1 | /* $Id: Virtio.cpp 81031 2019-09-26 19:26:33Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Virtio - Virtio Common Functions (VRing, VQueue, Virtio PCI)
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 |
19 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
20 | * Header Files *
21 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
23 |
24 | #include <iprt/param.h>
25 | #include <iprt/uuid.h>
26 | #include <VBox/vmm/pdmdev.h>
27 | #include "Virtio.h"
28 |
29 | #define INSTANCE(pState) pState->szInstance
30 | #define IFACE_TO_STATE(pIface, ifaceName) ((VPCISTATE *)((char*)(pIface) - RT_UOFFSETOF(VPCISTATE, ifaceName)))
31 |
32 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
33 | # define QUEUENAME(s, q) (q->pcszName)
34 | #endif
35 |
36 |
37 |
39 |
42 |
43 |
44 | static void vqueueReset(PVQUEUE pQueue)
45 | {
46 | pQueue->VRing.addrDescriptors = 0;
47 | pQueue->VRing.addrAvail = 0;
48 | pQueue->VRing.addrUsed = 0;
49 | pQueue->uNextAvailIndex = 0;
50 | pQueue->uNextUsedIndex = 0;
51 | pQueue->uPageNumber = 0;
52 | }
53 |
54 | static void vqueueInit(PVQUEUE pQueue, uint32_t uPageNumber)
55 | {
56 | pQueue->VRing.addrDescriptors = (uint64_t)uPageNumber << PAGE_SHIFT;
57 | pQueue->VRing.addrAvail = pQueue->VRing.addrDescriptors
58 | + sizeof(VRINGDESC) * pQueue->VRing.uSize;
59 | pQueue->VRing.addrUsed = RT_ALIGN(
60 | pQueue->VRing.addrAvail + RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(VRINGAVAIL, auRing[pQueue->VRing.uSize]),
61 | PAGE_SIZE); /* The used ring must start from the next page. */
62 | pQueue->uNextAvailIndex = 0;
63 | pQueue->uNextUsedIndex = 0;
64 | }
65 |
66 | // void vqueueElemFree(PVQUEUEELEM pElem)
67 | // {
68 | // }
69 |
70 | void vringReadDesc(PVPCISTATE pState, PVRING pVRing, uint32_t uIndex, PVRINGDESC pDesc)
71 | {
72 | //Log(("%s vringReadDesc: ring=%p idx=%u\n", INSTANCE(pState), pVRing, uIndex));
73 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
74 | pVRing->addrDescriptors + sizeof(VRINGDESC) * (uIndex % pVRing->uSize),
75 | pDesc, sizeof(VRINGDESC));
76 | }
77 |
78 | uint16_t vringReadAvail(PVPCISTATE pState, PVRING pVRing, uint32_t uIndex)
79 | {
80 | uint16_t tmp;
81 |
82 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
83 | pVRing->addrAvail + RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(VRINGAVAIL, auRing[uIndex % pVRing->uSize]),
84 | &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
85 | return tmp;
86 | }
87 |
88 | uint16_t vringReadAvailFlags(PVPCISTATE pState, PVRING pVRing)
89 | {
90 | uint16_t tmp;
91 |
92 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
93 | pVRing->addrAvail + RT_UOFFSETOF(VRINGAVAIL, uFlags),
94 | &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
95 | return tmp;
96 | }
97 |
98 | void vringSetNotification(PVPCISTATE pState, PVRING pVRing, bool fEnabled)
99 | {
100 | uint16_t tmp;
101 |
102 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
103 | pVRing->addrUsed + RT_UOFFSETOF(VRINGUSED, uFlags),
104 | &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
105 |
106 | if (fEnabled)
107 | tmp &= ~ VRINGUSED_F_NO_NOTIFY;
108 | else
110 |
111 | PDMDevHlpPCIPhysWrite(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
112 | pVRing->addrUsed + RT_UOFFSETOF(VRINGUSED, uFlags),
113 | &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
114 | }
115 |
116 | bool vqueueSkip(PVPCISTATE pState, PVQUEUE pQueue)
117 | {
118 | if (vqueueIsEmpty(pState, pQueue))
119 | return false;
120 |
121 | Log2(("%s vqueueSkip: %s avail_idx=%u\n", INSTANCE(pState),
122 | QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue), pQueue->uNextAvailIndex));
123 | pQueue->uNextAvailIndex++;
124 | return true;
125 | }
126 |
127 | bool vqueueGet(PVPCISTATE pState, PVQUEUE pQueue, PVQUEUEELEM pElem, bool fRemove)
128 | {
129 | if (vqueueIsEmpty(pState, pQueue))
130 | return false;
131 |
132 | pElem->nIn = pElem->nOut = 0;
133 |
134 | Log2(("%s vqueueGet: %s avail_idx=%u\n", INSTANCE(pState),
135 | QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue), pQueue->uNextAvailIndex));
136 |
137 | VRINGDESC desc;
138 | uint16_t idx = vringReadAvail(pState, &pQueue->VRing, pQueue->uNextAvailIndex);
139 | if (fRemove)
140 | pQueue->uNextAvailIndex++;
141 | pElem->uIndex = idx;
142 | do
143 | {
144 | VQUEUESEG *pSeg;
145 |
146 | /*
147 | * Malicious guests may try to trick us into writing beyond aSegsIn or
148 | * aSegsOut boundaries by linking several descriptors into a loop. We
149 | * cannot possibly get a sequence of linked descriptors exceeding the
150 | * total number of descriptors in the ring (see @bugref{8620}).
151 | */
152 | if (pElem->nIn + pElem->nOut >= VRING_MAX_SIZE)
153 | {
154 | static volatile uint32_t s_cMessages = 0;
155 | static volatile uint32_t s_cThreshold = 1;
156 | if (ASMAtomicIncU32(&s_cMessages) == ASMAtomicReadU32(&s_cThreshold))
157 | {
158 | LogRel(("%s: too many linked descriptors; check if the guest arranges descriptors in a loop.\n",
159 | INSTANCE(pState)));
160 | if (ASMAtomicReadU32(&s_cMessages) != 1)
161 | LogRel(("%s: (the above error has occured %u times so far)\n",
162 | INSTANCE(pState), ASMAtomicReadU32(&s_cMessages)));
163 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&s_cThreshold, ASMAtomicReadU32(&s_cThreshold) * 10);
164 | }
165 | break;
166 | }
168 |
169 | vringReadDesc(pState, &pQueue->VRing, idx, &desc);
170 | if (desc.u16Flags & VRINGDESC_F_WRITE)
171 | {
172 | Log2(("%s vqueueGet: %s IN seg=%u desc_idx=%u addr=%p cb=%u\n", INSTANCE(pState),
173 | QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue), pElem->nIn, idx, desc.u64Addr, desc.uLen));
174 | pSeg = &pElem->aSegsIn[pElem->nIn++];
175 | }
176 | else
177 | {
178 | Log2(("%s vqueueGet: %s OUT seg=%u desc_idx=%u addr=%p cb=%u\n", INSTANCE(pState),
179 | QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue), pElem->nOut, idx, desc.u64Addr, desc.uLen));
180 | pSeg = &pElem->aSegsOut[pElem->nOut++];
181 | }
182 |
183 | pSeg->addr = desc.u64Addr;
184 | pSeg->cb = desc.uLen;
185 | pSeg->pv = NULL;
186 |
187 | idx = desc.u16Next;
188 | } while (desc.u16Flags & VRINGDESC_F_NEXT);
189 |
190 | Log2(("%s vqueueGet: %s head_desc_idx=%u nIn=%u nOut=%u\n", INSTANCE(pState),
191 | QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue), pElem->uIndex, pElem->nIn, pElem->nOut));
192 | return true;
193 | }
194 |
195 | uint16_t vringReadUsedIndex(PVPCISTATE pState, PVRING pVRing)
196 | {
197 | uint16_t tmp;
198 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
199 | pVRing->addrUsed + RT_UOFFSETOF(VRINGUSED, uIndex),
200 | &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
201 | return tmp;
202 | }
203 |
204 | void vringWriteUsedIndex(PVPCISTATE pState, PVRING pVRing, uint16_t u16Value)
205 | {
206 | PDMDevHlpPCIPhysWrite(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
207 | pVRing->addrUsed + RT_UOFFSETOF(VRINGUSED, uIndex),
208 | &u16Value, sizeof(u16Value));
209 | }
210 |
211 | void vringWriteUsedElem(PVPCISTATE pState, PVRING pVRing, uint32_t uIndex, uint32_t uId, uint32_t uLen)
212 | {
214 |
215 | elem.uId = uId;
216 | elem.uLen = uLen;
217 | PDMDevHlpPCIPhysWrite(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
218 | pVRing->addrUsed + RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(VRINGUSED, aRing[uIndex % pVRing->uSize]),
219 | &elem, sizeof(elem));
220 | }
221 |
222 |
223 | void vqueuePut(PVPCISTATE pState, PVQUEUE pQueue,
224 | PVQUEUEELEM pElem, uint32_t uTotalLen, uint32_t uReserved)
225 | {
226 | Log2(("%s vqueuePut: %s"
227 | " desc_idx=%u acb=%u (%u)\n",
228 | INSTANCE(pState), QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue),
229 | pElem->uIndex, uTotalLen, uReserved));
230 |
231 | Assert(uReserved < uTotalLen);
232 |
233 | uint32_t cbLen = uTotalLen - uReserved;
234 | uint32_t cbSkip = uReserved;
235 |
236 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < pElem->nIn && cbLen > 0; ++i)
237 | {
238 | if (cbSkip >= pElem->aSegsIn[i].cb) /* segment completely skipped? */
239 | {
240 | cbSkip -= pElem->aSegsIn[i].cb;
241 | continue;
242 | }
243 |
244 | uint32_t cbSegLen = pElem->aSegsIn[i].cb - cbSkip;
245 | if (cbSegLen > cbLen) /* last segment only partially used? */
246 | cbSegLen = cbLen;
247 |
248 | /*
249 | * XXX: We should assert pv != NULL, but we need to check and
250 | * fix all callers first.
251 | */
252 | if (pElem->aSegsIn[i].pv != NULL)
253 | {
254 | Log2(("%s vqueuePut: %s"
255 | " used_idx=%u seg=%u addr=%p pv=%p cb=%u acb=%u\n",
256 | INSTANCE(pState), QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue),
257 | pQueue->uNextUsedIndex, i,
258 | (void *)pElem->aSegsIn[i].addr, pElem->aSegsIn[i].pv,
259 | pElem->aSegsIn[i].cb, cbSegLen));
260 |
261 | PDMDevHlpPCIPhysWrite(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
262 | pElem->aSegsIn[i].addr + cbSkip,
263 | pElem->aSegsIn[i].pv,
264 | cbSegLen);
265 | }
266 |
267 | cbSkip = 0;
268 | cbLen -= cbSegLen;
269 | }
270 |
271 | Log2(("%s vqueuePut: %s"
272 | " used_idx=%u guest_used_idx=%u id=%u len=%u\n",
273 | INSTANCE(pState), QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue),
274 | pQueue->uNextUsedIndex, vringReadUsedIndex(pState, &pQueue->VRing),
275 | pElem->uIndex, uTotalLen));
276 |
277 | vringWriteUsedElem(pState, &pQueue->VRing,
278 | pQueue->uNextUsedIndex++,
279 | pElem->uIndex, uTotalLen);
280 | }
281 |
282 |
283 | void vqueueNotify(PVPCISTATE pState, PVQUEUE pQueue)
284 | {
285 | LogFlow(("%s vqueueNotify: %s availFlags=%x guestFeatures=%x vqueue is %sempty\n",
286 | INSTANCE(pState), QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue),
287 | vringReadAvailFlags(pState, &pQueue->VRing),
288 | pState->uGuestFeatures, vqueueIsEmpty(pState, pQueue)?"":"not "));
289 | if (!(vringReadAvailFlags(pState, &pQueue->VRing) & VRINGAVAIL_F_NO_INTERRUPT)
290 | || ((pState->uGuestFeatures & VPCI_F_NOTIFY_ON_EMPTY) && vqueueIsEmpty(pState, pQueue)))
291 | {
292 | int rc = vpciRaiseInterrupt(pState, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, VPCI_ISR_QUEUE);
293 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
294 | Log(("%s vqueueNotify: Failed to raise an interrupt (%Rrc).\n", INSTANCE(pState), rc));
295 | }
296 | else
297 | {
298 | STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pState->StatIntsSkipped);
299 | }
300 |
301 | }
302 |
303 | void vqueueSync(PVPCISTATE pState, PVQUEUE pQueue)
304 | {
305 | Log2(("%s vqueueSync: %s old_used_idx=%u new_used_idx=%u\n", INSTANCE(pState),
306 | QUEUENAME(pState, pQueue), vringReadUsedIndex(pState, &pQueue->VRing), pQueue->uNextUsedIndex));
307 | vringWriteUsedIndex(pState, &pQueue->VRing, pQueue->uNextUsedIndex);
308 | vqueueNotify(pState, pQueue);
309 | }
310 |
311 |
312 | /**
313 | * Raise interrupt.
314 | *
315 | * @param pState The device state structure.
316 | * @param rcBusy Status code to return when the critical section is busy.
317 | * @param u8IntCause Interrupt cause bit mask to set in PCI ISR port.
318 | */
319 | int vpciRaiseInterrupt(VPCISTATE *pState, int rcBusy, uint8_t u8IntCause)
320 | {
321 | RT_NOREF_PV(rcBusy);
322 | // int rc = vpciCsEnter(pState, rcBusy);
323 | // if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS))
324 | // return rc;
325 |
326 | STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pState->StatIntsRaised);
327 | LogFlow(("%s vpciRaiseInterrupt: u8IntCause=%x\n",
328 | INSTANCE(pState), u8IntCause));
329 |
330 | pState->uISR |= u8IntCause;
331 | PDMDevHlpPCISetIrq(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), 0, 1);
332 | // vpciCsLeave(pState);
333 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
334 | }
335 |
336 | /**
337 | * Lower interrupt.
338 | *
339 | * @param pState The device state structure.
340 | */
341 | static void vpciLowerInterrupt(VPCISTATE *pState)
342 | {
343 | LogFlow(("%s vpciLowerInterrupt\n", INSTANCE(pState)));
344 | PDMDevHlpPCISetIrq(pState->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), 0, 0);
345 | }
346 |
347 |
348 | void vpciReset(PVPCISTATE pState)
349 | {
350 | /* No interrupts should survive device reset, see @bugref(9556). */
351 | if (pState->uISR)
352 | vpciLowerInterrupt(pState);
353 |
354 | pState->uGuestFeatures = 0;
355 | pState->uQueueSelector = 0;
356 | pState->uStatus = 0;
357 | pState->uISR = 0;
358 |
359 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < pState->nQueues; i++)
360 | vqueueReset(&pState->Queues[i]);
361 | }
362 |
363 |
364 | DECLINLINE(uint32_t) vpciGetHostFeatures(PVPCISTATE pState,
365 | PFNGETHOSTFEATURES pfnGetHostFeatures)
366 | {
367 | return pfnGetHostFeatures(pState)
369 | }
370 |
371 | /**
372 | * Port I/O Handler for IN operations.
373 | *
374 | * @returns VBox status code.
375 | *
376 | * @param pDevIns The device instance.
377 | * @param pvUser Pointer to the device state structure.
378 | * @param Port Port number used for the IN operation.
379 | * @param pu32 Where to store the result.
380 | * @param cb Number of bytes read.
381 | * @param pCallbacks Pointer to the callbacks.
382 | * @thread EMT
383 | */
384 | int vpciIOPortIn(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns,
385 | void *pvUser,
386 | RTIOPORT Port,
387 | uint32_t *pu32,
388 | unsigned cb,
390 | {
391 | VPCISTATE *pState = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, VPCISTATE *);
392 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
393 | STAM_PROFILE_ADV_START(&pState->CTX_SUFF(StatIORead), a);
394 | RT_NOREF_PV(pvUser);
395 |
396 | /*
397 | * We probably do not need to enter critical section when reading registers
398 | * as the most of them are either constant or being changed during
399 | * initialization only, the exception being ISR which can be raced by all
400 | * threads but I see no big harm in it. It also happens to be the most read
401 | * register as it gets read in interrupt handler. By dropping cs protection
402 | * here we gain the ability to deliver RX packets to the guest while TX is
403 | * holding cs transmitting queued packets.
404 | *
405 | rc = vpciCsEnter(pState, VINF_IOM_R3_IOPORT_READ);
406 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS))
407 | {
408 | STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP(&pState->CTX_SUFF(StatIORead), a);
409 | return rc;
410 | }*/
411 |
412 | Port -= pState->IOPortBase;
413 | switch (Port)
414 | {
416 | /* Tell the guest what features we support. */
417 | *pu32 = vpciGetHostFeatures(pState, pCallbacks->pfnGetHostFeatures)
419 | break;
420 |
422 | *pu32 = pState->uGuestFeatures;
423 | break;
424 |
425 | case VPCI_QUEUE_PFN:
426 | *pu32 = pState->Queues[pState->uQueueSelector].uPageNumber;
427 | break;
428 |
429 | case VPCI_QUEUE_NUM:
430 | Assert(cb == 2);
431 | *(uint16_t*)pu32 = pState->Queues[pState->uQueueSelector].VRing.uSize;
432 | break;
433 |
434 | case VPCI_QUEUE_SEL:
435 | Assert(cb == 2);
436 | *(uint16_t*)pu32 = pState->uQueueSelector;
437 | break;
438 |
439 | case VPCI_STATUS:
440 | Assert(cb == 1);
441 | *(uint8_t*)pu32 = pState->uStatus;
442 | break;
443 |
444 | case VPCI_ISR:
445 | Assert(cb == 1);
446 | *(uint8_t*)pu32 = pState->uISR;
447 | pState->uISR = 0; /* read clears all interrupts */
448 | vpciLowerInterrupt(pState);
449 | break;
450 |
451 | default:
452 | if (Port >= VPCI_CONFIG)
453 | rc = pCallbacks->pfnGetConfig(pState, Port - VPCI_CONFIG, cb, pu32);
454 | else
455 | {
456 | *pu32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
457 | rc = PDMDevHlpDBGFStop(pDevIns, RT_SRC_POS, "%s vpciIOPortIn: no valid port at offset port=%RTiop cb=%08x\n",
458 | INSTANCE(pState), Port, cb);
459 | }
460 | break;
461 | }
462 | Log3(("%s vpciIOPortIn: At %RTiop in %0*x\n", INSTANCE(pState), Port, cb*2, *pu32));
463 | STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP(&pState->CTX_SUFF(StatIORead), a);
464 | //vpciCsLeave(pState);
465 | return rc;
466 | }
467 |
468 |
469 | /**
470 | * Port I/O Handler for OUT operations.
471 | *
472 | * @returns VBox status code.
473 | *
474 | * @param pDevIns The device instance.
475 | * @param pvUser User argument.
476 | * @param Port Port number used for the IN operation.
477 | * @param u32 The value to output.
478 | * @param cb The value size in bytes.
479 | * @param pCallbacks Pointer to the callbacks.
480 | * @thread EMT
481 | */
482 | int vpciIOPortOut(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns,
483 | void *pvUser,
484 | RTIOPORT Port,
485 | uint32_t u32,
486 | unsigned cb,
488 | {
489 | VPCISTATE *pState = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, VPCISTATE *);
490 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
491 | bool fHasBecomeReady;
492 | STAM_PROFILE_ADV_START(&pState->CTX_SUFF(StatIOWrite), a);
493 | RT_NOREF_PV(pvUser);
494 |
495 | Port -= pState->IOPortBase;
496 | Log3(("%s virtioIOPortOut: At %RTiop out %0*x\n", INSTANCE(pState), Port, cb*2, u32));
497 |
498 | switch (Port)
499 | {
501 | {
502 | const uint32_t uHostFeatures = vpciGetHostFeatures(pState, pCallbacks->pfnGetHostFeatures);
503 |
504 | if (RT_LIKELY((u32 & ~uHostFeatures) == 0))
505 | {
506 | pState->uGuestFeatures = u32;
507 | }
508 | else
509 | {
510 | /*
511 | * Guest requests features we don't advertise. Stick
512 | * to the minimum if negotiation looks completely
513 | * botched, otherwise restrict to advertised features.
514 | */
515 | if (u32 & VPCI_F_BAD_FEATURE)
516 | {
517 | Log(("%s WARNING! Guest failed to negotiate properly (guest=%x)\n",
518 | INSTANCE(pState), u32));
519 | pState->uGuestFeatures = pCallbacks->pfnGetHostMinimalFeatures(pState);
520 | }
521 | else
522 | {
523 | Log(("%s Guest asked for features host does not support! (host=%x guest=%x)\n",
524 | INSTANCE(pState), uHostFeatures, u32));
525 | pState->uGuestFeatures = u32 & uHostFeatures;
526 | }
527 | }
528 | pCallbacks->pfnSetHostFeatures(pState, pState->uGuestFeatures);
529 | break;
530 | }
531 |
532 | case VPCI_QUEUE_PFN:
533 | /*
534 | * The guest is responsible for allocating the pages for queues,
535 | * here it provides us with the page number of descriptor table.
536 | * Note that we provide the size of the queue to the guest via
538 | */
539 | pState->Queues[pState->uQueueSelector].uPageNumber = u32;
540 | if (u32)
541 | vqueueInit(&pState->Queues[pState->uQueueSelector], u32);
542 | else
543 | rc = pCallbacks->pfnReset(pState);
544 | break;
545 |
546 | case VPCI_QUEUE_SEL:
547 | Assert(cb == 2);
548 | u32 &= 0xFFFF;
549 | if (u32 < pState->nQueues)
550 | pState->uQueueSelector = u32;
551 | else
552 | Log3(("%s vpciIOPortOut: Invalid queue selector %08x\n", INSTANCE(pState), u32));
553 | break;
554 |
556 | #ifdef IN_RING3
557 | Assert(cb == 2);
558 | u32 &= 0xFFFF;
559 | if (u32 < pState->nQueues)
560 | {
562 | if (pState->Queues[u32].VRing.addrDescriptors)
563 | {
564 | // rc = vpciCsEnter(pState, VERR_SEM_BUSY);
565 | // if (RT_LIKELY(rc == VINF_SUCCESS))
566 | // {
567 | pState->Queues[u32].pfnCallback(pState, &pState->Queues[u32]);
568 | // vpciCsLeave(pState);
569 | // }
570 | }
571 | else
572 | Log(("%s The queue (#%d) being notified has not been initialized.\n",
573 | INSTANCE(pState), u32));
574 | }
575 | else
576 | Log(("%s Invalid queue number (%d)\n", INSTANCE(pState), u32));
577 | #else
579 | #endif
580 | break;
581 |
582 | case VPCI_STATUS:
583 | Assert(cb == 1);
584 | u32 &= 0xFF;
585 | fHasBecomeReady = !(pState->uStatus & VPCI_STATUS_DRV_OK) && (u32 & VPCI_STATUS_DRV_OK);
586 | pState->uStatus = u32;
587 | /* Writing 0 to the status port triggers device reset. */
588 | if (u32 == 0)
589 | rc = pCallbacks->pfnReset(pState);
590 | else if (fHasBecomeReady)
591 | {
592 | /* Older hypervisors were lax and did not enforce bus mastering. Older guests
593 | * (Linux prior to 2.6.34, NetBSD 6.x) were lazy and did not enable bus mastering.
594 | * We automagically enable bus mastering on driver initialization to make existing
595 | * drivers work.
596 | */
597 | PPDMPCIDEV pPciDev = pDevIns->apPciDevs[0];
598 | PDMPciDevSetCommand(pPciDev, PDMPciDevGetCommand(pPciDev) | PCI_COMMAND_BUSMASTER);
599 |
600 | pCallbacks->pfnReady(pState);
601 | }
602 | break;
603 |
604 | default:
605 | if (Port >= VPCI_CONFIG)
606 | rc = pCallbacks->pfnSetConfig(pState, Port - VPCI_CONFIG, cb, &u32);
607 | else
608 | rc = PDMDevHlpDBGFStop(pDevIns, RT_SRC_POS, "%s vpciIOPortOut: no valid port at offset Port=%RTiop cb=%08x\n",
609 | INSTANCE(pState), Port, cb);
610 | break;
611 | }
612 |
613 | STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP(&pState->CTX_SUFF(StatIOWrite), a);
614 | return rc;
615 | }
616 |
617 | #ifdef IN_RING3
618 |
619 | /**
620 | * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface}
621 | */
622 | void *vpciQueryInterface(struct PDMIBASE *pInterface, const char *pszIID)
623 | {
624 | VPCISTATE *pThis = IFACE_TO_STATE(pInterface, IBase);
625 | Assert(&pThis->IBase == pInterface);
626 |
629 | return NULL;
630 | }
631 |
632 | /**
633 | * Gets the pointer to the status LED of a unit.
634 | *
635 | * @returns VBox status code.
636 | * @param pInterface Pointer to the interface structure.
637 | * @param iLUN The unit which status LED we desire.
638 | * @param ppLed Where to store the LED pointer.
639 | * @thread EMT
640 | */
641 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) vpciQueryStatusLed(PPDMILEDPORTS pInterface, unsigned iLUN, PPDMLED *ppLed)
642 | {
643 | VPCISTATE *pState = IFACE_TO_STATE(pInterface, ILeds);
644 | int rc = VERR_PDM_LUN_NOT_FOUND;
645 |
646 | if (iLUN == 0)
647 | {
648 | *ppLed = &pState->led;
649 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
650 | }
651 | return rc;
652 | }
653 |
654 | /**
655 | * Turns on/off the write status LED.
656 | *
657 | * @returns VBox status code.
658 | * @param pState Pointer to the device state structure.
659 | * @param fOn New LED state.
660 | */
661 | void vpciSetWriteLed(PVPCISTATE pState, bool fOn)
662 | {
663 | LogFlow(("%s vpciSetWriteLed: %s\n", INSTANCE(pState), fOn?"on":"off"));
664 | if (fOn)
665 | pState->led.Asserted.s.fWriting = pState->led.Actual.s.fWriting = 1;
666 | else
667 | pState->led.Actual.s.fWriting = fOn;
668 | }
669 |
670 | /**
671 | * Turns on/off the read status LED.
672 | *
673 | * @returns VBox status code.
674 | * @param pState Pointer to the device state structure.
675 | * @param fOn New LED state.
676 | */
677 | void vpciSetReadLed(PVPCISTATE pState, bool fOn)
678 | {
679 | LogFlow(("%s vpciSetReadLed: %s\n", INSTANCE(pState), fOn?"on":"off"));
680 | if (fOn)
681 | pState->led.Asserted.s.fReading = pState->led.Actual.s.fReading = 1;
682 | else
683 | pState->led.Actual.s.fReading = fOn;
684 | }
685 |
686 |
687 | #if 0 /* unused */
688 | /**
689 | * Sets 32-bit register in PCI configuration space.
690 | * @param refPciDev The PCI device.
691 | * @param uOffset The register offset.
692 | * @param u32Value The value to store in the register.
693 | * @thread EMT
694 | */
695 | DECLINLINE(void) vpciCfgSetU32(PDMPCIDEV& refPciDev, uint32_t uOffset, uint32_t u32Value)
696 | {
697 | Assert(uOffset+sizeof(u32Value) <= sizeof(refPciDev.config));
698 | *(uint32_t*)&refPciDev.config[uOffset] = u32Value;
699 | }
700 | #endif /* unused */
701 |
702 |
703 | #ifdef DEBUG
704 | static void vpciDumpState(PVPCISTATE pState, const char *pcszCaller)
705 | {
706 | Log2(("vpciDumpState: (called from %s)\n"
707 | " uGuestFeatures = 0x%08x\n"
708 | " uQueueSelector = 0x%04x\n"
709 | " uStatus = 0x%02x\n"
710 | " uISR = 0x%02x\n",
711 | pcszCaller,
712 | pState->uGuestFeatures,
713 | pState->uQueueSelector,
714 | pState->uStatus,
715 | pState->uISR));
716 |
717 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < pState->nQueues; i++)
718 | Log2((" %s queue:\n"
719 | " VRing.uSize = %u\n"
720 | " VRing.addrDescriptors = %p\n"
721 | " VRing.addrAvail = %p\n"
722 | " VRing.addrUsed = %p\n"
723 | " uNextAvailIndex = %u\n"
724 | " uNextUsedIndex = %u\n"
725 | " uPageNumber = %x\n",
726 | pState->Queues[i].pcszName,
727 | pState->Queues[i].VRing.uSize,
728 | pState->Queues[i].VRing.addrDescriptors,
729 | pState->Queues[i].VRing.addrAvail,
730 | pState->Queues[i].VRing.addrUsed,
731 | pState->Queues[i].uNextAvailIndex,
732 | pState->Queues[i].uNextUsedIndex,
733 | pState->Queues[i].uPageNumber));
734 | }
735 | #else
736 | # define vpciDumpState(x, s) do {} while (0)
737 | #endif
738 |
739 | /**
740 | * Saves the state of device.
741 | *
742 | * @returns VBox status code.
743 | * @param pDevIns The device instance.
744 | * @param pSSM The handle to the saved state.
745 | */
746 | int vpciSaveExec(PVPCISTATE pState, PSSMHANDLE pSSM)
747 | {
748 | int rc;
749 |
750 | vpciDumpState(pState, "vpciSaveExec");
751 |
752 | rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pState->uGuestFeatures);
753 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
754 | rc = SSMR3PutU16(pSSM, pState->uQueueSelector);
755 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
756 | rc = SSMR3PutU8( pSSM, pState->uStatus);
757 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
758 | rc = SSMR3PutU8( pSSM, pState->uISR);
759 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
760 |
761 | /* Save queue states */
762 | rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pState->nQueues);
763 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
764 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < pState->nQueues; i++)
765 | {
766 | rc = SSMR3PutU16(pSSM, pState->Queues[i].VRing.uSize);
767 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
768 | rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pState->Queues[i].uPageNumber);
769 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
770 | rc = SSMR3PutU16(pSSM, pState->Queues[i].uNextAvailIndex);
771 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
772 | rc = SSMR3PutU16(pSSM, pState->Queues[i].uNextUsedIndex);
773 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
774 | }
775 |
776 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
777 | }
778 |
779 | /**
780 | * Loads a saved device state.
781 | *
782 | * @returns VBox status code.
783 | * @param pDevIns The device instance.
784 | * @param pSSM The handle to the saved state.
785 | * @param uVersion The data unit version number.
786 | * @param uPass The data pass.
787 | */
788 | int vpciLoadExec(PVPCISTATE pState, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass, uint32_t nQueues)
789 | {
790 | int rc;
791 |
792 | if (uPass == SSM_PASS_FINAL)
793 | {
794 | /* Restore state data */
795 | rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &pState->uGuestFeatures);
796 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
797 | rc = SSMR3GetU16(pSSM, &pState->uQueueSelector);
798 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
799 | rc = SSMR3GetU8( pSSM, &pState->uStatus);
800 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
801 | rc = SSMR3GetU8( pSSM, &pState->uISR);
802 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
803 |
804 | /* Restore queues */
805 | if (uVersion > VIRTIO_SAVEDSTATE_VERSION_3_1_BETA1)
806 | {
807 | rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &pState->nQueues);
808 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
809 | }
810 | else
811 | pState->nQueues = nQueues;
812 | AssertLogRelMsgReturn(pState->nQueues <= VIRTIO_MAX_NQUEUES, ("%#x\n", pState->nQueues), VERR_SSM_LOAD_CONFIG_MISMATCH);
813 | AssertLogRelMsgReturn(pState->uQueueSelector < pState->nQueues || (pState->nQueues == 0 && pState->uQueueSelector),
814 | ("uQueueSelector=%u nQueues=%u\n", pState->uQueueSelector, pState->nQueues),
816 |
817 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < pState->nQueues; i++)
818 | {
819 | rc = SSMR3GetU16(pSSM, &pState->Queues[i].VRing.uSize);
820 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
821 | rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &pState->Queues[i].uPageNumber);
822 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
823 |
824 | if (pState->Queues[i].uPageNumber)
825 | vqueueInit(&pState->Queues[i], pState->Queues[i].uPageNumber);
826 |
827 | rc = SSMR3GetU16(pSSM, &pState->Queues[i].uNextAvailIndex);
828 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
829 | rc = SSMR3GetU16(pSSM, &pState->Queues[i].uNextUsedIndex);
830 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
831 | }
832 | }
833 |
834 | vpciDumpState(pState, "vpciLoadExec");
835 |
836 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
837 | }
838 |
839 | /**
840 | * Set PCI configuration space registers.
841 | *
842 | * @param pPciDev Pointer to the PCI device structure.
843 | * @param uDeviceId VirtiO Device Id
844 | * @param uClass Class of PCI device (network, etc)
845 | * @thread EMT
846 | */
847 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) vpciConfigure(PPDMPCIDEV pPciDev,
848 | uint16_t uDeviceId,
849 | uint16_t uClass)
850 | {
851 | /* Configure PCI Device, assume 32-bit mode ******************************/
852 | PDMPciDevSetVendorId(pPciDev, DEVICE_PCI_VENDOR_ID);
853 | PDMPciDevSetDeviceId(pPciDev, DEVICE_PCI_BASE_ID + uDeviceId);
856 |
857 | /* ABI version, must be equal 0 as of 2.6.30 kernel. */
858 | PDMPciDevSetByte(pPciDev, VBOX_PCI_REVISION_ID, 0x00);
859 | /* Ethernet adapter */
860 | PDMPciDevSetByte(pPciDev, VBOX_PCI_CLASS_PROG, 0x00);
861 | PDMPciDevSetWord(pPciDev, VBOX_PCI_CLASS_DEVICE, uClass);
862 | /* Interrupt Pin: INTA# */
863 | PDMPciDevSetByte(pPciDev, VBOX_PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN, 0x01);
864 |
866 | PDMPciDevSetCapabilityList(pPciDev, 0x80);
867 | PDMPciDevSetStatus(pPciDev, VBOX_PCI_STATUS_CAP_LIST);
868 | #endif
869 | }
870 |
872 | /* WARNING! This function must never be used in multithreaded context! */
873 | static const char *vpciCounter(const char *pszDevFmt,
874 | const char *pszCounter)
875 | {
876 | static char s_szCounterName[80];
877 |
878 | RTStrPrintf(s_szCounterName, sizeof(s_szCounterName),
879 | "/Devices/%s/%s", pszDevFmt, pszCounter);
880 |
881 | return s_szCounterName;
882 | }
883 | #endif
884 |
885 | /// @todo header
886 | int vpciConstruct(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, VPCISTATE *pState,
887 | int iInstance, const char *pcszNameFmt,
888 | uint16_t uDeviceId, uint16_t uClass,
889 | uint32_t nQueues)
890 | {
891 | /* Init handles and log related stuff. */
892 | RTStrPrintf(pState->szInstance, sizeof(pState->szInstance),
893 | pcszNameFmt, iInstance);
894 |
895 | pState->pDevInsR3 = pDevIns;
896 | pState->pDevInsR0 = PDMDEVINS_2_R0PTR(pDevIns);
897 | pState->pDevInsRC = PDMDEVINS_2_RCPTR(pDevIns);
898 | pState->led.u32Magic = PDMLED_MAGIC;
899 |
900 | pState->ILeds.pfnQueryStatusLed = vpciQueryStatusLed;
901 |
902 | /* Initialize critical section. */
903 | int rc = PDMDevHlpCritSectInit(pDevIns, &pState->cs, RT_SRC_POS, "%s", pState->szInstance);
904 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
905 | return rc;
906 |
907 | PPDMPCIDEV pPciDev = pDevIns->apPciDevs[0];
909 | /* Set PCI config registers */
910 | vpciConfigure(pPciDev, uDeviceId, uClass);
911 | /* Register PCI device */
912 | rc = PDMDevHlpPCIRegister(pDevIns, pPciDev);
913 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
914 | return rc;
915 |
917 | #if 0
918 | {
919 | PDMMSIREG aMsiReg;
920 |
921 | RT_ZERO(aMsiReg);
922 | aMsiReg.cMsixVectors = 1;
923 | aMsiReg.iMsixCapOffset = 0x80;
924 | aMsiReg.iMsixNextOffset = 0x0;
925 | aMsiReg.iMsixBar = 0;
926 | rc = PDMDevHlpPCIRegisterMsi(pDevIns, &aMsiReg);
927 | if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
928 | PCIDevSetCapabilityList(&pState->pciDevice, 0x0);
929 | }
930 | #endif
931 | #endif
932 |
933 | /* Status driver */
934 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
935 | rc = PDMDevHlpDriverAttach(pDevIns, PDM_STATUS_LUN, &pState->IBase, &pBase, "Status Port");
936 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
937 | return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("Failed to attach the status LUN"));
939 |
940 | pState->nQueues = nQueues;
941 |
942 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS)
943 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatIOReadR3, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling IO reads in R3", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "IO/ReadR3"), iInstance);
944 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatIOReadR0, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling IO reads in R0", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "IO/ReadR0"), iInstance);
945 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatIOReadRC, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling IO reads in RC", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "IO/ReadRC"), iInstance);
946 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatIOWriteR3, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling IO writes in R3", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "IO/WriteR3"), iInstance);
947 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatIOWriteR0, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling IO writes in R0", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "IO/WriteR0"), iInstance);
948 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatIOWriteRC, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling IO writes in RC", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "IO/WriteRC"), iInstance);
949 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatIntsRaised, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Number of raised interrupts", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "Interrupts/Raised"), iInstance);
950 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatIntsSkipped, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Number of skipped interrupts", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "Interrupts/Skipped"), iInstance);
951 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatCsR3, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling CS wait in R3", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "Cs/CsR3"), iInstance);
952 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatCsR0, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling CS wait in R0", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "Cs/CsR0"), iInstance);
953 | PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pState->StatCsRC, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling CS wait in RC", vpciCounter(pcszNameFmt, "Cs/CsRC"), iInstance);
954 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS */
955 |
956 | return rc;
957 | }
958 |
959 | /**
960 | * Destruct PCI-related part of device.
961 | *
962 | * We need to free non-VM resources only.
963 | *
964 | * @returns VBox status code.
965 | * @param pState The device state structure.
966 | */
967 | int vpciDestruct(VPCISTATE* pState)
968 | {
969 | Log(("%s Destroying PCI instance\n", INSTANCE(pState)));
970 |
971 | if (PDMCritSectIsInitialized(&pState->cs))
972 | PDMR3CritSectDelete(&pState->cs);
973 |
974 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
975 | }
976 |
977 | /**
978 | * Device relocation callback.
979 | *
980 | * When this callback is called the device instance data, and if the
981 | * device have a GC component, is being relocated, or/and the selectors
982 | * have been changed. The device must use the chance to perform the
983 | * necessary pointer relocations and data updates.
984 | *
985 | * Before the GC code is executed the first time, this function will be
986 | * called with a 0 delta so GC pointer calculations can be one in one place.
987 | *
988 | * @param pDevIns Pointer to the device instance.
989 | * @param offDelta The relocation delta relative to the old location.
990 | *
991 | * @remark A relocation CANNOT fail.
992 | */
993 | void vpciRelocate(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, RTGCINTPTR offDelta)
994 | {
995 | RT_NOREF(offDelta);
997 | pState->pDevInsRC = PDMDEVINS_2_RCPTR(pDevIns);
998 | // TBD
999 | }
1000 |
1001 | PVQUEUE vpciAddQueue(VPCISTATE* pState, unsigned uSize, PFNVPCIQUEUECALLBACK pfnCallback, const char *pcszName)
1002 | {
1003 | PVQUEUE pQueue = NULL;
1004 | /* Find an empty queue slot */
1005 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < pState->nQueues; i++)
1006 | {
1007 | if (pState->Queues[i].VRing.uSize == 0)
1008 | {
1009 | pQueue = &pState->Queues[i];
1010 | break;
1011 | }
1012 | }
1013 |
1014 | if (!pQueue)
1015 | {
1016 | Log(("%s Too many queues being added, no empty slots available!\n", INSTANCE(pState)));
1017 | }
1018 | else
1019 | {
1020 | pQueue->VRing.uSize = uSize;
1021 | pQueue->VRing.addrDescriptors = 0;
1022 | pQueue->uPageNumber = 0;
1023 | pQueue->pfnCallback = pfnCallback;
1024 | pQueue->pcszName = pcszName;
1025 | }
1026 |
1027 | return pQueue;
1028 | }
1029 |
1030 | #endif /* IN_RING3 */
1031 |
1033 |