1 | /* $Id: VBoxBugReportWin.cpp 59629 2016-02-10 12:40:42Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBoxBugReportWin - VirtualBox command-line diagnostics tool,
4 | * Windows-specific part.
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Oracle Corporation
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | */
18 |
19 | #include <VBox/com/com.h>
20 | #include <VBox/com/string.h>
21 |
22 | #include <iprt/cpp/exception.h>
23 |
24 | #include "VBoxBugReport.h"
25 |
26 | #include <netcfgx.h>
27 | #include <devguid.h>
28 |
29 |
30 | #define ReleaseAndReset(obj) \
31 | if (obj) \
32 | obj->Release(); \
33 | obj = NULL;
34 |
35 |
36 | class BugReportNetworkAdaptersWin : public BugReportStream
37 | {
38 | public:
39 | BugReportNetworkAdaptersWin() : BugReportStream("NetworkAdapters") {};
40 | virtual ~BugReportNetworkAdaptersWin() {};
41 | virtual PRTSTREAM getStream(void) { collect(); return BugReportStream::getStream(); };
42 | private:
43 | struct CharacteristicsName
44 | {
45 | DWORD dwChar;
46 | const char *szName;
47 | };
48 | void printCharteristics(DWORD dwChars);
49 | void collect();
50 | void collectNetCfgComponentInfo(int ident, bool fEnabled, INetCfgComponent *pComponent);
51 | };
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 | void BugReportNetworkAdaptersWin::printCharteristics(DWORD dwChars)
56 | {
57 | static CharacteristicsName cMap[] =
58 | {
59 | { NCF_VIRTUAL, "virtual" },
60 | { NCF_SOFTWARE_ENUMERATED, "software_enumerated" },
61 | { NCF_PHYSICAL, "physical" },
62 | { NCF_HIDDEN, "hidden" },
63 | { NCF_NO_SERVICE, "no_service" },
64 | { NCF_NOT_USER_REMOVABLE, "not_user_removable" },
65 | { NCF_MULTIPORT_INSTANCED_ADAPTER, "multiport_instanced_adapter" },
66 | { NCF_HAS_UI, "has_ui" },
67 | { NCF_SINGLE_INSTANCE, "single_instance" },
68 | { NCF_FILTER, "filter" },
69 | { NCF_DONTEXPOSELOWER, "dontexposelower" },
70 | { NCF_HIDE_BINDING, "hide_binding" },
71 | { NCF_NDIS_PROTOCOL, "ndis_protocol" },
72 | { NCF_FIXED_BINDING, "fixed_binding" },
73 | { NCF_LW_FILTER, "lw_filter" }
74 | };
75 | bool fPrintDelim = false;
76 |
77 | for (int i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(cMap); ++i)
78 | {
79 | if (dwChars & cMap[i].dwChar)
80 | {
81 | if (fPrintDelim)
82 | {
83 | putStr(", ");
84 | fPrintDelim = false;
85 | }
86 | putStr(cMap[i].szName);
87 | fPrintDelim = true;
88 | }
89 | }
90 | }
91 |
92 | void BugReportNetworkAdaptersWin::collectNetCfgComponentInfo(int ident, bool fEnabled, INetCfgComponent *pComponent)
93 | {
94 | LPWSTR pwszName = NULL;
95 | HRESULT hr = pComponent->GetDisplayName(&pwszName);
96 | if (FAILED(hr))
97 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to get component display name, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
98 | printf("%s%c %ls [", RTCString(ident, ' ').c_str(), fEnabled ? '+' : '-', pwszName);
99 | if (pwszName)
100 | CoTaskMemFree(pwszName);
101 |
102 | DWORD dwChars = 0;
103 | hr = pComponent->GetCharacteristics(&dwChars);
104 | if (FAILED(hr))
105 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to get component characteristics, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
106 | printCharteristics(dwChars);
107 | putStr("]\n");
108 | }
109 |
110 | void BugReportNetworkAdaptersWin::collect(void)
111 | {
112 | INetCfg *pNetCfg = NULL;
113 | IEnumNetCfgComponent *pEnumAdapters = NULL;
114 | INetCfgComponent *pNetCfgAdapter = NULL;
115 | INetCfgComponentBindings *pAdapterBindings = NULL;
116 | IEnumNetCfgBindingPath *pEnumBp = NULL;
117 | INetCfgBindingPath *pBp = NULL;
118 | IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface *pEnumBi = NULL;
119 | INetCfgBindingInterface *pBi = NULL;
120 | INetCfgComponent *pUpperComponent = NULL;
121 |
122 | try
123 | {
124 | HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CNetCfg, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_INetCfg, (PVOID*)&pNetCfg);
125 | if (FAILED(hr))
126 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to create instance of INetCfg, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
127 | hr = pNetCfg->Initialize(NULL);
128 | if (FAILED(hr))
129 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to initialize instance of INetCfg, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
130 |
131 | hr = pNetCfg->EnumComponents(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, &pEnumAdapters);
132 | if (FAILED(hr))
133 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed enumerate network adapters, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
134 |
135 | hr = pEnumAdapters->Reset();
136 | Assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));
137 | do
138 | {
139 | hr = pEnumAdapters->Next(1, &pNetCfgAdapter, NULL);
140 | if (hr == S_FALSE)
141 | break;
142 | if (hr != S_OK)
143 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to get next network adapter, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
144 | hr = pNetCfgAdapter->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, (PVOID*)&pAdapterBindings);
145 | if (FAILED(hr))
146 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to query INetCfgComponentBindings, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
147 | hr = pAdapterBindings->EnumBindingPaths(EBP_ABOVE, &pEnumBp);
148 | if (FAILED(hr))
149 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to enumerate binding paths, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
150 | hr = pEnumBp->Reset();
151 | if (FAILED(hr))
152 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to reset enumeration of binding paths (0x%x)\n", hr));
153 | do
154 | {
155 | hr = pEnumBp->Next(1, &pBp, NULL);
156 | if (hr == S_FALSE)
157 | break;
158 | if (hr != S_OK)
159 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to get next network adapter, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
160 | bool fBpEnabled;
161 | hr = pBp->IsEnabled();
162 | if (hr == S_FALSE)
163 | fBpEnabled = false;
164 | else if (hr != S_OK)
165 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to check if bind path is enabled, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
166 | else
167 | fBpEnabled = true;
168 | hr = pBp->EnumBindingInterfaces(&pEnumBi);
169 | if (FAILED(hr))
170 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to enumerate binding interfaces (0x%x)\n", hr));
171 | hr = pEnumBi->Reset();
172 | if (FAILED(hr))
173 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to reset enumeration of binding interfaces (0x%x)\n", hr));
174 | int ident;
175 | for (ident = 0;; ++ident)
176 | {
177 | hr = pEnumBi->Next(1, &pBi, NULL);
178 | if (hr == S_FALSE)
179 | break;
180 | if (hr != S_OK)
181 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to get next binding interface, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
182 | hr = pBi->GetUpperComponent(&pUpperComponent);
183 | if (FAILED(hr))
184 | throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to get upper component, hr=0x%x.\n", hr));
185 | collectNetCfgComponentInfo(ident, fBpEnabled, pUpperComponent);
186 | ReleaseAndReset(pUpperComponent);
187 | ReleaseAndReset(pBi);
188 | }
189 | collectNetCfgComponentInfo(ident, fBpEnabled, pNetCfgAdapter);
190 | ReleaseAndReset(pEnumBi);
191 | ReleaseAndReset(pBp);
192 | } while (true);
193 |
194 | ReleaseAndReset(pEnumBp);
195 | ReleaseAndReset(pAdapterBindings);
196 | ReleaseAndReset(pNetCfgAdapter);
197 | } while (true);
198 | ReleaseAndReset(pEnumAdapters);
199 | ReleaseAndReset(pNetCfg);
200 | }
201 |
202 | catch (RTCError &e)
203 | {
204 | ReleaseAndReset(pUpperComponent);
205 | ReleaseAndReset(pBi);
206 | ReleaseAndReset(pEnumBi);
207 | ReleaseAndReset(pBp);
208 | ReleaseAndReset(pEnumBp);
209 | ReleaseAndReset(pAdapterBindings);
210 | ReleaseAndReset(pNetCfgAdapter);
211 | ReleaseAndReset(pEnumAdapters);
212 | ReleaseAndReset(pNetCfg);
213 | RTPrintf("ERROR in osCollect: %s\n", e.what());
214 | throw;
215 | }
216 |
217 | }
218 |
219 | void createBugReportOsSpecific(BugReport* report, const char *pszHome)
220 | {
221 | WCHAR szWinDir[MAX_PATH];
222 |
223 | int cbNeeded = GetWindowsDirectory(szWinDir, RT_ELEMENTS(szWinDir));
224 | if (cbNeeded == 0)
225 | throw RTCError(RTCStringFmt("Failed to get Windows directory (err=%d)\n", GetLastError()));
226 | if (cbNeeded > MAX_PATH)
227 | throw RTCError(RTCStringFmt("Failed to get Windows directory (needed %d-byte buffer)\n", cbNeeded));
228 | RTCStringFmt WinInfDir("%ls/inf", szWinDir);
229 | report->addItem(new BugReportFile(PathJoin(WinInfDir.c_str(), "setupapi.app.log"), "setupapi.app.log"));
230 | report->addItem(new BugReportFile(PathJoin(WinInfDir.c_str(), "setupapi.dev.log"), "setupapi.dev.log"));
231 | report->addItem(new BugReportNetworkAdaptersWin);
232 | RTCStringFmt WinSysDir("%ls/System32", szWinDir);
233 | report->addItem(new BugReportCommand("SystemEvents", PathJoin(WinSysDir.c_str(), "wevtutil.exe"),
234 | "qe", "System", "/f:text",
235 | "/q:*[System[Provider[@Name='VBoxUSBMon']]]", NULL));
236 | report->addItem(new BugReportCommand("UpdateHistory", PathJoin(WinSysDir.c_str(), "wbem/wmic.exe"),
237 | "qfe", "list", "brief", NULL));
238 | report->addItem(new BugReportCommand("DriverServices", PathJoin(WinSysDir.c_str(), "sc.exe"),
239 | "query", "type=", "driver", "state=", "all", NULL));
240 | }