/* $Id: UsbMsd.cpp 81585 2019-10-30 11:19:27Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * UsbMSD - USB Mass Storage Device Emulation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_USB_MSD #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxDD.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** @name USB MSD string IDs * @{ */ #define USBMSD_STR_ID_MANUFACTURER 1 #define USBMSD_STR_ID_PRODUCT_HD 2 #define USBMSD_STR_ID_PRODUCT_CDROM 3 /** @} */ /** @name USB MSD vendor and product IDs * @{ */ #define VBOX_USB_VENDOR 0x80EE #define USBMSD_PID_HD 0x0030 #define USBMSD_PID_CD 0x0031 /** @} */ /** Saved state version. */ #define USB_MSD_SAVED_STATE_VERSION 2 /** Saved state vesion before the cleanup. */ #define USB_MSD_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_PRE_CLEANUP 1 /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * USB MSD Command Block Wrapper or CBW. The command block * itself (CBWCB) contains protocol-specific data (here SCSI). */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct USBCBW { uint32_t dCBWSignature; #define USBCBW_SIGNATURE UINT32_C(0x43425355) uint32_t dCBWTag; uint32_t dCBWDataTransferLength; uint8_t bmCBWFlags; #define USBCBW_DIR_MASK RT_BIT(7) #define USBCBW_DIR_OUT 0 #define USBCBW_DIR_IN RT_BIT(7) uint8_t bCBWLun; uint8_t bCBWCBLength; uint8_t CBWCB[16]; } USBCBW; #pragma pack() AssertCompileSize(USBCBW, 31); /** Pointer to a Command Block Wrapper. */ typedef USBCBW *PUSBCBW; /** Pointer to a const Command Block Wrapper. */ typedef const USBCBW *PCUSBCBW; /** * USB MSD Command Status Wrapper or CSW. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct USBCSW { uint32_t dCSWSignature; #define USBCSW_SIGNATURE UINT32_C(0x53425355) uint32_t dCSWTag; uint32_t dCSWDataResidue; #define USBCSW_STATUS_OK UINT8_C(0) #define USBCSW_STATUS_FAILED UINT8_C(1) #define USBCSW_STATUS_PHASE_ERROR UINT8_C(2) uint8_t bCSWStatus; } USBCSW; #pragma pack() AssertCompileSize(USBCSW, 13); /** Pointer to a Command Status Wrapper. */ typedef USBCSW *PUSBCSW; /** Pointer to a const Command Status Wrapper. */ typedef const USBCSW *PCUSBCSW; /** * The USB MSD request state. */ typedef enum USBMSDREQSTATE { /** Invalid status. */ USBMSDREQSTATE_INVALID = 0, /** Ready to receive a new SCSI command. */ USBMSDREQSTATE_READY, /** Waiting for the host to supply data. */ USBMSDREQSTATE_DATA_FROM_HOST, /** The SCSI request is being executed by the driver. */ USBMSDREQSTATE_EXECUTING, /** Have (more) data for the host. */ USBMSDREQSTATE_DATA_TO_HOST, /** Waiting to supply status information to the host. */ USBMSDREQSTATE_STATUS, /** Destroy the request upon completion. * This is set when the SCSI request doesn't complete before for the device or * mass storage reset operation times out. USBMSD::pReq will be set to NULL * and the only reference to this request will be with DrvSCSI. */ USBMSDREQSTATE_DESTROY_ON_COMPLETION, /** The end of the valid states. */ USBMSDREQSTATE_END, /** 32bit blow up hack. */ USBMSDREQSTATE_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } USBMSDREQSTATE; /** * A pending USB MSD request. */ typedef struct USBMSDREQ { /** The state of the request. */ USBMSDREQSTATE enmState; /** The I/O requesthandle .*/ PDMMEDIAEXIOREQ hIoReq; /** The size of the data buffer. */ uint32_t cbBuf; /** Pointer to the data buffer. */ uint8_t *pbBuf; /** Current buffer offset. */ uint32_t offBuf; /** The current Cbw when we're in the pending state. */ USBCBW Cbw; /** The status of a completed SCSI request. */ uint8_t iScsiReqStatus; } USBMSDREQ; /** Pointer to a USB MSD request. */ typedef USBMSDREQ *PUSBMSDREQ; /** * Endpoint status data. */ typedef struct USBMSDEP { bool fHalted; } USBMSDEP; /** Pointer to the endpoint status. */ typedef USBMSDEP *PUSBMSDEP; /** * A URB queue. */ typedef struct USBMSDURBQUEUE { /** The head pointer. */ PVUSBURB pHead; /** Where to insert the next entry. */ PVUSBURB *ppTail; } USBMSDURBQUEUE; /** Pointer to a URB queue. */ typedef USBMSDURBQUEUE *PUSBMSDURBQUEUE; /** Pointer to a const URB queue. */ typedef USBMSDURBQUEUE const *PCUSBMSDURBQUEUE; /** * The USB MSD instance data. */ typedef struct USBMSD { /** Pointer back to the PDM USB Device instance structure. */ PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns; /** Critical section protecting the device state. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** The current configuration. * (0 - default, 1 - the only, i.e configured.) */ uint8_t bConfigurationValue; /** Endpoint 0 is the default control pipe, 1 is the host->dev bulk pipe and 2 * is the dev->host one. */ USBMSDEP aEps[3]; /** The current request. */ PUSBMSDREQ pReq; /** Pending to-host queue. * The URBs waiting here are pending the completion of the current request and * data or status to become available. */ USBMSDURBQUEUE ToHostQueue; /** Done queue * The URBs stashed here are waiting to be reaped. */ USBMSDURBQUEUE DoneQueue; /** Signalled when adding an URB to the done queue and fHaveDoneQueueWaiter * is set. */ RTSEMEVENT hEvtDoneQueue; /** Someone is waiting on the done queue. */ bool fHaveDoneQueueWaiter; /** Whether to signal the reset semaphore when the current request completes. */ bool fSignalResetSem; /** Semaphore usbMsdUsbReset waits on when a request is executing at reset * time. Only signalled when fSignalResetSem is set. */ RTSEMEVENTMULTI hEvtReset; /** The reset URB. * This is waiting for SCSI request completion before finishing the reset. */ PVUSBURB pResetUrb; /** Indicates that PDMUsbHlpAsyncNotificationCompleted should be called when * the MSD is entering the idle state. */ volatile bool fSignalIdle; /** Indicates that this device is a CD-ROM. */ bool fIsCdrom; /** * LUN\#0 data. */ struct { /** The base interface for LUN\#0. */ PDMIBASE IBase; /** The media port interface fo LUN\#0. */ PDMIMEDIAPORT IMediaPort; /** The extended media port interface for LUN\#0 */ PDMIMEDIAEXPORT IMediaExPort; /** The base interface for the SCSI driver connected to LUN\#0. */ PPDMIBASE pIBase; /** The media interface for th SCSI drver conected to LUN\#0. */ PPDMIMEDIA pIMedia; /** The extended media inerface for the SCSI driver connected to LUN\#0. */ PPDMIMEDIAEX pIMediaEx; } Lun0; } USBMSD; /** Pointer to the USB MSD instance data. */ typedef USBMSD *PUSBMSD; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static const PDMUSBDESCCACHESTRING g_aUsbMsdStrings_en_US[] = { { USBMSD_STR_ID_MANUFACTURER, "VirtualBox" }, { USBMSD_STR_ID_PRODUCT_HD, "USB Harddisk" }, { USBMSD_STR_ID_PRODUCT_CDROM, "USB CD-ROM" } }; static const PDMUSBDESCCACHELANG g_aUsbMsdLanguages[] = { { 0x0409, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdStrings_en_US), g_aUsbMsdStrings_en_US } }; static const VUSBDESCENDPOINTEX g_aUsbMsdEndpointDescsFS[2] = { { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCENDPOINT), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_ENDPOINT, /* .bEndpointAddress = */ 0x81 /* ep=1, in */, /* .bmAttributes = */ 2 /* bulk */, /* .wMaxPacketSize = */ 64 /* maximum possible */, /* .bInterval = */ 0 /* not applicable for bulk EP */ }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0, /* .pvSsepc = */ NULL, /* .cbSsepc = */ 0 }, { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCENDPOINT), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_ENDPOINT, /* .bEndpointAddress = */ 0x02 /* ep=2, out */, /* .bmAttributes = */ 2 /* bulk */, /* .wMaxPacketSize = */ 64 /* maximum possible */, /* .bInterval = */ 0 /* not applicable for bulk EP */ }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0, /* .pvSsepc = */ NULL, /* .cbSsepc = */ 0 } }; static const VUSBDESCENDPOINTEX g_aUsbMsdEndpointDescsHS[2] = { { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCENDPOINT), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_ENDPOINT, /* .bEndpointAddress = */ 0x81 /* ep=1, in */, /* .bmAttributes = */ 2 /* bulk */, /* .wMaxPacketSize = */ 512 /* HS bulk packet size */, /* .bInterval = */ 0 /* no NAKs */ }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0, /* .pvSsepc = */ NULL, /* .cbSsepc = */ 0 }, { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCENDPOINT), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_ENDPOINT, /* .bEndpointAddress = */ 0x02 /* ep=2, out */, /* .bmAttributes = */ 2 /* bulk */, /* .wMaxPacketSize = */ 512 /* HS bulk packet size */, /* .bInterval = */ 0 /* no NAKs */ }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0, /* .pvSsepc = */ NULL, /* .cbSsepc = */ 0 } }; static const VUSBDESCSSEPCOMPANION g_aUsbMsdEpCompanionSS = { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCSSEPCOMPANION), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_SS_ENDPOINT_COMPANION, /* .bMaxBurst = */ 15 /* we can burst all the way */, /* .bmAttributes = */ 0 /* no streams */, /* .wBytesPerInterval = */ 0 /* not a periodic endpoint */ }; static const VUSBDESCENDPOINTEX g_aUsbMsdEndpointDescsSS[2] = { { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCENDPOINT), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_ENDPOINT, /* .bEndpointAddress = */ 0x81 /* ep=1, in */, /* .bmAttributes = */ 2 /* bulk */, /* .wMaxPacketSize = */ 1024 /* SS bulk packet size */, /* .bInterval = */ 0 /* no NAKs */ }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0, /* .pvSsepc = */ &g_aUsbMsdEpCompanionSS, /* .cbSsepc = */ sizeof(g_aUsbMsdEpCompanionSS) }, { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCENDPOINT), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_ENDPOINT, /* .bEndpointAddress = */ 0x02 /* ep=2, out */, /* .bmAttributes = */ 2 /* bulk */, /* .wMaxPacketSize = */ 1024 /* SS bulk packet size */, /* .bInterval = */ 0 /* no NAKs */ }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0, /* .pvSsepc = */ &g_aUsbMsdEpCompanionSS, /* .cbSsepc = */ sizeof(g_aUsbMsdEpCompanionSS) } }; static const VUSBDESCINTERFACEEX g_UsbMsdInterfaceDescFS = { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCINTERFACE), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_INTERFACE, /* .bInterfaceNumber = */ 0, /* .bAlternateSetting = */ 0, /* .bNumEndpoints = */ 2, /* .bInterfaceClass = */ 8 /* Mass Storage */, /* .bInterfaceSubClass = */ 6 /* SCSI transparent command set */, /* .bInterfaceProtocol = */ 0x50 /* Bulk-Only Transport */, /* .iInterface = */ 0 }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0, &g_aUsbMsdEndpointDescsFS[0], /* .pIAD = */ NULL, /* .cbIAD = */ 0 }; static const VUSBDESCINTERFACEEX g_UsbMsdInterfaceDescHS = { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCINTERFACE), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_INTERFACE, /* .bInterfaceNumber = */ 0, /* .bAlternateSetting = */ 0, /* .bNumEndpoints = */ 2, /* .bInterfaceClass = */ 8 /* Mass Storage */, /* .bInterfaceSubClass = */ 6 /* SCSI transparent command set */, /* .bInterfaceProtocol = */ 0x50 /* Bulk-Only Transport */, /* .iInterface = */ 0 }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0, &g_aUsbMsdEndpointDescsHS[0], /* .pIAD = */ NULL, /* .cbIAD = */ 0 }; static const VUSBDESCINTERFACEEX g_UsbMsdInterfaceDescSS = { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCINTERFACE), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_INTERFACE, /* .bInterfaceNumber = */ 0, /* .bAlternateSetting = */ 0, /* .bNumEndpoints = */ 2, /* .bInterfaceClass = */ 8 /* Mass Storage */, /* .bInterfaceSubClass = */ 6 /* SCSI transparent command set */, /* .bInterfaceProtocol = */ 0x50 /* Bulk-Only Transport */, /* .iInterface = */ 0 }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0, &g_aUsbMsdEndpointDescsSS[0], /* .pIAD = */ NULL, /* .cbIAD = */ 0 }; static const VUSBINTERFACE g_aUsbMsdInterfacesFS[] = { { &g_UsbMsdInterfaceDescFS, /* .cSettings = */ 1 }, }; static const VUSBINTERFACE g_aUsbMsdInterfacesHS[] = { { &g_UsbMsdInterfaceDescHS, /* .cSettings = */ 1 }, }; static const VUSBINTERFACE g_aUsbMsdInterfacesSS[] = { { &g_UsbMsdInterfaceDescSS, /* .cSettings = */ 1 }, }; static const VUSBDESCCONFIGEX g_UsbMsdConfigDescFS = { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCCONFIG), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_CONFIG, /* .wTotalLength = */ 0 /* recalculated on read */, /* .bNumInterfaces = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdInterfacesFS), /* .bConfigurationValue =*/ 1, /* .iConfiguration = */ 0, /* .bmAttributes = */ RT_BIT(7), /* .MaxPower = */ 50 /* 100mA */ }, NULL, /* pvMore */ NULL, /* pvClass */ 0, /* cbClass */ &g_aUsbMsdInterfacesFS[0], NULL /* pvOriginal */ }; static const VUSBDESCCONFIGEX g_UsbMsdConfigDescHS = { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCCONFIG), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_CONFIG, /* .wTotalLength = */ 0 /* recalculated on read */, /* .bNumInterfaces = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdInterfacesHS), /* .bConfigurationValue =*/ 1, /* .iConfiguration = */ 0, /* .bmAttributes = */ RT_BIT(7), /* .MaxPower = */ 50 /* 100mA */ }, NULL, /* pvMore */ NULL, /* pvClass */ 0, /* cbClass */ &g_aUsbMsdInterfacesHS[0], NULL /* pvOriginal */ }; static const VUSBDESCCONFIGEX g_UsbMsdConfigDescSS = { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCCONFIG), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_CONFIG, /* .wTotalLength = */ 0 /* recalculated on read */, /* .bNumInterfaces = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdInterfacesSS), /* .bConfigurationValue =*/ 1, /* .iConfiguration = */ 0, /* .bmAttributes = */ RT_BIT(7), /* .MaxPower = */ 50 /* 100mA */ }, NULL, /* pvMore */ NULL, /* pvClass */ 0, /* cbClass */ &g_aUsbMsdInterfacesSS[0], NULL /* pvOriginal */ }; static const VUSBDESCDEVICE g_UsbMsdDeviceDesc20 = { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(g_UsbMsdDeviceDesc20), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_DEVICE, /* .bcdUsb = */ 0x200, /* USB 2.0 */ /* .bDeviceClass = */ 0 /* Class specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceSubClass = */ 0 /* Subclass specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceProtocol = */ 0 /* Protocol specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bMaxPacketSize0 = */ 64, /* .idVendor = */ VBOX_USB_VENDOR, /* .idProduct = */ USBMSD_PID_HD, /* .bcdDevice = */ 0x0100, /* 1.0 */ /* .iManufacturer = */ USBMSD_STR_ID_MANUFACTURER, /* .iProduct = */ USBMSD_STR_ID_PRODUCT_HD, /* .iSerialNumber = */ 0, /* .bNumConfigurations = */ 1 }; static const VUSBDESCDEVICE g_UsbCdDeviceDesc20 = { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(g_UsbCdDeviceDesc20), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_DEVICE, /* .bcdUsb = */ 0x200, /* USB 2.0 */ /* .bDeviceClass = */ 0 /* Class specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceSubClass = */ 0 /* Subclass specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceProtocol = */ 0 /* Protocol specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bMaxPacketSize0 = */ 64, /* .idVendor = */ VBOX_USB_VENDOR, /* .idProduct = */ USBMSD_PID_CD, /* .bcdDevice = */ 0x0100, /* 1.0 */ /* .iManufacturer = */ USBMSD_STR_ID_MANUFACTURER, /* .iProduct = */ USBMSD_STR_ID_PRODUCT_CDROM, /* .iSerialNumber = */ 0, /* .bNumConfigurations = */ 1 }; static const VUSBDESCDEVICE g_UsbMsdDeviceDesc30 = { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(g_UsbMsdDeviceDesc30), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_DEVICE, /* .bcdUsb = */ 0x300, /* USB 2.0 */ /* .bDeviceClass = */ 0 /* Class specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceSubClass = */ 0 /* Subclass specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceProtocol = */ 0 /* Protocol specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bMaxPacketSize0 = */ 9 /* 512, the only option for USB3. */, /* .idVendor = */ VBOX_USB_VENDOR, /* .idProduct = */ USBMSD_PID_HD, /* .bcdDevice = */ 0x0110, /* 1.10 */ /* .iManufacturer = */ USBMSD_STR_ID_MANUFACTURER, /* .iProduct = */ USBMSD_STR_ID_PRODUCT_HD, /* .iSerialNumber = */ 0, /* .bNumConfigurations = */ 1 }; static const VUSBDESCDEVICE g_UsbCdDeviceDesc30 = { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(g_UsbCdDeviceDesc30), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_DEVICE, /* .bcdUsb = */ 0x300, /* USB 2.0 */ /* .bDeviceClass = */ 0 /* Class specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceSubClass = */ 0 /* Subclass specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceProtocol = */ 0 /* Protocol specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bMaxPacketSize0 = */ 9 /* 512, the only option for USB3. */, /* .idVendor = */ VBOX_USB_VENDOR, /* .idProduct = */ USBMSD_PID_CD, /* .bcdDevice = */ 0x0110, /* 1.10 */ /* .iManufacturer = */ USBMSD_STR_ID_MANUFACTURER, /* .iProduct = */ USBMSD_STR_ID_PRODUCT_CDROM, /* .iSerialNumber = */ 0, /* .bNumConfigurations = */ 1 }; static const VUSBDEVICEQUALIFIER g_UsbMsdDeviceQualifier = { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(g_UsbMsdDeviceQualifier), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER, /* .bcdUsb = */ 0x200, /* USB 2.0 */ /* .bDeviceClass = */ 0 /* Class specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceSubClass = */ 0 /* Subclass specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceProtocol = */ 0 /* Protocol specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bMaxPacketSize0 = */ 64, /* .bNumConfigurations = */ 1, /* .bReserved = */ 0 }; static const struct { VUSBDESCBOS bos; VUSBDESCSSDEVCAP sscap; } g_UsbMsdBOS = { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(g_UsbMsdBOS.bos), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_BOS, /* .wTotalLength = */ sizeof(g_UsbMsdBOS), /* .bNumDeviceCaps = */ 1 }, { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCSSDEVCAP), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_DEVICE_CAPABILITY, /* .bDevCapabilityType = */ VUSB_DCT_SUPERSPEED_USB, /* .bmAttributes = */ 0 /* No LTM. */, /* .wSpeedsSupported = */ 0xe /* Any speed is good. */, /* .bFunctionalitySupport = */ 2 /* Want HS at least. */, /* .bU1DevExitLat = */ 0, /* We are blazingly fast. */ /* .wU2DevExitLat = */ 0 } }; static const PDMUSBDESCCACHE g_UsbMsdDescCacheFS = { /* .pDevice = */ &g_UsbMsdDeviceDesc20, /* .paConfigs = */ &g_UsbMsdConfigDescFS, /* .paLanguages = */ g_aUsbMsdLanguages, /* .cLanguages = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdLanguages), /* .fUseCachedDescriptors = */ true, /* .fUseCachedStringsDescriptors = */ true }; static const PDMUSBDESCCACHE g_UsbCdDescCacheFS = { /* .pDevice = */ &g_UsbCdDeviceDesc20, /* .paConfigs = */ &g_UsbMsdConfigDescFS, /* .paLanguages = */ g_aUsbMsdLanguages, /* .cLanguages = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdLanguages), /* .fUseCachedDescriptors = */ true, /* .fUseCachedStringsDescriptors = */ true }; static const PDMUSBDESCCACHE g_UsbMsdDescCacheHS = { /* .pDevice = */ &g_UsbMsdDeviceDesc20, /* .paConfigs = */ &g_UsbMsdConfigDescHS, /* .paLanguages = */ g_aUsbMsdLanguages, /* .cLanguages = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdLanguages), /* .fUseCachedDescriptors = */ true, /* .fUseCachedStringsDescriptors = */ true }; static const PDMUSBDESCCACHE g_UsbCdDescCacheHS = { /* .pDevice = */ &g_UsbCdDeviceDesc20, /* .paConfigs = */ &g_UsbMsdConfigDescHS, /* .paLanguages = */ g_aUsbMsdLanguages, /* .cLanguages = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdLanguages), /* .fUseCachedDescriptors = */ true, /* .fUseCachedStringsDescriptors = */ true }; static const PDMUSBDESCCACHE g_UsbMsdDescCacheSS = { /* .pDevice = */ &g_UsbMsdDeviceDesc30, /* .paConfigs = */ &g_UsbMsdConfigDescSS, /* .paLanguages = */ g_aUsbMsdLanguages, /* .cLanguages = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdLanguages), /* .fUseCachedDescriptors = */ true, /* .fUseCachedStringsDescriptors = */ true }; static const PDMUSBDESCCACHE g_UsbCdDescCacheSS = { /* .pDevice = */ &g_UsbCdDeviceDesc30, /* .paConfigs = */ &g_UsbMsdConfigDescSS, /* .paLanguages = */ g_aUsbMsdLanguages, /* .cLanguages = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbMsdLanguages), /* .fUseCachedDescriptors = */ true, /* .fUseCachedStringsDescriptors = */ true }; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static int usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost(PUSBMSD pThis, PUSBMSDEP pEp, PVUSBURB pUrb); /** * Initializes an URB queue. * * @param pQueue The URB queue. */ static void usbMsdQueueInit(PUSBMSDURBQUEUE pQueue) { pQueue->pHead = NULL; pQueue->ppTail = &pQueue->pHead; } /** * Inserts an URB at the end of the queue. * * @param pQueue The URB queue. * @param pUrb The URB to insert. */ DECLINLINE(void) usbMsdQueueAddTail(PUSBMSDURBQUEUE pQueue, PVUSBURB pUrb) { pUrb->Dev.pNext = NULL; *pQueue->ppTail = pUrb; pQueue->ppTail = &pUrb->Dev.pNext; } /** * Unlinks the head of the queue and returns it. * * @returns The head entry. * @param pQueue The URB queue. */ DECLINLINE(PVUSBURB) usbMsdQueueRemoveHead(PUSBMSDURBQUEUE pQueue) { PVUSBURB pUrb = pQueue->pHead; if (pUrb) { PVUSBURB pNext = pUrb->Dev.pNext; pQueue->pHead = pNext; if (!pNext) pQueue->ppTail = &pQueue->pHead; else pUrb->Dev.pNext = NULL; } return pUrb; } /** * Removes an URB from anywhere in the queue. * * @returns true if found, false if not. * @param pQueue The URB queue. * @param pUrb The URB to remove. */ DECLINLINE(bool) usbMsdQueueRemove(PUSBMSDURBQUEUE pQueue, PVUSBURB pUrb) { PVUSBURB pCur = pQueue->pHead; if (pCur == pUrb) pQueue->pHead = pUrb->Dev.pNext; else { while (pCur) { if (pCur->Dev.pNext == pUrb) { pCur->Dev.pNext = pUrb->Dev.pNext; break; } pCur = pCur->Dev.pNext; } if (!pCur) return false; } if (!pUrb->Dev.pNext) pQueue->ppTail = &pQueue->pHead; return true; } #ifdef VBOX_STRICT /** * Checks if the queue is empty or not. * * @returns true if it is, false if it isn't. * @param pQueue The URB queue. */ DECLINLINE(bool) usbMsdQueueIsEmpty(PCUSBMSDURBQUEUE pQueue) { return pQueue->pHead == NULL; } #endif /* VBOX_STRICT */ /** * Links an URB into the done queue. * * @param pThis The MSD instance. * @param pUrb The URB. */ static void usbMsdLinkDone(PUSBMSD pThis, PVUSBURB pUrb) { usbMsdQueueAddTail(&pThis->DoneQueue, pUrb); if (pThis->fHaveDoneQueueWaiter) { int rc = RTSemEventSignal(pThis->hEvtDoneQueue); AssertRC(rc); } } /** * Allocates a new request and does basic init. * * @returns Pointer to the new request. NULL if we're out of memory. * @param pThis The MSD instance. */ static PUSBMSDREQ usbMsdReqAlloc(PUSBMSD pThis) { PUSBMSDREQ pReq = NULL; PDMMEDIAEXIOREQ hIoReq = NULL; int rc = pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx->pfnIoReqAlloc(pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx, &hIoReq, (void **)&pReq, 0 /* uTag */, PDMIMEDIAEX_F_DEFAULT); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pReq->hIoReq = hIoReq; pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_READY; pReq->iScsiReqStatus = 0xff; } else LogRel(("usbMsdReqAlloc: Out of memory (%Rrc)\n", rc)); return pReq; } /** * Frees a request. * * @param pThis The MSD instance. * @param pReq The request. */ static void usbMsdReqFree(PUSBMSD pThis, PUSBMSDREQ pReq) { /* * Check the input. */ AssertReturnVoid( pReq->enmState > USBMSDREQSTATE_INVALID && pReq->enmState != USBMSDREQSTATE_EXECUTING && pReq->enmState < USBMSDREQSTATE_END); PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns = pThis->pUsbIns; AssertPtrReturnVoid(pUsbIns); AssertReturnVoid(PDM_VERSION_ARE_COMPATIBLE(pUsbIns->u32Version, PDM_USBINS_VERSION)); /* * Invalidate it and free the associated resources. */ pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_INVALID; pReq->cbBuf = 0; pReq->offBuf = 0; if (pReq->pbBuf) { PDMUsbHlpMMHeapFree(pUsbIns, pReq->pbBuf); pReq->pbBuf = NULL; } int rc = pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx->pfnIoReqFree(pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx, pReq->hIoReq); AssertRC(rc); } /** * Prepares a request for execution or data buffering. * * @param pReq The request. * @param pCbw The SCSI command block wrapper. */ static void usbMsdReqPrepare(PUSBMSDREQ pReq, PCUSBCBW pCbw) { /* Copy the CBW */ size_t cbCopy = RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(USBCBW, CBWCB[pCbw->bCBWCBLength]); memcpy(&pReq->Cbw, pCbw, cbCopy); memset((uint8_t *)&pReq->Cbw + cbCopy, 0, sizeof(pReq->Cbw) - cbCopy); /* Setup the SCSI request. */ pReq->offBuf = 0; pReq->iScsiReqStatus = 0xff; } /** * Makes sure that there is sufficient buffer space available. * * @returns Success indicator (true/false) * @param pThis The MSD instance. * @param pReq The request. * @param cbBuf The required buffer space. */ static int usbMsdReqEnsureBuffer(PUSBMSD pThis, PUSBMSDREQ pReq, uint32_t cbBuf) { if (RT_LIKELY(pReq->cbBuf >= cbBuf)) RT_BZERO(pReq->pbBuf, cbBuf); else { PDMUsbHlpMMHeapFree(pThis->pUsbIns, pReq->pbBuf); pReq->cbBuf = 0; cbBuf = RT_ALIGN_Z(cbBuf, 0x1000); pReq->pbBuf = (uint8_t *)PDMUsbHlpMMHeapAllocZ(pThis->pUsbIns, cbBuf); if (!pReq->pbBuf) return false; pReq->cbBuf = cbBuf; } return true; } /** * Completes the URB with a stalled state, halting the pipe. */ static int usbMsdCompleteStall(PUSBMSD pThis, PUSBMSDEP pEp, PVUSBURB pUrb, const char *pszWhy) { RT_NOREF(pszWhy); Log(("usbMsdCompleteStall/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s: %s\n", pThis->pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc, pszWhy)); pUrb->enmStatus = VUSBSTATUS_STALL; /** @todo figure out if the stall is global or pipe-specific or both. */ if (pEp) pEp->fHalted = true; else { pThis->aEps[1].fHalted = true; pThis->aEps[2].fHalted = true; } usbMsdLinkDone(pThis, pUrb); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Completes the URB with a OK state. */ static int usbMsdCompleteOk(PUSBMSD pThis, PVUSBURB pUrb, size_t cbData) { Log(("usbMsdCompleteOk/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s cbData=%#zx\n", pThis->pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc, cbData)); pUrb->enmStatus = VUSBSTATUS_OK; pUrb->cbData = (uint32_t)cbData; usbMsdLinkDone(pThis, pUrb); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Reset worker for usbMsdUsbReset, usbMsdUsbSetConfiguration and * usbMsdUrbHandleDefaultPipe. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis The MSD instance. * @param pUrb Set when usbMsdUrbHandleDefaultPipe is the * caller. * @param fSetConfig Set when usbMsdUsbSetConfiguration is the * caller. */ static int usbMsdResetWorker(PUSBMSD pThis, PVUSBURB pUrb, bool fSetConfig) { /* * Wait for the any command currently executing to complete before * resetting. (We cannot cancel its execution.) How we do this depends * on the reset method. */ PUSBMSDREQ pReq = pThis->pReq; if ( pReq && pReq->enmState == USBMSDREQSTATE_EXECUTING) { /* Don't try to deal with the set config variant nor multiple build-only mass storage resets. */ if (pThis->pResetUrb && (pUrb || fSetConfig)) { Log(("usbMsdResetWorker: pResetUrb is already %p:%s - stalling\n", pThis->pResetUrb, pThis->pResetUrb->pszDesc)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "pResetUrb"); } /* Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset: Complete the reset on request completion. */ if (pUrb) { pThis->pResetUrb = pUrb; Log(("usbMsdResetWorker: Setting pResetUrb to %p:%s\n", pThis->pResetUrb, pThis->pResetUrb->pszDesc)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* Device reset: Wait for up to 10 ms. If it doesn't work, ditch whole the request structure. We'll allocate a new one when needed. */ Log(("usbMsdResetWorker: Waiting for completion...\n")); Assert(!pThis->fSignalResetSem); pThis->fSignalResetSem = true; RTSemEventMultiReset(pThis->hEvtReset); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); int rc = RTSemEventMultiWait(pThis->hEvtReset, 10 /*ms*/); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); pThis->fSignalResetSem = false; if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) || pReq->enmState == USBMSDREQSTATE_EXECUTING) { Log(("usbMsdResetWorker: Didn't complete, ditching the current request (%p)!\n", pReq)); Assert(pReq == pThis->pReq); pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_DESTROY_ON_COMPLETION; pThis->pReq = NULL; pReq = NULL; } } /* * Reset the request and device state. */ if (pReq) { pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_READY; pReq->iScsiReqStatus = 0xff; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aEps); i++) pThis->aEps[i].fHalted = false; if (!pUrb && !fSetConfig) /* (only device reset) */ pThis->bConfigurationValue = 0; /* default */ /* * Ditch all pending URBs. */ PVUSBURB pCurUrb; while ((pCurUrb = usbMsdQueueRemoveHead(&pThis->ToHostQueue)) != NULL) { pCurUrb->enmStatus = VUSBSTATUS_CRC; usbMsdLinkDone(pThis, pCurUrb); } pCurUrb = pThis->pResetUrb; if (pCurUrb) { pThis->pResetUrb = NULL; pCurUrb->enmStatus = VUSBSTATUS_CRC; usbMsdLinkDone(pThis, pCurUrb); } if (pUrb) return usbMsdCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, 0); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Process a completed request. * * @returns nothing. * @param pThis The MSD instance. * @param pReq The request. * @param rcReq The completion status. */ static void usbMsdReqComplete(PUSBMSD pThis, PUSBMSDREQ pReq, int rcReq) { RT_NOREF1(rcReq); Log(("usbMsdLun0IoReqCompleteNotify: pReq=%p dCBWTag=%#x iScsiReqStatus=%u \n", pReq, pReq->Cbw.dCBWTag, pReq->iScsiReqStatus)); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (pReq->enmState != USBMSDREQSTATE_DESTROY_ON_COMPLETION) { Assert(pReq->enmState == USBMSDREQSTATE_EXECUTING); Assert(pThis->pReq == pReq); /* * Advance the state machine. The state machine is not affected by * SCSI errors. */ if ((pReq->Cbw.bmCBWFlags & USBCBW_DIR_MASK) == USBCBW_DIR_OUT) { pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_STATUS; Log(("usbMsdLun0IoReqCompleteNotify: Entering STATUS\n")); } else { pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_DATA_TO_HOST; Log(("usbMsdLun0IoReqCompleteNotify: Entering DATA_TO_HOST\n")); } /* * Deal with pending to-host URBs. */ for (;;) { PVUSBURB pUrb = usbMsdQueueRemoveHead(&pThis->ToHostQueue); if (!pUrb) break; /* Process it the normal way. */ usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost(pThis, &pThis->aEps[1], pUrb); } } else { Log(("usbMsdLun0IoReqCompleteNotify: freeing %p\n", pReq)); usbMsdReqFree(pThis, pReq); } if (pThis->fSignalResetSem) RTSemEventMultiSignal(pThis->hEvtReset); if (pThis->pResetUrb) { pThis->pResetUrb = NULL; usbMsdResetWorker(pThis, pThis->pResetUrb, false /*fSetConfig*/); } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIMEDIAEXPORT,pfnIoReqCopyFromBuf} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdLun0IoReqCopyFromBuf(PPDMIMEDIAEXPORT pInterface, PDMMEDIAEXIOREQ hIoReq, void *pvIoReqAlloc, uint32_t offDst, PRTSGBUF pSgBuf, size_t cbCopy) { RT_NOREF2(pInterface, hIoReq); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PUSBMSDREQ pReq = (PUSBMSDREQ)pvIoReqAlloc; if (RT_UNLIKELY(offDst + cbCopy > pReq->cbBuf)) rc = VERR_PDM_MEDIAEX_IOBUF_OVERFLOW; else { size_t cbCopied = RTSgBufCopyToBuf(pSgBuf, pReq->pbBuf + offDst, cbCopy); Assert(cbCopied == cbCopy); RT_NOREF(cbCopied); } return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIMEDIAEXPORT,pfnIoReqCopyToBuf} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdLun0IoReqCopyToBuf(PPDMIMEDIAEXPORT pInterface, PDMMEDIAEXIOREQ hIoReq, void *pvIoReqAlloc, uint32_t offSrc, PRTSGBUF pSgBuf, size_t cbCopy) { RT_NOREF2(pInterface, hIoReq); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PUSBMSDREQ pReq = (PUSBMSDREQ)pvIoReqAlloc; if (RT_UNLIKELY(offSrc + cbCopy > pReq->cbBuf)) rc = VERR_PDM_MEDIAEX_IOBUF_UNDERRUN; else { size_t cbCopied = RTSgBufCopyFromBuf(pSgBuf, pReq->pbBuf + offSrc, cbCopy); Assert(cbCopied == cbCopy); RT_NOREF(cbCopied); } return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIMEDIAEXPORT,pfnIoReqCompleteNotify} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdLun0IoReqCompleteNotify(PPDMIMEDIAEXPORT pInterface, PDMMEDIAEXIOREQ hIoReq, void *pvIoReqAlloc, int rcReq) { RT_NOREF1(hIoReq); PUSBMSD pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, USBMSD, Lun0.IMediaExPort); PUSBMSDREQ pReq = (PUSBMSDREQ)pvIoReqAlloc; usbMsdReqComplete(pThis, pReq, rcReq); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIMEDIAEXPORT,pfnIoReqStateChanged} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) usbMsdLun0IoReqStateChanged(PPDMIMEDIAEXPORT pInterface, PDMMEDIAEXIOREQ hIoReq, void *pvIoReqAlloc, PDMMEDIAEXIOREQSTATE enmState) { RT_NOREF4(pInterface, hIoReq, pvIoReqAlloc, enmState); AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("This should not be hit because I/O requests should not be suspended\n")); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIMEDIAEXPORT,pfnMediumEjected} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) usbMsdLun0MediumEjected(PPDMIMEDIAEXPORT pInterface) { RT_NOREF1(pInterface); /** @todo */ } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIMEDIAPORT,pfnQueryDeviceLocation} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdLun0QueryDeviceLocation(PPDMIMEDIAPORT pInterface, const char **ppcszController, uint32_t *piInstance, uint32_t *piLUN) { PUSBMSD pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, USBMSD, Lun0.IMediaPort); PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns = pThis->pUsbIns; AssertPtrReturn(ppcszController, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(piInstance, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(piLUN, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *ppcszController = pUsbIns->pReg->szName; *piInstance = pUsbIns->iInstance; *piLUN = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) usbMsdLun0QueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PUSBMSD pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, USBMSD, Lun0.IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pThis->Lun0.IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIMEDIAPORT, &pThis->Lun0.IMediaPort); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIMEDIAEXPORT, &pThis->Lun0.IMediaExPort); return NULL; } /** * Checks if all asynchronous I/O is finished. * * Used by usbMsdVMReset, usbMsdVMSuspend and usbMsdVMPowerOff. * * @returns true if quiesced, false if busy. * @param pUsbIns The USB device instance. */ static bool usbMsdAllAsyncIOIsFinished(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); if ( VALID_PTR(pThis->pReq) && pThis->pReq->enmState == USBMSDREQSTATE_EXECUTING) return false; return true; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNPDMDEVASYNCNOTIFY, * Callback employed by usbMsdVMSuspend and usbMsdVMPowerOff.} */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) usbMsdIsAsyncSuspendOrPowerOffDone(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { if (!usbMsdAllAsyncIOIsFinished(pUsbIns)) return false; PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, false); return true; } /** * Common worker for usbMsdVMSuspend and usbMsdVMPowerOff. */ static void usbMsdSuspendOrPowerOff(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, true); if (!usbMsdAllAsyncIOIsFinished(pUsbIns)) PDMUsbHlpSetAsyncNotification(pUsbIns, usbMsdIsAsyncSuspendOrPowerOffDone); else { ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, false); if (pThis->pReq) { usbMsdReqFree(pThis, pThis->pReq); pThis->pReq = NULL; } } if (pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx) pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx->pfnNotifySuspend(pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx); } /* -=-=-=-=- Saved State -=-=-=-=- */ /** * @callback_method_impl{FNSSMUSBSAVEPREP} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdSavePrep(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM) { RT_NOREF(pSSM); #ifdef VBOX_STRICT PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); Assert(usbMsdAllAsyncIOIsFinished(pUsbIns)); Assert(usbMsdQueueIsEmpty(&pThis->ToHostQueue)); Assert(usbMsdQueueIsEmpty(&pThis->DoneQueue)); #else RT_NOREF(pUsbIns); #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNSSMUSBLOADPREP} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdLoadPrep(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM) { RT_NOREF(pSSM); #ifdef VBOX_STRICT PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); Assert(usbMsdAllAsyncIOIsFinished(pUsbIns)); Assert(usbMsdQueueIsEmpty(&pThis->ToHostQueue)); Assert(usbMsdQueueIsEmpty(&pThis->DoneQueue)); #else RT_NOREF(pUsbIns); #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNSSMUSBLIVEEXEC} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdLiveExec(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uPass) { RT_NOREF(uPass); PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); /* config. */ SSMR3PutBool(pSSM, pThis->Lun0.pIBase != NULL); return VINF_SSM_DONT_CALL_AGAIN; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNSSMUSBSAVEEXEC} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdSaveExec(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); int rc; /* The config */ rc = usbMsdLiveExec(pUsbIns, pSSM, SSM_PASS_FINAL); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); SSMR3PutU8(pSSM, pThis->bConfigurationValue); SSMR3PutBool(pSSM, pThis->aEps[0].fHalted); SSMR3PutBool(pSSM, pThis->aEps[1].fHalted); SSMR3PutBool(pSSM, pThis->aEps[2].fHalted); SSMR3PutBool(pSSM, pThis->pReq != NULL); if (pThis->pReq) { PUSBMSDREQ pReq = pThis->pReq; SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pReq->enmState); SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pReq->cbBuf); if (pReq->cbBuf) { AssertPtr(pReq->pbBuf); SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, pReq->pbBuf, pReq->cbBuf); } SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pReq->offBuf); SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, &pReq->Cbw, sizeof(pReq->Cbw)); SSMR3PutU8(pSSM, pReq->iScsiReqStatus); } return SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, UINT32_MAX); /* sanity/terminator */ } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNSSMUSBLOADEXEC} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdLoadExec(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); uint32_t u32; int rc; if (uVersion > USB_MSD_SAVED_STATE_VERSION) return VERR_SSM_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_UNIT_VERSION; /* Verify config. */ bool fInUse; rc = SSMR3GetBool(pSSM, &fInUse); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); if (fInUse != (pThis->Lun0.pIBase != NULL)) return SSMR3SetCfgError(pSSM, RT_SRC_POS, N_("The %s VM is missing a USB mass storage device. Please make sure the source and target VMs have compatible storage configurations"), fInUse ? "target" : "source"); if (uPass == SSM_PASS_FINAL) { /* Restore data. */ Assert(!pThis->pReq); SSMR3GetU8(pSSM, &pThis->bConfigurationValue); SSMR3GetBool(pSSM, &pThis->aEps[0].fHalted); SSMR3GetBool(pSSM, &pThis->aEps[1].fHalted); SSMR3GetBool(pSSM, &pThis->aEps[2].fHalted); bool fReqAlloc = false; rc = SSMR3GetBool(pSSM, &fReqAlloc); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); if (fReqAlloc) { PUSBMSDREQ pReq = usbMsdReqAlloc(pThis); AssertReturn(pReq, VERR_NO_MEMORY); pThis->pReq = pReq; SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, (uint32_t *)&pReq->enmState); uint32_t cbBuf = 0; rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &cbBuf); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); if (cbBuf) { if (usbMsdReqEnsureBuffer(pThis, pReq, cbBuf)) { AssertPtr(pReq->pbBuf); Assert(cbBuf == pReq->cbBuf); SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, pReq->pbBuf, pReq->cbBuf); } else return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &pReq->offBuf); SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &pReq->Cbw, sizeof(pReq->Cbw)); if (uVersion > USB_MSD_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_PRE_CLEANUP) rc = SSMR3GetU8(pSSM, &pReq->iScsiReqStatus); else { int32_t iScsiReqStatus; /* Skip old fields which are unused now or can be determined from the CBW. */ SSMR3Skip(pSSM, 4 * 4 + 64); rc = SSMR3GetS32(pSSM, &iScsiReqStatus); pReq->iScsiReqStatus = (uint8_t)iScsiReqStatus; } AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); } rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &u32); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); AssertMsgReturn(u32 == UINT32_MAX, ("%#x\n", u32), VERR_SSM_DATA_UNIT_FORMAT_CHANGED); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUrbReap} */ static DECLCALLBACK(PVUSBURB) usbMsdUrbReap(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdUrbReap/#%u: cMillies=%u\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, cMillies)); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); PVUSBURB pUrb = usbMsdQueueRemoveHead(&pThis->DoneQueue); if (!pUrb && cMillies) { /* Wait */ pThis->fHaveDoneQueueWaiter = true; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); RTSemEventWait(pThis->hEvtDoneQueue, cMillies); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); pThis->fHaveDoneQueueWaiter = false; pUrb = usbMsdQueueRemoveHead(&pThis->DoneQueue); } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (pUrb) Log(("usbMsdUrbReap/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc)); return pUrb; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnWakeup} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdWakeup(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdUrbReap/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); return RTSemEventSignal(pThis->hEvtDoneQueue); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUrbCancel} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdUrbCancel(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PVUSBURB pUrb) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdUrbCancel/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc)); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); /* * Remove the URB from the to-host queue and move it onto the done queue. */ if (usbMsdQueueRemove(&pThis->ToHostQueue, pUrb)) usbMsdLinkDone(pThis, pUrb); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Wrapper around PDMISCSICONNECTOR::pfnSCSIRequestSend that deals with * SCSI_REQUEST_SENSE. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis The MSD instance data. * @param pReq The MSD request. * @param pszCaller Where we're called from. */ static int usbMsdSubmitScsiCommand(PUSBMSD pThis, PUSBMSDREQ pReq, const char *pszCaller) { RT_NOREF(pszCaller); Log(("%s: Entering EXECUTING (dCBWTag=%#x).\n", pszCaller, pReq->Cbw.dCBWTag)); Assert(pReq == pThis->pReq); pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_EXECUTING; PDMMEDIAEXIOREQSCSITXDIR enmTxDir = pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength == 0 ? PDMMEDIAEXIOREQSCSITXDIR_NONE : (pReq->Cbw.bmCBWFlags & USBCBW_DIR_MASK) == USBCBW_DIR_OUT ? PDMMEDIAEXIOREQSCSITXDIR_TO_DEVICE : PDMMEDIAEXIOREQSCSITXDIR_FROM_DEVICE; return pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx->pfnIoReqSendScsiCmd(pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx, pReq->hIoReq, pReq->Cbw.bCBWLun, &pReq->Cbw.CBWCB[0], pReq->Cbw.bCBWCBLength, enmTxDir, NULL, pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength, NULL, 0, NULL, &pReq->iScsiReqStatus, 20 * RT_MS_1SEC); } /** * Handle requests sent to the outbound (to device) bulk pipe. */ static int usbMsdHandleBulkHostToDev(PUSBMSD pThis, PUSBMSDEP pEp, PVUSBURB pUrb) { /* * Stall the request if the pipe is halted. */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(pEp->fHalted)) return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Halted pipe"); /* * Deal with the URB according to the current state. */ PUSBMSDREQ pReq = pThis->pReq; USBMSDREQSTATE enmState = pReq ? pReq->enmState : USBMSDREQSTATE_READY; switch (enmState) { case USBMSDREQSTATE_STATUS: LogFlow(("usbMsdHandleBulkHostToDev: Skipping pending status.\n")); pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_READY; RT_FALL_THRU(); /* * We're ready to receive a command. Start off by validating the * incoming request. */ case USBMSDREQSTATE_READY: { PCUSBCBW pCbw = (PUSBCBW)&pUrb->abData[0]; if (pUrb->cbData < RT_UOFFSETOF(USBCBW, CBWCB[1])) { Log(("usbMsd: Bad CBW: cbData=%#x < min=%#x\n", pUrb->cbData, RT_UOFFSETOF(USBCBW, CBWCB[1]) )); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "BAD CBW"); } if (pCbw->dCBWSignature != USBCBW_SIGNATURE) { Log(("usbMsd: CBW: Invalid dCBWSignature value: %#x\n", pCbw->dCBWSignature)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Bad CBW"); } Log(("usbMsd: CBW: dCBWTag=%#x dCBWDataTransferLength=%#x bmCBWFlags=%#x bCBWLun=%#x bCBWCBLength=%#x cbData=%#x fShortNotOk=%RTbool\n", pCbw->dCBWTag, pCbw->dCBWDataTransferLength, pCbw->bmCBWFlags, pCbw->bCBWLun, pCbw->bCBWCBLength, pUrb->cbData, pUrb->fShortNotOk)); if (pCbw->bmCBWFlags & ~USBCBW_DIR_MASK) { Log(("usbMsd: CBW: Bad bmCBWFlags value: %#x\n", pCbw->bmCBWFlags)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Bad CBW"); } if (pCbw->bCBWLun != 0) { Log(("usbMsd: CBW: Bad bCBWLun value: %#x\n", pCbw->bCBWLun)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Bad CBW"); } if (pCbw->bCBWCBLength == 0) { Log(("usbMsd: CBW: Bad bCBWCBLength value: %#x\n", pCbw->bCBWCBLength)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Bad CBW"); } if (pUrb->cbData < RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(USBCBW, CBWCB[pCbw->bCBWCBLength])) { Log(("usbMsd: CBW: Mismatching cbData and bCBWCBLength values: %#x vs. %#x (%#x)\n", pUrb->cbData, RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(USBCBW, CBWCB[pCbw->bCBWCBLength]), pCbw->bCBWCBLength)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Bad CBW"); } if (pCbw->dCBWDataTransferLength > _1M) { Log(("usbMsd: CBW: dCBWDataTransferLength is too large: %#x (%u)\n", pCbw->dCBWDataTransferLength, pCbw->dCBWDataTransferLength)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Too big transfer"); } /* * Make sure we've got a request and a sufficient buffer space. * * Note! This will make sure the buffer is ZERO as well, thus * saving us the trouble of clearing the output buffer on * failure later. */ if (!pReq) { pReq = usbMsdReqAlloc(pThis); if (!pReq) return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Request allocation failure"); pThis->pReq = pReq; } if (!usbMsdReqEnsureBuffer(pThis, pReq, pCbw->dCBWDataTransferLength)) return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Buffer allocation failure"); /* * Prepare the request. Kick it off right away if possible. */ usbMsdReqPrepare(pReq, pCbw); if ( pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength == 0 || (pReq->Cbw.bmCBWFlags & USBCBW_DIR_MASK) == USBCBW_DIR_IN) { int rc = usbMsdSubmitScsiCommand(pThis, pReq, "usbMsdHandleBulkHostToDev"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && rc != VINF_PDM_MEDIAEX_IOREQ_IN_PROGRESS) usbMsdReqComplete(pThis, pReq, rc); else if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log(("usbMsd: Failed sending SCSI request to driver: %Rrc\n", rc)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "SCSI Submit #1"); } } else { Log(("usbMsdHandleBulkHostToDev: Entering DATA_FROM_HOST.\n")); pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_DATA_FROM_HOST; } return usbMsdCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, pUrb->cbData); } /* * Stuff the data into the buffer. */ case USBMSDREQSTATE_DATA_FROM_HOST: { uint32_t cbData = pUrb->cbData; uint32_t cbLeft = pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength - pReq->offBuf; if (cbData > cbLeft) { Log(("usbMsd: Too much data: cbData=%#x offBuf=%#x dCBWDataTransferLength=%#x cbLeft=%#x\n", cbData, pReq->offBuf, pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength, cbLeft)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Too much data"); } memcpy(&pReq->pbBuf[pReq->offBuf], &pUrb->abData[0], cbData); pReq->offBuf += cbData; if (pReq->offBuf == pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength) { int rc = usbMsdSubmitScsiCommand(pThis, pReq, "usbMsdHandleBulkHostToDev"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && rc != VINF_PDM_MEDIAEX_IOREQ_IN_PROGRESS) usbMsdReqComplete(pThis, pReq, rc); else if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log(("usbMsd: Failed sending SCSI request to driver: %Rrc\n", rc)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "SCSI Submit #2"); } } return usbMsdCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, cbData); } /* * Bad state, stall. */ case USBMSDREQSTATE_DATA_TO_HOST: return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Bad state H2D: DATA_TO_HOST"); case USBMSDREQSTATE_EXECUTING: return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Bad state H2D: EXECUTING"); default: AssertMsgFailed(("enmState=%d\n", enmState)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Bad state (H2D)"); } } /** * Handle requests sent to the inbound (to host) bulk pipe. */ static int usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost(PUSBMSD pThis, PUSBMSDEP pEp, PVUSBURB pUrb) { /* * Stall the request if the pipe is halted OR if there is no * pending request yet. */ PUSBMSDREQ pReq = pThis->pReq; if (RT_UNLIKELY(pEp->fHalted || !pReq)) return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, pEp->fHalted ? "Halted pipe" : "No request"); /* * Deal with the URB according to the state. */ switch (pReq->enmState) { /* * We've data left to transfer to the host. */ case USBMSDREQSTATE_DATA_TO_HOST: { uint32_t cbData = pUrb->cbData; uint32_t cbCopy = pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength - pReq->offBuf; if (cbData <= cbCopy) cbCopy = cbData; else if (pUrb->fShortNotOk) { Log(("usbMsd: Requested more data that we've got; cbData=%#x offBuf=%#x dCBWDataTransferLength=%#x cbLeft=%#x\n", cbData, pReq->offBuf, pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength, cbCopy)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Data underrun"); } memcpy(&pUrb->abData[0], &pReq->pbBuf[pReq->offBuf], cbCopy); pReq->offBuf += cbCopy; if (pReq->offBuf == pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength) { Log(("usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost: Entering STATUS\n")); pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_STATUS; } return usbMsdCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, cbCopy); } /* * Status transfer. */ case USBMSDREQSTATE_STATUS: { if ((pUrb->cbData < sizeof(USBCSW)) || (pUrb->cbData > sizeof(USBCSW) && pUrb->fShortNotOk)) { Log(("usbMsd: Unexpected status request size: %#x (expected %#x), fShortNotOK=%RTbool\n", pUrb->cbData, sizeof(USBCSW), pUrb->fShortNotOk)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Invalid CSW size"); } /* Enter a CSW into the URB data buffer. */ PUSBCSW pCsw = (PUSBCSW)&pUrb->abData[0]; pCsw->dCSWSignature = USBCSW_SIGNATURE; pCsw->dCSWTag = pReq->Cbw.dCBWTag; pCsw->bCSWStatus = pReq->iScsiReqStatus == SCSI_STATUS_OK ? USBCSW_STATUS_OK : pReq->iScsiReqStatus < 0xff ? USBCSW_STATUS_FAILED : USBCSW_STATUS_PHASE_ERROR; /** @todo the following is not always accurate; VSCSI needs * to implement residual counts properly! */ if ((pReq->Cbw.bmCBWFlags & USBCBW_DIR_MASK) == USBCBW_DIR_OUT) pCsw->dCSWDataResidue = pCsw->bCSWStatus == USBCSW_STATUS_OK ? 0 : pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength; else pCsw->dCSWDataResidue = pCsw->bCSWStatus == USBCSW_STATUS_OK ? 0 : pReq->Cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength; Log(("usbMsd: CSW: dCSWTag=%#x bCSWStatus=%d dCSWDataResidue=%#x\n", pCsw->dCSWTag, pCsw->bCSWStatus, pCsw->dCSWDataResidue)); Log(("usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost: Entering READY\n")); pReq->enmState = USBMSDREQSTATE_READY; return usbMsdCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, sizeof(*pCsw)); } /* * Status request before we've received all (or even any) data. * Linux 2.4.31 does this sometimes. The recommended behavior is to * to accept the current data amount and execute the request. (The * alternative behavior is to stall.) */ case USBMSDREQSTATE_DATA_FROM_HOST: { if (pUrb->cbData != sizeof(USBCSW)) { Log(("usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost: DATA_FROM_HOST; cbData=%#x -> stall\n", pUrb->cbData)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Invalid CSW size"); } int rc = usbMsdSubmitScsiCommand(pThis, pReq, "usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && rc != VINF_PDM_MEDIAEX_IOREQ_IN_PROGRESS) usbMsdReqComplete(pThis, pReq, rc); else if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log(("usbMsd: Failed sending SCSI request to driver: %Rrc\n", rc)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "SCSI Submit #3"); } } RT_FALL_THRU(); /* * The SCSI command is still pending, queue the URB awaiting its * completion. */ case USBMSDREQSTATE_EXECUTING: usbMsdQueueAddTail(&pThis->ToHostQueue, pUrb); LogFlow(("usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost: Added %p:%s to the to-host queue\n", pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc)); return VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Bad states, stall. */ case USBMSDREQSTATE_READY: Log(("usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost: enmState=READ(%d) (cbData=%#x)\n", pReq->enmState, pUrb->cbData)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Bad state D2H: READY"); default: Log(("usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost: enmState=%d cbData=%#x\n", pReq->enmState, pUrb->cbData)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Really bad state (D2H)!"); } } /** * Handles request send to the default control pipe. */ static int usbMsdHandleDefaultPipe(PUSBMSD pThis, PUSBMSDEP pEp, PVUSBURB pUrb) { PVUSBSETUP pSetup = (PVUSBSETUP)&pUrb->abData[0]; AssertReturn(pUrb->cbData >= sizeof(*pSetup), VERR_VUSB_FAILED_TO_QUEUE_URB); if ((pSetup->bmRequestType & VUSB_REQ_MASK) == VUSB_REQ_STANDARD) { switch (pSetup->bRequest) { case VUSB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR: { if (pSetup->bmRequestType != (VUSB_TO_DEVICE | VUSB_REQ_STANDARD | VUSB_DIR_TO_HOST)) { Log(("usbMsd: Bad GET_DESCRIPTOR req: bmRequestType=%#x\n", pSetup->bmRequestType)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, pEp, pUrb, "Bad GET_DESCRIPTOR"); } switch (pSetup->wValue >> 8) { uint32_t cbCopy; case VUSB_DT_STRING: Log(("usbMsd: GET_DESCRIPTOR DT_STRING wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex)); break; case VUSB_DT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER: Log(("usbMsd: GET_DESCRIPTOR DT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex)); /* Returned data is written after the setup message. */ cbCopy = pUrb->cbData - sizeof(*pSetup); cbCopy = RT_MIN(cbCopy, sizeof(g_UsbMsdDeviceQualifier)); memcpy(&pUrb->abData[sizeof(*pSetup)], &g_UsbMsdDeviceQualifier, cbCopy); return usbMsdCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, cbCopy + sizeof(*pSetup)); case VUSB_DT_BOS: Log(("usbMsd: GET_DESCRIPTOR DT_BOS wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex)); /* Returned data is written after the setup message. */ cbCopy = pUrb->cbData - sizeof(*pSetup); cbCopy = RT_MIN(cbCopy, sizeof(g_UsbMsdBOS)); memcpy(&pUrb->abData[sizeof(*pSetup)], &g_UsbMsdBOS, cbCopy); return usbMsdCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, cbCopy + sizeof(*pSetup)); default: Log(("usbMsd: GET_DESCRIPTOR, huh? wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex)); break; } break; } case VUSB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE: break; } /** @todo implement this. */ Log(("usbMsd: Implement standard request: bmRequestType=%#x bRequest=%#x wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x wLength=%#x\n", pSetup->bmRequestType, pSetup->bRequest, pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex, pSetup->wLength)); usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, pEp, pUrb, "TODO: standard request stuff"); } /* 3.1 Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset */ else if ( pSetup->bmRequestType == (VUSB_REQ_CLASS | VUSB_TO_INTERFACE) && pSetup->bRequest == 0xff && !pSetup->wValue && !pSetup->wLength && pSetup->wIndex == 0) { Log(("usbMsdHandleDefaultPipe: Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset\n")); return usbMsdResetWorker(pThis, pUrb, false /*fSetConfig*/); } /* 3.2 Get Max LUN, may stall if we like (but we don't). */ else if ( pSetup->bmRequestType == (VUSB_REQ_CLASS | VUSB_TO_INTERFACE | VUSB_DIR_TO_HOST) && pSetup->bRequest == 0xfe && !pSetup->wValue && pSetup->wLength == 1 && pSetup->wIndex == 0) { *(uint8_t *)(pSetup + 1) = 0; /* max lun is 0 */ usbMsdCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, 1); } else { Log(("usbMsd: Unknown control msg: bmRequestType=%#x bRequest=%#x wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x wLength=%#x\n", pSetup->bmRequestType, pSetup->bRequest, pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex, pSetup->wLength)); return usbMsdCompleteStall(pThis, pEp, pUrb, "Unknown control msg"); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUrbQueue} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdQueue(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PVUSBURB pUrb) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdQueue/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s EndPt=%#x\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc, pUrb->EndPt)); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); /* * Parse on a per end-point basis. */ int rc; switch (pUrb->EndPt) { case 0: rc = usbMsdHandleDefaultPipe(pThis, &pThis->aEps[0], pUrb); break; case 0x81: AssertFailed(); RT_FALL_THRU(); case 0x01: rc = usbMsdHandleBulkDevToHost(pThis, &pThis->aEps[1], pUrb); break; case 0x02: rc = usbMsdHandleBulkHostToDev(pThis, &pThis->aEps[2], pUrb); break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("EndPt=%d\n", pUrb->EndPt)); rc = VERR_VUSB_FAILED_TO_QUEUE_URB; break; } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbClearHaltedEndpoint} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdUsbClearHaltedEndpoint(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, unsigned uEndpoint) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdUsbClearHaltedEndpoint/#%u: uEndpoint=%#x\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, uEndpoint)); if ((uEndpoint & ~0x80) < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aEps)) { RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); pThis->aEps[(uEndpoint & ~0x80)].fHalted = false; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbSetInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdUsbSetInterface(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber, uint8_t bAlternateSetting) { RT_NOREF(pUsbIns, bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting); LogFlow(("usbMsdUsbSetInterface/#%u: bInterfaceNumber=%u bAlternateSetting=%u\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting)); Assert(bAlternateSetting == 0); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbSetConfiguration} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdUsbSetConfiguration(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, uint8_t bConfigurationValue, const void *pvOldCfgDesc, const void *pvOldIfState, const void *pvNewCfgDesc) { RT_NOREF(pvOldCfgDesc, pvOldIfState, pvNewCfgDesc); PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdUsbSetConfiguration/#%u: bConfigurationValue=%u\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, bConfigurationValue)); Assert(bConfigurationValue == 1); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); /* * If the same config is applied more than once, it's a kind of reset. */ if (pThis->bConfigurationValue == bConfigurationValue) usbMsdResetWorker(pThis, NULL, true /*fSetConfig*/); /** @todo figure out the exact difference */ pThis->bConfigurationValue = bConfigurationValue; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbGetDescriptorCache} */ static DECLCALLBACK(PCPDMUSBDESCCACHE) usbMsdUsbGetDescriptorCache(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdUsbGetDescriptorCache/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); if (pThis->pUsbIns->enmSpeed == VUSB_SPEED_SUPER) return pThis->fIsCdrom ? &g_UsbCdDescCacheSS : &g_UsbMsdDescCacheSS; else if (pThis->pUsbIns->enmSpeed == VUSB_SPEED_HIGH) return pThis->fIsCdrom ? &g_UsbCdDescCacheHS : &g_UsbMsdDescCacheHS; else return pThis->fIsCdrom ? &g_UsbCdDescCacheFS : &g_UsbMsdDescCacheFS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbReset} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdUsbReset(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, bool fResetOnLinux) { RT_NOREF(fResetOnLinux); PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdUsbReset/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); int rc = usbMsdResetWorker(pThis, NULL, false /*fSetConfig*/); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnVMSuspend} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) usbMsdVMSuspend(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { LogFlow(("usbMsdVMSuspend/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); usbMsdSuspendOrPowerOff(pUsbIns); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnVMSuspend} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) usbMsdVMPowerOff(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { LogFlow(("usbMsdVMPowerOff/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); usbMsdSuspendOrPowerOff(pUsbIns); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnDriverAttach} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdDriverAttach(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, unsigned iLUN, uint32_t fFlags) { RT_NOREF(fFlags); PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdDriverAttach/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); AssertMsg(iLUN == 0, ("UsbMsd: No other LUN than 0 is supported\n")); AssertMsg(fFlags & PDM_TACH_FLAGS_NOT_HOT_PLUG, ("UsbMsd: Device does not support hotplugging\n")); /* the usual paranoia */ AssertRelease(!pThis->Lun0.pIBase); AssertRelease(!pThis->Lun0.pIMedia); AssertRelease(!pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx); /* * Try attach the block device and get the interfaces, * required as well as optional. */ int rc = PDMUsbHlpDriverAttach(pUsbIns, iLUN, &pThis->Lun0.IBase, &pThis->Lun0.pIBase, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Get media and extended media interface. */ pThis->Lun0.pIMedia = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pThis->Lun0.pIBase, PDMIMEDIA); AssertMsgReturn(pThis->Lun0.pIMedia, ("Missing media interface below\n"), VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE); pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pThis->Lun0.pIBase, PDMIMEDIAEX); AssertMsgReturn(pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx, ("Missing extended media interface below\n"), VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE); rc = pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx->pfnIoReqAllocSizeSet(pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx, sizeof(USBMSDREQ)); AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("MSD failed to set I/O request size!\n"), VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE); } else AssertMsgFailed(("Failed to attach LUN#%d. rc=%Rrc\n", iLUN, rc)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { pThis->Lun0.pIBase = NULL; pThis->Lun0.pIMedia = NULL; pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx = NULL; } pThis->fIsCdrom = false; PDMMEDIATYPE enmType = pThis->Lun0.pIMedia->pfnGetType(pThis->Lun0.pIMedia); /* Anything else will be reported as a hard disk. */ if (enmType == PDMMEDIATYPE_CDROM || enmType == PDMMEDIATYPE_DVD) pThis->fIsCdrom = true; return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnDriverDetach} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) usbMsdDriverDetach(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, unsigned iLUN, uint32_t fFlags) { RT_NOREF(iLUN, fFlags); PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdDriverDetach/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); AssertMsg(iLUN == 0, ("UsbMsd: No other LUN than 0 is supported\n")); AssertMsg(fFlags & PDM_TACH_FLAGS_NOT_HOT_PLUG, ("UsbMsd: Device does not support hotplugging\n")); if (pThis->pReq) { usbMsdReqFree(pThis, pThis->pReq); pThis->pReq = NULL; } /* * Zero some important members. */ pThis->Lun0.pIBase = NULL; pThis->Lun0.pIMedia = NULL; pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx = NULL; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNPDMDEVASYNCNOTIFY, * Callback employed by usbMsdVMReset.} */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) usbMsdIsAsyncResetDone(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); if (!usbMsdAllAsyncIOIsFinished(pUsbIns)) return false; ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, false); int rc = usbMsdResetWorker(pThis, NULL, false /*fSetConfig*/); AssertRC(rc); return true; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnVMReset} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) usbMsdVMReset(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, true); if (!usbMsdAllAsyncIOIsFinished(pUsbIns)) PDMUsbHlpSetAsyncNotification(pUsbIns, usbMsdIsAsyncResetDone); else { ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, false); int rc = usbMsdResetWorker(pThis, NULL, false /*fSetConfig*/); AssertRC(rc); } } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnDestruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) usbMsdDestruct(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PDMUSB_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN_VOID(pUsbIns); PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); LogFlow(("usbMsdDestruct/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); if (RTCritSectIsInitialized(&pThis->CritSect)) { RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); RTCritSectDelete(&pThis->CritSect); } if (pThis->hEvtDoneQueue != NIL_RTSEMEVENT) { RTSemEventDestroy(pThis->hEvtDoneQueue); pThis->hEvtDoneQueue = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; } if (pThis->hEvtReset != NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI) { RTSemEventMultiDestroy(pThis->hEvtReset); pThis->hEvtReset = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI; } } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnConstruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbMsdConstruct(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, int iInstance, PCFGMNODE pCfg, PCFGMNODE pCfgGlobal) { RT_NOREF(pCfgGlobal); PDMUSB_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pUsbIns); PUSBMSD pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBMSD); Log(("usbMsdConstruct/#%u:\n", iInstance)); /* * Perform the basic structure initialization first so the destructor * will not misbehave. */ pThis->pUsbIns = pUsbIns; pThis->hEvtDoneQueue = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; pThis->hEvtReset = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI; pThis->Lun0.IBase.pfnQueryInterface = usbMsdLun0QueryInterface; pThis->Lun0.IMediaPort.pfnQueryDeviceLocation = usbMsdLun0QueryDeviceLocation; pThis->Lun0.IMediaExPort.pfnIoReqCompleteNotify = usbMsdLun0IoReqCompleteNotify; pThis->Lun0.IMediaExPort.pfnIoReqCopyFromBuf = usbMsdLun0IoReqCopyFromBuf; pThis->Lun0.IMediaExPort.pfnIoReqCopyToBuf = usbMsdLun0IoReqCopyToBuf; pThis->Lun0.IMediaExPort.pfnIoReqQueryDiscardRanges = NULL; pThis->Lun0.IMediaExPort.pfnIoReqStateChanged = usbMsdLun0IoReqStateChanged; pThis->Lun0.IMediaExPort.pfnMediumEjected = usbMsdLun0MediumEjected; usbMsdQueueInit(&pThis->ToHostQueue); usbMsdQueueInit(&pThis->DoneQueue); int rc = RTCritSectInit(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); rc = RTSemEventCreate(&pThis->hEvtDoneQueue); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); rc = RTSemEventMultiCreate(&pThis->hEvtReset); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); /* * Validate and read the configuration. */ rc = CFGMR3ValidateConfig(pCfg, "/", "", "", "UsbMsd", iInstance); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /* * Attach the SCSI driver. */ rc = PDMUsbHlpDriverAttach(pUsbIns, 0 /*iLun*/, &pThis->Lun0.IBase, &pThis->Lun0.pIBase, "SCSI Port"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMUsbHlpVMSetError(pUsbIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("MSD failed to attach SCSI driver")); pThis->Lun0.pIMedia = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pThis->Lun0.pIBase, PDMIMEDIA); if (!pThis->Lun0.pIMedia) return PDMUsbHlpVMSetError(pUsbIns, VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE_BELOW, RT_SRC_POS, N_("MSD failed to query the PDMIMEDIA from the driver below it")); pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pThis->Lun0.pIBase, PDMIMEDIAEX); if (!pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx) return PDMUsbHlpVMSetError(pUsbIns, VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE_BELOW, RT_SRC_POS, N_("MSD failed to query the PDMIMEDIAEX from the driver below it")); /* * Find out what kind of device we are. */ pThis->fIsCdrom = false; PDMMEDIATYPE enmType = pThis->Lun0.pIMedia->pfnGetType(pThis->Lun0.pIMedia); /* Anything else will be reported as a hard disk. */ if (enmType == PDMMEDIATYPE_CDROM || enmType == PDMMEDIATYPE_DVD) pThis->fIsCdrom = true; rc = pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx->pfnIoReqAllocSizeSet(pThis->Lun0.pIMediaEx, sizeof(USBMSDREQ)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMUsbHlpVMSetError(pUsbIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("MSD failed to set I/O request size!")); /* * Register the saved state data unit. */ rc = PDMUsbHlpSSMRegister(pUsbIns, USB_MSD_SAVED_STATE_VERSION, sizeof(*pThis), NULL, usbMsdLiveExec, NULL, usbMsdSavePrep, usbMsdSaveExec, NULL, usbMsdLoadPrep, usbMsdLoadExec, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMUsbHlpVMSetError(pUsbIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("MSD failed to register SSM save state handlers")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * The USB Mass Storage Device (MSD) registration record. */ const PDMUSBREG g_UsbMsd = { /* u32Version */ PDM_USBREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "Msd", /* pszDescription */ "USB Mass Storage Device, one LUN.", /* fFlags */ PDM_USBREG_HIGHSPEED_CAPABLE | PDM_USBREG_SUPERSPEED_CAPABLE | PDM_USBREG_SAVED_STATE_SUPPORTED, /* cMaxInstances */ ~0U, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(USBMSD), /* pfnConstruct */ usbMsdConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ usbMsdDestruct, /* pfnVMInitComplete */ NULL, /* pfnVMPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnVMReset */ usbMsdVMReset, /* pfnVMSuspend */ usbMsdVMSuspend, /* pfnVMResume */ NULL, /* pfnVMPowerOff */ usbMsdVMPowerOff, /* pfnHotPlugged */ NULL, /* pfnHotUnplugged */ NULL, /* pfnDriverAttach */ usbMsdDriverAttach, /* pfnDriverDetach */ usbMsdDriverDetach, /* pfnQueryInterface */ NULL, /* pfnUsbReset */ usbMsdUsbReset, /* pfnUsbGetCachedDescriptors */ usbMsdUsbGetDescriptorCache, /* pfnUsbSetConfiguration */ usbMsdUsbSetConfiguration, /* pfnUsbSetInterface */ usbMsdUsbSetInterface, /* pfnUsbClearHaltedEndpoint */ usbMsdUsbClearHaltedEndpoint, /* pfnUrbNew */ NULL/*usbMsdUrbNew*/, /* pfnQueue */ usbMsdQueue, /* pfnUrbCancel */ usbMsdUrbCancel, /* pfnUrbReap */ usbMsdUrbReap, /* pfnWakeup */ usbMsdWakeup, /* u32TheEnd */ PDM_USBREG_VERSION };