1 | /* Virtual DMA Services (VDS) */
2 |
3 | #define VDS_FLAGS_OFS 0x7B /* Offset of VDS flag byte in BDA. */
4 | #define VDS_PRESENT 0x20 /* The VDS present bit. */
5 |
6 | /* The DMA descriptor data structure. */
7 |
8 | typedef struct {
9 | uint32_t region_size; /* Region size in bytes. */
10 | uint32_t offset; /* Offset. */
11 | uint16_t seg_sel; /* Segment selector. */
12 | uint16_t buf_id; /* Buffer ID. */
13 | uint32_t phys_addr; /* Physical address. */
14 | } vds_dds;
15 |
16 |
17 | /* Scatter/gather descriptor entry. */
18 |
19 | typedef struct {
20 | uint32_t phys_addr; /* Physical address. */
21 | uint32_t size; /* Entry size. */
22 | } vds_sg;
23 |
24 | /* The extended DDS for scatter/gather. Note that the EDDS contains either
25 | * S/G descriptors or x86-style PTEs.
26 | */
27 |
28 | typedef struct {
29 | uint32_t region_size; /* Region size in bytes. */
30 | uint32_t offset; /* Offset. */
31 | uint16_t seg_sel; /* Segment or selector. */
32 | uint16_t resvd; /* Reserved. */
33 | uint16_t num_avail; /* Number of entries available. */
34 | uint16_t num_used; /* Number of entries used. */
35 | union {
36 | vds_sg sg[1]; /* S/G entry array. */
37 | uint32_t pte[1]; /* Page table entry array. */
38 | } u;
39 | } vds_edds;
40 |
41 |
42 | /* VDS services */
43 |
44 | #define VDS_SERVICE 0x81
45 |
46 | #define VDS_GET_VERSION 0x02 /* Get version */
47 | #define VDS_LOCK_BUFFER 0x03 /* Lock DMA buffer region */
48 | #define VDS_UNLOCK_BUFFER 0x04 /* Unlock DMA buffer region */
49 | #define VDS_SG_LOCK 0x05 /* Scatter/gather lock region */
50 | #define VDS_SG_UNLOCK 0x06 /* Scatter/gather unlock region */
51 | #define VDS_REQUEST_BUFFER 0x07 /* Request DMA buffer */
52 | #define VDS_RELEASE_BUFFER 0x08 /* Release DMA buffer */
53 | #define VDS_BUFFER_COPYIN 0x09 /* Copy into DMA buffer */
54 | #define VDS_BUFFER_COPYOUT 0x0A /* Copy out of DMA buffer */
55 | #define VDS_DISABLE_DMA_XLAT 0x0B /* Disable DMA translation */
56 | #define VDS_ENABLE_DMA_XLAT 0x0C /* Enable DMA translation */
57 |
58 | /* VDS error codes */
59 |
60 | #define VDS_SUCCESS 0x00 /* No error */
61 | #define VDS_ERR_NOT_CONTIG 0x01 /* Region not contiguous */
62 | #define VDS_ERR_BOUNDRY_CROSS 0x02 /* Rgn crossed phys align boundary */
63 | #define VDS_ERR_CANT_LOCK 0x03 /* Unable to lock pages */
64 | #define VDS_ERR_NO_BUF 0x04 /* No buffer available */
65 | #define VDS_ERR_RGN_TOO_BIG 0x05 /* Region too large for buffer */
66 | #define VDS_ERR_BUF_IN_USE 0x06 /* Buffer currently in use */
67 | #define VDS_ERR_RGN_INVALID 0x07 /* Invalid memory region */
68 | #define VDS_ERR_RGN_NOT_LOCKED 0x08 /* Region was not locked */
69 | #define VDS_ERR_TOO_MANY_PAGES 0x09 /* Num pages greater than table len */
70 | #define VDS_ERR_INVALID_ID 0x0A /* Invalid buffer ID */
71 | #define VDS_ERR_BNDRY_VIOL 0x0B /* Buffer boundary violated */
72 | #define VDS_ERR_INVAL_DMACHN 0x0C /* Invalid DMA channel number */
73 | #define VDS_ERR_COUNT_OVRFLO 0x0D /* Disable count overflow */
74 | #define VDS_ERR_COUNT_UNDRFLO 0x0E /* Disable count underflow */
75 | #define VDS_ERR_UNSUPP_FUNC 0x0F /* Function not supported */
76 | #define VDS_ERR_BAD_FLAG 0x10 /* Reserved flag bits set in DX */
77 |
78 | /* VDS option flags */
79 |
80 | #define VDSF_AUTOCOPY 0x02 /* Automatic copy to/from buffer */
81 | #define VDSF_NOALLOC 0x04 /* Disable auto buffer allocation */
82 | #define VDSF_NOREMAP 0x08 /* Disable auto remap feature */
83 | #define VDSF_NO64K 0x10 /* Region can't cross 64K boundary */
84 | #define VDSF_NO128K 0x20 /* Region can't cross 128K boundary */
85 | #define VDSF_COPYTBL 0x40 /* Copy page table for S/G remap */
86 | #define VDSF_NPOK 0x80 /* Allow non-present pages for S/G */
87 |
88 | /* Higher level routines for utilizing VDS. */
89 |
90 | int vds_build_sg_list( vds_edds __far *edds, void __far *buf, uint16_t len );
91 | int vds_free_sg_list( vds_edds __far *edds );
92 |
93 | /* Helper for translating 16:16 real mode addresses to 32-bit linear. */
94 |
95 | uint32_t vds_real_to_lin( void __far *ptr );