/* $Id: DrvHostBase-linux.cpp 76396 2018-12-23 04:28:07Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * DrvHostBase - Host base drive access driver, Linux specifics. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DRV_HOST_BASE #include #include #include #include /* All the following crap is apparently not necessary anymore since Linux * version 2.6.29. */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 29) /* This is a hack to work around conflicts between these linux kernel headers * and the GLIBC tcpip headers. They have different declarations of the 4 * standard byte order functions. */ # define _LINUX_BYTEORDER_GENERIC_H /* This is another hack for not bothering with C++ unfriendly byteswap macros. */ /* Those macros that are needed are defined in the header below. */ # include "swab.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Host backend specific data (needed by DrvHostBase.h). */ typedef struct DRVHOSTBASEOS { /** The filehandle of the device. */ RTFILE hFileDevice; /** Double buffer required for ioctl with the Linux kernel as long as we use * remap_pfn_range() instead of vm_insert_page(). */ uint8_t *pbDoubleBuffer; /** Previous disk inserted indicator for the media polling on floppy drives. */ bool fPrevDiskIn; } DRVHOSTBASEOS; /** Pointer to the host backend specific data. */ typedef DRVHOSTBASEOS *PDRVHOSBASEOS; AssertCompile(sizeof(DRVHOSTBASEOS) <= 64); #define DRVHOSTBASE_OS_INT_DECLARED #include "DrvHostBase.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Maximum buffer size supported by the kernel interface. */ #define LNX_SCSI_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE (100 * _1K) DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseScsiCmdOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis, const uint8_t *pbCmd, size_t cbCmd, PDMMEDIATXDIR enmTxDir, void *pvBuf, uint32_t *pcbBuf, uint8_t *pbSense, size_t cbSense, uint32_t cTimeoutMillies) { /* * Minimal input validation. */ Assert(enmTxDir == PDMMEDIATXDIR_NONE || enmTxDir == PDMMEDIATXDIR_FROM_DEVICE || enmTxDir == PDMMEDIATXDIR_TO_DEVICE); Assert(!pvBuf || pcbBuf); Assert(pvBuf || enmTxDir == PDMMEDIATXDIR_NONE); Assert(pbSense || !cbSense); RT_NOREF(cbSense); AssertPtr(pbCmd); Assert(cbCmd <= 16 && cbCmd >= 1); /* Allocate the temporary buffer lazily. */ if(RT_UNLIKELY(!pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer)) { pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(LNX_SCSI_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } int rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; int direction; struct cdrom_generic_command cgc; switch (enmTxDir) { case PDMMEDIATXDIR_NONE: Assert(*pcbBuf == 0); direction = CGC_DATA_NONE; break; case PDMMEDIATXDIR_FROM_DEVICE: Assert(*pcbBuf != 0); Assert(*pcbBuf <= LNX_SCSI_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); /* Make sure that the buffer is clear for commands reading * data. The actually received data may be shorter than what * we expect, and due to the unreliable feedback about how much * data the ioctl actually transferred, it's impossible to * prevent that. Returning previous buffer contents may cause * security problems inside the guest OS, if users can issue * commands to the CDROM device. */ memset(pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer, '\0', *pcbBuf); direction = CGC_DATA_READ; break; case PDMMEDIATXDIR_TO_DEVICE: Assert(*pcbBuf != 0); Assert(*pcbBuf <= LNX_SCSI_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); memcpy(pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer, pvBuf, *pcbBuf); direction = CGC_DATA_WRITE; break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("enmTxDir invalid!\n")); direction = CGC_DATA_NONE; } memset(&cgc, '\0', sizeof(cgc)); memcpy(cgc.cmd, pbCmd, RT_MIN(CDROM_PACKET_SIZE, cbCmd)); cgc.buffer = (unsigned char *)pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer; cgc.buflen = *pcbBuf; cgc.stat = 0; Assert(cbSense >= sizeof(struct request_sense)); cgc.sense = (struct request_sense *)pbSense; cgc.data_direction = direction; cgc.quiet = false; cgc.timeout = cTimeoutMillies; rc = ioctl(RTFileToNative(pThis->Os.hFileDevice), CDROM_SEND_PACKET, &cgc); if (rc < 0) { if (errno == EBUSY) rc = VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED; else if (errno == ENOSYS) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else { rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno); if (rc == VERR_ACCESS_DENIED && cgc.sense->sense_key == SCSI_SENSE_NONE) cgc.sense->sense_key = SCSI_SENSE_ILLEGAL_REQUEST; Log2(("%s: error status %d, rc=%Rrc\n", __FUNCTION__, cgc.stat, rc)); } } switch (enmTxDir) { case PDMMEDIATXDIR_FROM_DEVICE: memcpy(pvBuf, pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer, *pcbBuf); break; default: ; } Log2(("%s: after ioctl: cgc.buflen=%d txlen=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, cgc.buflen, *pcbBuf)); /* The value of cgc.buflen does not reliably reflect the actual amount * of data transferred (for packet commands with little data transfer * it's 0). So just assume that everything worked ok. */ return rc; } DECLHIDDEN(size_t) drvHostBaseScsiCmdGetBufLimitOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis) { RT_NOREF(pThis); return LNX_SCSI_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; } DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseGetMediaSizeOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis, uint64_t *pcb) { int rc = VERR_INVALID_STATE; if (PDMMEDIATYPE_IS_FLOPPY(pThis->enmType)) { rc = ioctl(RTFileToNative(pThis->Os.hFileDevice), FDFLUSH); if (rc) { rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno (errno); Log(("DrvHostFloppy: FDFLUSH ioctl(%s) failed, errno=%d rc=%Rrc\n", pThis->pszDevice, errno, rc)); return rc; } floppy_drive_struct DrvStat; rc = ioctl(RTFileToNative(pThis->Os.hFileDevice), FDGETDRVSTAT, &DrvStat); if (rc) { rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno); Log(("DrvHostFloppy: FDGETDRVSTAT ioctl(%s) failed, errno=%d rc=%Rrc\n", pThis->pszDevice, errno, rc)); return rc; } pThis->fReadOnly = !(DrvStat.flags & FD_DISK_WRITABLE); rc = RTFileSeek(pThis->Os.hFileDevice, 0, RTFILE_SEEK_END, pcb); } else if (pThis->enmType == PDMMEDIATYPE_CDROM || pThis->enmType == PDMMEDIATYPE_DVD) { /* Clear the media-changed-since-last-call-thingy just to be on the safe side. */ ioctl(RTFileToNative(pThis->Os.hFileDevice), CDROM_MEDIA_CHANGED, CDSL_CURRENT); rc = RTFileSeek(pThis->Os.hFileDevice, 0, RTFILE_SEEK_END, pcb); } return rc; } DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseReadOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis, uint64_t off, void *pvBuf, size_t cbRead) { return RTFileReadAt(pThis->Os.hFileDevice, off, pvBuf, cbRead, NULL); } DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseWriteOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis, uint64_t off, const void *pvBuf, size_t cbWrite) { return RTFileWriteAt(pThis->Os.hFileDevice, off, pvBuf, cbWrite, NULL); } DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseFlushOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis) { return RTFileFlush(pThis->Os.hFileDevice); } DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseDoLockOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis, bool fLock) { int rc = ioctl(RTFileToNative(pThis->Os.hFileDevice), CDROM_LOCKDOOR, (int)fLock); if (rc < 0) { if (errno == EBUSY) rc = VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; else if (errno == EDRIVE_CANT_DO_THIS) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno); } return rc; } DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseEjectOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis) { int rc = ioctl(RTFileToNative(pThis->Os.hFileDevice), CDROMEJECT, 0); if (rc < 0) { if (errno == EBUSY) rc = VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED; else if (errno == ENOSYS) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno); } return rc; } DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseQueryMediaStatusOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis, bool *pfMediaChanged, bool *pfMediaPresent) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (PDMMEDIATYPE_IS_FLOPPY(pThis->enmType)) { floppy_drive_struct DrvStat; int rcLnx = ioctl(RTFileToNative(pThis->Os.hFileDevice), FDPOLLDRVSTAT, &DrvStat); if (!rcLnx) { bool fDiskIn = !(DrvStat.flags & (FD_VERIFY | FD_DISK_NEWCHANGE)); *pfMediaPresent = fDiskIn; if (fDiskIn != pThis->Os.fPrevDiskIn) *pfMediaChanged = true; pThis->Os.fPrevDiskIn = fDiskIn; } else rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno); } else { *pfMediaPresent = ioctl(RTFileToNative(pThis->Os.hFileDevice), CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS, CDSL_CURRENT) == CDS_DISC_OK; *pfMediaChanged = false; if (pThis->fMediaPresent != *pfMediaPresent) *pfMediaChanged = ioctl(RTFileToNative(pThis->Os.hFileDevice), CDROM_MEDIA_CHANGED, CDSL_CURRENT) == 1; } return rc; } DECLHIDDEN(void) drvHostBaseInitOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis) { pThis->Os.hFileDevice = NIL_RTFILE; pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer = NULL; pThis->Os.fPrevDiskIn = false; } DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseOpenOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis, bool fReadOnly) { uint32_t fFlags = (fReadOnly ? RTFILE_O_READ : RTFILE_O_READWRITE) | RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE | RTFILE_O_NON_BLOCK; return RTFileOpen(&pThis->Os.hFileDevice, pThis->pszDevice, fFlags); } DECLHIDDEN(int) drvHostBaseMediaRefreshOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis) { /* * Need to re-open the device because it will kill off any cached data * that Linux for some peculiar reason thinks should survive a media change. */ if (pThis->Os.hFileDevice != NIL_RTFILE) { RTFileClose(pThis->Os.hFileDevice); pThis->Os.hFileDevice = NIL_RTFILE; } int rc = drvHostBaseOpenOs(pThis, pThis->fReadOnlyConfig); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (!pThis->fReadOnlyConfig) { LogFlow(("%s-%d: drvHostBaseMediaRefreshOs: '%s' - retry readonly (%Rrc)\n", pThis->pDrvIns->pReg->szName, pThis->pDrvIns->iInstance, pThis->pszDevice, rc)); rc = drvHostBaseOpenOs(pThis, true); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlow(("%s-%d: failed to open device '%s', rc=%Rrc\n", pThis->pDrvIns->pReg->szName, pThis->pDrvIns->iInstance, pThis->pszDevice, rc)); return rc; } pThis->fReadOnly = true; } else pThis->fReadOnly = pThis->fReadOnlyConfig; return rc; } DECLHIDDEN(bool) drvHostBaseIsMediaPollingRequiredOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis) { RT_NOREF(pThis); return true; /* On Linux we always use media polling. */ } DECLHIDDEN(void) drvHostBaseDestructOs(PDRVHOSTBASE pThis) { /* * Unlock the drive if we've locked it or we're in passthru mode. */ if ( pThis->fLocked && pThis->Os.hFileDevice != NIL_RTFILE && pThis->pfnDoLock) { int rc = pThis->pfnDoLock(pThis, false); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pThis->fLocked = false; } if (pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer) { RTMemFree(pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer); pThis->Os.pbDoubleBuffer = NULL; } if (pThis->Os.hFileDevice != NIL_RTFILE) { int rc = RTFileClose(pThis->Os.hFileDevice); AssertRC(rc); pThis->Os.hFileDevice = NIL_RTFILE; } }