/** @file * tstDevice: Shared definitions between the framework and the shim library. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_testcase_tstDeviceInternal_h #define VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_testcase_tstDeviceInternal_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tstDeviceCfg.h" #include "tstDevicePlugin.h" RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN /** Converts PDM device instance to the device under test structure. */ #define TSTDEV_PDMDEVINS_2_DUT(a_pDevIns) ((a_pDevIns)->Internal.s.pDut) /** Forward declaration of internal test device instance data. */ typedef struct TSTDEVDUTINT *PTSTDEVDUTINT; /** * CFGM node structure. */ typedef struct CFGMNODE { /** Device under test this CFGM node is for. */ PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut; /** @todo: */ } CFGMNODE; /** * Private device instance data. */ typedef struct PDMDEVINSINTR3 { /** Pointer to the device under test the PDM device instance is for. */ PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut; } PDMDEVINSINTR3; AssertCompile(sizeof(PDMDEVINSINTR3) <= (HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 72 : 112 + 0x28)); /** * Private device instance data. */ typedef struct PDMDEVINSINTR0 { /** Pointer to the device under test the PDM device instance is for. */ PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut; } PDMDEVINSINTR0; AssertCompile(sizeof(PDMDEVINSINTR0) <= (HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 72 : 112 + 0x28)); /** * Private device instance data. */ typedef struct PDMDEVINSINTRC { /** Pointer to the device under test the PDM device instance is for. */ PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut; } PDMDEVINSINTRC; AssertCompile(sizeof(PDMDEVINSINTRC) <= (HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 72 : 112 + 0x28)); typedef struct PDMPCIDEVINT { bool fRegistered; } PDMPCIDEVINT; /** * Internal PDM critical section structure. */ typedef struct PDMCRITSECTINT { /** The actual critical section used for emulation. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; } PDMCRITSECTINT; AssertCompile(sizeof(PDMCRITSECTINT) <= (HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 0x80 : 0xc0)); /** * SSM handle state. */ typedef struct SSMHANDLE { /** Pointer to the device under test the handle is for. */ PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut; /** The saved state data buffer. */ uint8_t *pbSavedState; /** Size of the saved state. */ size_t cbSavedState; /** Current offset into the data buffer. */ uint32_t offDataBuffer; /** Current unit version. */ uint32_t uCurUnitVer; /** Status code. */ int rc; } SSMHANDLE; /** * MM Heap allocation. */ typedef struct TSTDEVMMHEAPALLOC { /** Node for the list of allocations. */ RTLISTNODE NdMmHeap; /** Pointer to the device under test the allocation was made for. */ PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut; /** Size of the allocation. */ size_t cbAlloc; /** Start of the real allocation. */ RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_EXTENSION uint8_t abAlloc[RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY]; } TSTDEVMMHEAPALLOC; /** Pointer to a MM Heap allocation. */ typedef TSTDEVMMHEAPALLOC *PTSTDEVMMHEAPALLOC; /** Pointer to a const MM Heap allocation. */ typedef const TSTDEVMMHEAPALLOC *PCTSTDEVMMHEAPALLOC; AssertCompileMemberAlignment(TSTDEVMMHEAPALLOC, abAlloc, HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 ? 16 : 8); /** * The usual device/driver/internal/external stuff. */ typedef enum { /** The usual invalid entry. */ PDMTHREADTYPE_INVALID = 0, /** Device type. */ PDMTHREADTYPE_DEVICE, /** USB Device type. */ PDMTHREADTYPE_USB, /** Driver type. */ PDMTHREADTYPE_DRIVER, /** Internal type. */ PDMTHREADTYPE_INTERNAL, /** External type. */ PDMTHREADTYPE_EXTERNAL, /** The usual 32-bit hack. */ PDMTHREADTYPE_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } PDMTHREADTYPE; /** * The internal structure for the thread. */ typedef struct PDMTHREADINT { /** Node for the list of threads. */ RTLISTNODE NdPdmThrds; /** Pointer to the device under test the allocation was made for. */ PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut; /** The event semaphore the thread blocks on when not running. */ RTSEMEVENTMULTI BlockEvent; /** The event semaphore the thread sleeps on while running. */ RTSEMEVENTMULTI SleepEvent; /** The thread type. */ PDMTHREADTYPE enmType; } PDMTHREADINT; #define PDMTHREADINT_DECLARED #define PDMCRITSECTINT_DECLARED #define PDMDEVINSINT_DECLARED #define PDMPCIDEVINT_DECLARED #define VMM_INCLUDED_SRC_include_VMInternal_h #define VMM_INCLUDED_SRC_include_VMMInternal_h RT_C_DECLS_END #include #include #include #include #include #include RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN /** * TM timer structure. */ typedef struct TMTIMER { /** List of timers created by the device. */ RTLISTNODE NdDevTimers; /** Clock this timer belongs to. */ TMCLOCK enmClock; /** Callback to call when the timer expires. */ PFNTMTIMERDEV pfnCallbackDev; /** Opaque user data to pass to the callback. */ void *pvUser; /** Flags. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** Assigned critical section. */ PPDMCRITSECT pCritSect; /** @todo: */ } TMTIMER; /** * PDM module descriptor type. */ typedef enum TSTDEVPDMMODTYPE { /** Invalid module type. */ TSTDEVPDMMODTYPE_INVALID = 0, /** Ring 3 module. */ TSTDEVPDMMODTYPE_R3, /** Ring 0 module. */ TSTDEVPDMMODTYPE_R0, /** Raw context module. */ TSTDEVPDMMODTYPE_RC, /** 32bit hack. */ TSTDEVPDMMODTYPE_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } TSTDEVPDMMODTYPE; /** * Registered I/O port access handler. */ typedef struct RTDEVDUTIOPORT { /** Node for the list of registered handlers. */ RTLISTNODE NdIoPorts; /** Start I/O port the handler is for. */ RTIOPORT PortStart; /** Number of ports handled. */ RTIOPORT cPorts; /** Opaque user data - R3. */ void *pvUserR3; /** Out handler - R3. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWOUT pfnOutR3; /** In handler - R3. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWIN pfnInR3; /** Out string handler - R3. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWOUTSTRING pfnOutStrR3; /** In string handler - R3. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWINSTRING pfnInStrR3; /** Opaque user data - R0. */ void *pvUserR0; /** Out handler - R0. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWOUT pfnOutR0; /** In handler - R0. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWIN pfnInR0; /** Out string handler - R0. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWOUTSTRING pfnOutStrR0; /** In string handler - R0. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWINSTRING pfnInStrR0; #ifdef TSTDEV_SUPPORTS_RC /** Opaque user data - RC. */ void *pvUserRC; /** Out handler - RC. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWOUT pfnOutRC; /** In handler - RC. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWIN pfnInRC; /** Out string handler - RC. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWOUTSTRING pfnOutStrRC; /** In string handler - RC. */ PFNIOMIOPORTNEWINSTRING pfnInStrRC; #endif } RTDEVDUTIOPORT; /** Pointer to a registered I/O port handler. */ typedef RTDEVDUTIOPORT *PRTDEVDUTIOPORT; /** Pointer to a const I/O port handler. */ typedef const RTDEVDUTIOPORT *PCRTDEVDUTIOPORT; /** * Registered MMIO port access handler. */ typedef struct RTDEVDUTMMIO { /** Node for the list of registered handlers. */ RTLISTNODE NdMmio; /** Start address of the MMIO region when mapped. */ RTGCPHYS GCPhysStart; /** Size of the MMIO region in bytes. */ RTGCPHYS cbRegion; /** Opaque user data - R3. */ void *pvUserR3; /** Write handler - R3. */ PFNIOMMMIONEWWRITE pfnWriteR3; /** Read handler - R3. */ PFNIOMMMIONEWREAD pfnReadR3; /** Fill handler - R3. */ PFNIOMMMIONEWFILL pfnFillR3; /** Opaque user data - R0. */ void *pvUserR0; /** Write handler - R0. */ PFNIOMMMIONEWWRITE pfnWriteR0; /** Read handler - R0. */ PFNIOMMMIONEWREAD pfnReadR0; /** Fill handler - R0. */ PFNIOMMMIONEWFILL pfnFillR0; #ifdef TSTDEV_SUPPORTS_RC /** Opaque user data - RC. */ void *pvUserRC; /** Write handler - RC. */ PFNIOMMMIONEWWRITE pfnWriteRC; /** Read handler - RC. */ PFNIOMMMIONEWREAD pfnReadRC; /** Fill handler - RC. */ PFNIOMMMIONEWFILL pfnFillRC; #endif } RTDEVDUTMMIO; /** Pointer to a registered MMIO handler. */ typedef RTDEVDUTMMIO *PRTDEVDUTMMIO; /** Pointer to a const MMIO handler. */ typedef const RTDEVDUTMMIO *PCRTDEVDUTMMIO; /** * Registered SSM handlers. */ typedef struct TSTDEVDUTSSM { /** Node for the list of registered SSM handlers. */ RTLISTNODE NdSsm; /** Version */ uint32_t uVersion; PFNSSMDEVLIVEPREP pfnLivePrep; PFNSSMDEVLIVEEXEC pfnLiveExec; PFNSSMDEVLIVEVOTE pfnLiveVote; PFNSSMDEVSAVEPREP pfnSavePrep; PFNSSMDEVSAVEEXEC pfnSaveExec; PFNSSMDEVSAVEDONE pfnSaveDone; PFNSSMDEVLOADPREP pfnLoadPrep; PFNSSMDEVLOADEXEC pfnLoadExec; PFNSSMDEVLOADDONE pfnLoadDone; } TSTDEVDUTSSM; /** Pointer to the registered SSM handlers. */ typedef TSTDEVDUTSSM *PTSTDEVDUTSSM; /** Pointer to a const SSM handler. */ typedef const TSTDEVDUTSSM *PCTSTDEVDUTSSM; /** * The Support Driver session state. */ typedef struct TSTDEVSUPDRVSESSION { /** Pointer to the owning device under test instance. */ PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut; /** List of event semaphores. */ RTLISTANCHOR LstSupSem; } TSTDEVSUPDRVSESSION; /** Pointer to the Support Driver session state. */ typedef TSTDEVSUPDRVSESSION *PTSTDEVSUPDRVSESSION; /** Converts a Support Driver session handle to the internal state. */ #define TSTDEV_PSUPDRVSESSION_2_PTSTDEVSUPDRVSESSION(a_pSession) ((PTSTDEVSUPDRVSESSION)(a_pSession)) /** Converts the internal session state to a Support Driver session handle. */ #define TSTDEV_PTSTDEVSUPDRVSESSION_2_PSUPDRVSESSION(a_pSession) ((PSUPDRVSESSION)(a_pSession)) /** * Support driver event semaphore. */ typedef struct TSTDEVSUPSEMEVENT { /** Node for the event semaphore list. */ RTLISTNODE NdSupSem; /** Flag whether this is multi event semaphore. */ bool fMulti; /** Event smeaphore handles depending on the flag above. */ union { RTSEMEVENT hSemEvt; RTSEMEVENTMULTI hSemEvtMulti; } u; } TSTDEVSUPSEMEVENT; /** Pointer to a support event semaphore state. */ typedef TSTDEVSUPSEMEVENT *PTSTDEVSUPSEMEVENT; /** Converts a Support event semaphore handle to the internal state. */ #define TSTDEV_SUPSEMEVENT_2_PTSTDEVSUPSEMEVENT(a_pSupSemEvt) ((PTSTDEVSUPSEMEVENT)(a_pSupSemEvt)) /** Converts the internal session state to a Support event semaphore handle. */ #define TSTDEV_PTSTDEVSUPSEMEVENT_2_SUPSEMEVENT(a_pSupSemEvt) ((SUPSEMEVENT)(a_pSupSemEvt)) /** * The contex the device under test is currently in. */ typedef enum TSTDEVDUTCTX { /** Invalid context. */ TSTDEVDUTCTX_INVALID = 0, /** R3 context. */ TSTDEVDUTCTX_R3, /** R0 context. */ TSTDEVDUTCTX_R0, /** RC context. */ TSTDEVDUTCTX_RC, /** 32bit hack. */ TSTDEVDUTCTX_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } TSTDEVDUTCTX; /** * PCI region descriptor. */ typedef struct TSTDEVDUTPCIREGION { /** Size of the region. */ RTGCPHYS cbRegion; /** Address space type. */ PCIADDRESSSPACE enmType; /** Region mapping callback. */ PFNPCIIOREGIONMAP pfnRegionMap; } TSTDEVDUTPCIREGION; /** Pointer to a PCI region descriptor. */ typedef TSTDEVDUTPCIREGION *PTSTDEVDUTPCIREGION; /** Pointer to a const PCI region descriptor. */ typedef const TSTDEVDUTPCIREGION *PCTSTDEVDUTPCIREGION; /** * Device under test instance data. */ typedef struct TSTDEVDUTINT { /** Pointer to the test this device is running under. */ PCTSTDEVTEST pTest; /** Pointer to the PDM device instance. */ PPDMDEVINS pDevIns; /** CFGM root config node for the device. */ CFGMNODE Cfg; /** Current device context. */ TSTDEVDUTCTX enmCtx; /** Critical section protecting the lists below. */ RTCRITSECTRW CritSectLists; /** List of registered I/O port handlers. */ RTLISTANCHOR LstIoPorts; /** List of timers registered. */ RTLISTANCHOR LstTimers; /** List of registered MMIO regions. */ RTLISTANCHOR LstMmio; /** List of MM Heap allocations. */ RTLISTANCHOR LstMmHeap; /** List of PDM threads. */ RTLISTANCHOR LstPdmThreads; /** List of SSM handlers (just one normally). */ RTLISTANCHOR LstSsmHandlers; /** The SUP session we emulate. */ TSTDEVSUPDRVSESSION SupSession; /** The NOP critical section. */ PDMCRITSECT CritSectNop; /** The VM state associated with this device. */ PVM pVm; /** The registered PCI device instance if this is a PCI device. */ PPDMPCIDEV pPciDev; /** PCI Region descriptors. */ TSTDEVDUTPCIREGION aPciRegions[VBOX_PCI_NUM_REGIONS]; /** The status port interface we implement. */ PDMIBASE IBaseSts; /** */ } TSTDEVDUTINT; extern const PDMDEVHLPR3 g_tstDevPdmDevHlpR3; DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmLdrGetSymbol(PTSTDEVDUTINT pThis, const char *pszMod, TSTDEVPDMMODTYPE enmModType, const char *pszSymbol, PFNRT *ppfn); DECLINLINE(int) tstDevDutLockShared(PTSTDEVDUTINT pThis) { return RTCritSectRwEnterShared(&pThis->CritSectLists); } DECLINLINE(int) tstDevDutUnlockShared(PTSTDEVDUTINT pThis) { return RTCritSectRwLeaveShared(&pThis->CritSectLists); } DECLINLINE(int) tstDevDutLockExcl(PTSTDEVDUTINT pThis) { return RTCritSectRwEnterExcl(&pThis->CritSectLists); } DECLINLINE(int) tstDevDutUnlockExcl(PTSTDEVDUTINT pThis) { return RTCritSectRwLeaveExcl(&pThis->CritSectLists); } DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadCreateDevice(PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PPPDMTHREAD ppThread, void *pvUser, PFNPDMTHREADDEV pfnThread, PFNPDMTHREADWAKEUPDEV pfnWakeUp, size_t cbStack, RTTHREADTYPE enmType, const char *pszName); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadCreateUsb(PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut, PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PPPDMTHREAD ppThread, void *pvUser, PFNPDMTHREADUSB pfnThread, PFNPDMTHREADWAKEUPUSB pfnWakeUp, size_t cbStack, RTTHREADTYPE enmType, const char *pszName); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadCreateDriver(PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut, PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PPPDMTHREAD ppThread, void *pvUser, PFNPDMTHREADDRV pfnThread, PFNPDMTHREADWAKEUPDRV pfnWakeUp, size_t cbStack, RTTHREADTYPE enmType, const char *pszName); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadCreate(PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut, PPPDMTHREAD ppThread, void *pvUser, PFNPDMTHREADINT pfnThread, PFNPDMTHREADWAKEUPINT pfnWakeUp, size_t cbStack, RTTHREADTYPE enmType, const char *pszName); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadCreateExternal(PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut, PPPDMTHREAD ppThread, void *pvUser, PFNPDMTHREADEXT pfnThread, PFNPDMTHREADWAKEUPEXT pfnWakeUp, size_t cbStack, RTTHREADTYPE enmType, const char *pszName); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadDestroy(PPDMTHREAD pThread, int *pRcThread); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadDestroyDevice(PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadDestroyUsb(PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut, PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadDestroyDriver(PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut, PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns); DECLHIDDEN(void) tstDevPdmR3ThreadDestroyAll(PTSTDEVDUTINT pDut); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadIAmSuspending(PPDMTHREAD pThread); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadIAmRunning(PPDMTHREAD pThread); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadSleep(PPDMTHREAD pThread, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadSuspend(PPDMTHREAD pThread); DECLHIDDEN(int) tstDevPdmR3ThreadResume(PPDMTHREAD pThread); RT_C_DECLS_END #endif /* !VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_testcase_tstDeviceInternal_h */