1 | ; $Id: orgs.asm 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; ???
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | ; available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
11 | ;
12 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | ; License.
16 | ;
17 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | ; General Public License for more details.
21 | ;
22 | ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | ; along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | ;
25 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | ; --------------------------------------------------------------------
27 | ;
28 | ; This code is based on:
29 | ;
30 | ; ROM BIOS for use with Bochs/Plex86/QEMU emulation environment
31 | ;
32 | ; Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A.
33 | ;
34 | ; MandrakeSoft S.A.
35 | ; 43, rue d'Aboukir
36 | ; 75002 Paris - France
37 | ; http://www.linux-mandrake.com/
38 | ; http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
39 | ;
40 | ; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
41 | ; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
42 | ; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
43 | ; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
44 | ;
45 | ; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
46 | ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
48 | ; Lesser General Public License for more details.
49 | ;
50 | ; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
51 | ; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
52 | ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
53 | ;
54 |
55 | ; Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice
56 | ; other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only
57 | ; the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where
58 | ; a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating
59 | ; that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version
60 | ; of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified.
61 |
62 |
63 | include commondefs.inc
64 |
65 | EBDA_SIZE equ 1 ; 1K minimum -- other modules may add to it
66 |
67 | CMOS_ADDR equ 070h
68 | CMOS_DATA equ 071h
69 |
70 |
71 | PIC_CMD_EOI equ 020h
72 | PIC_MASTER equ 020h
73 | PIC_SLAVE equ 0A0h
74 |
75 | BIOS_FIX_BASE equ 0E000h
76 |
77 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80286
78 | SYS_MODEL_ID equ 0FCh ; PC/AT
79 | SYS_SUBMODEL_ID equ 1
80 | else
81 | SYS_MODEL_ID equ 0FBh ; PC/XT
82 | SYS_SUBMODEL_ID equ 0
83 | endif
84 | BIOS_REVISION equ 1
85 |
86 | BIOS_BUILD_DATE equ '06/23/99'
87 | BIOS_COPYRIGHT equ 'Oracle VirtualBox BIOS'
88 |
89 | BX_ROMBIOS32 equ 0
90 | BX_CALL_INT15_4F equ 1
91 |
92 | ;; Set a fixed BIOS location, with a marker for verification
93 | BIOSORG macro addr, addr_minus_two
94 | .errnz (addr - 2 - addr_minus_two) ;; Couldn't convince wasm to accept $ here. Would've save us a lot of bother and ugly SED.
95 | BIOSORG_CHECK_BEFORE addr_minus_two
96 | org addr - BIOS_FIX_BASE - 2
97 | db 'XM'
99 | endm
100 |
101 | ;; Set an interrupt vector (not very efficient if multiple vectors are
102 | ;; programmed in one go)
103 | SET_INT_VECTOR macro vec, segm, offs
104 | mov ax, offs
105 | mov ds:[vec*4], ax
106 | mov ax, segm
107 | mov ds:[vec*4+2], ax
108 | endm
109 |
110 | ; Set up an environment C code expects. DS must point to the BIOS segment
111 | ; and the direction flag must be cleared(!)
112 | C_SETUP macro
113 | push cs
114 | pop ds
115 | cld
116 | endm
117 |
118 |
119 | ;; External function in separate modules
120 | extrn _dummy_isr_function:near
121 | extrn _log_bios_start:near
122 | extrn _nmi_handler_msg:near
123 | extrn _int18_panic_msg:near
124 | extrn _int09_function:near
125 | extrn _int13_diskette_function:near
126 | extrn _int13_eltorito:near
127 | extrn _int13_cdemu:near
128 | extrn _int13_cdrom:near
129 | extrn _cdemu_isactive:near
130 | extrn _cdemu_emulated_drive:near
131 | extrn _int13_harddisk:near
132 | extrn _int13_harddisk_ext:near
133 | extrn _int14_function:near
134 | extrn _int15_function:near
135 | extrn _int15_function_mouse:near
136 | extrn _int16_function:near
137 | extrn _int17_function:near
138 | extrn _int19_function:near
139 | extrn _int1a_function:near
140 | extrn _int70_function:near
141 | extrn _int74_function:near
142 | extrn _apm_function:near
143 | extrn _ata_init:near
144 | ifdef VBOX_WITH_SCSI
145 | extrn _scsi_init:near
146 | endif
147 | extrn _ata_detect:near
148 | extrn _cdemu_init:near
149 | extrn _keyboard_init:near
150 | extrn _print_bios_banner:near
151 | extrn rom_scan_:near
152 | ifdef VBOX_WITH_AHCI
153 | extrn _ahci_init:near
154 | endif
155 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80286
156 | extrn _int15_blkmove:near
157 | extrn _inv_op_handler:near
158 | endif
159 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
160 | extrn _int15_function32:near
161 | extrn _apic_setup:near
162 | extrn _pci16_function:near
163 | endif
164 |
165 |
166 | ;; Symbols referenced from C code
167 | public _diskette_param_table
168 | public _pmode_IDT
169 | public _rmode_IDT
170 | public post
171 | public eoi_both_pics
172 | public rtc_post
173 |
174 | ;; Additional publics for easier disassembly and debugging
175 | ifndef DEBUG
176 | DEBUG equ 1
177 | endif
178 | ifdef DEBUG
179 |
180 | public int08_handler
181 | public int0e_handler
182 | public int11_handler
183 | public int12_handler
184 | public int13_handler
185 | public int13_relocated
186 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU eq 8086
187 | public jmp_call_ret_int13_out
188 | endif
189 | public int15_handler
190 | public int17_handler
191 | public int19_handler
192 | public int19_relocated
193 | public dummy_iret
194 | public nmi
195 | public rom_fdpt
196 | public cpu_reset
197 | public normal_post
198 | public eoi_jmp_post
199 | public no_eoi_jmp_post
200 | public eoi_master_pic
201 | public ebda_post
202 | public seg_40_value
203 | public hard_drive_post
204 | public int13_legacy
205 | public int70_handler
206 | public int75_handler
207 | public int15_handler32
208 | public int15_handler_mouse
209 | public iret_modify_cf
210 | public init_pic
211 | public floppy_post
212 | public int13_out
213 | public int13_disk
214 | public int13_notfloppy
215 | public int13_legacy
216 | public int13_noeltorito
217 | public int1c_handler
218 | public int10_handler
219 | public int74_handler
220 | public int76_handler
221 | public detect_parport
222 | public detect_serial
223 | public font8x8
224 |
225 | endif
226 |
227 | ;; Keyboard related constants
230 | KBC_CMD EQU 64h
231 | KBC_DATA EQU 60h
232 |
233 |
234 | ;; NOTE: The last 8K of the ROM BIOS are peppered with fixed locations which
235 | ;; must be retained for compatibility. As a consequence, some of the space is
236 | ;; going to be wasted, but the gaps should be filled with miscellaneous code
237 | ;; and data when possible.
238 |
240 |
241 | BIOSSEG segment 'CODE'
242 | assume cs:BIOSSEG
243 |
244 | ;;
245 | ;; Start of fixed code - eoi_jmp_post is kept near here to allow short jumps.
246 | ;;
247 | BIOSORG 0E030h, 0E02Eh
248 | eoi_both_pics:
249 | mov al, PIC_CMD_EOI
250 | out PIC_SLAVE, al
251 | eoi_master_pic:
252 | mov al, PIC_CMD_EOI
253 | out PIC_MASTER, al
254 | ret
255 |
256 | ;; routine to write the pointer in DX:AX to memory starting
257 | ;; at DS:BX (repeat CX times)
258 | ;; - modifies BX, CX
259 | set_int_vects proc near
260 |
261 | mov [bx], ax
262 | mov [bx+2], dx
263 | add bx, 4
264 | loop set_int_vects
265 | ret
266 |
267 | set_int_vects endp
268 |
269 | eoi_jmp_post:
270 | ;; Calling eoi_both_pics can't be done because it writes to stack, potentially
271 | ;; corrupting memory. AT BIOS also only clears the master PIC, not both.
272 | ;; clear keyboard buffer (and possible interrupt)
273 | in al, KBC_DATA
274 | mov al, PIC_CMD_EOI
275 | out PIC_MASTER, al
276 |
277 | no_eoi_jmp_post:
278 | mov ax, 40h
279 | mov ds, ax
280 | jmp dword ptr ds:[67h]
281 |
282 | seg_40_value: dw 40h ;; Replaces a push 40; pop ds.
283 |
284 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
285 | ;; POST entry point
286 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
287 | BIOSORG 0E05Bh, 0E059h
288 | post:
289 | cli
290 |
291 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80286
292 | ;; Check if in protected (V86) mode. If so, the CPU needs
293 | ;; to be reset.
294 | .286p
295 | smsw ax
296 | test ax, 1
297 | jz in_real_mode
299 | else
300 | jmp in_real_mode
301 | endif
302 |
303 | ;; Reset processor to get out of protected mode. Use system
304 | ;; port instead of KBC.
305 | reset_sys:
306 | mov al, 1
307 | out 92h, al
308 | jmp $ ; not strictly necessary in a VM
309 |
310 |
311 | in_real_mode:
312 | ;; read the CMOS shutdown status
313 | mov al, 0Fh
314 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
315 | in al, CMOS_DATA
316 |
317 | ;; save status
318 | xchg ah, al
319 |
320 | ;; Check KBC self-test/shutdown flag. If it is set, we need
321 | ;; to check for a reboot attempt.
322 | in al, 64h
323 | test al, 4 ; clear flag indicates cold boot
324 | jz cont_post
325 |
326 | ;; Warm boot, check the shutdown byte.
327 | mov al, ah
328 | or al, al
329 | jnz cont_post
330 |
331 | ;; Warm boot but shutdown byte is zero. This is either a warm
332 | ;; boot request or an attempt to reset the system via triple
333 | ;; faulting the CPU or similar. Check reboot flag.
334 | ;; NB: At this point, registers need not be preserved.
335 | mov ds, cs:[seg_40_value]
336 | cmp word ptr ds:[72h], 1234h
337 | jnz reset_sys ; trigger system reset
338 |
339 | cont_post:
340 | ;; reset the shutdown status in CMOS
341 | mov al, 0Fh
342 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
343 | mov al, 0
344 | out CMOS_DATA, al
345 |
346 | ;; pre-check the shutdown status - shutdown codes 9/A leave
347 | ;; the hardware alone
348 | mov al, ah
349 | cmp al, 09h
350 | jz check_shutdown
351 | cmp al, 0Ah
352 | jz check_shutdown
353 |
354 | xor al, al
355 |
356 | ;; reset the DMA controllers
357 | out 00Dh, al
358 | out 0DAh, al
359 |
360 | ;; then initialize the DMA controllers
361 | mov al, 0C0h
362 | out 0D6h, al ; enable channel 4 cascade
363 | mov al, 0
364 | out 0D4h, al ; unmask channel 4
365 |
366 | check_shutdown:
367 | ;; examine the shutdown status code
368 | mov al, ah
369 | cmp al, 0
370 | jz normal_post
371 |
372 | cmp al, 0Dh
373 | jae normal_post
374 | cmp al, 9
375 | jne check_next_std
376 | jmp return_blkmove
377 | check_next_std:
378 |
379 | mov sp, 400h
380 | ;; 05h = EOI + jump through 40:67
381 | cmp al, 5
382 | je eoi_jmp_post
383 | ;; 0ah = jump through 40:67 (no EOI) ;ba x 1 %fe05b ; ba x 1 %18b81
384 | cmp al, 0ah
385 | je no_eoi_jmp_post
386 |
387 | ;; any other shutdown status values are ignored
388 | ;; OpenSolaris sets the status to 0Ah in some cases?
389 | jmp normal_post
390 |
391 | normal_post:
392 | ;; shutdown code 0: normal startup
393 |
394 | ;; Set up the stack top at 0:7800h. The stack should not be
395 | ;; located above 0:7C00h; that conflicts with PXE, which
396 | ;; considers anything above that address to be fair game.
397 | ;; The traditional locations are 30:100 (PC) or 0:400 (PC/AT).
398 | mov ax, 7800h
399 | mov sp, ax
400 | xor ax, ax
401 | mov ds, ax
402 | mov ss, ax
403 |
404 | ;; clear the bottom of memory except for the word at 40:72
405 | ;; TODO: Why not clear all of it? What's the point?
406 | mov es, ax
407 | xor di, di
408 | cld
409 | mov cx, 0472h / 2
410 | rep stosw
411 | inc di
412 | inc di
413 | mov cx, (1000h - 0472h - 2) / 2
414 | rep stosw
415 |
416 | ;; clear the remaining base memory except for the top
417 | ;; of the EBDA (the MP table is planted there)
418 | xor bx, bx
419 | memory_zero_loop:
420 | add bx, 1000h
421 | cmp bx, 9000h
422 | jae memory_cleared
423 | mov es, bx
424 | xor di, di
425 | mov cx, 8000h ; 32K words
426 | rep stosw
427 | jmp memory_zero_loop
428 | memory_cleared:
429 | mov es, bx
430 | xor di, di
431 | mov cx, 7FF8h ; all but the last 16 bytes
432 | rep stosw
433 | xor bx, bx
434 |
435 |
436 | C_SETUP
437 | call _log_bios_start
438 |
439 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
440 | call pmode_setup
441 | endif
442 |
443 | ;; set all interrupts in 00h-5Fh range to default handler
444 | xor bx, bx
445 | mov ds, bx
446 | mov cx, 60h ; leave the rest as zeros
447 | mov ax, dummy_iret
448 | mov dx, BIOSSEG
449 | call set_int_vects
450 |
451 | ;; also set 68h-77h to default handler; note that the
452 | ;; 60h-67h range must contain zeros for certain programs
453 | ;; to function correctly
454 | mov bx, 68h * 4
455 | mov cx, 10h
456 | call set_int_vects
457 |
458 | ;; base memory in K to 40:13
459 | mov al, 16h
460 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
461 | in al, CMOS_DATA
462 | mov ah, al
463 | mov al, 15h
464 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
465 | in al, CMOS_DATA
466 | sub ax, EBDA_SIZE
467 | mov ds:[413h], ax
468 |
469 | ;; manufacturing test at 40:12
470 | ;; zeroed out above
471 |
472 | ;; set up various service vectors
473 | ;; TODO: This should use the table at FEF3h instead
474 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80286
475 | SET_INT_VECTOR 06h, BIOSSEG, int06_handler
476 | endif
477 | SET_INT_VECTOR 11h, BIOSSEG, int11_handler
478 | SET_INT_VECTOR 12h, BIOSSEG, int12_handler
479 | SET_INT_VECTOR 15h, BIOSSEG, int15_handler
480 | SET_INT_VECTOR 17h, BIOSSEG, int17_handler
481 | SET_INT_VECTOR 18h, BIOSSEG, int18_handler
482 | SET_INT_VECTOR 19h, BIOSSEG, int19_handler
483 | SET_INT_VECTOR 1Ch, BIOSSEG, int1c_handler
484 |
485 | call ebda_post
486 |
487 | ;; Initialize PCI devices. This can and should be done early.
488 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386 ; (Impossible to do on 16-bit CPUs.)
489 | call pcibios_init_iomem_bases
490 | call pcibios_init_irqs
491 | endif
492 | SET_INT_VECTOR 1Ah, BIOSSEG, int1a_handler
493 |
494 | ;; PIT setup
495 | SET_INT_VECTOR 08h, BIOSSEG, int08_handler
496 | mov al, 34h ; timer 0, binary, 16-bit, mode 2
497 | out 43h, al
498 | mov al, 0 ; max count -> ~18.2 Hz
499 | out 40h, al
500 | out 40h, al
501 |
502 | ;; video setup - must be done before POSTing VGA ROM
503 | SET_INT_VECTOR 10h, BIOSSEG, int10_handler
504 |
505 | ;; keyboard setup
506 | SET_INT_VECTOR 09h, BIOSSEG, int09_handler
507 | SET_INT_VECTOR 16h, BIOSSEG, int16_handler
508 |
509 | xor ax, ax
510 | mov ds, ax
511 | mov al, 10h
512 | mov ds:[496h], al ; keyboard status flags 3
513 |
514 | mov bx, 1Eh
515 | mov ds:[41Ah], bx ; keyboard buffer head
516 | mov ds:[41Ch], bx ; keyboard buffer tail
517 | mov ds:[480h], bx ; keyboard buffer start
518 | mov bx, 3Eh
519 | mov ds:[482h], bx ; keyboard buffer end
520 |
521 | ;; store CMOS equipment byte in BDA
522 | mov al, 14h
523 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
524 | in al, CMOS_DATA
525 | mov ds:[410h], al
526 |
527 | push ds
528 | C_SETUP
529 |
530 | ;; Scan for video ROMs in the C000-C800 range. This is done
531 | ;; early so that errors are displayed on the screen.
532 | mov ax, 0C000h
533 | mov dx, 0C800h
534 | call rom_scan_
535 |
536 | ;; Initialize the keyboard
537 | call _keyboard_init
538 | pop ds
539 |
540 | ;; parallel setup
541 | SET_INT_VECTOR 0Fh, BIOSSEG, dummy_iret
542 | xor ax, ax
543 | mov ds, ax
544 | xor bx, bx
545 | mov cl, 14h ; timeout value
546 | mov dx, 378h ; parallel port 1
547 | call detect_parport
548 | mov dx, 278h ; parallel port 2
549 | call detect_parport
550 | DO_shl bx, 0Eh
551 | mov ax, ds:[410h] ; equipment word
552 | and ax, 3FFFh
553 | or ax, bx ; set number of parallel ports
554 | mov ds:[410h], ax ; store in BDA
555 |
556 | ;; Serial setup
557 | SET_INT_VECTOR 0Bh, BIOSSEG, dummy_isr ; IRQ 3
558 | SET_INT_VECTOR 0Ch, BIOSSEG, dummy_isr ; IRQ 4
559 | SET_INT_VECTOR 14h, BIOSSEG, int14_handler
560 | xor bx, bx
561 | mov cl, 0Ah ; timeout value
562 | mov dx, 3F8h ; first serial address
563 | call detect_serial
564 | mov dx, 2F8h ; second serial address
565 | call detect_serial
566 | mov dx, 3E8h ; third serial address
567 | call detect_serial
568 | mov dx, 2E8h ; fourth serial address
569 | call detect_serial
570 | DO_shl bx, 9
571 | mov ax, ds:[410h] ; equipment word
572 | and ax, 0F1FFh ; bits 9-11 determine serial ports
573 | or ax, bx
574 | mov ds:[410h], ax
575 |
576 | ;; CMOS RTC
577 | SET_INT_VECTOR 4Ah, BIOSSEG, dummy_iret ; TODO: redundant?
578 | SET_INT_VECTOR 70h, BIOSSEG, int70_handler
579 | ;; BIOS DATA AREA 4CEh ???
580 | call rtc_post
581 |
582 | jmp norm_post_cont
583 |
584 |
585 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
586 | ;; NMI handler
587 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
588 | BIOSORG 0E2C3h, 0E2C1h
589 | nmi:
590 | C_SETUP
591 | call _nmi_handler_msg
592 | iret
593 |
594 | int75_handler:
595 | out 0F0h, al ; clear IRQ13
596 | call eoi_both_pics
597 | int 2 ; emulate legacy NMI
598 | iret
599 |
600 |
601 | hard_drive_post proc near
602 |
603 | xor ax, ax
604 | mov ds, ax
605 | ;; TODO: Didn't we just clear the entire EBDA?
606 | mov ds:[474h], al ; last HD operation status
607 | mov ds:[477h], al ; HD port offset (XT only???)
608 | mov ds:[48Ch], al ; HD status register
609 | mov ds:[48Dh], al ; HD error register
610 | mov ds:[48Eh], al ; HD task complete flag
611 | mov al, 0C0h
612 | mov ds:[476h], al ; HD control byte
613 | ;; set up hard disk interrupt vectors
614 | SET_INT_VECTOR 13h, BIOSSEG, int13_handler
615 | SET_INT_VECTOR 76h, BIOSSEG, int76_handler
616 | ;; The ATA init code sets up INT 41h/46h FDPT pointers
617 | ret
618 |
619 | hard_drive_post endp
620 |
621 |
622 | norm_post_cont:
623 | ;; PS/2 mouse setup
624 | SET_INT_VECTOR 74h, BIOSSEG, int74_handler
625 |
626 | ;; IRQ 13h (FPU exception) setup
627 | SET_INT_VECTOR 75h, BIOSSEG, int75_handler
628 |
629 | call init_pic
630 |
631 | C_SETUP
632 |
633 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
634 | ;; Set up local APIC
635 | .386
636 | pushad
637 | call _apic_setup
638 | popad
640 | endif
641 |
642 | ;; ATA/ATAPI driver setup
643 | call _ata_init
644 | call _ata_detect
645 |
646 | ifdef VBOX_WITH_AHCI
647 | ; AHCI driver setup
648 | ;; TODO: AHCI initialization needs timer, but enabling
649 | ;; interrupts elsewhere may be risky. Just do it around
650 | ;; the AHCI init.
651 | sti
652 | call _ahci_init
653 | cli
654 | endif
655 |
656 | ifdef VBOX_WITH_SCSI
657 | ; SCSI driver setup
658 | call _scsi_init
659 | endif
660 |
661 | ;; floppy setup
662 | call floppy_post
663 |
664 | ;; hard drive setup
665 | call hard_drive_post
666 |
667 | C_SETUP ; in case assembly code changed things
668 | ;; Scan for additional ROMs in the C800-EFFF range
669 | mov ax, 0C800h
670 | mov dx, 0F000h
671 | call rom_scan_
672 |
673 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
674 | ;; The POST code does not bother preserving high bits of the
675 | ;; 32-bit registers. Now is a good time to clear them so that
676 | ;; there's no garbage left in high bits.
677 | .386
678 | xor eax, eax
679 | xor ebx, ebx
680 | xor ecx, ecx
681 | xor edx, edx
682 | .286
683 | endif
684 |
685 | call _print_bios_banner
686 |
687 | ;; El Torito floppy/hard disk emulation
688 | call _cdemu_init
689 |
690 | ; TODO: what's the point of enabling interrupts here??
691 | sti ; enable interrupts
692 | int 19h
693 | ;; does not return here
694 | sti
695 | wait_forever:
696 | hlt
697 | jmp wait_forever
698 | cli
699 | hlt
700 |
701 |
702 | ;;
703 | ;; Return from block move (shutdown code 09h). Care must be taken to disturb
704 | ;; register and memory state as little as possible.
705 | ;;
706 | return_blkmove:
707 | .286p
708 | mov ax, 40h
709 | mov ds, ax
710 | ;; restore user stack
711 | mov ss, ds:[69h]
712 | mov sp, ds:[67h]
713 | ;; reset A20 gate
714 | in al, 92h
715 | and al, 0FDh
716 | out 92h, al
717 | ;; ensure proper real mode IDT
718 | lidt fword ptr cs:_rmode_IDT
719 | ;; restore user segments
720 | pop ds
721 | pop es
722 | ;; set up BP
723 | mov bp, sp
724 | ;; restore status code
725 | in al, 80h
726 | mov [bp+15], al
727 | ;; set ZF/CF
728 | cmp ah,al ; AH is zero here!
729 | ;; restore registers and return
730 | popa
731 | sti
732 | retf 2
734 |
735 |
736 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
737 | ;; INT 13h handler - Disk services
738 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
739 | BIOSORG 0E3FEh, 0E3FCh
740 |
741 | int13_handler:
742 | jmp int13_relocated
743 |
744 |
745 | ;; Fixed disk table entry
746 | fd_entry struc
747 | cyls dw ? ; Cylinders
748 | heads db ? ; Heads
749 | res_1 dw ?
750 | wpcomp dw ? ; Write pre-compensation start cylinder
751 | res_2 db ?
752 | ctrl db ? ; Control byte
753 | res_3 db ?
754 | res_4 db ?
755 | res_5 db ?
756 | lzone dw ? ; Landing zone cylinder
757 | spt db ? ; Sectors per track
758 | res_6 db ?
759 | fd_entry ends
760 |
761 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
762 | ;; Fixed Disk Parameter Table
763 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
764 | BIOSORG_CHECK 0E401h ; fixed wrt preceding
765 |
766 | rom_fdpt:
767 | fd_entry < 306, 4, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 305, 17, 0> ; Type 1, 10 MB
768 | fd_entry < 615, 4, 0, 300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 615, 17, 0> ; Type 2, 20 MB
769 | fd_entry < 615, 6, 0, 300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 615, 17, 0> ; Type 3, 30 MB
770 | fd_entry < 940, 8, 0, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 940, 17, 0> ; Type 4, 62 MB
771 | fd_entry < 940, 6, 0, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 940, 17, 0> ; Type 5, 46 MB
772 | fd_entry < 615, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 615, 17, 0> ; Type 6, 20 MB
773 | fd_entry < 462, 8, 0, 256, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 511, 17, 0> ; Type 7, 31 MB
774 | fd_entry < 733, 5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 733, 17, 0> ; Type 8, 30 MB
775 | fd_entry < 900, 15, 0, -1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 901, 17, 0> ; Type 9, 112 MB
776 | fd_entry < 820, 3, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 820, 17, 0> ; Type 10, 20 MB
777 |
778 | fd_entry < 855, 5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 855, 17, 0> ; Type 11, 35 MB
779 | fd_entry < 855, 7, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 855, 17, 0> ; Type 12, 49 MB
780 | fd_entry < 306, 8, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 319, 17, 0> ; Type 13, 20 MB
781 | fd_entry < 733, 7, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 733, 17, 0> ; Type 14, 42 MB
782 | fd_entry < 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0> ; Reserved
783 | fd_entry < 612, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 633, 17, 0> ; Type 16, 20 MB
784 | fd_entry < 977, 5, 0, 300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 977, 17, 0> ; Type 17, 40 MB
785 | fd_entry < 977, 7, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 977, 17, 0> ; Type 18, 56 MB
786 | fd_entry <1024, 7, 0, 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,1023, 17, 0> ; Type 19, 59 MB
787 | fd_entry < 733, 5, 0, 300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 732, 17, 0> ; Type 20, 30 MB
788 |
789 | fd_entry < 733, 7, 0, 300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 732, 17, 0> ; Type 21, 42 MB
790 | fd_entry < 733, 5, 0, 300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 733, 17, 0> ; Type 22, 30 MB
791 | fd_entry < 306, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 336, 17, 0> ; Type 23, 10 MB
792 |
793 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
794 | ;; INT 19h handler - Boot load service
795 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
796 | BIOSORG 0E6F2h, 0E6F0h
797 |
798 | int19_handler:
799 | jmp int19_relocated
800 |
801 |
802 |
803 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
804 | ;; System BIOS Configuration Table
805 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
806 | BIOSORG_CHECK 0E6F5h ; fixed wrt preceding
807 | ; must match BIOS_CONFIG_TABLE
808 | bios_cfg_table:
809 | dw 9 ; table size in bytes
810 | db SYS_MODEL_ID
813 | ; Feature byte 1
814 | ; b7: 1=DMA channel 3 used by hard disk
815 | ; b6: 1=2 interrupt controllers present
816 | ; b5: 1=RTC present
817 | ; b4: 1=BIOS calls int 15h/4Fh for every key
818 | ; b3: 1=wait for extern event supported (Int 15h/41h)
819 | ; b2: 1=extended BIOS data area used
820 | ; b1: 0=AT or ESDI bus, 1=MicroChannel
821 | ; b0: 1=Dual bus (MicroChannel + ISA)
822 | ifdef BX_CALL_INT15_4F
823 | db 74h; or USE_EBDA
824 | else
825 | db 64h; or USE_EBDA
826 | endif
827 | ; Feature byte 2
828 | ; b7: 1=32-bit DMA supported
829 | ; b6: 1=int16h, function 9 supported
830 | ; b5: 1=int15h/C6h (get POS data) supported
831 | ; b4: 1=int15h/C7h (get mem map info) supported
832 | ; b3: 1=int15h/C8h (en/dis CPU) supported
833 | ; b2: 1=non-8042 kb controller
834 | ; b1: 1=data streaming supported
835 | ; b0: reserved
836 | db 40h
837 | ; Feature byte 3
838 | ; b7: not used
839 | ; b6: reserved
840 | ; b5: reserved
841 | ; b4: POST supports ROM-to-RAM enable/disable
842 | ; b3: SCSI on system board
843 | ; b2: info panel installed
844 | ; b1: Initial Machine Load (IML) system - BIOS on disk
845 | ; b0: SCSI supported in IML
846 | db 0
847 | ; Feature byte 4
848 | ; b7: IBM private
849 | ; b6: EEPROM present
850 | ; b5-3: ABIOS presence (011 = not supported)
851 | ; b2: private
852 | ; b1: memory split above 16Mb supported
853 | ; b0: POSTEXT directly supported by POST
854 | db 0
855 | ; Feature byte 5 (IBM)
856 | ; b1: enhanced mouse
857 | ; b0: flash EPROM
858 | db 0
859 |
860 |
861 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
862 | ;; Baud Rate Generator Table
863 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
864 | BIOSORG 0E729h, 0E727h
865 |
866 |
867 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
868 | ;; INT 14h handler - Serial Communication Service
869 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
870 | BIOSORG 0E739h, 0E737h
871 | int14_handler:
872 | push ds
873 | push es
874 | DO_pusha
875 | C_SETUP
876 | call _int14_function
877 | DO_popa
878 | pop es
879 | pop ds
880 | iret
881 |
882 |
883 |
884 | ;;
885 | ;; Handler for unexpected hardware interrupts
886 | ;;
887 | dummy_isr:
888 | push ds
889 | push es
890 | DO_pusha
891 | C_SETUP
892 | call _dummy_isr_function
893 | DO_popa
894 | pop es
895 | pop ds
896 | iret
897 |
898 |
899 | init_pic proc near
900 |
901 | mov al, 11h ; send init commands
902 | out PIC_MASTER, al
903 | out PIC_SLAVE, al
904 | mov al, 08h ; base 08h
905 | out PIC_MASTER+1, al
906 | mov al, 70h ; base 70h
907 | out PIC_SLAVE+1, al
908 | mov al, 04h ; master PIC
909 | out PIC_MASTER+1, al
910 | mov al, 02h ; slave PIC
911 | out PIC_SLAVE+1, al
912 | mov al, 01h
913 | out PIC_MASTER+1, al
914 | out PIC_SLAVE+1, al
915 | mov al, 0B8h ; unmask IRQs 0/1/2/6
916 | out PIC_MASTER+1, al
917 | mov al, 08Fh
918 | out PIC_SLAVE+1, al ; unmask IRQs 12/13/14
919 | ret
920 |
921 | init_pic endp
922 |
923 | ebda_post proc near
924 |
925 | SET_INT_VECTOR 0Dh, BIOSSEG, dummy_isr ; IRQ 5
926 | SET_INT_VECTOR 0Fh, BIOSSEG, dummy_isr ; IRQ 7
927 | SET_INT_VECTOR 72h, BIOSSEG, dummy_isr ; IRQ 10
928 | SET_INT_VECTOR 73h, BIOSSEG, dummy_isr ; IRQ 11
929 | SET_INT_VECTOR 77h, BIOSSEG, dummy_isr ; IRQ 15
930 |
931 | ;; calculate EBDA segment
932 | xor ax, ax
933 | mov ds, ax
934 | mov ax, ds:[413h] ; conventional memory size minus EBDA size
935 | mov cx, 64 ; 64 paras per KB
936 | mul cx
937 | ;; store EBDA seg in 40:0E
938 | mov word ptr ds:[40Eh], ax
939 | ;; store EBDA size in the first word of EBDA
940 | mov ds, ax
941 | mov byte ptr ds:[0], EBDA_SIZE
942 | ;; must reset DS to zero again
943 | xor ax, ax
944 | mov ds, ax
945 | ret
946 |
947 | ebda_post endp
948 |
949 |
950 |
951 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
952 | ;; INT 16h handler - Keyboard service
953 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
954 | BIOSORG 0E82Eh, 0E82Ch
955 | int16_handler:
956 | sti
957 | ;; Flags are saved *after* enabling interrupts, and with
958 | ;; implicitly cleared TF. Software may depend on that.
959 | pushf
960 | push es
961 | push ds
962 | DO_pusha
963 |
964 | cmp ah, 0
965 | je int16_F00
966 |
967 | cmp ah, 10h
968 | je int16_F00
969 |
970 | C_SETUP
971 | call _int16_function
972 | DO_popa
973 | pop ds
974 | pop es
975 | add sp, 2 ; Skip saved flags
976 | iret
977 |
978 | int16_F00:
979 | mov bx, 40h ; TODO: why 40h here and 0 elsewhere?
980 | mov ds, bx
981 | int16_wait_for_key:
982 | cli
983 | mov bx, ds:[1Ah]
984 | cmp bx, ds:[1Ch]
985 | jne int16_key_found
986 | sti
987 | nop
988 | ; TODO: review/enable?
989 | if 0
990 | push ax
991 | mov ax, 9002h
992 | int 15h
993 | pop ax
994 | endif
995 | jmp int16_wait_for_key
996 |
997 | int16_key_found:
998 | C_SETUP
999 | call _int16_function
1000 | DO_popa
1001 | pop ds
1002 | pop es
1003 | add sp, 2 ; Skip saved flags
1004 | ; TODO: review/enable? If so, flags should be restored here?
1005 | if 0
1006 | push ax
1007 | mov ax, 9202h
1008 | int 15h
1009 | pop ax
1010 | endif
1011 | iret
1012 |
1013 |
1014 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
1015 | ;; Quick and dirty protected mode entry/exit routines
1016 | include pmode.inc
1017 |
1018 | ;; Initialization code which needs to run in protected mode (LAPIC etc.)
1019 | include pmsetup.inc
1020 | endif
1021 |
1022 |
1023 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1024 | ;; INT 09h handler - Keyboard ISR (IRQ 1)
1025 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1026 | BIOSORG 0E987h, 0E985h
1027 | int09_handler:
1028 | cli ; TODO: why? they're off already!
1029 | push ax
1030 | mov al, KBDC_DISABLE
1031 | out KBC_CMD, al
1032 |
1033 | in al, KBC_DATA
1034 | push ds
1035 | DO_pusha
1036 | cld ; Before INT 15h (and any C code)
1037 | ifdef BX_CALL_INT15_4F
1038 | mov ah, 4Fh
1039 | stc
1040 | int 15h ; keyboard intercept
1041 | jnc int09_done
1042 | endif
1043 | sti ; Only after calling INT 15h
1044 |
1045 | ;; check for extended key
1046 | cmp al, 0E0h
1047 | jne int09_check_pause
1048 | xor ax, ax
1049 | mov ds, ax
1050 | or byte ptr ds:[496h], 2 ; mf2_state |= 0x02
1051 | jmp int09_done
1052 |
1053 | int09_check_pause:
1054 | cmp al, 0E1h ; pause key?
1055 | jne int09_process_key
1056 | xor ax, ax
1057 | mov ds, ax
1058 | or byte ptr ds:[496h], 1 ; mf2_state | 0x01
1059 | jmp int09_done
1060 |
1061 | int09_process_key:
1062 | push es
1063 | C_SETUP
1064 | call _int09_function
1065 | pop es
1066 |
1067 | int09_done:
1068 | DO_popa
1069 | pop ds
1070 | cli
1071 | call eoi_master_pic
1072 |
1073 | mov al, KBDC_ENABLE
1074 | out KBC_CMD, al
1075 | pop ax
1076 | iret
1077 |
1078 |
1079 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80286
1080 |
1081 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1082 | ;; INT 06h handler - Invalid Opcode Exception
1083 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1084 |
1085 | int06_handler:
1086 | DO_pusha
1087 | push es
1088 | push ds
1089 | C_SETUP
1090 | call _inv_op_handler
1091 | pop ds
1092 | pop es
1093 | DO_popa
1094 | iret
1095 |
1096 | endif
1097 |
1098 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1099 | ;; INT 13h handler - Diskette service
1100 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1101 | BIOSORG 0EC59h, 0EC57h
1102 | int13_diskette:
1103 | jmp int13_noeltorito
1104 |
1105 |
1106 |
1107 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1108 | ;; INT 13h handler - Disk service
1109 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1110 | int13_relocated:
1111 | ;; check for an El-Torito function
1112 | cmp ah, 4Ah
1113 | jb int13_not_eltorito
1114 |
1115 | cmp ah, 4Dh
1116 | ja int13_not_eltorito
1117 |
1118 | DO_pusha
1119 | push es
1120 | push ds
1121 | C_SETUP ; TODO: setup C envrionment only once?
1122 | DO_JMP_CALL_EX _int13_eltorito, int13_out, jmp_call_ret_int13_out ; ELDX not used
1123 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU eq 8086
1124 | jmp_call_ret_int13_out: dw offset int13_out
1125 | endif
1126 |
1127 | int13_not_eltorito:
1128 | push es
1129 | push ax ; TODO: better register save/restore
1130 | push bx
1131 | push cx
1132 | push dx
1133 |
1134 | ;; check if emulation is active
1135 | call _cdemu_isactive
1136 | cmp al, 0
1137 | je int13_cdemu_inactive
1138 |
1139 | ;; check if access to the emulated drive
1140 | call _cdemu_emulated_drive
1141 | pop dx ; recover dx (destroyed by C code)
1142 | push dx
1143 | cmp al, dl ; INT 13h on emulated drive
1144 | jne int13_nocdemu
1145 |
1146 | pop dx
1147 | pop cx
1148 | pop bx
1149 | pop ax
1150 | pop es
1151 |
1152 | DO_pusha
1153 | push es
1154 | push ds
1155 | C_SETUP ; TODO: setup environment only once?
1156 |
1157 | DO_JMP_CALL_EX _int13_cdemu, int13_out, jmp_call_ret_int13_out ; ELDX not used
1158 |
1159 | int13_nocdemu:
1160 | and dl, 0E0h ; mask to get device class
1161 | cmp al, dl
1162 | jne int13_cdemu_inactive
1163 |
1164 | pop dx
1165 | pop cx
1166 | pop bx
1167 | pop ax
1168 | pop es
1169 |
1170 | push ax
1171 | push cx
1172 | push dx
1173 | push bx
1174 |
1175 | dec dl ; real drive is dl - 1
1176 | jmp int13_legacy
1177 |
1178 | int13_cdemu_inactive:
1179 | pop dx
1180 | pop cx
1181 | pop bx
1182 | pop ax
1183 | pop es
1184 |
1185 | int13_noeltorito:
1186 | push ax
1187 | push cx
1188 | push dx
1189 | push bx
1190 | int13_legacy:
1191 | push dx ; push eltorito dx in place of sp
1192 | push bp
1193 | push si
1194 | push di
1195 | push es
1196 | push ds
1197 | C_SETUP ; TODO: setup environment only once?
1198 |
1199 | ;; now the registers can be restored with
1200 | ;; pop ds; pop es; DO_popa; iret
1201 | test dl, 80h ; non-removable?
1202 | jnz int13_notfloppy
1203 |
1204 | DO_JMP_CALL_EX _int13_diskette_function, int13_out, jmp_call_ret_int13_out
1205 |
1206 | int13_notfloppy:
1207 | cmp dl, 0E0h
1208 | jb int13_notcdrom
1209 |
1210 | call _int13_cdrom
1211 | jmp int13_out
1212 |
1213 | int13_notcdrom:
1214 | int13_disk:
1215 | cmp ah,40h
1216 | ja int13x
1217 | call _int13_harddisk
1218 | jmp int13_out
1219 |
1220 | int13x:
1221 | call _int13_harddisk_ext
1222 |
1223 | int13_out:
1224 | pop ds
1225 | pop es
1226 | DO_popa
1227 | iret
1228 |
1229 |
1230 |
1231 | ; parallel port detection: port in dx, index in bx, timeout in cl
1232 | detect_parport proc near
1233 |
1234 | push dx
1235 | inc dx
1236 | inc dx
1237 | in al, dx
1238 | and al, 0DFh ; clear input mode
1239 | out dx, al
1240 | pop dx
1241 | mov al, 0AAh
1242 | out dx, al
1243 | in al, dx
1244 | cmp al, 0AAh
1245 | jne no_parport
1246 |
1247 | push bx
1248 | shl bx, 1
1249 | mov [bx+408h], dx ; parallel I/O address
1250 | pop bx
1251 | mov [bx+478h], cl ; parallel printer timeout
1252 | inc bx
1253 | no_parport:
1254 | ret
1255 |
1256 | detect_parport endp
1257 |
1258 | ; setial port detection: port in dx, index in bx, timeout in cl
1259 | detect_serial proc near
1260 |
1261 | push dx
1262 | inc dx
1263 | mov al, 2
1264 | out dx, al
1265 | in al, dx
1266 | cmp al, 2
1267 | jne no_serial
1268 |
1269 | inc dx
1270 | in al, dx
1271 | cmp al, 2
1272 | jne no_serial
1273 |
1274 | dec dx
1275 | xor al, al
1276 | pop dx
1277 | push bx
1278 | shl bx, 1
1279 | mov [bx+400h], dx ; serial I/O address
1280 | pop bx
1281 | mov [bx+47Ch], cl ; serial timeout
1282 | inc bx
1283 | ret
1284 |
1285 | no_serial:
1286 | pop dx
1287 | ret
1288 |
1289 | detect_serial endp
1290 |
1291 |
1292 | ;;
1293 | ;; POST: Floppy drive
1294 | ;;
1295 | floppy_post proc near
1296 |
1297 | xor ax, ax
1298 | mov ds, ax
1299 |
1300 | ;; TODO: This code is really stupid. Zeroing the BDA byte
1301 | ;; by byte is dumb, and it's been already zeroed elsewhere!
1302 | mov al, 0
1303 | mov ds:[43Eh], al ; drive 0/1 uncalibrated, no IRQ
1304 | mov ds:[43Fh], al ; motor status
1305 | mov ds:[440h], al ; motor timeout counter
1306 | mov ds:[441h], al ; controller status return code
1307 | mov ds:[442h], al ; hd/floppy ctlr status register
1308 | mov ds:[443h], al ; controller status register 1
1309 | mov ds:[444h], al ; controller status register 2
1310 | mov ds:[445h], al ; cylinder number
1311 | mov ds:[446h], al ; head number
1312 | mov ds:[447h], al ; sector number
1313 | mov ds:[448h], al ; bytes written
1314 |
1315 | mov ds:[48Bh], al ; configuration data
1316 |
1317 | mov al, 10h ; floppy drive type
1318 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
1319 | in al, CMOS_DATA
1320 | mov ah, al ; save drive type byte
1321 |
1322 | look_drive0:
1323 | ; TODO: pre-init bl to reduce jumps
1324 | DO_shr al, 4 ; drive 0 in high nibble
1325 | jz f0_missing ; jump if no drive
1326 | mov bl, 7 ; drv0 determined, multi-rate, chgline
1327 | jmp look_drive1
1328 |
1329 | f0_missing:
1330 | mov bl, 0 ; no drive 0
1331 |
1332 | look_drive1:
1333 | mov al, ah ; restore CMOS data
1334 | and al, 0Fh ; drive 1 in low nibble
1335 | jz f1_missing
1336 | or bl, 70h ; drv1 determined, multi-rate, chgline
1337 | f1_missing:
1338 | mov ds:[48Fh], bl ; store in BDA
1339 |
1340 | ;; TODO: See above. Dumb *and* redundant!
1341 | mov al, 0
1342 | mov ds:[490h], al ; drv0 media state
1343 | mov ds:[491h], al ; drv1 media state
1344 | mov ds:[492h], al ; drv0 operational state
1345 | mov ds:[493h], al ; drv1 operational state
1346 | mov ds:[494h], al ; drv0 current cylinder
1347 | mov ds:[495h], al ; drv1 current cylinder
1348 |
1349 | mov al, 2
1350 | out 0Ah, al ; unmask DMA channel 2
1351 |
1352 | SET_INT_VECTOR 1Eh, BIOSSEG, _diskette_param_table
1353 | SET_INT_VECTOR 40h, BIOSSEG, int13_diskette
1354 | SET_INT_VECTOR 0Eh, BIOSSEG, int0e_handler ; IRQ 6
1355 |
1356 | ret
1357 |
1358 | floppy_post endp
1359 |
1360 |
1361 | bcd_to_bin proc near
1362 |
1363 | ;; in : AL in packed BCD format
1364 | ;; out: AL in binary, AH always 0
1365 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80186
1366 | shl ax, 4
1367 | shr al, 4
1368 | else
1369 | push cx
1370 | mov cl, 4
1371 | shl ax, cl
1372 | shr al, cl
1373 | pop cx
1374 | endif
1375 | aad
1376 | ret
1377 |
1378 | bcd_to_bin endp
1379 |
1380 | rtc_post proc near
1381 |
1382 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU lt 80386 ;; @todo fix loopy code below
1383 | ;; get RTC seconds
1384 | mov al, 0
1385 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
1386 | in al, CMOS_DATA ; RTC seconds, in BCD
1387 | call bcd_to_bin ; ax now has seconds in binary
1388 | test al, al
1389 | xor ah, ah
1390 | mov dx, 0x1234 ; 18206507*0x100/1000000 = 0x1234 (4660.865792)
1391 | mul dx
1392 | mov cx, ax ; tick count in dx:cx
1393 |
1394 | ;; get RTC minutes
1395 | mov al, 2
1396 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
1397 | in al, CMOS_DATA ; RTC minutes, in BCD
1398 | call bcd_to_bin ; eax now has minutes in binary
1399 | test al, al
1400 | jz rtc_post_hours
1401 | rtc_pos_min_loop: ; 18206507*60*0x100/1000000 = 0x44463 (279651.94752)
1402 | add cx, 0x4463
1403 | adc dx, 0x0004
1404 | dec al
1405 | jnz rtc_pos_min_loop
1406 |
1407 | ;; get RTC hours
1408 | rtc_post_hours:
1409 | mov al, 4
1410 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
1411 | in al, CMOS_DATA ; RTC hours, in BCD
1412 | call bcd_to_bin ; eax now has hours in binary
1413 | test al, al
1414 | jz rtc_pos_shift
1415 | rtc_pos_hour_loop: ; 18206507*3600*0x100/1000000 = 0x100076C (16779116.8512)
1416 | add cx, 0x076C
1417 | adc dx, 0x0100
1418 | dec al
1419 | jnz rtc_pos_hour_loop
1420 |
1421 | rtc_pos_shift:
1422 | mov cl, ch
1423 | mov ch, dl
1424 | mov dl, dh
1425 | xor dh, dh
1426 | mov ds:[46Ch], cx ; timer tick count
1427 | mov ds:[46Ch+2], dx ; timer tick count
1428 | mov ds:[470h], dh ; rollover flag
1429 |
1430 | else
1431 | .386
1432 | ;; get RTC seconds
1433 | xor eax, eax
1434 | mov al, 0
1435 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
1436 | in al, CMOS_DATA ; RTC seconds, in BCD
1437 | call bcd_to_bin ; eax now has seconds in binary
1438 | mov edx, 18206507
1439 | mul edx
1440 | mov ebx, 1000000
1441 | xor edx, edx
1442 | div ebx
1443 | mov ecx, eax ; total ticks in ecx
1444 |
1445 | ;; get RTC minutes
1446 | xor eax, eax
1447 | mov al, 2
1448 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
1449 | in al, CMOS_DATA ; RTC minutes, in BCD
1450 | call bcd_to_bin ; eax now has minutes in binary
1451 | mov edx, 10923904
1452 | mul edx
1453 | mov ebx, 10000
1454 | xor edx, edx
1455 | div ebx
1456 | add ecx, eax ; add to total ticks
1457 |
1458 | ;; get RTC hours
1459 | xor eax, eax
1460 | mov al, 4
1461 | out CMOS_ADDR, al
1462 | in al, CMOS_DATA ; RTC hours, in BCD
1463 | call bcd_to_bin ; eax now has hours in binary
1464 | mov edx, 65543427
1465 | mul edx
1466 | mov ebx, 1000
1467 | xor edx, edx
1468 | div ebx
1469 | add ecx, eax ; add to total ticks
1470 |
1471 | mov ds:[46Ch], ecx ; timer tick count
1472 | xor al, al ; TODO: redundant?
1473 | mov ds:[470h], al ; rollover flag
1474 | .286
1475 | endif
1476 | ret
1477 |
1478 | rtc_post endp
1479 |
1480 |
1481 |
1482 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1483 | ;; INT 0Eh handler - Diskette IRQ 6 ISR
1484 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1485 | BIOSORG 0EF57h, 0EF55h
1486 | int0e_handler:
1487 | push ax
1488 | push dx
1489 | mov dx, 3F4h
1490 | in al, dx
1491 | and al, 0C0h
1492 | cmp al, 0C0h
1493 | je int0e_normal
1494 | mov dx, 3F5h
1495 | mov al, 08h ; sense interrupt
1496 | out dx, al
1497 | int0e_loop1:
1498 | mov dx, 3F4h ; TODO: move out of the loop?
1499 | in al, dx
1500 | and al, 0C0h
1501 | cmp al, 0C0h
1502 | jne int0e_loop1
1503 |
1504 | int0e_loop2:
1505 | mov dx, 3F5h ; TODO: inc/dec dx instead
1506 | in al, dx
1507 | mov dx, 3F4h
1508 | in al, dx
1509 | and al, 0C0h
1510 | cmp al, 0C0h
1511 | je int0e_loop2
1512 |
1513 | int0e_normal:
1514 | push ds
1515 | xor ax, ax
1516 | mov ds, ax
1517 | call eoi_master_pic
1518 | ; indicate that an interrupt occurred
1519 | or byte ptr ds:[43Eh], 80h
1520 | pop ds
1521 | pop dx
1522 | pop ax
1523 | iret
1524 |
1525 |
1526 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1527 | ;; Diskette Parameter Table
1528 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1529 | BIOSORG 0EFC7h, 0EFC5h
1530 | _diskette_param_table:
1531 | db 0AFh
1532 | db 2 ; HLT=1, DMA mode
1533 | db 025h
1534 | db 2
1535 | db 18 ; SPT (good for 1.44MB media)
1536 | db 01Bh
1537 | db 0FFh
1538 | db 06Ch
1539 | db 0F6h ; format filler
1540 | db 15
1541 | db 8
1542 |
1543 |
1544 |
1545 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1546 | ;; INT 17h handler - Printer service
1547 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1548 | BIOSORG_CHECK 0EFD2h ; fixed WRT preceding code
1549 |
1550 | jmp int17_handler ; NT floppy boot workaround
1551 | ; see @bugref{6481}
1552 | int17_handler:
1553 | push ds
1554 | push es
1555 | DO_pusha
1556 | C_SETUP
1557 | call _int17_function
1558 | DO_popa
1559 | pop es
1560 | pop ds
1561 | iret
1562 |
1563 |
1564 |
1565 | ;; Protected mode IDT descriptor
1566 | ;;
1567 | ;; The limit is 0 to cause a shutdown if an exception occurs
1568 | ;; in protected mode. TODO: Is that what we really want?
1569 | ;;
1570 | ;; Set base to F0000 to correspond to beginning of BIOS,
1571 | ;; in case an IDT is defined later.
1572 |
1573 | _pmode_IDT:
1574 | dw 0 ; limit 15:0
1575 | dw 0 ; base 15:0
1576 | dw 0Fh ; base 23:16
1577 |
1578 |
1579 | ;; Real mode IDT descriptor
1580 | ;;
1581 | ;; Set to typical real-mode values.
1582 | ;; base = 000000
1583 | ;; limit = 03ff
1584 |
1585 | _rmode_IDT:
1586 | dw 3FFh ; limit 15:00
1587 | dw 0 ; base 15:00
1588 | dw 0 ; base 23:16
1589 |
1590 |
1591 | ;;
1592 | ;; INT 1Ch
1593 | ;;
1594 | ;; TODO: Why does this need a special handler?
1595 | int1c_handler: ;; user timer tick
1596 | iret
1597 |
1598 |
1599 |
1600 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1601 | ;; INT 10h functions 0-Fh entry point
1602 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1603 | BIOSORG 0F045h, 0F043h
1604 | i10f0f_entry:
1605 | iret
1606 |
1607 |
1608 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1609 | ;; INT 10h handler - MDA/CGA video
1610 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1611 | BIOSORG 0F065h, 0F063h
1612 | int10_handler:
1613 | ;; do nothing - assumes VGA
1614 | iret
1615 |
1616 |
1617 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1618 | ;; MDA/CGA Video Parameter Table (INT 1Dh)
1619 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1620 | BIOSORG 0F0A4h, 0F0A2h
1621 | mdacga_vpt:
1622 |
1623 |
1624 | ;;
1625 | ;; INT 18h - boot failure
1626 | ;;
1627 | int18_handler:
1628 | C_SETUP
1629 | call _int18_panic_msg
1630 | ;; TODO: handle failure better?
1631 | sti
1632 | stay_here:
1633 | hlt
1634 | jmp stay_here
1635 |
1636 | ;;
1637 | ;; INT 19h - boot service - relocated
1638 | ;;
1639 | int19_relocated:
1640 | ;; The C worker function returns the boot drive in bl and
1641 | ;; the boot segment in ax. In case of failure, the boot
1642 | ;; segment will be zero.
1643 | C_SETUP ; TODO: Here? Now?
1644 | push bp
1645 | mov bp, sp
1646 |
1647 | ;; 1st boot device
1648 | mov ax, 1
1649 | push ax
1650 | call _int19_function
1651 | inc sp
1652 | inc sp
1653 | test ax, ax ; if 0, try next device
1654 | jnz boot_setup
1655 |
1656 | ;; 2nd boot device
1657 | mov ax, 2
1658 | push ax
1659 | call _int19_function
1660 | inc sp
1661 | inc sp
1662 | test ax, ax ; if 0, try next device
1663 | jnz boot_setup
1664 |
1665 | ; 3rd boot device
1666 | mov ax, 3
1667 | push ax
1668 | call _int19_function
1669 | inc sp
1670 | inc sp
1671 | test ax, ax ; if 0, try next device
1672 | jnz boot_setup
1673 |
1674 | ; 4th boot device
1675 | mov ax, 4
1676 | push ax
1677 | call _int19_function
1678 | inc sp
1679 | inc sp
1680 | test ax, ax ; if 0, invoke INT 18h
1681 | jz int18_handler
1682 |
1683 | boot_setup:
1684 | ; TODO: the drive should be in dl already??
1685 | ;; mov dl, bl ; tell guest OS what boot drive is
1686 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU lt 80386
1687 | mov [bp], ax
1688 | DO_shl ax, 4
1689 | mov [bp+2], ax ; set ip
1690 | mov ax, [bp]
1691 | else
1692 | .386 ; NB: We're getting garbage into high eax bits
1693 | shl eax, 4 ; convert seg to ip
1694 | mov [bp+2], ax ; set ip
1695 |
1696 | shr eax, 4 ; get cs back
1697 | .286
1698 | endif
1699 | and ax, BIOSSEG ; remove what went in ip
1700 | mov [bp+4], ax ; set cs
1701 | xor ax, ax
1702 | mov ds, ax
1703 | mov es, ax
1704 | mov [bp], ax ; TODO: what's this?!
1705 | mov ax, 0AA55h ; set ok flag ; TODO: and this?
1706 |
1707 | pop bp ; TODO: why'd we just zero it??
1708 | iret ; beam me up scotty
1709 |
1710 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
1711 |
1712 | ;; PCI BIOS
1713 |
1714 | include pcibios.inc
1715 | include pirq.inc
1716 |
1717 | endif
1718 |
1719 | if 0 ; Sample VPD table
1720 |
1721 | ;; IBM style VPD (Vital Product Data) information. Most IBM systems
1722 | ;; had a VPD table since about 1992, later the same information was
1723 | ;; also reported through DMI.
1724 |
1725 | align 16
1726 | db 0AAh, 055h, 'VPD'
1727 | db 48 ; VPD size
1728 | db 'RESERVE' ; reserved... for what?
1729 | db 'INET35WW ' ; BIOS build ID
1730 | db '5238NXU' ; system serial number
1731 | db 'J1Y3581338D' ; unique ID
1732 | db '8643MD0' ; IBM machine type
1733 | db 0 ; checksum (to be calculated)
1734 | endif
1735 |
1736 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1737 | ;; INT 12h handler - Memory size
1738 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1739 | BIOSORG 0F841h, 0F83Fh
1740 | int12_handler:
1741 | ;; Don't touch - fixed size!
1742 | sti
1743 | push ds
1744 | mov ax, 40h
1745 | mov ds, ax
1746 | mov ax, ds:[13h]
1747 | pop ds
1748 | iret
1749 |
1750 |
1751 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1752 | ;; INT 11h handler - Equipment list service
1753 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1754 | BIOSORG_CHECK 0F84Dh ; fixed wrt preceding code
1755 | int11_handler:
1756 | ;; Don't touch - fixed size!
1757 | sti
1758 | push ds
1759 | mov ax, 40h
1760 | mov ds, ax
1761 | mov ax, ds:[10h]
1762 | pop ds
1763 | iret
1764 |
1765 |
1766 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1767 | ;; INT 15h handler - System services
1768 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1769 | BIOSORG_CHECK 0F859h ; fixed wrt preceding code
1770 | int15_handler:
1771 |
1772 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80286
1773 | cmp ah, 87h
1774 | jne not_blkmove
1775 |
1776 | ;; INT 15h/87h has semi-public interface because software
1777 | ;; may use CMOS shutdown status code 9 for its own purposes.
1778 | ;; The stack layout has to match.
1779 | pusha
1780 | push es
1781 | push ds
1782 | C_SETUP
1783 | call _int15_blkmove
1784 | pop ds
1785 | pop es
1786 | popa
1787 | iret
1788 | not_blkmove:
1789 |
1790 | endif
1791 |
1792 | pushf
1793 | push ds
1794 | push es
1795 | C_SETUP
1796 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
1797 | ;; int15_function32 exists in 386+ BIOS only, but INT 15h is
1798 | ;; not 386-specific
1799 | cmp ah, 0E8h
1800 | je int15_handler32
1801 | cmp ah, 0d0h
1802 | je int15_handler32
1803 | endif
1804 | DO_pusha
1805 | cmp ah, 53h ; APM function?
1806 | je apm_call
1807 | cmp ah, 0C2h ; PS/2 mouse function?
1808 | je int15_handler_mouse
1809 |
1810 | call _int15_function
1811 | int15_handler_popa_ret:
1812 | DO_popa
1813 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
1814 | int15_handler32_ret:
1815 | endif
1816 | pop es
1817 | pop ds
1818 | popf
1819 | jmp iret_modify_cf
1820 |
1821 | apm_call:
1822 | call _apm_function
1823 | jmp int15_handler_popa_ret
1824 |
1825 | int15_handler_mouse:
1826 | call _int15_function_mouse
1827 | jmp int15_handler_popa_ret
1828 |
1829 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
1830 | int15_handler32:
1831 | ;; need to save/restore 32-bit registers
1832 | .386
1833 | pushad
1834 | call _int15_function32
1835 | popad
1836 | .286
1837 | jmp int15_handler32_ret
1838 | endif
1839 |
1840 | ;;
1841 | ;; Perform an IRET but retain the current carry flag value
1842 | ;;
1843 | iret_modify_cf:
1844 | jc carry_set
1845 | push bp
1846 | mov bp, sp
1847 | and byte ptr [bp + 6], 0FEh
1848 | or word ptr [bp + 6], 0200h
1849 | pop bp
1850 | iret
1851 | carry_set:
1852 | push bp
1853 | mov bp, sp
1854 | or word ptr [bp + 6], 0201h
1855 | pop bp
1856 | iret
1857 |
1858 | ;;
1859 | ;; INT 74h handler - PS/2 mouse (IRQ 12)
1860 | ;;
1861 | int74_handler proc
1862 |
1863 | sti
1864 | DO_pusha
1865 | push es
1866 | push ds
1867 | xor ax, ax
1868 | push ax ; placeholder for status
1869 | push ax ; placeholder for X
1870 | push ax ; placeholder for Y
1871 | push ax ; placeholder for Z
1872 | push ax ; placeholder for make_far_call bool
1873 | C_SETUP
1874 | call _int74_function
1875 | pop cx ; pop make_far_call flag
1876 | jcxz int74_done
1877 |
1878 | ;; make far call to EBDA:0022
1879 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80186
1880 | push 0
1881 | else
1882 | xor ax, ax
1883 | push ax
1884 | endif
1885 | pop ds
1886 | push ds:[40Eh]
1887 | pop ds
1888 | call far ptr ds:[22h]
1889 | int74_done:
1890 | cli
1891 | call eoi_both_pics
1892 | add sp, 8 ; remove status, X, Y, Z
1893 | pop ds
1894 | pop es
1895 | DO_popa
1896 | iret
1897 |
1898 | int74_handler endp
1899 |
1900 | int76_handler proc
1901 |
1902 | ;; record completion in BIOS task complete flag
1903 | push ax
1904 | push ds
1905 | mov ax, 40h
1906 | mov ds, ax
1907 | mov byte ptr ds:[8Eh], 0FFh
1908 | call eoi_both_pics
1909 | pop ds
1910 | pop ax
1911 | iret
1912 |
1913 | int76_handler endp
1914 |
1915 |
1916 | ;;
1917 | ;; IRQ 8 handler (RTC)
1918 | ;;
1919 | int70_handler:
1920 | push es
1921 | push ds
1922 | DO_pusha
1923 | C_SETUP
1924 | call _int70_function
1925 | DO_popa
1926 | pop ds
1927 | pop es
1928 | iret
1929 |
1930 |
1931 |
1932 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU lt 80386
1933 | ;
1934 | ; We're tight on space down below in the int08_handler, so put
1935 | ; the 16-bit rollover code here.
1936 | ;
1937 | int08_maybe_rollover:
1938 | ja int08_rollover
1939 | cmp ax, 00B0h
1940 | jb int08_rollover_store
1941 | ;; there has been a midnight rollover
1942 | int08_rollover:
1943 | xor dx, dx
1944 | xor ax, ax
1945 |
1946 | inc byte ptr ds:[70h] ; increment rollover flag
1947 | int08_rollover_store:
1948 | jmp int08_store_ticks
1949 | endif
1950 |
1951 |
1952 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1953 | ;; 8x8 font (first 128 characters)
1954 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1955 | BIOSORG 0FA6Eh, 0FA6Ch
1956 | include font8x8.inc
1957 |
1958 |
1959 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1960 | ;; INT 1Ah handler - Time of the day + PCI BIOS
1961 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1962 | BIOSORG_CHECK 0FE6Eh ; fixed wrt preceding table
1963 | int1a_handler:
1964 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
1965 | cmp ah, 0B1h
1966 | jne int1a_normal
1967 |
1968 | push es
1969 | push ds
1970 | C_SETUP
1971 | .386
1972 | pushad
1973 | call _pci16_function
1974 | popad
1975 | .286
1976 | pop ds
1977 | pop es
1978 | iret
1979 | endif
1980 |
1981 | int1a_normal:
1982 | push es
1983 | push ds
1984 | DO_pusha
1985 | C_SETUP
1986 | int1a_callfunction:
1987 | call _int1a_function
1988 | DO_popa
1989 | pop ds
1990 | pop es
1991 | iret
1992 |
1993 |
1994 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1995 | ;; Timer tick - IRQ 0 handler
1996 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
1997 | BIOSORG 0FEA5h, 0FEA3h
1998 | int08_handler:
1999 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
2000 | .386
2001 | sti
2002 | push eax
2003 | else
2004 | sti
2005 | push ax
2006 | endif
2007 | push ds
2008 | push dx
2009 | mov ax, 40h
2010 | mov ds, ax
2011 |
2012 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
2013 | mov eax, ds:[6Ch] ; get ticks dword
2014 | inc eax
2015 | else
2016 | mov ax, ds:[6Ch] ; get ticks dword
2017 | mov dx, ds:[6Ch+2]
2018 | inc ax ; inc+jz+inc saves two bytes over add+adc.
2019 | jnz int08_compare
2020 | inc dx
2021 | int08_compare:
2022 | endif
2023 |
2024 | ;; compare eax to one day's worth of ticks (at 18.2 Hz)
2025 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
2026 | cmp eax, 1800B0h
2027 | jb int08_store_ticks
2028 | else
2029 | cmp dx, 18h
2030 | jb int08_store_ticks
2031 | jmp int08_maybe_rollover
2032 | endif
2033 |
2034 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
2035 | ;; there has been a midnight rollover
2036 | xor eax, eax
2037 | inc byte ptr ds:[70h] ; increment rollover flag
2038 |
2039 | int08_store_ticks:
2040 | mov ds:[6Ch], eax
2041 | else
2042 | int08_store_ticks:
2043 | mov ds:[6Ch], ax
2044 | mov ds:[6Ch+2], dx
2045 | endif
2046 |
2047 | ;; time to turn off floppy drive motor(s)?
2048 | mov al, ds:[40h]
2049 | or al, al
2050 | jz int08_floppy_off
2051 | dec al
2052 | mov ds:[40h], al
2053 | jnz int08_floppy_off
2054 | ;; turn motor(s) off
2055 | mov dx, 03F2h
2056 | in al, dx
2057 | and al, 0CFh
2058 | out dx, al
2059 | int08_floppy_off:
2060 |
2061 | int 1Ch ; call the user timer handler
2062 |
2063 | cli
2064 | call eoi_master_pic
2065 | pop dx
2066 | pop ds
2067 | if VBOX_BIOS_CPU ge 80386
2068 | pop eax
2069 | .286
2070 | else
2071 | pop ax
2072 | endif
2073 | iret
2074 |
2075 |
2076 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2077 | ;; Initial interrupt vector offsets for POST
2078 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2079 | BIOSORG 0FEF3h, 0FEF1h
2080 | vector_table:
2081 |
2082 |
2083 |
2084 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2085 | ;; BIOS copyright string
2086 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2087 | BIOSORG 0FF00h, 0FEFEh
2088 | bios_string:
2090 |
2091 |
2092 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2093 | ;; IRET - default interrupt handler
2094 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2095 | BIOSORG 0FF53h, 0FF51h
2096 |
2097 | dummy_iret:
2098 | iret
2099 |
2100 |
2101 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2102 | ;; INT 05h - Print Screen service
2103 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2104 | BIOSORG_CHECK 0FF54h ; fixed wrt preceding
2105 | int05_handler:
2106 | ;; Not implemented
2107 | iret
2108 |
2109 | include smidmi.inc
2110 |
2111 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2112 | ;; Processor reset entry point
2113 | ;; --------------------------------------------------------
2114 | BIOSORG 0FFF0h, 0FFEEh
2115 | cpu_reset:
2116 | ;; This is where the CPU starts executing after a reset
2117 | jmp far ptr post
2118 |
2119 | ;; BIOS build date
2121 | db 0 ; null terminator
2122 | ;; System model ID
2123 | db SYS_MODEL_ID
2124 | ;; Checksum byte
2125 | db 0FFh
2126 |
2127 |
2128 | BIOSSEG ends
2129 |
2130 | end
2131 |