/** @file * * VBox frontends: Basic Frontend (BFE): * Declaration of NetworkAdapter class * * This is adapted from frontends/VirtualBox/NetworkAdapter.cpp. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox * distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox * license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. */ #ifndef ____H_NETWORKADAPTER #define ____H_NETWORKADAPTER #include #include #include #include #include class Console; #define BSTR PRUnichar* #define INPTR const class NetworkAdapter { public: RTCRITSECT mCritSec; struct Data { Data() : mSlot (0), mEnabled (FALSE) , mCableConnected (TRUE), mTraceEnabled (FALSE) #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX , mTAPFD (NIL_RTFILE) #endif , mInternalNetwork ("") // cannot be null {} ULONG mSlot; BOOL mEnabled; Bstr mMACAddress; BOOL mCableConnected; BOOL mTraceEnabled; Bstr mHostInterface; #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX Bstr mTAPSetupApplication; Bstr mTAPTerminateApplication; RTFILE mTAPFD; #endif Bstr mInternalNetwork; }; NetworkAdapter(); virtual ~NetworkAdapter(); HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only int init (Console *parent, ULONG slot); // int init (Console *parent, NetworkAdapter *that); void uninit(); // INetworkAdapter properties STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Slot)) (ULONG *slot); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Enabled)) (BOOL *enabled); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(Enabled)) (BOOL enabled); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MACAddress))(BSTR *macAddress); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(MACAddress))(INPTR BSTR macAddress); // STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(AttachmentType))(NetworkAttachmentType_T *attachmentType); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(HostInterface))(BSTR *hostInterface); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(HostInterface))(INPTR BSTR hostInterface); #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(TAPFileDescriptor))(LONG *tapFileDescriptor); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(TAPFileDescriptor))(LONG tapFileDescriptor); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(TAPSetupApplication))(BSTR *tapSetupApplication); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(TAPSetupApplication))(INPTR BSTR tapSetupApplication); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(TAPTerminateApplication))(BSTR *tapTerminateApplication); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(TAPTerminateApplication))(INPTR BSTR tapTerminateApplication); #endif STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(InternalNetwork))(BSTR *internalNetwork); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(InternalNetwork))(INPTR BSTR internalNetwork); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(CableConnected))(BOOL *connected); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(CableConnected))(BOOL connected); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(TraceEnabled))(BOOL *enabled); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(TraceEnabled))(BOOL enabled); // INetworkAdapter methods STDMETHOD(AttachToNAT)(); STDMETHOD(AttachToHostInterface)(); STDMETHOD(AttachToInternalNetwork)(); STDMETHOD(Detach)(); static const wchar_t *getComponentName() { return L"NetworkAdapter"; } private: void detach(); void generateMACAddress(); Console *mParent; Data mData; }; class AutoLock { public: AutoLock (NetworkAdapter *that) : outer (that), mLevel (0) { lock(); } ~AutoLock() { AssertMsg (mLevel <= 1, ("Lock level > 1: %d\n", mLevel)); while (mLevel --) RTCritSectLeave (&outer->mCritSec); } void lock() { ++ mLevel; RTCritSectEnter (&outer->mCritSec); } void unlock() { AssertMsg (mLevel > 0, ("Lock level is zero\n")); if (mLevel > 0) { RTCritSectLeave (&outer->mCritSec); -- mLevel; } } private: AutoLock (const AutoLock &that); AutoLock &operator = (const AutoLock &that); NetworkAdapter *outer; unsigned int mLevel; }; #endif // ____H_NETWORKADAPTER