/* $Id: VBoxBugReport.cpp 80569 2019-09-03 14:34:21Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxBugReport - VirtualBox command-line diagnostics tool, main file. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxBugReport.h" /* Implementation - Base */ #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS /** @todo Replace with platform-specific implementations. */ void createBugReportOsSpecific(BugReport *pReport, const char *pszHome) { RT_NOREF(pReport, pszHome); } #endif /* !RT_OS_WINDOWS */ /* Globals */ static char *g_pszVBoxManage = NULL; static const RTGETOPTDEF g_aOptions[] = { { "-all", 'A', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--all", 'A', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "-output", 'o', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--output", 'o', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "-text", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--text", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING } }; static const char g_szUsage[] = "Usage: %s [-h|-?|--help] [-A|--all|...] [-o |--output=]\n" " Several VM names can be specified at once to be included into single report.\n" " If none is given then no machines will be included. Specifying -A overrides\n" " any VM names provided and includes all registered machines.\n" "Options:\n" " -h, -help, --help Print usage information\n" " -A, -all, --all Include all registered machines\n" " -o, -output, --output Specifies the name of the output file\n" " -t, -text, --text Produce a single text file instead of compressed TAR\n" " -V, -version, --version Print version information\n" "\n"; /* * This class stores machine-specific file paths that are obtained via * VirtualBox API. In case API is not functioning properly these paths * will be deduced on the best effort basis. */ class MachineInfo { public: MachineInfo(const char *name, const char *logFolder, const char *settingsFile); ~MachineInfo(); const char *getName() const { return m_name; }; const char *getLogPath() const { return m_logpath; }; const char *getSettingsFile() const { return m_settings; }; private: char *m_name; char *m_logpath; char *m_settings; }; MachineInfo::MachineInfo(const char *name, const char *logFolder, const char *settingsFile) { m_name = RTStrDup(name); m_logpath = RTStrDup(logFolder); m_settings = RTStrDup(settingsFile); } MachineInfo::~MachineInfo() { RTStrFree(m_logpath); RTStrFree(m_name); RTStrFree(m_settings); m_logpath = m_name = m_settings = 0; } typedef std::list MachineInfoList; class VBRDir { public: VBRDir(const char *pcszPath) : m_hDir(NIL_RTDIR) { int rc = RTDirOpenFiltered(&m_hDir, pcszPath, RTDIRFILTER_WINNT, 0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to open directory '%s'\n", pcszPath)); }; ~VBRDir() { int rc = RTDirClose(m_hDir); AssertRC(rc); }; const char *next(void) { int rc = RTDirRead(m_hDir, &m_DirEntry, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return m_DirEntry.szName; if (rc == VERR_NO_MORE_FILES) return NULL; throw RTCError("Failed to read directory element\n"); }; private: RTDIR m_hDir; RTDIRENTRY m_DirEntry; }; BugReportFilter::BugReportFilter() : m_pvBuffer(0), m_cbBuffer(0) { } BugReportFilter::~BugReportFilter() { if (m_pvBuffer) RTMemFree(m_pvBuffer); } void *BugReportFilter::allocateBuffer(size_t cbNeeded) { if (m_pvBuffer) { if (cbNeeded > m_cbBuffer) RTMemFree(m_pvBuffer); else return m_pvBuffer; } m_pvBuffer = RTMemAlloc(cbNeeded); if (!m_pvBuffer) throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n", cbNeeded)); m_cbBuffer = cbNeeded; return m_pvBuffer; } /* * An abstract class serving as the root of the bug report item tree. */ BugReportItem::BugReportItem(const char *pszTitle) { m_pszTitle = RTStrDup(pszTitle); m_filter = 0; } BugReportItem::~BugReportItem() { if (m_filter) delete m_filter; RTStrFree(m_pszTitle); } void BugReportItem::addFilter(BugReportFilter *filter) { m_filter = filter; } void *BugReportItem::applyFilter(void *pvSource, size_t *pcbInOut) { if (m_filter) return m_filter->apply(pvSource, pcbInOut); return pvSource; } const char * BugReportItem::getTitle(void) { return m_pszTitle; } BugReport::BugReport(const char *pszFileName) { m_pszFileName = RTStrDup(pszFileName); } BugReport::~BugReport() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_Items.size(); ++i) { delete m_Items[i]; } RTStrFree(m_pszFileName); } int BugReport::getItemCount(void) { return (int)m_Items.size(); } void BugReport::addItem(BugReportItem* item, BugReportFilter *filter) { if (filter) item->addFilter(filter); if (item) m_Items.append(item); } void BugReport::process(void) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_Items.size(); ++i) { BugReportItem *pItem = m_Items[i]; RTPrintf("%3u%% - collecting %s...\n", i * 100 / m_Items.size(), pItem->getTitle()); processItem(pItem); } RTPrintf("100%% - compressing...\n\n"); } void *BugReport::applyFilters(BugReportItem* item, void *pvSource, size_t *pcbInOut) { return item->applyFilter(pvSource, pcbInOut); } BugReportStream::BugReportStream(const char *pszTitle) : BugReportItem(pszTitle) { handleRtError(RTPathTemp(m_szFileName, RTPATH_MAX), "Failed to obtain path to temporary folder"); handleRtError(RTPathAppend(m_szFileName, RTPATH_MAX, "BugRepXXXXX.tmp"), "Failed to append path"); handleRtError(RTFileCreateTemp(m_szFileName, 0600), "Failed to create temporary file '%s'", m_szFileName); handleRtError(RTStrmOpen(m_szFileName, "w", &m_Strm), "Failed to open '%s'", m_szFileName); } BugReportStream::~BugReportStream() { if (m_Strm) RTStrmClose(m_Strm); RTFileDelete(m_szFileName); } int BugReportStream::printf(const char *pszFmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, pszFmt); int cb = RTStrmPrintfV(m_Strm, pszFmt, va); va_end(va); return cb; } int BugReportStream::putStr(const char *pszString) { return RTStrmPutStr(m_Strm, pszString); } PRTSTREAM BugReportStream::getStream(void) { RTStrmClose(m_Strm); handleRtError(RTStrmOpen(m_szFileName, "r", &m_Strm), "Failed to open '%s'", m_szFileName); return m_Strm; } /* Implementation - Generic */ BugReportFile::BugReportFile(const char *pszPath, const char *pszShortName) : BugReportItem(pszShortName) { m_Strm = 0; m_pszPath = RTStrDup(pszPath); } BugReportFile::~BugReportFile() { if (m_Strm) RTStrmClose(m_Strm); if (m_pszPath) RTStrFree(m_pszPath); } PRTSTREAM BugReportFile::getStream(void) { handleRtError(RTStrmOpen(m_pszPath, "rb", &m_Strm), "Failed to open '%s'", m_pszPath); return m_Strm; } BugReportCommand::BugReportCommand(const char *pszTitle, const char *pszExec, ...) : BugReportItem(pszTitle), m_Strm(NULL) { unsigned cArgs = 0; m_papszArgs[cArgs++] = RTStrDup(pszExec); const char *pszArg; va_list va; va_start(va, pszExec); do { if (cArgs >= RT_ELEMENTS(m_papszArgs)) { va_end(va); throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Too many arguments (%u > %u)\n", cArgs+1, RT_ELEMENTS(m_papszArgs))); } pszArg = va_arg(va, const char *); m_papszArgs[cArgs++] = pszArg ? RTStrDup(pszArg) : NULL; } while (pszArg); va_end(va); } BugReportCommand::~BugReportCommand() { if (m_Strm) RTStrmClose(m_Strm); RTFileDelete(m_szFileName); for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(m_papszArgs) && m_papszArgs[i]; ++i) RTStrFree(m_papszArgs[i]); } PRTSTREAM BugReportCommand::getStream(void) { handleRtError(RTPathTemp(m_szFileName, RTPATH_MAX), "Failed to obtain path to temporary folder"); handleRtError(RTPathAppend(m_szFileName, RTPATH_MAX, "BugRepXXXXX.tmp"), "Failed to append path"); handleRtError(RTFileCreateTemp(m_szFileName, 0600), "Failed to create temporary file '%s'", m_szFileName); RTHANDLE hStdOutErr; hStdOutErr.enmType = RTHANDLETYPE_FILE; handleRtError(RTFileOpen(&hStdOutErr.u.hFile, m_szFileName, RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_CREATE_REPLACE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE), "Failed to open temporary file '%s'", m_szFileName); RTPROCESS hProcess; handleRtError(RTProcCreateEx(m_papszArgs[0], m_papszArgs, RTENV_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, &hStdOutErr, &hStdOutErr, NULL, NULL, NULL, &hProcess), "Failed to create process '%s'", m_papszArgs[0]); RTPROCSTATUS status; handleRtError(RTProcWait(hProcess, RTPROCWAIT_FLAGS_BLOCK, &status), "Process wait failed"); //if (status.enmReason == RTPROCEXITREASON_NORMAL) {} RTFileClose(hStdOutErr.u.hFile); handleRtError(RTStrmOpen(m_szFileName, "r", &m_Strm), "Failed to open '%s'", m_szFileName); return m_Strm; } BugReportCommandTemp::BugReportCommandTemp(const char *pszTitle, const char *pszExec, ...) : BugReportItem(pszTitle), m_Strm(NULL) { handleRtError(RTPathTemp(m_szFileName, RTPATH_MAX), "Failed to obtain path to temporary folder"); handleRtError(RTPathAppend(m_szFileName, RTPATH_MAX, "BugRepXXXXX.tmp"), "Failed to append path"); handleRtError(RTFileCreateTemp(m_szFileName, 0600), "Failed to create temporary file '%s'", m_szFileName); unsigned cArgs = 0; m_papszArgs[cArgs++] = RTStrDup(pszExec); const char *pszArg; va_list va; va_start(va, pszExec); do { if (cArgs >= RT_ELEMENTS(m_papszArgs) - 1) { va_end(va); throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Too many arguments (%u > %u)\n", cArgs+1, RT_ELEMENTS(m_papszArgs))); } pszArg = va_arg(va, const char *); m_papszArgs[cArgs++] = RTStrDup(pszArg ? pszArg : m_szFileName); } while (pszArg); va_end(va); m_papszArgs[cArgs++] = NULL; } BugReportCommandTemp::~BugReportCommandTemp() { if (m_Strm) RTStrmClose(m_Strm); RTFileDelete(m_szErrFileName); RTFileDelete(m_szFileName); for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(m_papszArgs) && m_papszArgs[i]; ++i) RTStrFree(m_papszArgs[i]); } PRTSTREAM BugReportCommandTemp::getStream(void) { handleRtError(RTPathTemp(m_szErrFileName, RTPATH_MAX), "Failed to obtain path to temporary folder"); handleRtError(RTPathAppend(m_szErrFileName, RTPATH_MAX, "BugRepErrXXXXX.tmp"), "Failed to append path"); handleRtError(RTFileCreateTemp(m_szErrFileName, 0600), "Failed to create temporary file '%s'", m_szErrFileName); RTHANDLE hStdOutErr; hStdOutErr.enmType = RTHANDLETYPE_FILE; handleRtError(RTFileOpen(&hStdOutErr.u.hFile, m_szErrFileName, RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_CREATE_REPLACE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE), "Failed to open temporary file '%s'", m_szErrFileName); /* Remove the output file to prevent errors or confirmation prompts */ handleRtError(RTFileDelete(m_szFileName), "Failed to delete temporary file '%s'", m_szFileName); RTPROCESS hProcess; handleRtError(RTProcCreateEx(m_papszArgs[0], m_papszArgs, RTENV_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, &hStdOutErr, &hStdOutErr, NULL, NULL, NULL, &hProcess), "Failed to create process '%s'", m_papszArgs[0]); RTPROCSTATUS status; handleRtError(RTProcWait(hProcess, RTPROCWAIT_FLAGS_BLOCK, &status), "Process wait failed"); RTFileClose(hStdOutErr.u.hFile); if (status.enmReason == RTPROCEXITREASON_NORMAL && status.iStatus == 0) handleRtError(RTStrmOpen(m_szFileName, "r", &m_Strm), "Failed to open '%s'", m_szFileName); else handleRtError(RTStrmOpen(m_szErrFileName, "r", &m_Strm), "Failed to open '%s'", m_szErrFileName); return m_Strm; } BugReportText::BugReportText(const char *pszFileName) : BugReport(pszFileName) { handleRtError(RTStrmOpen(pszFileName, "w", &m_StrmTxt), "Failed to open '%s'", pszFileName); } BugReportText::~BugReportText() { if (m_StrmTxt) RTStrmClose(m_StrmTxt); } void BugReportText::processItem(BugReportItem* item) { int cb = RTStrmPrintf(m_StrmTxt, "[ %s ] -------------------------------------------\n", item->getTitle()); if (!cb) throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Write failure (cb=%d)\n", cb)); PRTSTREAM strmIn = NULL; try { strmIn = item->getStream(); } catch (RTCError &e) { strmIn = NULL; RTStrmPutStr(m_StrmTxt, e.what()); } int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (strmIn) { char buf[64*1024]; size_t cbRead, cbWritten; cbRead = cbWritten = 0; while (RT_SUCCESS(rc = RTStrmReadEx(strmIn, buf, sizeof(buf), &cbRead)) && cbRead) { rc = RTStrmWriteEx(m_StrmTxt, applyFilters(item, buf, &cbRead), cbRead, &cbWritten); if (RT_FAILURE(rc) || cbRead != cbWritten) throw RTCError(com::Utf8StrFmt("Write failure (rc=%d, cbRead=%lu, cbWritten=%lu)\n", rc, cbRead, cbWritten)); } } handleRtError(RTStrmPutCh(m_StrmTxt, '\n'), "Write failure"); } BugReportTarGzip::BugReportTarGzip(const char *pszFileName) : BugReport(pszFileName), m_hTar(NIL_RTTAR), m_hTarFile(NIL_RTTARFILE) { VfsIoStreamHandle hVfsOut; handleRtError(RTVfsIoStrmOpenNormal(pszFileName, RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_CREATE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE, hVfsOut.getPtr()), "Failed to create output file '%s'", pszFileName); handleRtError(RTZipGzipCompressIoStream(hVfsOut.get(), 0, 6, m_hVfsGzip.getPtr()), "Failed to create compressed stream for '%s'", pszFileName); handleRtError(RTPathTemp(m_szTarName, RTPATH_MAX), "Failed to obtain path to temporary folder"); handleRtError(RTPathAppend(m_szTarName, RTPATH_MAX, "BugRepXXXXX.tar"), "Failed to append path"); handleRtError(RTFileCreateTemp(m_szTarName, 0600), "Failed to create temporary file '%s'", m_szTarName); handleRtError(RTFileDelete(m_szTarName), "Failed to delete temporary file '%s'", m_szTarName); handleRtError(RTTarOpen(&m_hTar, m_szTarName, RTFILE_O_CREATE | RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_DENY_ALL), "Failed to create TAR file '%s'", m_szTarName); } BugReportTarGzip::~BugReportTarGzip() { if (m_hTarFile != NIL_RTTARFILE) RTTarFileClose(m_hTarFile); if (m_hTar != NIL_RTTAR) RTTarClose(m_hTar); } void BugReportTarGzip::processItem(BugReportItem* item) { /* * @todo Our TAR implementation does not support names larger than 100 characters. * We truncate the title to make sure it will fit into 100-character field of TAR header. */ RTCString strTarFile = RTCString(item->getTitle()).substr(0, RTStrNLen(item->getTitle(), 99)); handleRtError(RTTarFileOpen(m_hTar, &m_hTarFile, strTarFile.c_str(), RTFILE_O_CREATE | RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE), "Failed to open '%s' in TAR", strTarFile.c_str()); PRTSTREAM strmIn = NULL; try { strmIn = item->getStream(); } catch (RTCError &e) { strmIn = NULL; handleRtError(RTTarFileWriteAt(m_hTarFile, 0, e.what(), RTStrNLen(e.what(), 1024), NULL), "Failed to write %u bytes to TAR", RTStrNLen(e.what(), 1024)); } int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (strmIn) { char buf[64*1024]; size_t cbRead = 0; for (uint64_t offset = 0; RT_SUCCESS(rc = RTStrmReadEx(strmIn, buf, sizeof(buf), &cbRead)) && cbRead; offset += cbRead) { handleRtError(RTTarFileWriteAt(m_hTarFile, offset, applyFilters(item, buf, &cbRead), cbRead, NULL), "Failed to write %u bytes to TAR", cbRead); } } if (m_hTarFile) { handleRtError(RTTarFileClose(m_hTarFile), "Failed to close '%s' in TAR", strTarFile.c_str()); m_hTarFile = NIL_RTTARFILE; } } void BugReportTarGzip::complete(void) { if (m_hTarFile != NIL_RTTARFILE) { RTTarFileClose(m_hTarFile); m_hTarFile = NIL_RTTARFILE; } if (m_hTar != NIL_RTTAR) { RTTarClose(m_hTar); m_hTar = NIL_RTTAR; } VfsIoStreamHandle hVfsIn; handleRtError(RTVfsIoStrmOpenNormal(m_szTarName, RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE, hVfsIn.getPtr()), "Failed to open TAR file '%s'", m_szTarName); int rc; char buf[_64K]; size_t cbRead = 0; while (RT_SUCCESS(rc = RTVfsIoStrmRead(hVfsIn.get(), buf, sizeof(buf), true, &cbRead)) && cbRead) handleRtError(RTVfsIoStrmWrite(m_hVfsGzip.get(), buf, cbRead, true, NULL), "Failed to write into compressed stream"); handleRtError(rc, "Failed to read from TAR stream"); handleRtError(RTVfsIoStrmFlush(m_hVfsGzip.get()), "Failed to flush output stream"); m_hVfsGzip.release(); } /* Implementation - Main */ void createBugReport(BugReport* report, const char *pszHome, MachineInfoList& machines) { /* Collect all log files from VBoxSVC */ VBRDir HomeDir(PathJoin(pszHome, "VBoxSVC.log*")); const char *pcszSvcLogFile = HomeDir.next(); while (pcszSvcLogFile) { report->addItem(new BugReportFile(PathJoin(pszHome, pcszSvcLogFile), pcszSvcLogFile)); pcszSvcLogFile = HomeDir.next(); } report->addItem(new BugReportFile(PathJoin(pszHome, "VirtualBox.xml"), "VirtualBox.xml")); report->addItem(new BugReportCommand("HostUsbDevices", g_pszVBoxManage, "list", "usbhost", NULL)); report->addItem(new BugReportCommand("HostUsbFilters", g_pszVBoxManage, "list", "usbfilters", NULL)); for (MachineInfoList::iterator it = machines.begin(); it != machines.end(); ++it) { VBRDir VmDir(PathJoin((*it)->getLogPath(), "VBox.log*")); const char *pcszVmLogFile = VmDir.next(); while (pcszVmLogFile) { report->addItem(new BugReportFile(PathJoin((*it)->getLogPath(), pcszVmLogFile), PathJoin((*it)->getName(), pcszVmLogFile))); pcszVmLogFile = VmDir.next(); } report->addItem(new BugReportFile((*it)->getSettingsFile(), PathJoin((*it)->getName(), RTPathFilename((*it)->getSettingsFile())))); report->addItem(new BugReportCommand(PathJoin((*it)->getName(), "GuestProperties"), g_pszVBoxManage, "guestproperty", "enumerate", (*it)->getName(), NULL)); } createBugReportOsSpecific(report, pszHome); } void addMachine(MachineInfoList& list, ComPtr machine) { com::Bstr name, logFolder, settingsFile; handleComError(machine->COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam()), "Failed to get VM name"); handleComError(machine->COMGETTER(LogFolder)(logFolder.asOutParam()), "Failed to get VM log folder"); handleComError(machine->COMGETTER(SettingsFilePath)(settingsFile.asOutParam()), "Failed to get VM settings file path"); list.push_back(new MachineInfo(com::Utf8Str(name).c_str(), com::Utf8Str(logFolder).c_str(), com::Utf8Str(settingsFile).c_str())); } static void printHeader(void) { RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, VBOX_PRODUCT " Bug Report Tool " VBOX_VERSION_STRING "\n" "(C) " VBOX_C_YEAR " " VBOX_VENDOR "\n" "All rights reserved.\n\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* * Initialize the VBox runtime without loading * the support driver. */ RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0); bool fAllMachines = false; bool fTextOutput = false; const char *pszOutputFile = NULL; std::list nameList; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; int ret = RTGetOptInit(&GetState, argc, argv, g_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aOptions), 1 /* First */, 0 /*fFlags*/); if (RT_FAILURE(ret)) return ret; int ch; while ((ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion))) { switch(ch) { case 'h': printHeader(); RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, g_szUsage, argv[0]); return 0; case 'A': fAllMachines = true; break; case 'o': pszOutputFile = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 't': fTextOutput = true; break; case 'V': RTPrintf("%sr%s\n", RTBldCfgVersion(), RTBldCfgRevisionStr()); return 0; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: nameList.push_back(ValueUnion.psz); break; default: return RTGetOptPrintError(ch, &ValueUnion); } } printHeader(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; char homeDir[RTPATH_MAX]; com::GetVBoxUserHomeDirectory(homeDir, sizeof(homeDir)); try { /* Figure out the full path to VBoxManage */ char szVBoxBin[RTPATH_MAX]; if (!RTProcGetExecutablePath(szVBoxBin, sizeof(szVBoxBin))) throw RTCError("RTProcGetExecutablePath failed\n"); RTPathStripFilename(szVBoxBin); g_pszVBoxManage = RTPathJoinA(szVBoxBin, VBOXMANAGE); if (!g_pszVBoxManage) throw RTCError("Out of memory\n"); handleComError(com::Initialize(VBOX_COM_INIT_F_DEFAULT | VBOX_COM_INIT_F_NO_COM_PATCHING), "Failed to initialize COM"); MachineInfoList list; do { ComPtr virtualBoxClient; ComPtr virtualBox; ComPtr session; hr = virtualBoxClient.createLocalObject(CLSID_VirtualBoxClient); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = virtualBoxClient->COMGETTER(VirtualBox)(virtualBox.asOutParam()); else hr = virtualBox.createLocalObject(CLSID_VirtualBox); if (FAILED(hr)) RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "WARNING: Failed to create the VirtualBox object (hr=0x%x)\n", hr); else { hr = session.createInprocObject(CLSID_Session); if (FAILED(hr)) RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "WARNING: Failed to create a session object (hr=0x%x)\n", hr); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (fAllMachines) { com::SafeIfaceArray machines; hr = virtualBox->COMGETTER(Machines)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(machines)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++i) { if (machines[i]) addMachine(list, machines[i]); } } } else { for ( std::list::iterator it = nameList.begin(); it != nameList.end(); ++it) { ComPtr machine; handleComError(virtualBox->FindMachine(com::Bstr(*it).raw(), machine.asOutParam()), "No such machine '%s'", *it); addMachine(list, machine); } } } } while(0); RTTIMESPEC TimeSpec; RTTIME Time; RTTimeExplode(&Time, RTTimeNow(&TimeSpec)); RTCStringFmt strOutFile("%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-bugreport.%s", Time.i32Year, Time.u8Month, Time.u8MonthDay, Time.u8Hour, Time.u8Minute, Time.u8Second, fTextOutput ? "txt" : "tgz"); RTCString strFallbackOutFile; if (!pszOutputFile) { RTFILE tmp; pszOutputFile = strOutFile.c_str(); int rc = RTFileOpen(&tmp, pszOutputFile, RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_CREATE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); if (rc == VERR_ACCESS_DENIED) { char szUserHome[RTPATH_MAX]; handleRtError(RTPathUserHome(szUserHome, sizeof(szUserHome)), "Failed to obtain home directory"); strFallbackOutFile.printf("%s/%s", szUserHome, strOutFile.c_str()); pszOutputFile = strFallbackOutFile.c_str(); } else if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTFileClose(tmp); RTFileDelete(pszOutputFile); } } BugReport *pReport; if (fTextOutput) pReport = new BugReportText(pszOutputFile); else pReport = new BugReportTarGzip(pszOutputFile); createBugReport(pReport, homeDir, list); pReport->process(); pReport->complete(); RTPrintf("Report was written to '%s'\n", pszOutputFile); delete pReport; } catch (RTCError &e) { RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "ERROR: %s\n", e.what()); } com::Shutdown(); if (g_pszVBoxManage) RTStrFree(g_pszVBoxManage); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : 1; }