computer.</p><p>Activouse a aceleración de hardware VT-x/AMD-V pero non é funcional. O seu sistema operativo convidado de 64-bit fallará ao detectar unha CPU de 64-bit e non poderá iniciarse.</p><p>Asegúrese de que activou correctamente VT-x/AMD-V no BIOS do seu computador anfitrión.</p>Close VMPechar a máquina virtual (VM)ContinueContinuar<p>Are you sure you wish to delete the selected snapshot and saved state?</p><p>Está seguro de que desexa borrar a instantánea e o estado gardado seleccionado?</p>DiscardDescartarCancelCancelar<p>There are hard disks attached to ports of the additional controller. If you disable the additional controller, all these hard disks will be automatically detached.</p><p>Are you sure you want to disable the additional controller?</p><p>Existen discos ríxidos conectados aos portos do controlador adicional. Se desactiva o controlador adicional, todos estes discos ríxidos serán desconectados automaticamente.</p><p>Está seguro de que quere desactivar o controlador adicional?</p><p>There are hard disks attached to ports of the additional controller. If you change the additional controller, all these hard disks will be automatically detached.</p><p>Are you sure you want to change the additional controller?</p><p>Existen discos ríxidos conectados aos portos do controlador adicional. Se cambia o controlador adicional, todos estes discos ríxidos serán desconectados automaticamente.</p><p>Está seguro de que quere cambiar o controlador adicional?</p>Changehard diskCambiarFailed to create the host-only network interface.Produciuse un fallo ao crear a interface de rede exclusiva do anfitrión.<p>Your existing VirtualBox settings files will be automatically converted from the old format to a new format required by the new version of VirtualBox.</p><p>Press <b>OK</b> to start VirtualBox now or press <b>Exit</b> if you want to terminate the VirtualBox application without any further actions.</p><p>Converteranse automaticamente os ficheiros existentes de configuracións de VirtualBox desde o formato antigo ao novo formato necesario para a nova versión de VirtualBox.</p><p>Prema en <b>Aceptar</b> para iniciar VirtualBox agora ou prema en <b>Saír</b> se quere terminar o aplicativo VirtualBox sen máis accións.</p>Failed to open appliance.Produciuse un fallo ao abrir o servizo virtualizado.Failed to open/interpret appliance <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao abrir/interpretar o servizo virtualizado <b>%1</b>.Failed to import appliance <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao importar o servizo virtualizado <b>%1</b>.Failed to create appliance.Produciuse un fallo ao crear o servizo virtualizado.Failed to prepare the export of the appliance <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao preparar a exportación do servizo virtualizado <b>%1</b>.Failed to create an appliance.Produciuse un fallo ao crear un servizo virtualizado.Failed to export appliance <b>%1</b>.Produciuse un fallo ao exportar o servizo virtualizado <b>%1</b>.<p>Deleting this host-only network will remove the host-only interface this network is based on. Do you want to remove the (host-only network) interface <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p><b>Note:</b> this interface may be in use by one or more virtual network adapters belonging to one of your VMs. After it is removed, these adapters will no longer be usable until you correct their settings by either choosing a different interface name or a different adapter attachment type.</p><p>O borrado desta rede exclusiva do anfitrión levará ao borrado das interfaces exclusivas do anfitrión baseadas nesta rede. Quere eliminar a interface (rede exclusiva do anfitrión) <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p><b>Nota:</b> esta interface pode estar en uso por un ou máis adaptadores de rede virtuais pertencentes a unha das súas máquinas virtuais. Despois da súa eliminación, estes adaptadores non poderán empregarse máis ata que corrixa as súas configuracións, ou escollendo unha interface diferente ou un tipo de conexión diferente para o adaptador.</p>A file named <b>%1</b> already exists. Are you sure you want to replace it?<br /><br />Replacing it will overwrite its contents.Xa existe un ficheiro chamado <b>%1</b>. Está seguro de que quere substituílo?<br /><br />Ao substituílo sobrescribiranse o seu contido. <p>VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but is not operational. Certain guests (e.g. OS/2 and QNX) require this feature.</p><p>Please ensure that you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host computer.</p><p>Activouse a aceleración de hardware VT-x/AMD-V pero non é funcional. Determinados convidados (p. ex. OS/2 e QNX) requiren esta característica.</p><p>Asegúrese de que no BIOS do seu computador anfitrión ten activada correctamente VT-x/AMD-V.</p><p>Invalid e-mail address or password specified.</p><p>Especificou un enderezo de correo electrónico ou contrasinal non válido.</p><p>Failed to register the VirtualBox product.</p><p>%1</p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao rexistrar o produto VirtualBox.</p><p>%1</p>Failed to check files.Produciuse un fallo ao comprobar os ficheiros.Failed to remove file.Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar o ficheiro.DeleteBorrar&Createmedium&Crear&Selectmedium&SeleccionarE&xitwarnAboutSettingsAutoConversion message boxSaí&rhard diskfailed to mount ...disco ríxidoCD/DVD imagefailed to mount ...imaxe de CD/DVDfloppy imagefailed to mount ...imaxe de disquetehard diskfailed to attach ...disco ríxidoRemoveEliminarSwitchscaleCambiar<p>Failed to save the downloaded file as <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr></p><p>Produciuse un fallo ao gardar o ficheiro descargado como <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr></p>Downloadextension packDescargarClose Virtual MachinePechar máquina virtualIgnoreIgnorarSwitchCambiarDownloadDescargarClosePecharDo not show this message againNon mostrar esta mensaxe de novoInsertadditions-newMontarDeleteextension packBorrar<b>%1</b> is an option for the VirtualBox VM runner (VirtualBoxVM) application, not the VirtualBox Manager.You seem to have the USBFS filesystem mounted at /sys/bus/usb/drivers. We strongly recommend that you change this, as it is a severe mis-configuration of your system which could cause USB devices to fail in unexpected ways.<p>Cannot start the VirtualBox Manager due to local restrictions.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>You must specify a machine to start, using the command line.</p><p>%1</p>There will be a usage text passed as argument.<tr><td>Usage: VirtualBoxVM --startvm <name|UUID></td></tr><tr><td>Starts the VirtualBox virtual machine with the given name or unique identifier (UUID).</td></tr>You are running an EXPERIMENTAL build of VirtualBox. This version is not suitable for production use.<p>Failed to initialize COM because the VirtualBox global configuration directory <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> is not accessible. Please check the permissions of this directory and of its parent directory.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Failed to create the VirtualBoxClient COM object.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Failed to acquire the VirtualBox COM object.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>The reason for this error are most likely wrong permissions of the IPC daemon socket due to an installation problem. Please check the permissions of <font color=blue>'/tmp'</font> and <font color=blue>'/tmp/.vbox-*-ipc/'</font></p><p>Could not find a language file for the language <b>%1</b> in the directory <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.</p><p>The language will be temporarily reset to the system default language. Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> window which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the VirtualBox Manager window, and select one of the existing languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p><p>Could not load the language file <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>. <p>The language will be temporarily reset to English (built-in). Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> window which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the VirtualBox Manager window, and select one of the existing languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p>There is no virtual machine with the identifier <b>%1</b>.Failed to set the global VirtualBox extra data for key <i>%1</i> to value <i>{%2}</i>.Failed to set the extra data for key <i>%1</i> of machine <i>%2</i> to value <i>{%3}</i>.Encryption password for <nobr>ID = '%1'</nobr> is invalid.Failed to open virtual machine located in %1.Failed to add virtual machine <b>%1</b> located in <i>%2</i> because its already present.<p>You are trying to move group <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> to group <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> which already have another item with the same name.</p><p>Would you like to automatically rename it?</p>RenameFailed to set groups of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.<p>You are about to remove following virtual machine items from the machine list:</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>Do you wish to proceed?</p><p>You are about to remove following inaccessible virtual machines from the machine list:</p><p>%1</p><p>Do you wish to proceed?</p><p>You are about to remove following virtual machines from the machine list:</p><p>%1</p><p>Would you like to delete the files containing the virtual machine from your hard disk as well? Doing this will also remove the files containing the machine's virtual hard disks if they are not in use by another machine.</p><p>You are about to remove following virtual machines from the machine list:</p><p>%1</p><p>Would you like to delete the files containing the virtual machine from your hard disk as well?</p>Delete all filesRemove only<p>One or more disk image files are not currently accessible. As a result, you will not be able to operate virtual machines that use these files until they become accessible later.</p><p>Press <b>Check</b> to open the Virtual Media Manager window and see which files are inaccessible, or press <b>Ignore</b> to ignore this message.</p><p>Are you sure you want to discard the saved state of the following virtual machines?</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>This operation is equivalent to resetting or powering off the machine without doing a proper shutdown of the guest OS.</p><p>Do you really want to reset the following virtual machines?</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>This will cause any unsaved data in applications running inside it to be lost.</p><p>Do you really want to send an ACPI shutdown signal to the following virtual machines?</p><p><b>%1</b></p>ACPI Shutdownmachine<p>Do you really want to power off the following virtual machines?</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>This will cause any unsaved data in applications running inside it to be lost.</p>Power Offmachine<p>You are about to start all of the following virtual machines:</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>This could take some time and consume a lot of host system resources. Do you wish to proceed?</p><p>You are about to restore snapshot <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p><p>You can create a snapshot of the current state of the virtual machine first by checking the box below; if you do not do this the current state will be permanently lost. Do you wish to proceed?</p>Create a snapshot of the current machine stateRestore<p>Are you sure you want to restore snapshot <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>?</p><p>Deleting the snapshot will cause the state information saved in it to be lost, and storage data spread over several image files that VirtualBox has created together with the snapshot will be merged into one file. This can be a lengthy process, and the information in the snapshot cannot be recovered.</p></p>Are you sure you want to delete the selected snapshot <b>%1</b>?</p><p>Deleting the snapshot %1 will temporarily need more storage space. In the worst case the size of image %2 will grow by %3, however on this filesystem there is only %4 free.</p><p>Running out of storage space during the merge operation can result in corruption of the image and the VM configuration, i.e. loss of the VM and its data.</p><p>You may continue with deleting the snapshot at your own risk.</p>Failed to restore the snapshot <b>%1</b> of the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Failed to change the snapshot <b>%1</b> of the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Can't find snapshot with ID=<b>%1</b>.Failed to save the settings.<p>Do you want to remove the NAT network <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p>If this network is in use by one or more virtual machine network adapters these adapters will no longer be usable until you correct their settings by either choosing a different network name or a different adapter attachment type.</p>The virtual machine that you are changing has been started. Only certain settings can be changed while a machine is running. All other changes will be lost if you close this window now.<p>The machine settings were changed while you were editing them. You currently have unsaved setting changes.</p><p>Would you like to reload the changed settings or to keep your own changes?</p>Reload settingsKeep changes<p>Are you sure you want to delete the optical drive?</p><p>You will not be able to insert any optical disks or ISO images or install the Guest Additions without it!</p>&RemovemediumFailed to attach the hard disk (<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>) to the slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.Failed to attach the optical drive (<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>) to the slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.Failed to attach the floppy drive (<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>) to the slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.The current port forwarding rules are not valid. None of the host or guest port values may be set to zero.The current port forwarding rules are not valid. All of the host or guest address values should be correct or empty.The current port forwarding rules are not valid. None of the guest address values may be empty.The current port forwarding rules are not valid. Rule names should be unique.The current port forwarding rules are not valid. Few rules have same host ports and conflicting IP addresses.<p>There are unsaved changes in the port forwarding configuration.</p><p>If you proceed your changes will be discarded.</p><p>Are you sure you want to release the disk image file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>?</p><p>This will detach it from the following virtual machine(s): <b>%2</b>.</p><p>The changes you requested require this disk to be released from the machines it is attached to.</p><p>Are you sure you want to release the disk image file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>?</p><p>This will detach it from the following virtual machine(s): <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Are you sure you want to remove the virtual hard disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> from the list of known disk image files?</p><p>Are you sure you want to remove the virtual optical disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> from the list of known disk image files?</p><p>Note that the storage unit of this medium will not be deleted and that it will be possible to use it later again.</p><p>Are you sure you want to remove the virtual floppy disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> from the list of known disk image files?</p><p>Do you want to delete the storage unit of the virtual hard disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>?</p><p>If you select <b>Delete</b> then the specified storage unit will be permanently deleted. This operation <b>cannot be undone</b>.</p><p>If you select <b>Keep</b> then the hard disk will be only removed from the list of known hard disks, but the storage unit will be left untouched which makes it possible to add this hard disk to the list later again.</p>Failed to detach the hard disk (<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>) from the slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.Failed to detach the optical drive (<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>) from the slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.Failed to detach the floppy drive (<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>) from the slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.<p>Unable to insert the virtual optical disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> into the machine <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Would you like to try to force insertion of this disk?</p><p>Unable to eject the virtual optical disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> from the machine <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Would you like to try to force ejection of this disk?</p><p>Unable to insert the virtual floppy disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> into the machine <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Unable to eject the virtual floppy disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> from the machine <b>%2</b>.</p>Force UnmountFailed to open the disk image file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Failed to close the disk image file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Unable to find the host network interface <b>%1</b>.Failed to acquire host network interface parameter.Failed to create a DHCP server for the network interface <b>%1</b>.Failed to remove the DHCP server for the network interface <b>%1</b>.Failed to acquire DHCP server parameter.Failed to acquire cloud provider manager parameter.Failed to acquire cloud provider parameter.Failed to create cloud profile.Failed to save cloud profiles.Failed to import cloud profiles.Failed to acquire cloud profile parameter.Failed to assign cloud profile parameter.Failed to create cloud client.<p>Do you want to remove the cloud profile <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p>Do you want to import cloud profiles from external files?</p><p>VirtualBox cloud profiles will be overwritten and their data will be lost.</p>ImportYou are about to create a new virtual machine without a hard disk. You will not be able to install an operating system on the machine until you add one. In the mean time you will only be able to start the machine using a virtual optical disk or from the network.Failed to create the virtual disk image storage <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr><p>The %n following virtual machine(s) are currently in a saved state: <b>%1</b></p><p>If you continue the runtime state of the exported machine(s) will be discarded. The other machine(s) will not be changed.</p>This text is never used with n == 0. Feel free to drop the %n where possible, we only included it because of problems with Qt Linguist (but the user can see how many machines are in the list and doesn't need to be told).Bad password or authentication failure.<p>A critical error has occurred while running the virtual machine and the machine execution should be stopped.</p><p>For help, please see the Community section on <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org>https://www.virtualbox.org</a> or your support contract. Please provide the contents of the log file <tt>VBox.log</tt>, which you can find in the virtual machine log directory, as well as a description of what you were doing when this error happened. Note that you can also access the above file by selecting <b>Show Log</b> from the <b>Machine</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window.</p><p>Press <b>OK</b> to power off the machine.</p><p>Could not start the machine <b>%1</b> because the following physical network interfaces were not found:</p><p><b>%2</b></p><p>You can either change the machine's network settings or stop the machine.</p>Change Network Settings<p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>full-screen</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in full-screen mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>Seamless</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in seamless mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>Scale</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in scaled mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>Could not switch the guest display to full-screen mode due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>Press <b>Ignore</b> to switch to full-screen mode anyway or press <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the operation.</p><p>Could not change the guest screen to this host screen due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>Press <b>Ignore</b> to switch the screen anyway or press <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the operation.</p><p>Could not change the guest screen to this host screen due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>You have version %1 of the <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b> installed.</p><p>You should download and install version %3 of this extension pack from Oracle!</p><p>Could not find the <b>VirtualBox Guest Additions</b> disk image file.</p><p>Do you wish to download this disk image file from the Internet?</p><p>Are you sure you want to download the <b>VirtualBox Guest Additions</b> disk image file from <nobr><a href="%1">%1</a></nobr> (size %2 bytes)?</p><p>The <b>VirtualBox Guest Additions</b> disk image file has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%1">%1</a></nobr> but can't be saved locally as <nobr><b>%2</b>.</nobr></p><p>Please choose another location for that file.</p><p>The <b>VirtualBox Guest Additions</b> disk image file has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%1">%1</a></nobr> and saved locally as <nobr><b>%2</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you wish to register this disk image file and insert it into the virtual optical drive?</p><p>The <b>VirtualBox Guest Additions</b> disk image file has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%1">%1</a></nobr> and saved locally as <nobr><b>%2</b>, </nobr>but the SHA-256 checksum verification failed.</p><p>Please do the download, installation and verification manually.</p><p>Could not find the <b>VirtualBox User Manual</b> <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you wish to download this file from the Internet?</p><p>Are you sure you want to download the <b>VirtualBox User Manual</b> from <nobr><a href="%1">%1</a></nobr> (size %2 bytes)?</p><p>The VirtualBox User Manual has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%1">%1</a></nobr> but can't be saved locally as <nobr><b>%2</b>.</nobr></p><p>Please choose another location for that file.</p><p>The VirtualBox User Manual has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%1">%1</a></nobr> and saved locally as <nobr><b>%2</b>.</nobr></p><p>You have an old version (%1) of the <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b> installed.</p><p>Do you wish to download latest one from the Internet?</p><p>Are you sure you want to download the <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> from <nobr><a href="%2">%2</a></nobr> (size %3 bytes)?</p><p>The <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%2">%2</a></nobr> but can't be saved locally as <nobr><b>%3</b>.</nobr></p><p>Please choose another location for that file.</p><p>The <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%2">%2</a></nobr> and saved locally as <nobr><b>%3</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you wish to install this extension pack?</p>Installextension pack<p>The <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%2">%2</a></nobr> and saved locally as <nobr><b>%3</b>, </nobr>but the SHA-256 checksum verification failed.</p><p>Please do the download, installation and verification manually.</p>Do you want to delete the downloaded file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>?Do you want to delete following list of files <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>?<p>You are about to install a VirtualBox extension pack. Extension packs complement the functionality of VirtualBox and can contain system level software that could be potentially harmful to your system. Please review the description below and only proceed if you have obtained the extension pack from a trusted source.</p><p><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5><tr><td><b>Name: </b></td><td>%1</td></tr><tr><td><b>Version: </b></td><td>%2</td></tr><tr><td><b>Description: </b></td><td>%3</td></tr></table></p>Extension packs complement the functionality of VirtualBox and can contain system level software that could be potentially harmful to your system. Please review the description below and only proceed if you have obtained the extension pack from a trusted source.<p>An older version of the extension pack is already installed, would you like to upgrade? <p>%1</p><p><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5><tr><td><b>Name: </b></td><td>%2</td></tr><tr><td><b>New Version: </b></td><td>%3</td></tr><tr><td><b>Current Version: </b></td><td>%4</td></tr><tr><td><b>Description: </b></td><td>%5</td></tr></table></p>&Upgrade<p>An newer version of the extension pack is already installed, would you like to downgrade? <p>%1</p><p><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5><tr><td><b>Name: </b></td><td>%2</td></tr><tr><td><b>New Version: </b></td><td>%3</td></tr><tr><td><b>Current Version: </b></td><td>%4</td></tr><tr><td><b>Description: </b></td><td>%5</td></tr></table></p>&Downgrade<p>The extension pack is already installed with the same version, would you like reinstall it? <p>%1</p><p><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5><tr><td><b>Name: </b></td><td>%2</td></tr><tr><td><b>Version: </b></td><td>%3</td></tr><tr><td><b>Description: </b></td><td>%4</td></tr></table></p>&Reinstall<p>You are about to remove the VirtualBox extension pack <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Are you sure you want to proceed?</p>&RemoveFailed to open the Extension Pack <b>%1</b>.Drag and drop operation from host to guest failed.Drag and drop operation from guest to host failed.Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND). The service might not be installed on the host computerVirtualBox is not currently allowed to access USB devices. You can change this by adding your user to the 'vboxusers' group. Please see the user manual for a more detailed explanationVirtualBox is not currently allowed to access USB devices. You can change this by allowing your user to access the 'usbfs' folder and files. Please see the user manual for a more detailed explanationThe USB Proxy Service has not yet been ported to this hostCould not load the Host USB Proxy serviceOk<p>The virtual screen is currently set to a <b>%1 bit</b> color mode. For better performance please change this to <b>%2 bit</b>. This can usually be done from the <b>Display</b> section of the guest operating system's Control Panel or System Settings.</p>Failed to attach the webcam <b>%1</b> to the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Failed to detach the webcam <b>%1</b> from the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Failed to enable recording for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to disable recording for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to enable the remote desktop server for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to disable the remote desktop server for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to connect the network adapter cable of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to disconnect the network adapter cable of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.<p>The VirtualBox Guest Additions do not appear to be available on this virtual machine, and shared folders cannot be used without them. To use shared folders inside the virtual machine, please install the Guest Additions if they are not installed, or re-install them if they are not working correctly, by selecting <b>Insert Guest Additions CD image</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu. If they are installed but the machine is not yet fully started then shared folders will be available once it is.</p>Failed to enable the audio adapter output for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to disable the audio adapter output for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to enable the audio adapter input for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to disable the audio adapter input for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.<p>Could not insert the <b>%1</b> disk image file into the virtual machine <b>%2</b>, as the machine has no optical drives. Please add a drive using the storage page of the virtual machine settings window.</p>Failed to acquire machine parameter.<p>This controller has optical devices attached. You have requested storage bus change to type which doesn't support optical devices.</p><p>If you proceed optical devices will be removed.</p><p>This controller has devices attached. You have requested storage bus change to type which supports smaller amount of attached devices.</p><p>If you proceed excessive devices will be removed.</p><p>The virtual machine execution ran into a non-fatal problem as described below. We suggest that you take appropriate action to prevent the problem from recurring.</p>Failed to set global host settings.<p>Are you sure you want to terminate the cloud instance of the following virtual machines?</p><p><b>%1</b></p>Terminatecloud instance<p>You are about to remove following cloud virtual machines from the machine list:</p><p>%1</p><p>Would you like to delete the instances and boot volumes of these machines as well?</p>Delete everything<p>As this hard disk is inaccessible its image file cannot be deleted.</p>The list of inaccessible DVDs is as follows:The list of inaccessible floppy disks is as follows:<p>This will clear the optical disk list by releasing inaccessible DVDs from the virtual machines they are attached to and removing them from the list of registered media.<p>Are you sure?Clear<p>This will clear the floppy disk list by releasing inaccessible disks from the virtual machines they are attached to and removing them from the list of registered media.<p>Are you sure?<p>Do you want to remove the cloud network <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p>If this network is in use by one or more virtual machine network adapters these adapters will no longer be usable until you correct their settings by either choosing a different network name or a different adapter attachment type.</p><p>Do you want to remove the host-only network <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p>If this network is in use by one or more virtual machine network adapters these adapters will no longer be usable until you correct their settings by either choosing a different network name or a different adapter attachment type.</p><p>Do you want to close the Cloud Profile Manager?</p><p>There seems to be an unsaved changes. You can choose to <b>Accept</b> or <b>Reject</b> them automatically or cancel to keep the dialog opened.</p>Acceptcloud profile manager changesRejectcloud profile manager changes<p>Do you want to remove the cloud console application <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p>Do you want to remove the cloud console profile <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p>Can't find help file ...Failed to find the following help file: <b>%1</b>Can't open URL ...BETA build warning!Experimental build warning!Invalid Password ...Nothing to update ...New version found ...Update is required ...Unable to validate GA ...User manual downloaded ...Unable to validate EP ...Can't create machine folder ...Failed to create machine folder at <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Can't overwrite machine folder ...Failed to overwrite machine folder at <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Can't remove machine folder ...Failed to remove machine folder at <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Can't add machine ...Can't resolve collision ...<p>You are trying to move machine <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> to group <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> which already have another item with the same name.</p><p>Please resolve this name conflict and try again.</p>Cloud machine failure ...Failed to acquire cloud machine settings.Can't create medium ...Failed to create medium storage at <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Can't overwrite medium ...Failed to overwrite medium storage at <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Can't open license file ...Public key missing ...Public key file path is empty.Failed to open the public key file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. File doesn't exist.Public key too large ...Failed to open the public key file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. File is too large for the key.Public key isn't readable ...Failed to open the public key file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. Check file permissions.DHCP server isn't enabled ...Network <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> is set to obtain the address automatically but the corresponding DHCP server is not enabled.Invalid IPv4 address ...Network <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> does not currently have a valid IPv4 address.Invalid IPv4 mask ...Network <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> does not currently have a valid IPv4 mask.Invalid IPv6 address ...Network <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> does not currently have a valid IPv6 address.Invalid IPv6 prefix length ...Network <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> does not currently have a valid IPv6 prefix length.Invalid DHCP server address ...Network <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> does not currently have a valid DHCP server address.Invalid DHCP server mask ...Network <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> does not currently have a valid DHCP server mask.Invalid DHCP lower address ...Network <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> does not currently have a valid DHCP server lower address bound.Invalid DHCP upper address ...Network <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> does not currently have a valid DHCP server upper address bound.No name specified ...No new name specified for the network previously called <b>%1</b>.Name already busy ...The name <b>%1</b> is being used for several networks.No IPv4 prefix specified ...No IPv4 prefix specified for the NAT network <b>%1</b>.No IPv6 prefix specified ...No IPv6 prefix specified for the NAT network <b>%1</b>.Can't mount image ...Can't send ACPI shutdown ...Auto capture keyboard ...<p>You have the <b>Auto capture keyboard</b> option turned on. This will cause the Virtual Machine to automatically <b>capture</b> the keyboard every time the VM window is activated and make it unavailable to other applications running on your host machine: when the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) will be directed to the VM.</p><p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window. This icon, together with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard and mouse capture state.</p>GA not active ...Mouse integration ...Paused VM input ...Wrong color depth ...VirtualBox failure ...Failed to acquire VirtualBox parameter.Appliance failure ...Failed to acquire appliance parameter.EP Manager failure ...Failed to acquire EP Manager parameter.EP failure ...Failed to acquire EP parameter.Host failure ...Failed to acquire host parameter.Medium failure ...Failed to acquire medium parameter.Session failure ...Failed to acquire session parameter.Machine failure ...Snapshot failure ...Failed to acquire snapshot parameter.DHCP server failure ...Cloud network failure ...Failed to acquire cloud network parameter.Host network interface failure ...Host only network failure ...Failed to acquire host only network parameter.NAT network failure ...Failed to acquire NAT network parameter.Display failure ...Failed to acquire display parameter.Update failure ...Failed to acquire update agent parameter.VSD failure ...Failed to acquire virtual system description parameter.VSD form failure ...Failed to acquire virtual system description form parameter.Cloud failure ...Failed to acquire cloud machine parameter.Failed to change the parameter of the medium <b>%1</b>.Failed to change the parameter of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Graphics adapter failure ...Failed to change graphics adapter parameter.Audio adapter failure ...Failed to change audio adapter parameter.Network adapter failure ...Failed to change network adapter parameter.Failed to change DHCP server parameter.Failed to change cloud network parameter.Failed to change host network interface parameter.Failed to change host only network parameter.Failed to change NAT network parameter.Cloud profile failure ...Failed to assign update agent parameter.Failed to assign virtual system description parameter.Can't enumerate USB devices ...Failed to enumerate host USB devices.Can't open medium ...Can't pause machine ...Can't resume machine ...Can't shutdown machine ...Can't create appliance ...Can't register machine ...Failed to register machine <b>%1</b>.Can't create machine ...Failed to create machine.Can't find machine ...Failed to find the machine with following ID: <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Can't open machine ...Can't create medium storage ...Can't get EP Manager ...Failed to acquire Extension Pack Manager.Can't create VFS explorer ...Failed to create VFS explorer to check files.Bad password ...Can't interpret appliance ...Failed to interpret appliance being imported.Can't create VSD ...Failed to create virtual system description.Can't open EP ...Can't open EP file ...Can't find cloud network ...Unable to find the cloud network <b>%1</b>.Can't find host network interface ...Can't find host only network ...Unable to find the host only network <b>%1</b>.Can't find NAT network ...Unable to find the NAT network <b>%1</b>.Can't create DHCP server ...Can't remove DHCP server ...Can't create cloud network ...Failed to create a cloud network.Can't remove cloud network ...Failed to remove the cloud network <b>%1</b>.Can't create host only network ...Failed to create a host only network.Can't remove host only network ...Failed to remove the host only network <b>%1</b>.Can't create NAT network ...Failed to create a NAT network.Can't remove NAT network ...Failed to remove the NAT network <b>%1</b>.Can't create cloud profile ...Can't remove cloud profile ...Failed to remove cloud profile.Can't save cloud profiles ...Can't import cloud profiles ...Can't refresh cloud machine ...Failed to refresh cloud machine.Can't create cloud client ...Can't close medium ...Can't discard saved state ...Can't remove machine ...Can't export machine ...Failed to export virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Can't attach device ...Can't find snapshot ...Can't find snapshot with name=<b>%1</b>.Can't change snapshot ...Can't run guest install ...Failed to run unattended guest installation.Can't attach USB device ...Can't detach USB device ...Can't attach webcam ...Can't detach webcam ...Can't save machine settings ...Can't toggle audio input ...Can't toggle audio output ...Can't toggle network cable ...Can't toggle recording ...Can't toggle VRDE server ...UIMiniProcessWidgetAdditionsCancelCancelarCancel the VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file downloadCancelar a descarga da imaxe do CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoDownloading the VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file from <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr>Descargando a imaxe do CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado desde <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr>UIMiniProcessWidgetUserManualCancelCancelarUIMiniProgressWidgetAdditionsCancel the VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file downloadCancelar a descarga da imaxe do CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoDownloading the VirtualBox Guest Additions disk image file from <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr>Descargando a imaxe do CD dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado desde <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr>UIMiniToolBarAlways show the toolbarMostrar sempre a barra de ferramentasExit Full Screen or Seamless ModeSaír do modo fluído ou de pantalla completaClose VMPechar a máquina virtual (VM)Minimize WindowUIMiniToolbarSettingsEditorMini ToolBar:Barra de ferramentas pequena:Show in &Full-screen/SeamlessWhen checked, show the Mini ToolBar in full-screen and seamless modes.Show at &Top of ScreenWhen checked, show the Mini ToolBar at the top of the screen, rather than in its default position at the bottom of the screen.UIMonitorCountEditorMo&nitor Count:Holds the amount of virtual monitors provided to the virtual machine.Minimum possible monitor count.Maximum possible monitor count.UIMotherboardFeaturesEditorExtended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:Enable &I/O APICActivar &I/O APICWhen checked, the virtual machine will support the Input Output APIC (I/O APIC), which may slightly decrease performance. Note: don't disable this feature after having installed a Windows guest operating system!Enable &EFI (special OSes only)When checked, the guest will support the Extended Firmware Interface (EFI), which is required to boot certain guest OSes. Non-EFI aware OSes will not be able to boot if this option is activated.Hardware Clock in &UTC TimeWhen checked, the RTC device will report the time in UTC, otherwise in local (host) time. Unix usually expects the hardware clock to be set to UTC.UIMultiScreenLayoutVirtual Screen %1Use Host Screen %1UINameAndSystemEditor&Name:&Nome:Holds the name of the virtual machine.Mostrar o nome da máquina virtual.Selects the operating system family that you plan to install into this virtual machine.Mostrar a familia do sistema operativo que planeas instalar nesta máquina virtual.&Version:&Versión:Selects the operating system type that you plan to install into this virtual machine (called a guest operating system).Mostrar o tipo do sistema operativo que planeas instalar nesta máquina virtual (chamado un sistema operativo convidado).&Type:Invalid name&Folder:&ISO Image:&Edition:Holds the name for new virtual machine.Selects the folder hosting new virtual machine.Selects an ISO image to be attached to the new virtual machine or used in unattended install.UINativeWizard&HelpA&xudaOpen corresponding Help topic.&Expert ModeSwitch to the Expert Mode, a one-page dialog for experienced users.&Guided ModeSwitch to the Guided Mode, a step-by-step dialog with detailed explanations.&Back&VolverGo to previous wizard page.&NextSegui&nteGo to next wizard page.&Finish&FinalizarCommit all wizard data.&CancelCancel wizard execution.UINetworkAttachmentEditor&Attached to:Conect&ado a:&Name:&Nome:Not selectednetwork adapter nameSen seleccionarHolds the name of the internal network that this network card will be connected to. You can create a new internal network by choosing a name which is not used by any other network cards in this virtual machine or others.Holds how this virtual adapter is attached to the real network of the Host OS.Holds the network adapter on the host system that traffic to and from this network card will go through.Holds the virtual network adapter on the host system that traffic to and from this network card will go through. You can create and remove adapters using the global network settings in the virtual machine manager window.Holds the driver to be used with this network card.Holds the name of the NAT network that this network card will be connected to. You can create and remove networks using the Network Manager tool in the virtual machine manager window.(experimental) Holds the name of the cloud network that this network card will be connected to. You can add and remove networks using the Cloud Profile Manager tool in the virtual machine manager window.Holds the name of the host-only network that this network card will be connected to. You can add and remove networks using the Network Manager tool in the virtual machine manager window.UINetworkFeaturesEditorA&dvancedShows additional network adapter options.Adapter &Type:&Tipo de adaptador:Holds the type of the virtual network adapter. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different network hardware to the virtual machine.&Promiscuous Mode:Holds the promiscuous mode policy of the network adapter when attached to an internal network, host only network or a bridge.&MAC Address:Holds the MAC address of this adapter. It contains exactly 12 characters chosen from {0-9,A-F}. Note that the second character must be an even digit.Mostrar o enderezo MAC deste adaptador. Contén exactamente 12 caracteres escollidos de {0-9,A-F}. Nota que o segundo carácter debe ser un díxito par.Generates a new random MAC address.Xera un novo enderezo MAC aleatorio.Generic Properties:Holds the configuration settings for the network attachment driver. The settings should be of the form name=value and will depend on the driver. Use shift-enter to add a new entry.&Cable Connected&Cable conectadoWhen checked, the virtual network cable is plugged in.&Port ForwardingDisplays a window to configure port forwarding rules.UINetworkManagerHost-only NetworksNAT NetworksCloud NetworksNameNomeMaskLower BoundLímite inferiorUpper BoundLímite superiorIPv4 PrefixIPv6 PrefixDHCP ServerServidor DHCPProviderProfileNetwork ManagerResetRestabelecerApplyClosePecharHelpReset changes in current network detailsApply changes in current network detailsClose dialog without savingShow dialog helpReset Changes (%1)Apply Changes (%1)Close Window (%1)Show Help (%1)UINetworkManagerWidgetRegistered host networksRegistered NAT networksRegistered cloud networksUINetworkReplyPrivate%1: %2Context description: Error descriptionUnable to initialize HTTP libraryUrl not found on the serverHost not foundContent access deniedProtocol failureConnection refusedSSL authentication failedWrong SSL certificate formatContent movedProxy not foundUnknown reasonUINetworkReplyPrivateThreadDuring proxy configurationDuring certificate downloadingDuring network requestUINetworkSettingsEditor&Enable Network AdapterActivar o adaptador d&e redeWhen checked, plugs this virtual network adapter into the virtual machine.Cando está marcada, conecta este adaptador de rede virtual á máquina virtual.UINewHDWizardCreate New Virtual DiskCrear novo disco virtualWelcome to the Create New Virtual Disk Wizard!Benvida ao asistente para crear novos discos virtuais!Virtual Disk Location and SizeTamaño e localización do disco virtualSummaryResumo<nobr>%1 Bytes</nobr><nobr>%1 Bytes</nobr>Hard disk images (*.vdi)Imaxes de disco ríxido (*.vdi)Select a file for the new hard disk image fileSelecciona un ficheiro para a nova imaxe de disco ríxido< &Back< Vo&lver&Next >Segui&nte>&Finish&FinalizarTypesummaryTipoLocationsummaryLocalizaciónSizesummaryTamañoBytessummaryBytesCancelCancelar<p>This wizard will help you to create a new virtual hard disk for your virtual machine.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p><p>Este asistente axudaralle a crear un novo disco ríxido virtual para a súa máquina virtual.</p><p>Empregue o botón <b>Seguinte</b> para ir á seguinte páxina do asistente e o botón <b>Volver</b> para regresar á páxina anterior.</p>Hard Disk Storage TypeTipo de almacenamento no disco ríxido<p>Select the type of virtual hard disk you want to create.</p><p>A <b>dynamically expanding storage</b> initially occupies a very small amount of space on your physical hard disk. It will grow dynamically (up to the size specified) as the Guest OS claims disk space.</p><p>A <b>fixed-size storage</b> does not grow. It is stored in a file of approximately the same size as the size of the virtual hard disk. The creation of a fixed-size storage may take a long time depending on the storage size and the write performance of your harddisk.</p><p>Seleccione o tipo de disco ríxido virtual que desexa crear.</p><p>Un <b>almacenamento de expansión dinámica</b> inicialmente ocupa unha pequena cantidade de espazo no seu disco ríxido. Este espazo en disco aumentará dinamicamente (ata o tamaño especificado) segundo o vaia necesitando o sistema operativo convidado.</p><p>Un <b>almacenamento de tamaño fixo</b> non aumenta. Almacénase nun ficheiro no que aproximadamente o seu tamaño é igual co do disco ríxido virtual. A creación dun disco de tamaño fixo pode demorarse dependendo do tamaño de almacenamento e a velocidade de escritura do seu disco ríxido.</p>Storage TypeTipo de almacenamento&Dynamically expanding storageAlmacenamento de expansión &dinámica&Fixed-size storageAlmacenamento de tamaño &fixo<p>Press the <b>Select</b> button to select the location of a file to store the hard disk data or type a file name in the entry field.</p><p>Prema no botón <b>Seleccionar</b> para escoller a localización dun ficheiro onde almacenar os datos do disco ríxido ou introduza un nome de ficheiro no campo de entrada.</p>&Location&Localización<p>Select the size of the virtual hard disk in megabytes. This size will be reported to the Guest OS as the maximum size of this hard disk.</p><p>Seleccione o tamaño do disco ríxido virtual en megabytes. Este tamaño comunicaráselle ao sistema operativo convidado como o tamaño máximo do seu disco ríxido.</p>&Size&TamañoYou are going to create a new virtual hard disk with the following parameters:Vaise crear un novo disco ríxido virtual cos seguintes parámetros:If the above settings are correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, a new hard disk will be created.Se os axustes anteriores son correctos, prema no botón <b>Finalizar</b>. Unha vez que prema nel, crearase un novo disco ríxido.UINewHDWizardPageOptions&Location&Localización&Size&TamañoUINewHDWizardPageWelcomeWelcome to the Create New Virtual Disk Wizard!Benvida ao asistente para crear novos discos virtuais!UINewHDWzdPage2<p>Select the type of virtual hard disk you want to create.</p><p>A <b>dynamically expanding storage</b> initially occupies a very small amount of space on your physical hard disk. It will grow dynamically (up to the size specified) as the Guest OS claims disk space.</p><p>A <b>fixed-size storage</b> does not grow. It is stored in a file of approximately the same size as the size of the virtual hard disk. The creation of a fixed-size storage may take a long time depending on the storage size and the write performance of your harddisk.</p><p>Seleccione o tipo de disco ríxido virtual que desexa crear.</p><p>Un <b>almacenamento de expansión dinámica</b> inicialmente ocupa unha pequena cantidade de espazo no seu disco ríxido. Este espazo en disco aumentará dinamicamente (ata o tamaño especificado) segundo o vaia necesitando o sistema operativo convidado.</p><p>Un <b>almacenamento de tamaño fixo</b> non aumenta. Almacénase nun ficheiro no que aproximadamente o seu tamaño é igual co do disco ríxido virtual. A creación dun disco de tamaño fixo pode demorarse dependendo do tamaño de almacenamento e a velocidade de escritura do seu disco ríxido.</p>Storage TypeTipo de almacenamento&Dynamically expanding storageAlmacenamento de expansión &dinámica&Fixed-size storageAlmacenamento de tamaño &fixoHard Disk Storage TypeTipo de almacenamento no disco ríxidoUINewHDWzdPage3<p>Press the <b>Select</b> button to select the location of a file to store the hard disk data or type a file name in the entry field.</p><p>Prema no botón <b>Seleccionar</b> para escoller a localización dun ficheiro onde almacenar os datos do disco ríxido ou introduza un nome de ficheiro no campo de entrada.</p>&Location&Localización<p>Select the size of the virtual hard disk in megabytes. This size will be reported to the Guest OS as the maximum size of this hard disk.</p><p>Seleccione o tamaño do disco ríxido virtual en megabytes. Este tamaño comunicaráselle ao sistema operativo convidado como o tamaño máximo do seu disco ríxido.</p>&Size&TamañoVirtual Disk Location and SizeTamaño e localización do disco virtualSelect a file for the new hard disk image fileSelecciona un ficheiro para a nova imaxe de disco ríxidoHard disk images (*.vdi)Imaxes de disco ríxido (*.vdi)UINewHDWzdPage4You are going to create a new virtual hard disk with the following parameters:Vaise crear un novo disco ríxido virtual cos seguintes parámetros:SummaryResumoTypesummaryTipoLocationsummaryLocalizaciónSizesummaryTamañoUINewVMWzdCreate New Virtual MachineCrear unha nova máquina virtualWelcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard!Benvida ao asistente de nova máquina virtual!N&ameN&omeOS &Type&Tipo de sistema operativoVM Name and OS TypeNome da máquina virtual e tipo de sistema operativo<p>Select the amount of base memory (RAM) in megabytes to be allocated to the virtual machine.</p><p>Seleccione a cantidade de memoria base (RAM) en megabytes que se lle asignará á máquina virtual.</p>Base &Memory SizeTamaño da &memoria baseMBMBMemoryMemoriaVirtual Hard DiskDisco ríxido virtualSummaryResumoThe recommended base memory size is <b>%1</b> MB.O tamaño da memoria base recomendado é <b>%1</b> MB.The recommended size of the start-up disk is <b>%1</b> MB.O tamaño do disco ríxido de inicio é <b>%1</b> MB.<p>This wizard will guide you through the steps that are necessary to create a new virtual machine for VirtualBox.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p><p>Este asistente guiarao a través dos pasos que son necesarios para crear unha nova máquina virtual para VirtualBox.</p><p>Empregue o botón <b>Seguinte</b> para ir á seguinte páxina do asistente e o botón <b>Volver</b> para regresar á páxina anterior.</p>< &Back< Vo&lver&Next >Segui&nte><p>Enter a name for the new virtual machine and select the type of the guest operating system you plan to install onto the virtual machine.</p><p>The name of the virtual machine usually indicates its software and hardware configuration. It will be used by all VirtualBox components to identify your virtual machine.</p><p>Insira un nome para a nova máquina virtual e seleccione o tipo de sistema operativo convidado que planea instalar na máquina virtual.</p><p>O nome da máquina virtual xeralmente indica a súa configuración de hardware e software. Será empregado por todos os compoñentes de VirtualBox para identificar a súa máquina virtual.</p><p>You are going to create a new virtual machine with the following parameters:</p><p>Vaise crear unha nova máquina virtual cos seguintes parámetros:</p><p>If the above is correct press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, a new virtual machine will be created. </p><p>Note that you can alter these and all other setting of the created virtual machine at any time using the <b>Settings</b> dialog accessible through the menu of the main window.</p><p>Se o anterior é correcto prema no botón <b>Finalizar</b>. Unha vez que prema nel, crearase unha nova máquina virtual. </p><p>Nota que pode modificar estas e todas as outras configuracións da máquina virtual creada en calquera momento empregando o cadro de diálogo <b>Configuracións</b> accesíbel a través do menú da xanela principal.</p>&Finish&FinalizarMBmegabytesMBNamesummaryNomeOS TypesummaryTipo de sistema operativoBase MemorysummaryMemoria baseStart-up DisksummaryDisco ríxido de inicioCancelCancelar<p>Select a hard disk image to be used as the boot hard disk of the virtual machine. You can either create a new hard disk using the <b>New</b> button or select an existing hard disk image from the drop-down list or by pressing the <b>Existing</b> button (to invoke the Virtual Media Manager window).</p><p>If you need a more complex virtual disk setup you can skip this step and make the changes to the machine settings once the machine is created.</p><p>Seleccione unha imaxe de disco ríxido para empregala como disco ríxido de inicio da máquina virtual. Pode crear un novo disco ríxido empregando o botón <b>Novo</b>, ou seleccione unha imaxe de disco ríxido existente desde a lista despregábel, ou prema no botón <b>Existentes</b> (para abrir o diálogo do xestor de medios virtuais).</p><p>Se é necesaria unha configuración de disco ríxido máis complexa, pode saltar este paso e conectar os discos ríxidos máis tarde empregando o diálogo de configuracións da máquina virtual.</p>Start-up &Disk (Primary Master)&Disco ríxido de inicio (Primario Mestre)&Create new hard disk&Crear un novo disco ríxido&Use existing hard diskEmpregar &un disco ríxido existenteUINewVMWzdPage1Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard!Benvida ao asistente de nova máquina virtual!UINewVMWzdPage2<p>Enter a name for the new virtual machine and select the type of the guest operating system you plan to install onto the virtual machine.</p><p>The name of the virtual machine usually indicates its software and hardware configuration. It will be used by all VirtualBox components to identify your virtual machine.</p><p>Insira un nome para a nova máquina virtual e seleccione o tipo de sistema operativo convidado que planea instalar na máquina virtual.</p><p>O nome da máquina virtual xeralmente indica a súa configuración de hardware e software. Será empregado por todos os compoñentes de VirtualBox para identificar a súa máquina virtual.</p>N&ameN&omeOS &Type&Tipo de sistema operativoVM Name and OS TypeNome da máquina virtual e tipo de sistema operativoUINewVMWzdPage3<p>Select the amount of base memory (RAM) in megabytes to be allocated to the virtual machine.</p><p>Seleccione a cantidade de memoria base (RAM) en megabytes que se lle asignará á máquina virtual.</p>Base &Memory SizeTamaño da &memoria baseMBMBMemoryMemoriaThe recommended base memory size is <b>%1</b> MB.O tamaño da memoria base recomendado é <b>%1</b> MB.MBsize suffix MBytes=1024 KBytesMBUINewVMWzdPage4<p>Select a hard disk image to be used as the boot hard disk of the virtual machine. You can either create a new hard disk using the <b>New</b> button or select an existing hard disk image from the drop-down list or by pressing the <b>Existing</b> button (to invoke the Virtual Media Manager window).</p><p>If you need a more complex virtual disk setup you can skip this step and make the changes to the machine settings once the machine is created.</p><p>Seleccione unha imaxe de disco ríxido para empregala como disco ríxido de inicio da máquina virtual. Pode crear un novo disco ríxido empregando o botón <b>Novo</b>, ou seleccione unha imaxe de disco ríxido existente desde a lista despregábel, ou prema no botón <b>Existentes</b> (para abrir o diálogo do xestor de medios virtuais).</p><p>Se é necesaria unha configuración de disco ríxido máis complexa, pode saltar este paso e conectar os discos ríxidos máis tarde empregando o diálogo de configuracións da máquina virtual.</p>Start-up &Disk (Primary Master)&Disco ríxido de inicio (Primario Mestre)&Create new hard disk&Crear un novo disco ríxido&Use existing hard diskEmpregar &un disco ríxido existenteVirtual Hard DiskDisco ríxido virtualThe recommended size of the start-up disk is <b>%1</b> MB.O tamaño do disco ríxido de inicio é <b>%1</b> MB.UINewVMWzdPage5<p>You are going to create a new virtual machine with the following parameters:</p><p>Vaise crear unha nova máquina virtual cos seguintes parámetros:</p>SummaryResumoNamesummaryNomeOS TypesummaryTipo de sistema operativoBase MemorysummaryMemoria baseMBsize suffix MBytes=1024KBytesMBStart-up DisksummaryDisco ríxido de inicioUINotificationCenterOpen notification centerToggle ascending/descending orderKeep finished progressesDelete finished notificationsAlign BottomAlign TopUINotificationDownloaderDownloading Extension Pack ...Downloading Guest Additions ...Downloading User Manual ...UINotificationProgressCreating medium ...<b>Location:</b> %1<br><b>Size:</b> %2Copying medium ...<b>From:</b> %1<br><b>To:</b> %2Moving medium ...Resizing medium ...Deleting medium storage ...<b>Location:</b> %1Copying machine ...Powering VM up ...<b>VM Name:</b> %1Moving machine ...Saving VM state ...Powering VM off ...Removing machine media ...<b>Machine Name:</b> %1Updating VFS explorer ...<b>Path:</b> %1Removing VFS explorer files ...<b>Path:</b> %1<br><b>Files:</b> %2Creating subnet selection VSD form ...<b>Provider:</b> %1<br><b>Profile:</b> %2Creating launch VSD form ...Creating export VSD form ...Creating import VSD form ...Listing cloud images ...Listing cloud source boot volumes ...Listing cloud instances ...Listing cloud source instances ...Adding cloud VM ...<b>Provider:</b> %1<br><b>Profile:</b> %2<br><b>Instance Name:</b> %3Creating cloud VM ...<b>Provider:</b> %1<br><b>Profile:</b> %2<br><b>VM Name:</b> %3Deleting cloud VM files ...Removing cloud VM ...Powering cloud VM up ...Powering cloud VM off ...Shutting cloud VM down ...Terminating cloud VM ...Creating cloud VM settings form ...<b>Cloud VM Name:</b> %1Applying cloud VM settings form ...Creating cloud console connection ...Deleting cloud console connection ...Acquire cloud console log ...Taking snapshot ...<b>VM Name:</b> %1<br><b>Snapshot Name:</b> %2Restoring snapshot ...Deleting snapshot ...Writing appliance ...<b>To:</b> %1Reading appliance ...<b>From:</b> %1Importing appliance ...Installing package ...<b>Name:</b> %1Uninstalling package ...Installing image ...Creating Host-only Network Interface ...Removing Host-only Network Interface ...Set VSD form value ...<b>Value:</b> %1Checking for new version of %1 ...Checking for new version ...UIParavirtProviderEditor&Paravirtualization Interface:Selects the paravirtualization guest interface provider to be used by this virtual machine.UIPointingHIDEditor&Pointing Device:Determines whether the emulated pointing device is a standard PS/2 mouse, a USB tablet or a USB multi-touch tablet.UIPopupCenterClick for full detailsUIPopupPane<p><b>Details:</b><p><b>Details:</b> (%1 of %2)UIPortForwardingModelNameNomeUIPortForwardingTableNameNomeProtocolHost IPHost PortGuest IPGuest PortContains a list of port forwarding rules.Add New RuleCopy Selected RuleRemove Selected RuleAdds new port forwarding rule.Copies selected port forwarding rule.Removes selected port forwarding rule.UIProcessorFeaturesEditorExtended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:Enable PA&E/NXActivar PA&E/NXWhen checked, the Physical Address Extension (PAE) feature of the host CPU will be exposed to the virtual machine.Cando está marcada, a característica de extensión de enderezo físico ou Physical Address Extension (PAE) da CPU do anfitrión será exposta á máquina virtual.Enable Nested &VT-x/AMD-VWhen checked, the nested hardware virtualization CPU feature will be exposed to the virtual machine.UIProgressDialogTime remaining: %1Tempo restante: %1&CancelCancel the current operationCanceling...%1, %2 remainingYou may wish to translate this more like "Time remaining: %1, %2"%1 remainingYou may wish to translate this more like "Time remaining: %1"A few seconds remainingUIRecordingSettingsEditor&Enable RecordingWhen checked, VirtualBox will record the virtual machine session as a video file.Recording &Mode:Holds the recording mode.File &Path:Holds the filename VirtualBox uses to save the recorded content.Frame Si&ze:User DefinedHolds the resolution (frame size) of the recorded video.Holds the horizontal resolution (frame width) of the recorded video.Holds the vertical resolution (frame height) of the recorded video.Frame R&ate:Holds the maximum number of frames per second. Additional frames will be skipped. Reducing this value will increase the number of skipped frames and reduce the file size.fps%1 fpsMinimum possible frame rate.Maximum possible frame rate.&Video Quality:Holds the quality. Increasing this value will make the video look better at the cost of an increased file size.kbpsHolds the bitrate in kilobits per second. Increasing this value will make the video look better at the cost of an increased file size.lowqualitymediumqualityhighquality&Audio Quality:Holds the quality. Increasing this value will make the audio sound better at the cost of an increased file size.Scree&ns:<i>About %1MB per 5 minute video</i>UIScaleFactorEditorAll MonitorsMonitor %1Scale &Factor:Selects the index of monitor guest screen scale factor being defined for.Holds the guest screen scale factor.%1%Minimum possible scale factor.Maximum possible scale factor.UIScreenshotViewerScreenshot of %1 (%2)Click to view non-scaled screenshot.Click to view scaled screenshot.UISelectorWindow<h3>Welcome to VirtualBox!</h3><p>The left part of this window is a list of all virtual machines on your computer. The list is empty now because you haven't created any virtual machines yet.<img src=:/welcome.png align=right/></p><p>In order to create a new virtual machine, press the <b>New</b> button in the main tool bar located at the top of the window.</p><p>You can press the <b>%1</b> key to get instant help, or visit <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org>www.virtualbox.org</a> for the latest information and news.</p><h3>Dámoslle a benvida a VirtualBox.</h3><p>A parte esquerda desta xanela destínase a mostrar unha lista de todas as máquinas virtuais do seu computador. Neste intre a lista está baleira porque aínda non creou ningunha máquina virtual.<img src=:/welcome.png align=right/></p><p>Para crear unha nova máquina virtual prema no botón <b>Novo</b> da barra de ferramentas localizada na parte superior da xanela principal.</p><p>Pode premer a tecla <b>%1</b> para obter axuda ou visitar <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org>www.virtualbox.org</a> para consultar as últimas novas e información.</p>UISessionStateStatusBarIndicator%1 status-bar indicatorlike 'hard-disk status-bar indicator'UISettingsDialog<i>Select a settings category from the list on the left-hand side and move the mouse over a settings item to get more information.</i>On the <b>%1</b> page, %2Dentro da sección <b>%1</b>, %2Invalid settings detectedDetectáronse configuracións non válidasNon-optimal settings detectedDetectáronse configuracións non optimizadasSettingsConfiguracións<b>%1</b> page:<b>%1: %2</b> page:UISettingsDialogGlobalGeneralXeralInputEntradaUpdateActualizarLanguageIdiomaUSBUSBNetworkRedeVirtualBox - %1VirtualBox - %1DisplayPantallaAllows to navigate through Global Property categoriesProxyPreferencesInterfaceUISettingsDialogMachineGeneralXeralSystemSistemaDisplayPantallaStorageAlmacenamentoAudioAudioNetworkRedePortsPortosSerial PortsPortos serieParallel PortsPortos paralelosUSBUSBShared FoldersCartafoles compartidos%1 - %2%1 - %2you have selected a 64-bit guest OS type for this VM. As such guests require hardware virtualization (VT-x/AMD-V), this feature will be enabled automatically.seleccionou un sistema operativo convidado de tipo 64-bit para esta máquina virtual. Tales convidados requiren hardware de virtualización (VT-x/AMD-V) co que esta característica activarase automaticamente.SettingsConfiguraciónsAllows to navigate through VM Settings categoriesUser InterfaceUISettingsSerializerProgressLoading Settings...Saving Settings...UISharedClipboardEditor&Shared Clipboard:Portapapei&s compartido:Holds which clipboard data will be copied between the guest and the host OS. This feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.UISharedFolderDetailsEditorAdd ShareEngadir compartirEdit ShareEditar compartirFolder Path:Camiño do cartafol:Folder Name:Nome do cartafol:Holds the name of the shared folder (as it will be seen by the guest OS).Mostra o nome do cartafol compartido (como se verá no sistema operativo convidado).Holds the path of the shared folderApply the changes and close this dialogCancelCancelar&Read-onlySó de lectu&raWhen checked, the guest OS will not be able to write to the specified shared folder.Cando está marcada, o sistema operativo convidado non poderá escribir no cartafol compartido especificado.&Auto-mountWhen checked, the guest OS will try to automatically mount the shared folder on startup.Mount point:Where to automatically mount the folder in the guest. A drive letter (e.g. 'G:') for Windows and OS/2 guests, path for the others. If left empty the guest will pick something fitting.&Make PermanentFacer &permanenteWhen checked, this shared folder will be permanent.UISharedFoldersEditorShared &FoldersLists all shared folders accessible to this machine. Use 'net use x: \\vboxsvr\share' to access a shared folder named 'share' from a DOS-like OS, or 'mount -t vboxsf share mount_point' to access it from a Linux OS. This feature requires Guest Additions.AtAuto MountAccessAccesoPathCamiñoNameNomeAdd Shared FolderAdds new shared folder.Edit Shared FolderEdits selected shared folder.Remove Shared FolderRemoves selected shared folder. Machine Folders Cartafoles da máquina Transient Folders Cartafoles transitoriosUIShortcutConfigurationEditor&VirtualBox ManagerVirtual &MachineLists all available shortcuts which can be configured.Holds a sequence to filter the shortcut list.UIShortcutConfigurationModelNameNomeShortcut%1: %2scope: descriptionUISnapshotDetailsWidget&Attributes&Information&Name:&Nome:&Description:Holds the snapshot name.Holds the snapshot description.ApplyResetRestabelecerApply changes in current snapshot detailsReset changes in current snapshot detailsApply Changes (%1)Reset Changes (%1)Click to enlarge the screenshot.Snapshot name is emptyEnter a name for the new snapshot...Enter a name for this snapshot...TakeTake snapshot on the basis of current machine stateTake Snapshot (%1)UISnapshotFolderEditorS&napshot Folder:Cartafol da i&nstantánea:Holds the path where snapshots of this virtual machine will be stored. Be aware that snapshots can take quite a lot of storage space.UISnapshotItemCurrent State (changed)Current State (Modified)Estado actual (modificado)Current StateCurrent State (Unmodified)Estado actualThe current state differs from the state stored in the current snapshotO estado actual é diferente do estado almacenado na instántanea actualThe current state is identical to the state stored in the current snapshotO estado actual é idéntico ao estado almacenado na instantánea actual%1 (%2 ago)date time (how long ago)%1 since %2Current State (time or date + time)%1 desde %2currentsnapshotonlinesnapshotofflinesnapshotTaken at %1Snapshot (time)Tomado en %1Taken on %1Snapshot (date + time)Tomado en %1UISnapshotPaneCurrent State (changed)Current State (Modified)Estado actual (modificado)Current StateCurrent State (Unmodified)Estado actualThe current state differs from the state stored in the current snapshotO estado actual é diferente do estado almacenado na instántanea actualThe current state is identical to the state stored in the current snapshotO estado actual é idéntico ao estado almacenado na instantánea actual%1 since %2Current State (time or date + time)%1 desde %2Taken at %1Snapshot (time)Tomado en %1Taken on %1Snapshot (date + time)Tomado en %1Contains the snapshot tree of the current virtual machine&Delete&BorrarTake a snapshot of the current virtual machine stateTomar unha instantánea do estado actual da máquina virtualNamesnapshotNomeTakensnapshotSnapshot %1Instantánea %1UISoftKeyboardLayout EditorReturn Back to Layout ListBack to Layout ListPhysical LayoutEnglish NameName of the Layout in EnglishNative Language NameName of the Layout in the native LanguageScan CodeThe scan code the key produces. Not editablePositionThe physical position of the key. Not editableBaseShiftAltGrShiftAltGrCaptionsSelected KeyUse the selected layoutEdit the selected layoutDelete the selected layoutCopy the selected layoutSave the selected layout into FileLayout ListClose the layout listWeb browser go backWeb browser go the home pageWeb browser go forwardWeb browser reload the current pageWeb browser stop loading the pageWeb browser searchJump back to previous media trackJump to next media trackStop playingPlay or pause playingStart email applicationStart calculatorShow 'My Computer'Show Media folderMuteVolume upVolume downError! Could not create folder underProvide a file name is an invalid file name is savedCopyThis will delete the keyboard layout file as well. Proceed?The file has been deletedDeleting the file has failedSettingsConfiguraciónsReset the keyboard and release all keysClick to change the color.This color theme is not editable.Keyboard SettingsHide NumPadHide OS/Menu KeysHide Multimedia KeysColor ThemesButton Background ColorButton Font ColorButton Hover ColorButton Edit ColorPressed Button Font ColorSoft Keyboard<p>Following layouts are edited/copied but not saved:</p>%1<p>Closing this dialog will cause loosing the changes. Proceed?</p>LayoutThe file will be saved under:<br>Power offHelpUIStatusBarEditorWidgetClosePechar<nobr><b>Click</b> to toggle indicator presence.</nobr><br><nobr><b>Drag&Drop</b> to change indicator position.</nobr>Enable Status BarAllows to modify VM status-bar contents.UIStorageSettingsEditorController: %1<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br><nobr>Bus: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Type: %3</nobr>Host DriveUnidade do anfitriónImagestorage imageImaxe<nobr>Expands/Collapses item.</nobr><nobr>Adds hard disk.</nobr><nobr>Adds optical drive.</nobr><nobr>Adds floppy drive.</nobr>&Storage DevicesInformationThe Storage Tree can contain several controllers of different types. This machine currently has no controllers.Attributes&Name:&Nome:Holds the name of the storage controller currently selected in the Storage Tree.&Type:Selects the sub-type of the storage controller currently selected in the Storage Tree.&Port Count:Selects the port count of the SATA storage controller currently selected in the Storage Tree. This must be at least one more than the highest port number you need to use.When checked, allows to use host I/O caching capabilities.Use Host I/O CacheSelects the slot on the storage controller used by this attachment. The available slots depend on the type of the controller and other attachments on it.When checked, allows the guest to send ATAPI commands directly to the host-drive which makes it possible to use CD/DVD writers connected to the host inside the VM. Note that writing audio CD inside the VM is not yet supported.&PassthroughWhen checked, the virtual disk will not be removed when the guest system ejects it.&Live CD/DVDWhen checked, the guest system will see the virtual disk as a solid-state device.&Solid-state DriveWhen checked, the guest system will see the virtual disk as a hot-pluggable device.&Hot-pluggableType (Format):Type:Virtual Size:Actual Size:Size:Details:Location:Attached to:Encrypted with key:Lists all storage controllers for this machine and the virtual images and host drives attached to them.Add ControllerPIIX3 (IDE)PIIX4 (Default IDE)ICH6 (IDE)AHCI (SATA)LsiLogic (Default SCSI)BusLogic (SCSI)LsiLogic SAS (SAS)I82078 (Floppy)USBUSBNVMe (PCIe)virtio-scsiRemove ControllerAdd AttachmentHard DiskDisco ríxidoOptical DriveFloppy DriveRemove AttachmentAdds new storage controller.Removes selected storage controller.Adds new storage attachment.Removes selected storage attachment.Hard &Disk:Choose or create a virtual hard disk file. The virtual machine will see the data in the file as the contents of the virtual hard disk.Optical &Drive:Choose a virtual optical disk or a physical drive to use with the virtual drive. The virtual machine will see a disk inserted into the drive with the data in the file or on the disk in the physical drive as its contents.Floppy &Drive:Choose a virtual floppy disk or a physical drive to use with the virtual drive. The virtual machine will see a disk inserted into the drive with the data in the file or on the disk in the physical drive as its contents.Choose/Create a Virtual Hard Disk...Choose a disk file...Choose/Create a Virtual Optical Disk...Remove Disk from Virtual DriveChoose/Create a Virtual Floppy Disk...UISubnetSelectionDialogSelect SubnetUITakeSnapshotDialogTake Snapshot of Virtual MachineTomar unha instantánea da máquina virtualSnapshot &Name&Nome da instantáneaSnapshot &Description&Descrición da instantáneaSnapshot %1Instantánea %1Warning: You are taking a snapshot of a running machine which has %n immutable image(s) attached to it. As long as you are working from this snapshot the immutable image(s) will not be reset to avoid loss of data.Holds the snapshot nameHolds the snapshot descriptionOkCancelCancelarHelpTake Snapshot and close the dialogClose dialog without taking a snapshotShow dialog helpAcceptAccept (%1)Cancel (%1)Show HelpShow Help (%1)UITextEditorEdit textEditar texto&Replace...Substituí&r...Replaces the current text with the content of a file.Substituír o texto actual co contido dun ficheiro dado.Text (*.txt);;All (*.*)Texto (*.txt);;Todos (*.*)Select a file to open...Seleccionar un ficheiro para abrir...UIToolBoxPageExpands the page "%1"UIToolsModelWelcomeMediaNetworkRedeCloudDetailsSnapshotsLogsExtensionsActivitiesActivityFile ManagerUIToolsViewContains a list of VirtualBox tools.UITranslator%n year(s)%n month(s)%n day(s)%n hour(s)%n minute(s)%n second(s)Bsize suffix BytesKBsize suffix KBytes=1024 BytesMBsize suffix MBytes=1024 KBytesMBGBsize suffix GBytes=1024 MBytesTBsize suffix TBytes=1024 GBytesPBsize suffix PBytes=1024 TBytesUser-definedserial portDefinido polo usuarioUIUSBControllerEditorUSB &1.1 (OHCI) ControllerWhen chosen, enables the virtual USB OHCI controller of this machine. The USB OHCI controller provides USB 1.0 support.USB &2.0 (OHCI + EHCI) ControllerWhen chosen, enables the virtual USB OHCI and EHCI controllers of this machine. Together they provide USB 2.0 support.USB &3.0 (xHCI) ControllerWhen chosen, enables the virtual USB xHCI controller of this machine. The USB xHCI controller provides USB 3.0 support.UIUSBFilterDetailsEditorUSB Filter DetailsDetalles do filtro USB&Name:&Nome:Holds the filter name.Mostrar o nome do filtro.&Vendor ID:ID do &vendedor:Holds the vendor ID filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where <tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any value.&Product ID:ID do &produto:Holds the product ID filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where <tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any value.&Revision:&Revisión:Holds the revision number filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>IIFF</tt> where <tt>I</tt> is a decimal digit of the integer part and <tt>F</tt> is a decimal digit of the fractional part. An empty string will match any value.&Manufacturer:&Fabricante:Holds the manufacturer filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Pro&duct:Pro&duto:Holds the product name filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.&Serial No.:Número de &serie:Holds the serial number filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Por&t:Por&to:Holds the host USB port filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.R&emote:R&emoto:Holds whether this filter applies to USB devices attached locally to the host computer (No), to a VRDP client's computer (Yes), or both (Any).UIUSBFilterItem<nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>ID do vendedor: %1</nobr><nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>ID do produto: %2</nobr><nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Revisión: %3</nobr><nobr>Product: %4</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Produto: %4</nobr><nobr>Manufacturer: %5</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Fabricante: %5</nobr><nobr>Serial No.: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Número de serie: %1</nobr><nobr>Port: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Porto: %1</nobr><nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Estado: %1</nobr>UIUSBFiltersEditorNew Filter %1usbNovo filtro %1USB Device &Filters&Filtros de dispositivo USBLists all USB filters of this machine. The checkbox to the left defines whether the particular filter is enabled or not. Use the context menu or buttons to the right to add or remove USB filters.Lista todos os filtros USB desta máquina. A caixa de verificación da esquerda define se o filtro específico está activado ou non. Emprega ou menú contextual ou o botón da dereita para engadir ou eliminar os filtros USB.Add Empty FilterAdds new USB filter with all fields initially set to empty strings. Note that such a filter will match any attached USB device.Add Filter From DeviceAdds new USB filter with all fields set to the values of the selected USB device attached to the host PC.Edit FilterEdits selected USB filter.Remove FilterRemoves selected USB filter.Move Filter UpMoves selected USB filter up.Move Filter DownMoves selected USB filter down.UIUSBMenu<no devices available>USB devices<dispositivos non dispoñíbeis>No supported devices connected to the host PCUSB device tooltipNingún dispositivo compatíbel está conectado ao PC anfitriónUIUSBSettingsEditorEnable &USB ControllerActivar o controlador &USBWhen checked, enables the virtual USB controller of this machine.Cando está marcada, activa o controlador USB virtual desta máquina.UIUpdateManager1 day1 día2 days2 días3 days3 días4 days4 días5 days5 días6 days6 días1 week1 semana2 weeks2 semanas3 weeks3 semanas1 month1 mesNeverNuncaChec&kCompro&bar&Close&CerrarVirtualBox Update WizardAsistente de actualización de VirtualBoxCheck for UpdatesComprobar actualizaciónsCancelCancelarSummaryResumo<p>A new version of VirtualBox has been released! Version <b>%1</b> is available at <a href="https://www.virtualbox.org/">virtualbox.org</a>.</p><p>You can download this version using the link:</p><p><a href=%2>%3</a></p><p>Unha nova versión de VirtualBox foi publicada! A versión <b>%1</b> está dispoñíbel en <a href="https://www.virtualbox.org/">virtualbox.org</a>.</p><p>Pode descargar esta versión directamente desde esta ligazón:</p><p><a href=%2>%3</a></p><p>Unable to obtain the new version information due to the following network error:</p><p><b>%1</b></p><p>Resultou imposíbel obter información sobre a nova versión debido ao seguinte erro de rede:</p><p><b>%1</b></p>You are already running the most recent version of VirtualBox.Xa está instalada a última versión de VirtualBox. Repita a comprobación de versión máis tarde.<p>This wizard will connect to the VirtualBox web-site and check if a newer version of VirtualBox is available.</p><p>Use the <b>Check</b> button to check for a new version now or the <b>Cancel</b> button if you do not want to perform this check.</p><p>You can run this wizard at any time by choosing <b>Check for Updates...</b> from the <b>Help</b> menu.</p><p>Este asistente conectarao ao sitio web de VirtualBox e comprobará se unha nova versión de VirtualBox está dispoñíbel.</p><p>Emprega o botón <b>Comprobar</b>para comprobar agora unha nova versión ou o botón <b>Cancelar</b> se non quere realizar esta comprobación.</p><p>Pode executar este asistente en calquera momento escollendo <b>Comprobar actualizacións...</b> desde o menú <b>Axuda</b>.</p>UIUpdateSettingsEditorWhen checked, the application will periodically connect to the VirtualBox website and check whether a new VirtualBox version is available.Cando está marcada, o aplicativo conectarase periodicamente ao sitio web de VirtualBox e comprobará se unha nova versión de VirtualBox está dispoñíbel.&Check for Updates&Comprobar actualizacións&Once per:Un&ha vez cada:Selects how often the new version check should be performed.Next Check:Seguinte comprobación:Check for:&Stable Release VersionsWhen chosen, you will be notified about stable updates to VirtualBox.&All New ReleasesWhen chosen, you will be notified about all new VirtualBox releases.All New Releases and &Pre-ReleasesWhen chosen, you will be notified about all new VirtualBox releases and pre-release versions of VirtualBox.All New Releases, &Pre-Releases and Testing BuildsWhen chosen, you will be notified about all new VirtualBox releases, pre-release versions and testing builds of VirtualBox.UIUserNamePasswordEditorInvalid usernamePass&word&Repeat PasswordU&sernameHolds username.Holds password.Holds the repeated password.Invalid password pairUIVMActivityOverviewWidgetUsedHost CPU LoadUserKernelTotalHost RAM UsageFreeHost File SystemN/AVM NameCPU GuestCPU VMMRAM Used/TotalRAM %Network Up RateNetwork Down RateNetwork Up TotalNetwork Down TotalDisk Read RateDisk Write RateDisk Read TotalDisk Write TotalVM ExitsList all virtual machinesUIVMCloseDialogClose Virtual MachinePechar máquina virtualYou want to:Quere:<p>Saves the current execution state of the virtual machine to the physical hard disk of the host PC.</p><p>Next time this machine is started, it will be restored from the saved state and continue execution from the same place you saved it at, which will let you continue your work immediately.</p><p>Note that saving the machine state may take a long time, depending on the guest operating system type and the amount of memory you assigned to the virtual machine.</p><p>Garda o estado de execución actual da máquina virtual ao disco ríxido físico do pc anfitrión.</p><p>A próxima vez que se inicie a máquina, será restaurada desde o estado gardado e continuará a súa execución desde o mesmo lugar que vostede gardou, o que lle permitirá continuar co seu traballo inmediatamente.</p><p>Nota que gardar o estado da máquina lle pode tomar tempo dependendo do tipo do sistema operativo convidado e a cantidade de memoria que vostede lle asignou a máquina virtual.</p>&Save the machine stateGardar o e&stado da máquina<p>Sends the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machine.</p><p>Normally, the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine will detect this event and perform a clean shutdown procedure. This is a recommended way to turn off the virtual machine because all applications running inside it will get a chance to save their data and state.</p><p>If the machine doesn't respond to this action then the guest operating system may be misconfigured or doesn't understand ACPI Power Button events at all. In this case you should select the <b>Power off the machine</b> action to stop virtual machine execution.</p><p>Envía o evento pulsación botón de enerxía, á máquina virtual.</p><p>Normalmente o sistema operativo convidado detectará este sinal e efectuará un procedemento de apagado limpo. Esta é a maneira recomendada de apagar a máquina virtual, xa que os aplicativos correndo dentro da máquina virtual terán a oportunidade de gardar os seus datos e estado.</p><p>Se a máquina non responde a esta acción pode que estea mal configurada ou non permita eventos ACPI de apagado. Neste caso debería seleccionar a acción <b>Apagar a máquina</b> para deter a execución da máquina virtual.</p>S&end the shutdown signal&Enviar sinal de apagado<p>Turns off the virtual machine.</p><p>Note that this action will stop machine execution immediately so that the guest operating system running inside it will not be able to perform a clean shutdown procedure which may result in <i>data loss</i> inside the virtual machine. Selecting this action is recommended only if the virtual machine does not respond to the <b>Send the shutdown signal</b> action.</p><p>Apaga a máquina virtual.</p><p>Nota que esta acción deterá a execución da máquina inmediatamente polo que o sistema operativo convidado que estea a executar dentro non realizará un proceso de apagado limpo o que pode ter como resultado unha <i>perda de datos</i> dentro da máquina virtual. Soamente se recomenda esta acción se a máquina virtual non responde a acción <b>Enviar sinal de apagado</b>.</p>&Power off the machineA&pagar a máquina<p>When checked, the machine will be returned to the state stored in the current snapshot after it is turned off. This is useful if you are sure that you want to discard the results of your last sessions and start again at that snapshot.</p><p>Cando está marcada, o estado da máquina restaurarase desde o estado almacenado na instantánea da dereita xusto despois de que se apague. Isto é moi útil se está seguro de que quere descartar os resultados das súas últimas sesións e regresar a instantánea actual.</p>&Continue running in the background<p>Close the virtual machine windows but keep the virtual machine running.</p><p>You can use the VirtualBox Manager to return to running the virtual machine in a window.</p>UIVMDesktop&Details&Detalles&SnapshotsIn&stantáneasUIVMInfoDialog%1 - Session Information%1 - Información de sesiónDMA TransfersTransferencia DMAPIO TransfersTransferencia PIOData ReadDatos lidosData WrittenDatos escritosData TransmittedDatos transmitidosData ReceivedDatos recibidosNot Detectedguest additionsNon se detectouNot Detectedguest os typeNon se detectouRuntime AttributesAtributos de tempo de execuciónScreen ResolutionResolución da pantallaGuest AdditionsOs aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoGuest OS TypeTipo do sistema operativo convidadoNo Network AdaptersSen adaptadores de redeUIVMInformationDialog%1 - Session Information%1 - Información de sesiónConfiguration &Details&Runtime InformationGeneralXeralSystemSistemaDisplayPantallaStorageAlmacenamentoAudioAudioNetworkRedeSerial PortsPortos serieUSBUSBShared FoldersCartafoles compartidosResetRestabelecerShow Pie ChartDraw Area ChartCPU LoadGuest LoadVMM LoadRAM UsageTotalFreeUsedNetwork RateReceive RateTransmit RateTotal ReceivedTotal TransmittedDisk IO RateWrite RateRead RateTotal WrittenTotal ReadVM ExitsCurrentRuntime AttributesAtributos de tempo de execuciónScreen ResolutionResolución da pantallaVM UptimeClipboard ModeDrag and Drop ModeVM Execution EngineNested PagingPaxinación aniñadaUnrestricted ExecutionParavirtualization InterfaceGuest AdditionsOs aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoGuest OS TypeTipo do sistema operativo convidadoRemote Desktop Server PortNot DetectedNon se detectou&Guest Controlturned offScreenActiveNested PagingInactiveNested PagingActiveUnrestricted ExecutionInactiveUnrestricted ExecutionNot AvailableVRDE Portnot setExecution EngineNot DetectedGuest OS TypeNon se detectouNot DetectedGuest Additions VersionNon se detectouCopy AllVM &ActivityClosePecharHelpClose dialog without savingShow dialog helpClose this dialog (%1)Show Help (%1)This metric requires guest additions to work.ExportSec.Export activity data of the machine UIVMListViewInaccessibleInaccesíbelUIVMLogViewerClose the search panelPechar o panel de buscar&Find&BuscarEnter a search string hereIntroduza aquí unha cadea para buscar&PreviousAn&teriorSearch for the previous occurrence of the stringBusca a anterior ocorrencia da cadea&NextSegui&nteSearch for the next occurrence of the stringBusca a seguinte ocorrencia da cadeaC&ase SensitiveDiferenci&ar maiúsculas de minúsculasPerform case sensitive search (when checked)Realiza a busca diferenciando maiúsculas e minúsculas (cando está marcada)String not foundNon se encontrou a cadea<p>No log files found. Press the <b>Refresh</b> button to rescan the log folder <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p><p>Non se encontrou ningún ficheiro de rexistro. Prema no botón <b>Actualizar</b> para examinar de novo o cartafol de rexistro <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p>Save VirtualBox Log AsGardar rexistro de VirtualBox como%1 - VirtualBox Log Viewer%1 - Visualizador de rexistro de VirtualBox&RefreshActualiza&r&Save&GardarClosePecharUIVMLogViewerDialog%1 - Log ViewerUIVMLogViewerWidgetDelete the current bookmarkDelete all bookmarksLog ViewerVisualizador de rexistroClosePecharSelect or enter a term which will be used in filtering the log textAdd the filter term to the set of filter termsShowing %1/%2The filter terms list, select one to remove or click the button on the right side to remove them allThe type of boolean operator for filter operationShow Line NumbersWhen checked, show line numbersWrap LinesWhen checked, wrap linesFont SizeLog viewer font sizeOpen a font dialog to select font face for the logviewerReset options to application defaultsEnter a search string hereIntroduza aquí unha cadea para buscarSearch for the next occurrence of the string (F3)Search for the previous occurrence of the string (Shift+F3)C&ase SensitiveDiferenci&ar maiúsculas de minúsculasWhen checked, perform case sensitive searchMa&tch Whole WordWhen checked, search matches only complete words&Highlight AllWhen checked, all occurence of the search text are highlightedString not foundNon se encontrou a cadeaFilteredBookmarkSave VirtualBox Log AsGardar rexistro de VirtualBox como<p>No log files found. Press the <b>Refresh</b> button to rescan the log folder <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p><p>Non se encontrou ningún ficheiro de rexistro. Prema no botón <b>Actualizar</b> para examinar de novo o cartafol de rexistro <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p>Go to the next bookmarkGo to the previous bookmarkGo to selected bookmarkHelpClose dialogShow dialog helpClose Window (%1)Show Help (%1)Close this machine's logsSelect machines to show their log<p>No log files for the machine %1 found. Press the <b>Reload</b> button to reload the log folder <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.</p>NoLogFileUIVRDEAuthLibraryEditorV&RDP Authentication Library:Biblioteca de autenticación V&RDP:Holds the path to the library that provides authentication for Remote Display (VRDP) clients.Mostra o camiño á biblioteca que fornece autenticación para clientes con pantalla remota (VRDP).UIVRDESettingsEditor&Enable ServerActivar o s&ervidorWhen checked, the VM will act as a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server, allowing remote clients to connect and operate the VM (when it is running) using a standard RDP client.Cando está marcada, a máquina virtual actúa como un servidor de protocolo de escritorio remoto (Remote Desktop Protocol), permitindo a clientes remotos conectarse e manexar a máquina virtual (cando se está executando) empregando un cliente RDP estándar.Server &Port:&Porto do servidor:Holds the VRDP Server port number. You may specify 0 (zero), to select port 3389, the standard port for RDP.Authentication &Method:&Método de autenticación:Selects the VRDP authentication method.Authentication &Timeout:&Tempo de espera na autenticación:Holds the timeout for guest authentication, in milliseconds.Extended Features:Funcionalidades estendidas:&Allow Multiple ConnectionsWhen checked, multiple simultaneous connections to the VM are permitted.UIVideoMemoryEditorVideo &Memory:&Memoria de vídeo:%1 MBMBMBHolds the amount of video memory provided to the virtual machine.Minimum possible video memory size.Maximum possible video memory size.UIVirtualBoxManagerManagerNote: main window title which is prepended by the product name.Select a virtual machine fileVirtual machine files (%1)Select a destination folder to move the selected virtual machineShow Toolbar TextUIVirtualCPUEditor&Processors:Holds the number of virtual CPUs in the virtual machine. You need hardware virtualization support on your host system to use more than one virtual CPU.%1 CPU%1 is 1 for nowMinimum possible virtual CPU count.%1 CPUs%1 is host cpu count * 2 for nowMaximum possible virtual CPU count.UIVirtualMachineItemInaccessibleInaccesíbel<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 since %3</nobr><br><nobr>Session %4</nobr>VM tooltip (name, last state change, session state)<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 desde %3</nobr><br><nobr>Sesión %4</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr><nobr>Inaccessible since %2</nobr>Inaccessible VM tooltip (name, last state change)<nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr><nobr>Inaccesíbel desde %2</nobr>S&howM&ostrarSwitch to the window of the selected virtual machineCambia a xanela da máquina virtual seleccionadaS&tartI&niciarStart the selected virtual machineIniciar a máquina virtual seleccionadaR&esumeCon&tinuarResume the execution of the virtual machineContinuar a execución da máquina virtual&PauseDe&terSuspend the execution of the virtual machineSuspender a execución da máquina virtualUIVirtualMachineItemCloudLoading ...<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br><nobr>Inaccessible</nobr>Inaccessible VM tooltip (name)InaccessibleInaccesíbelEmptyUIVirtualMachineItemLocal<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 since %3</nobr><br><nobr>Session %4</nobr>VM tooltip (name, last state change, session state)<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 desde %3</nobr><br><nobr>Sesión %4</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr><nobr>Inaccessible since %2</nobr>Inaccessible VM tooltip (name, last state change)<nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr><nobr>Inaccesíbel desde %2</nobr>InaccessibleInaccesíbelUIVisoCreatorNameNomeSizeTamañoRemoveEliminarResetRestabelecerUIVisoCreatorDialogVISO CreatorUIVisoCreatorWidgetClick to show/hide the tree view.Shows the current location.NameNomeSizeTamañoChange TimeOwnerPermissionsLocal PathISO PathHost File SystemVISO ContentC&reateCreates VISO file with the selected contentOpens the help browser and navigates to the related sectionVISO Name:Custom VISO options:Remove current option.Holds the name of the VISO medium.Holds options for VISO creation.Show Hidden ObjectsWhen checked, multiple hidden objects are shown in the file browserUIVisualStateEditorVisual &State:Selects the visual state. If machine is running it will be applied as soon as possible, otherwise desired one will be defined.UIWelcomePane<h3>Welcome to VirtualBox!</h3><p>The left part of application window contains global tools and lists all virtual machines and virtual machine groups on your computer. You can import, add and create new VMs using corresponding toolbar buttons. You can popup a tools of currently selected element using corresponding element button.</p><p>You can press the <b>%1</b> key to get instant help, or visit <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org>www.virtualbox.org</a> for more information and latest news.</p>UIWizardAddCloudVMAdd Cloud Virtual MachineLocationLocalizaciónSourceFonteOpen Cloud Profile Manager...Add VM from cloud service provider.Source to add fromPlease choose the source to add cloud virtual machine from. This can be one of known cloud service providers below.&Source:<p>Please choose one of cloud service profiles you have registered to add virtual machine from. Existing instance list will be updated. To continue, select at least one instance to add virtual machine on the basis of it.</p>&Profile:&Instances:UIWizardCloneVDStorage on physical hard diskPlease choose whether the new virtual disk image file should grow as it is used (dynamically allocated) or if it should be created at its maximum size (fixed size).<p>A <b>dynamically allocated</b> disk image file will only use space on your physical hard disk as it fills up (up to a maximum <b>fixed size</b>), although it will not shrink again automatically when space on it is freed.</p><p>A <b>fixed size</b> disk image file may take longer to create on some systems but is often faster to use.</p><p>You can also choose to <b>split</b> the disk image file into several files of up to two gigabytes each. This is mainly useful if you wish to store the virtual machine on removable USB devices or old systems, some of which cannot handle very large files.Copy Virtual DiskVirtual Hard disk file typePlease choose the type of file that you would like to use for the destination virtual disk image. If you do not need to use it with other virtualization software you can leave this setting unchanged.Location and size of the disk imageHard Disk File &Type and VariantUIWizardCloneVDExpertPagecopyUIWizardCloneVDPathSizePagecopyUIWizardCloneVMLinked Base for %1 and %2Clone Virtual MachineClone type<p>If you create a <b>Linked clone</b> then a new snapshot will be created in the original virtual machine as part of the cloning process.</p>Snapshots<p>Please choose which parts of the snapshot tree should be cloned with the machine.</p><p>If you choose <b>Current machine state</b>, the new machine will reflect the current state of the original machine and will have no snapshots.</p><p>If you choose <b>Current snapshot tree branch</b>, the new machine will reflect the current state of the original machine and will have matching snapshots for all snapshots in the tree branch starting at the current state in the original machine.</p><p>If you choose <b>Everything</b>, the new machine will reflect the current state of the original machine and will have matching snapshots for all snapshots in the original machine.</p><p>Please choose the type of clone you wish to create.</p><p>If you choose <b>Full clone</b>, an exact copy (including all virtual hard disk files) of the original virtual machine will be created.</p><p>If you choose <b>Linked clone</b>, a new machine will be created, but the virtual hard disk files will be tied to the virtual hard disk files of original machine and you will not be able to move the new virtual machine to a different computer without moving the original as well.</p><p>Please choose a name and optionally a folder for the new virtual machine. The new machine will be a clone of the machine <b>%1</b>.</p>New machine &name and pathNew machine name and pathAdditional optionsUIWizardExportAppChecking files ...A comprobar ficheiros ...Removing files ...A eliminar ficheiros ...Exporting Appliance ...Exportando servizo virtualizado ...Export Virtual ApplianceRestore DefaultsRestabelecer predefinidas<p>Please select the virtual machines that should be added to the appliance. You can select more than one. Please note that these machines have to be turned off before they can be exported.</p>Appliance settingsSun &CloudSun &Cloud&Simple Storage System (S3)&Sistema de almacenamento simple (S3)ApplianceServizo virtualizado (Appliance)&Username:Nome de &usuario:&Password:&Contrasinal:&Hostname:Nome do e&quipo:&Bucket:Conte&dor:&File:&Ficheiro:Open Virtualization Format Archive (%1)Open Virtualization Format (%1)Abrir virtualización de formato (%1)Write in legacy OVF 0.9 format for compatibility with other virtualization products.Almacena no formato orixinal OVF 0.9 para obter compatibilidade con outros produtos de virtualización.&Write legacy OVF 0.9Almacena no &formato orixinal OVF 0.9Create a Manifest file for automatic data integrity checks on import.This is the descriptive information which will be added to the virtual appliance. You can change it by double clicking on individual lines.&Local Filesystem Sistema de ficheiros &local Please choose a file to export the virtual appliance toF&ormat:Write in standard OVF 1.0 format.Open Virtualization Format 0.9Open Virtualization Format 1.0Open Virtualization Format 2.0Write in new OVF 2.0 format.<p>Please choose a format to export the virtual appliance to.</p><p>The <b>Open Virtualization Format</b> supports only <b>ovf</b> or <b>ova</b> extensions. If you use the <b>ovf</b> extension, several files will be written separately. If you use the <b>ova</b> extension, all the files will be combined into one Open Virtualization Format archive.</p><p>The <b>Oracle Cloud Infrastructure</b> format supports exporting to remote cloud servers only. Main virtual disk of each selected machine will be uploaded to remote server.</p>Choose a file to export the virtual appliance to...Export to cloud service provider.MAC Address &Policy:Include all network adapter MAC addressesInclude only NAT network adapter MAC addressesStrip all network adapter MAC addressesInclude all network adapter MAC addresses in exported appliance archive.Include only NAT network adapter MAC addresses in exported appliance archive.Strip all network adapter MAC addresses from exported appliance archive.Additionally:&Write Manifest file&Include ISO image files<p>Please choose a filename to export the virtual appliance to. Besides that you can specify a certain amount of options which affects the size and content of resulting archive.</p>Include ISO image files into exported VM archive.Machine Creation:Ask me about it &after exporting disk as custom imageAsk me about it &before exporting disk as custom imageThis is the descriptive information which will be used to determine settings for a cloud storage your VM being exported to. You can change it by double clicking on individual lines.Virtual &machinesFormat &settings&Appliance settings&Profile:Open Cloud Profile Manager...Do not ask me about it, leave custom &image for future usageHolds the path of the file selected for export.Format settings<p>Please choose one of cloud service profiles you have registered to export virtual machines to. It will be used to establish network connection required to upload your virtual machine files to a remote cloud facility.</p>Virtual machinesUIWizardExportAppPageBasic3Please complete the additional fields like the username, password and the bucket, and provide a filename for the OVF target.Complete os campos adicionais como o nome de usuario, contrasinal e contedor. Para rematar vostede debe proporcionar o nome de ficheiro para o OVF destino.Please complete the additional fields like the username, password, hostname and the bucket, and provide a filename for the OVF target.Complete os campos adicionais coma o nome de usuario, contrasinal, nome de equipo e o contedor. Para rematar vostede debe proporcionar o nome de ficheiro para o OVF destino.UIWizardImportAppRestore DefaultsRestabelecer predefinidasAppliance to importSelect an appliance to importSeleccione un servizo virtualizado para importarOpen Virtualization Format (%1)Abrir virtualización de formato (%1)Appliance settingsThese are the virtual machines contained in the appliance and the suggested settings of the imported VirtualBox machines. You can change many of the properties shown by double-clicking on the items and disable others using the check boxes below.Estas son as máquinas virtuais descritas no ficheiro de servizos virtualizados (appliance) cos seus mapeos correspondentes para importar a VirtualBox. Vostede pode cambiar as propiedades mostradas facendo dobre clic nos elementos e desactivar outras empregando as caixas de verificación de abaixo.Import Virtual ApplianceChoose a virtual appliance file to import...Please choose a virtual appliance file to importAppliance is not signedAppliance signed by %1 (trusted)Appliance signed by %1 (expired!)Unverified signature by %1!Self signed by %1 (trusted)Self signed by %1 (expired!)Unverified self signed signature by %1!Importing Appliance ...Importando o servizo virtualizado ...Local File SystemImport from local file system.Import from cloud service provider.&File:&Ficheiro:&Machines:<p>Please choose a file to import the virtual appliance from. VirtualBox currently supports importing appliances saved in the Open Virtualization Format (OVF). To continue, select the file to import below.</p>These are the the suggested settings of the cloud VM import procedure, they are influencing the resulting local VM instance. You can change many of the properties shown by double-clicking on the items and disable others using the check boxes below.SourceFonteSettingsConfiguraciónsPlease choose the source to import appliance from. This can be a local file system to import OVF archive or one of known cloud service providers to import cloud VM from.&Source:Open Cloud Profile Manager...Holds the path of the file selected for import.Include all network adapter MAC addressesInclude all network adapter MAC addresses during importing.Include only NAT network adapter MAC addressesInclude only NAT network adapter MAC addresses during importing.Generate new MAC addresses for all network adaptersGenerate new MAC addresses for all network adapters during importing.<p>Please choose one of cloud service profiles you have registered to import virtual machine from. Corresponding machines list will be updated. To continue, select one of machines to import below.</p>&Profile:UIWizardImportAppPageExpert&Machine Base Folder:MAC Address &Policy:Additional Options:&Import hard drives as VDIImport all the hard drives that belong to this appliance in VDI format.UIWizardImportAppPageSettings&Machine Base Folder:MAC Address &Policy:Additional Options:&Import hard drives as VDIImport all the hard drives that belong to this appliance in VDI format.UIWizardNewCloudVMCreate Cloud Virtual MachineCreate VM for cloud service provider.Cloud Virtual Machine settingsThese are the the suggested settings of the cloud VM creation procedure, they are influencing the resulting cloud VM instance. You can change many of the properties shown by double-clicking on the items and disable others using the check boxes below.SettingsConfiguraciónsLocationLocalizaciónSourceFonte&Images&Boot VolumesOpen Cloud Profile Manager...Location to createPlease choose the location to create cloud virtual machine in. This can be one of known cloud service providers below.&Location:<p>Please choose one of cloud service profiles you have registered to create virtual machine for. Existing images list will be updated. To continue, select one of images to create virtual machine on the basis of it.</p>&Profile:&Source:UIWizardNewVDCreate Virtual Hard DiskPlease choose the type of file that you would like to use for the new virtual hard disk. If you do not need to use it with other virtualization software you can leave this setting unchanged.Storage on physical hard diskPlease choose whether the new virtual hard disk file should grow as it is used (dynamically allocated) or if it should be created at its maximum size (fixed size).<p>A <b>dynamically allocated</b> hard disk file will only use space on your physical hard disk as it fills up (up to a maximum <b>fixed size</b>), although it will not shrink again automatically when space on it is freed.</p><p>A <b>fixed size</b> hard disk file may take longer to create on some systems but is often faster to use.</p><p>You can also choose to <b>split</b> the hard disk file into several files of up to two gigabytes each. This is mainly useful if you wish to store the virtual machine on removable USB devices or old systems, some of which cannot handle very large files.File location and sizeVirtual Hard disk file typeHard Disk File &Type and VariantUIWizardNewVMCreate Virtual MachineUsername and PasswordSelects an installation medium (ISO file) for the Guest Additions.GA I&nstallation ISO:Gu&est AdditionsEnables installation of the guest additions after the guest OS install.Additional OptionsOpcións adicionais&Product Key:&Install in BackgroundEnables headless boot (with no GUI) of the newly created virtual machine for the unattended guest OS install.&Enable EFI (special OSes only)Enables Extended Firmware Interface (EFI), which is required to boot certain guest OSes. Non-EFI aware OSes will not be able to boot if this option is activated.Virtual machine Name and Operating SystemPlease choose a descriptive name and destination folder for the new virtual machine. The name you choose will be used throughout VirtualBox to identify this machine. Additionally, you can select an ISO image which may be used to install the guest operating system.&Skip Unattended InstallationWhen checked, the unattended install is disabled and the selected ISO is mounted on the vm.No ISO image is selected, the guest OS will need to be installed manually.OS type cannot be determined from the selected ISO, the guest OS will need to be installed manually.Detected OS type: This OS type cannot be installed unattendedly. The install needs to be started manually.You have selected to skip unattended guest OS install, the guest OS will need to be installed manually.This OS type can be installed unattendedly. The install will start after this wizard is closed.Invalid file path or unreadable fileUnattended Guest OS Install Setup<p>You can configure the unattended guest OS install by modifying username, password, and hostname. Additionally you can enable guest additions install. For Microsoft Windows guests it is possible to provide a product key.</p>Hardware<p>You can modify virtual machine's hardware by changing amount of RAM and virtual CPU count. Enabling EFI is also possible.</p>Virtual Hard disk<p>If you wish you can add a virtual hard disk to the new machine. You can either create a new hard disk file or select an existing one. Alternatively you can create a virtual machine without a virtual hard disk.</p>&Do Not Add a Virtual Hard Disk&Create a Virtual Hard Disk NowU&se an Existing Virtual Hard Disk FileChooses a Virtual Hard Fisk File...D&isk Size:Pre-allocate &Full SizeWhen checked, the virtual disk image is allocated with its full size during VM creation timePlease choose whether the new virtual hard disk file should grow as it is used (dynamically allocated) or if it should be created at its maximum size (fixed size).<p>A <b>dynamically allocated</b> hard disk file will only use space on your physical hard disk as it fills up (up to a maximum <b>fixed size</b>), although it will not shrink again automatically when space on it is freed.</p><p>A <b>fixed size</b> hard disk file may take longer to create on some systems but is often faster to use.</p>Name and &Operating System&Unattended InstallHard Dis&kH&ardwareHard Disk File &Type and VariantInvalid path or unreadable ISO fileInvalid username and/or passwordInvalid hostname or domain nameVirtual machine name is invalidInvalid ISO fileNo valid disk is selectedInvalid disk sizeMachine Name and OS TypeMachine NameMachine FolderISO ImageGuest OS TypeTipo do sistema operativo convidadoSkip Unattended InstallUnattended InstallUsernameProduct KeyHostname/Domain NameInstall in BackgroundInstall Guest AdditionsGuest Additions ISOBase MemoryMemoria baseProcessor(s)Procesador(es)EFI EnableDiskDisk SizePre-allocate Full SizeAttached DiskNoneNingúnSummaryResumoThe following table summarizes the configuration you have chosen for the new virtual machine. When you are happy with the configuration press Finish to create the virtual machine. Alternatively you can go back and modify the configuration.USBFilterTreeWidgetItem%1, Activecol.1 text, col.1 state%1col.1 textVBoxAboutDlgVirtualBox - AboutSobre VirtualBoxVirtualBox Graphical User InterfaceInterface gráfica de usuario de VirtualBoxVersion %1Versión %1VBoxCloseVMDlgClose Virtual MachinePechar máquina virtualYou want to:Quere:&Save the machine stateGardar o e&stado da máquina&Power off the machineA&pagar a máquina&Revert to the current snapshot&Reverter á instantánea actualRevert the machine state to the state stored in the current snapshotReverte o estado da máquina ao estado almacenado na instantánea actualS&end the shutdown signal&Enviar sinal de apagado<p>When checked, the machine will be returned to the state stored in the current snapshot after it is turned off. This is useful if you are sure that you want to discard the results of your last sessions and start again at that snapshot.</p><p>Cando está marcada, o estado da máquina restaurarase desde o estado almacenado na instantánea da dereita xusto despois de que se apague. Isto é moi útil se está seguro de que quere descartar os resultados das súas últimas sesións e regresar a instantánea actual.</p><p>Saves the current execution state of the virtual machine to the physical hard disk of the host PC.</p><p>Next time this machine is started, it will be restored from the saved state and continue execution from the same place you saved it at, which will let you continue your work immediately.</p><p>Note that saving the machine state may take a long time, depending on the guest operating system type and the amount of memory you assigned to the virtual machine.</p><p>Garda o estado de execución actual da máquina virtual ao disco ríxido físico do pc anfitrión.</p><p>A próxima vez que se inicie a máquina, será restaurada desde o estado gardado e continuará a súa execución desde o mesmo lugar que vostede gardou, o que lle permitirá continuar co seu traballo inmediatamente.</p><p>Nota que gardar o estado da máquina lle pode tomar tempo dependendo do tipo do sistema operativo convidado e a cantidade de memoria que vostede lle asignou a máquina virtual.</p><p>Sends the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machine.</p><p>Normally, the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine will detect this event and perform a clean shutdown procedure. This is a recommended way to turn off the virtual machine because all applications running inside it will get a chance to save their data and state.</p><p>If the machine doesn't respond to this action then the guest operating system may be misconfigured or doesn't understand ACPI Power Button events at all. In this case you should select the <b>Power off the machine</b> action to stop virtual machine execution.</p><p>Envía o evento pulsación botón de enerxía, á máquina virtual.</p><p>Normalmente o sistema operativo convidado detectará este sinal e efectuará un procedemento de apagado limpo. Esta é a maneira recomendada de apagar a máquina virtual, xa que os aplicativos correndo dentro da máquina virtual terán a oportunidade de gardar os seus datos e estado.</p><p>Se a máquina non responde a esta acción pode que estea mal configurada ou non permita eventos ACPI de apagado. Neste caso debería seleccionar a acción <b>Apagar a máquina</b> para deter a execución da máquina virtual.</p><p>Turns off the virtual machine.</p><p>Note that this action will stop machine execution immediately so that the guest operating system running inside it will not be able to perform a clean shutdown procedure which may result in <i>data loss</i> inside the virtual machine. Selecting this action is recommended only if the virtual machine does not respond to the <b>Send the shutdown signal</b> action.</p><p>Apaga a máquina virtual.</p><p>Nota que esta acción deterá a execución da máquina inmediatamente polo que o sistema operativo convidado que estea a executar dentro non realizará un proceso de apagado limpo o que pode ter como resultado unha <i>perda de datos</i> dentro da máquina virtual. Soamente se recomenda esta acción se a máquina virtual non responde a acción <b>Enviar sinal de apagado</b>.</p>VBoxConsoleWndVirtualBox OSEVirtualBox OSE&Fullscreen Mode&Modo de pantalla completaSwitch to fullscreen modeCambiar a modo de pantalla completaMouse Integrationenable/disable...Integración do ratoAuto-resize Guest Displayenable/disable...Redimensionar automaticamente o tamaño da pantalla do convidadoAuto-resize &Guest DisplayRedimensionar o tamaño da pantalla do convi&dadoAutomatically resize the guest display when the window is resized (requires Guest Additions)Redimensionar automaticamente o tamaño da pantalla do convidado cando se redimensiona a xanela (require dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado)&Adjust Window Size&Axustar o tamaño da xanelaAdjust window size and position to best fit the guest displayAxustar o tamaño e a posición da xanela que mellor se axusta a pantalla do convidado&Insert Ctrl-Alt-Del&Inserir Ctrl-Alt-SuprSend the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to the virtual machineEnviar a orde Ctrl-Alt-Supr a máquina virtual&Insert Ctrl-Alt-Backspace&Inserir Ctrl-Alt-RetrocesoSend the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace sequence to the virtual machineEnviar a secuencia Ctrl-Alt-Retroceso á máquina virtual&Reset&RestabelecerReset the virtual machineRestabelecer a máquina virtualACPI S&hutdownApa&gado ACPISend the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machineEnvía o evento pulsación botón de enerxía (ACPI Power) á máquina virtual&Close...Pe&char...Close the virtual machinePechar a máquina virtualTake &Snapshot...Tomar in&stantánea...Take a snapshot of the virtual machineTomar unha instantánea da máquina virtual&Floppy Image...&Imaxe do disquete...Mount a floppy image fileMontar un ficheiro imaxe de disqueteUnmount F&loppyDesmontar o dis&queteUnmount the currently mounted floppy disk image filesDesmontar o medio de disquete actualmente montado&CD/DVD Image...Imaxe de &CD/DVD...Mount a CD/DVD image fileMontar un ficheiro imaxe de CD/DVDUnmount C&D/DVD-ROMDesmontar o C&D/DVD-ROMUnmount the currently mounted CD/DVD mediaDesmontar o medio de CD/DVD actualmente montadoRemote Dis&play&Pantalla remotaEnable or disable remote desktop (RDP) connections to this machineActivar ou desactivar as conexións de escritorio remoto a esta máquina&Shared Folders...Cartafole&s compartidos...Create or modify shared foldersCrear ou modificar cartafoles compartidos&Insert Guest Additions CD image...&Instalar os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado...Insert the Guest Additions disk file into the virtual driveMontar a imaxe de instalación dos aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoMount &FloppyMontar o dis&queteMount &CD/DVDMontar o &CD/DVD&USB DevicesDispositivos &USB&Devices&DispositivosDe&bugDepu&ración&HelpA&xuda<hr>The VRDP Server is listening on port %1<hr>O servidor VRDP está escoitando no porto %1&PauseDe&terSuspend the execution of the virtual machineSuspender a execución da máquina virtualR&esumeCon&tinuarResume the execution of the virtual machineContinuar a execución da máquina virtualDisable &Mouse IntegrationDesactivar a integración do &ratoTemporarily disable host mouse pointer integrationDesactivar temporalmente a integración do punteiro do rato do anfitriónEnable &Mouse IntegrationActivar a integración do &ratoEnable temporarily disabled host mouse pointer integrationActivar temporalmente a integración do punteiro do rato do anfitriónSnapshot %1Instantánea %1Host Drive Unidade do anfitrión &Machine&Máquina&Network AdaptersAdaptadores de &redeAdapter %1networkAdaptador %1Mount the selected physical drive of the host PCFloppy tipMontar a unidade física seleccionada do equipo anfitriónMount the selected physical drive of the host PCCD/DVD tipMontar a unidade física seleccionada do equipo anfitriónDisconnect the cable from the selected virtual network adapterDesconectar o cable do adaptador de rede virtual seleccionadoConnect the cable to the selected virtual network adapterConectar o cable ao adaptador de rede virtual seleccionadoSeam&less ModeModo f&luídoSwitch to seamless desktop integration modeCambiar ao modo de integración de escritorio fluído<qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the floppy disk image files:</nobr>%1</qt>Floppy tooltip<qt><nobr>Indica a actividade do medio disquete:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>Host Drive</b>: %1</nobr>Floppy tooltip<br><nobr><b>Unidade do anfitrión</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>Image</b>: %1</nobr>Floppy tooltip<br><nobr><b>Imaxe</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>No media mounted</b></nobr>Floppy tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ningún medio montado</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the CD/DVD media:</nobr>%1</qt>DVD-ROM tooltip<qt><nobr>Indica a actividade do medio CD/DVD:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>Host Drive</b>: %1</nobr>DVD-ROM tooltip<br><nobr><b>Unidade do anfitrión</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>Image</b>: %1</nobr>DVD-ROM tooltip<br><nobr><b>Imaxe</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>No media mounted</b></nobr>DVD-ROM tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ningún medio montado</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates activity on the the virtual hard disks:</nobr>%1</qt>HDD tooltip<qt><nobr>Indica a actividade no disco duro virtual:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>No hard disks attached</b></nobr>HDD tooltip<br><nobr><b>Non hai ningún disco ríxido conectado</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the network interfaces:</nobr>%1</qt>Network adapters tooltip<qt><nobr>Indica a actividade das interfaces de rede:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>Adapter %1 (%2)</b>: cable %3</nobr>Network adapters tooltip<br><nobr><b>Adaptador %1 (%2)</b>: cabo %3</nobr>connectedNetwork adapters tooltipconectadodisconnectedNetwork adapters tooltipdesconectado<br><nobr><b>All network adapters are disabled</b></nobr>Network adapters tooltip<br><nobr><b>Todos os adaptadores de rede están desactivados</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the attached USB devices:</nobr>%1</qt>USB device tooltip<qt><nobr>Indica a actividade dos dispositivos USB conectados:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>No USB devices attached</b></nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ningún dispositivo USB conectado</b></nobr><br><nobr><b>USB Controller is disabled</b></nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr><b>O controlador USB está desactivado</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the machineof the machine'sapos;s shared folders: shared folders:</nobr>%1</qt>Shared folders tooltip<qt><nobr>Indica a actividade dos cartafoles compartidos:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>No shared folders</b></nobr>Shared folders tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ningún cartafol compartido</b></nobr>Session I&nformation DialogDiálogo da i&nformación da sesiónShow Session Information WindowMostrar o diálogo da información da sesión&Statistics...debug actionE&statísticas...&Command Line...debug actionLiña de o&rdes...Indicates whether the guest display auto-resize function is On (<img src=:/auto_resize_on_16px.png/>) or Off (<img src=:/auto_resize_off_16px.png/>). Note that this function requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Indica se a función de redimensionado automático na pantalla do convidado está activada (<img src=:/auto_resize_on_16px.png/>) ou desactivada (<img src=:/auto_resize_off_16px.png/>):Nota que esta función require ter instalados os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado.Indicates whether the host mouse pointer is captured by the guest OS:<br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_disabled_16px.png/> pointer is not captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_16px.png/> pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> mouse integration (MI) is On</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_uncaptured_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is not captured</nobr><br>Note that the mouse integration feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Indica se o punteiro do rato do anfitrión é capturado polo sistema operativo convidado:<br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_disabled_16px.png/> o punteiro non está capturado</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_16px.png/> o punteiro está capturado</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> a integración do rato (MI, de mouse integration) está activada</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_16px.png/> a integración do rato está desactivada, o punteiro está capturado</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_uncaptured_16px.png/> a integración do rato está desactivada, o punteiro non está capturado</nobr><br>Nota que a característica de integración do rato require ter instalados os aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidado.Indicates whether the keyboard is captured by the guest OS (<img src=:/hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>).Indica se o teclado está capturado polo sistema operativo convidado<img src=:/hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) ou non (<img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>).Indicates whether the Remote Display (VRDP Server) is enabled (<img src=:/vrdp_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=:/vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>).Indica se a pantalla remota (VRDP Server) está activada (<img src=:/vrdp_16px.png/>) ou non (<img src=:/vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>).&Logging...debug actionRe&xistro...Shows the currently assigned Host key.<br>This key, when pressed alone, toggles the keyboard and mouse capture state. It can also be used in combination with other keys to quickly perform actions from the main menu.Mostra a tecla actualmente asignada como tecla anfitrión.<br>Cando se preme soa esta tecla, alterna o estado de captura do teclado e o rato. Tamén pode ser empregada en combinación con outras teclas para realizar accións do menú principal rapidamente.Sun VirtualBoxSun VirtualBoxIndicates the status of the hardware virtualization features used by this virtual machine:<br><nobr><b>%1:</b> %2</nobr><br><nobr><b>%3:</b> %4</nobr>Virtualization Stuff LEDIndica o estado dos recursos do hardware virtualizado en uso por esta máquina virtual:<br><nobr><b>%1:</b> %2</nobr><br><nobr><b>%3:</b> %4</nobr><br><nobr><b>%1:</b> %2</nobr>Virtualization Stuff LED<br><nobr><b>%1:</b> %2</nobr>&Remote DisplayPantalla &remotaNo supported devices connected to the host PCNingún dispositivo compatíbel está conectado ao PC anfitriónVBoxEmptyFileSelector&Choose...Es&coller...VBoxFilePathSelectorWidget<reset to default><restabelecer predefinidos>The actual default path value will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this window again.O valor do camiño predefinido actual mostrarase despois de aceptar os cambios e ó abrir novamente este diálogo.<not selected><sen seleccionar>Please use the <b>Other...</b> item from the drop-down list to select a path.Emprega o elemento <b>Outro...</b> da lista despregábel para seleccionar o camiño desexado.Other...Outro...ResetRestabelecerOpens a window to select a different folder.Abre unha caixa de diálogo para seleccionar un cartafol diferente.Resets the folder path to the default value.Restabelece o camiño do cartafol ao valor predefinido.Opens a window to select a different file.Abre unha caixa de diálogo para seleccionar un ficheiro diferente.Resets the file path to the default value.Restabelece o camiño do ficheiro ao valor predefinido.&Copy&CopiarPlease type the folder path here.Introduza aquí o camiño do cartafol desexada.Please type the file path here.Introduza aquí o camiño do ficheiro desexada.The actual default path value will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this window again.newO valor do camiño predefinido actual mostrarase despois de aceptar os cambios e ó abrir novamente este diálogo.VBoxGLSettingsDlgGeneralXeralInputEntradaUpdateActualizarLanguageIdiomaUSBUSBVirtualBox - %1VirtualBox - %1NetworkRedeVBoxGLSettingsInputHost &Key:Tecla an&fitrión:Holds the key used as a Host Key in the VM window. Activate the entry field and press a new Host Key. Note that alphanumeric, cursor movement and editing keys cannot be used.Mostra a tecla empregada como tecla anfitrión na xanela da máquina virtual. Active o campo de entrada e prema a nova tecla anfitrión. Nota que as teclas alfanuméricas, de movemento do cursor e as teclas de edición non é posíbel empregalas como unha tecla anfitrión.When checked, the keyboard is automatically captured every time the VM window is activated. When the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) are directed to the VM.Cando está marcada, capturarase automaticamente o teclado cada vez que a xanela da máquina virtual sexa activada. Cando o teclado está capturado, todas as combinacións de teclas (incluso as do sistema como Alt-Tab) son dirixidas á máquina virtual.&Auto Capture KeyboardCapturar o teclado &automaticamenteVBoxGlobalUnknown device %1:%2USB device detailsDispositivo descoñecido %1:%2<nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB device tooltip<nobr>ID do vendedor: %1</nobr><br><nobr>ID do produto: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Revisión: %3</nobr><br><nobr>Serial No. %1</nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr>Número de serie %1</nobr><br><nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr>Estado: %1</nobr>Namedetails reportNomeOS Typedetails reportTipo de sistema operativoBase Memorydetails reportMemoria baseGeneraldetails reportXeralVideo Memorydetails reportMemoria de vídeoBoot Orderdetails reportOrde de inicioACPIdetails reportACPII/O APICdetails reportI/O APICNot Attacheddetails report (HDDs)Sen conectarHard Disksdetails reportDiscos ríxidosEnableddetails report (ACPI)ActivadoDisableddetails report (ACPI)DesactivadoEnableddetails report (I/O APIC)ActivadoDisableddetails report (I/O APIC)DesactivadoNot mounteddetails report (floppy)Sen montarImagedetails report (floppy)ImaxeHost Drivedetails report (floppy)Unidade do anfitriónFloppydetails reportDisqueteiraNot mounteddetails report (DVD)Sen montarImagedetails report (DVD)ImaxeHost Drivedetails report (DVD)Unidade do anfitriónCD/DVDdetails reportCD/DVDDisableddetails report (audio)DesactivadoAudiodetails reportAudioAdapter %1details report (network)Adaptador %1Disableddetails report (network)DesactivadoNetworkdetails reportRedeDevice Filtersdetails report (USB)Filtros do dispositivo%1 (%2 active)details report (USB)%1 (%2 activo)Disableddetails report (USB)DesactivadoPowered OffMachineStateApagadaSavedMachineStateGardadaAbortedMachineStateInterrompidaRunningMachineStateExecutandoPausedMachineStateDetidaStartingMachineStateIniciandoStoppingMachineStateDetendoSavingMachineStateGardandoRestoringMachineStateRestaurandoDiscardingMachineStateDescartandoClosedSessionStatePechadaOpenSessionStateAbrirSpawningSessionStateXerandoClosingSessionStatePechandoNoneDeviceTypeNingúnFloppyDeviceTypeDisqueteiraCD/DVDDeviceTypeCD/DVDHard DiskDeviceTypeDisco ríxidoNetworkDeviceTypeRedeNormalDiskTypeNormalImmutableDiskTypeImmutábelWritethroughDiskTypeEscritura directaNullVRDPAuthTypeNuloExternalVRDPAuthTypeExternoGuestVRDPAuthTypeConvidadoIgnoreUSBFilterActionTypeIgnorarHoldUSBFilterActionTypeReterNull Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeControlador de audio nuloWindows MultimediaAudioDriverTypeWindows MultimediaOSS Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeControlador de audio OSSALSA Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeControlador de audio ALSAWindows DirectSoundAudioDriverTypeWindows DirectSoundCoreAudioAudioDriverTypeCoreAudioNot attachedNetworkAttachmentTypeSen conexiónNATNetworkAttachmentTypeNATInternal NetworkNetworkAttachmentTypeRede internaNot supportedUSBDeviceStateNon compatíbelUnavailableUSBDeviceStateNon dispoñíbelBusyUSBDeviceStateOcupadoAvailableUSBDeviceStateDispoñíbelHeldUSBDeviceStateRetidoCapturedUSBDeviceStateCapturadoDisabledClipboardTypeDesactivadoHost To GuestClipboardTypeAnfitrión a convidadoGuest To HostClipboardTypeConvidado a anfitriónBidirectionalClipboardTypeBidireccionalPort %1details report (serial ports)Porto %1Disableddetails report (serial ports)DesactivadoSerial Portsdetails reportPortos serieUSBdetails reportUSBShared Foldersdetails report (shared folders)Cartafoles compartidosNonedetails report (shared folders)NingúnShared Foldersdetails reportCartafoles compartidosStuckMachineStatePresoDisconnectedPortModeDesconectadoHost PipePortModeCanalización no anfitriónHost DevicePortModeDispositivo no anfitriónUser-definedserial portDefinido polo usuarioVT-x/AMD-Vdetails reportVT-x/AMD-VPAE/NXdetails reportPAE/NXEnableddetails report (VT-x/AMD-V)ActivadoDisableddetails report (VT-x/AMD-V)DesactivadoEnableddetails report (PAE/NX)ActivadoDisableddetails report (PAE/NX)DesactivadoHost Driverdetails report (audio)Controlador do anfitriónControllerdetails report (audio)ControladorPort %1details report (parallel ports)Porto %1Disableddetails report (parallel ports)DesactivadoParallel Portsdetails reportPortos paralelosUSBDeviceTypeUSBShared FolderDeviceTypeCartafol compartidoIDEStorageBusIDESATAStorageBusSATAPrimaryStorageBusChannelPrimarioSecondaryStorageBusChannelSecundarioMasterStorageBusDevicePrincipalSlaveStorageBusDeviceEscravoPort %1StorageBusChannelPorto %1Solaris AudioAudioDriverTypeAudio de SolarisPulseAudioAudioDriverTypePulseAudioICH AC97AudioControllerTypeICH AC97SoundBlaster 16AudioControllerTypeSoundBlaster 16PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)NetworkAdapterTypePCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)PCnet-FAST III (Am79C973)NetworkAdapterTypePCnet-FAST III (Am79C973)Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)NetworkAdapterTypeIntel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)Intel PRO/1000 T Server (82543GC)NetworkAdapterTypeIntel PRO/1000 T Server (82543GC)<nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>ID do vendedor: %1</nobr><nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>ID do produto: %2</nobr><nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Revisión: %3</nobr><nobr>Product: %4</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Produto: %4</nobr><nobr>Manufacturer: %5</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Fabricante: %5</nobr><nobr>Serial No.: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Número de serie: %1</nobr><nobr>Port: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Porto: %1</nobr><nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Estado: %1</nobr>Adapter %1networkAdaptador %1<br><nobr>Type (Format): %2 (%3)</nobr>hard disk<br><nobr>Tipo (Formato): %2 (%3)</nobr><br><nobr>Attached to: %1</nobr>medium<br><nobr>Conectado a: %1</nobr><i>Not Attached</i>medium<i>Sen conectar</i><br><i>Checking accessibility...</i>medium<br><i>Comprobando accesibilidade...</i><hr>Failed to check accessibility of disk image files.<br>%1.medium<hr>Produciuse un fallo ao comprobar a accesibilidade ao medio.<br>%1.<hr><img src=%1/> Attaching this hard disk will be performed indirectly using a newly created differencing hard disk.medium<hr><img src=%1/> A conexión deste disco ríxido realizarase indirectamente empregando a un disco ríxido diferencial creado recentemente.Checking...mediumComprobando...InaccessiblemediumInaccesíbel<hr>Some of the files in this hard disk chain are inaccessible. Please use the Virtual Media Manager in <b>Show Differencing Hard Disks</b> mode to inspect these files.<hr>Algúns dos medios nesta cadea de discos ríxidos son inaccesíbeis.. Empregue o xestor de medios virtuais no modo <b>Mostrar discos ríxidos diferenciais</b> para inspeccionar estes medios.%1<hr>This base hard disk is indirectly attached using the following differencing hard disk:<br>%2%3%1<hr>Este disco ríxido é conectado indirectamente empregando o seguinte disco ríxido diferencial:<br>%2%33D Accelerationdetails reportAceleración 3DEnableddetails report (3D Acceleration)ActivadoDisableddetails report (3D Acceleration)DesactivadoSetting UpMachineStateA configurarDifferencingDiskTypeA diferenciarNested Pagingdetails reportPaxinación aniñadaEnableddetails report (Nested Paging)ActivadoDisableddetails report (Nested Paging)DesactivadoInternal network, '%1'details report (network)Rede interna, '%1'SCSIStorageBusSCSIPIIX3StorageControllerTypePIIX3PIIX4StorageControllerTypePIIX4ICH6StorageControllerTypeICH6AHCIStorageControllerTypeAHCILsilogicStorageControllerTypeLsilogicBusLogicStorageControllerTypeBusLogicBridged adapter, %1details report (network)Adaptador ponte, %1Host-only adapter, '%1'details report (network)Adaptador exclusivo do anfitrión, '%1'Intel PRO/1000 MT Server (82545EM)NetworkAdapterTypeIntel PRO/1000 MT Server (82545EM)Bridged AdapterNetworkAttachmentTypeAdaptador ponte (bridged)Host-only AdapterNetworkAttachmentTypeAdaptador exclusivo do anfitrión<nobr>%1 MB</nobr>details report<nobr>%1 MB</nobr>Processor(s)details reportProcesador(es)<nobr>%1</nobr>details report<nobr>%1</nobr>Systemdetails reportSistemaRemote Display Server Portdetails report (VRDP Server)Porto do servidor da pantalla remotaRemote Display Serverdetails report (VRDP Server)Servidor da pantalla remotaDisableddetails report (VRDP Server)DesactivadoDisplaydetails reportPantallaRaw FilePortModeFicheiro RawEnableddetails report (2D Video Acceleration)ActivadoDisableddetails report (2D Video Acceleration)DesactivadoNot Attacheddetails report (Storage)Sen conectarStoragedetails reportAlmacenamentoFloppyStorageBusDisqueteiraMBsize suffix MBytes=1024 KBytesMBEnablednested pagingActivadoDisablednested pagingDesactivadoNested PagingPaxinación aniñadaDisableddetails report (VRDE Server)Desactivadohard diskdisco ríxidoAll files (*)Todos os ficheiros (*)NullAuthTypeNuloExternalAuthTypeExternoGuestAuthTypeConvidadoPIIX3ChipsetTypePIIX3ICH9ChipsetTypeICH9MBsize suffix MBytes=1024KBytesMBAdapter %1Adaptador %1DisabledDragAndDropTypeDesactivadoHost To GuestDragAndDropTypeAnfitrión a convidadoGuest To HostDragAndDropTypeConvidado a anfitriónBidirectionalDragAndDropTypeBidireccionalNormalMediumTypeNormalImmutableMediumTypeImmutábelWritethroughMediumTypeEscritura directaIgnoreUSBDeviceFilterActionIgnorarHoldUSBDeviceFilterActionReterGeneralDetailsElementTypeXeralSystemDetailsElementTypeSistemaDisplayDetailsElementTypePantallaStorageDetailsElementTypeAlmacenamentoAudioDetailsElementTypeAudioNetworkDetailsElementTypeRedeUSBDetailsElementTypeUSBDescriptionDetailsElementTypeDescriciónEnableddetails report (Unrestricted Execution)ActivadoDisableddetails report (Unrestricted Execution)DesactivadoEnabledunrestricted executionActivadoDisabledunrestricted executionDesactivadoUSBStorageControllerTypeUSBNoneParavirtProviderNingúnDefaultParavirtProviderPredefinidoUSBStorageBusUSBGeneralInformationElementTypeXeralSystemInformationElementTypeSistemaDisplayInformationElementTypePantallaStorageInformationElementTypeAlmacenamentoAudioInformationElementTypeAudioNetworkInformationElementTypeRedeUSBInformationElementTypeUSBDescriptionInformationElementTypeDescriciónHard DisksIndicatorTypeDiscos ríxidosNetworkIndicatorTypeRedeUSBIndicatorTypeUSBShared FoldersIndicatorTypeCartafoles compartidosDisplayIndicatorTypePantallaDifferencingMediumTypeA diferenciarAudioIndicatorTypeAudioNameNomeLocationLocalizaciónRAMRAMBoot OrderOrde de inicioHard DisksDiscos ríxidosControllerControladorNot AttachedSen conectarNATNATInternal NetworkRede internaDisconnectedDesconectadoHost PipeCanalización no anfitriónHost DeviceDispositivo no anfitriónRaw FileFicheiro RawDevice FiltersFiltros do dispositivoNoneGraphicsControllerTypeNingúnNot Attachednetwork adapterSen conectarDisconnectedserial portDesconectadoVBoxGlobalSettings'%1 (0x%2)' is an invalid host key code.'%1 (0x%2)' non é un código de tecla anfitrión válido.The value '%1' of the key '%2' doesn't match the regexp constraint '%3'.O valor '%1' da tecla '%2' non coincide coa restrición da expresión regular '%3'.Cannot delete the key '%1'.Non é posíbel borrar a chave '%1'.VBoxHelpButton&HelpA&xudaVBoxLicenseViewerVirtualBox LicenseLicenza de VirtualBoxI &Agree&AceptoI &DisagreeNon acep&toVBoxLogSearchPanelClose the search panelPechar o panel de buscarFind Buscar Enter a search string hereIntroduza aquí unha cadea para buscar&PreviousAn&teriorSearch for the previous occurrence of the stringBusca a anterior ocorrencia da cadea&NextSegui&nteSearch for the next occurrence of the stringBusca a seguinte ocorrencia da cadeaC&ase SensitiveDiferenci&ar maiúsculas de minúsculasPerform case sensitive search (when checked)Realiza a busca diferenciando maiúsculas e minúsculas (cando está marcada)String not foundNon se encontrou a cadeaVBoxMediaComboBoxNo disk image files available. Use the Virtual Media Manager to add media of the corresponding type.Ningún medio dispoñíbel. Empregue o xestor de medios virtuais para engadir os medios do tipo correspondente.<no media><ningún medio>VBoxMediaManagerDlg&Actions&Accións&New...&Novo...&Add...Eng&adir...R&emove&EliminarRe&lease&LiberarRe&freshActuali&zarCreate a new virtual hard diskCrea un novo disco ríxido virtualAdd an existing disk image fileEngadir un medio existenteRemove the selected disk image fileEliminar o medio seleccionadoRelease the selected disk image file by detaching it from the machinesLiberar o medio seleccionado desconectándoo das máquinasRefresh the list of disk image filesActualizar a lista de mediosLocationLocalizaciónType (Format)Tipo (Formato)Attached toConectado aChecking accessibilityComprobando accesibilidade&Select&SeleccionarAll hard disk images (%1)Todas as imaxes de disco ríxido (%1)All files (*)Todos os ficheiros (*)Select a hard disk image fileSeleccionar un ficheiro de imaxe de disco ríxidoCD/DVD images (*.iso);;All files (*)Imaxes de CD/DVD (*.iso);;Todos os ficheiros (*)Select a CD/DVD disk image fileSeleccionar un ficheiro de imaxe de disco CD/DVDFloppy images (*.img);;All files (*)Imaxes de disquete (*.img);;Todos os ficheiros (*)Select a floppy disk image filesSeleccionar un ficheiro de imaxe de disquete<i>Not Attached</i><i>Sen conectar</i>--no infoEspañaVirtual Media ManagerXestor de medios virtuaisHard &Disks&Discos ríxidosNameNomeVirtual SizeTamaño virtualActual SizeTamaño real&CD/DVD ImagesImaxes de &CD/DVDSizeTamaño&Floppy ImagesImaxes de dis&queteAttached toVMM: Virtual DiskConectado aAttached toVMM: CD/DVD ImageConectado aAttached toVMM: Floppy ImageConectado ahard diskdisco ríxidoVBoxMiniToolBarAlways show the toolbarMostrar sempre a barra de ferramentasExit Full Screen or Seamless ModeSaír do modo fluído ou de pantalla completaClose VMPechar a máquina virtual (VM)VBoxOSTypeSelectorWidgetOperating &System:&Sistema operativo:Selects the operating system family that you plan to install into this virtual machine.Mostrar a familia do sistema operativo que planeas instalar nesta máquina virtual.Selects the operating system type that you plan to install into this virtual machine (called a guest operating system).Mostrar o tipo do sistema operativo que planeas instalar nesta máquina virtual (chamado un sistema operativo convidado).&Version:&Versión:VBoxRegistrationDlgVirtualBox Registration DialogDiálogo de rexistro de VirtualBoxEnter your full name using Latin characters.Insira o seu nome completo empregando caracteres latinos.Enter your e-mail address. Please use a valid address here.Insira o seu enderezo de correo electrónico válido.Welcome to the VirtualBox Registration Form!Benvida ao formulario de rexistro de VirtualBox!Could not perform connection handshake.Non foi posíbel realizar a negociación da conexión.CancelCancelarSelect Country/TerritorySeleccione país/territorio<p>Please fill out this registration form to let us know that you use VirtualBox and, optionally, to keep you informed about VirtualBox news and updates.</p><p>Please use Latin characters only to fill in the fields below. Sun Microsystems will use this information only to gather product usage statistics and to send you VirtualBox newsletters. In particular, Sun Microsystems will never pass your data to third parties. Detailed information about how we use your personal data can be found in the <b>Privacy Policy</b> section of the VirtualBox Manual or on the <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/PrivacyPolicy>Privacy Policy</a> page of the VirtualBox web-site.</p><p>Cubra este formulario de rexistro para permitirnos saber que emprega VirtualBox e, opcionalmente, telo informado sobre as novas e actualizacións de VirtualBox.</p><p>Empregue caracteres latinos para cubrir os campos de abaixo. Nota que Sun Microsystems soamente empregará esta información para obter estatísticas de uso do produto e para enviarlle boletíns de novas. En particular, Sun Microsystems nunca pasará os seus datos a terceiros. Información detallada sobre como empregamos os seus datos persoais encóntrase na sección <b>Política de privacidade</b> do manual de VirtualBox ou no sitio web de VirtualBox na páxina <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/PrivacyPolicy>Privacy Policy</a>.</p>I &already have a Sun Online account:Xa teño un&ha conta en liña de Sun:&E-mail:Correo &electrónico:&Password:&Contrasinal:I &would like to create a new Sun Online account:&Gustaríalle rexistrar a creación dunha nova conta de Sun en liña:&First Name:No&me:&Last Name:Ape&lido:&Company:&Compañía:Co&untry:Paí&s:E-&mail:Correo elec&trónico:P&assword:Contr&asinal:Co&nfirm Password:Co&nfirmar contrasinal:&Register&RexistroVBoxSFDialogShared FoldersCartafoles compartidosVBoxSelectorWndVirtualBox OSEVirtualBox OSE&Details&Detalles&Preferences...global settings&Preferencias...Display the global settings windowMostrar o diálogo de configuracións globaisE&xitSaí&rClose applicationCerrar o aplicativo&New...&Novo...Create a new virtual machineCrear unha nova máquina virtual&Settings...Configuración&s...Configure the selected virtual machineConfigurar a máquina virtual seleccionada&Delete&BorrarDelete the selected virtual machineBorrar a máquina virtual seleccionadaD&iscardRexe&itarDiscard the saved state of the selected virtual machineDescartar o estado gardado da máquina virtual seleccionadaRefresh the accessibility state of the selected virtual machineActualizar o estado de accesibilidade da máquina virtual seleccionada&File&Ficheiro&HelpA&xuda&SnapshotsIn&stantáneasD&escriptionD&escriciónD&escription *D&escrición *S&howM&ostrarSwitch to the window of the selected virtual machineCambia a xanela da máquina virtual seleccionadaS&tartI&niciarStart the selected virtual machineIniciar a máquina virtual seleccionada&Machine&MáquinaShow &Log...Mostrar re&xistro...Show the log files of the selected virtual machineMostrar os ficheiros de rexistro da máquina virtual seleccionadaR&esumeCon&tinuarResume the execution of the virtual machineContinuar a execución da máquina virtual&PauseDe&terSuspend the execution of the virtual machineSuspender a execución da máquina virtual<h3>Welcome to VirtualBox!</h3><p>The left part of this window is a list of all virtual machines on your computer. The list is empty now because you haven't created any virtual machines yet.<img src=:/welcome.png align=right/></p><p>In order to create a new virtual machine, press the <b>New</b> button in the main tool bar located at the top of the window.</p><p>You can press the <b>%1</b> key to get instant help, or visit <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org>www.virtualbox.org</a> for the latest information and news.</p><h3>Dámoslle a benvida a VirtualBox.</h3><p>A parte esquerda desta xanela destínase a mostrar unha lista de todas as máquinas virtuais do seu computador. Neste intre a lista está baleira porque aínda non creou ningunha máquina virtual.<img src=:/welcome.png align=right/></p><p>Para crear unha nova máquina virtual prema no botón <b>Novo</b> da barra de ferramentas localizada na parte superior da xanela principal.</p><p>Pode premer a tecla <b>%1</b> para obter axuda ou visitar <a href=https://www.virtualbox.org>www.virtualbox.org</a> para consultar as últimas novas e información.</p>&Virtual Media Manager...Xestor de medios &virtuais...Display the Virtual Media Manager windowMostra o diálogo do xestor de medios virtuaisLogicon textRexistroSun VirtualBoxSun VirtualBox&Import Appliance...&Importar servizo virtualizado...Import an appliance into VirtualBoxImporta un servizo virtualizado (appliance) no VirtualBox&Export Appliance...&Exportar servizo virtualizado...Export one or more VirtualBox virtual machines as an applianceExportar un servizo virtualizado (Appliance) desde máquinas virtuais de VirtualBoxRe&freshActuali&zar&FileMac OS X version&Ficheiro&FileNon Mac OS X version&Ficheiro&Add...Eng&adir...DiscardDescartarVBoxSettingsDialog<i>Select a settings category from the list on the left-hand side and move the mouse over a settings item to get more information</i>.<i>Seleccione da lista a súa esquerda unha categoría de configuración e logo mova o rato sobre os elementos para obter máis información</i>.Invalid settings detectedDetectáronse configuracións non válidasSettingsConfiguraciónsNon-optimal settings detectedDetectáronse configuracións non optimizadasOn the <b>%1</b> page, %2Dentro da sección <b>%1</b>, %2VBoxSnapshotDetailsDlgVBoxSnapshotDetailsDlgVBoxSnapshotDetailsDlg&Name&Nome&Description&Descrición&Machine DetailsDetalles da &máquinaDetails of %1 (%2)Detalles de %1 (%2)Snapshot DetailsDetalles da instantánea&Name:&Nome:VBoxSnapshotsWgt[snapshot][instantánea]VBoxSnapshotsWgtVBoxSnapshotsWgtCurrent State (changed)Current State (Modified)Estado actual (modificado)Current StateCurrent State (Unmodified)Estado actualThe current state differs from the state stored in the current snapshotO estado actual é diferente do estado almacenado na instántanea actualThe current state is identical to the state stored in the current snapshotO estado actual é idéntico ao estado almacenado na instantánea actual (current, Snapshot details (actual, online)Snapshot detailsconectado)offline)Snapshot detailssen conexión)Taken at %1Snapshot (time)Tomado en %1Taken on %1Snapshot (date + time)Tomado en %1%1 since %2Current State (time or date + time)%1 desde %2Snapshot %1Instantánea %1Take &SnapshotTomar in&stantánea&Revert to Current Snapshot&Reverter a instantánea actualD&iscard Current Snapshot and StateDescartar estado e &instantánea actualS&how DetailsM&ostrar os detallesTake a snapshot of the current virtual machine stateTomar unha instantánea do estado actual da máquina virtualRestore the virtual machine state from the state stored in the current snapshotRestaurar o estado da máquina virtual desde o estado almacenado na actual instantáneaDiscard the current snapshot and revert the machine to the state it had before the snapshot was takenDescarta o estado actual da instantánea e reverte a máquina ao estado que tiña antes de que se tomara a instantáneaShow the details of the selected snapshotMostrar os detalles da instantánea seleccionada&Discard SnapshotRe&xeitar a InstantáneaDiscard the selected snapshot of the virtual machineDescartar a instantánea da máquina virtual seleccionadaVBoxSwitchMenuDisableDesactivarEnableActivarVBoxTakeSnapshotDlgTake Snapshot of Virtual MachineTomar unha instantánea da máquina virtualSnapshot &Name&Nome da instantáneaSnapshot &Description&Descrición da instantáneaSnapshot %1Instantánea %1VBoxTrayIconShow Selector WindowMostrar selector de xanelaShow the selector window assigned to this menuMostrar o selector de xanela asignado a este menúHide Tray IconOcultar icona da área de notificaciónRemove this icon from the system trayEliminar esta icona da área de notificación&Other Machines...tray menu&Outras máquinas...VBoxUSBMenu<no devices available>USB devices<dispositivos non dispoñíbeis>No supported devices connected to the host PCUSB device tooltipNingún dispositivo compatíbel está conectado ao PC anfitriónVBoxVMDescriptionPageNo description. Press the Edit button below to add it.Sen descrición. Prema no botón Editar de abaixo para engadila.EditEditarEdit (Ctrl+E)Editar (Ctrl+E)VBoxVMDetailsViewThe selected virtual machine is <i>inaccessible</i>. Please inspect the error message shown below and press the <b>Refresh</b> button if you want to repeat the accessibility check:A máquina virtual seleccionada está <i>inaccesíbel</i>. Inspecciona a mensaxe de erro mostrada abaixo e prema no botón <b>Actualizar</b> se quere repetir a comprobación de accesibilidade:VBoxVMInformationDlg%1 - Session Information%1 - Información de sesión&Details&Detalles&Runtime&Tempo de execuciónDMA TransfersTransferencia DMAPIO TransfersTransferencia PIOData ReadDatos lidosData WrittenDatos escritosData TransmittedDatos transmitidosData ReceivedDatos recibidosRuntime AttributesAtributos de tempo de execuciónScreen ResolutionResolución da pantallaCD/DVD StatisticsEstatísticas do CD/DVDNetwork Adapter StatisticsEstatísticas do adaptador de redeVersion %1.%2guest additionsVersión %1.%2Not Detectedguest additionsNon se detectouNot Detectedguest os typeNon se detectouGuest AdditionsOs aplicativos para o sistema operativo convidadoGuest OS TypeTipo do sistema operativo convidadoHard Disk StatisticsEstatísticas do disco ríxidoNo Hard DisksSen discos ríxidosNo Network AdaptersSen adaptadores de redeEnablednested pagingActivadoDisablednested pagingDesactivadoNested PagingPaxinación aniñadaVBoxVMInformationDlgVBoxVMInformationDlgNested Pagingdetails reportPaxinación aniñadaVBoxVMLogViewerLog ViewerVisualizador de rexistro&Save&Gardar&RefreshActualiza&r%1 - VirtualBox Log Viewer%1 - Visualizador de rexistro de VirtualBox<p>No log files found. Press the <b>Refresh</b> button to rescan the log folder <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p><p>Non se encontrou ningún ficheiro de rexistro. Prema no botón <b>Actualizar</b> para examinar de novo o cartafol de rexistro <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p>Save VirtualBox Log AsGardar rexistro de VirtualBox como&Find&BuscarClosePecharVBoxVMSettingsCDHost CD/DVD drive is not selectedA unidade de CD/DVD do anfitrión non está seleccionadaCD/DVD image file is not selectedO ficheiro de imaxe de CD/DVD non está seleccionadoWhen checked, mounts the specified media to the CD/DVD drive of the virtual machine. Note that the CD/DVD drive is always connected to the Secondary Master IDE controller of the machine.Cando está marcada, monta o medio especificado á unidade de CD/DVD da máquina virtual. Nota que a unidade de CD/DVD sempre está conectada ao controlador principal IDE secundario da máquina.&Mount CD/DVD Drive&Montar unidade de CD/DVDMounts the specified CD/DVD drive to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Monta a unidade de CD/DVD especificada na unidade de CD/DVD virtual.Host CD/DVD &DriveUni&dade de CD/DVD do anfitriónLists host CD/DVD drives available to insert to the virtual machine.Lista as unidades de CD/DVD do anfitrión dispoñíbeis para montar na máquina virtual.When checked, allows the guest to send ATAPI commands directly to the host drive which makes it possible to use CD/DVD writers connected to the host inside the VM. Note that writing audio CD inside the VM is not yet supported.Cando está marcada, permite que o sistema operativo convidado envíe ordes ATAPI directamente á unidade anfitrión o que permite empregar gravadoras de CD/DVD conectadas á máquina anfitrión dentro da máquina virtual. Nota que aínda non se permite gravar CD de audio dentro da máquina virtual.Enable &PassthroughActivar modo de &paso directo (Passthrough)Mounts the specified CD/DVD image to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Monta a imaxe de CD/DVD especificada na unidade de CD/DVD virtual.&ISO Image FileFicheiro de imaxe &ISOHolds the image file to mount to the virtual CD/DVD drive and allows to quickly select a different image.Mostra o ficheiro de imaxe a montar na unidade de CD/DVD virtual e permite seleccionar rapidamente unha imaxe diferente.Invokes the Virtual Media Manager to select a CD/DVD image to mount.Abre o xestor de medios virtuais para seleccionar unha imaxe de CD/DVD a montar.VBoxVMSettingsDlgGeneralXeralStorageAlmacenamentoHard DisksDiscos ríxidosCD/DVDCD/DVDFloppyDisqueteiraAudioAudioNetworkRedePortsPortosSerial PortsPortos serieParallel PortsPortos paralelosUSBUSBShared FoldersCartafoles compartidos%1 - %2%1 - %2SystemSistemaDisplayPantallayou have selected a 64-bit guest OS type for this VM. As such guests require hardware virtualization (VT-x/AMD-V), this feature will be enabled automatically.seleccionou un sistema operativo convidado de tipo 64-bit para esta máquina virtual. Tales convidados requiren hardware de virtualización (VT-x/AMD-V) co que esta característica activarase automaticamente.you have selected a 64-bit guest OS type for this VM. VirtualBox does not currently support more than one virtual CPU for 64-bit guests executed on 32-bit hosts.seleccionou un sistema operativo convidado de tipo 64-bit para esta máquina virtual. VirtualBox actualmente non permite máis ca unha CPU virtual para convidados de 64-bit executándose en anfitrións de 32-bit.VBoxVMSettingsFDHost floppy drive is not selectedA disqueteira do anfitrión non está seleccionadaFloppy image file is not selectedO ficheiro de imaxe de disquete non está seleccionadoWhen checked, mounts the specified media to the Floppy drive of the virtual machine.Cando está marcada, monta o medio especificado á disqueteira da máquina virtual.&Mount Floppy Drive&Montar a disqueteiraMounts the specified host Floppy drive to the virtual Floppy drive.Monta a disqueteira do anfitrión na disqueteira virtual.Host Floppy &Drive&Disqueteira do anfitriónLists host Floppy drives available to insert to the virtual machine.Lista as disqueteiras do anfitrión dispoñíbeis para montar na máquina virtual.Mounts the specified Floppy image to the virtual Floppy drive.Monta a imaxe de disquete especificada na disqueteira virtual.&Image FileFicheiro de &imaxeHolds the image file to mount to the virtual Floppy drive and allows to quickly select a different image.Mostra o ficheiro de imaxe a montar na disqueteira virtual e permite seleccionar rapidamente unha imaxe diferente.Invokes the Virtual Media Manager to select a Floppy image to mount.Abre o xestor de medios virtuais para seleccionar unha imaxe de disquete que montar.