/* $Id: UsbKbd.cpp 69496 2017-10-28 14:55:58Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * UsbKbd - USB Human Interface Device Emulation, Keyboard. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /** @page pg_usb_kbd USB Keyboard Device Emulation. * * This module implements a standard USB keyboard which uses the boot * interface. The keyboard sends reports which have room for up to six * normal keys and all standard modifier keys. A report always reflects the * current state of the keyboard and indicates which keys are held down. * * Software normally utilizes the keyboard's interrupt endpoint to request * reports to be sent whenever a state change occurs. However, reports can * also be sent whenever an interrupt transfer is initiated (the keyboard is * not "idle") or requested via the control endpoint (polling). * * Because turnaround on USB is relatively slow, the keyboard often ends up * in a situation where new input arrived but there is no URB available * where a report could be written to. The PDM queue maintained by the * keyboard driver is utilized to provide buffering and hold incoming events * until they can be passed along. The USB keyboard can effectively buffer * up to one event. * * If there is a pending event and a new URB becomes available, a report is * built and the keyboard queue is flushed. This ensures that queued events * are processed as quickly as possible. * * * References: * * Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID), Version 1.11 * */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_USB_KBD #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxDD.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** @name USB HID string IDs * @{ */ #define USBHID_STR_ID_MANUFACTURER 1 #define USBHID_STR_ID_PRODUCT 2 /** @} */ /** @name USB HID specific descriptor types * @{ */ #define DT_IF_HID_DESCRIPTOR 0x21 #define DT_IF_HID_REPORT 0x22 /** @} */ /** @name USB HID vendor and product IDs * @{ */ #define VBOX_USB_VENDOR 0x80EE #define USBHID_PID_KEYBOARD 0x0010 /** @} */ /** @name USB HID class specific requests * @{ */ #define HID_REQ_GET_REPORT 0x01 #define HID_REQ_GET_IDLE 0x02 #define HID_REQ_SET_REPORT 0x09 #define HID_REQ_SET_IDLE 0x0A /** @} */ /** @name USB HID additional constants * @{ */ /** The highest USB usage code reported by the VBox emulated keyboard */ #define VBOX_USB_MAX_USAGE_CODE 0xE7 /** The size of an array needed to store all USB usage codes */ #define VBOX_USB_USAGE_ARRAY_SIZE (VBOX_USB_MAX_USAGE_CODE + 1) #define USBHID_USAGE_ROLL_OVER 1 /** The usage code of the first modifier key. */ #define USBHID_MODIFIER_FIRST 0xE0 /** The usage code of the last modifier key. */ #define USBHID_MODIFIER_LAST 0xE7 /** @} */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * The USB HID request state. */ typedef enum USBHIDREQSTATE { /** Invalid status. */ USBHIDREQSTATE_INVALID = 0, /** Ready to receive a new read request. */ USBHIDREQSTATE_READY, /** Have (more) data for the host. */ USBHIDREQSTATE_DATA_TO_HOST, /** Waiting to supply status information to the host. */ USBHIDREQSTATE_STATUS, /** The end of the valid states. */ USBHIDREQSTATE_END } USBHIDREQSTATE; /** * Endpoint status data. */ typedef struct USBHIDEP { bool fHalted; } USBHIDEP; /** Pointer to the endpoint status. */ typedef USBHIDEP *PUSBHIDEP; /** * A URB queue. */ typedef struct USBHIDURBQUEUE { /** The head pointer. */ PVUSBURB pHead; /** Where to insert the next entry. */ PVUSBURB *ppTail; } USBHIDURBQUEUE; /** Pointer to a URB queue. */ typedef USBHIDURBQUEUE *PUSBHIDURBQUEUE; /** Pointer to a const URB queue. */ typedef USBHIDURBQUEUE const *PCUSBHIDURBQUEUE; /** * The USB HID report structure for regular keys. */ typedef struct USBHIDK_REPORT { uint8_t ShiftState; /**< Modifier keys bitfield */ uint8_t Reserved; /**< Currently unused */ uint8_t aKeys[6]; /**< Normal keys */ } USBHIDK_REPORT, *PUSBHIDK_REPORT; /** * The USB HID instance data. */ typedef struct USBHID { /** Pointer back to the PDM USB Device instance structure. */ PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns; /** Critical section protecting the device state. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** The current configuration. * (0 - default, 1 - the one supported configuration, i.e configured.) */ uint8_t bConfigurationValue; /** USB HID Idle value. * (0 - only report state change, !=0 - report in bIdle * 4ms intervals.) */ uint8_t bIdle; /** Endpoint 0 is the default control pipe, 1 is the dev->host interrupt one. */ USBHIDEP aEps[2]; /** The state of the HID (state machine).*/ USBHIDREQSTATE enmState; /** Pending to-host queue. * The URBs waiting here are waiting for data to become available. */ USBHIDURBQUEUE ToHostQueue; /** Done queue * The URBs stashed here are waiting to be reaped. */ USBHIDURBQUEUE DoneQueue; /** Signalled when adding an URB to the done queue and fHaveDoneQueueWaiter * is set. */ RTSEMEVENT hEvtDoneQueue; /** Someone is waiting on the done queue. */ bool fHaveDoneQueueWaiter; /** If device has pending changes. */ bool fHasPendingChanges; /** Currently depressed keys */ uint8_t abDepressedKeys[VBOX_USB_USAGE_ARRAY_SIZE]; /** * Keyboard port - LUN#0. * * @implements PDMIBASE * @implements PDMIKEYBOARDPORT */ struct { /** The base interface for the keyboard port. */ PDMIBASE IBase; /** The keyboard port base interface. */ PDMIKEYBOARDPORT IPort; /** The base interface of the attached keyboard driver. */ R3PTRTYPE(PPDMIBASE) pDrvBase; /** The keyboard interface of the attached keyboard driver. */ R3PTRTYPE(PPDMIKEYBOARDCONNECTOR) pDrv; } Lun0; } USBHID; /** Pointer to the USB HID instance data. */ typedef USBHID *PUSBHID; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static const PDMUSBDESCCACHESTRING g_aUsbHidStrings_en_US[] = { { USBHID_STR_ID_MANUFACTURER, "VirtualBox" }, { USBHID_STR_ID_PRODUCT, "USB Keyboard" }, }; static const PDMUSBDESCCACHELANG g_aUsbHidLanguages[] = { { 0x0409, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbHidStrings_en_US), g_aUsbHidStrings_en_US } }; static const VUSBDESCENDPOINTEX g_aUsbHidEndpointDescs[] = { { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCENDPOINT), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_ENDPOINT, /* .bEndpointAddress = */ 0x81 /* ep=1, in */, /* .bmAttributes = */ 3 /* interrupt */, /* .wMaxPacketSize = */ 8, /* .bInterval = */ 10, }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ NULL, /* .cbClass = */ 0 }, }; /** HID report descriptor. */ static const uint8_t g_UsbHidReportDesc[] = { /* Usage Page */ 0x05, 0x01, /* Generic Desktop */ /* Usage */ 0x09, 0x06, /* Keyboard */ /* Collection */ 0xA1, 0x01, /* Application */ /* Usage Page */ 0x05, 0x07, /* Keyboard */ /* Usage Minimum */ 0x19, 0xE0, /* Left Ctrl Key */ /* Usage Maximum */ 0x29, 0xE7, /* Right GUI Key */ /* Logical Minimum */ 0x15, 0x00, /* 0 */ /* Logical Maximum */ 0x25, 0x01, /* 1 */ /* Report Count */ 0x95, 0x08, /* 8 */ /* Report Size */ 0x75, 0x01, /* 1 */ /* Input */ 0x81, 0x02, /* Data, Value, Absolute, Bit field */ /* Report Count */ 0x95, 0x01, /* 1 */ /* Report Size */ 0x75, 0x08, /* 8 (padding bits) */ /* Input */ 0x81, 0x01, /* Constant, Array, Absolute, Bit field */ /* Report Count */ 0x95, 0x05, /* 5 */ /* Report Size */ 0x75, 0x01, /* 1 */ /* Usage Page */ 0x05, 0x08, /* LEDs */ /* Usage Minimum */ 0x19, 0x01, /* Num Lock */ /* Usage Maximum */ 0x29, 0x05, /* Kana */ /* Output */ 0x91, 0x02, /* Data, Value, Absolute, Non-volatile,Bit field */ /* Report Count */ 0x95, 0x01, /* 1 */ /* Report Size */ 0x75, 0x03, /* 3 */ /* Output */ 0x91, 0x01, /* Constant, Value, Absolute, Non-volatile, Bit field */ /* Report Count */ 0x95, 0x06, /* 6 */ /* Report Size */ 0x75, 0x08, /* 8 */ /* Logical Minimum */ 0x15, 0x00, /* 0 */ /* Logical Maximum */ 0x26, 0xFF,0x00,/* 255 */ /* Usage Page */ 0x05, 0x07, /* Keyboard */ /* Usage Minimum */ 0x19, 0x00, /* 0 */ /* Usage Maximum */ 0x29, 0xFF, /* 255 */ /* Input */ 0x81, 0x00, /* Data, Array, Absolute, Bit field */ /* End Collection */ 0xC0, }; /** Additional HID class interface descriptor. */ static const uint8_t g_UsbHidIfHidDesc[] = { /* .bLength = */ 0x09, /* .bDescriptorType = */ 0x21, /* HID */ /* .bcdHID = */ 0x10, 0x01, /* 1.1 */ /* .bCountryCode = */ 0x0D, /* International (ISO) */ /* .bNumDescriptors = */ 1, /* .bDescriptorType = */ 0x22, /* Report */ /* .wDescriptorLength = */ sizeof(g_UsbHidReportDesc), 0x00 }; static const VUSBDESCINTERFACEEX g_UsbHidInterfaceDesc = { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCINTERFACE), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_INTERFACE, /* .bInterfaceNumber = */ 0, /* .bAlternateSetting = */ 0, /* .bNumEndpoints = */ 1, /* .bInterfaceClass = */ 3 /* HID */, /* .bInterfaceSubClass = */ 1 /* Boot Interface */, /* .bInterfaceProtocol = */ 1 /* Keyboard */, /* .iInterface = */ 0 }, /* .pvMore = */ NULL, /* .pvClass = */ &g_UsbHidIfHidDesc, /* .cbClass = */ sizeof(g_UsbHidIfHidDesc), &g_aUsbHidEndpointDescs[0], /* .pIAD = */ NULL, /* .cbIAD = */ 0 }; static const VUSBINTERFACE g_aUsbHidInterfaces[] = { { &g_UsbHidInterfaceDesc, /* .cSettings = */ 1 }, }; static const VUSBDESCCONFIGEX g_UsbHidConfigDesc = { { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(VUSBDESCCONFIG), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_CONFIG, /* .wTotalLength = */ 0 /* recalculated on read */, /* .bNumInterfaces = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbHidInterfaces), /* .bConfigurationValue =*/ 1, /* .iConfiguration = */ 0, /* .bmAttributes = */ RT_BIT(7), /* .MaxPower = */ 50 /* 100mA */ }, NULL, /* pvMore */ NULL, /* pvClass */ 0, /* cbClass */ &g_aUsbHidInterfaces[0], NULL /* pvOriginal */ }; static const VUSBDESCDEVICE g_UsbHidDeviceDesc = { /* .bLength = */ sizeof(g_UsbHidDeviceDesc), /* .bDescriptorType = */ VUSB_DT_DEVICE, /* .bcdUsb = */ 0x110, /* 1.1 */ /* .bDeviceClass = */ 0 /* Class specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceSubClass = */ 0 /* Subclass specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bDeviceProtocol = */ 0 /* Protocol specified in the interface desc. */, /* .bMaxPacketSize0 = */ 8, /* .idVendor = */ VBOX_USB_VENDOR, /* .idProduct = */ USBHID_PID_KEYBOARD, /* .bcdDevice = */ 0x0100, /* 1.0 */ /* .iManufacturer = */ USBHID_STR_ID_MANUFACTURER, /* .iProduct = */ USBHID_STR_ID_PRODUCT, /* .iSerialNumber = */ 0, /* .bNumConfigurations = */ 1 }; static const PDMUSBDESCCACHE g_UsbHidDescCache = { /* .pDevice = */ &g_UsbHidDeviceDesc, /* .paConfigs = */ &g_UsbHidConfigDesc, /* .paLanguages = */ g_aUsbHidLanguages, /* .cLanguages = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUsbHidLanguages), /* .fUseCachedDescriptors = */ true, /* .fUseCachedStringsDescriptors = */ true }; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Initializes an URB queue. * * @param pQueue The URB queue. */ static void usbHidQueueInit(PUSBHIDURBQUEUE pQueue) { pQueue->pHead = NULL; pQueue->ppTail = &pQueue->pHead; } /** * Inserts an URB at the end of the queue. * * @param pQueue The URB queue. * @param pUrb The URB to insert. */ DECLINLINE(void) usbHidQueueAddTail(PUSBHIDURBQUEUE pQueue, PVUSBURB pUrb) { pUrb->Dev.pNext = NULL; *pQueue->ppTail = pUrb; pQueue->ppTail = &pUrb->Dev.pNext; } /** * Unlinks the head of the queue and returns it. * * @returns The head entry. * @param pQueue The URB queue. */ DECLINLINE(PVUSBURB) usbHidQueueRemoveHead(PUSBHIDURBQUEUE pQueue) { PVUSBURB pUrb = pQueue->pHead; if (pUrb) { PVUSBURB pNext = pUrb->Dev.pNext; pQueue->pHead = pNext; if (!pNext) pQueue->ppTail = &pQueue->pHead; else pUrb->Dev.pNext = NULL; } return pUrb; } /** * Removes an URB from anywhere in the queue. * * @returns true if found, false if not. * @param pQueue The URB queue. * @param pUrb The URB to remove. */ DECLINLINE(bool) usbHidQueueRemove(PUSBHIDURBQUEUE pQueue, PVUSBURB pUrb) { PVUSBURB pCur = pQueue->pHead; if (pCur == pUrb) pQueue->pHead = pUrb->Dev.pNext; else { while (pCur) { if (pCur->Dev.pNext == pUrb) { pCur->Dev.pNext = pUrb->Dev.pNext; break; } pCur = pCur->Dev.pNext; } if (!pCur) return false; } if (!pUrb->Dev.pNext) pQueue->ppTail = &pQueue->pHead; return true; } #if 0 /* unused */ /** * Checks if the queue is empty or not. * * @returns true if it is, false if it isn't. * @param pQueue The URB queue. */ DECLINLINE(bool) usbHidQueueIsEmpty(PCUSBHIDURBQUEUE pQueue) { return pQueue->pHead == NULL; } #endif /* unused */ /** * Links an URB into the done queue. * * @param pThis The HID instance. * @param pUrb The URB. */ static void usbHidLinkDone(PUSBHID pThis, PVUSBURB pUrb) { usbHidQueueAddTail(&pThis->DoneQueue, pUrb); if (pThis->fHaveDoneQueueWaiter) { int rc = RTSemEventSignal(pThis->hEvtDoneQueue); AssertRC(rc); } } /** * Completes the URB with a stalled state, halting the pipe. */ static int usbHidCompleteStall(PUSBHID pThis, PUSBHIDEP pEp, PVUSBURB pUrb, const char *pszWhy) { RT_NOREF1(pszWhy); Log(("usbHidCompleteStall/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s: %s\n", pThis->pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc, pszWhy)); pUrb->enmStatus = VUSBSTATUS_STALL; /** @todo figure out if the stall is global or pipe-specific or both. */ if (pEp) pEp->fHalted = true; else { pThis->aEps[0].fHalted = true; pThis->aEps[1].fHalted = true; } usbHidLinkDone(pThis, pUrb); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Completes the URB with a OK state. */ static int usbHidCompleteOk(PUSBHID pThis, PVUSBURB pUrb, size_t cbData) { Log(("usbHidCompleteOk/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s cbData=%#zx\n", pThis->pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc, cbData)); pUrb->enmStatus = VUSBSTATUS_OK; pUrb->cbData = (uint32_t)cbData; usbHidLinkDone(pThis, pUrb); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Reset worker for usbHidUsbReset, usbHidUsbSetConfiguration and * usbHidHandleDefaultPipe. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis The HID instance. * @param pUrb Set when usbHidHandleDefaultPipe is the * caller. * @param fSetConfig Set when usbHidUsbSetConfiguration is the * caller. */ static int usbHidResetWorker(PUSBHID pThis, PVUSBURB pUrb, bool fSetConfig) { /* * Deactivate the keyboard. */ pThis->Lun0.pDrv->pfnSetActive(pThis->Lun0.pDrv, false); /* * Reset the device state. */ pThis->enmState = USBHIDREQSTATE_READY; pThis->bIdle = 0; pThis->fHasPendingChanges = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aEps); i++) pThis->aEps[i].fHalted = false; if (!pUrb && !fSetConfig) /* (only device reset) */ pThis->bConfigurationValue = 0; /* default */ /* * Ditch all pending URBs. */ PVUSBURB pCurUrb; while ((pCurUrb = usbHidQueueRemoveHead(&pThis->ToHostQueue)) != NULL) { pCurUrb->enmStatus = VUSBSTATUS_CRC; usbHidLinkDone(pThis, pCurUrb); } if (pUrb) return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, 0); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Returns true if the usage code corresponds to a keyboard modifier key * (left or right ctrl, shift, alt or GUI). The usage codes for these keys * are the range 0xe0 to 0xe7. */ static bool usbHidUsageCodeIsModifier(uint8_t u8Usage) { return u8Usage >= USBHID_MODIFIER_FIRST && u8Usage <= USBHID_MODIFIER_LAST; } /** * Convert a USB HID usage code to a keyboard modifier flag. The arithmetic * is simple: the modifier keys have usage codes from 0xe0 to 0xe7, and the * lower nibble is the bit number of the flag. */ static uint8_t usbHidModifierToFlag(uint8_t u8Usage) { Assert(usbHidUsageCodeIsModifier(u8Usage)); return RT_BIT(u8Usage & 0xf); } /** * Create a USB HID keyboard report reflecting the current state of the * keyboard (up/down keys). */ static void usbHidBuildReport(PUSBHIDK_REPORT pReport, uint8_t *pabDepressedKeys) { unsigned iBuf = 0; RT_ZERO(*pReport); for (unsigned iKey = 0; iKey < VBOX_USB_USAGE_ARRAY_SIZE; ++iKey) { Assert(iBuf <= RT_ELEMENTS(pReport->aKeys)); if (pabDepressedKeys[iKey]) { if (usbHidUsageCodeIsModifier(iKey)) pReport->ShiftState |= usbHidModifierToFlag(iKey); else if (iBuf == RT_ELEMENTS(pReport->aKeys)) { /* The USB HID spec says that the entire vector should be * set to ErrorRollOver on overflow. We don't mind if this * path is taken several times for one report. */ for (unsigned iBuf2 = 0; iBuf2 < RT_ELEMENTS(pReport->aKeys); ++iBuf2) pReport->aKeys[iBuf2] = USBHID_USAGE_ROLL_OVER; } else { pReport->aKeys[iBuf] = iKey; ++iBuf; } } } } /** * Handles a SET_REPORT request sent to the default control pipe. Note * that unrecognized requests are ignored without reporting an error. */ static void usbHidSetReport(PUSBHID pThis, PVUSBURB pUrb) { PVUSBSETUP pSetup = (PVUSBSETUP)&pUrb->abData[0]; Assert(pSetup->bRequest == HID_REQ_SET_REPORT); /* The LED report is the 3rd report, ID 0 (-> wValue 0x200). */ if (pSetup->wIndex == 0 && pSetup->wLength == 1 && pSetup->wValue == 0x200) { PDMKEYBLEDS enmLeds = PDMKEYBLEDS_NONE; uint8_t u8LEDs = pUrb->abData[sizeof(*pSetup)]; LogFlowFunc(("Setting keybooard LEDs to u8LEDs=%02X\n", u8LEDs)); /* Translate LED state to PDM format and send upstream. */ if (u8LEDs & 0x01) enmLeds = (PDMKEYBLEDS)(enmLeds | PDMKEYBLEDS_NUMLOCK); if (u8LEDs & 0x02) enmLeds = (PDMKEYBLEDS)(enmLeds | PDMKEYBLEDS_CAPSLOCK); if (u8LEDs & 0x04) enmLeds = (PDMKEYBLEDS)(enmLeds | PDMKEYBLEDS_SCROLLLOCK); pThis->Lun0.pDrv->pfnLedStatusChange(pThis->Lun0.pDrv, enmLeds); } } /** * Sends a state report to the guest if there is a URB available. */ static void usbHidSendReport(PUSBHID pThis) { PVUSBURB pUrb = usbHidQueueRemoveHead(&pThis->ToHostQueue); if (pUrb) { PUSBHIDK_REPORT pReport = (PUSBHIDK_REPORT)&pUrb->abData[0]; usbHidBuildReport(pReport, pThis->abDepressedKeys); pThis->fHasPendingChanges = false; usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, sizeof(*pReport)); } else { Log2(("No available URB for USB kbd\n")); pThis->fHasPendingChanges = true; } } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) usbHidKeyboardQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PUSBHID pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, USBHID, Lun0.IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pThis->Lun0.IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIKEYBOARDPORT, &pThis->Lun0.IPort); return NULL; } /* See the PS2K device. */ #define KRSP_BAT_FAIL 0xFC /* Also a 'release keys' signal. */ /** * Keyboard event handler. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pInterface Pointer to the keyboard port interface (KBDState::Keyboard.IPort). * @param u32UsageCode The key usage ID. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbHidKeyboardPutEvent(PPDMIKEYBOARDPORT pInterface, uint32_t u32UsageCode) { PUSBHID pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, USBHID, Lun0.IPort); uint8_t u8HidCode; bool fKeyDown; bool fHaveEvent = true; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); /* Let's see what we got... */ fKeyDown = !(u32UsageCode & 0x80000000); u8HidCode = u32UsageCode & 0xFF; AssertReturn(u8HidCode <= VBOX_USB_MAX_USAGE_CODE, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); LogFlowFunc(("key %s: 0x%x\n", fKeyDown ? "down" : "up", u8HidCode)); /* * Due to host key repeat, we can get key events for keys which are * already depressed. Drop those right here. */ if (fKeyDown && pThis->abDepressedKeys[u8HidCode]) fHaveEvent = false; /* If there is already a pending event, we won't accept a new one yet. */ if (pThis->fHasPendingChanges && fHaveEvent) { rc = VERR_TRY_AGAIN; } else if (fHaveEvent) { if (RT_UNLIKELY(u32UsageCode == KRSP_BAT_FAIL)) { /* Clear all currently depressed and unreported keys. */ RT_ZERO(pThis->abDepressedKeys); } else { /* Regular key event - update keyboard state. */ if (fKeyDown) pThis->abDepressedKeys[u8HidCode] = 1; else pThis->abDepressedKeys[u8HidCode] = 0; } /* * Try sending a report. Note that we already decided to consume the * event regardless of whether a URB is available or not. If it's not, * we will simply not accept any further events. */ usbHidSendReport(pThis); } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUrbReap} */ static DECLCALLBACK(PVUSBURB) usbHidUrbReap(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies) { PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); //LogFlow(("usbHidUrbReap/#%u: cMillies=%u\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, cMillies)); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); PVUSBURB pUrb = usbHidQueueRemoveHead(&pThis->DoneQueue); if (!pUrb && cMillies) { /* Wait */ pThis->fHaveDoneQueueWaiter = true; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); RTSemEventWait(pThis->hEvtDoneQueue, cMillies); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); pThis->fHaveDoneQueueWaiter = false; pUrb = usbHidQueueRemoveHead(&pThis->DoneQueue); } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (pUrb) Log(("usbHidUrbReap/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc)); return pUrb; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnWakeup} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbHidWakeup(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); return RTSemEventSignal(pThis->hEvtDoneQueue); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUrbCancel} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbHidUrbCancel(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PVUSBURB pUrb) { PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); LogFlow(("usbHidUrbCancel/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc)); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); /* * Remove the URB from the to-host queue and move it onto the done queue. */ if (usbHidQueueRemove(&pThis->ToHostQueue, pUrb)) usbHidLinkDone(pThis, pUrb); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Handles request sent to the inbound (device to host) interrupt pipe. This is * rather different from bulk requests because an interrupt read URB may complete * after arbitrarily long time. */ static int usbHidHandleIntrDevToHost(PUSBHID pThis, PUSBHIDEP pEp, PVUSBURB pUrb) { /* * Stall the request if the pipe is halted. */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(pEp->fHalted)) return usbHidCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Halted pipe"); /* * Deal with the URB according to the state. */ switch (pThis->enmState) { /* * We've data left to transfer to the host. */ case USBHIDREQSTATE_DATA_TO_HOST: { AssertFailed(); Log(("usbHidHandleIntrDevToHost: Entering STATUS\n")); return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, 0); } /* * Status transfer. */ case USBHIDREQSTATE_STATUS: { AssertFailed(); Log(("usbHidHandleIntrDevToHost: Entering READY\n")); pThis->enmState = USBHIDREQSTATE_READY; return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, 0); } case USBHIDREQSTATE_READY: usbHidQueueAddTail(&pThis->ToHostQueue, pUrb); /* If device was not set idle, send the current report right away. */ if (pThis->bIdle != 0 || pThis->fHasPendingChanges) { usbHidSendReport(pThis); LogFlow(("usbHidHandleIntrDevToHost: Sent report via %p:%s\n", pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc)); Assert(!pThis->fHasPendingChanges); /* Since we just got a URB... */ /* There may be more input queued up. Ask for it now. */ pThis->Lun0.pDrv->pfnFlushQueue(pThis->Lun0.pDrv); } return VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Bad states, stall. */ default: Log(("usbHidHandleIntrDevToHost: enmState=%d cbData=%#x\n", pThis->enmState, pUrb->cbData)); return usbHidCompleteStall(pThis, NULL, pUrb, "Really bad state (D2H)!"); } } /** * Handles request sent to the default control pipe. */ static int usbHidHandleDefaultPipe(PUSBHID pThis, PUSBHIDEP pEp, PVUSBURB pUrb) { PVUSBSETUP pSetup = (PVUSBSETUP)&pUrb->abData[0]; LogFlow(("usbHidHandleDefaultPipe: cbData=%d\n", pUrb->cbData)); AssertReturn(pUrb->cbData >= sizeof(*pSetup), VERR_VUSB_FAILED_TO_QUEUE_URB); if ((pSetup->bmRequestType & VUSB_REQ_MASK) == VUSB_REQ_STANDARD) { switch (pSetup->bRequest) { case VUSB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR: { switch (pSetup->bmRequestType) { case VUSB_TO_DEVICE | VUSB_REQ_STANDARD | VUSB_DIR_TO_HOST: { switch (pSetup->wValue >> 8) { case VUSB_DT_STRING: Log(("usbHid: GET_DESCRIPTOR DT_STRING wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex)); break; default: Log(("usbHid: GET_DESCRIPTOR, huh? wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex)); break; } break; } case VUSB_TO_INTERFACE | VUSB_REQ_STANDARD | VUSB_DIR_TO_HOST: { switch (pSetup->wValue >> 8) { case DT_IF_HID_DESCRIPTOR: { uint32_t cbCopy; /* Returned data is written after the setup message. */ cbCopy = pUrb->cbData - sizeof(*pSetup); cbCopy = RT_MIN(cbCopy, sizeof(g_UsbHidIfHidDesc)); Log(("usbHidKbd: GET_DESCRIPTOR DT_IF_HID_DESCRIPTOR wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x cbCopy=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex, cbCopy)); memcpy(&pUrb->abData[sizeof(*pSetup)], &g_UsbHidIfHidDesc, cbCopy); return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, cbCopy + sizeof(*pSetup)); } case DT_IF_HID_REPORT: { uint32_t cbCopy; /* Returned data is written after the setup message. */ cbCopy = pUrb->cbData - sizeof(*pSetup); cbCopy = RT_MIN(cbCopy, sizeof(g_UsbHidReportDesc)); Log(("usbHid: GET_DESCRIPTOR DT_IF_HID_REPORT wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x cbCopy=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex, cbCopy)); memcpy(&pUrb->abData[sizeof(*pSetup)], &g_UsbHidReportDesc, cbCopy); return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, cbCopy + sizeof(*pSetup)); } default: Log(("usbHid: GET_DESCRIPTOR, huh? wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex)); break; } break; } default: Log(("usbHid: Bad GET_DESCRIPTOR req: bmRequestType=%#x\n", pSetup->bmRequestType)); return usbHidCompleteStall(pThis, pEp, pUrb, "Bad GET_DESCRIPTOR"); } break; } case VUSB_REQ_GET_STATUS: { uint16_t wRet = 0; if (pSetup->wLength != 2) { Log(("usbHid: Bad GET_STATUS req: wLength=%#x\n", pSetup->wLength)); break; } Assert(pSetup->wValue == 0); switch (pSetup->bmRequestType) { case VUSB_TO_DEVICE | VUSB_REQ_STANDARD | VUSB_DIR_TO_HOST: { Assert(pSetup->wIndex == 0); Log(("usbHid: GET_STATUS (device)\n")); wRet = 0; /* Not self-powered, no remote wakeup. */ memcpy(&pUrb->abData[sizeof(*pSetup)], &wRet, sizeof(wRet)); return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, sizeof(wRet) + sizeof(*pSetup)); } case VUSB_TO_INTERFACE | VUSB_REQ_STANDARD | VUSB_DIR_TO_HOST: { if (pSetup->wIndex == 0) { memcpy(&pUrb->abData[sizeof(*pSetup)], &wRet, sizeof(wRet)); return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, sizeof(wRet) + sizeof(*pSetup)); } else { Log(("usbHid: GET_STATUS (interface) invalid, wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wIndex)); } break; } case VUSB_TO_ENDPOINT | VUSB_REQ_STANDARD | VUSB_DIR_TO_HOST: { if (pSetup->wIndex < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aEps)) { wRet = pThis->aEps[pSetup->wIndex].fHalted ? 1 : 0; memcpy(&pUrb->abData[sizeof(*pSetup)], &wRet, sizeof(wRet)); return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, sizeof(wRet) + sizeof(*pSetup)); } else { Log(("usbHid: GET_STATUS (endpoint) invalid, wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wIndex)); } break; } default: Log(("usbHid: Bad GET_STATUS req: bmRequestType=%#x\n", pSetup->bmRequestType)); return usbHidCompleteStall(pThis, pEp, pUrb, "Bad GET_STATUS"); } break; } case VUSB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE: break; } /** @todo implement this. */ Log(("usbHid: Implement standard request: bmRequestType=%#x bRequest=%#x wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x wLength=%#x\n", pSetup->bmRequestType, pSetup->bRequest, pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex, pSetup->wLength)); usbHidCompleteStall(pThis, pEp, pUrb, "TODO: standard request stuff"); } else if ((pSetup->bmRequestType & VUSB_REQ_MASK) == VUSB_REQ_CLASS) { switch (pSetup->bRequest) { case HID_REQ_SET_IDLE: { switch (pSetup->bmRequestType) { case VUSB_TO_INTERFACE | VUSB_REQ_CLASS | VUSB_DIR_TO_DEVICE: { Log(("usbHid: SET_IDLE wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex)); pThis->bIdle = pSetup->wValue >> 8; /* Consider 24ms to mean zero for keyboards (see IOUSBHIDDriver) */ if (pThis->bIdle == 6) pThis->bIdle = 0; return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, 0); } break; } break; } case HID_REQ_GET_IDLE: { switch (pSetup->bmRequestType) { case VUSB_TO_INTERFACE | VUSB_REQ_CLASS | VUSB_DIR_TO_HOST: { Log(("usbHid: GET_IDLE wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x, returning %#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex, pThis->bIdle)); pUrb->abData[sizeof(*pSetup)] = pThis->bIdle; return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, 1); } break; } break; } case HID_REQ_SET_REPORT: { switch (pSetup->bmRequestType) { case VUSB_TO_INTERFACE | VUSB_REQ_CLASS | VUSB_DIR_TO_DEVICE: { Log(("usbHid: SET_REPORT wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x wLength=%#x\n", pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex, pSetup->wLength)); usbHidSetReport(pThis, pUrb); return usbHidCompleteOk(pThis, pUrb, 0); } break; } break; } } Log(("usbHid: Unimplemented class request: bmRequestType=%#x bRequest=%#x wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x wLength=%#x\n", pSetup->bmRequestType, pSetup->bRequest, pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex, pSetup->wLength)); usbHidCompleteStall(pThis, pEp, pUrb, "TODO: class request stuff"); } else { Log(("usbHid: Unknown control msg: bmRequestType=%#x bRequest=%#x wValue=%#x wIndex=%#x wLength=%#x\n", pSetup->bmRequestType, pSetup->bRequest, pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wIndex, pSetup->wLength)); return usbHidCompleteStall(pThis, pEp, pUrb, "Unknown control msg"); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUrbQueue} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbHidQueue(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, PVUSBURB pUrb) { PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); LogFlow(("usbHidQueue/#%u: pUrb=%p:%s EndPt=%#x\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, pUrb, pUrb->pszDesc, pUrb->EndPt)); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); /* * Parse on a per end-point basis. */ int rc; switch (pUrb->EndPt) { case 0: rc = usbHidHandleDefaultPipe(pThis, &pThis->aEps[0], pUrb); break; case 0x81: AssertFailed(); RT_FALL_THRU(); case 0x01: rc = usbHidHandleIntrDevToHost(pThis, &pThis->aEps[1], pUrb); break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("EndPt=%d\n", pUrb->EndPt)); rc = VERR_VUSB_FAILED_TO_QUEUE_URB; break; } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbClearHaltedEndpoint} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbHidUsbClearHaltedEndpoint(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, unsigned uEndpoint) { PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); LogFlow(("usbHidUsbClearHaltedEndpoint/#%u: uEndpoint=%#x\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, uEndpoint)); if ((uEndpoint & ~0x80) < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aEps)) { RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); pThis->aEps[(uEndpoint & ~0x80)].fHalted = false; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbSetInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbHidUsbSetInterface(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber, uint8_t bAlternateSetting) { RT_NOREF3(pUsbIns, bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting); LogFlow(("usbHidUsbSetInterface/#%u: bInterfaceNumber=%u bAlternateSetting=%u\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting)); Assert(bAlternateSetting == 0); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbSetConfiguration} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbHidUsbSetConfiguration(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, uint8_t bConfigurationValue, const void *pvOldCfgDesc, const void *pvOldIfState, const void *pvNewCfgDesc) { RT_NOREF3(pvOldCfgDesc, pvOldIfState, pvNewCfgDesc); PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); LogFlow(("usbHidUsbSetConfiguration/#%u: bConfigurationValue=%u\n", pUsbIns->iInstance, bConfigurationValue)); Assert(bConfigurationValue == 1); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); /* * If the same config is applied more than once, it's a kind of reset. */ if (pThis->bConfigurationValue == bConfigurationValue) usbHidResetWorker(pThis, NULL, true /*fSetConfig*/); /** @todo figure out the exact difference */ pThis->bConfigurationValue = bConfigurationValue; /* * Tell the other end that the keyboard is now enabled and wants * to receive keystrokes. */ pThis->Lun0.pDrv->pfnSetActive(pThis->Lun0.pDrv, true); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbGetDescriptorCache} */ static DECLCALLBACK(PCPDMUSBDESCCACHE) usbHidUsbGetDescriptorCache(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); RT_NOREF_PV(pThis); LogFlow(("usbHidUsbGetDescriptorCache/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); return &g_UsbHidDescCache; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnUsbReset} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbHidUsbReset(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, bool fResetOnLinux) { RT_NOREF1(fResetOnLinux); PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); LogFlow(("usbHidUsbReset/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); int rc = usbHidResetWorker(pThis, NULL, false /*fSetConfig*/); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnDestruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) usbHidDestruct(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns) { PDMUSB_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN_VOID(pUsbIns); PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); LogFlow(("usbHidDestruct/#%u:\n", pUsbIns->iInstance)); if (RTCritSectIsInitialized(&pThis->CritSect)) { /* Let whoever runs in this critical section complete. */ RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); RTCritSectDelete(&pThis->CritSect); } if (pThis->hEvtDoneQueue != NIL_RTSEMEVENT) { RTSemEventDestroy(pThis->hEvtDoneQueue); pThis->hEvtDoneQueue = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; } } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMUSBREG,pfnConstruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) usbHidConstruct(PPDMUSBINS pUsbIns, int iInstance, PCFGMNODE pCfg, PCFGMNODE pCfgGlobal) { RT_NOREF1(pCfgGlobal); PDMUSB_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pUsbIns); PUSBHID pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pUsbIns, PUSBHID); Log(("usbHidConstruct/#%u:\n", iInstance)); /* * Perform the basic structure initialization first so the destructor * will not misbehave. */ pThis->pUsbIns = pUsbIns; pThis->hEvtDoneQueue = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; usbHidQueueInit(&pThis->ToHostQueue); usbHidQueueInit(&pThis->DoneQueue); int rc = RTCritSectInit(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); rc = RTSemEventCreate(&pThis->hEvtDoneQueue); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); /* * Validate and read the configuration. */ rc = CFGMR3ValidateConfig(pCfg, "/", "", "", "UsbHid", iInstance); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pThis->Lun0.IBase.pfnQueryInterface = usbHidKeyboardQueryInterface; pThis->Lun0.IPort.pfnPutEventHid = usbHidKeyboardPutEvent; /* * Attach the keyboard driver. */ rc = PDMUsbHlpDriverAttach(pUsbIns, 0 /*iLun*/, &pThis->Lun0.IBase, &pThis->Lun0.pDrvBase, "Keyboard Port"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMUsbHlpVMSetError(pUsbIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("HID failed to attach keyboard driver")); pThis->Lun0.pDrv = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pThis->Lun0.pDrvBase, PDMIKEYBOARDCONNECTOR); if (!pThis->Lun0.pDrv) return PDMUsbHlpVMSetError(pUsbIns, VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE, RT_SRC_POS, N_("HID failed to query keyboard interface")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * The USB Human Interface Device (HID) Keyboard registration record. */ const PDMUSBREG g_UsbHidKbd = { /* u32Version */ PDM_USBREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "HidKeyboard", /* pszDescription */ "USB HID Keyboard.", /* fFlags */ 0, /* cMaxInstances */ ~0U, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(USBHID), /* pfnConstruct */ usbHidConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ usbHidDestruct, /* pfnVMInitComplete */ NULL, /* pfnVMPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnVMReset */ NULL, /* pfnVMSuspend */ NULL, /* pfnVMResume */ NULL, /* pfnVMPowerOff */ NULL, /* pfnHotPlugged */ NULL, /* pfnHotUnplugged */ NULL, /* pfnDriverAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDriverDetach */ NULL, /* pfnQueryInterface */ NULL, /* pfnUsbReset */ usbHidUsbReset, /* pfnUsbGetDescriptorCache */ usbHidUsbGetDescriptorCache, /* pfnUsbSetConfiguration */ usbHidUsbSetConfiguration, /* pfnUsbSetInterface */ usbHidUsbSetInterface, /* pfnUsbClearHaltedEndpoint */ usbHidUsbClearHaltedEndpoint, /* pfnUrbNew */ NULL/*usbHidUrbNew*/, /* pfnUrbQueue */ usbHidQueue, /* pfnUrbCancel */ usbHidUrbCancel, /* pfnUrbReap */ usbHidUrbReap, /* pfnWakeup */ usbHidWakeup, /* u32TheEnd */ PDM_USBREG_VERSION };