/* $Id: VBoxManageGuestCtrl.cpp 34861 2010-12-09 10:02:15Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxManage - Implementation of guestcontrol command. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include "VBoxManage.h" #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for PROC_STS_XXX */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_XPCOM_QUEUE # include # include #endif #include #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN # include #endif using namespace com; /** * IVirtualBoxCallback implementation for handling the GuestControlCallback in * relation to the "guestcontrol * wait" command. */ /** @todo */ /** Set by the signal handler. */ static volatile bool g_fGuestCtrlCanceled = false; /* * Structure holding a directory entry. */ typedef struct DIRECTORYENTRY { char *pszSourcePath; char *pszDestPath; RTLISTNODE Node; } DIRECTORYENTRY, *PDIRECTORYENTRY; #endif /* VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ void usageGuestControl(PRTSTREAM pStrm) { RTStrmPrintf(pStrm, "VBoxManage guestcontrol exec[ute] |\n" " \n" " --username --password \n" " [--arguments \"\"]\n" " [--environment \"= [=]\"]\n" " [--flags ] [--timeout ]\n" " [--verbose] [--wait-for exit,stdout,stderr||]\n" /** @todo Add a "--" parameter (has to be last parameter) to directly execute * stuff, e.g. "VBoxManage guestcontrol execute --username <> ... -- /bin/rm -Rf /foo". */ "\n" " copyto|cp |\n" " \n" " --username --password \n" " [--dryrun] [--follow] [--recursive] [--verbose]\n" "\n" " createdir[ectory]|mkdir|md |\n" " \n" " --username --password \n" " [--parents] [--mode ] [--verbose]\n" "\n" " updateadditions |\n" " [--source ] [--verbose]\n" "\n"); } #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS /** * Signal handler that sets g_fGuestCtrlCanceled. * * This can be executed on any thread in the process, on Windows it may even be * a thread dedicated to delivering this signal. Do not doing anything * unnecessary here. */ static void guestCtrlSignalHandler(int iSignal) { NOREF(iSignal); ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fGuestCtrlCanceled, true); } /** * Installs a custom signal handler to get notified * whenever the user wants to intercept the program. */ static void ctrlSignalHandlerInstall() { signal(SIGINT, guestCtrlSignalHandler); #ifdef SIGBREAK signal(SIGBREAK, guestCtrlSignalHandler); #endif } /** * Uninstalls a previously installed signal handler. */ static void ctrlSignalHandlerUninstall() { signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); #ifdef SIGBREAK signal(SIGBREAK, SIG_DFL); #endif } /** * Translates a process status to a human readable * string. */ static const char *ctrlExecGetStatus(ULONG uStatus) { switch (uStatus) { case guestControl::PROC_STS_STARTED: return "started"; case guestControl::PROC_STS_TEN: return "successfully terminated"; case guestControl::PROC_STS_TES: return "terminated by signal"; case guestControl::PROC_STS_TEA: return "abnormally aborted"; case guestControl::PROC_STS_TOK: return "timed out"; case guestControl::PROC_STS_TOA: return "timed out, hanging"; case guestControl::PROC_STS_DWN: return "killed"; case guestControl::PROC_STS_ERROR: return "error"; default: return "unknown"; } } static int ctrlPrintError(com::ErrorInfo &errorInfo) { if ( errorInfo.isFullAvailable() || errorInfo.isBasicAvailable()) { /* If we got a VBOX_E_IPRT error we handle the error in a more gentle way * because it contains more accurate info about what went wrong. */ if (errorInfo.getResultCode() == VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR) RTMsgError("%ls.", errorInfo.getText().raw()); else { RTMsgError("Error details:"); GluePrintErrorInfo(errorInfo); } return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /** @todo */ } AssertMsgFailedReturn(("Object has indicated no error!?\n"), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } static int ctrlPrintError(IUnknown *pObj, const GUID &aIID) { com::ErrorInfo ErrInfo(pObj, aIID); return ctrlPrintError(ErrInfo); } static int ctrlPrintProgressError(ComPtr progress) { int rc; BOOL fCanceled; if ( SUCCEEDED(progress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) { rc = VERR_CANCELLED; } else { com::ProgressErrorInfo ErrInfo(progress); rc = ctrlPrintError(ErrInfo); } return rc; } /** * Un-initializes the VM after guest control usage. */ static void ctrlUninitVM(HandlerArg *pArg) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pArg); if (pArg->session) pArg->session->UnlockMachine(); } /** * Initializes the VM, that is checks whether it's up and * running, if it can be locked (shared only) and returns a * valid IGuest pointer on success. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pArg Our command line argument structure. * @param pszNameOrId The VM's name or UUID to use. * @param pGuest Pointer where to store the IGuest interface. */ static int ctrlInitVM(HandlerArg *pArg, const char *pszNameOrId, ComPtr *pGuest) { AssertPtrReturn(pArg, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pszNameOrId, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* Lookup VM. */ ComPtr machine; /* Assume it's an UUID. */ HRESULT rc; CHECK_ERROR(pArg->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(pszNameOrId).raw(), machine.asOutParam())); if (FAILED(rc)) return VERR_NOT_FOUND; /* Machine is running? */ MachineState_T machineState; CHECK_ERROR_RET(machine, COMGETTER(State)(&machineState), 1); if (machineState != MachineState_Running) { RTMsgError("Machine \"%s\" is not running!\n", pszNameOrId); return VERR_VM_INVALID_VM_STATE; } do { /* Open a session for the VM. */ CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(machine, LockMachine(pArg->session, LockType_Shared)); /* Get the associated console. */ ComPtr console; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(pArg->session, COMGETTER(Console)(console.asOutParam())); /* ... and session machine. */ ComPtr sessionMachine; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(pArg->session, COMGETTER(Machine)(sessionMachine.asOutParam())); /* Get IGuest interface. */ CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(console, COMGETTER(Guest)(pGuest->asOutParam())); } while (0); if (FAILED(rc)) ctrlUninitVM(pArg); return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? VINF_SUCCESS : VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } static int handleCtrlExecProgram(HandlerArg *a) { /* * Check the syntax. We can deduce the correct syntax from the number of * arguments. */ if (a->argc < 2) /* At least the command we want to execute in the guest should be present :-). */ return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { "--arguments", 'a', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--environment", 'e', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--flags", 'f', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--password", 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--timeout", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--username", 'u', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--verbose", 'v', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--wait-for", 'w', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING } }; int ch; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGetOptInit(&GetState, a->argc, a->argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 1, 0); Utf8Str Utf8Cmd; uint32_t uFlags = 0; /* Note: this uses IN_BSTR as it must be BSTR on COM and CBSTR on XPCOM */ com::SafeArray args; com::SafeArray env; Utf8Str Utf8UserName; Utf8Str Utf8Password; uint32_t u32TimeoutMS = 0; bool fWaitForExit = false; bool fWaitForStdOut = false; bool fWaitForStdErr = false; bool fVerbose = false; bool fTimeout = false; int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; bool fUsageOK = true; while ( (ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) && RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* For options that require an argument, ValueUnion has received the value. */ switch (ch) { case 'a': /* Arguments */ { char **papszArg; int cArgs; vrc = RTGetOptArgvFromString(&papszArg, &cArgs, ValueUnion.psz, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { for (int j = 0; j < cArgs; j++) args.push_back(Bstr(papszArg[j]).raw()); RTGetOptArgvFree(papszArg); } break; } case 'e': /* Environment */ { char **papszArg; int cArgs; vrc = RTGetOptArgvFromString(&papszArg, &cArgs, ValueUnion.psz, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { for (int j = 0; j < cArgs; j++) env.push_back(Bstr(papszArg[j]).raw()); RTGetOptArgvFree(papszArg); } break; } case 'f': /* Flags */ /** @todo Needs a bit better processing as soon as we have more flags. */ /** @todo Add a hidden flag. */ if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "ignoreorphanedprocesses")) uFlags |= ExecuteProcessFlag_IgnoreOrphanedProcesses; else fUsageOK = false; break; case 'p': /* Password */ Utf8Password = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 't': /* Timeout */ u32TimeoutMS = ValueUnion.u32; fTimeout = true; break; case 'u': /* User name */ Utf8UserName = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'v': /* Verbose */ fVerbose = true; break; case 'w': /* Wait for ... */ { if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "exit")) fWaitForExit = true; else if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "stdout")) { fWaitForExit = true; fWaitForStdOut = true; } else if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "stderr")) { fWaitForExit = true; fWaitForStdErr = true; } else fUsageOK = false; break; } case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: { /* The actual command we want to execute on the guest. */ Utf8Cmd = ValueUnion.psz; break; } default: return RTGetOptPrintError(ch, &ValueUnion); } } if (!fUsageOK) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); if (Utf8Cmd.isEmpty()) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "No command to execute specified!"); if (Utf8UserName.isEmpty()) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "No user name specified!"); HRESULT rc = S_OK; ComPtr guest; vrc = ctrlInitVM(a, a->argv[0] /* VM Name */, &guest); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { ComPtr progress; ULONG uPID = 0; if (fVerbose) { if (u32TimeoutMS == 0) RTPrintf("Waiting for guest to start process ...\n"); else RTPrintf("Waiting for guest to start process (within %ums)\n", u32TimeoutMS); } /* Get current time stamp to later calculate rest of timeout left. */ uint64_t u64StartMS = RTTimeMilliTS(); /* Execute the process. */ rc = guest->ExecuteProcess(Bstr(Utf8Cmd).raw(), uFlags, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(args), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(env), Bstr(Utf8UserName).raw(), Bstr(Utf8Password).raw(), u32TimeoutMS, &uPID, progress.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc)) vrc = ctrlPrintError(guest, COM_IIDOF(IGuest)); else { if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Process '%s' (PID: %u) started\n", Utf8Cmd.c_str(), uPID); if (fWaitForExit) { if (fTimeout) { /* Calculate timeout value left after process has been started. */ uint64_t u64Elapsed = RTTimeMilliTS() - u64StartMS; /* Is timeout still bigger than current difference? */ if (u32TimeoutMS > u64Elapsed) { u32TimeoutMS -= (uint32_t)u64Elapsed; if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Waiting for process to exit (%ums left) ...\n", u32TimeoutMS); } else { if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("No time left to wait for process!\n"); } } else if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Waiting for process to exit ...\n"); /* Setup signal handling if cancelable. */ ASSERT(progress); bool fCanceledAlready = false; BOOL fCancelable; HRESULT hrc = progress->COMGETTER(Cancelable)(&fCancelable); if (FAILED(hrc)) fCancelable = FALSE; if (fCancelable) ctrlSignalHandlerInstall(); /* Wait for process to exit ... */ BOOL fCompleted = FALSE; BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; while (SUCCEEDED(progress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted)))) { SafeArray aOutputData; ULONG cbOutputData = 0; /* * Some data left to output? */ if ( fWaitForStdOut || fWaitForStdErr) { rc = guest->GetProcessOutput(uPID, 0 /* aFlags */, u32TimeoutMS, _64K, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aOutputData)); if (FAILED(rc)) { vrc = ctrlPrintError(guest, COM_IIDOF(IGuest)); cbOutputData = 0; fCompleted = true; /* rc contains a failure, so we'll go into aborted state down below. */ } else { cbOutputData = aOutputData.size(); if (cbOutputData > 0) { /* aOutputData has a platform dependent line ending, standardize on * Unix style, as RTStrmWrite does the LF -> CR/LF replacement on * Windows. Otherwise we end up with CR/CR/LF on Windows. */ ULONG cbOutputDataPrint = cbOutputData; for (BYTE *s = aOutputData.raw(), *d = s; s - aOutputData.raw() < (ssize_t)cbOutputData; s++, d++) { if (*s == '\r') { /* skip over CR, adjust destination */ d--; cbOutputDataPrint--; } else if (s != d) *d = *s; } RTStrmWrite(g_pStdOut, aOutputData.raw(), cbOutputDataPrint); } } } if (cbOutputData <= 0) /* No more output data left? */ { if (fCompleted) break; if ( fTimeout && RTTimeMilliTS() - u64StartMS > u32TimeoutMS + 5000) { progress->Cancel(); break; } } /* Process async cancelation */ if (g_fGuestCtrlCanceled && !fCanceledAlready) { hrc = progress->Cancel(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) fCanceledAlready = TRUE; else g_fGuestCtrlCanceled = false; } /* Progress canceled by Main API? */ if ( SUCCEEDED(progress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) { break; } } /* Undo signal handling */ if (fCancelable) ctrlSignalHandlerUninstall(); if (fCanceled) { if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Process execution canceled!\n"); } else if ( fCompleted && SUCCEEDED(rc)) { LONG iRc; CHECK_ERROR_RET(progress, COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&iRc), rc); if (FAILED(iRc)) { vrc = ctrlPrintProgressError(progress); } else if (fVerbose) { ULONG uRetStatus, uRetExitCode, uRetFlags; rc = guest->GetProcessStatus(uPID, &uRetExitCode, &uRetFlags, &uRetStatus); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) RTPrintf("Exit code=%u (Status=%u [%s], Flags=%u)\n", uRetExitCode, uRetStatus, ctrlExecGetStatus(uRetStatus), uRetFlags); } } else { if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Process execution aborted!\n"); } } } ctrlUninitVM(a); } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) rc = VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR; return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } /** * Appends a new file/directory entry to a given list. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pszFileSource Full qualified source path of file to copy (optional). * @param pszFileDest Full qualified destination path (optional). * @param pList Copy list used for insertion. */ static int ctrlDirectoryEntryAppend(const char *pszFileSource, const char *pszFileDest, PRTLISTNODE pList) { AssertPtrReturn(pList, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(pszFileSource || pszFileDest, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); PDIRECTORYENTRY pNode = (PDIRECTORYENTRY)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(DIRECTORYENTRY)); if (pNode == NULL) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pNode->pszSourcePath = NULL; pNode->pszDestPath = NULL; if (pszFileSource) { pNode->pszSourcePath = RTStrDup(pszFileSource); AssertPtrReturn(pNode->pszSourcePath, VERR_NO_MEMORY); } if (pszFileDest) { pNode->pszDestPath = RTStrDup(pszFileDest); AssertPtrReturn(pNode->pszDestPath, VERR_NO_MEMORY); } pNode->Node.pPrev = NULL; pNode->Node.pNext = NULL; RTListAppend(pList, &pNode->Node); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Destroys a directory list. * * @param pList Pointer to list to destroy. */ static void ctrlDirectoryListDestroy(PRTLISTNODE pList) { AssertPtr(pList); /* Destroy file list. */ PDIRECTORYENTRY pNode = RTListGetFirst(pList, DIRECTORYENTRY, Node); while (pNode) { PDIRECTORYENTRY pNext = RTListNodeGetNext(&pNode->Node, DIRECTORYENTRY, Node); bool fLast = RTListNodeIsLast(pList, &pNode->Node); if (pNode->pszSourcePath) RTStrFree(pNode->pszSourcePath); if (pNode->pszDestPath) RTStrFree(pNode->pszDestPath); RTListNodeRemove(&pNode->Node); RTMemFree(pNode); if (fLast) break; pNode = pNext; } } /** * Reads a specified directory (recursively) based on the copy flags * and appends all matching entries to the supplied list. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pszRootDir Directory to start with. Must end with * a trailing slash and must be absolute. * @param pszSubDir Sub directory part relative to the root * directory; needed for recursion. * @param pszFilter Search filter (e.g. *.pdf). * @param pszDest Destination directory. * @param uFlags Copy flags. * @param pcObjects Where to store the overall objects to * copy found. * @param pList Pointer to the object list to use. */ static int ctrlCopyDirectoryRead(const char *pszRootDir, const char *pszSubDir, const char *pszFilter, const char *pszDest, uint32_t uFlags, uint32_t *pcObjects, PRTLISTNODE pList) { AssertPtrReturn(pszRootDir, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* Sub directory is optional. */ /* Filter directory is optional. */ AssertPtrReturn(pszDest, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pcObjects, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pList, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PRTDIR pDir = NULL; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; char szCurDir[RTPATH_MAX]; /* Construct current path. */ if (RTStrPrintf(szCurDir, sizeof(szCurDir), pszRootDir)) { if (pszSubDir != NULL) rc = RTPathAppend(szCurDir, sizeof(szCurDir), pszSubDir); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Open directory without a filter - RTDirOpenFiltered unfortunately * cannot handle sub directories so we have to do the filtering ourselves. */ rc = RTDirOpen(&pDir, szCurDir); for (;RT_SUCCESS(rc);) { RTDIRENTRY DirEntry; rc = RTDirRead(pDir, &DirEntry, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (rc == VERR_NO_MORE_FILES) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } switch (DirEntry.enmType) { case RTDIRENTRYTYPE_DIRECTORY: /* Skip "." and ".." entrires. */ if ( !strcmp(DirEntry.szName, ".") || !strcmp(DirEntry.szName, "..")) { break; } if (uFlags & CopyFileFlag_Recursive) { char *pszNewSub = NULL; if (pszSubDir) RTStrAPrintf(&pszNewSub, "%s%s/", pszSubDir, DirEntry.szName); else RTStrAPrintf(&pszNewSub, "%s/", DirEntry.szName); if (pszNewSub) { rc = ctrlCopyDirectoryRead(pszRootDir, pszNewSub, pszFilter, pszDest, uFlags, pcObjects, pList); RTStrFree(pszNewSub); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } break; case RTDIRENTRYTYPE_SYMLINK: if ( (uFlags & CopyFileFlag_Recursive) && (uFlags & CopyFileFlag_FollowLinks)) { /* Fall through to next case is intentional. */ } else break; case RTDIRENTRYTYPE_FILE: { bool fProcess = false; if (pszFilter && RTStrSimplePatternMatch(pszFilter, DirEntry.szName)) fProcess = true; else if (!pszFilter) fProcess = true; if (fProcess) { char *pszFileSource = NULL; char *pszFileDest = NULL; if (RTStrAPrintf(&pszFileSource, "%s%s%s", pszRootDir, pszSubDir ? pszSubDir : "", DirEntry.szName) >= 0) { if (RTStrAPrintf(&pszFileDest, "%s%s%s", pszDest, pszSubDir ? pszSubDir : "", DirEntry.szName) <= 0) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = ctrlDirectoryEntryAppend(pszFileSource, pszFileDest, pList); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *pcObjects = *pcObjects + 1; } if (pszFileSource) RTStrFree(pszFileSource); if (pszFileDest) RTStrFree(pszFileDest); } } break; default: break; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } if (pDir) RTDirClose(pDir); return rc; } /** * Initializes the copy process and builds up an object list * with all required information to start the actual copy process. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pszSource Source path on host to use. * @param pszDest Destination path on guest to use. * @param uFlags Copy flags. * @param pcObjects Where to store the count of objects to be copied. * @param pList Where to store the object list. */ static int ctrlCopyInit(const char *pszSource, const char *pszDest, uint32_t uFlags, uint32_t *pcObjects, PRTLISTNODE pList) { AssertPtrReturn(pszSource, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pszDest, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pcObjects, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pList, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; char *pszSourceAbs = RTPathAbsDup(pszSource); if (pszSourceAbs) { if ( RTPathFilename(pszSourceAbs) && RTFileExists(pszSourceAbs)) /* We have a single file ... */ { char *pszDestAbs = RTStrDup(pszDest); if (pszDestAbs) { /* Do we have a trailing slash for the destination? * Then this is a directory ... */ size_t cch = strlen(pszDestAbs); if ( cch > 1 && ( RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pszDestAbs[cch - 1]) || RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pszDestAbs[cch - 2]) ) ) { rc = RTStrAAppend(&pszDestAbs, RTPathFilename(pszSourceAbs)); } else { /* Since the desetination seems not to be a directory, * we assume that this is the absolute path to the destination * file -> nothing to do here ... */ } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTListInit(pList); rc = ctrlDirectoryEntryAppend(pszSourceAbs, pszDestAbs, pList); *pcObjects = 1; } RTStrFree(pszDestAbs); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } else /* ... or a directory. */ { /* Append trailing slash to absolute directory. */ if (RTDirExists(pszSourceAbs)) RTStrAAppend(&pszSourceAbs, RTPATH_SLASH_STR); /* Extract directory filter (e.g. "*.exe"). */ char *pszFilter = RTPathFilename(pszSourceAbs); char *pszSourceAbsRoot = RTStrDup(pszSourceAbs); char *pszDestAbs = RTStrDup(pszDest); if ( pszSourceAbsRoot && pszDestAbs) { if (pszFilter) { RTPathStripFilename(pszSourceAbsRoot); rc = RTStrAAppend(&pszSourceAbsRoot, RTPATH_SLASH_STR); } else { /* * If we have more than one file to copy, make sure that we have * a trailing slash so that we can construct a full path name * (e.g. "foo.txt" -> "c:/foo/temp.txt") as destination. */ size_t cch = strlen(pszSourceAbsRoot); if ( cch > 1 && !RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pszSourceAbsRoot[cch - 1]) && !RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pszSourceAbsRoot[cch - 2])) { rc = RTStrAAppend(&pszSourceAbsRoot, RTPATH_SLASH_STR); } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Make sure we have a valid destination path. All we can do * here is to check whether we have a trailing slash -- the rest * (i.e. path creation, rights etc.) needs to be done inside the guest. */ size_t cch = strlen(pszDestAbs); if ( cch > 1 && !RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pszDestAbs[cch - 1]) && !RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pszDestAbs[cch - 2])) { rc = RTStrAAppend(&pszDestAbs, RTPATH_SLASH_STR); } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTListInit(pList); rc = ctrlCopyDirectoryRead(pszSourceAbsRoot, NULL /* Sub directory */, pszFilter, pszDestAbs, uFlags, pcObjects, pList); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && *pcObjects == 0) rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND; } if (pszDestAbs) RTStrFree(pszDestAbs); if (pszSourceAbsRoot) RTStrFree(pszSourceAbsRoot); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } RTStrFree(pszSourceAbs); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; return rc; } /** * Copys a file from host to the guest. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pGuest IGuest interface pointer. * @param fVerbose Verbose flag. * @param pszSource Source path of existing host file to copy. * @param pszDest Destination path on guest to copy the file to. * @param pszUserName User name on guest to use for the copy operation. * @param pszPassword Password of user account. * @param uFlags Copy flags. */ static int ctrlCopyFileToGuest(IGuest *pGuest, bool fVerbose, const char *pszSource, const char *pszDest, const char *pszUserName, const char *pszPassword, uint32_t uFlags) { AssertPtrReturn(pszSource, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pszDest, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pszUserName, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pszPassword, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; ComPtr progress; HRESULT rc = pGuest->CopyToGuest(Bstr(pszSource).raw(), Bstr(pszDest).raw(), Bstr(pszUserName).raw(), Bstr(pszPassword).raw(), uFlags, progress.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc)) vrc = ctrlPrintError(pGuest, COM_IIDOF(IGuest)); else { rc = showProgress(progress); if (FAILED(rc)) vrc = ctrlPrintProgressError(progress); } return vrc; } static int handleCtrlCopyTo(HandlerArg *a) { /* * Check the syntax. We can deduce the correct syntax from the number of * arguments. */ if (a->argc < 3) /* At least the source + destination should be present :-). */ return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { "--dryrun", 'd', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--follow", 'F', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--password", 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--recursive", 'R', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--username", 'u', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--verbose", 'v', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING } }; int ch; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGetOptInit(&GetState, a->argc, a->argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 1, 0); Utf8Str Utf8Source; Utf8Str Utf8Dest; Utf8Str Utf8UserName; Utf8Str Utf8Password; uint32_t uFlags = CopyFileFlag_None; bool fVerbose = false; bool fCopyRecursive = false; bool fDryRun = false; int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint32_t uNoOptionIdx = 0; bool fUsageOK = true; while ( (ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) && RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* For options that require an argument, ValueUnion has received the value. */ switch (ch) { case 'd': /* Dry run */ fDryRun = true; break; case 'F': /* Follow symlinks */ uFlags |= CopyFileFlag_FollowLinks; break; case 'p': /* Password */ Utf8Password = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'R': /* Recursive processing */ uFlags |= CopyFileFlag_Recursive; break; case 'u': /* User name */ Utf8UserName = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'v': /* Verbose */ fVerbose = true; break; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: { /* Get the actual source + destination. */ switch (uNoOptionIdx) { case 0: Utf8Source = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 1: Utf8Dest = ValueUnion.psz; break; default: break; } uNoOptionIdx++; if (uNoOptionIdx == UINT32_MAX) { RTMsgError("Too many files specified! Aborting.\n"); vrc = VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA; } break; } default: return RTGetOptPrintError(ch, &ValueUnion); } } if (!fUsageOK) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); if (Utf8Source.isEmpty()) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "No source specified!"); if (Utf8Dest.isEmpty()) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "No destination specified!"); if (Utf8UserName.isEmpty()) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "No user name specified!"); HRESULT rc = S_OK; ComPtr guest; vrc = ctrlInitVM(a, a->argv[0] /* VM Name */, &guest); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (fVerbose) { if (fDryRun) RTPrintf("Dry run - no files copied!\n"); RTPrintf("Gathering file information ...\n"); } RTLISTNODE listToCopy; uint32_t cObjects = 0; vrc = ctrlCopyInit(Utf8Source.c_str(), Utf8Dest.c_str(), uFlags, &cObjects, &listToCopy); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { switch (vrc) { case VERR_NOT_FOUND: RTMsgError("No files to copy found!\n"); break; case VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: RTMsgError("Source path \"%s\" not found!\n", Utf8Source.c_str()); break; default: RTMsgError("Failed to initialize, rc=%Rrc\n", vrc); break; } } else { PDIRECTORYENTRY pNode; if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (fVerbose) { if (fCopyRecursive) RTPrintf("Recursively copying \"%s\" to \"%s\" (%u file(s)) ...\n", Utf8Source.c_str(), Utf8Dest.c_str(), cObjects); else RTPrintf("Copying \"%s\" to \"%s\" (%u file(s)) ...\n", Utf8Source.c_str(), Utf8Dest.c_str(), cObjects); } uint32_t uCurObject = 1; RTListForEach(&listToCopy, pNode, DIRECTORYENTRY, Node) { if (!fDryRun) { if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Copying \"%s\" to \"%s\" (%u/%u) ...\n", pNode->pszSourcePath, pNode->pszDestPath, uCurObject, cObjects); /* Finally copy the desired file (if no dry run selected). */ if (!fDryRun) vrc = ctrlCopyFileToGuest(guest, fVerbose, pNode->pszSourcePath, pNode->pszDestPath, Utf8UserName.c_str(), Utf8Password.c_str(), uFlags); } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) break; uCurObject++; } if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc) && fVerbose) RTPrintf("Copy operation successful!\n"); } ctrlDirectoryListDestroy(&listToCopy); } ctrlUninitVM(a); } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) rc = VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR; return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleCtrlCreateDirectory(HandlerArg *a) { /* * Check the syntax. We can deduce the correct syntax from the number of * arguments. */ if (a->argc < 2) /* At least the directory we want to create should be present :-). */ return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { "--mode", 'm', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--parents", 'P', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--password", 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--username", 'u', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--verbose", 'v', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING } }; int ch; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGetOptInit(&GetState, a->argc, a->argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 1, 0); Utf8Str Utf8UserName; Utf8Str Utf8Password; uint32_t uFlags = CreateDirectoryFlag_None; uint32_t uMode = 0; bool fVerbose = false; RTLISTNODE listDirs; uint32_t uNumDirs = 0; RTListInit(&listDirs); int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; bool fUsageOK = true; while ( (ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) && RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* For options that require an argument, ValueUnion has received the value. */ switch (ch) { case 'm': /* Mode */ uMode = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 'P': /* Create parents */ uFlags |= CreateDirectoryFlag_Parents; break; case 'p': /* Password */ Utf8Password = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'u': /* User name */ Utf8UserName = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'v': /* Verbose */ fVerbose = true; break; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: { vrc = ctrlDirectoryEntryAppend(NULL, /* No source given */ ValueUnion.psz, /* Destination */ &listDirs); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { uNumDirs++; if (uNumDirs == UINT32_MAX) { RTMsgError("Too many directories specified! Aborting.\n"); vrc = VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA; } } break; } default: return RTGetOptPrintError(ch, &ValueUnion); } } if (!fUsageOK) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); if (!uNumDirs) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "No directory to create specified!"); if (Utf8UserName.isEmpty()) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "No user name specified!"); HRESULT rc = S_OK; ComPtr guest; vrc = ctrlInitVM(a, a->argv[0] /* VM Name */, &guest); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (fVerbose && uNumDirs > 1) RTPrintf("Creating %ld directories ...\n", uNumDirs); PDIRECTORYENTRY pNode; RTListForEach(&listDirs, pNode, DIRECTORYENTRY, Node) { if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Creating directory \"%s\" ...\n", pNode->pszDestPath); ComPtr progress; rc = guest->CreateDirectory(Bstr(pNode->pszDestPath).raw(), Bstr(Utf8UserName).raw(), Bstr(Utf8Password).raw(), uMode, uFlags, progress.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc)) { vrc = ctrlPrintError(guest, COM_IIDOF(IGuest)); break; } } ctrlUninitVM(a); } ctrlDirectoryListDestroy(&listDirs); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) rc = VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR; return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleCtrlUpdateAdditions(HandlerArg *a) { /* * Check the syntax. We can deduce the correct syntax from the number of * arguments. */ if (a->argc < 1) /* At least the VM name should be present :-). */ return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); Utf8Str Utf8Source; bool fVerbose = false; /** @todo r=bird: Use RTGetOpt here, no new code using strcmp-if-switching! */ /* Iterate through all possible commands (if available). */ bool usageOK = true; for (int i = 1; usageOK && i < a->argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(a->argv[i], "--source")) { if (i + 1 >= a->argc) usageOK = false; else { Utf8Source = a->argv[i + 1]; ++i; } } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[i], "--verbose")) fVerbose = true; else return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Invalid parameter '%s'", Utf8Str(a->argv[i]).c_str()); } if (!usageOK) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); HRESULT rc = S_OK; ComPtr guest; int vrc = ctrlInitVM(a, a->argv[0] /* VM Name */, &guest); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Updating Guest Additions of machine \"%s\" ...\n", a->argv[0]); #ifdef DEBUG_andy if (Utf8Source.isEmpty()) Utf8Source = "c:\\Downloads\\VBoxGuestAdditions-r67158.iso"; #endif /* Determine source if not set yet. */ if (Utf8Source.isEmpty()) { char strTemp[RTPATH_MAX]; vrc = RTPathAppPrivateNoArch(strTemp, sizeof(strTemp)); AssertRC(vrc); Utf8Str Utf8Src1 = Utf8Str(strTemp).append("/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso"); vrc = RTPathExecDir(strTemp, sizeof(strTemp)); AssertRC(vrc); Utf8Str Utf8Src2 = Utf8Str(strTemp).append("/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso"); /* Check the standard image locations */ if (RTFileExists(Utf8Src1.c_str())) Utf8Source = Utf8Src1; else if (RTFileExists(Utf8Src2.c_str())) Utf8Source = Utf8Src2; else { RTMsgError("Source could not be determined! Please use --source to specify a valid source.\n"); vrc = VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } else if (!RTFileExists(Utf8Source.c_str())) { RTMsgError("Source \"%s\" does not exist!\n", Utf8Source.c_str()); vrc = VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Using source: %s\n", Utf8Source.c_str()); ComPtr progress; CHECK_ERROR(guest, UpdateGuestAdditions(Bstr(Utf8Source).raw(), /* Wait for whole update process to complete. */ AdditionsUpdateFlag_None, progress.asOutParam())); if (FAILED(rc)) vrc = ctrlPrintError(guest, COM_IIDOF(IGuest)); else { rc = showProgress(progress); if (FAILED(rc)) vrc = ctrlPrintProgressError(progress); else if (fVerbose) RTPrintf("Guest Additions update successful.\n"); } } ctrlUninitVM(a); } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) rc = VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR; return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } /** * Access the guest control store. * * @returns 0 on success, 1 on failure * @note see the command line API description for parameters */ int handleGuestControl(HandlerArg *a) { HandlerArg arg = *a; arg.argc = a->argc - 1; arg.argv = a->argv + 1; if (a->argc <= 0) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); /* switch (cmd) */ if ( !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "exec") || !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "execute")) { return handleCtrlExecProgram(&arg); } else if ( !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "copyto") || !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "cp")) { return handleCtrlCopyTo(&arg); } else if ( !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "createdirectory") || !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "createdir") || !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "mkdir") || !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "md")) { return handleCtrlCreateDirectory(&arg); } else if ( !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "updateadditions") || !RTStrICmp(a->argv[0], "updateadds")) { return handleCtrlUpdateAdditions(&arg); } /* default: */ return errorSyntax(USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, "Incorrect parameters"); } #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */