1 | <?php // -*- Mode: PHP; -*-
2 |
3 | /**
4 | * Copyright (C) 2009 Marty Connor <[email protected]>.
5 | * Copyright (C) 2009 Entity Cyber, Inc.
6 | *
7 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
9 | * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
10 | * License, or any later version.
11 | *
12 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | * General Public License for more details.
16 | *
17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 | * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20 | */
21 |
22 | // Get utility functions and set globals
23 | require_once "utils.php";
24 |
25 | // Make sure at least $A (action) was supplied
26 | if ( ! isset ( $_POST['A'] ) ) {
27 |
28 | // Present user with form to customize build options
29 | require_once "customize-flags.php";
30 |
31 | exit ();
32 |
33 | // If user chose "Customize" option on form
34 | } else if ( $_POST['A'] == "Customize" ) {
35 |
36 | // Present user with form to customize build options
37 | require_once "customize-flags.php";
38 |
39 | exit ();
40 |
41 | // The following conditional includes all other cases except "Get Image"
42 | // particularly the explicit ($A == "Start Over") case
43 | } else if ( $_POST['A'] != "Get Image" ) {
44 |
45 | // Note that this method of redirections discards all the
46 | // configuration flags, which is intentional in this case.
47 |
48 | $dest = curDirURL ();
49 | header ( "Location: $dest" );
50 |
51 | // This next "echo" should normally not be seen, because
52 | // the "header" statement above should cause immediate
53 | // redirection but just in case...
54 |
55 | echo "Try this link: <a href=\"$dest\">$dest</a>";
56 |
57 | exit ();
58 | }
59 |
60 | // OK, we're going to try to use whatever options have been set
61 | // to build an image.
62 |
63 | // Make sure at least $nic was supplied
64 | if ( ! isset ( $_POST['nic'] ) ) {
65 | die ( "No NIC supplied!" );
66 | }
67 | if ( isset ( $nics[$_POST['nic']] ) ) {
68 | $nic = $nics[$_POST['nic']];
69 | } else {
70 | die ( "Invalid NIC \"${_POST['nic']}\" supplied!" );
71 | }
72 |
73 | // Fetch flags
74 | $flags = get_flags ();
75 |
76 | // Get requested format
77 | $ofmt = isset ( $_POST['ofmt'] ) ? $_POST['ofmt'] : "";
78 | $fmt_extension = isset ( $ofmts[$ofmt] ) ? $ofmts[$ofmt] : 'dsk';
79 |
80 | // Handle some special cases
81 |
82 | $pci_vendor_code = "";
83 | $pci_device_code = "";
84 |
85 | if ( $nic == 'undionly' && $fmt_extension == "pxe" ) {
86 |
87 | // undionly.pxe can't work because it unloads the PXE stack
88 | // that it needs to communicate with, so we set the extension
89 | // to .kpxe, which has a chance of working. The extension
90 | // .kkpxe is another option.
91 |
92 | $fmt_extension = "kpxe";
93 |
94 | } else if ( $fmt_extension == "rom" ) {
95 |
96 | if ( ! isset ( $_POST['pci_vendor_code'] )
97 | || ! isset ( $_POST['pci_device_code'] ) ) {
98 | die ( "rom output format selected but PCI code(s) missing!" );
99 | }
100 |
101 | $pci_vendor_code = $_POST['pci_vendor_code'];
102 | $pci_device_code = $_POST['pci_device_code'];
103 |
104 | if ( $pci_vendor_code == ""
105 | || $pci_device_code == "" ) {
106 | die ( "rom output format selected but PCI code(s) missing!" );
107 | }
108 |
109 | // Try to be forgiving of 0xAAAA format
110 | if ( strtolower ( substr ( $pci_vendor_code, 0, 2 ) ) == "0x"
111 | && strlen ( $pci_vendor_code ) == 6 ) {
112 | $pci_vendor_code = substr ( $pci_vendor_code, 2, 4 );
113 | }
114 | if ( strtolower ( substr ( $pci_device_code, 0, 2 ) ) == "0x"
115 | && strlen ( $pci_device_code ) == 6 ) {
116 | $pci_device_code = substr ( $pci_device_code, 2, 4 );
117 | }
118 |
119 | // concatenate the pci codes to get the $nic part of the
120 | // Make target
121 | $pci_codes = strtolower ( $pci_vendor_code . $pci_device_code );
122 |
123 | $nic = $pci_codes;
124 | if ( ! isset ( $roms[$pci_codes] ) ) {
125 | die ( "Sorry, no network driver supports PCI codes<br>"
126 | . "${_POST['pci_vendor_code']}:"
127 | . "${_POST['pci_device_code']}" );
128 | }
129 | } else if ( $fmt_extension != "rom"
130 | && ( $pci_vendor_code != "" || $pci_device_code != "" ) ) {
131 | die ( "'$fmt_extension' format was selected but PCI IDs were"
132 | . " also entered.<br>Did you mean to select 'rom' output format"
133 | . " instead?" );
134 | }
135 |
136 | /**
137 | * remove temporary build directory
138 | *
139 | * @return bool true if removal is successful, false otherwise
140 | */
141 | function rm_build_dir ()
142 | {
143 | global $build_dir;
144 | global $keep_build_dir;
145 |
146 | if ( $keep_build_dir !== true ) {
147 | rm_file_or_dir ( $build_dir );
148 | }
149 | }
150 |
151 | // Arrange for the build directory to always be removed on exit.
152 | $build_dir = "";
153 | $keep_build_dir = false;
154 | register_shutdown_function ( 'rm_build_dir' );
155 |
156 | // Make temporary copy of src directory
157 | $build_dir = mktempcopy ( "$src_dir", "/tmp", "MDCROM" );
158 | $config_dir = $build_dir . "/config";
159 |
160 | // Write config files with supplied flags
161 | write_ipxe_config_files ( $config_dir, $flags );
162 |
163 | // Handle a possible embedded script
164 | $emb_script_cmd = "";
165 | $embedded_script = isset ( $_POST['embedded_script'] ) ? $_POST['embedded_script'] : "";
166 | if ( $embedded_script != "" ) {
167 | $emb_script_path = "$build_dir" . "/script0.ipxe";
168 |
169 | if ( substr ( $embedded_script, 0, 5 ) != "#!ipxe" ) {
170 | $embedded_script = "#!ipxe\n" . $embedded_script;
171 | }
172 |
173 | // iPXE 0.9.7 doesn't like '\r\n" in the shebang...
174 | $embedded_script = str_replace ( "\r\n", "\n", $embedded_script );
175 |
176 | write_file_from_string ( $emb_script_path, $embedded_script );
177 | $emb_script_cmd = "EMBEDDED_IMAGE=${emb_script_path}";
178 | }
179 |
180 | // Make the requested image. $status is set to 0 on success
181 | $make_target = "bin/${nic}.${fmt_extension}";
182 | $gitversion = exec('git describe --always --abbrev=1 --match "" 2>/dev/null');
183 | if ($gitversion) {
184 | $gitversion = "GITVERSION=$gitversion";
185 | }
186 |
187 | $make_cmd = "make -C '$build_dir' '$make_target' $gitversion $emb_script_cmd 2>&1";
188 |
189 | exec ( $make_cmd, $maketxt, $status );
190 |
191 | // Uncomment the following section for debugging
192 |
193 | /**
194 |
195 | echo "<h2>build.php:</h2>";
196 | echo "<h3>Begin debugging output</h3>";
197 |
198 | //echo "<h3>\$_POST variables</h3>";
199 | //echo "<pre>"; var_dump ( $_POST ); echo "</pre>";
200 |
201 | echo "<h3>Build options:</h3>";
202 | echo "<strong>Build directory is:</strong> $build_dir" . "<br><br>";
203 | echo "\$_POST['ofmt'] = " . "\"${_POST['ofmt']}\"" . "<br>";
204 | echo "\$_POST['nic'] = " . "\"${_POST['nic']}\"" . "<br>";
205 | echo "\$_POST['pci_vendor_code'] = " . "\"${_POST['pci_vendor_code']}\"" . "<br>";
206 | echo "\$_POST['pci_device_code'] = " . "\"${_POST['pci_device_code']}\"" . "<br>";
207 |
208 | echo "<h3>Flags:</h3>";
209 | show_flags ( $flags );
210 |
211 | if ( $embedded_script != "" ) {
212 | echo "<h3>Embedded script:</h3>";
213 | echo "<blockquote>"."<pre>";
214 | echo $embedded_script;
215 | echo "</pre>"."</blockquote>";
216 | }
217 |
218 | echo "<h3>Make output:</h3>";
219 | echo "Make command: " . $make_cmd . "<br>";
220 | echo "Build status = <? echo $status ?>" . "<br>";
221 | echo "<blockquote>"."<pre>";
222 | echo htmlentities ( implode ("\n", $maketxt ) );
223 | echo "</pre>"."</blockquote>";
224 | // Uncomment the next line if you want to keep the
225 | // build directory around for inspection after building.
226 | $keep_build_dir = true;
227 | die ( "<h3>End debugging output</h3>" );
228 |
229 | **/ // End debugging section
230 |
231 | // Send ROM to browser (with extreme prejudice)
232 |
233 | if ( $status == 0 ) {
234 |
235 | $fp = fopen("${build_dir}/${make_target}", "rb" );
236 | if ( $fp > 0 ) {
237 |
238 | $len = filesize ( "${build_dir}/${make_target}" );
239 | if ( $len > 0 ) {
240 |
241 | $buf = fread ( $fp, $len );
242 | fclose ( $fp );
243 |
244 | // Delete build directory as soon as it is not needed
245 | rm_build_dir ();
246 |
247 | $output_filename = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\+\.\-]/i', '', "ipxe-${version}-${nic}.${fmt_extension}");
248 |
249 | // Try to force IE to handle downloading right.
250 | Header ( "Cache-control: private");
251 | Header ( "Content-Type: application/x-octet-stream; " .
252 | "name=$output_filename");
253 | Header ( "Content-Disposition: attachment; " .
254 | "Filename=$output_filename");
255 | Header ( "Content-Location: $output_filename");
256 | Header ( "Content-Length: $len");
257 |
258 | echo $buf;
259 |
260 | exit ();
261 | }
262 | }
263 | }
264 |
265 | /*
266 | * If we reach this point, the build has failed, and we provide
267 | * debugging information for a potential bug report
268 | *
269 | */
270 |
271 | // Remove build directory
272 | rm_build_dir ();
273 |
274 | // Announce failure if $status from make was non-zero
275 | echo "<h2>Build failed. Status = " . $status . "</h2>";
276 | echo "<h2>build.php:</h2>";
277 | echo "<h3>Build options:</h3>";
278 | echo "<strong>Build directory is:</strong> $build_dir" . "<br><br>";
279 | echo "\$_POST['ofmt'] = " . "\"${_POST['ofmt']}\"" . "<br>";
280 | echo "\$_POST['nic'] = " . "\"${_POST['nic']}\"" . "<br>";
281 | echo "\$_POST['pci_vendor_code'] = " . "\"${_POST['pci_vendor_code']}\"" . "<br>";
282 | echo "\$_POST['pci_device_code'] = " . "\"${_POST['pci_device_code']}\"" . "<br>";
283 |
284 | echo "<h3>Flags:</h3>";
285 | show_flags ( $flags );
286 |
287 | if ( $embedded_script != "" ) {
288 | echo "<h3>Embedded script:</h3>";
289 | echo "<blockquote>"."<pre>";
290 | echo $embedded_script;
291 | echo "</pre>"."</blockquote>";
292 | }
293 |
294 | echo "<h3>Make output:</h3>";
295 | echo "Make command: " . $make_cmd . "<br>";
296 | echo "<blockquote>"."<pre>";
297 | echo htmlentities ( implode ("\n", $maketxt ) );
298 | echo "</pre>"."</blockquote>";
299 |
300 | echo "Please let us know that this happened, and paste the above output into your email message.<br>";
301 |
302 | include_once $bottom_inc;
303 |
304 | // For emacs:
305 | // Local variables:
306 | // c-basic-offset: 4
307 | // c-indent-level: 4
308 | // tab-width: 4
309 | // End:
310 |
311 | ?>