1 | /* $Id: DevFwCommon.cpp 62509 2016-07-22 19:12:22Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * FwCommon - Shared firmware code (used by DevPcBios & DevEFI).
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 |
19 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
20 | * Header Files *
21 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
23 | #include <VBox/vmm/pdmdev.h>
24 |
25 | #include <VBox/log.h>
26 | #include <VBox/err.h>
27 | #include <VBox/param.h>
28 |
29 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
30 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
31 | #include <iprt/buildconfig.h>
32 | #include <iprt/file.h>
33 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
34 | #include <iprt/string.h>
35 | #include <iprt/uuid.h>
36 | #include <iprt/system.h>
37 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
38 |
39 | #include "VBoxDD.h"
40 | #include "VBoxDD2.h"
41 | #include "DevFwCommon.h"
42 |
43 |
44 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
45 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
46 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
47 |
48 | /*
49 | * Default DMI data (legacy).
50 | * Don't change this information otherwise Windows guests might demand re-activation!
51 | */
52 |
53 | /* type 0 -- DMI BIOS information */
54 | static const int32_t g_iDefDmiBIOSReleaseMajor = 0;
55 | static const int32_t g_iDefDmiBIOSReleaseMinor = 0;
56 | static const int32_t g_iDefDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor = 0;
57 | static const int32_t g_iDefDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor = 0;
58 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiBIOSVendor = "innotek GmbH";
59 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiBIOSVersion = "VirtualBox";
60 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiBIOSReleaseDate = "12/01/2006";
61 | /* type 1 -- DMI system information */
62 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiSystemVendor = "innotek GmbH";
63 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiSystemProduct = "VirtualBox";
64 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiSystemVersion = "1.2";
65 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiSystemSerial = "0";
66 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiSystemSKU = "";
67 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiSystemFamily = "Virtual Machine";
68 | /* type 2 -- DMI board information */
69 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiBoardVendor = "Oracle Corporation";
70 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiBoardProduct = "VirtualBox";
71 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiBoardVersion = "1.2";
72 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiBoardSerial = "0";
73 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiBoardAssetTag = "";
74 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiBoardLocInChass = "";
75 | static const int32_t g_iDefDmiBoardBoardType = 0x0A; /* Motherboard */
76 | /* type 3 -- DMI chassis information */
77 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiChassisVendor = "Oracle Corporation";
78 | static const int32_t g_iDefDmiChassisType = 0x01; /* ''other'', no chassis lock present */
79 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiChassisVersion = "";
80 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiChassisSerial = "";
81 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiChassisAssetTag = "";
82 | /* type 4 -- DMI processor information */
83 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiProcManufacturer= "GenuineIntel";
84 | static const char *g_pszDefDmiProcVersion = "Pentium(R) III";
85 |
86 | /** The host DMI system product value, for DmiUseHostInfo=1. */
87 | static char g_szHostDmiSystemProduct[64];
88 | /** The host DMI system version value, for DmiUseHostInfo=1. */
89 | static char g_szHostDmiSystemVersion[64];
90 |
91 |
92 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
93 | * Structures and Typedefs *
94 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
95 | #pragma pack(1)
96 |
97 | typedef struct SMBIOSHDR
98 | {
99 | uint8_t au8Signature[4];
100 | uint8_t u8Checksum;
101 | uint8_t u8Eps;
102 | uint8_t u8VersionMajor;
103 | uint8_t u8VersionMinor;
104 | uint16_t u16MaxStructureSize;
105 | uint8_t u8EntryPointRevision;
106 | uint8_t u8Pad[5];
108 | AssertCompileSize(SMBIOSHDR, 16);
109 |
110 | typedef struct DMIMAINHDR
111 | {
112 | uint8_t au8Signature[5];
113 | uint8_t u8Checksum;
114 | uint16_t u16TablesLength;
115 | uint32_t u32TableBase;
116 | uint16_t u16TableEntries;
117 | uint8_t u8TableVersion;
119 | AssertCompileSize(DMIMAINHDR, 15);
120 |
121 | /** DMI header */
122 | typedef struct DMIHDR
123 | {
124 | uint8_t u8Type;
125 | uint8_t u8Length;
126 | uint16_t u16Handle;
127 | } *PDMIHDR;
128 | AssertCompileSize(DMIHDR, 4);
129 |
130 | /** DMI BIOS information (Type 0) */
131 | typedef struct DMIBIOSINF
132 | {
133 | DMIHDR header;
134 | uint8_t u8Vendor;
135 | uint8_t u8Version;
136 | uint16_t u16Start;
137 | uint8_t u8Release;
138 | uint8_t u8ROMSize;
139 | uint64_t u64Characteristics;
140 | uint8_t u8CharacteristicsByte1;
141 | uint8_t u8CharacteristicsByte2;
142 | uint8_t u8ReleaseMajor;
143 | uint8_t u8ReleaseMinor;
144 | uint8_t u8FirmwareMajor;
145 | uint8_t u8FirmwareMinor;
147 | AssertCompileSize(DMIBIOSINF, 0x18);
148 |
149 | /** DMI system information (Type 1) */
150 | typedef struct DMISYSTEMINF
151 | {
152 | DMIHDR header;
153 | uint8_t u8Manufacturer;
154 | uint8_t u8ProductName;
155 | uint8_t u8Version;
156 | uint8_t u8SerialNumber;
157 | uint8_t au8Uuid[16];
158 | uint8_t u8WakeupType;
159 | uint8_t u8SKUNumber;
160 | uint8_t u8Family;
162 | AssertCompileSize(DMISYSTEMINF, 0x1b);
163 |
164 | /** DMI board (or module) information (Type 2) */
165 | typedef struct DMIBOARDINF
166 | {
167 | DMIHDR header;
168 | uint8_t u8Manufacturer;
169 | uint8_t u8Product;
170 | uint8_t u8Version;
171 | uint8_t u8SerialNumber;
172 | uint8_t u8AssetTag;
173 | uint8_t u8FeatureFlags;
174 | uint8_t u8LocationInChass;
175 | uint16_t u16ChassisHandle;
176 | uint8_t u8BoardType;
177 | uint8_t u8cObjectHandles;
179 | AssertCompileSize(DMIBOARDINF, 0x0f);
180 |
181 | /** DMI system enclosure or chassis type (Type 3) */
182 | typedef struct DMICHASSIS
183 | {
184 | DMIHDR header;
185 | uint8_t u8Manufacturer;
186 | uint8_t u8Type;
187 | uint8_t u8Version;
188 | uint8_t u8SerialNumber;
189 | uint8_t u8AssetTag;
190 | uint8_t u8BootupState;
191 | uint8_t u8PowerSupplyState;
192 | uint8_t u8ThermalState;
193 | uint8_t u8SecurityStatus;
194 | /* v2.3+, currently not supported */
195 | uint32_t u32OEMdefined;
196 | uint8_t u8Height;
197 | uint8_t u8NumPowerChords;
198 | uint8_t u8ContElems;
199 | uint8_t u8ContElemRecLen;
201 | AssertCompileSize(DMICHASSIS, 0x15);
202 |
203 | /** DMI processor information (Type 4) */
204 | typedef struct DMIPROCESSORINF
205 | {
206 | DMIHDR header;
207 | uint8_t u8SocketDesignation;
208 | uint8_t u8ProcessorType;
209 | uint8_t u8ProcessorFamily;
210 | uint8_t u8ProcessorManufacturer;
211 | uint64_t u64ProcessorID;
212 | uint8_t u8ProcessorVersion;
213 | uint8_t u8Voltage;
214 | uint16_t u16ExternalClock;
215 | uint16_t u16MaxSpeed;
216 | uint16_t u16CurrentSpeed;
217 | uint8_t u8Status;
218 | uint8_t u8ProcessorUpgrade;
219 | /* v2.1+ */
220 | uint16_t u16L1CacheHandle;
221 | uint16_t u16L2CacheHandle;
222 | uint16_t u16L3CacheHandle;
223 | /* v2.3+ */
224 | uint8_t u8SerialNumber;
225 | uint8_t u8AssetTag;
226 | uint8_t u8PartNumber;
227 | /* v2.5+ */
228 | uint8_t u8CoreCount;
229 | uint8_t u8CoreEnabled;
230 | uint8_t u8ThreadCount;
231 | uint16_t u16ProcessorCharacteristics;
232 | /* v2.6+ */
233 | uint16_t u16ProcessorFamily2;
235 | AssertCompileSize(DMIPROCESSORINF, 0x2a);
236 |
237 | /** DMI OEM strings (Type 11) */
238 | typedef struct DMIOEMSTRINGS
239 | {
240 | DMIHDR header;
241 | uint8_t u8Count;
242 | uint8_t u8VBoxVersion;
243 | uint8_t u8VBoxRevision;
245 | AssertCompileSize(DMIOEMSTRINGS, 0x7);
246 |
247 | /** DMI OEM-specific table (Type 128) */
248 | typedef struct DMIOEMSPECIFIC
249 | {
250 | DMIHDR header;
251 | uint32_t u32CpuFreqKHz;
253 | AssertCompileSize(DMIOEMSPECIFIC, 0x8);
254 |
255 | /** Physical memory array (Type 16) */
256 | typedef struct DMIRAMARRAY
257 | {
258 | DMIHDR header;
259 | uint8_t u8Location;
260 | uint8_t u8Use;
261 | uint8_t u8MemErrorCorrection;
262 | uint32_t u32MaxCapacity;
263 | uint16_t u16MemErrorHandle;
264 | uint16_t u16NumberOfMemDevices;
266 | AssertCompileSize(DMIRAMARRAY, 15);
267 |
268 | /** DMI Memory Device (Type 17) */
269 | typedef struct DMIMEMORYDEV
270 | {
271 | DMIHDR header;
272 | uint16_t u16PhysMemArrayHandle;
273 | uint16_t u16MemErrHandle;
274 | uint16_t u16TotalWidth;
275 | uint16_t u16DataWidth;
276 | uint16_t u16Size;
277 | uint8_t u8FormFactor;
278 | uint8_t u8DeviceSet;
279 | uint8_t u8DeviceLocator;
280 | uint8_t u8BankLocator;
281 | uint8_t u8MemoryType;
282 | uint16_t u16TypeDetail;
283 | uint16_t u16Speed;
284 | uint8_t u8Manufacturer;
285 | uint8_t u8SerialNumber;
286 | uint8_t u8AssetTag;
287 | uint8_t u8PartNumber;
288 | /* v2.6+ */
289 | uint8_t u8Attributes;
291 | AssertCompileSize(DMIMEMORYDEV, 28);
292 |
293 | /** MPS floating pointer structure */
294 | typedef struct MPSFLOATPTR
295 | {
296 | uint8_t au8Signature[4];
297 | uint32_t u32MPSAddr;
298 | uint8_t u8Length;
299 | uint8_t u8SpecRev;
300 | uint8_t u8Checksum;
301 | uint8_t au8Feature[5];
303 | AssertCompileSize(MPSFLOATPTR, 16);
304 |
305 | /** MPS config table header */
306 | typedef struct MPSCFGTBLHEADER
307 | {
308 | uint8_t au8Signature[4];
309 | uint16_t u16Length;
310 | uint8_t u8SpecRev;
311 | uint8_t u8Checksum;
312 | uint8_t au8OemId[8];
313 | uint8_t au8ProductId[12];
314 | uint32_t u32OemTablePtr;
315 | uint16_t u16OemTableSize;
316 | uint16_t u16EntryCount;
317 | uint32_t u32AddrLocalApic;
318 | uint16_t u16ExtTableLength;
319 | uint8_t u8ExtTableChecksum;
320 | uint8_t u8Reserved;
322 | AssertCompileSize(MPSCFGTBLHEADER, 0x2c);
323 |
324 | /** MPS processor entry */
325 | typedef struct MPSPROCENTRY
326 | {
327 | uint8_t u8EntryType;
328 | uint8_t u8LocalApicId;
329 | uint8_t u8LocalApicVersion;
330 | uint8_t u8CPUFlags;
331 | uint32_t u32CPUSignature;
332 | uint32_t u32CPUFeatureFlags;
333 | uint32_t u32Reserved[2];
335 | AssertCompileSize(MPSPROCENTRY, 20);
336 |
337 | /** MPS bus entry */
338 | typedef struct MPSBUSENTRY
339 | {
340 | uint8_t u8EntryType;
341 | uint8_t u8BusId;
342 | uint8_t au8BusTypeStr[6];
344 | AssertCompileSize(MPSBUSENTRY, 8);
345 |
346 | /** MPS I/O-APIC entry */
347 | typedef struct MPSIOAPICENTRY
348 | {
349 | uint8_t u8EntryType;
350 | uint8_t u8Id;
351 | uint8_t u8Version;
352 | uint8_t u8Flags;
353 | uint32_t u32Addr;
355 | AssertCompileSize(MPSIOAPICENTRY, 8);
356 |
357 | /** MPS I/O-Interrupt entry */
358 | typedef struct MPSIOINTERRUPTENTRY
359 | {
360 | uint8_t u8EntryType;
361 | uint8_t u8Type;
362 | uint16_t u16Flags;
363 | uint8_t u8SrcBusId;
364 | uint8_t u8SrcBusIrq;
365 | uint8_t u8DstIOAPICId;
366 | uint8_t u8DstIOAPICInt;
368 | AssertCompileSize(MPSIOINTERRUPTENTRY, 8);
369 |
370 | #pragma pack()
371 |
372 |
373 | /**
374 | * Calculate a simple checksum for the MPS table.
375 | *
376 | * @param data data
377 | * @param len size of data
378 | */
379 | static uint8_t fwCommonChecksum(const uint8_t * const au8Data, uint32_t u32Length)
380 | {
381 | uint8_t u8Sum = 0;
382 | for (size_t i = 0; i < u32Length; ++i)
383 | u8Sum += au8Data[i];
384 | return -u8Sum;
385 | }
386 |
387 | #if 0 /* unused */
388 | static bool fwCommonChecksumOk(const uint8_t * const au8Data, uint32_t u32Length)
389 | {
390 | uint8_t u8Sum = 0;
391 | for (size_t i = 0; i < u32Length; i++)
392 | u8Sum += au8Data[i];
393 | return (u8Sum == 0);
394 | }
395 | #endif
396 |
397 | /**
398 | * Try fetch the DMI strings from the system.
399 | */
400 | static void fwCommonUseHostDMIStrings(void)
401 | {
402 | int rc;
403 |
404 | rc = RTSystemQueryDmiString(RTSYSDMISTR_PRODUCT_NAME,
405 | g_szHostDmiSystemProduct, sizeof(g_szHostDmiSystemProduct));
406 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
407 | {
408 | g_pszDefDmiSystemProduct = g_szHostDmiSystemProduct;
409 | LogRel(("DMI: Using DmiSystemProduct from host: %s\n", g_szHostDmiSystemProduct));
410 | }
411 |
412 | rc = RTSystemQueryDmiString(RTSYSDMISTR_PRODUCT_VERSION,
413 | g_szHostDmiSystemVersion, sizeof(g_szHostDmiSystemVersion));
414 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
415 | {
416 | g_pszDefDmiSystemVersion = g_szHostDmiSystemVersion;
417 | LogRel(("DMI: Using DmiSystemVersion from host: %s\n", g_szHostDmiSystemVersion));
418 | }
419 | }
420 |
421 | /**
422 | * Construct the DMI table.
423 | *
424 | * @returns VBox status code.
425 | * @param pDevIns The device instance.
426 | * @param pTable Where to create the DMI table.
427 | * @param cbMax The maximum size of the DMI table.
428 | * @param pUuid Pointer to the UUID to use if the DmiUuid
429 | * configuration string isn't present.
430 | * @param pCfg The handle to our config node.
431 | * @param cCpus Number of VCPUs.
432 | * @param pcbDmiTables Size of DMI data in bytes.
433 | * @param pcNumDmiTables Number of DMI tables.
434 | */
435 | int FwCommonPlantDMITable(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint8_t *pTable, unsigned cbMax, PCRTUUID pUuid, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint16_t cCpus, uint16_t *pcbDmiTables, uint16_t *pcNumDmiTables)
436 | {
437 | /*
438 | * CFGM Hint!
439 | *
440 | * The macros below makes it a bit hard to figure out the config options
441 | * available here. To get a quick hint, take a look a the CFGM
442 | * validation in the calling code (DevEFI.cpp and DevPcBios.cpp).
443 | *
444 | * 32-bit signed integer CFGM options are read by DMI_READ_CFG_S32, the 2nd
445 | * parameter is the CFGM value name.
446 | *
447 | * Strings are read by DMI_READ_CFG_STR and DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF, the 2nd parameter is
448 | * the CFGM value name.
449 | */
450 | #define DMI_CHECK_SIZE(cbWant) \
451 | { \
452 | size_t cbNeed = (size_t)(pszStr + cbWant - (char *)pTable) + 5; /* +1 for strtab terminator +4 for end-of-table entry */ \
453 | if (cbNeed > cbMax) \
454 | { \
455 | if (fHideErrors) \
456 | { \
457 | LogRel(("One of the DMI strings is too long -- using default DMI data!\n")); \
458 | continue; \
459 | } \
460 | return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA, RT_SRC_POS, \
461 | N_("One of the DMI strings is too long. Check all bios/Dmi* configuration entries. At least %zu bytes are needed but there is no space for more than %d bytes"), cbNeed, cbMax); \
462 | } \
463 | }
464 |
465 | #define DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF(variable, name, default_value) \
466 | { \
467 | if (fForceDefault) \
468 | pszTmp = default_value; \
469 | else \
470 | { \
471 | rc = CFGMR3QueryStringDef(pCfg, name, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), default_value); \
472 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \
473 | { \
474 | if (fHideErrors) \
475 | { \
476 | LogRel(("Configuration error: Querying \"" name "\" as a string failed -- using default DMI data!\n")); \
477 | continue; \
478 | } \
479 | return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, \
480 | N_("Configuration error: Querying \"" name "\" as a string failed")); \
481 | } \
482 | else if (!strcmp(szBuf, "<EMPTY>")) \
483 | pszTmp = ""; \
484 | else \
485 | pszTmp = szBuf; \
486 | } \
487 | if (!pszTmp[0]) \
488 | variable = 0; /* empty string */ \
489 | else \
490 | { \
491 | variable = iStrNr++; \
492 | size_t cStr = strlen(pszTmp) + 1; \
493 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(cStr); \
494 | memcpy(pszStr, pszTmp, cStr); \
495 | pszStr += cStr ; \
496 | } \
497 | }
498 |
499 | #define DMI_READ_CFG_STR(variable, name) \
500 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF(variable, # name, g_pszDef ## name)
501 |
502 | #define DMI_READ_CFG_S32(variable, name) \
503 | { \
504 | if (fForceDefault) \
505 | variable = g_iDef ## name; \
506 | else \
507 | { \
508 | rc = CFGMR3QueryS32Def(pCfg, # name, & variable, g_iDef ## name); \
509 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \
510 | { \
511 | if (fHideErrors) \
512 | { \
513 | LogRel(("Configuration error: Querying \"" # name "\" as an int failed -- using default DMI data!\n")); \
514 | continue; \
515 | } \
516 | return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, \
517 | N_("Configuration error: Querying \"" # name "\" as an int failed")); \
518 | } \
519 | } \
520 | }
521 |
522 | #define DMI_START_STRUCT(tbl) \
523 | pszStr = (char *)(tbl + 1); \
524 | iStrNr = 1;
525 |
526 | #define DMI_TERM_STRUCT \
527 | { \
528 | *pszStr++ = '\0'; /* terminate set of text strings */ \
529 | if (iStrNr == 1) \
530 | *pszStr++ = '\0'; /* terminate a structure without strings */ \
531 | }
532 |
533 | bool fForceDefault = false;
535 | /*
536 | * There will be two passes. If an error occurs during the first pass, a
537 | * message will be written to the release log and we fall back to default
538 | * DMI data and start a second pass.
539 | */
540 | bool fHideErrors = true;
541 | #else
542 | /*
543 | * There will be one pass, every error is fatal and will prevent the VM
544 | * from starting.
545 | */
546 | bool fHideErrors = false;
547 | #endif
548 |
549 | uint8_t fDmiUseHostInfo;
550 | int rc = CFGMR3QueryU8Def(pCfg, "DmiUseHostInfo", &fDmiUseHostInfo, 0);
551 | if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
552 | return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
553 | N_("Configuration error: Failed to read \"DmiUseHostInfo\""));
554 |
555 | /* Sync up with host default DMI values */
556 | if (fDmiUseHostInfo)
557 | fwCommonUseHostDMIStrings();
558 |
559 | uint8_t fDmiExposeMemoryTable;
560 | rc = CFGMR3QueryU8Def(pCfg, "DmiExposeMemoryTable", &fDmiExposeMemoryTable, 0);
561 | if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
562 | return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
563 | N_("Configuration error: Failed to read \"DmiExposeMemoryTable\""));
564 | uint8_t fDmiExposeProcessorInf;
565 | rc = CFGMR3QueryU8Def(pCfg, "DmiExposeProcInf", &fDmiExposeProcessorInf, 0);
566 | if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
567 | return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
568 | N_("Configuration error: Failed to read \"DmiExposeProcInf\""));
569 |
570 | for (;; fForceDefault = true, fHideErrors = false)
571 | {
572 | int iStrNr;
573 | char szBuf[256];
574 | char *pszStr = (char *)pTable;
575 | char szDmiSystemUuid[64];
576 | char *pszDmiSystemUuid;
577 | const char *pszTmp;
578 |
579 | if (fForceDefault)
580 | pszDmiSystemUuid = NULL;
581 | else
582 | {
583 | rc = CFGMR3QueryString(pCfg, "DmiSystemUuid", szDmiSystemUuid, sizeof(szDmiSystemUuid));
584 | if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND)
585 | pszDmiSystemUuid = NULL;
586 | else if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
587 | {
588 | if (fHideErrors)
589 | {
590 | LogRel(("Configuration error: Querying \"DmiSystemUuid\" as a string failed, using default DMI data\n"));
591 | continue;
592 | }
593 | return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
594 | N_("Configuration error: Querying \"DmiSystemUuid\" as a string failed"));
595 | }
596 | else
597 | pszDmiSystemUuid = szDmiSystemUuid;
598 | }
599 |
600 | /*********************************
601 | * DMI BIOS information (Type 0) *
602 | *********************************/
604 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(sizeof(*pBIOSInf));
605 |
606 | pszStr = (char *)&pBIOSInf->u8ReleaseMajor;
607 | pBIOSInf->header.u8Length = RT_OFFSETOF(DMIBIOSINF, u8ReleaseMajor);
608 |
609 | /* don't set these fields by default for legacy compatibility */
610 | int iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor, iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor;
611 | DMI_READ_CFG_S32(iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor, DmiBIOSReleaseMajor);
612 | DMI_READ_CFG_S32(iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor, DmiBIOSReleaseMinor);
613 | if (iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor != 0 || iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor != 0)
614 | {
615 | pszStr = (char *)&pBIOSInf->u8FirmwareMajor;
616 | pBIOSInf->header.u8Length = RT_OFFSETOF(DMIBIOSINF, u8FirmwareMajor);
617 | pBIOSInf->u8ReleaseMajor = iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor;
618 | pBIOSInf->u8ReleaseMinor = iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor;
619 |
620 | int iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor, iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor;
621 | DMI_READ_CFG_S32(iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor, DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor);
622 | DMI_READ_CFG_S32(iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor, DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor);
623 | if (iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor != 0 || iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor != 0)
624 | {
625 | pszStr = (char *)(pBIOSInf + 1);
626 | pBIOSInf->header.u8Length = sizeof(DMIBIOSINF);
627 | pBIOSInf->u8FirmwareMajor = iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor;
628 | pBIOSInf->u8FirmwareMinor = iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor;
629 | }
630 | }
631 |
632 | iStrNr = 1;
633 | pBIOSInf->header.u8Type = 0; /* BIOS Information */
634 | pBIOSInf->header.u16Handle = 0x0000;
635 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pBIOSInf->u8Vendor, DmiBIOSVendor);
636 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pBIOSInf->u8Version, DmiBIOSVersion);
637 | pBIOSInf->u16Start = 0xE000;
638 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pBIOSInf->u8Release, DmiBIOSReleaseDate);
639 | pBIOSInf->u8ROMSize = 1; /* 128K */
640 | pBIOSInf->u64Characteristics = RT_BIT(4) /* ISA is supported */
641 | | RT_BIT(7) /* PCI is supported */
642 | | RT_BIT(15) /* Boot from CD is supported */
643 | | RT_BIT(16) /* Selectable Boot is supported */
644 | | RT_BIT(27) /* Int 9h, 8042 Keyboard services supported */
645 | | RT_BIT(30) /* Int 10h, CGA/Mono Video Services supported */
646 | /* any more?? */
647 | ;
648 | pBIOSInf->u8CharacteristicsByte1 = RT_BIT(0) /* ACPI is supported */
649 | /* any more?? */
650 | ;
651 | pBIOSInf->u8CharacteristicsByte2 = 0
652 | /* any more?? */
653 | ;
655 |
656 | /***********************************
657 | * DMI system information (Type 1) *
658 | ***********************************/
660 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(sizeof(*pSystemInf));
661 | DMI_START_STRUCT(pSystemInf);
662 | pSystemInf->header.u8Type = 1; /* System Information */
663 | pSystemInf->header.u8Length = sizeof(*pSystemInf);
664 | pSystemInf->header.u16Handle = 0x0001;
665 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pSystemInf->u8Manufacturer, DmiSystemVendor);
666 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pSystemInf->u8ProductName, DmiSystemProduct);
667 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pSystemInf->u8Version, DmiSystemVersion);
668 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pSystemInf->u8SerialNumber, DmiSystemSerial);
669 |
670 | RTUUID uuid;
671 | if (pszDmiSystemUuid)
672 | {
673 | rc = RTUuidFromStr(&uuid, pszDmiSystemUuid);
674 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
675 | {
676 | if (fHideErrors)
677 | {
678 | LogRel(("Configuration error: Invalid UUID for DMI tables specified, using default DMI data\n"));
679 | continue;
680 | }
681 | return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
682 | N_("Configuration error: Invalid UUID for DMI tables specified"));
683 | }
684 | uuid.Gen.u32TimeLow = RT_H2BE_U32(uuid.Gen.u32TimeLow);
685 | uuid.Gen.u16TimeMid = RT_H2BE_U16(uuid.Gen.u16TimeMid);
686 | uuid.Gen.u16TimeHiAndVersion = RT_H2BE_U16(uuid.Gen.u16TimeHiAndVersion);
687 | pUuid = &uuid;
688 | }
689 | memcpy(pSystemInf->au8Uuid, pUuid, sizeof(RTUUID));
690 |
691 | pSystemInf->u8WakeupType = 6; /* Power Switch */
692 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pSystemInf->u8SKUNumber, DmiSystemSKU);
693 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pSystemInf->u8Family, DmiSystemFamily);
695 |
696 | /**********************************
697 | * DMI board information (Type 2) *
698 | **********************************/
700 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(sizeof(*pBoardInf));
701 | DMI_START_STRUCT(pBoardInf);
702 | int iDmiBoardBoardType;
703 | pBoardInf->header.u8Type = 2; /* Board Information */
704 | pBoardInf->header.u8Length = sizeof(*pBoardInf);
705 | pBoardInf->header.u16Handle = 0x0008;
706 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pBoardInf->u8Manufacturer, DmiBoardVendor);
707 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pBoardInf->u8Product, DmiBoardProduct);
708 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pBoardInf->u8Version, DmiBoardVersion);
709 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pBoardInf->u8SerialNumber, DmiBoardSerial);
710 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pBoardInf->u8AssetTag, DmiBoardAssetTag);
711 | pBoardInf->u8FeatureFlags = RT_BIT(0) /* hosting board, e.g. motherboard */
712 | ;
713 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pBoardInf->u8LocationInChass, DmiBoardLocInChass);
714 | pBoardInf->u16ChassisHandle = 0x0003; /* see type 3 */
715 | DMI_READ_CFG_S32(iDmiBoardBoardType, DmiBoardBoardType);
716 | pBoardInf->u8BoardType = iDmiBoardBoardType;
717 | pBoardInf->u8cObjectHandles = 0;
718 |
720 |
721 | /********************************************
722 | * DMI System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) *
723 | ********************************************/
724 | PDMICHASSIS pChassis = (PDMICHASSIS)pszStr;
725 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(sizeof(*pChassis));
726 | pszStr = (char*)&pChassis->u32OEMdefined;
727 | iStrNr = 1;
729 | pChassis->header.u8Type = 3; /* System Enclosure or Chassis */
730 | #else
731 | pChassis->header.u8Type = 0x7e; /* inactive */
732 | #endif
733 | pChassis->header.u8Length = RT_OFFSETOF(DMICHASSIS, u32OEMdefined);
734 | pChassis->header.u16Handle = 0x0003;
735 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pChassis->u8Manufacturer, DmiChassisVendor);
736 | int iDmiChassisType;
737 | DMI_READ_CFG_S32(iDmiChassisType, DmiChassisType);
738 | pChassis->u8Type = iDmiChassisType;
739 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pChassis->u8Version, DmiChassisVersion);
740 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pChassis->u8SerialNumber, DmiChassisSerial);
741 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pChassis->u8AssetTag, DmiChassisAssetTag);
742 | pChassis->u8BootupState = 0x03; /* safe */
743 | pChassis->u8PowerSupplyState = 0x03; /* safe */
744 | pChassis->u8ThermalState = 0x03; /* safe */
745 | pChassis->u8SecurityStatus = 0x03; /* none XXX */
746 | # if 0
747 | /* v2.3+, currently not supported */
748 | pChassis->u32OEMdefined = 0;
749 | pChassis->u8Height = 0; /* unspecified */
750 | pChassis->u8NumPowerChords = 0; /* unspecified */
751 | pChassis->u8ContElems = 0; /* no contained elements */
752 | pChassis->u8ContElemRecLen = 0; /* no contained elements */
753 | # endif
755 |
756 | /**************************************
757 | * DMI Processor Information (Type 4) *
758 | **************************************/
759 |
760 | /*
761 | * This is just a dummy processor. Should we expose the real guest CPU features
762 | * here? Accessing this information at this point is difficult.
763 | */
764 | char szSocket[32];
766 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(sizeof(*pProcessorInf));
767 | DMI_START_STRUCT(pProcessorInf);
768 | if (fDmiExposeProcessorInf)
769 | pProcessorInf->header.u8Type = 4; /* Processor Information */
770 | else
771 | pProcessorInf->header.u8Type = 126; /* inactive structure */
772 | pProcessorInf->header.u8Length = sizeof(*pProcessorInf);
773 | pProcessorInf->header.u16Handle = 0x0007;
774 | RTStrPrintf(szSocket, sizeof(szSocket), "Socket #%u", 0);
775 | pProcessorInf->u8SocketDesignation = iStrNr++;
776 | {
777 | size_t cStr = strlen(szSocket) + 1;
778 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(cStr);
779 | memcpy(pszStr, szSocket, cStr);
780 | pszStr += cStr;
781 | }
782 | pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorType = 0x03; /* Central Processor */
783 | pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorFamily = 0xB1; /* Pentium III with Intel SpeedStep(TM) */
784 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorManufacturer, DmiProcManufacturer);
785 |
786 | pProcessorInf->u64ProcessorID = UINT64_C(0x0FEBFBFF00010676);
787 | /* Ext Family ID = 0
788 | * Ext Model ID = 2
789 | * Processor Type = 0
790 | * Family ID = 6
791 | * Model = 7
792 | * Stepping = 6
793 | * Features: FPU, VME, DE, PSE, TSC, MSR, PAE, MCE, CX8,
795 | * CFLSH, DS, ACPI, MMX, FXSR, SSE, SSE2, SS */
796 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorVersion, DmiProcVersion);
797 | pProcessorInf->u8Voltage = 0x02; /* 3.3V */
798 | pProcessorInf->u16ExternalClock = 0x00; /* unknown */
799 | pProcessorInf->u16MaxSpeed = 3000; /* 3GHz */
800 | pProcessorInf->u16CurrentSpeed = 3000; /* 3GHz */
801 | pProcessorInf->u8Status = RT_BIT(6) /* CPU socket populated */
802 | | RT_BIT(0) /* CPU enabled */
803 | ;
804 | pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorUpgrade = 0x04; /* ZIF Socket */
805 | pProcessorInf->u16L1CacheHandle = 0xFFFF; /* not specified */
806 | pProcessorInf->u16L2CacheHandle = 0xFFFF; /* not specified */
807 | pProcessorInf->u16L3CacheHandle = 0xFFFF; /* not specified */
808 | pProcessorInf->u8SerialNumber = 0; /* not specified */
809 | pProcessorInf->u8AssetTag = 0; /* not specified */
810 | pProcessorInf->u8PartNumber = 0; /* not specified */
811 | pProcessorInf->u8CoreCount = cCpus; /* */
812 | pProcessorInf->u8CoreEnabled = cCpus;
813 | pProcessorInf->u8ThreadCount = 1;
814 | pProcessorInf->u16ProcessorCharacteristics
815 | = RT_BIT(2); /* 64-bit capable */
816 | pProcessorInf->u16ProcessorFamily2 = 0;
818 |
819 | /***************************************
820 | * DMI Physical Memory Array (Type 16) *
821 | ***************************************/
822 | uint64_t u64RamSize;
823 | rc = CFGMR3QueryU64(pCfg, "RamSize", &u64RamSize);
824 | if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
825 | return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
826 | N_("Configuration error: Failed to read \"RamSize\""));
827 |
829 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(sizeof(*pMemArray));
830 | DMI_START_STRUCT(pMemArray);
831 | if (fDmiExposeMemoryTable)
832 | pMemArray->header.u8Type = 16; /* Physical Memory Array */
833 | else
834 | pMemArray->header.u8Type = 126; /* inactive structure */
835 | pMemArray->header.u8Length = sizeof(*pMemArray);
836 | pMemArray->header.u16Handle = 0x0005;
837 | pMemArray->u8Location = 0x03; /* Motherboard */
838 | pMemArray->u8Use = 0x03; /* System memory */
839 | pMemArray->u8MemErrorCorrection = 0x01; /* Other */
840 | pMemArray->u32MaxCapacity = (uint32_t)(u64RamSize / _1K); /* RAM size in K */
841 | pMemArray->u16MemErrorHandle = 0xfffe; /* No error info structure */
842 | pMemArray->u16NumberOfMemDevices = 1;
844 |
845 | /***************************************
846 | * DMI Memory Device (Type 17) *
847 | ***************************************/
849 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(sizeof(*pMemDev));
850 | DMI_START_STRUCT(pMemDev);
851 | if (fDmiExposeMemoryTable)
852 | pMemDev->header.u8Type = 17; /* Memory Device */
853 | else
854 | pMemDev->header.u8Type = 126; /* inactive structure */
855 | pMemDev->header.u8Length = sizeof(*pMemDev);
856 | pMemDev->header.u16Handle = 0x0006;
857 | pMemDev->u16PhysMemArrayHandle = 0x0005; /* handle of array we belong to */
858 | pMemDev->u16MemErrHandle = 0xfffe; /* system doesn't provide this information */
859 | pMemDev->u16TotalWidth = 0xffff; /* Unknown */
860 | pMemDev->u16DataWidth = 0xffff; /* Unknown */
861 | int16_t u16RamSizeM = (uint16_t)(u64RamSize / _1M);
862 | if (u16RamSizeM == 0)
863 | u16RamSizeM = 0x400; /* 1G */
864 | pMemDev->u16Size = u16RamSizeM; /* RAM size */
865 | pMemDev->u8FormFactor = 0x09; /* DIMM */
866 | pMemDev->u8DeviceSet = 0x00; /* Not part of a device set */
867 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF(pMemDev->u8DeviceLocator, " ", "DIMM 0");
868 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF(pMemDev->u8BankLocator, " ", "Bank 0");
869 | pMemDev->u8MemoryType = 0x03; /* DRAM */
870 | pMemDev->u16TypeDetail = 0; /* Nothing special */
871 | pMemDev->u16Speed = 1600; /* Unknown, shall be speed in MHz */
872 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR(pMemDev->u8Manufacturer, DmiSystemVendor);
873 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF(pMemDev->u8SerialNumber, " ", "00000000");
874 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF(pMemDev->u8AssetTag, " ", "00000000");
875 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF(pMemDev->u8PartNumber, " ", "00000000");
876 | pMemDev->u8Attributes = 0; /* Unknown */
878 |
879 | /*****************************
880 | * DMI OEM strings (Type 11) *
881 | *****************************/
883 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(sizeof(*pOEMStrings));
884 | DMI_START_STRUCT(pOEMStrings);
886 | pOEMStrings->header.u8Type = 0xb; /* OEM Strings */
887 | #else
888 | pOEMStrings->header.u8Type = 126; /* inactive structure */
889 | #endif
890 | pOEMStrings->header.u8Length = sizeof(*pOEMStrings);
891 | pOEMStrings->header.u16Handle = 0x0002;
892 | pOEMStrings->u8Count = 2;
893 |
894 | char szTmp[64];
895 | RTStrPrintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "vboxVer_%u.%u.%u",
896 | RTBldCfgVersionMajor(), RTBldCfgVersionMinor(), RTBldCfgVersionBuild());
897 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF(pOEMStrings->u8VBoxVersion, "DmiOEMVBoxVer", szTmp);
898 | RTStrPrintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "vboxRev_%u", RTBldCfgRevision());
899 | DMI_READ_CFG_STR_DEF(pOEMStrings->u8VBoxRevision, "DmiOEMVBoxRev", szTmp);
901 |
902 | /*************************************
903 | * DMI OEM specific table (Type 128) *
904 | ************************************/
906 | DMI_CHECK_SIZE(sizeof(*pOEMSpecific));
907 | DMI_START_STRUCT(pOEMSpecific);
908 | pOEMSpecific->header.u8Type = 0x80; /* OEM specific */
909 | pOEMSpecific->header.u8Length = sizeof(*pOEMSpecific);
910 | pOEMSpecific->header.u16Handle = 0x0008; /* Just next free handle */
911 | pOEMSpecific->u32CpuFreqKHz = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)((uint64_t)TMCpuTicksPerSecond(PDMDevHlpGetVM(pDevIns)) / 1000));
913 |
914 | /* End-of-table marker - includes padding to account for fixed table size. */
915 | PDMIHDR pEndOfTable = (PDMIHDR)pszStr;
916 | pszStr = (char *)(pEndOfTable + 1);
917 | pEndOfTable->u8Type = 0x7f;
918 |
919 | pEndOfTable->u8Length = sizeof(*pEndOfTable);
920 | pEndOfTable->u16Handle = 0xFEFF;
921 | *pcbDmiTables = ((uintptr_t)pszStr - (uintptr_t)pTable) + 2;
922 |
923 | /* We currently plant 10 DMI tables. Update this if tables number changed. */
924 | *pcNumDmiTables = 10;
925 |
926 | /* If more fields are added here, fix the size check in DMI_READ_CFG_STR */
927 |
928 | /* Success! */
929 | break;
930 | }
931 |
932 | #undef DMI_READ_CFG_STR
933 | #undef DMI_READ_CFG_S32
934 | #undef DMI_CHECK_SIZE
935 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
936 | }
937 |
938 | /**
939 | * Construct the SMBIOS and DMI headers table pointer at VM construction and
940 | * reset.
941 | *
942 | * @param pDevIns The device instance data.
943 | */
944 | void FwCommonPlantSmbiosAndDmiHdrs(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint16_t cbDmiTables, uint16_t cNumDmiTables)
945 | {
946 | struct
947 | {
948 | struct SMBIOSHDR smbios;
949 | struct DMIMAINHDR dmi;
950 | }
951 | aBiosHeaders =
952 | {
953 | // The SMBIOS header
954 | {
955 | { 0x5f, 0x53, 0x4d, 0x5f}, // "_SM_" signature
956 | 0x00, // checksum
957 | 0x1f, // EPS length, defined by standard
958 | VBOX_SMBIOS_MAJOR_VER, // SMBIOS major version
959 | VBOX_SMBIOS_MINOR_VER, // SMBIOS minor version
960 | VBOX_SMBIOS_MAXSS, // Maximum structure size
961 | 0x00, // Entry point revision
962 | { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } // padding
963 | },
964 | // The DMI header
965 | {
966 | { 0x5f, 0x44, 0x4d, 0x49, 0x5f }, // "_DMI_" signature
967 | 0x00, // checksum
968 | 0, // DMI tables length
969 | VBOX_DMI_TABLE_BASE, // DMI tables base
970 | 0, // DMI tables entries
971 | VBOX_DMI_TABLE_VER, // DMI version
972 | }
973 | };
974 |
975 | aBiosHeaders.dmi.u16TablesLength = cbDmiTables;
976 | aBiosHeaders.dmi.u16TableEntries = cNumDmiTables;
977 | aBiosHeaders.smbios.u8Checksum = fwCommonChecksum((uint8_t*)&aBiosHeaders.smbios, sizeof(aBiosHeaders.smbios));
978 | aBiosHeaders.dmi.u8Checksum = fwCommonChecksum((uint8_t*)&aBiosHeaders.dmi, sizeof(aBiosHeaders.dmi));
979 |
980 | PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(pDevIns, 0xfe300, &aBiosHeaders, sizeof(aBiosHeaders));
981 | }
982 |
983 | /**
984 | * Construct the MPS table for implanting as a ROM page.
985 | *
986 | * Only applicable if IOAPIC is active!
987 | *
988 | * See ``MultiProcessor Specification Version 1.4 (May 1997)'':
989 | * ``1.3 Scope
990 | * ...
991 | * The hardware required to implement the MP specification is kept to a
992 | * minimum, as follows:
993 | * * One or more processors that are Intel architecture instruction set
994 | * compatible, such as the CPUs in the Intel486 or Pentium processor
995 | * family.
996 | * * One or more APICs, such as the Intel 82489DX Advanced Programmable
997 | * Interrupt Controller or the integrated APIC, such as that on the
998 | * Intel Pentium 735\\90 and 815\\100 processors, together with a discrete
999 | * I/O APIC unit.''
1000 | * and later:
1001 | * ``4.3.3 I/O APIC Entries
1002 | * The configuration table contains one or more entries for I/O APICs.
1003 | * ...
1004 | * I/O APIC FLAGS: EN 3:0 1 If zero, this I/O APIC is unusable, and the
1005 | * operating system should not attempt to access
1006 | * this I/O APIC.
1007 | * At least one I/O APIC must be enabled.''
1008 | *
1009 | * @param pDevIns The device instance data.
1010 | * @param pTable Where to write the table.
1011 | * @param cbMax The maximum size of the MPS table.
1012 | * @param cCpus The number of guest CPUs.
1013 | */
1014 | void FwCommonPlantMpsTable(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint8_t *pTable, unsigned cbMax, uint16_t cCpus)
1015 | {
1016 | /* configuration table */
1018 | memcpy(pCfgTab->au8Signature, "PCMP", 4);
1019 | pCfgTab->u8SpecRev = 4; /* 1.4 */
1020 | memcpy(pCfgTab->au8OemId, "VBOXCPU ", 8);
1021 | memcpy(pCfgTab->au8ProductId, "VirtualBox ", 12);
1022 | pCfgTab->u32OemTablePtr = 0;
1023 | pCfgTab->u16OemTableSize = 0;
1024 | pCfgTab->u16EntryCount = 0; /* Incremented as we go. */
1025 | pCfgTab->u32AddrLocalApic = 0xfee00000;
1026 | pCfgTab->u16ExtTableLength = 0;
1027 | pCfgTab->u8ExtTableChecksum = 0;
1028 | pCfgTab->u8Reserved = 0;
1029 |
1030 | uint32_t u32Eax, u32Ebx, u32Ecx, u32Edx;
1031 | uint32_t u32CPUSignature = 0x0520; /* default: Pentium 100 */
1032 | uint32_t u32FeatureFlags = 0x0001; /* default: FPU */
1033 | PDMDevHlpGetCpuId(pDevIns, 0, &u32Eax, &u32Ebx, &u32Ecx, &u32Edx);
1034 | if (u32Eax >= 1)
1035 | {
1036 | PDMDevHlpGetCpuId(pDevIns, 1, &u32Eax, &u32Ebx, &u32Ecx, &u32Edx);
1037 | u32CPUSignature = u32Eax & 0xfff;
1038 | /* Local APIC will be enabled later so override it here. Since we provide
1039 | * an MP table we have an IOAPIC and therefore a Local APIC. */
1040 | u32FeatureFlags = u32Edx | X86_CPUID_FEATURE_EDX_APIC;
1041 | }
1042 | /* Construct MPS table for each VCPU. */
1043 | PMPSPROCENTRY pProcEntry = (PMPSPROCENTRY)(pCfgTab+1);
1044 | for (int i = 0; i < cCpus; i++)
1045 | {
1046 | pProcEntry->u8EntryType = 0; /* processor entry */
1047 | pProcEntry->u8LocalApicId = i;
1048 | pProcEntry->u8LocalApicVersion = 0x14;
1049 | pProcEntry->u8CPUFlags = (i == 0 ? 2 /* bootstrap processor */ : 0 /* application processor */) | 1 /* enabled */;
1050 | pProcEntry->u32CPUSignature = u32CPUSignature;
1051 | pProcEntry->u32CPUFeatureFlags = u32FeatureFlags;
1052 | pProcEntry->u32Reserved[0] =
1053 | pProcEntry->u32Reserved[1] = 0;
1054 | pProcEntry++;
1055 | pCfgTab->u16EntryCount++;
1056 | }
1057 |
1058 | uint32_t iBusIdIsa = 0;
1059 | uint32_t iBusIdPci0 = 1;
1060 |
1061 | /* ISA bus */
1062 | PMPSBUSENTRY pBusEntry = (PMPSBUSENTRY)pProcEntry;
1063 | pBusEntry->u8EntryType = 1; /* bus entry */
1064 | pBusEntry->u8BusId = iBusIdIsa; /* this ID is referenced by the interrupt entries */
1065 | memcpy(pBusEntry->au8BusTypeStr, "ISA ", 6);
1066 | pBusEntry++;
1067 | pCfgTab->u16EntryCount++;
1068 |
1069 | /* PCI bus */
1070 | pBusEntry->u8EntryType = 1; /* bus entry */
1071 | pBusEntry->u8BusId = iBusIdPci0; /* this ID can be referenced by the interrupt entries */
1072 | memcpy(pBusEntry->au8BusTypeStr, "PCI ", 6);
1073 | pBusEntry++;
1074 | pCfgTab->u16EntryCount++;
1075 |
1076 |
1077 | /* I/O-APIC.
1078 | * MP spec: "The configuration table contains one or more entries for I/O APICs.
1079 | * ... At least one I/O APIC must be enabled." */
1081 | uint16_t iApicId = 0;
1082 | pIOAPICEntry->u8EntryType = 2; /* I/O-APIC entry */
1083 | pIOAPICEntry->u8Id = iApicId; /* this ID is referenced by the interrupt entries */
1084 | pIOAPICEntry->u8Version = 0x11;
1085 | pIOAPICEntry->u8Flags = 1 /* enable */;
1086 | pIOAPICEntry->u32Addr = 0xfec00000;
1087 | pCfgTab->u16EntryCount++;
1088 |
1089 | /* Interrupt tables */
1090 | /* Bus vectors */
1091 | /* Note: The PIC is currently not routed to the I/O APIC. Therefore we skip
1092 | * pin 0 on the I/O APIC.
1093 | */
1095 | for (int iPin = 1; iPin < 16; iPin++, pIrqEntry++)
1096 | {
1097 | pIrqEntry->u8EntryType = 3; /* I/O interrupt entry */
1098 | /*
1099 | * 0 - INT, vectored interrupt,
1100 | * 3 - ExtINT, vectored interrupt provided by PIC
1101 | * As we emulate system with both APIC and PIC, it's needed for their coexistence.
1102 | */
1103 | pIrqEntry->u8Type = (iPin == 0) ? 3 : 0;
1104 | pIrqEntry->u16Flags = 0; /* polarity of APIC I/O input signal = conforms to bus,
1105 | trigger mode = conforms to bus */
1106 | pIrqEntry->u8SrcBusId = iBusIdIsa; /* ISA bus */
1107 | /* IRQ0 mapped to pin 2, other are identity mapped */
1108 | /* If changing, also update PDMIsaSetIrq() and MADT */
1109 | pIrqEntry->u8SrcBusIrq = (iPin == 2) ? 0 : iPin; /* IRQ on the bus */
1110 | pIrqEntry->u8DstIOAPICId = iApicId; /* destination IO-APIC */
1111 | pIrqEntry->u8DstIOAPICInt = iPin; /* pin on destination IO-APIC */
1112 | pCfgTab->u16EntryCount++;
1113 | }
1114 | /* Local delivery */
1115 | pIrqEntry->u8EntryType = 4; /* Local interrupt entry */
1116 | pIrqEntry->u8Type = 3; /* ExtINT */
1117 | pIrqEntry->u16Flags = (1 << 2) | 1; /* active-high, edge-triggered */
1118 | pIrqEntry->u8SrcBusId = iBusIdIsa;
1119 | pIrqEntry->u8SrcBusIrq = 0;
1120 | pIrqEntry->u8DstIOAPICId = 0xff;
1121 | pIrqEntry->u8DstIOAPICInt = 0;
1122 | pIrqEntry++;
1123 | pCfgTab->u16EntryCount++;
1124 | pIrqEntry->u8EntryType = 4; /* Local interrupt entry */
1125 | pIrqEntry->u8Type = 1; /* NMI */
1126 | pIrqEntry->u16Flags = (1 << 2) | 1; /* active-high, edge-triggered */
1127 | pIrqEntry->u8SrcBusId = iBusIdIsa;
1128 | pIrqEntry->u8SrcBusIrq = 0;
1129 | pIrqEntry->u8DstIOAPICId = 0xff;
1130 | pIrqEntry->u8DstIOAPICInt = 1;
1131 | pIrqEntry++;
1132 | pCfgTab->u16EntryCount++;
1133 |
1134 | pCfgTab->u16Length = (uint8_t*)pIrqEntry - pTable;
1135 | pCfgTab->u8Checksum = fwCommonChecksum(pTable, pCfgTab->u16Length);
1136 |
1137 | AssertMsg(pCfgTab->u16Length < cbMax,
1138 | ("VBOX_MPS_TABLE_SIZE=%d, maximum allowed size is %d",
1139 | pCfgTab->u16Length, cbMax));
1140 | }
1141 |
1142 | /**
1143 | * Construct the MPS table pointer at VM construction and reset.
1144 | *
1145 | * Only applicable if IOAPIC is active!
1146 | *
1147 | * @param pDevIns The device instance data.
1148 | */
1149 | void FwCommonPlantMpsFloatPtr(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns)
1150 | {
1151 | MPSFLOATPTR floatPtr;
1152 | floatPtr.au8Signature[0] = '_';
1153 | floatPtr.au8Signature[1] = 'M';
1154 | floatPtr.au8Signature[2] = 'P';
1155 | floatPtr.au8Signature[3] = '_';
1156 | floatPtr.u32MPSAddr = VBOX_MPS_TABLE_BASE;
1157 | floatPtr.u8Length = 1; /* structure size in paragraphs */
1158 | floatPtr.u8SpecRev = 4; /* MPS revision 1.4 */
1159 | floatPtr.u8Checksum = 0;
1160 | floatPtr.au8Feature[0] = 0;
1161 | floatPtr.au8Feature[1] = 0;
1162 | floatPtr.au8Feature[2] = 0;
1163 | floatPtr.au8Feature[3] = 0;
1164 | floatPtr.au8Feature[4] = 0;
1165 | floatPtr.u8Checksum = fwCommonChecksum((uint8_t*)&floatPtr, 16);
1166 | PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(pDevIns, 0x9fff0, &floatPtr, 16);
1167 | }
1168 |