1 | /*
2 | * Copyright 2011 Vincent Povirk for CodeWeavers
3 | *
4 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 | *
9 | * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 | * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 | *
14 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 | * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 | * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
17 | */
18 |
19 | import "wtypes.idl";
20 | import "wincodec.idl";
21 |
22 | typedef enum WICPersistOptions {
23 | WICPersistOptionsDefault = 0x00000000,
24 | WICPersistOptionsLittleEndian = 0x00000000,
25 | WICPersistOptionsBigEndian = 0x00000001,
26 | WICPersistOptionsStrictFormat = 0x00000002,
27 | WICPersistOptionsNoCacheStream = 0x00000004,
28 | WICPersistOptionPreferUTF8 = 0x00000008,
29 | WICPersistOptionsMask = 0x0000FFFF
30 | } WICPersistOptions;
31 |
32 | typedef enum WICMetadataCreationOptions {
33 | WICMetadataCreationDefault = 0x00000000,
34 | WICMetadataCreationAllowUnknown = WICMetadataCreationDefault,
35 | WICMetadataCreationFailUnknown = 0x00010000,
36 | WICMetadataCreationMask = 0xFFFF0000
37 | } WICMetadataCreationOptions;
38 |
39 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatUnknown, 0xa45e592f,0x9078,0x4a7c,0xad,0xb5,0x4e,0xdc,0x4f,0xd6,0x1b,0x1f);")
40 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatChunktEXt, 0x568d8936,0xc0a9,0x4923,0x90,0x5d,0xdf,0x2b,0x38,0x23,0x8f,0xbc);")
41 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatChunktIME, 0x6b00ae2d,0xe24b,0x460a,0x98,0xb6,0x87,0x8b,0xd0,0x30,0x72,0xfd);")
42 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatIfd, 0x537396c6,0x2d8a,0x4bb6,0x9b,0xf8,0x2f,0x0a,0x8e,0x2a,0x3a,0xdf);")
43 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatExif, 0x1c3c4f9d,0xb84a,0x467d,0x94,0x93,0x36,0xcf,0xbd,0x59,0xea,0x57);")
44 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatXMP, 0xbb5acc38,0xf216,0x4cec,0xa6,0xc5,0x5f,0x6e,0x73,0x97,0x63,0xa9);")
45 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatXMPStruct, 0x22383cf1,0xed17,0x4e2e,0xaf,0x17,0xd8,0x5b,0x8f,0x6b,0x30,0xd0);")
46 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatIMD, 0xbd2bb086,0x4d52,0x48dd,0x96,0x77,0xdb,0x48,0x3e,0x85,0xae,0x8f);")
47 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatLSD, 0xe256031e,0x6299,0x4929,0xb9,0x8d,0x5a,0xc8,0x84,0xaf,0xba,0x92);")
48 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatGCE, 0x2a25cad8,0xdeeb,0x4c69,0xa7,0x88,0x0e,0xc2,0x26,0x6d,0xca,0xfd);")
49 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatAPE, 0x2e043dc2,0xc967,0x4e05,0x87,0x5e,0x61,0x8b,0xf6,0x7e,0x85,0xc3);")
50 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MetadataFormatGifComment, 0xc4b6e0e0,0xcfb4,0x4ad3,0xab,0x33,0x9a,0xad,0x23,0x55,0xa3,0x4a);")
51 |
52 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICUnknownMetadataReader, 0x699745c2,0x5066,0x4b82,0xa8,0xe3,0xd4,0x04,0x78,0xdb,0xec,0x8c);")
53 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICUnknownMetadataWriter, 0xa09cca86,0x27ba,0x4f39,0x90,0x53,0x12,0x1f,0xa4,0xdc,0x08,0xfc);")
54 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICPngTextMetadataReader, 0x4b59afcc,0xb8c3,0x408a,0xb6,0x70,0x89,0xe5,0xfa,0xb6,0xfd,0xa7);")
55 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICPngTextMetadataWriter, 0xb5ebafb9,0x253e,0x4a72,0xa7,0x44,0x07,0x62,0xd2,0x68,0x56,0x83);")
56 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICIfdMetadataReader, 0x8f914656,0x9d0a,0x4eb2,0x90,0x19,0x0b,0xf9,0x6d,0x8a,0x9e,0xe6);")
57 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICIfdMetadataWriter, 0xb1ebfc28,0xc9bd,0x47a2,0x8d,0x33,0xb9,0x48,0x76,0x97,0x77,0xa7);")
58 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICExifMetadataReader, 0xd9403860,0x297f,0x4a49,0xbf,0x9b,0x77,0x89,0x81,0x50,0xa4,0x42);")
59 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICExifMetadataWriter, 0xc9a14cda,0xc339,0x460b,0x90,0x78,0xd4,0xde,0xbc,0xfa,0xbe,0x91);")
60 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICXMPStructMetadataReader, 0x01b90d9a,0x8209,0x47f7,0x9c,0x52,0xe1,0x24,0x4b,0xf5,0x0c,0xed);")
61 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICXMPStructMetadataWriter, 0x22c21f93,0x7ddb,0x411c,0x9b,0x17,0xc5,0xb7,0xbd,0x06,0x4a,0xbc);")
62 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICLSDMetadataReader, 0x41070793,0x59e4,0x479a,0xa1,0xf7,0x95,0x4a,0xdc,0x2e,0xf5,0xfc);")
63 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICLSDMetadataWriter, 0x73c037e7,0xe5d9,0x4954,0x87,0x6a,0x6d,0xa8,0x1d,0x6e,0x57,0x68);")
64 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICIMDMetadataReader, 0x7447a267,0x0015,0x42c8,0xa8,0xf1,0xfb,0x3b,0x94,0xc6,0x83,0x61);")
65 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICIMDMetadataWriter, 0x8c89071f,0x452e,0x4e95,0x96,0x82,0x9d,0x10,0x24,0x62,0x71,0x72);")
66 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICGCEMetadataReader, 0xb92e345d,0xf52d,0x41f3,0xb5,0x62,0x08,0x1b,0xc7,0x72,0xe3,0xb9);")
67 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICGCEMetadataWriter, 0xaf95dc76,0x16b2,0x47f4,0xb3,0xea,0x3c,0x31,0x79,0x66,0x93,0xe7);")
68 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICAPEMetadataReader, 0x1767b93a,0xb021,0x44ea,0x92,0x0f,0x86,0x3c,0x11,0xf4,0xf7,0x68);")
69 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICAPEMetadataWriter, 0xbd6edfca,0x2890,0x482f,0xb2,0x33,0x8d,0x73,0x39,0xa1,0xcf,0x8d);")
70 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICGifCommentMetadataReader, 0x32557d3b,0x69dc,0x4f95,0x83,0x6e,0xf5,0x97,0x2b,0x2f,0x61,0x59);")
71 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WICGifCommentMetadataWriter, 0xa02797fc,0xc4ae,0x418c,0xaf,0x95,0xe6,0x37,0xc7,0xea,0xd2,0xa1);")
72 |
73 | typedef struct WICMetadataPattern {
74 | ULARGE_INTEGER Position;
75 | ULONG Length;
76 | BYTE *Pattern;
77 | BYTE *Mask;
78 | ULARGE_INTEGER DataOffset;
79 | } WICMetadataPattern;
80 |
81 | typedef struct WICMetadataHeader {
82 | ULARGE_INTEGER Position;
83 | ULONG Length;
84 | BYTE *Header;
85 | ULARGE_INTEGER DataOffset;
86 | } WICMetadataHeader;
87 |
88 | [
89 | object,
90 | uuid(aba958bf-c672-44d1-8d61-ce6df2e682c2)
91 | ]
92 | interface IWICMetadataHandlerInfo : IWICComponentInfo
93 | {
94 | HRESULT GetMetadataFormat(
95 | [out] GUID *pguidMetadataFormat);
96 |
97 | HRESULT GetContainerFormats(
98 | [in] UINT cContainerFormats,
99 | [in, out, unique, size_is(cContainerFormats)] GUID *pguidContainerFormats,
100 | [out] UINT *pcchActual);
101 |
102 | HRESULT GetDeviceManufacturer(
103 | [in] UINT cchDeviceManufacturer,
104 | [in, out, unique, size_is(cchDeviceManufacturer)] WCHAR *wzDeviceManufacturer,
105 | [out] UINT *pcchActual);
106 |
107 | HRESULT GetDeviceModels(
108 | [in] UINT cchDeviceModels,
109 | [in, out, unique, size_is(cchDeviceModels)] WCHAR *wzDeviceModels,
110 | [out] UINT *pcchActual);
111 |
112 | HRESULT DoesRequireFullStream(
113 | [out] BOOL *pfRequiresFullStream);
114 |
115 | HRESULT DoesSupportPadding(
116 | [out] BOOL *pfSupportsPadding);
117 |
118 | HRESULT DoesRequireFixedSize(
119 | [out] BOOL *pfFixedSize);
120 | }
121 |
122 | [
123 | object,
124 | uuid(9204fe99-d8fc-4fd5-a001-9536b067a899)
125 | ]
126 | interface IWICMetadataReader : IUnknown
127 | {
128 | HRESULT GetMetadataFormat(
129 | [out] GUID *pguidMetadataFormat);
130 |
131 | HRESULT GetMetadataHandlerInfo(
132 | [out] IWICMetadataHandlerInfo **ppIHandler);
133 |
134 | HRESULT GetCount(
135 | [out] UINT *pcCount);
136 |
137 | HRESULT GetValueByIndex(
138 | [in] UINT nIndex,
139 | [in, out, unique] PROPVARIANT *pvarSchema,
140 | [in, out, unique] PROPVARIANT *pvarId,
141 | [in, out, unique] PROPVARIANT *pvarValue);
142 |
143 | HRESULT GetValue(
144 | [in] const PROPVARIANT *pvarSchema,
145 | [in] const PROPVARIANT *pvarId,
146 | [in, out, unique] PROPVARIANT *pvarValue);
147 |
148 | HRESULT GetEnumerator(
149 | [out] IWICEnumMetadataItem **ppIEnumMetadata);
150 | }
151 |
152 | [
153 | object,
154 | uuid(eebf1f5b-07c1-4447-a3ab-22acaf78a804)
155 | ]
156 | interface IWICMetadataReaderInfo : IWICMetadataHandlerInfo
157 | {
158 | [local]
159 | HRESULT GetPatterns(
160 | [in] REFGUID guidContainerFormat,
161 | [in] UINT cbSize,
162 | [out, unique] WICMetadataPattern *pPattern,
163 | [out, unique] UINT *pcCount,
164 | [out, unique] UINT *pcbActual);
165 |
166 | HRESULT MatchesPattern(
167 | [in] REFGUID guidContainerFormat,
168 | [in] IStream *pIStream,
169 | [out] BOOL *pfMatches);
170 |
171 | HRESULT CreateInstance(
172 | [out] IWICMetadataReader **ppIReader);
173 | }
174 |
175 | [
176 | object,
177 | uuid(f7836e16-3be0-470b-86bb-160d0aecd7de)
178 | ]
179 | interface IWICMetadataWriter : IWICMetadataReader
180 | {
181 | HRESULT SetValue(
182 | [in, unique] const PROPVARIANT *pvarSchema,
183 | [in] const PROPVARIANT *pvarId,
184 | [in] const PROPVARIANT *pvarValue);
185 |
186 | HRESULT SetValueByIndex(
187 | [in] UINT nIndex,
188 | [in, unique] const PROPVARIANT *pvarSchema,
189 | [in] const PROPVARIANT *pvarId,
190 | [in] const PROPVARIANT *pvarValue);
191 |
192 | HRESULT RemoveValue(
193 | [in, unique] const PROPVARIANT *pvarSchema,
194 | [in] const PROPVARIANT *pvarId);
195 |
196 | HRESULT RemoveValueByIndex(
197 | [in] UINT nIndex);
198 | }
199 |
200 | [
201 | object,
202 | uuid(b22e3fba-3925-4323-b5c1-9ebfc430f236)
203 | ]
204 | interface IWICMetadataWriterInfo : IWICMetadataHandlerInfo
205 | {
206 | [local]
207 | HRESULT GetHeader(
208 | [in] REFGUID guidContainerFormat,
209 | [in] UINT cbSize,
210 | [out, unique] WICMetadataHeader *pHeader,
211 | [out, unique] UINT *pcbActual);
212 |
213 | HRESULT CreateInstance(
214 | [out] IWICMetadataWriter **ppIWriter);
215 | }
216 |
217 | [
218 | object,
219 | uuid(feaa2a8d-b3f3-43e4-b25c-d1de990a1ae1)
220 | ]
221 | interface IWICMetadataBlockReader : IUnknown
222 | {
223 | HRESULT GetContainerFormat(
224 | [out] GUID *pguidContainerFormat);
225 |
226 | HRESULT GetCount(
227 | [out] UINT *pcCount);
228 |
229 | HRESULT GetReaderByIndex(
230 | [in] UINT nIndex,
231 | [out] IWICMetadataReader **ppIMetadataReader);
232 |
233 | HRESULT GetEnumerator(
234 | [out] IEnumUnknown **ppIEnumMetadata);
235 | }
236 |
237 | [
238 | object,
239 | uuid(08fb9676-b444-41e8-8dbe-6a53a542bff1)
240 | ]
241 | interface IWICMetadataBlockWriter : IWICMetadataBlockReader
242 | {
243 | HRESULT InitializeFromBlockReader(
244 | [in] IWICMetadataBlockReader *pIMDBlockReader);
245 |
246 | HRESULT GetWriterByIndex(
247 | [in] UINT nIndex,
248 | [out] IWICMetadataWriter **ppIMetadataWriter);
249 |
250 | HRESULT AddWriter(
251 | [in] IWICMetadataWriter *pIMetadataWriter);
252 |
253 | HRESULT SetWriterByIndex(
254 | [in] UINT nIndex,
255 | [in] IWICMetadataWriter *pIMetadataWriter);
256 |
257 | HRESULT RemoveWriterByIndex(
258 | [in] UINT nIndex);
259 | }
260 |
261 | [
262 | object,
263 | uuid(00675040-6908-45f8-86a3-49c7dfd6d9ad)
264 | ]
265 | interface IWICPersistStream : IPersistStream
266 | {
267 | HRESULT LoadEx(
268 | [in, unique] IStream *pIStream,
269 | [in, unique] const GUID *pguidPreferredVendor,
270 | [in] DWORD dwPersistOptions);
271 |
272 | HRESULT SaveEx(
273 | [in] IStream *pIStream,
274 | [in] DWORD dwPersistOptions,
275 | [in] BOOL fClearDirty);
276 | }
277 |
278 | [
279 | object,
280 | uuid(412d0c3a-9650-44fa-af5b-dd2a06c8e8fb)
281 | ]
282 | interface IWICComponentFactory : IWICImagingFactory
283 | {
284 | HRESULT CreateMetadataReader(
285 | [in] REFGUID guidMetadataFormat,
286 | [in, unique] const GUID *pguidVendor,
287 | [in] DWORD dwOptions,
288 | [in] IStream *pIStream,
289 | [out] IWICMetadataReader **ppIReader);
290 |
291 | HRESULT CreateMetadataReaderFromContainer(
292 | [in] REFGUID guidMetadataFormat,
293 | [in, unique] const GUID *pguidVendor,
294 | [in] DWORD dwOptions,
295 | [in] IStream *pIStream,
296 | [out] IWICMetadataReader **ppIReader);
297 |
298 | HRESULT CreateMetadataWriter(
299 | [in] REFGUID guidMetadataFormat,
300 | [in, unique] const GUID *pguidVendor,
301 | [in] DWORD dwMetadataOptions,
302 | [out] IWICMetadataWriter **ppIWriter);
303 |
304 | HRESULT CreateMetadataWriterFromReader(
305 | [in] IWICMetadataReader *pIReader,
306 | [in, unique] const GUID *pguidVendor,
307 | [out] IWICMetadataWriter **ppIWriter);
308 |
309 | HRESULT CreateQueryReaderFromBlockReader(
310 | [in] IWICMetadataBlockReader *pIBlockReader,
311 | [out] IWICMetadataQueryReader **ppIQueryReader);
312 |
313 | HRESULT CreateQueryWriterFromBlockWriter(
314 | [in] IWICMetadataBlockWriter *pIBlockWriter,
315 | [out] IWICMetadataQueryWriter **ppIQueryWriter);
316 |
317 | HRESULT CreateEncoderPropertyBag(
318 | [in, unique, size_is(cCount)] PROPBAG2 *ppropOptions,
319 | [in] UINT cCount,
320 | [out] IPropertyBag2 **ppIPropertyBag);
321 | }