/* $Id: inlines.h 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Inline routines for Watcom C. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ #ifndef VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_PC_BIOS_inlines_h #define VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_PC_BIOS_inlines_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif extern unsigned inp(unsigned port); extern unsigned outp(unsigned port, unsigned value); extern unsigned inpw(unsigned port); extern unsigned outpw(unsigned port, unsigned value); #pragma intrinsic(inp,outp,inpw,outpw) #define inb(p) inp(p) #define outb(p, v) outp(p, v) #define inw(p) inpw(p) #define outw(p, v) outpw(p, v) /* Far byte/word/dword access routines. */ inline uint8_t read_byte(uint16_t seg, uint16_t offset) { return( *(seg:>(uint8_t *)offset) ); } inline void write_byte(uint16_t seg, uint16_t offset, uint8_t data) { *(seg:>(uint8_t *)offset) = data; } inline uint16_t read_word(uint16_t seg, uint16_t offset) { return( *(seg:>(uint16_t *)offset) ); } inline void write_word(uint16_t seg, uint16_t offset, uint16_t data) { *(seg:>(uint16_t *)offset) = data; } inline uint32_t read_dword(uint16_t seg, uint16_t offset) { return( *(seg:>(uint32_t *)offset) ); } inline void write_dword(uint16_t seg, uint16_t offset, uint32_t data) { *(seg:>(uint32_t *)offset) = data; } void int_enable(void); #pragma aux int_enable = "sti" modify exact [] nomemory; void int_disable(void); #pragma aux int_disable = "cli" modify exact [] nomemory; void int_enable_hlt_disable(void); #pragma aux int_enable_hlt_disable = \ "sti" \ "hlt" \ "cli" \ modify exact [] nomemory; uint16_t int_query(void); #pragma aux int_query = \ "pushf" \ "pop ax" \ value [ax] modify exact [ax] nomemory; void int_restore(uint16_t old_flags); #pragma aux int_restore = \ "push ax" \ "popf" \ parm [ax] modify exact [] nomemory; void halt(void); #pragma aux halt = "hlt" modify exact [] nomemory; void halt_forever(void); #pragma aux halt_forever = \ "forever:" \ "hlt" \ "jmp forever" \ modify exact [] nomemory aborts; /* Output a null-terminated string to a specified port, without the * terminating null character. */ static void out_ctrl_str_asm(uint16_t port, const char *s); #pragma aux out_ctrl_str_asm = \ "mov al, [bx]" \ "next:" \ "out dx, al" \ "inc bx" \ "mov al, [bx]" \ "or al, al" \ "jnz next" \ parm [dx] [bx] modify exact [ax bx] nomemory; #ifdef __386__ void rep_movsb(void __far *d, void __far *s, int nbytes); #pragma aux rep_movsb = \ "push ds" \ "mov ds, dx" \ "rep movsb" \ "pop ds" \ parm [es edi] [dx esi] [ecx]; #else void rep_movsb(void __far *d, void __far *s, int nbytes); #pragma aux rep_movsb = \ "push ds" \ "mov ds, dx" \ "rep movsb" \ "pop ds" \ parm [es di] [dx si] [cx]; #endif void rep_movsw(void __far *d, void __far *s, int nwords); #pragma aux rep_movsw = \ "push ds" \ "mov ds, dx" \ "rep movsw" \ "pop ds" \ parm [es di] [dx si] [cx]; #ifndef __386__ char __far *rep_insb(char __far *buffer, unsigned nbytes, unsigned port); #pragma aux rep_insb = ".286" "rep insb" parm [es di] [cx] [dx] value [es di] modify exact [cx di]; char __far *rep_insw(char __far *buffer, unsigned nwords, unsigned port); #if VBOX_BIOS_CPU >= 80286 #pragma aux rep_insw = ".286" "rep insw" parm [es di] [cx] [dx] value [es di] modify exact [cx di]; #else #pragma aux rep_insw = "next:" "in ax,dx" "stosw" "loop next" parm [es di] [cx] [dx] value [es di] modify exact [cx di]; #endif # if VBOX_BIOS_CPU >= 80386 char __far *rep_insd(char __far *buffer, unsigned ndwords, unsigned port); # pragma aux rep_insd = ".386" "rep insd" parm [es di] [cx] [dx] value [es di] modify exact [cx di]; # endif char __far *rep_outsb(char __far *buffer, unsigned nbytes, unsigned port); #pragma aux rep_outsb = ".286" "rep outs dx,byte ptr es:[si]" parm [es si] [cx] [dx] value [es si] modify exact [cx si]; char __far *rep_outsw(char __far *buffer, unsigned nwords, unsigned port); #if VBOX_BIOS_CPU >= 80286 #pragma aux rep_outsw = ".286" "rep outs dx,word ptr es:[si]" parm [es si] [cx] [dx] value [es si] modify exact [cx si]; #else #pragma aux rep_outsw = "next:" "lods word ptr es:[si]" "out dx,ax" "loop next" parm [es si] [cx] [dx] value [es si] modify exact [cx si]; #endif # if VBOX_BIOS_CPU >= 80386 char __far *rep_outsd(char __far *buffer, unsigned ndwords, unsigned port); # pragma aux rep_outsd = ".386" "rep outs dx,dword ptr es:[si]" parm [es si] [cx] [dx] value [es si] modify exact [cx si]; # endif uint16_t swap_16(uint16_t val); #pragma aux swap_16 = "xchg ah,al" parm [ax] value [ax] modify exact [ax] nomemory; uint32_t swap_32(uint32_t val); #pragma aux swap_32 = \ "xchg ah, al" \ "xchg dh, dl" \ "xchg ax, dx" \ parm [dx ax] value [dx ax] modify exact [dx ax] nomemory; uint64_t swap_64(uint64_t val); #pragma aux swap_64 = \ "xchg ah, al" \ "xchg bh, bl" \ "xchg ch, cl" \ "xchg dh, dl" \ "xchg ax, dx" \ "xchg bx, cx" \ parm [ax bx cx dx] value [ax bx cx dx] modify exact [ax bx cx dx] nomemory; #endif #if VBOX_BIOS_CPU >= 80386 /* Warning: msr_read/msr_write destroy high bits of 32-bit registers (EAX, ECX, EDX). */ uint64_t msr_read(uint32_t msr); #pragma aux msr_read = \ ".586" \ "shl ecx, 16" \ "mov cx, ax" \ "rdmsr" \ "xchg eax, edx" \ "mov bx, ax" \ "shr eax, 16" \ "mov cx, dx" \ "shr edx, 16" \ "xchg dx, cx" \ parm [cx ax] value [ax bx cx dx] modify [] nomemory; void msr_write(uint64_t val, uint32_t msr); #pragma aux msr_write = \ ".586" \ "shl eax, 16" \ "mov ax, bx" \ "xchg dx, cx" \ "shl edx, 16" \ "mov dx, cx" \ "xchg eax, edx" \ "mov cx, di" \ "shl ecx, 16" \ "mov cx, si" \ "wrmsr" \ parm [ax bx cx dx] [di si] modify [] nomemory; /* Warning: eflags_read/eflags_write destroy high bits of 32-bit registers (EDX). */ uint32_t eflags_read( void ); #pragma aux eflags_read = \ ".386" \ "pushfd" \ "pop edx" \ "mov ax, dx" \ "shr edx, 16" \ value [dx ax] modify [dx ax]; uint32_t eflags_write( uint32_t e_flags ); #pragma aux eflags_write = \ ".386" \ "shl edx, 16" \ "mov dx, ax" \ "push edx" \ "popfd" \ parm [dx ax] modify [dx ax]; /* Warning cpuid destroys high bits of 32-bit registers (EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX). */ void cpuid( uint32_t __far cpu_id[4], uint32_t leaf ); #pragma aux cpuid = \ ".586" \ "shl edx, 16" \ "mov dx, ax" \ "mov eax, edx" \ "cpuid" \ "mov es:[di+0], eax" \ "mov es:[di+4], ebx" \ "mov es:[di+8], ecx" \ "mov es:[di+12], edx" \ parm [es di] [dx ax] modify [bx cx dx] #endif #endif /* !VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_PC_BIOS_inlines_h */