/* $Id: DrvVMNet.m 93363 2022-01-20 12:00:05Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * DrvVMNet - Network filter driver that uses MAC OS VMNET API. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DRV_VMNET #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Pcap.h" #include "VBoxDD.h" #include #import #define VMNET_MAX_HOST_INTERFACE_NAME_LENGTH 16 #define VMNET_MAX_IP_ADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH 48 /* Force release logging for debug builds */ #if 0 # undef Log # undef LogFlow # undef Log2 # undef Log3 # define Log LogRel # define LogFlow LogRel # define Log2 LogRel # define Log3 LogRel #endif /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * VMNET driver states. */ typedef enum VMNETSTATE { /** The driver is suspended. */ VMNETSTATE_SUSPENDED = 1, /** The driver is running. */ VMNETSTATE_RUNNING, /** The usual 32-bit type blowup. */ VMNETSTATE_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } VMNETSTATE; /** * VMNET driver instance data. * * @implements PDMINETWORKUP * @implements PDMINETWORKCONFIG */ typedef struct DRVVMNET { /** The network interface. */ PDMINETWORKUP INetworkUp; /** The port we're attached to. */ PPDMINETWORKDOWN pIAboveNet; /** The config port interface we're attached to. */ PPDMINETWORKCONFIG pIAboveConfig; /** Pointer to the driver instance. */ PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns; /** For when we're the leaf driver. */ RTCRITSECT XmitLock; /** VMNET interface queue handle. */ dispatch_queue_t InterfaceQueue; /** VMNET interface handle. */ interface_ref Interface; /** The unique id for this network. */ uuid_t uuid; /** The operation mode: bridged or host. */ uint32_t uMode; /** The operational state: suspended or running. */ VMNETSTATE volatile enmState; /** The host interface name for bridge mode. */ char szHostInterface[VMNET_MAX_HOST_INTERFACE_NAME_LENGTH]; /** The network mask for host mode. */ char szNetworkMask[VMNET_MAX_IP_ADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH]; /** The lower IP address of DHCP range for host mode. */ char szLowerIP[VMNET_MAX_IP_ADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH]; /** The upper IP address of DHCP range for host mode. */ char szUpperIP[VMNET_MAX_IP_ADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH]; } DRVVMNET, *PDRVVMNET; /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMINETWORKUP,pfnBeginXmit} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvVMNetUp_BeginXmit(PPDMINETWORKUP pInterface, bool fOnWorkerThread) { RT_NOREF(fOnWorkerThread); PDRVVMNET pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVVMNET, INetworkUp); LogFlow(("drvVMNetUp_BeginXmit:\n")); int rc = RTCritSectTryEnter(&pThis->XmitLock); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc == VERR_SEM_BUSY)) rc = VERR_TRY_AGAIN; return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMINETWORKUP,pfnAllocBuf} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvVMNetUp_AllocBuf(PPDMINETWORKUP pInterface, size_t cbMin, PCPDMNETWORKGSO pGso, PPPDMSCATTERGATHER ppSgBuf) { RT_NOREF(pInterface); //PDRVVMNET pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVVMNET, INetworkUp); LogFlow(("drvVMNetUp_AllocBuf: cb=%llu%s\n", cbMin, pGso == NULL ? "" : " GSO")); /* * Allocate a scatter / gather buffer descriptor that is immediately * followed by the buffer space of its single segment. The GSO context * comes after that again. */ PPDMSCATTERGATHER pSgBuf = (PPDMSCATTERGATHER)RTMemAlloc( RT_ALIGN_Z(sizeof(*pSgBuf), 16) + RT_ALIGN_Z(cbMin, 16) + (pGso ? RT_ALIGN_Z(sizeof(*pGso), 16) : 0)); if (!pSgBuf) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; /* * Initialize the S/G buffer and return. */ pSgBuf->fFlags = PDMSCATTERGATHER_FLAGS_MAGIC | PDMSCATTERGATHER_FLAGS_OWNER_1; pSgBuf->cbUsed = 0; pSgBuf->cbAvailable = RT_ALIGN_Z(cbMin, 16); pSgBuf->pvAllocator = NULL; if (!pGso) pSgBuf->pvUser = NULL; else { pSgBuf->pvUser = (uint8_t *)(pSgBuf + 1) + pSgBuf->cbAvailable; *(PPDMNETWORKGSO)pSgBuf->pvUser = *pGso; } pSgBuf->cSegs = 1; pSgBuf->aSegs[0].cbSeg = pSgBuf->cbAvailable; pSgBuf->aSegs[0].pvSeg = pSgBuf + 1; LogFlow(("drvVMNetUp_AllocBuf: successful %p\n", pSgBuf)); *ppSgBuf = pSgBuf; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMINETWORKUP,pfnFreeBuf} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvVMNetUp_FreeBuf(PPDMINETWORKUP pInterface, PPDMSCATTERGATHER pSgBuf) { PDRVVMNET pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVVMNET, INetworkUp); LogFlow(("drvVMNetUp_FreeBuf: %p\n", pSgBuf)); Assert(RTCritSectIsOwner(&pThis->XmitLock)); RT_NOREF(pThis); if (pSgBuf) { Assert((pSgBuf->fFlags & PDMSCATTERGATHER_FLAGS_MAGIC_MASK) == PDMSCATTERGATHER_FLAGS_MAGIC); pSgBuf->fFlags = 0; RTMemFree(pSgBuf); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int drvVMNetReceive(PDRVVMNET pThis, const uint8_t *pbFrame, uint32_t cbFrame) { if (pThis->enmState != VMNETSTATE_RUNNING) { Log(("drvVMNetReceive: Ignoring incoming packet (%d bytes) in suspended state\n", cbFrame)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } Log(("drvVMNetReceive: Incoming packet: %RTmac <= %RTmac (%d bytes)\n", pbFrame, pbFrame + 6, cbFrame)); Log2(("%.*Rhxd\n", cbFrame, pbFrame)); if (pThis->pIAboveNet && pThis->pIAboveNet->pfnReceive) return pThis->pIAboveNet->pfnReceive(pThis->pIAboveNet, pbFrame, cbFrame); return VERR_TRY_AGAIN; } static int drvVMNetSend(PDRVVMNET pThis, const uint8_t *pbFrame, uint32_t cbFrame) { if (pThis->enmState != VMNETSTATE_RUNNING) { Log(("drvVMNetReceive: Ignoring outgoing packet (%d bytes) in suspended state\n", cbFrame)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } Log(("drvVMNetSend: Outgoing packet (%d bytes)\n", cbFrame)); Log2(("%.*Rhxd\n", cbFrame, pbFrame)); struct iovec io; struct vmpktdesc packets; int packet_count = 1; io.iov_base = (void*)pbFrame; io.iov_len = cbFrame; packets.vm_pkt_size = cbFrame; packets.vm_pkt_iov = &io; packets.vm_pkt_iovcnt = 1; packets.vm_flags = 0; vmnet_return_t rc = vmnet_write(pThis->Interface, &packets, &packet_count); if (rc != VMNET_SUCCESS) Log(("drvVMNetSend: Failed to send a packet with error code %d\n", rc)); return (rc == VMNET_SUCCESS) ? VINF_SUCCESS : VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMINETWORKUP,pfnSendBuf} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvVMNetUp_SendBuf(PPDMINETWORKUP pInterface, PPDMSCATTERGATHER pSgBuf, bool fOnWorkerThread) { RT_NOREF(fOnWorkerThread); PDRVVMNET pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVVMNET, INetworkUp); LogFlow(("drvVMNetUp_SendBuf: %p\n", pSgBuf)); Assert(RTCritSectIsOwner(&pThis->XmitLock)); int rc; if (!pSgBuf->pvUser) { rc = drvVMNetSend(pThis, pSgBuf->aSegs[0].pvSeg, pSgBuf->cbUsed); } else { uint8_t abHdrScratch[256]; uint8_t const *pbFrame = (uint8_t const *)pSgBuf->aSegs[0].pvSeg; PCPDMNETWORKGSO pGso = (PCPDMNETWORKGSO)pSgBuf->pvUser; uint32_t const cSegs = PDMNetGsoCalcSegmentCount(pGso, pSgBuf->cbUsed); Assert(cSegs > 1); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; for (uint32_t iSeg = 0; iSeg < cSegs && RT_SUCCESS(rc); iSeg++) { uint32_t cbSegFrame; void *pvSegFrame = PDMNetGsoCarveSegmentQD(pGso, (uint8_t *)pbFrame, pSgBuf->cbUsed, abHdrScratch, iSeg, cSegs, &cbSegFrame); rc = drvVMNetSend(pThis, pvSegFrame, cbSegFrame); } } LogFlow(("drvVMNetUp_SendBuf: free %p\n", pSgBuf)); pSgBuf->fFlags = 0; RTMemFree(pSgBuf); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMINETWORKUP,pfnEndXmit} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvVMNetUp_EndXmit(PPDMINETWORKUP pInterface) { LogFlow(("drvVMNetUp_EndXmit:\n")); PDRVVMNET pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVVMNET, INetworkUp); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->XmitLock); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMINETWORKUP,pfnSetPromiscuousMode} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvVMNetUp_SetPromiscuousMode(PPDMINETWORKUP pInterface, bool fPromiscuous) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, fPromiscuous); LogFlow(("drvVMNetUp_SetPromiscuousMode: fPromiscuous=%d\n", fPromiscuous)); // PDRVVMNET pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVVMNET, INetworkUp); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMINETWORKUP,pfnNotifyLinkChanged} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvVMNetUp_NotifyLinkChanged(PPDMINETWORKUP pInterface, PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE enmLinkState) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, enmLinkState); LogFlow(("drvVMNetUp_NotifyLinkChanged: enmLinkState=%d\n", enmLinkState)); // PDRVVMNET pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVVMNET, INetworkUp); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvVMNetQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns = PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV(pInterface); PDRVVMNET pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVVMNET); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pDrvIns->IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMINETWORKUP, &pThis->INetworkUp); //PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMINETWORKVMNETCONFIG, &pThis->INetworkVmnetConfig); return NULL; } static vmnet_return_t drvVMNetAttach(PDRVVMNET pThis) { xpc_object_t interface_desc; dispatch_semaphore_t operation_done; __block vmnet_return_t vmnet_status = VMNET_FAILURE; __block size_t max_packet_size = 0; //__block RTMAC MacAddress; pThis->InterfaceQueue = dispatch_queue_create("VMNET", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); operation_done = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); interface_desc = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_uuid(interface_desc, vmnet_interface_id_key, pThis->uuid); xpc_dictionary_set_bool(interface_desc, vmnet_allocate_mac_address_key, false); xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(interface_desc, vmnet_operation_mode_key, pThis->uMode); if (pThis->uMode == VMNET_BRIDGED_MODE) { LogFlow(("drvVMNetAttach: mode=briged hostInterface='%s'\n", pThis->szHostInterface)); xpc_dictionary_set_string(interface_desc, vmnet_shared_interface_name_key, pThis->szHostInterface); } else { #ifdef LOG_ENABLED char szUUID[40]; uuid_unparse(pThis->uuid, szUUID); LogFlow(("drvVMNetAttach: mode=host id='%s' netmask='%s' start='%s' end='%s'\n", szUUID, pThis->szNetworkMask, pThis->szLowerIP, pThis->szUpperIP)); #endif xpc_dictionary_set_string(interface_desc, vmnet_subnet_mask_key, pThis->szNetworkMask); xpc_dictionary_set_string(interface_desc, vmnet_start_address_key, pThis->szLowerIP); xpc_dictionary_set_string(interface_desc, vmnet_end_address_key, pThis->szUpperIP); } pThis->Interface = vmnet_start_interface(interface_desc, pThis->InterfaceQueue, ^(vmnet_return_t status, xpc_object_t interface_param) { // Log(("Callback reached!\n")); vmnet_status = status; if (status != VMNET_SUCCESS) Log(("Failed to start VMNET interface. Status = %d.\n", status)); else if (interface_param == NULL) Log(("No interface parameters provided!\n")); else { Log(("VMNET interface has been started. Status = %d.\n", status)); #if 0 const char *pcszMacAddress = xpc_dictionary_get_string(interface_param, vmnet_mac_address_key); int rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND; if (pcszMacAddress) rc = RTNetStrToMacAddr(pcszMacAddress, &pThis->MacAddress); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) Log(("drvVMNetAttachBridged: Failed to convert '%s' to MAC address (%Rrc)\n", pcszMacAddress ? pcszMacAddress : "(null)", rc)); #endif max_packet_size = xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(interface_param, vmnet_max_packet_size_key); if (max_packet_size == 0) { max_packet_size = 1518; LogRel(("VMNet: Failed to retrieve max packet size, assuming %d bytes.\n", max_packet_size)); LogRel(("VMNet: Avaliable interface parameter keys:\n")); xpc_dictionary_apply(interface_param, ^bool(const char * _Nonnull key, xpc_object_t _Nonnull value) { RT_NOREF(value); LogRel(("VMNet: %s\n", key)); return true; }); } #ifdef LOG_ENABLED // Log(("MAC address: %s\n", xpc_dictionary_get_string(interface_param, vmnet_mac_address_key))); Log(("Max packet size: %zu\n", max_packet_size)); Log(("MTU size: %llu\n", xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(interface_param, vmnet_mtu_key))); Log(("Avaliable keys:\n")); xpc_dictionary_apply(interface_param, ^bool(const char * _Nonnull key, xpc_object_t _Nonnull value) { RT_NOREF(value); Log(("%s\n", key)); return true; }); #endif /* LOG_ENABLED */ } dispatch_semaphore_signal(operation_done); }); if (dispatch_semaphore_wait(operation_done, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, RT_NS_1MIN))) { LogRel(("VMNet: Failed to start VMNET interface due to time out!\n")); return VMNET_FAILURE; } if (vmnet_status != VMNET_SUCCESS) return vmnet_status; if (pThis->Interface == NULL) { Log(("Failed to start VMNET interface with unknown status!\n")); return VMNET_FAILURE; } LogRel(("VMNet: Max packet size is %zu\n", max_packet_size)); vmnet_interface_set_event_callback(pThis->Interface, VMNET_INTERFACE_PACKETS_AVAILABLE, pThis->InterfaceQueue, ^(interface_event_t event_mask, xpc_object_t _Nonnull event) { if (event_mask & VMNET_INTERFACE_PACKETS_AVAILABLE) { int rc; struct vmpktdesc packets; struct iovec io; int packet_count = (int)xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(event, vmnet_estimated_packets_available_key); if (packet_count == 1) Log3(("Incoming packets available: %d\n", packet_count)); else Log(("WARNING! %d incoming packets available, but we will fetch just one.\n", packet_count)); packet_count = 1; io.iov_base = malloc(max_packet_size); io.iov_len = max_packet_size; packets.vm_pkt_iov = &io; packets.vm_pkt_iovcnt = 1; packets.vm_pkt_size = max_packet_size; packets.vm_flags = 0; rc = vmnet_read(pThis->Interface, &packets, &packet_count); if (rc != VMNET_SUCCESS) Log(("Failed to read packets with error code %d\n", rc)); else { Log3(("Successfully read %d packets:\n", packet_count)); for (int i = 0; i < packet_count; ++i) { rc = drvVMNetReceive(pThis, io.iov_base, packets.vm_pkt_size); } } free(io.iov_base); } }); return vmnet_status; } static int drvVMNetDetach(PDRVVMNET pThis) { if (pThis->Interface) { vmnet_stop_interface(pThis->Interface, pThis->InterfaceQueue, ^(vmnet_return_t status){ RT_NOREF(status); Log(("VMNET interface has been stopped. Status = %d.\n", status)); }); pThis->Interface = 0; } if (pThis->InterfaceQueue) { dispatch_release(pThis->InterfaceQueue); pThis->InterfaceQueue = 0; } return 0; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMDRVREG,pfnDestruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvVMNetDestruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { PDRVVMNET pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVVMNET); PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN_VOID(pDrvIns); LogFlow(("drvVMNetDestruct: %p\n", pDrvIns)); drvVMNetDetach(pThis); if (RTCritSectIsInitialized(&pThis->XmitLock)) RTCritSectDelete(&pThis->XmitLock); } /** * @interface_method_impl{Construct a NAT network transport driver instance, * PDMDRVREG,pfnDestruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvVMNetConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint32_t fFlags) { RT_NOREF(fFlags); PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pDrvIns); PDRVVMNET pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVVMNET); PCPDMDRVHLPR3 pHlp = pDrvIns->pHlpR3; LogFlow(("drvVMNetConstruct: %p\n", pDrvIns)); /* * Init the static parts. */ pThis->pDrvIns = pDrvIns; /* IBase */ pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = drvVMNetQueryInterface; /* INetworkUp */ pThis->INetworkUp.pfnBeginXmit = drvVMNetUp_BeginXmit; pThis->INetworkUp.pfnAllocBuf = drvVMNetUp_AllocBuf; pThis->INetworkUp.pfnFreeBuf = drvVMNetUp_FreeBuf; pThis->INetworkUp.pfnSendBuf = drvVMNetUp_SendBuf; pThis->INetworkUp.pfnEndXmit = drvVMNetUp_EndXmit; pThis->INetworkUp.pfnSetPromiscuousMode = drvVMNetUp_SetPromiscuousMode; pThis->INetworkUp.pfnNotifyLinkChanged = drvVMNetUp_NotifyLinkChanged; /* Initialize the state. */ pThis->enmState = VMNETSTATE_SUSPENDED; /* * Create the locks. */ int rc = RTCritSectInit(&pThis->XmitLock); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); /* * Validate the config. */ PDMDRV_VALIDATE_CONFIG_RETURN(pDrvIns, "Network" "|Id" "|Trunk" "|TrunkType" "|NetworkMask" "|LowerIP" "|UpperIP", ""); /** @cfgm{GUID, string} * The unique id of the VMNET interface. */ char szUUID[40]; rc = pHlp->pfnCFGMQueryString(pCfg, "Id", szUUID, sizeof(szUUID)); if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) uuid_generate_random(pThis->uuid); else if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, rc, N_("Configuration error: Failed to get the \"Id\" value")); else if (uuid_parse(szUUID, pThis->uuid)) return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Configuration error: Invalid \"Id\" value: %s"), szUUID); /** @cfgm{TrunkType, uint32_t} * The trunk connection type see INTNETTRUNKTYPE. */ uint32_t u32TrunkType; rc = pHlp->pfnCFGMQueryU32(pCfg, "TrunkType", &u32TrunkType); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, rc, N_("Configuration error: Failed to get the \"TrunkType\" value")); switch ((INTNETTRUNKTYPE)u32TrunkType) { case kIntNetTrunkType_NetAdp: /* * Get the network mask. */ rc = pHlp->pfnCFGMQueryString(pCfg, "NetworkMask", pThis->szNetworkMask, sizeof(pThis->szNetworkMask)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, rc, N_("Configuration error: Failed to get the \"NetworkMask\" value")); /* * Get the network mask. */ rc = pHlp->pfnCFGMQueryString(pCfg, "LowerIP", pThis->szLowerIP, sizeof(pThis->szLowerIP)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, rc, N_("Configuration error: Failed to get the \"LowerIP\" value")); /* * Get the network mask. */ rc = pHlp->pfnCFGMQueryString(pCfg, "UpperIP", pThis->szUpperIP, sizeof(pThis->szUpperIP)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, rc, N_("Configuration error: Failed to get the \"UpperIP\" value")); pThis->uMode = VMNET_HOST_MODE; LogRel(("VMNet: Host network with mask %s (%s to %s)\n", pThis->szNetworkMask, pThis->szLowerIP, pThis->szUpperIP)); break; case kIntNetTrunkType_NetFlt: /** @cfgm{Trunk, string} * The name of the host interface to use for bridging. */ rc = pHlp->pfnCFGMQueryString(pCfg, "Trunk", pThis->szHostInterface, sizeof(pThis->szHostInterface)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, rc, N_("Configuration error: Failed to get the \"Trunk\" value")); pThis->uMode = VMNET_BRIDGED_MODE; LogRel(("VMNet: Bridge to %s\n", pThis->szHostInterface)); break; default: return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, rc, N_("Configuration error: Unsupported \"TrunkType\" value")); } /* * Check that no-one is attached to us. */ AssertMsgReturn(PDMDrvHlpNoAttach(pDrvIns) == VERR_PDM_NO_ATTACHED_DRIVER, ("Configuration error: Not possible to attach anything to this driver!\n"), VERR_PDM_DRVINS_NO_ATTACH); /* * Query the network port interface. */ pThis->pIAboveNet = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pDrvIns->pUpBase, PDMINETWORKDOWN); if (!pThis->pIAboveNet) { AssertMsgFailed(("Configuration error: the above device/driver didn't export the network port interface!\n")); return VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE_ABOVE; } /* * Query the network config interface. */ pThis->pIAboveConfig = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pDrvIns->pUpBase, PDMINETWORKCONFIG); if (!pThis->pIAboveConfig) { AssertMsgFailed(("Configuration error: the above device/driver didn't export the network config interface!\n")); return VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE_ABOVE; } vmnet_return_t status = drvVMNetAttach(pThis); if (status != VMNET_SUCCESS) return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Error: vmnet_start_interface returned %d"), status); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Power On notification. * * @param pDrvIns The driver instance. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvVMNetPowerOn(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { LogFlow(("drvVMNetPowerOn\n")); PDRVVMNET pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVVMNET); ASMAtomicXchgSize(&pThis->enmState, VMNETSTATE_RUNNING); } /** * Suspend notification. * * @param pDrvIns The driver instance. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvVMNetSuspend(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { LogFlow(("drvVMNetSuspend\n")); PDRVVMNET pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVVMNET); ASMAtomicXchgSize(&pThis->enmState, VMNETSTATE_SUSPENDED); } /** * Resume notification. * * @param pDrvIns The driver instance. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvVMNetResume(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { LogFlow(("drvVMNetResume\n")); PDRVVMNET pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVVMNET); ASMAtomicXchgSize(&pThis->enmState, VMNETSTATE_RUNNING); } /** * Network sniffer filter driver registration record. */ const PDMDRVREG g_DrvVMNet = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "VMNet", /* szRCMod */ "", /* szR0Mod */ "", /* pszDescription */ "VMNET Filter Driver", /* fFlags */ PDM_DRVREG_FLAGS_HOST_BITS_DEFAULT, /* fClass. */ PDM_DRVREG_CLASS_NETWORK, /* cMaxInstances */ UINT32_MAX, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(DRVVMNET), /* pfnConstruct */ drvVMNetConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ drvVMNetDestruct, /* pfnRelocate */ NULL, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ drvVMNetPowerOn, /* pfnReset */ NULL, /* pfnSuspend */ drvVMNetSuspend, /* pfnResume */ drvVMNetResume, /* pfnAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ NULL, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32EndVersion */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION };