1 | ; $Id: pcibio32.asm 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; BIOS32 service directory and 32-bit PCI BIOS entry point
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | ; available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
11 | ;
12 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | ; License.
16 | ;
17 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | ; General Public License for more details.
21 | ;
22 | ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | ; along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | ;
25 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | ; --------------------------------------------------------------------
27 |
28 |
29 | ; Public symbols for debugging only
30 | public pcibios32_entry
31 | public bios32_service
32 |
33 | ; The BIOS32 service directory header must be located in the E0000h-FFFF0h
34 | ; range on a paragraph boundary. Note that the actual 32-bit code need not
35 | ; be located below 1MB at all.
36 |
37 | _DATA segment public 'DATA'
38 |
39 | align 16
40 | bios32_directory:
41 | db '_32_' ; ASCII signature
42 | dw bios32_service ; Entry point address...
43 | dw 000Fh ; ...hardcoded to F000 segment
44 | db 0 ; Revision
45 | db 1 ; Length in paras - must be 1
46 | db 0 ; Checksum calculated later
47 | db 5 dup(0) ; Unused, must be zero
48 |
49 | _DATA ends
50 |
51 | .386
52 |
53 | extrn _pci32_function:near
54 |
55 | BIOS32 segment public 'CODE' use32
56 |
57 | ;
58 | ; The BIOS32 Service Directory - must be less than 4K in size (easy!).
59 | ;
60 | bios32_service proc far
61 |
62 | pushfd
63 |
64 | cmp bl, 0 ; Only function 0 supported
65 | jnz b32_bad_func
66 |
67 | cmp eax, 'ICP$' ; "$PCI"
68 | mov al, 80h ; Unknown service
69 | jnz b32_done
70 |
71 | mov ebx, 000f0000h ; Base address (linear)
72 | mov ecx, 0f000h ; Length of service
73 | mov edx, pcibios32_entry ; Entry point offset from base
74 | xor al, al ; Indicate success
75 | b32_done:
76 | popfd
77 | retf
78 |
79 | b32_bad_func:
80 | mov al, 81h ; Unsupported function
81 | jmp b32_done
82 |
83 | bios32_service endp
84 |
85 | ;
86 | ; The 32-bit PCI BIOS entry point - simply calls into C code.
87 | ;
88 | pcibios32_entry proc far
89 |
90 | pushfd ; Preserve flags
91 | cld ; Just in case...
92 |
93 | push es ; Call into C implementation
94 | pushad
95 | call _pci32_function
96 | popad
97 | pop es
98 |
99 | popfd ; Restore flags and return
100 | retf
101 |
102 | pcibios32_entry endp
103 |
104 |
105 | BIOS32 ends
106 |
107 | end
108 |