/* $Id: VBoxSCSI.cpp 43474 2012-09-30 11:31:15Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VBox storage devices: * Simple SCSI interface for BIOS access */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ //#define DEBUG #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DEV_BUSLOGIC /* @todo: Create extra group. */ #if defined(IN_R0) || defined(IN_RC) # error This device has no R0 or GC components #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxSCSI.h" static void vboxscsiReset(PVBOXSCSI pVBoxSCSI) { pVBoxSCSI->regIdentify = 0; pVBoxSCSI->cbCDB = 0; memset(pVBoxSCSI->aCDB, 0, sizeof(pVBoxSCSI->aCDB)); pVBoxSCSI->iCDB = 0; pVBoxSCSI->fBusy = false; pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf = 0; pVBoxSCSI->iBuf = 0; if (pVBoxSCSI->pBuf) RTMemFree(pVBoxSCSI->pBuf); pVBoxSCSI->pBuf = NULL; pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_NO_COMMAND; } /** * Initializes the state for the SCSI interface. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVBoxSCSI Pointer to the unitialized SCSI state. */ int vboxscsiInitialize(PVBOXSCSI pVBoxSCSI) { pVBoxSCSI->pBuf = NULL; vboxscsiReset(pVBoxSCSI); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Reads a register value. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVBoxSCSI Pointer to the SCSI state. * @param iRegister Index of the register to read. * @param pu32Value Where to store the content of the register. */ int vboxscsiReadRegister(PVBOXSCSI pVBoxSCSI, uint8_t iRegister, uint32_t *pu32Value) { uint8_t uVal = 0; switch (iRegister) { case 0: { if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&pVBoxSCSI->fBusy) == true) { uVal |= VBOX_SCSI_BUSY; /* There is an I/O operation in progress. * Yield the execution thread to let the I/O thread make progress. */ RTThreadYield(); } else uVal &= ~VBOX_SCSI_BUSY; break; } case 1: { /* If we're not in the 'command ready' state, there may not even be a buffer yet. */ if ((pVBoxSCSI->enmState == VBOXSCSISTATE_COMMAND_READY) && pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf > 0) { AssertMsg(pVBoxSCSI->pBuf, ("pBuf is NULL\n")); Assert(pVBoxSCSI->enmState == VBOXSCSISTATE_COMMAND_READY); Assert(!pVBoxSCSI->fBusy); uVal = pVBoxSCSI->pBuf[pVBoxSCSI->iBuf]; pVBoxSCSI->iBuf++; pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf--; if (pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf == 0) { /** The guest read the last byte from the data in buffer. * Clear everything and reset command buffer. */ RTMemFree(pVBoxSCSI->pBuf); pVBoxSCSI->pBuf = NULL; pVBoxSCSI->cbCDB = 0; pVBoxSCSI->iCDB = 0; pVBoxSCSI->iBuf = 0; pVBoxSCSI->uTargetDevice = 0; pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_NO_COMMAND; memset(pVBoxSCSI->aCDB, 0, sizeof(pVBoxSCSI->aCDB)); } } break; } case 2: { uVal = pVBoxSCSI->regIdentify; break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid register to read from %u\n", iRegister)); } *pu32Value = uVal; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Writes to a register. * * @returns VBox status code. * VERR_MORE_DATA if a command is ready to be sent to the SCSI driver. * @param pVBoxSCSI Pointer to the SCSI state. * @param iRegister Index of the register to write to. * @param uVal Value to write. */ int vboxscsiWriteRegister(PVBOXSCSI pVBoxSCSI, uint8_t iRegister, uint8_t uVal) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; switch (iRegister) { case 0: { if (pVBoxSCSI->enmState == VBOXSCSISTATE_NO_COMMAND) { pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_TXDIR; pVBoxSCSI->uTargetDevice = uVal; } else if (pVBoxSCSI->enmState == VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_TXDIR) { if (uVal != VBOXSCSI_TXDIR_FROM_DEVICE && uVal != VBOXSCSI_TXDIR_TO_DEVICE) vboxscsiReset(pVBoxSCSI); else { pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_CDB_SIZE_BUFHI; pVBoxSCSI->uTxDir = uVal; } } else if (pVBoxSCSI->enmState == VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_CDB_SIZE_BUFHI) { uint8_t cbCDB = uVal & 0x0F; if (cbCDB > VBOXSCSI_CDB_SIZE_MAX) vboxscsiReset(pVBoxSCSI); else { pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_LSB; pVBoxSCSI->cbCDB = cbCDB; pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf = (uVal & 0xF0) << 12; /* Bits 16-19 of buffer size. */ } } else if (pVBoxSCSI->enmState == VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_LSB) { pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_MID; pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf |= uVal; /* Bits 0-7 of buffer size. */ } else if (pVBoxSCSI->enmState == VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_MID) { pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_COMMAND; pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf |= (((uint16_t)uVal) << 8); /* Bits 8-15 of buffer size. */ } else if (pVBoxSCSI->enmState == VBOXSCSISTATE_READ_COMMAND) { pVBoxSCSI->aCDB[pVBoxSCSI->iCDB] = uVal; pVBoxSCSI->iCDB++; /* Check if we have all necessary command data. */ if (pVBoxSCSI->iCDB == pVBoxSCSI->cbCDB) { Log(("%s: Command ready for processing\n", __FUNCTION__)); pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_COMMAND_READY; if (pVBoxSCSI->uTxDir == VBOXSCSI_TXDIR_TO_DEVICE) { /* This is a write allocate buffer. */ pVBoxSCSI->pBuf = (uint8_t *)RTMemAllocZ(pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf); if (!pVBoxSCSI->pBuf) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } else { /* This is a read from the device. */ ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pVBoxSCSI->fBusy, true); rc = VERR_MORE_DATA; /** @todo Better return value to indicate ready command? */ } } } else AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid state %d\n", pVBoxSCSI->enmState)); break; } case 1: { if ( pVBoxSCSI->enmState != VBOXSCSISTATE_COMMAND_READY || pVBoxSCSI->uTxDir != VBOXSCSI_TXDIR_TO_DEVICE) { /* Reset the state */ vboxscsiReset(pVBoxSCSI); } else { pVBoxSCSI->pBuf[pVBoxSCSI->iBuf++] = uVal; if (pVBoxSCSI->iBuf == pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf) { rc = VERR_MORE_DATA; ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pVBoxSCSI->fBusy, true); } } break; } case 2: { pVBoxSCSI->regIdentify = uVal; break; } case 3: { /* Reset */ vboxscsiReset(pVBoxSCSI); break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid register to write to %u\n", iRegister)); } return rc; } /** * Sets up a SCSI request which the owning SCSI device can process. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVBoxSCSI Pointer to the SCSI state. * @param pScsiRequest Pointer to a scsi request to setup. * @param puTargetDevice Where to store the target device ID. */ int vboxscsiSetupRequest(PVBOXSCSI pVBoxSCSI, PPDMSCSIREQUEST pScsiRequest, uint32_t *puTargetDevice) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LogFlowFunc(("pVBoxSCSI=%#p pScsiRequest=%#p puTargetDevice=%#p\n", pVBoxSCSI, pScsiRequest, puTargetDevice)); AssertMsg(pVBoxSCSI->enmState == VBOXSCSISTATE_COMMAND_READY, ("Invalid state %u\n", pVBoxSCSI->enmState)); if (pVBoxSCSI->uTxDir == VBOXSCSI_TXDIR_FROM_DEVICE) { if (pVBoxSCSI->pBuf) RTMemFree(pVBoxSCSI->pBuf); pVBoxSCSI->pBuf = (uint8_t *)RTMemAllocZ(pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf); if (!pVBoxSCSI->pBuf) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } /* Allocate scatter gather element. */ pScsiRequest->paScatterGatherHead = (PRTSGSEG)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(RTSGSEG) * 1); /* Only one element. */ if (!pScsiRequest->paScatterGatherHead) { RTMemFree(pVBoxSCSI->pBuf); pVBoxSCSI->pBuf = NULL; return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } /* Allocate sense buffer. */ pScsiRequest->cbSenseBuffer = 18; pScsiRequest->pbSenseBuffer = (uint8_t *)RTMemAllocZ(pScsiRequest->cbSenseBuffer); pScsiRequest->cbCDB = pVBoxSCSI->cbCDB; pScsiRequest->pbCDB = pVBoxSCSI->aCDB; pScsiRequest->uLogicalUnit = 0; pScsiRequest->cbScatterGather = pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf; pScsiRequest->cScatterGatherEntries = 1; pScsiRequest->paScatterGatherHead[0].cbSeg = pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf; pScsiRequest->paScatterGatherHead[0].pvSeg = pVBoxSCSI->pBuf; *puTargetDevice = pVBoxSCSI->uTargetDevice; return rc; } /** * Notifies the device that a request finished and the incoming data * is ready at the incoming data port. */ int vboxscsiRequestFinished(PVBOXSCSI pVBoxSCSI, PPDMSCSIREQUEST pScsiRequest) { LogFlowFunc(("pVBoxSCSI=%#p pScsiRequest=%#p\n", pVBoxSCSI, pScsiRequest)); RTMemFree(pScsiRequest->paScatterGatherHead); RTMemFree(pScsiRequest->pbSenseBuffer); if (pVBoxSCSI->uTxDir == VBOXSCSI_TXDIR_TO_DEVICE) { if (pVBoxSCSI->pBuf) RTMemFree(pVBoxSCSI->pBuf); pVBoxSCSI->pBuf = NULL; pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf = 0; pVBoxSCSI->cbCDB = 0; pVBoxSCSI->iCDB = 0; pVBoxSCSI->iBuf = 0; pVBoxSCSI->uTargetDevice = 0; pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_NO_COMMAND; memset(pVBoxSCSI->aCDB, 0, sizeof(pVBoxSCSI->aCDB)); } ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pVBoxSCSI->fBusy, false); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int vboxscsiReadString(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PVBOXSCSI pVBoxSCSI, uint8_t iRegister, RTGCPTR *pGCPtrDst, PRTGCUINTREG pcTransfer, unsigned cb) { RTGCPTR GCDst = *pGCPtrDst; uint32_t cbTransfer = *pcTransfer * cb; LogFlowFunc(("pDevIns=%#p pVBoxSCSI=%#p iRegister=%d cTransfer=%u cb=%u\n", pDevIns, pVBoxSCSI, iRegister, *pcTransfer, cb)); /* Read string only valid for data in register. */ AssertMsg(iRegister == 1, ("Hey only register 1 can be read from with string\n")); /* Accesses without a valid buffer will be ignored. */ if (!pVBoxSCSI->pBuf) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* Also ignore attempts to read more data than is available. */ Assert(cbTransfer <= pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf); if (cbTransfer > pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf) cbTransfer = pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf; /* Ignore excess data (not supposed to happen). */ int rc = PGMPhysSimpleDirtyWriteGCPtr(PDMDevHlpGetVMCPU(pDevIns), GCDst, pVBoxSCSI->pBuf + pVBoxSCSI->iBuf, cbTransfer); AssertRC(rc); *pGCPtrDst = (RTGCPTR)((RTGCUINTPTR)GCDst + cbTransfer); *pcTransfer = 0; /* Advance current buffer position. */ pVBoxSCSI->iBuf += cbTransfer; pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf -= cbTransfer; if (pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf == 0) { /** The guest read the last byte from the data in buffer. * Clear everything and reset command buffer. */ RTMemFree(pVBoxSCSI->pBuf); pVBoxSCSI->pBuf = NULL; pVBoxSCSI->cbCDB = 0; pVBoxSCSI->iCDB = 0; pVBoxSCSI->iBuf = 0; pVBoxSCSI->uTargetDevice = 0; pVBoxSCSI->enmState = VBOXSCSISTATE_NO_COMMAND; memset(pVBoxSCSI->aCDB, 0, sizeof(pVBoxSCSI->aCDB)); } return rc; } int vboxscsiWriteString(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PVBOXSCSI pVBoxSCSI, uint8_t iRegister, RTGCPTR *pGCPtrSrc, PRTGCUINTREG pcTransfer, unsigned cb) { RTGCPTR GCSrc = *pGCPtrSrc; uint32_t cbTransfer = *pcTransfer * cb; /* Write string only valid for data in/out register. */ AssertMsg(iRegister == 1, ("Hey only register 1 can be written to with string\n")); /* Accesses without a valid buffer will be ignored. */ if (!pVBoxSCSI->pBuf) return VINF_SUCCESS; Assert(cbTransfer <= pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf); if (cbTransfer > pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf) cbTransfer = pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf; /* Ignore excess data (not supposed to happen). */ int rc = PDMDevHlpPhysReadGCVirt(pDevIns, pVBoxSCSI->pBuf + pVBoxSCSI->iBuf, GCSrc, cbTransfer); AssertRC(rc); /* Advance current buffer position. */ pVBoxSCSI->iBuf += cbTransfer; pVBoxSCSI->cbBuf -= cbTransfer; *pGCPtrSrc = (RTGCPTR)((RTGCUINTPTR)GCSrc + cbTransfer); *pcTransfer = 0; ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pVBoxSCSI->fBusy, true); return VERR_MORE_DATA; } void vboxscsiSetRequestRedo(PVBOXSCSI pVBoxSCSI, PPDMSCSIREQUEST pScsiRequest) { AssertMsg(pVBoxSCSI->fBusy, ("No request to redo\n")); RTMemFree(pScsiRequest->paScatterGatherHead); RTMemFree(pScsiRequest->pbSenseBuffer); if (pVBoxSCSI->uTxDir == VBOXSCSI_TXDIR_FROM_DEVICE) { AssertPtr(pVBoxSCSI->pBuf); } }