1 | /* $Id: VBoxManageList.cpp 76366 2018-12-22 02:16:26Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBoxManage - The 'list' command.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS
19 |
20 |
21 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
22 | * Header Files *
23 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
24 | #include <VBox/com/com.h>
25 | #include <VBox/com/string.h>
26 | #include <VBox/com/Guid.h>
27 | #include <VBox/com/array.h>
28 | #include <VBox/com/ErrorInfo.h>
29 | #include <VBox/com/errorprint.h>
30 |
31 | #include <VBox/com/VirtualBox.h>
32 |
33 | #include <VBox/log.h>
34 | #include <iprt/err.h>
35 | #include <iprt/stream.h>
36 | #include <iprt/string.h>
37 | #include <iprt/time.h>
38 | #include <iprt/getopt.h>
39 | #include <iprt/ctype.h>
40 |
41 | #include <vector>
42 | #include <algorithm>
43 |
44 | #include "VBoxManage.h"
45 | using namespace com;
46 |
48 | static const char *getHostIfMediumTypeText(HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_T enmType)
49 | {
50 | switch (enmType)
51 | {
52 | case HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_Ethernet: return "Ethernet";
53 | case HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_PPP: return "PPP";
54 | case HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_SLIP: return "SLIP";
55 | case HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_Unknown: return "Unknown";
57 | case HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_32BitHack: break; /* Shut up compiler warnings. */
58 | #endif
59 | }
60 | return "unknown";
61 | }
62 |
63 | static const char *getHostIfStatusText(HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_T enmStatus)
64 | {
65 | switch (enmStatus)
66 | {
67 | case HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_Up: return "Up";
68 | case HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_Down: return "Down";
69 | case HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_Unknown: return "Unknown";
71 | case HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_32BitHack: break; /* Shut up compiler warnings. */
72 | #endif
73 | }
74 | return "unknown";
75 | }
76 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_HOSTNETIF_API */
77 |
78 | static const char*getDeviceTypeText(DeviceType_T enmType)
79 | {
80 | switch (enmType)
81 | {
82 | case DeviceType_HardDisk: return "HardDisk";
83 | case DeviceType_DVD: return "DVD";
84 | case DeviceType_Floppy: return "Floppy";
85 | /* Make MSC happy */
86 | case DeviceType_Null: return "Null";
87 | case DeviceType_Network: return "Network";
88 | case DeviceType_USB: return "USB";
89 | case DeviceType_SharedFolder: return "SharedFolder";
90 | case DeviceType_Graphics3D: return "Graphics3D";
92 | case DeviceType_32BitHack: break; /* Shut up compiler warnings. */
93 | #endif
94 | }
95 | return "Unknown";
96 | }
97 |
98 |
99 | /**
100 | * List internal networks.
101 | *
102 | * @returns See produceList.
103 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
104 | */
105 | static HRESULT listInternalNetworks(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox)
106 | {
107 | HRESULT rc;
108 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> internalNetworks;
109 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(InternalNetworks)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(internalNetworks)));
110 | for (size_t i = 0; i < internalNetworks.size(); ++i)
111 | {
112 | RTPrintf("Name: %ls\n", internalNetworks[i]);
113 | }
114 | return rc;
115 | }
116 |
117 |
118 | /**
119 | * List network interfaces information (bridged/host only).
120 | *
121 | * @returns See produceList.
122 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
123 | * @param fIsBridged Selects between listing host interfaces (for
124 | * use with bridging) or host only interfaces.
125 | */
126 | static HRESULT listNetworkInterfaces(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox,
127 | bool fIsBridged)
128 | {
129 | HRESULT rc;
130 | ComPtr<IHost> host;
131 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam()));
132 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IHostNetworkInterface> hostNetworkInterfaces;
133 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT)
134 | if (fIsBridged)
135 | CHECK_ERROR(host, FindHostNetworkInterfacesOfType(HostNetworkInterfaceType_Bridged,
136 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(hostNetworkInterfaces)));
137 | else
138 | CHECK_ERROR(host, FindHostNetworkInterfacesOfType(HostNetworkInterfaceType_HostOnly,
139 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(hostNetworkInterfaces)));
140 | #else
141 | RT_NOREF(fIsBridged);
142 | CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(NetworkInterfaces)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(hostNetworkInterfaces)));
143 | #endif
144 | for (size_t i = 0; i < hostNetworkInterfaces.size(); ++i)
145 | {
146 | ComPtr<IHostNetworkInterface> networkInterface = hostNetworkInterfaces[i];
148 | Bstr interfaceName;
149 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(Name)(interfaceName.asOutParam());
150 | RTPrintf("Name: %ls\n", interfaceName.raw());
151 | Guid interfaceGuid;
152 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(Id)(interfaceGuid.asOutParam());
153 | RTPrintf("GUID: %ls\n\n", Bstr(interfaceGuid.toString()).raw());
154 | #else /* VBOX_WITH_HOSTNETIF_API */
155 | Bstr interfaceName;
156 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(Name)(interfaceName.asOutParam());
157 | RTPrintf("Name: %ls\n", interfaceName.raw());
158 | Bstr interfaceGuid;
159 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(Id)(interfaceGuid.asOutParam());
160 | RTPrintf("GUID: %ls\n", interfaceGuid.raw());
161 | BOOL bDHCPEnabled;
162 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(DHCPEnabled)(&bDHCPEnabled);
163 | RTPrintf("DHCP: %s\n", bDHCPEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
164 |
165 | Bstr IPAddress;
166 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(IPAddress)(IPAddress.asOutParam());
167 | RTPrintf("IPAddress: %ls\n", IPAddress.raw());
168 | Bstr NetworkMask;
169 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(NetworkMask)(NetworkMask.asOutParam());
170 | RTPrintf("NetworkMask: %ls\n", NetworkMask.raw());
171 | Bstr IPV6Address;
172 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(IPV6Address)(IPV6Address.asOutParam());
173 | RTPrintf("IPV6Address: %ls\n", IPV6Address.raw());
174 | ULONG IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength;
175 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength)(&IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength);
176 | RTPrintf("IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: %d\n", IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength);
177 | Bstr HardwareAddress;
178 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(HardwareAddress)(HardwareAddress.asOutParam());
179 | RTPrintf("HardwareAddress: %ls\n", HardwareAddress.raw());
180 | HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_T Type;
181 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(MediumType)(&Type);
182 | RTPrintf("MediumType: %s\n", getHostIfMediumTypeText(Type));
183 | BOOL fWireless;
184 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(Wireless)(&fWireless);
185 | RTPrintf("Wireless: %s\n", fWireless ? "Yes" : "No");
186 | HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_T Status;
187 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(Status)(&Status);
188 | RTPrintf("Status: %s\n", getHostIfStatusText(Status));
189 | Bstr netName;
190 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(NetworkName)(netName.asOutParam());
191 | RTPrintf("VBoxNetworkName: %ls\n\n", netName.raw());
192 | #endif
193 | }
194 | return rc;
195 | }
196 |
197 |
198 | /**
199 | * List host information.
200 | *
201 | * @returns See produceList.
202 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
203 | */
204 | static HRESULT listHostInfo(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox)
205 | {
206 | static struct
207 | {
208 | ProcessorFeature_T feature;
209 | const char *pszName;
210 | } features[]
211 | =
212 | {
213 | { ProcessorFeature_HWVirtEx, "HW virtualization" },
214 | { ProcessorFeature_PAE, "PAE" },
215 | { ProcessorFeature_LongMode, "long mode" },
216 | { ProcessorFeature_NestedPaging, "nested paging" },
217 | };
218 | HRESULT rc;
219 | ComPtr<IHost> Host;
220 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(Host.asOutParam()));
221 |
222 | RTPrintf("Host Information:\n\n");
223 |
224 | LONG64 u64UtcTime = 0;
225 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, COMGETTER(UTCTime)(&u64UtcTime));
226 | RTTIMESPEC timeSpec;
227 | char szTime[32];
228 | RTPrintf("Host time: %s\n", RTTimeSpecToString(RTTimeSpecSetMilli(&timeSpec, u64UtcTime), szTime, sizeof(szTime)));
229 |
230 | ULONG processorOnlineCount = 0;
231 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, COMGETTER(ProcessorOnlineCount)(&processorOnlineCount));
232 | RTPrintf("Processor online count: %lu\n", processorOnlineCount);
233 | ULONG processorCount = 0;
234 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, COMGETTER(ProcessorCount)(&processorCount));
235 | RTPrintf("Processor count: %lu\n", processorCount);
236 | ULONG processorOnlineCoreCount = 0;
237 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, COMGETTER(ProcessorOnlineCoreCount)(&processorOnlineCoreCount));
238 | RTPrintf("Processor online core count: %lu\n", processorOnlineCoreCount);
239 | ULONG processorCoreCount = 0;
240 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, COMGETTER(ProcessorCoreCount)(&processorCoreCount));
241 | RTPrintf("Processor core count: %lu\n", processorCoreCount);
242 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(features); i++)
243 | {
244 | BOOL supported;
245 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, GetProcessorFeature(features[i].feature, &supported));
246 | RTPrintf("Processor supports %s: %s\n", features[i].pszName, supported ? "yes" : "no");
247 | }
248 | for (ULONG i = 0; i < processorCount; i++)
249 | {
250 | ULONG processorSpeed = 0;
251 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, GetProcessorSpeed(i, &processorSpeed));
252 | if (processorSpeed)
253 | RTPrintf("Processor#%u speed: %lu MHz\n", i, processorSpeed);
254 | else
255 | RTPrintf("Processor#%u speed: unknown\n", i);
256 | Bstr processorDescription;
257 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, GetProcessorDescription(i, processorDescription.asOutParam()));
258 | RTPrintf("Processor#%u description: %ls\n", i, processorDescription.raw());
259 | }
260 |
261 | ULONG memorySize = 0;
262 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, COMGETTER(MemorySize)(&memorySize));
263 | RTPrintf("Memory size: %lu MByte\n", memorySize);
264 |
265 | ULONG memoryAvailable = 0;
266 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, COMGETTER(MemoryAvailable)(&memoryAvailable));
267 | RTPrintf("Memory available: %lu MByte\n", memoryAvailable);
268 |
269 | Bstr operatingSystem;
270 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, COMGETTER(OperatingSystem)(operatingSystem.asOutParam()));
271 | RTPrintf("Operating system: %ls\n", operatingSystem.raw());
272 |
273 | Bstr oSVersion;
274 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, COMGETTER(OSVersion)(oSVersion.asOutParam()));
275 | RTPrintf("Operating system version: %ls\n", oSVersion.raw());
276 | return rc;
277 | }
278 |
279 |
280 | /**
281 | * List media information.
282 | *
283 | * @returns See produceList.
284 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
285 | * @param aMedia Medium objects to list information for.
286 | * @param pszParentUUIDStr String with the parent UUID string (or "base").
287 | * @param fOptLong Long (@c true) or short list format.
288 | */
289 | static HRESULT listMedia(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox,
290 | const com::SafeIfaceArray<IMedium> &aMedia,
291 | const char *pszParentUUIDStr,
292 | bool fOptLong)
293 | {
294 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
295 | for (size_t i = 0; i < aMedia.size(); ++i)
296 | {
297 | ComPtr<IMedium> pMedium = aMedia[i];
298 |
299 | rc = showMediumInfo(pVirtualBox, pMedium, pszParentUUIDStr, fOptLong);
300 |
301 | RTPrintf("\n");
302 |
303 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IMedium> children;
304 | CHECK_ERROR(pMedium, COMGETTER(Children)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(children)));
305 | if (children.size() > 0)
306 | {
307 | Bstr uuid;
308 | pMedium->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam());
309 |
310 | // depth first listing of child media
311 | rc = listMedia(pVirtualBox, children, Utf8Str(uuid).c_str(), fOptLong);
312 | }
313 | }
314 |
315 | return rc;
316 | }
317 |
318 |
319 | /**
320 | * List virtual image backends.
321 | *
322 | * @returns See produceList.
323 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
324 | */
325 | static HRESULT listHddBackends(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox)
326 | {
327 | HRESULT rc;
328 | ComPtr<ISystemProperties> systemProperties;
329 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam()));
330 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IMediumFormat> mediumFormats;
331 | CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMGETTER(MediumFormats)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(mediumFormats)));
332 |
333 | RTPrintf("Supported hard disk backends:\n\n");
334 | for (size_t i = 0; i < mediumFormats.size(); ++i)
335 | {
336 | /* General information */
337 | Bstr id;
338 | CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats[i], COMGETTER(Id)(id.asOutParam()));
339 |
340 | Bstr description;
341 | CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats[i],
342 | COMGETTER(Name)(description.asOutParam()));
343 |
344 | ULONG caps = 0;
345 | com::SafeArray <MediumFormatCapabilities_T> mediumFormatCap;
346 | CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats[i],
347 | COMGETTER(Capabilities)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(mediumFormatCap)));
348 | for (ULONG j = 0; j < mediumFormatCap.size(); j++)
349 | caps |= mediumFormatCap[j];
350 |
351 |
352 | RTPrintf("Backend %u: id='%ls' description='%ls' capabilities=%#06x extensions='",
353 | i, id.raw(), description.raw(), caps);
354 |
355 | /* File extensions */
356 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> fileExtensions;
357 | com::SafeArray<DeviceType_T> deviceTypes;
358 | CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats[i],
359 | DescribeFileExtensions(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(fileExtensions), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(deviceTypes)));
360 | for (size_t j = 0; j < fileExtensions.size(); ++j)
361 | {
362 | RTPrintf("%ls (%s)", Bstr(fileExtensions[j]).raw(), getDeviceTypeText(deviceTypes[j]));
363 | if (j != fileExtensions.size()-1)
364 | RTPrintf(",");
365 | }
366 | RTPrintf("'");
367 |
368 | /* Configuration keys */
369 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> propertyNames;
370 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> propertyDescriptions;
371 | com::SafeArray<DataType_T> propertyTypes;
372 | com::SafeArray<ULONG> propertyFlags;
373 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> propertyDefaults;
374 | CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats[i],
375 | DescribeProperties(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(propertyNames),
376 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(propertyDescriptions),
377 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(propertyTypes),
378 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(propertyFlags),
379 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(propertyDefaults)));
380 |
381 | RTPrintf(" properties=(");
382 | if (propertyNames.size() > 0)
383 | {
384 | for (size_t j = 0; j < propertyNames.size(); ++j)
385 | {
386 | RTPrintf("\n name='%ls' desc='%ls' type=",
387 | Bstr(propertyNames[j]).raw(), Bstr(propertyDescriptions[j]).raw());
388 | switch (propertyTypes[j])
389 | {
390 | case DataType_Int32: RTPrintf("int"); break;
391 | case DataType_Int8: RTPrintf("byte"); break;
392 | case DataType_String: RTPrintf("string"); break;
394 | case DataType_32BitHack: break; /* Shut up compiler warnings. */
395 | #endif
396 | }
397 | RTPrintf(" flags=%#04x", propertyFlags[j]);
398 | RTPrintf(" default='%ls'", Bstr(propertyDefaults[j]).raw());
399 | if (j != propertyNames.size()-1)
400 | RTPrintf(", ");
401 | }
402 | }
403 | RTPrintf(")\n");
404 | }
405 | return rc;
406 | }
407 |
408 |
409 | /**
410 | * List USB devices attached to the host.
411 | *
412 | * @returns See produceList.
413 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
414 | */
415 | static HRESULT listUsbHost(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> &pVirtualBox)
416 | {
417 | HRESULT rc;
418 | ComPtr<IHost> Host;
419 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(Host.asOutParam()), 1);
420 |
421 | SafeIfaceArray<IHostUSBDevice> CollPtr;
422 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(Host, COMGETTER(USBDevices)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(CollPtr)), 1);
423 |
424 | RTPrintf("Host USB Devices:\n\n");
425 |
426 | if (CollPtr.size() == 0)
427 | {
428 | RTPrintf("<none>\n\n");
429 | }
430 | else
431 | {
432 | for (size_t i = 0; i < CollPtr.size(); ++i)
433 | {
434 | ComPtr<IHostUSBDevice> dev = CollPtr[i];
435 |
436 | /* Query info. */
437 | Bstr id;
438 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(Id)(id.asOutParam()), 1);
439 | USHORT usVendorId;
440 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(VendorId)(&usVendorId), 1);
441 | USHORT usProductId;
442 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(ProductId)(&usProductId), 1);
443 | USHORT bcdRevision;
444 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(Revision)(&bcdRevision), 1);
445 | USHORT usPort;
446 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(Port)(&usPort), 1);
447 | USHORT usVersion;
448 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(Version)(&usVersion), 1);
449 | USHORT usPortVersion;
450 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(PortVersion)(&usPortVersion), 1);
451 | USBConnectionSpeed_T enmSpeed;
452 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(Speed)(&enmSpeed), 1);
453 |
454 | RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n"
455 | "VendorId: %#06x (%04X)\n"
456 | "ProductId: %#06x (%04X)\n"
457 | "Revision: %u.%u (%02u%02u)\n"
458 | "Port: %u\n",
459 | Utf8Str(id).c_str(),
460 | usVendorId, usVendorId, usProductId, usProductId,
461 | bcdRevision >> 8, bcdRevision & 0xff,
462 | bcdRevision >> 8, bcdRevision & 0xff,
463 | usPort);
464 |
465 | const char *pszSpeed = "?";
466 | switch (enmSpeed)
467 | {
468 | case USBConnectionSpeed_Low:
469 | pszSpeed = "Low";
470 | break;
471 | case USBConnectionSpeed_Full:
472 | pszSpeed = "Full";
473 | break;
474 | case USBConnectionSpeed_High:
475 | pszSpeed = "High";
476 | break;
477 | case USBConnectionSpeed_Super:
478 | pszSpeed = "Super";
479 | break;
480 | case USBConnectionSpeed_SuperPlus:
481 | pszSpeed = "SuperPlus";
482 | break;
483 | default:
484 | ASSERT(false);
485 | break;
486 | }
487 |
488 | RTPrintf("USB version/speed: %u/%s\n", usVersion, pszSpeed);
489 |
490 | /* optional stuff. */
491 | SafeArray<BSTR> CollDevInfo;
492 | Bstr bstr;
493 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(DeviceInfo)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(CollDevInfo)), 1);
494 | if (CollDevInfo.size() >= 1)
495 | bstr = Bstr(CollDevInfo[0]);
496 | if (!bstr.isEmpty())
497 | RTPrintf("Manufacturer: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
498 | if (CollDevInfo.size() >= 2)
499 | bstr = Bstr(CollDevInfo[1]);
500 | if (!bstr.isEmpty())
501 | RTPrintf("Product: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
502 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(SerialNumber)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
503 | if (!bstr.isEmpty())
504 | RTPrintf("SerialNumber: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
505 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(Address)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
506 | if (!bstr.isEmpty())
507 | RTPrintf("Address: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
508 |
509 | /* current state */
510 | USBDeviceState_T state;
511 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(dev, COMGETTER(State)(&state), 1);
512 | const char *pszState = "?";
513 | switch (state)
514 | {
515 | case USBDeviceState_NotSupported:
516 | pszState = "Not supported";
517 | break;
518 | case USBDeviceState_Unavailable:
519 | pszState = "Unavailable";
520 | break;
521 | case USBDeviceState_Busy:
522 | pszState = "Busy";
523 | break;
524 | case USBDeviceState_Available:
525 | pszState = "Available";
526 | break;
527 | case USBDeviceState_Held:
528 | pszState = "Held";
529 | break;
530 | case USBDeviceState_Captured:
531 | pszState = "Captured";
532 | break;
533 | default:
534 | ASSERT(false);
535 | break;
536 | }
537 | RTPrintf("Current State: %s\n\n", pszState);
538 | }
539 | }
540 | return rc;
541 | }
542 |
543 |
544 | /**
545 | * List USB filters.
546 | *
547 | * @returns See produceList.
548 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
549 | */
550 | static HRESULT listUsbFilters(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> &pVirtualBox)
551 | {
552 | HRESULT rc;
553 |
554 | RTPrintf("Global USB Device Filters:\n\n");
555 |
556 | ComPtr<IHost> host;
557 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam()), 1);
558 |
559 | SafeIfaceArray<IHostUSBDeviceFilter> coll;
560 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(host, COMGETTER(USBDeviceFilters)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll)), 1);
561 |
562 | if (coll.size() == 0)
563 | {
564 | RTPrintf("<none>\n\n");
565 | }
566 | else
567 | {
568 | for (size_t index = 0; index < coll.size(); ++index)
569 | {
570 | ComPtr<IHostUSBDeviceFilter> flt = coll[index];
571 |
572 | /* Query info. */
573 |
574 | RTPrintf("Index: %zu\n", index);
575 |
576 | BOOL active = FALSE;
577 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(flt, COMGETTER(Active)(&active), 1);
578 | RTPrintf("Active: %s\n", active ? "yes" : "no");
579 |
580 | USBDeviceFilterAction_T action;
581 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(flt, COMGETTER(Action)(&action), 1);
582 | const char *pszAction = "<invalid>";
583 | switch (action)
584 | {
585 | case USBDeviceFilterAction_Ignore:
586 | pszAction = "Ignore";
587 | break;
588 | case USBDeviceFilterAction_Hold:
589 | pszAction = "Hold";
590 | break;
591 | default:
592 | break;
593 | }
594 | RTPrintf("Action: %s\n", pszAction);
595 |
596 | Bstr bstr;
597 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(flt, COMGETTER(Name)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
598 | RTPrintf("Name: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
599 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(flt, COMGETTER(VendorId)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
600 | RTPrintf("VendorId: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
601 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(flt, COMGETTER(ProductId)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
602 | RTPrintf("ProductId: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
603 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(flt, COMGETTER(Revision)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
604 | RTPrintf("Revision: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
605 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(flt, COMGETTER(Manufacturer)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
606 | RTPrintf("Manufacturer: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
607 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(flt, COMGETTER(Product)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
608 | RTPrintf("Product: %ls\n", bstr.raw());
609 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(flt, COMGETTER(SerialNumber)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
610 | RTPrintf("Serial Number: %ls\n\n", bstr.raw());
611 | }
612 | }
613 | return rc;
614 | }
615 |
616 |
617 | /**
618 | * List system properties.
619 | *
620 | * @returns See produceList.
621 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
622 | */
623 | static HRESULT listSystemProperties(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> &pVirtualBox)
624 | {
625 | ComPtr<ISystemProperties> systemProperties;
626 | CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam()), hrcCheck);
627 |
628 | Bstr str;
629 | ULONG ulValue;
630 | LONG64 i64Value;
631 | BOOL fValue;
632 | const char *psz;
633 |
634 | pVirtualBox->COMGETTER(APIVersion)(str.asOutParam());
635 | RTPrintf("API version: %ls\n", str.raw());
636 |
637 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MinGuestRAM)(&ulValue);
638 | RTPrintf("Minimum guest RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue);
639 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxGuestRAM)(&ulValue);
640 | RTPrintf("Maximum guest RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue);
641 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MinGuestVRAM)(&ulValue);
642 | RTPrintf("Minimum video RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue);
643 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxGuestVRAM)(&ulValue);
644 | RTPrintf("Maximum video RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue);
645 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxGuestMonitors)(&ulValue);
646 | RTPrintf("Maximum guest monitor count: %u\n", ulValue);
647 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MinGuestCPUCount)(&ulValue);
648 | RTPrintf("Minimum guest CPU count: %u\n", ulValue);
649 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxGuestCPUCount)(&ulValue);
650 | RTPrintf("Maximum guest CPU count: %u\n", ulValue);
651 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(InfoVDSize)(&i64Value);
652 | RTPrintf("Virtual disk limit (info): %lld Bytes\n", i64Value);
653 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(SerialPortCount)(&ulValue);
654 | RTPrintf("Maximum Serial Port count: %u\n", ulValue);
655 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(ParallelPortCount)(&ulValue);
656 | RTPrintf("Maximum Parallel Port count: %u\n", ulValue);
657 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxBootPosition)(&ulValue);
658 | RTPrintf("Maximum Boot Position: %u\n", ulValue);
659 | systemProperties->GetMaxNetworkAdapters(ChipsetType_PIIX3, &ulValue);
660 | RTPrintf("Maximum PIIX3 Network Adapter count: %u\n", ulValue);
661 | systemProperties->GetMaxNetworkAdapters(ChipsetType_ICH9, &ulValue);
662 | RTPrintf("Maximum ICH9 Network Adapter count: %u\n", ulValue);
663 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_PIIX3, StorageBus_IDE, &ulValue);
664 | RTPrintf("Maximum PIIX3 IDE Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
665 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_ICH9, StorageBus_IDE, &ulValue);
666 | RTPrintf("Maximum ICH9 IDE Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
667 | systemProperties->GetMaxPortCountForStorageBus(StorageBus_IDE, &ulValue);
668 | RTPrintf("Maximum IDE Port count: %u\n", ulValue);
669 | systemProperties->GetMaxDevicesPerPortForStorageBus(StorageBus_IDE, &ulValue);
670 | RTPrintf("Maximum Devices per IDE Port: %u\n", ulValue);
671 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_PIIX3, StorageBus_SATA, &ulValue);
672 | RTPrintf("Maximum PIIX3 SATA Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
673 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_ICH9, StorageBus_SATA, &ulValue);
674 | RTPrintf("Maximum ICH9 SATA Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
675 | systemProperties->GetMaxPortCountForStorageBus(StorageBus_SATA, &ulValue);
676 | RTPrintf("Maximum SATA Port count: %u\n", ulValue);
677 | systemProperties->GetMaxDevicesPerPortForStorageBus(StorageBus_SATA, &ulValue);
678 | RTPrintf("Maximum Devices per SATA Port: %u\n", ulValue);
679 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_PIIX3, StorageBus_SCSI, &ulValue);
680 | RTPrintf("Maximum PIIX3 SCSI Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
681 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_ICH9, StorageBus_SCSI, &ulValue);
682 | RTPrintf("Maximum ICH9 SCSI Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
683 | systemProperties->GetMaxPortCountForStorageBus(StorageBus_SCSI, &ulValue);
684 | RTPrintf("Maximum SCSI Port count: %u\n", ulValue);
685 | systemProperties->GetMaxDevicesPerPortForStorageBus(StorageBus_SCSI, &ulValue);
686 | RTPrintf("Maximum Devices per SCSI Port: %u\n", ulValue);
687 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_PIIX3, StorageBus_SAS, &ulValue);
688 | RTPrintf("Maximum SAS PIIX3 Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
689 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_ICH9, StorageBus_SAS, &ulValue);
690 | RTPrintf("Maximum SAS ICH9 Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
691 | systemProperties->GetMaxPortCountForStorageBus(StorageBus_SAS, &ulValue);
692 | RTPrintf("Maximum SAS Port count: %u\n", ulValue);
693 | systemProperties->GetMaxDevicesPerPortForStorageBus(StorageBus_SAS, &ulValue);
694 | RTPrintf("Maximum Devices per SAS Port: %u\n", ulValue);
695 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_PIIX3, StorageBus_PCIe, &ulValue);
696 | RTPrintf("Maximum NVMe PIIX3 Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
697 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_ICH9, StorageBus_PCIe, &ulValue);
698 | RTPrintf("Maximum NVMe ICH9 Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
699 | systemProperties->GetMaxPortCountForStorageBus(StorageBus_PCIe, &ulValue);
700 | RTPrintf("Maximum NVMe Port count: %u\n", ulValue);
701 | systemProperties->GetMaxDevicesPerPortForStorageBus(StorageBus_PCIe, &ulValue);
702 | RTPrintf("Maximum Devices per NVMe Port: %u\n", ulValue);
703 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_PIIX3, StorageBus_Floppy, &ulValue);
704 | RTPrintf("Maximum PIIX3 Floppy Controllers:%u\n", ulValue);
705 | systemProperties->GetMaxInstancesOfStorageBus(ChipsetType_ICH9, StorageBus_Floppy, &ulValue);
706 | RTPrintf("Maximum ICH9 Floppy Controllers: %u\n", ulValue);
707 | systemProperties->GetMaxPortCountForStorageBus(StorageBus_Floppy, &ulValue);
708 | RTPrintf("Maximum Floppy Port count: %u\n", ulValue);
709 | systemProperties->GetMaxDevicesPerPortForStorageBus(StorageBus_Floppy, &ulValue);
710 | RTPrintf("Maximum Devices per Floppy Port: %u\n", ulValue);
711 | #if 0
712 | systemProperties->GetFreeDiskSpaceWarning(&i64Value);
713 | RTPrintf("Free disk space warning at: %u Bytes\n", i64Value);
714 | systemProperties->GetFreeDiskSpacePercentWarning(&ulValue);
715 | RTPrintf("Free disk space warning at: %u %%\n", ulValue);
716 | systemProperties->GetFreeDiskSpaceError(&i64Value);
717 | RTPrintf("Free disk space error at: %u Bytes\n", i64Value);
718 | systemProperties->GetFreeDiskSpacePercentError(&ulValue);
719 | RTPrintf("Free disk space error at: %u %%\n", ulValue);
720 | #endif
721 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultMachineFolder)(str.asOutParam());
722 | RTPrintf("Default machine folder: %ls\n", str.raw());
723 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(RawModeSupported)(&fValue);
724 | RTPrintf("Raw-mode Supported: %s\n", fValue ? "yes" : "no");
725 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(ExclusiveHwVirt)(&fValue);
726 | RTPrintf("Exclusive HW virtualization use: %s\n", fValue ? "on" : "off");
727 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultHardDiskFormat)(str.asOutParam());
728 | RTPrintf("Default hard disk format: %ls\n", str.raw());
729 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(VRDEAuthLibrary)(str.asOutParam());
730 | RTPrintf("VRDE auth library: %ls\n", str.raw());
731 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)(str.asOutParam());
732 | RTPrintf("Webservice auth. library: %ls\n", str.raw());
733 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultVRDEExtPack)(str.asOutParam());
734 | RTPrintf("Remote desktop ExtPack: %ls\n", str.raw());
735 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(LogHistoryCount)(&ulValue);
736 | RTPrintf("Log history count: %u\n", ulValue);
737 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultFrontend)(str.asOutParam());
738 | RTPrintf("Default frontend: %ls\n", str.raw());
739 | AudioDriverType_T enmAudio;
740 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultAudioDriver)(&enmAudio);
741 | switch (enmAudio)
742 | {
743 | case AudioDriverType_Null: psz = "Null"; break;
744 | case AudioDriverType_WinMM: psz = "WinMM"; break;
745 | case AudioDriverType_OSS: psz = "OSS"; break;
746 | case AudioDriverType_ALSA: psz = "ALSA"; break;
747 | case AudioDriverType_DirectSound: psz = "DirectSound"; break;
748 | case AudioDriverType_CoreAudio: psz = "CoreAudio"; break;
749 | case AudioDriverType_MMPM: psz = "MMPM"; break;
750 | case AudioDriverType_Pulse: psz = "Pulse"; break;
751 | case AudioDriverType_SolAudio: psz = "SolAudio"; break;
752 | default: psz = "Unknown";
753 | }
754 | RTPrintf("Default audio driver: %s\n", psz);
755 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(AutostartDatabasePath)(str.asOutParam());
756 | RTPrintf("Autostart database path: %ls\n", str.raw());
757 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultAdditionsISO)(str.asOutParam());
758 | RTPrintf("Default Guest Additions ISO: %ls\n", str.raw());
759 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(LoggingLevel)(str.asOutParam());
760 | RTPrintf("Logging Level: %ls\n", str.raw());
761 | ProxyMode_T enmProxyMode = (ProxyMode_T)42;
762 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(ProxyMode)(&enmProxyMode);
763 | psz = "Unknown";
764 | switch (enmProxyMode)
765 | {
766 | case ProxyMode_System: psz = "System"; break;
767 | case ProxyMode_NoProxy: psz = "NoProxy"; break;
768 | case ProxyMode_Manual: psz = "Manual"; break;
770 | case ProxyMode_32BitHack: break; /* Shut up compiler warnings. */
771 | #endif
772 | }
773 | RTPrintf("Proxy Mode: %s\n", psz);
774 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(ProxyURL)(str.asOutParam());
775 | RTPrintf("Proxy URL: %ls\n", str.raw());
776 | return S_OK;
777 | }
778 |
779 |
780 | /**
781 | * Helper function for querying and displaying DHCP option for an adapter.
782 | *
783 | * @returns See produceList.
784 | * @param pSrv Smart pointer to IDHCPServer.
785 | * @param vmSlot String identifying the adapter, like '[vmname]:slot'
786 | */
787 | static HRESULT listVmSlotDhcpOptions(const ComPtr<IDHCPServer> pSrv, const Utf8Str& vmSlot)
788 | {
789 | RTCList<RTCString> lstParts = vmSlot.split(":");
790 | if (lstParts.size() < 2)
791 | return E_INVALIDARG;
792 | if (lstParts[0].length() < 2 || !lstParts[0].startsWith("[") || !lstParts[0].endsWith("]"))
793 | return E_INVALIDARG;
794 | Bstr vmName(lstParts[0].substr(1, lstParts[0].length()-2));
795 | ULONG uSlot = lstParts[1].toUInt32();
796 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> options;
797 | CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pSrv, GetVmSlotOptions(vmName.raw(), uSlot, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(options)), hrcCheck);
798 | if (options.size())
799 | RTPrintf("Options for NIC %d of '%ls':\n", uSlot + 1, vmName.raw());
800 | for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); ++i)
801 | RTPrintf(" %ls\n", options[i]);
802 |
803 | return S_OK;
804 | }
805 |
806 |
807 | /**
808 | * List DHCP servers.
809 | *
810 | * @returns See produceList.
811 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
812 | */
813 | static HRESULT listDhcpServers(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> &pVirtualBox)
814 | {
815 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
816 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IDHCPServer> svrs;
817 | CHECK_ERROR_RET(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(DHCPServers)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(svrs)), rc);
818 | for (size_t i = 0; i < svrs.size(); ++i)
819 | {
820 | ComPtr<IDHCPServer> svr = svrs[i];
821 | Bstr netName;
822 | svr->COMGETTER(NetworkName)(netName.asOutParam());
823 | RTPrintf("NetworkName: %ls\n", netName.raw());
824 | Bstr ip;
825 | svr->COMGETTER(IPAddress)(ip.asOutParam());
826 | RTPrintf("IP: %ls\n", ip.raw());
827 | Bstr netmask;
828 | svr->COMGETTER(NetworkMask)(netmask.asOutParam());
829 | RTPrintf("NetworkMask: %ls\n", netmask.raw());
830 | Bstr lowerIp;
831 | svr->COMGETTER(LowerIP)(lowerIp.asOutParam());
832 | RTPrintf("lowerIPAddress: %ls\n", lowerIp.raw());
833 | Bstr upperIp;
834 | svr->COMGETTER(UpperIP)(upperIp.asOutParam());
835 | RTPrintf("upperIPAddress: %ls\n", upperIp.raw());
836 | BOOL fEnabled;
837 | svr->COMGETTER(Enabled)(&fEnabled);
838 | RTPrintf("Enabled: %s\n", fEnabled ? "Yes" : "No");
839 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> globalOptions;
840 | CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(svr, COMGETTER(GlobalOptions)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(globalOptions)));
841 | if (globalOptions.size())
842 | {
843 | RTPrintf("Global options:\n");
844 | for (size_t j = 0; j < globalOptions.size(); ++j)
845 | RTPrintf(" %ls\n", globalOptions[j]);
846 | }
847 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> vmConfigs;
848 | CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(svr, COMGETTER(VmConfigs)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(vmConfigs)));
849 | for (size_t j = 0; j < vmConfigs.size(); ++j)
850 | {
851 | rc = listVmSlotDhcpOptions(svr, vmConfigs[j]);
852 | if (FAILED(rc))
853 | break;
854 | }
855 | RTPrintf("\n");
856 | }
857 |
858 | return rc;
859 | }
860 |
861 | /**
862 | * List extension packs.
863 | *
864 | * @returns See produceList.
865 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
866 | */
867 | static HRESULT listExtensionPacks(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> &pVirtualBox)
868 | {
869 | ComObjPtr<IExtPackManager> ptrExtPackMgr;
870 | CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(ExtensionPackManager)(ptrExtPackMgr.asOutParam()), hrcCheck);
871 |
872 | SafeIfaceArray<IExtPack> extPacks;
873 | CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(ptrExtPackMgr, COMGETTER(InstalledExtPacks)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(extPacks)), hrcCheck);
874 | RTPrintf("Extension Packs: %u\n", extPacks.size());
875 |
876 | HRESULT hrc = S_OK;
877 | for (size_t i = 0; i < extPacks.size(); i++)
878 | {
879 | /* Read all the properties. */
880 | Bstr bstrName;
881 | CHECK_ERROR2I_STMT(extPacks[i], COMGETTER(Name)(bstrName.asOutParam()), hrc = hrcCheck; bstrName.setNull());
882 | Bstr bstrDesc;
883 | CHECK_ERROR2I_STMT(extPacks[i], COMGETTER(Description)(bstrDesc.asOutParam()), hrc = hrcCheck; bstrDesc.setNull());
884 | Bstr bstrVersion;
885 | CHECK_ERROR2I_STMT(extPacks[i], COMGETTER(Version)(bstrVersion.asOutParam()), hrc = hrcCheck; bstrVersion.setNull());
886 | ULONG uRevision;
887 | CHECK_ERROR2I_STMT(extPacks[i], COMGETTER(Revision)(&uRevision), hrc = hrcCheck; uRevision = 0);
888 | Bstr bstrEdition;
889 | CHECK_ERROR2I_STMT(extPacks[i], COMGETTER(Edition)(bstrEdition.asOutParam()), hrc = hrcCheck; bstrEdition.setNull());
890 | Bstr bstrVrdeModule;
891 | CHECK_ERROR2I_STMT(extPacks[i], COMGETTER(VRDEModule)(bstrVrdeModule.asOutParam()),hrc=hrcCheck; bstrVrdeModule.setNull());
892 | BOOL fUsable;
893 | CHECK_ERROR2I_STMT(extPacks[i], COMGETTER(Usable)(&fUsable), hrc = hrcCheck; fUsable = FALSE);
894 | Bstr bstrWhy;
895 | CHECK_ERROR2I_STMT(extPacks[i], COMGETTER(WhyUnusable)(bstrWhy.asOutParam()), hrc = hrcCheck; bstrWhy.setNull());
896 |
897 | /* Display them. */
898 | if (i)
899 | RTPrintf("\n");
900 | RTPrintf("Pack no.%2zu: %ls\n"
901 | "Version: %ls\n"
902 | "Revision: %u\n"
903 | "Edition: %ls\n"
904 | "Description: %ls\n"
905 | "VRDE Module: %ls\n"
906 | "Usable: %RTbool\n"
907 | "Why unusable: %ls\n",
908 | i, bstrName.raw(),
909 | bstrVersion.raw(),
910 | uRevision,
911 | bstrEdition.raw(),
912 | bstrDesc.raw(),
913 | bstrVrdeModule.raw(),
914 | fUsable != FALSE,
915 | bstrWhy.raw());
916 |
917 | /* Query plugins and display them. */
918 | }
919 | return hrc;
920 | }
921 |
922 |
923 | /**
924 | * List machine groups.
925 | *
926 | * @returns See produceList.
927 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
928 | */
929 | static HRESULT listGroups(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> &pVirtualBox)
930 | {
931 | SafeArray<BSTR> groups;
932 | CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(MachineGroups)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(groups)), hrcCheck);
933 |
934 | for (size_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++)
935 | {
936 | RTPrintf("\"%ls\"\n", groups[i]);
937 | }
938 | return S_OK;
939 | }
940 |
941 |
942 | /**
943 | * List video capture devices.
944 | *
945 | * @returns See produceList.
946 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox pointer.
947 | */
948 | static HRESULT listVideoInputDevices(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox)
949 | {
950 | HRESULT rc;
951 | ComPtr<IHost> host;
952 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam()));
953 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IHostVideoInputDevice> hostVideoInputDevices;
954 | CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(VideoInputDevices)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(hostVideoInputDevices)));
955 | RTPrintf("Video Input Devices: %u\n", hostVideoInputDevices.size());
956 | for (size_t i = 0; i < hostVideoInputDevices.size(); ++i)
957 | {
958 | ComPtr<IHostVideoInputDevice> p = hostVideoInputDevices[i];
959 | Bstr name;
960 | p->COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam());
961 | Bstr path;
962 | p->COMGETTER(Path)(path.asOutParam());
963 | Bstr alias;
964 | p->COMGETTER(Alias)(alias.asOutParam());
965 | RTPrintf("%ls \"%ls\"\n%ls\n", alias.raw(), name.raw(), path.raw());
966 | }
967 | return rc;
968 | }
969 |
970 | /**
971 | * List supported screen shot formats.
972 | *
973 | * @returns See produceList.
974 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox pointer.
975 | */
976 | static HRESULT listScreenShotFormats(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox)
977 | {
978 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
979 | ComPtr<ISystemProperties> systemProperties;
980 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam()));
981 | com::SafeArray<BitmapFormat_T> formats;
982 | CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMGETTER(ScreenShotFormats)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(formats)));
983 |
984 | RTPrintf("Supported %d screen shot formats:\n", formats.size());
985 | for (size_t i = 0; i < formats.size(); ++i)
986 | {
987 | uint32_t u32Format = (uint32_t)formats[i];
988 | char szFormat[5];
989 | szFormat[0] = RT_BYTE1(u32Format);
990 | szFormat[1] = RT_BYTE2(u32Format);
991 | szFormat[2] = RT_BYTE3(u32Format);
992 | szFormat[3] = RT_BYTE4(u32Format);
993 | szFormat[4] = 0;
994 | RTPrintf(" BitmapFormat_%s (0x%08X)\n", szFormat, u32Format);
995 | }
996 | return rc;
997 | }
998 |
999 | /**
1000 | * List available cloud providers.
1001 | *
1002 | * @returns See produceList.
1003 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox pointer.
1004 | */
1005 | static HRESULT listCloudProviders(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox)
1006 | {
1007 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
1008 | ComPtr<ICloudProviderManager> pCloudProviderManager;
1009 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(CloudProviderManager)(pCloudProviderManager.asOutParam()));
1010 | com::SafeIfaceArray<ICloudProvider> apCloudProviders;
1011 | CHECK_ERROR(pCloudProviderManager, COMGETTER(Providers)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(apCloudProviders)));
1012 |
1013 | RTPrintf("Supported %d cloud providers:\n", apCloudProviders.size());
1014 | for (size_t i = 0; i < apCloudProviders.size(); ++i)
1015 | {
1016 | ComPtr<ICloudProvider> pCloudProvider = apCloudProviders[i];
1017 | Bstr bstrProviderName;
1018 | pCloudProvider->COMGETTER(Name)(bstrProviderName.asOutParam());
1019 | RTPrintf("Name: %ls\n", bstrProviderName.raw());
1020 | pCloudProvider->COMGETTER(ShortName)(bstrProviderName.asOutParam());
1021 | RTPrintf("Short Name: %ls\n", bstrProviderName.raw());
1022 | Bstr bstrProviderID;
1023 | pCloudProvider->COMGETTER(Id)(bstrProviderID.asOutParam());
1024 | RTPrintf("GUID: %ls\n", bstrProviderID.raw());
1025 |
1026 | RTPrintf("\n");
1027 | }
1028 | return rc;
1029 | }
1030 |
1031 |
1032 | /**
1033 | * List all available cloud profiles (by iterating over the cloud providers).
1034 | *
1035 | * @returns See produceList.
1036 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox pointer.
1037 | * @param fOptLong If true, list all profile properties.
1038 | */
1039 | static HRESULT listCloudProfiles(const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox, bool fOptLong)
1040 | {
1041 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
1042 | ComPtr<ICloudProviderManager> pCloudProviderManager;
1043 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(CloudProviderManager)(pCloudProviderManager.asOutParam()));
1044 | com::SafeIfaceArray<ICloudProvider> apCloudProviders;
1045 | CHECK_ERROR(pCloudProviderManager, COMGETTER(Providers)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(apCloudProviders)));
1046 |
1047 | for (size_t i = 0; i < apCloudProviders.size(); ++i)
1048 | {
1049 | ComPtr<ICloudProvider> pCloudProvider = apCloudProviders[i];
1050 | com::SafeIfaceArray<ICloudProfile> apCloudProfiles;
1051 | CHECK_ERROR(pCloudProvider, COMGETTER(Profiles)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(apCloudProfiles)));
1052 | for (size_t j = 0; j < apCloudProfiles.size(); ++j)
1053 | {
1054 | ComPtr<ICloudProfile> pCloudProfile = apCloudProfiles[j];
1055 | Bstr bstrProfileName;
1056 | pCloudProfile->COMGETTER(Name)(bstrProfileName.asOutParam());
1057 | RTPrintf("Name: %ls\n", bstrProfileName.raw());
1058 | Bstr bstrProviderID;
1059 | pCloudProfile->COMGETTER(ProviderId)(bstrProviderID.asOutParam());
1060 | RTPrintf("Provider GUID: %ls\n", bstrProviderID.raw());
1061 |
1062 | if (fOptLong)
1063 | {
1064 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> names;
1065 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> values;
1066 | pCloudProfile->GetProperties(Bstr().raw(), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(names), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(values));
1067 | size_t cNames = names.size();
1068 | size_t cValues = values.size();
1069 | bool fFirst = true;
1070 | for (size_t k = 0; k < cNames; k++)
1071 | {
1072 | Bstr value;
1073 | if (k < cValues)
1074 | value = values[k];
1075 | RTPrintf("%s%ls=%ls\n",
1076 | fFirst ? "Property: " : " ",
1077 | names[k], value.raw());
1078 | fFirst = false;
1079 | }
1080 | }
1081 |
1082 | RTPrintf("\n");
1083 | }
1084 | }
1085 | return rc;
1086 | }
1087 |
1088 |
1089 | /**
1090 | * The type of lists we can produce.
1091 | */
1092 | enum enmListType
1093 | {
1094 | kListNotSpecified = 1000,
1095 | kListVMs,
1096 | kListRunningVMs,
1097 | kListOsTypes,
1098 | kListHostDvds,
1099 | kListHostFloppies,
1100 | kListInternalNetworks,
1101 | kListBridgedInterfaces,
1102 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT)
1103 | kListHostOnlyInterfaces,
1104 | #endif
1105 | kListHostCpuIDs,
1106 | kListHostInfo,
1107 | kListHddBackends,
1108 | kListHdds,
1109 | kListDvds,
1110 | kListFloppies,
1111 | kListUsbHost,
1112 | kListUsbFilters,
1113 | kListSystemProperties,
1114 | kListDhcpServers,
1115 | kListExtPacks,
1116 | kListGroups,
1117 | kListNatNetworks,
1118 | kListVideoInputDevices,
1119 | kListScreenShotFormats,
1120 | kListCloudProviders,
1121 | kListCloudProfiles,
1122 | };
1123 |
1124 |
1125 | /**
1126 | * Produces the specified listing.
1127 | *
1128 | * @returns S_OK or some COM error code that has been reported in full.
1129 | * @param enmList The list to produce.
1130 | * @param fOptLong Long (@c true) or short list format.
1131 | * @param pVirtualBox Reference to the IVirtualBox smart pointer.
1132 | */
1133 | static HRESULT produceList(enum enmListType enmCommand, bool fOptLong, bool fOptSorted, const ComPtr<IVirtualBox> &pVirtualBox)
1134 | {
1135 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
1136 | switch (enmCommand)
1137 | {
1138 | case kListNotSpecified:
1139 | AssertFailed();
1140 | return E_FAIL;
1141 |
1142 | case kListVMs:
1143 | {
1144 | /*
1145 | * Get the list of all registered VMs
1146 | */
1147 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IMachine> machines;
1148 | rc = pVirtualBox->COMGETTER(Machines)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(machines));
1149 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
1150 | {
1151 | /*
1152 | * Display it.
1153 | */
1154 | if (!fOptSorted)
1155 | {
1156 | for (size_t i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++i)
1157 | if (machines[i])
1158 | rc = showVMInfo(pVirtualBox, machines[i], NULL, fOptLong ? VMINFO_STANDARD : VMINFO_COMPACT);
1159 | }
1160 | else
1161 | {
1162 | /*
1163 | * Sort the list by name before displaying it.
1164 | */
1165 | std::vector<std::pair<com::Bstr, IMachine *> > sortedMachines;
1166 | for (size_t i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++i)
1167 | {
1168 | IMachine *pMachine = machines[i];
1169 | if (pMachine) /* no idea why we need to do this... */
1170 | {
1171 | Bstr bstrName;
1172 | pMachine->COMGETTER(Name)(bstrName.asOutParam());
1173 | sortedMachines.push_back(std::pair<com::Bstr, IMachine *>(bstrName, pMachine));
1174 | }
1175 | }
1176 |
1177 | std::sort(sortedMachines.begin(), sortedMachines.end());
1178 |
1179 | for (size_t i = 0; i < sortedMachines.size(); ++i)
1180 | rc = showVMInfo(pVirtualBox, sortedMachines[i].second, NULL, fOptLong ? VMINFO_STANDARD : VMINFO_COMPACT);
1181 | }
1182 | }
1183 | break;
1184 | }
1185 |
1186 | case kListRunningVMs:
1187 | {
1188 | /*
1189 | * Get the list of all _running_ VMs
1190 | */
1191 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IMachine> machines;
1192 | rc = pVirtualBox->COMGETTER(Machines)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(machines));
1193 | com::SafeArray<MachineState_T> states;
1194 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
1195 | rc = pVirtualBox->GetMachineStates(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(machines), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(states));
1196 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
1197 | {
1198 | /*
1199 | * Iterate through the collection
1200 | */
1201 | for (size_t i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++i)
1202 | {
1203 | if (machines[i])
1204 | {
1205 | MachineState_T machineState = states[i];
1206 | switch (machineState)
1207 | {
1208 | case MachineState_Running:
1209 | case MachineState_Teleporting:
1210 | case MachineState_LiveSnapshotting:
1211 | case MachineState_Paused:
1212 | case MachineState_TeleportingPausedVM:
1213 | rc = showVMInfo(pVirtualBox, machines[i], NULL, fOptLong ? VMINFO_STANDARD : VMINFO_COMPACT);
1214 | break;
1215 | default: break; /* Shut up MSC */
1216 | }
1217 | }
1218 | }
1219 | }
1220 | break;
1221 | }
1222 |
1223 | case kListOsTypes:
1224 | {
1225 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IGuestOSType> coll;
1226 | rc = pVirtualBox->COMGETTER(GuestOSTypes)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll));
1227 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
1228 | {
1229 | /*
1230 | * Iterate through the collection.
1231 | */
1232 | for (size_t i = 0; i < coll.size(); ++i)
1233 | {
1234 | ComPtr<IGuestOSType> guestOS;
1235 | guestOS = coll[i];
1236 | Bstr guestId;
1237 | guestOS->COMGETTER(Id)(guestId.asOutParam());
1238 | RTPrintf("ID: %ls\n", guestId.raw());
1239 | Bstr guestDescription;
1240 | guestOS->COMGETTER(Description)(guestDescription.asOutParam());
1241 | RTPrintf("Description: %ls\n", guestDescription.raw());
1242 | Bstr familyId;
1243 | guestOS->COMGETTER(FamilyId)(familyId.asOutParam());
1244 | RTPrintf("Family ID: %ls\n", familyId.raw());
1245 | Bstr familyDescription;
1246 | guestOS->COMGETTER(FamilyDescription)(familyDescription.asOutParam());
1247 | RTPrintf("Family Desc: %ls\n", familyDescription.raw());
1248 | BOOL is64Bit;
1249 | guestOS->COMGETTER(Is64Bit)(&is64Bit);
1250 | RTPrintf("64 bit: %RTbool\n", is64Bit);
1251 | RTPrintf("\n");
1252 | }
1253 | }
1254 | break;
1255 | }
1256 |
1257 | case kListHostDvds:
1258 | {
1259 | ComPtr<IHost> host;
1260 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam()));
1261 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IMedium> coll;
1262 | CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(DVDDrives)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll)));
1263 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
1264 | {
1265 | for (size_t i = 0; i < coll.size(); ++i)
1266 | {
1267 | ComPtr<IMedium> dvdDrive = coll[i];
1268 | Bstr uuid;
1269 | dvdDrive->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam());
1270 | RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", Utf8Str(uuid).c_str());
1271 | Bstr location;
1272 | dvdDrive->COMGETTER(Location)(location.asOutParam());
1273 | RTPrintf("Name: %ls\n\n", location.raw());
1274 | }
1275 | }
1276 | break;
1277 | }
1278 |
1279 | case kListHostFloppies:
1280 | {
1281 | ComPtr<IHost> host;
1282 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam()));
1283 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IMedium> coll;
1284 | CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(FloppyDrives)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll)));
1285 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
1286 | {
1287 | for (size_t i = 0; i < coll.size(); ++i)
1288 | {
1289 | ComPtr<IMedium> floppyDrive = coll[i];
1290 | Bstr uuid;
1291 | floppyDrive->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam());
1292 | RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", Utf8Str(uuid).c_str());
1293 | Bstr location;
1294 | floppyDrive->COMGETTER(Location)(location.asOutParam());
1295 | RTPrintf("Name: %ls\n\n", location.raw());
1296 | }
1297 | }
1298 | break;
1299 | }
1300 |
1301 | case kListInternalNetworks:
1302 | rc = listInternalNetworks(pVirtualBox);
1303 | break;
1304 |
1305 | case kListBridgedInterfaces:
1306 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT)
1307 | case kListHostOnlyInterfaces:
1308 | #endif
1309 | rc = listNetworkInterfaces(pVirtualBox, enmCommand == kListBridgedInterfaces);
1310 | break;
1311 |
1312 | case kListHostInfo:
1313 | rc = listHostInfo(pVirtualBox);
1314 | break;
1315 |
1316 | case kListHostCpuIDs:
1317 | {
1318 | ComPtr<IHost> Host;
1319 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(Host.asOutParam()));
1320 |
1321 | RTPrintf("Host CPUIDs:\n\nLeaf no. EAX EBX ECX EDX\n");
1322 | ULONG uCpuNo = 0; /* ASSUMES that CPU#0 is online. */
1323 | static uint32_t const s_auCpuIdRanges[] =
1324 | {
1325 | UINT32_C(0x00000000), UINT32_C(0x0000007f),
1326 | UINT32_C(0x80000000), UINT32_C(0x8000007f),
1327 | UINT32_C(0xc0000000), UINT32_C(0xc000007f)
1328 | };
1329 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_auCpuIdRanges); i += 2)
1330 | {
1331 | ULONG uEAX, uEBX, uECX, uEDX, cLeafs;
1332 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, GetProcessorCPUIDLeaf(uCpuNo, s_auCpuIdRanges[i], 0, &cLeafs, &uEBX, &uECX, &uEDX));
1333 | if (cLeafs < s_auCpuIdRanges[i] || cLeafs > s_auCpuIdRanges[i+1])
1334 | continue;
1335 | cLeafs++;
1336 | for (ULONG iLeaf = s_auCpuIdRanges[i]; iLeaf <= cLeafs; iLeaf++)
1337 | {
1338 | CHECK_ERROR(Host, GetProcessorCPUIDLeaf(uCpuNo, iLeaf, 0, &uEAX, &uEBX, &uECX, &uEDX));
1339 | RTPrintf("%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", iLeaf, uEAX, uEBX, uECX, uEDX);
1340 | }
1341 | }
1342 | break;
1343 | }
1344 |
1345 | case kListHddBackends:
1346 | rc = listHddBackends(pVirtualBox);
1347 | break;
1348 |
1349 | case kListHdds:
1350 | {
1351 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IMedium> hdds;
1352 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(HardDisks)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(hdds)));
1353 | rc = listMedia(pVirtualBox, hdds, "base", fOptLong);
1354 | break;
1355 | }
1356 |
1357 | case kListDvds:
1358 | {
1359 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IMedium> dvds;
1360 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(DVDImages)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(dvds)));
1361 | rc = listMedia(pVirtualBox, dvds, NULL, fOptLong);
1362 | break;
1363 | }
1364 |
1365 | case kListFloppies:
1366 | {
1367 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IMedium> floppies;
1368 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(FloppyImages)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(floppies)));
1369 | rc = listMedia(pVirtualBox, floppies, NULL, fOptLong);
1370 | break;
1371 | }
1372 |
1373 | case kListUsbHost:
1374 | rc = listUsbHost(pVirtualBox);
1375 | break;
1376 |
1377 | case kListUsbFilters:
1378 | rc = listUsbFilters(pVirtualBox);
1379 | break;
1380 |
1381 | case kListSystemProperties:
1382 | rc = listSystemProperties(pVirtualBox);
1383 | break;
1384 |
1385 | case kListDhcpServers:
1386 | rc = listDhcpServers(pVirtualBox);
1387 | break;
1388 |
1389 | case kListExtPacks:
1390 | rc = listExtensionPacks(pVirtualBox);
1391 | break;
1392 |
1393 | case kListGroups:
1394 | rc = listGroups(pVirtualBox);
1395 | break;
1396 |
1397 | case kListNatNetworks:
1398 | {
1399 | com::SafeIfaceArray<INATNetwork> nets;
1400 | CHECK_ERROR(pVirtualBox, COMGETTER(NATNetworks)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(nets)));
1401 | for (size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); ++i)
1402 | {
1403 | ComPtr<INATNetwork> net = nets[i];
1404 | Bstr netName;
1405 | net->COMGETTER(NetworkName)(netName.asOutParam());
1406 | RTPrintf("NetworkName: %ls\n", netName.raw());
1407 | Bstr gateway;
1408 | net->COMGETTER(Gateway)(gateway.asOutParam());
1409 | RTPrintf("IP: %ls\n", gateway.raw());
1410 | Bstr network;
1411 | net->COMGETTER(Network)(network.asOutParam());
1412 | RTPrintf("Network: %ls\n", network.raw());
1413 | BOOL fEnabled;
1414 | net->COMGETTER(IPv6Enabled)(&fEnabled);
1415 | RTPrintf("IPv6 Enabled: %s\n", fEnabled ? "Yes" : "No");
1416 | Bstr ipv6prefix;
1417 | net->COMGETTER(IPv6Prefix)(ipv6prefix.asOutParam());
1418 | RTPrintf("IPv6 Prefix: %ls\n", ipv6prefix.raw());
1419 | net->COMGETTER(NeedDhcpServer)(&fEnabled);
1420 | RTPrintf("DHCP Enabled: %s\n", fEnabled ? "Yes" : "No");
1421 | net->COMGETTER(Enabled)(&fEnabled);
1422 | RTPrintf("Enabled: %s\n", fEnabled ? "Yes" : "No");
1423 |
1424 | #define PRINT_STRING_ARRAY(title) \
1425 | if (strs.size() > 0) \
1426 | { \
1427 | RTPrintf(title); \
1428 | size_t j = 0; \
1429 | for (;j < strs.size(); ++j) \
1430 | RTPrintf(" %s\n", Utf8Str(strs[j]).c_str()); \
1431 | }
1432 |
1433 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> strs;
1434 |
1435 | CHECK_ERROR(nets[i], COMGETTER(PortForwardRules4)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(strs)));
1436 | PRINT_STRING_ARRAY("Port-forwarding (ipv4)\n");
1437 | strs.setNull();
1438 |
1439 | CHECK_ERROR(nets[i], COMGETTER(PortForwardRules6)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(strs)));
1440 | PRINT_STRING_ARRAY("Port-forwarding (ipv6)\n");
1441 | strs.setNull();
1442 |
1443 | CHECK_ERROR(nets[i], COMGETTER(LocalMappings)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(strs)));
1444 | PRINT_STRING_ARRAY("loopback mappings (ipv4)\n");
1445 | strs.setNull();
1446 |
1447 | #undef PRINT_STRING_ARRAY
1448 | RTPrintf("\n");
1449 | }
1450 | break;
1451 | }
1452 |
1453 | case kListVideoInputDevices:
1454 | rc = listVideoInputDevices(pVirtualBox);
1455 | break;
1456 |
1457 | case kListScreenShotFormats:
1458 | rc = listScreenShotFormats(pVirtualBox);
1459 | break;
1460 |
1461 | case kListCloudProviders:
1462 | rc = listCloudProviders(pVirtualBox);
1463 | break;
1464 |
1465 | case kListCloudProfiles:
1466 | rc = listCloudProfiles(pVirtualBox, fOptLong);
1467 | break;
1468 |
1469 | /* No default here, want gcc warnings. */
1470 |
1471 | } /* end switch */
1472 |
1473 | return rc;
1474 | }
1475 |
1476 | /**
1477 | * Handles the 'list' command.
1478 | *
1479 | * @returns Appropriate exit code.
1480 | * @param a Handler argument.
1481 | */
1482 | RTEXITCODE handleList(HandlerArg *a)
1483 | {
1484 | bool fOptLong = false;
1485 | bool fOptMultiple = false;
1486 | bool fOptSorted = false;
1487 | enum enmListType enmOptCommand = kListNotSpecified;
1488 |
1489 | static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aListOptions[] =
1490 | {
1491 | { "--long", 'l', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1492 | { "--multiple", 'm', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, /* not offical yet */
1493 | { "--sorted", 's', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1494 | { "vms", kListVMs, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1495 | { "runningvms", kListRunningVMs, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1496 | { "ostypes", kListOsTypes, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1497 | { "hostdvds", kListHostDvds, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1498 | { "hostfloppies", kListHostFloppies, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1499 | { "intnets", kListInternalNetworks, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1500 | { "hostifs", kListBridgedInterfaces, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, /* backward compatibility */
1501 | { "bridgedifs", kListBridgedInterfaces, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1502 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT)
1503 | { "hostonlyifs", kListHostOnlyInterfaces, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1504 | #endif
1505 | { "natnetworks", kListNatNetworks, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1506 | { "natnets", kListNatNetworks, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1507 | { "hostinfo", kListHostInfo, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1508 | { "hostcpuids", kListHostCpuIDs, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1509 | { "hddbackends", kListHddBackends, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1510 | { "hdds", kListHdds, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1511 | { "dvds", kListDvds, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1512 | { "floppies", kListFloppies, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1513 | { "usbhost", kListUsbHost, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1514 | { "usbfilters", kListUsbFilters, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1515 | { "systemproperties", kListSystemProperties, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1516 | { "dhcpservers", kListDhcpServers, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1517 | { "extpacks", kListExtPacks, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1518 | { "groups", kListGroups, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1519 | { "webcams", kListVideoInputDevices, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1520 | { "screenshotformats", kListScreenShotFormats, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1521 | { "cloudproviders", kListCloudProviders, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1522 | { "cloudprofiles", kListCloudProfiles, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING },
1523 | };
1524 |
1525 | int ch;
1526 | RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion;
1527 | RTGETOPTSTATE GetState;
1528 | RTGetOptInit(&GetState, a->argc, a->argv, s_aListOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aListOptions),
1530 | while ((ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)))
1531 | {
1532 | switch (ch)
1533 | {
1534 | case 'l': /* --long */
1535 | fOptLong = true;
1536 | break;
1537 |
1538 | case 's':
1539 | fOptSorted = true;
1540 | break;
1541 |
1542 | case 'm':
1543 | fOptMultiple = true;
1544 | if (enmOptCommand == kListNotSpecified)
1545 | break;
1546 | ch = enmOptCommand;
1547 | RT_FALL_THRU();
1548 |
1549 | case kListVMs:
1550 | case kListRunningVMs:
1551 | case kListOsTypes:
1552 | case kListHostDvds:
1553 | case kListHostFloppies:
1554 | case kListInternalNetworks:
1555 | case kListBridgedInterfaces:
1556 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT)
1557 | case kListHostOnlyInterfaces:
1558 | #endif
1559 | case kListHostInfo:
1560 | case kListHostCpuIDs:
1561 | case kListHddBackends:
1562 | case kListHdds:
1563 | case kListDvds:
1564 | case kListFloppies:
1565 | case kListUsbHost:
1566 | case kListUsbFilters:
1567 | case kListSystemProperties:
1568 | case kListDhcpServers:
1569 | case kListExtPacks:
1570 | case kListGroups:
1571 | case kListNatNetworks:
1572 | case kListVideoInputDevices:
1573 | case kListScreenShotFormats:
1574 | case kListCloudProviders:
1575 | case kListCloudProfiles:
1576 | enmOptCommand = (enum enmListType)ch;
1577 | if (fOptMultiple)
1578 | {
1579 | HRESULT hrc = produceList((enum enmListType)ch, fOptLong, fOptSorted, a->virtualBox);
1580 | if (FAILED(hrc))
1582 | }
1583 | break;
1584 |
1586 | return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "Unknown subcommand \"%s\".", ValueUnion.psz);
1587 |
1588 | default:
1589 | return errorGetOpt(USAGE_LIST, ch, &ValueUnion);
1590 | }
1591 | }
1592 |
1593 | /*
1594 | * If not in multiple list mode, we have to produce the list now.
1595 | */
1596 | if (enmOptCommand == kListNotSpecified)
1597 | return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "Missing subcommand for \"list\" command.\n");
1598 | if (!fOptMultiple)
1599 | {
1600 | HRESULT hrc = produceList(enmOptCommand, fOptLong, fOptSorted, a->virtualBox);
1601 | if (FAILED(hrc))
1603 | }
1604 |
1606 | }
1607 |
1608 | #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */
1609 | /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */