1 | /** @file
2 | * NAT state/configuration.
3 | */
4 |
5 | /*
6 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
7 | *
8 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
9 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
10 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
11 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
12 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
13 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
15 | *
16 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
17 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
18 | * additional information or have any questions.
19 | */
20 |
21 | #ifndef ___slirp_state_h
22 | #define ___slirp_state_h
23 |
24 | #include <iprt/req.h>
25 |
26 | #define COUNTERS_INIT
27 | #include "counters.h"
28 |
29 | #include "ip_icmp.h"
30 | #include "dnsproxy/dnsproxy.h"
31 |
32 |
33 | /** Where to start DHCP IP number allocation. */
34 | #define START_ADDR 15
35 |
36 | /** DHCP Lease time. */
37 | #define LEASE_TIME (24 * 3600)
38 |
39 | /*
40 | * ARP cache this is naive implementaion of ARP
41 | * cache of mapping 4 byte IPv4 address to 6 byte
42 | * ethernet one.
43 | */
44 | struct arp_cache_entry
45 | {
46 | uint32_t ip;
47 | uint8_t ether[6];
48 | LIST_ENTRY(arp_cache_entry) list;
49 | };
50 | LIST_HEAD(arp_cache_head, arp_cache_entry);
51 |
52 | /** TFTP session entry. */
53 | struct tftp_session
54 | {
55 | int in_use;
56 | unsigned char filename[TFTP_FILENAME_MAX];
57 |
58 | struct in_addr client_ip;
59 | u_int16_t client_port;
60 |
61 | int timestamp;
62 | };
63 |
64 | struct dns_domain_entry
65 | {
66 | char *dd_pszDomain;
67 | LIST_ENTRY(dns_domain_entry) dd_list;
68 | };
69 | LIST_HEAD(dns_domain_list_head, dns_domain_entry);
70 |
71 | struct dns_entry
72 | {
73 | struct in_addr de_addr;
74 | TAILQ_ENTRY(dns_entry) de_list;
75 | };
76 | TAILQ_HEAD(dns_list_head, dns_entry);
77 |
78 | struct port_forward_rule
79 | {
80 | uint16_t proto;
81 | uint16_t host_port;
82 | uint16_t guest_port;
84 | struct in_addr guest_addr;
85 | #endif
86 | struct in_addr bind_ip;
87 | uint8_t mac_address[6]; /*need ETH_ALEN here */
88 | int activated;
89 | LIST_ENTRY(port_forward_rule) list;
90 | };
91 | LIST_HEAD(port_forward_rule_list, port_forward_rule);
92 |
93 | /* forward declaration */
94 | struct proto_handler;
95 |
96 | /** Main state/configuration structure for slirp NAT. */
97 | typedef struct NATState
98 | {
99 | /* Stuff from boot.c */
100 | void *pbootp_clients;
101 | const char *bootp_filename;
102 | /* Stuff from if.c */
103 | int if_mtu, if_mru;
104 | int if_comp;
105 | int if_maxlinkhdr;
106 | int if_queued;
107 | int if_thresh;
108 | struct mbuf if_fastq;
109 | struct mbuf if_batchq;
110 | struct mbuf *next_m;
111 | /* Stuff from icmp.c */
112 | struct icmpstat_t icmpstat;
113 | /* Stuff from ip_input.c */
114 | struct ipstat_t ipstat;
115 | struct ipqhead ipq[IPREASS_NHASH];
116 | int maxnipq; /* Administrative limit on # of reass queues*/
117 | int maxfragsperpacket; /* Maximum number of IPv4 fragments allowed per packet */
118 | int nipq; /* total number of reass queues */
119 | uint16_t ip_currid;
120 | /* Stuff from mbuf.c */
121 | int mbuf_alloced, mbuf_max;
122 | int msize;
123 | struct mbuf m_freelist, m_usedlist;
124 | /* Stuff from slirp.c */
125 | void *pvUser;
126 | uint32_t curtime;
127 | uint32_t time_fasttimo;
128 | uint32_t last_slowtimo;
129 | bool do_slowtimo;
130 | bool link_up;
131 | struct timeval tt;
132 | struct in_addr our_addr;
133 | struct in_addr alias_addr;
134 | struct in_addr special_addr;
135 |
136 | int tcp_rcvspace;
137 | int tcp_sndspace;
138 | int socket_rcv;
139 | int socket_snd;
140 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SLIRP_MT
141 | PRTREQQUEUE pReqQueue;
142 | #endif
143 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
145 | #endif
146 | struct dns_list_head dns_list_head;
147 | struct dns_domain_list_head dns_domain_list_head;
148 | struct in_addr tftp_server;
149 | struct in_addr loopback_addr;
150 | uint32_t netmask;
152 | uint8_t client_ethaddr[6];
153 | #endif
154 | const uint8_t *slirp_ethaddr;
155 | struct ex_list *exec_list;
156 | char slirp_hostname[33];
157 | bool fPassDomain;
158 | struct in_addr bindIP;
159 | /* Stuff from tcp_input.c */
160 | struct socket tcb;
161 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SLIRP_MT
162 | RTCRITSECT tcb_mutex;
163 | #endif
164 | struct socket *tcp_last_so;
165 | tcp_seq tcp_iss;
166 | /* Stuff from tcp_timer.c */
167 | struct tcpstat_t tcpstat;
168 | uint32_t tcp_now;
169 | int tcp_reass_qsize;
170 | int tcp_reass_maxqlen;
171 | int tcp_reass_maxseg;
172 | int tcp_reass_overflows;
173 | /* Stuff from tftp.c */
174 | struct tftp_session tftp_sessions[TFTP_SESSIONS_MAX];
175 | const char *tftp_prefix;
176 | /* Stuff from udp.c */
177 | struct udpstat_t udpstat;
178 | struct socket udb;
179 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SLIRP_MT
180 | RTCRITSECT udb_mutex;
181 | #endif
182 | struct socket *udp_last_so;
183 | struct socket icmp_socket;
184 | struct icmp_storage icmp_msg_head;
185 | # ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS
186 | /* counter of sockets needed for allocation enough room to
187 | * process sockets with poll/epoll
188 | *
189 | * NSOCK_INC/DEC should be injected before every
190 | * operation on socket queue (tcb, udb)
191 | */
192 | int nsock;
193 | # define NSOCK_INC() do {pData->nsock++;} while (0)
194 | # define NSOCK_DEC() do {pData->nsock--;} while (0)
195 | # define NSOCK_INC_EX(ex) do {ex->pData->nsock++;} while (0)
196 | # define NSOCK_DEC_EX(ex) do {ex->pData->nsock--;} while (0)
197 | # else
198 | # define NSOCK_INC() do {} while (0)
199 | # define NSOCK_DEC() do {} while (0)
200 | # define NSOCK_INC_EX(ex) do {} while (0)
201 | # define NSOCK_DEC_EX(ex) do {} while (0)
202 | # endif
203 | # ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
204 | void *pvIcmpBuffer;
205 | size_t szIcmpBuffer;
206 | /* Accordin MSDN specification IcmpParseReplies
207 | * function should be detected in runtime
208 | */
209 | long (WINAPI * pfIcmpParseReplies)(void *, long);
210 | BOOL (WINAPI * pfIcmpCloseHandle)(HANDLE);
211 | HMODULE hmIcmpLibrary;
212 | # endif
213 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
214 | # define VBOX_SOCKET_EVENT (pData->phEvents[VBOX_SOCKET_EVENT_INDEX])
216 | #endif
217 |
218 | /* from dnsproxy/dnsproxy.h*/
219 | unsigned int authoritative_port;
220 | unsigned int authoritative_timeout;
221 | unsigned int recursive_port;
222 | unsigned int recursive_timeout;
223 | unsigned int stats_timeout;
224 | unsigned int port;
225 |
226 | unsigned long active_queries;
227 | unsigned long all_queries;
228 | unsigned long authoritative_queries;
229 | unsigned long recursive_queries;
230 | unsigned long removed_queries;
231 | unsigned long dropped_queries;
232 | unsigned long answered_queries;
233 | unsigned long dropped_answers;
234 | unsigned long late_answers;
235 | unsigned long hash_collisions;
236 | /*dnsproxy/dnsproxy.c*/
237 | unsigned short queryid;
238 | struct sockaddr_in authoritative_addr;
239 | struct sockaddr_in recursive_addr;
240 | int sock_query;
241 | int sock_answer;
242 | /* dnsproxy/hash.c */
243 | #define HASHSIZE 10
244 | #define HASH(id) (id & ((1 << HASHSIZE) - 1))
245 | struct request *request_hash[1 << HASHSIZE];
246 | /* this field control behaviour of DHCP server */
247 | bool use_dns_proxy;
248 |
249 | LIST_HEAD(RT_NOTHING, libalias) instancehead;
250 | struct libalias *proxy_alias;
251 | LIST_HEAD(handler_chain, proto_handler) handler_chain;
252 | struct port_forward_rule_list port_forward_rule_head;
253 | int port_forwarding_activated;
254 | struct arp_cache_head arp_cache;
255 | /*libalis modules' handlers*/
256 | struct proto_handler *ftp_module;
257 | struct proto_handler *nbt_module;
258 |
259 | #define PROFILE_COUNTER(name, dsc) STAMPROFILE Stat ## name
260 | #define COUNTING_COUNTER(name, dsc) STAMCOUNTER Stat ## name
261 |
262 | #include "counters.h"
263 |
264 | } NATState;
265 |
266 |
267 | /** Default IP time to live. */
268 | #define ip_defttl IPDEFTTL
269 |
270 | /** Number of permanent buffers in mbuf. */
271 | #define mbuf_thresh 30
272 |
273 | /** Use a fixed time before sending keepalive. */
274 | #define tcp_keepidle TCPTV_KEEP_IDLE
275 |
276 | /** Use a fixed interval between keepalive. */
277 | #define tcp_keepintvl TCPTV_KEEPINTVL
278 |
279 | /** Maximum idle time before timing out a connection. */
280 | #define tcp_maxidle (TCPTV_KEEPCNT * tcp_keepintvl)
281 |
282 | /** Default TCP socket options. */
283 | #define so_options DO_KEEPALIVE
284 |
285 | /** Default TCP MSS value. */
286 | #define tcp_mssdflt TCP_MSS
287 |
288 | /** Default TCP round trip time. */
289 | #define tcp_rttdflt (TCPTV_SRTTDFLT / PR_SLOWHZ)
290 |
291 | /** Enable RFC1323 performance enhancements.
292 | * @todo check if it really works, it was turned off before. */
293 | #define tcp_do_rfc1323 1
294 |
295 | /** TCP receive buffer size. */
296 | #define tcp_rcvspace pData->tcp_rcvspace
297 |
298 | /** TCP receive buffer size. */
299 | #define tcp_sndspace pData->tcp_sndspace
300 |
301 | /* TCP duplicate ACK retransmit threshold. */
302 | #define tcprexmtthresh 3
303 |
304 |
305 | #define bootp_filename pData->bootp_filename
306 |
307 | #define if_mtu pData->if_mtu
308 | #define if_mru pData->if_mru
309 | #define if_comp pData->if_comp
310 | #define if_maxlinkhdr pData->if_maxlinkhdr
311 | #define if_queued pData->if_queued
312 | #define if_thresh pData->if_thresh
313 | #define if_fastq pData->if_fastq
314 | #define if_batchq pData->if_batchq
315 | #define next_m pData->next_m
316 |
317 | #define icmpstat pData->icmpstat
318 |
319 | #define ipstat pData->ipstat
320 | #define ipq pData->ipq
321 | #define ip_currid pData->ip_currid
322 |
323 | #define mbuf_alloced pData->mbuf_alloced
324 | #define mbuf_max pData->mbuf_max
325 | #define msize pData->msize
326 | #define m_freelist pData->m_freelist
327 | #define m_usedlist pData->m_usedlist
328 |
329 | #define curtime pData->curtime
330 | #define time_fasttimo pData->time_fasttimo
331 | #define last_slowtimo pData->last_slowtimo
332 | #define do_slowtimo pData->do_slowtimo
333 | #define link_up pData->link_up
334 | #define cUsers pData->cUsers
335 | #define tt pData->tt
336 | #define our_addr pData->our_addr
337 | #ifndef VBOX_SLIRP_ALIAS
338 | # define alias_addr pData->alias_addr
339 | #else
340 | # define handler_chain pData->handler_chain
341 | #endif
342 | #define special_addr pData->special_addr
343 | #define dns_addr pData->dns_addr
344 | #define loopback_addr pData->loopback_addr
345 | #define client_ethaddr pData->client_ethaddr
346 | #define exec_list pData->exec_list
347 | #define slirp_hostname pData->slirp_hostname
348 |
349 | #define tcb pData->tcb
350 | #define tcp_last_so pData->tcp_last_so
351 | #define tcp_iss pData->tcp_iss
352 |
353 | #define tcpstat pData->tcpstat
354 | #define tcp_now pData->tcp_now
355 |
356 | #define tftp_sessions pData->tftp_sessions
357 | #define tftp_prefix pData->tftp_prefix
358 |
359 | #define udpstat pData->udpstat
360 | #define udb pData->udb
361 | #define udp_last_so pData->udp_last_so
362 |
363 | #define maxfragsperpacket pData->maxfragsperpacket
364 | #define maxnipq pData->maxnipq
365 | #define nipq pData->nipq
366 |
367 | #define tcp_reass_qsize pData->tcp_reass_qsize
368 | #define tcp_reass_maxqlen pData->tcp_reass_maxqlen
369 | #define tcp_reass_maxseg pData->tcp_reass_maxseg
370 | #define tcp_reass_overflows pData->tcp_reass_overflows
371 |
372 | #define queue_tcp_label tcb
373 | #define queue_udp_label udb
374 | #define VBOX_X2(x) x
375 | #define VBOX_X(x) VBOX_X2(x)
376 |
377 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SLIRP_MT
378 |
379 | # define QSOCKET_LOCK(queue) \
380 | do { \
381 | int rc; \
382 | /* Assert(strcmp(RTThreadSelfName(), "EMT") != 0); */ \
383 | rc = RTCritSectEnter(&VBOX_X(queue) ## _mutex); \
384 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
385 | } while (0)
386 | # define QSOCKET_UNLOCK(queue) \
387 | do { \
388 | int rc; \
389 | rc = RTCritSectLeave(&VBOX_X(queue) ## _mutex); \
390 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
391 | } while (0)
392 | # define QSOCKET_LOCK_CREATE(queue) \
393 | do { \
394 | int rc; \
395 | rc = RTCritSectInit(&pData->queue ## _mutex); \
396 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
397 | } while (0)
398 | # define QSOCKET_LOCK_DESTROY(queue) \
399 | do { \
400 | int rc = RTCritSectDelete(&pData->queue ## _mutex); \
401 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
402 | } while (0)
403 |
404 | # define QSOCKET_FOREACH(so, sonext, label) \
405 | QSOCKET_LOCK(VBOX_X2(queue_## label ## _label)); \
406 | (so) = (VBOX_X(queue_ ## label ## _label)).so_next; \
407 | QSOCKET_UNLOCK(VBOX_X2(queue_## label ##_label)); \
408 | if ((so) != &(VBOX_X(queue_## label ## _label))) SOCKET_LOCK((so));\
409 | for (;;) \
410 | { \
411 | if ((so) == &(VBOX_X(queue_## label ## _label))) \
412 | { \
413 | break; \
414 | } \
415 | Log2(("%s:%d Processing so:%R[natsock]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (so)));
416 |
417 | # define CONTINUE_NO_UNLOCK(label) goto loop_end_ ## label ## _mt_nounlock
418 | # define CONTINUE(label) goto loop_end_ ## label ## _mt
419 | /* @todo replace queue parameter with macrodinition */
420 | /* _mt_nounlock - user should lock so_next before calling CONTINUE_NO_UNLOCK */
421 | # define LOOP_LABEL(label, so, sonext) loop_end_ ## label ## _mt: \
422 | (sonext) = (so)->so_next; \
423 | SOCKET_UNLOCK(so); \
424 | QSOCKET_LOCK(VBOX_X(queue_ ## label ## _label)); \
425 | if ((sonext) != &(VBOX_X(queue_## label ## _label))) \
426 | { \
427 | SOCKET_LOCK((sonext)); \
428 | QSOCKET_UNLOCK(VBOX_X(queue_ ## label ## _label)); \
429 | } \
430 | else \
431 | { \
432 | so = &VBOX_X(queue_ ## label ## _label); \
433 | QSOCKET_UNLOCK(VBOX_X(queue_ ## label ## _label)); \
434 | break; \
435 | } \
436 | (so) = (sonext); \
437 | continue; \
438 | loop_end_ ## label ## _mt_nounlock: \
439 | (so) = (sonext)
440 |
441 | # define DO_TCP_OUTPUT(data, sotcb) \
442 | do { \
443 | PRTREQ pReq = NULL; \
444 | int rc; \
445 | rc = RTReqAlloc((data)->pReqQueue, &pReq, RTREQTYPE_INTERNAL); \
446 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
447 | pReq->u.Internal.pfn = (PFNRT)tcp_output; \
448 | pReq->u.Internal.cArgs = 2; \
449 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[0] = (uintptr_t)(data); \
450 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[1] = (uintptr_t)(sotcb); \
451 | pReq->fFlags = RTREQFLAGS_VOID; \
452 | rc = RTReqQueue(pReq, 0); \
453 | if (RT_LIKELY(rc) == VERR_TIMEOUT) \
454 | { \
455 | SOCKET_UNLOCK(so); \
456 | rc = RTReqWait(pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); \
457 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
458 | SOCKET_LOCK(so); \
459 | RTReqFree(pReq); \
460 | } \
461 | else \
462 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
463 | } while(0)
464 |
465 | # define DO_TCP_INPUT(data, mbuf, size, so) \
466 | do { \
467 | PRTREQ pReq = NULL; \
468 | int rc; \
469 | rc = RTReqAlloc((data)->pReqQueue, &pReq, RTREQTYPE_INTERNAL); \
470 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
471 | pReq->u.Internal.pfn = (PFNRT)tcp_input; \
472 | pReq->u.Internal.cArgs = 4; \
473 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[0] = (uintptr_t)(data); \
474 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[1] = (uintptr_t)(mbuf); \
475 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[2] = (uintptr_t)(size); \
476 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[3] = (uintptr_t)(so); \
478 | rc = RTReqQueue(pReq, 0); \
479 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
480 | } while(0)
481 |
482 | # define DO_TCP_CONNECT(data, so) \
483 | do { \
484 | PRTREQ pReq = NULL; \
485 | int rc; \
486 | rc = RTReqAlloc((data)->pReqQueue, &pReq, RTREQTYPE_INTERNAL); \
487 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
488 | pReq->u.Internal.pfn = (PFNRT)tcp_connect; \
489 | pReq->u.Internal.cArgs = 2; \
490 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[0] = (uintptr_t)(data); \
491 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[1] = (uintptr_t)(so); \
492 | pReq->fFlags = RTREQFLAGS_VOID; \
493 | rc = RTReqQueue(pReq, 0); /* don't wait, we have to release lock before*/ \
494 | if (RT_LIKELY(rc) == VERR_TIMEOUT) \
495 | { \
496 | SOCKET_UNLOCK(so); \
497 | rc = RTReqWait(pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); \
498 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
499 | SOCKET_LOCK(so); \
500 | RTReqFree(pReq); \
501 | } \
502 | else \
503 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
504 | } while(0)
505 |
506 | # define DO_SOREAD(ret, data, so, ifclose) \
507 | do { \
508 | PRTREQ pReq = NULL; \
509 | int rc; \
510 | rc = RTReqAlloc((data)->pReqQueue, &pReq, RTREQTYPE_INTERNAL); \
511 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
512 | pReq->u.Internal.pfn = (PFNRT)soread_queue; \
513 | pReq->u.Internal.cArgs = 4; \
514 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[0] = (uintptr_t)(data); \
515 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[1] = (uintptr_t)(so); \
516 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[2] = (uintptr_t)(ifclose); \
517 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[3] = (uintptr_t)&(ret); \
518 | pReq->fFlags = RTREQFLAGS_VOID; \
519 | rc = RTReqQueue(pReq, 0); /* don't wait, we have to release lock before*/ \
520 | if (RT_LIKELY(rc) == VERR_TIMEOUT) \
521 | { \
522 | SOCKET_UNLOCK(so); \
523 | rc = RTReqWait(pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); \
524 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
525 | SOCKET_LOCK(so); \
526 | RTReqFree(pReq); \
527 | } \
528 | else \
529 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
530 | } while(0)
531 |
532 | # define DO_SOWRITE(ret, data, so) \
533 | do { \
534 | PRTREQ pReq = NULL; \
535 | int rc; \
536 | rc = RTReqAlloc((data)->pReqQueue, &pReq, RTREQTYPE_INTERNAL); \
537 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
538 | pReq->u.Internal.pfn = (PFNRT)sowrite; \
539 | pReq->u.Internal.cArgs = 2; \
540 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[0] = (uintptr_t)(data); \
541 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[1] = (uintptr_t)(so); \
542 | pReq->fFlags = RTREQFLAGS_RETURN_MASK; \
543 | rc = RTReqQueue(pReq, 0); /* don't wait, we have to release lock before*/ \
544 | if (RT_LIKELY(rc) == VERR_TIMEOUT) \
545 | { \
546 | SOCKET_UNLOCK(so); \
547 | rc = RTReqWait(pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); \
548 | SOCKET_LOCK(so); \
549 | ret = pReq->iStatus; \
550 | RTReqFree(pReq); \
551 | } \
552 | else \
553 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
554 | } while(0)
555 |
556 | # define DO_SORECFROM(data, so) \
557 | do { \
558 | PRTREQ pReq = NULL; \
559 | int rc; \
560 | rc = RTReqAlloc((data)->pReqQueue, &pReq, RTREQTYPE_INTERNAL); \
561 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
562 | pReq->u.Internal.pfn = (PFNRT)sorecvfrom; \
563 | pReq->u.Internal.cArgs = 2; \
564 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[0] = (uintptr_t)(data); \
565 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[1] = (uintptr_t)(so); \
566 | pReq->fFlags = RTREQFLAGS_VOID; \
567 | rc = RTReqQueue(pReq, 0); \
568 | if (RT_LIKELY(rc) == VERR_TIMEOUT) \
569 | { \
570 | SOCKET_UNLOCK(so); \
571 | rc = RTReqWait(pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); \
572 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
573 | SOCKET_LOCK(so); \
574 | RTReqFree(pReq); \
575 | } \
576 | else \
577 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
578 | } while(0)
579 |
580 | # define DO_UDP_DETACH(data, so, so_next) \
581 | do { \
582 | PRTREQ pReq = NULL; \
583 | int rc; \
584 | rc = RTReqAlloc((data)->pReqQueue, &pReq, RTREQTYPE_INTERNAL); \
585 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
586 | pReq->u.Internal.pfn = (PFNRT)udp_detach; \
587 | pReq->u.Internal.cArgs = 2; \
588 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[0] = (uintptr_t)(data); \
589 | pReq->u.Internal.aArgs[1] = (uintptr_t)(so); \
590 | pReq->fFlags = RTREQFLAGS_VOID; \
591 | rc = RTReqQueue(pReq, 0); /* don't wait, we have to release lock before*/ \
592 | if (RT_LIKELY(rc) == VERR_TIMEOUT) \
593 | { \
594 | SOCKET_UNLOCK(so); \
595 | rc = RTReqWait(pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); \
596 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
597 | if ((so_next) != &udb) SOCKET_LOCK((so_next)); \
598 | RTReqFree(pReq); \
599 | } \
600 | else \
601 | AssertReleaseRC(rc); \
602 | } while(0)
603 |
604 | # define SOLOOKUP(so, label, src, sport, dst, dport) \
605 | do { \
606 | struct socket *sonxt; \
607 | (so) = NULL; \
608 | QSOCKET_FOREACH(so, sonxt, label) \
609 | /* { */ \
610 | if ( so->so_lport == (sport) \
611 | && so->so_laddr.s_addr == (src).s_addr \
612 | && so->so_faddr.s_addr == (dst).s_addr \
613 | && so->so_fport == (dport)) \
614 | { \
615 | if (sonxt != &VBOX_X2(queue_ ## label ## _label)) \
616 | SOCKET_UNLOCK(sonxt); \
617 | break; /*so is locked*/ \
618 | } \
619 | LOOP_LABEL(so, sonxt, label); \
620 | } \
621 | } \
622 | } while (0)
623 |
624 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_SLIRP_MT */
625 |
626 | # define QSOCKET_LOCK(queue) do {} while (0)
627 | # define QSOCKET_UNLOCK(queue) do {} while (0)
628 | # define QSOCKET_LOCK_CREATE(queue) do {} while (0)
629 | # define QSOCKET_LOCK_DESTROY(queue) do {} while (0)
630 | # define QSOCKET_FOREACH(so, sonext, label) \
631 | for ((so) = VBOX_X2(queue_ ## label ## _label).so_next; \
632 | (so) != &(VBOX_X2(queue_ ## label ## _label)); \
633 | (so) = (sonext)) \
634 | { \
635 | (sonext) = (so)->so_next;
636 | # define CONTINUE(label) continue
637 | # define CONTINUE_NO_UNLOCK(label) continue
638 | # define LOOP_LABEL(label, so, sonext) /* empty*/
639 | # define DO_TCP_OUTPUT(data, sotcb) tcp_output((data), (sotcb))
640 | # define DO_TCP_INPUT(data, mbuf, size, so) tcp_input((data), (mbuf), (size), (so))
641 | # define DO_TCP_CONNECT(data, so) tcp_connect((data), (so))
642 | # define DO_SOREAD(ret, data, so, ifclose) \
643 | do { \
644 | (ret) = soread((data), (so), (ifclose)); \
645 | } while(0)
646 | # define DO_SOWRITE(ret, data, so) \
647 | do { \
648 | (ret) = sowrite((data), (so)); \
649 | } while(0)
650 | # define DO_SORECFROM(data, so) sorecvfrom((data), (so))
651 | # define SOLOOKUP(so, label, src, sport, dst, dport) \
652 | do { \
653 | (so) = solookup(&VBOX_X2(queue_ ## label ## _label), (src), (sport), (dst), (dport)); \
654 | } while (0)
655 | # define DO_UDP_DETACH(data, so, ignored) udp_detach((data), (so))
656 |
657 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_SLIRP_MT */
658 |
659 | #define TCP_OUTPUT(data, sotcb) DO_TCP_OUTPUT((data), (sotcb))
660 | #define TCP_INPUT(data, mbuf, size, so) DO_TCP_INPUT((data), (mbuf), (size), (so))
661 | #define TCP_CONNECT(data, so) DO_TCP_CONNECT((data), (so))
662 | #define SOREAD(ret, data, so, ifclose) DO_SOREAD((ret), (data), (so), (ifclose))
663 | #define SOWRITE(ret, data, so) DO_SOWRITE((ret), (data), (so))
664 | #define SORECVFROM(data, so) DO_SORECFROM((data), (so))
665 | #define UDP_DETACH(data, so, so_next) DO_UDP_DETACH((data), (so), (so_next))
666 |
667 | /* dnsproxy/dnsproxy.c */
668 | #define authoritative_port pData->authoritative_port
669 | #define authoritative_timeout pData->authoritative_timeout
670 | #define recursive_port pData->recursive_port
671 | #define recursive_timeout pData->recursive_timeout
672 | #define stats_timeout pData->stats_timeout
673 | /* dnsproxy/hash.c */
674 | #define dns_port pData->port
675 | #define request_hash pData->request_hash
676 | #define hash_collisions pData->hash_collisions
677 | #define active_queries pData->active_queries
678 | #define all_queries pData->all_queries
679 | #define authoritative_queries pData->authoritative_queries
680 | #define recursive_queries pData->recursive_queries
681 | #define removed_queries pData->removed_queries
682 | #define dropped_queries pData->dropped_queries
683 | #define answered_queries pData->answered_queries
684 | #define dropped_answers pData->dropped_answers
685 | #define late_answers pData->late_answers
686 |
687 | /* dnsproxy/dnsproxy.c */
688 | #define queryid pData->queryid
689 | #define authoritative_addr pData->authoritative_addr
690 | #define recursive_addr pData->recursive_addr
691 | #define sock_query pData->sock_query
692 | #define sock_answer pData->sock_answer
693 |
694 | #define instancehead pData->instancehead
695 |
696 | #endif /* !___slirp_state_h */